Wishing the patient a speedy recovery in prose. Get well soon wishes for a girl in your own words. ​regime, and then - take care of yourself and ​

How to support a person before surgery. Examples of words of support in your own words, wishes for a man, woman, child, mother, loved one, parting words before surgery for health reasons.

In fact, for any person, surgical intervention by doctors to eliminate one or another ailment is an extremely serious test, not only at the physiological level.

In this situation, you need to be strong in spirit in order to decide on the operation itself, and then courageously undergo it. After all, if people do not believe in the ultimate success of treatment, then it is extremely difficult for them to fight their own illness.

Relatives and friends must definitely choose the best words for those who are about to go under the knife, wishes that can cheer them up and give them confidence in their own abilities.

Psychology above all else

Of course, the despondency of a person who has recently heard from a doctor that he will have to undergo a complex and expensive operation is very easy to understand. Sometimes a banal lack of funds for treatment puts the patient into a stupor. But the reason quite often lies elsewhere.

Before going on the operating table, people are afraid not only of the process performed on it, but also of the anesthesia, from which it is difficult for them to recover. This is especially clearly manifested in those who have never undergone such a “procedure”.
And here a good psychologist should be one who can correctly configure his loved one to believe in the professionalism of doctors, as well as in the strength of his own body.

Of course, the approach to each individual in this matter should be purely individual. In this case, one should take into account not only the character of the patient, his age and gender, but also understand what kind of positive result the patient expects from the surgical intervention. Then it will be easier to set him up and motivate him for success.

It often happens that the surgeons themselves give parting words and nice words to those who contacted them. Of course, the doctor cannot know deeply the characteristics of the patient’s character and his “ inner world" However, he must also have certain psychological skills and feel the situation from the inside, and not just work with a scalpel. In this matter, psychology acquires very important, if not paramount importance and is a kind of guarantee of overall future success!

  • a colleague;
  • familiar;
  • neighbour;
  • comrade.

It seems that you do something nice for people in this way, you encourage them in difficult times, but you don’t delve deeply into their souls.

Wishes for a person before surgery

Wishes for women before surgery should be especially warm, because, as you know, they are more sensitive than men. Here you can apply a method based on focusing on its natural beauty. For example, it is appropriate to say the following phrase:

“I wish you a successful operation, a speedy recovery and the natural beauty that you possess.”

For women it is her appearance plays a huge role. And if you emphasize her external beauty in this way, and also express support with warm words, this can give her additional motivation in the fight against the disease.

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity would benefit from parting words before surgery about courage, perseverance in the desire to recover, and strength of character in overcoming life's obstacles. In addition, you can express your own confidence that everything will turn out well for the patient.

“Darling, I have always admired your courage, and I know you are strong! It's normal to feel anxious before an upcoming surgery, just don't think you can't handle it. Think of this operation as a simple procedure. You won't fall asleep for long, and when you open your eyes from the haze of anesthesia, I want to be the first one you see. I believe that everything will be fine! "

If wishes come from employees at work, then they must be presented sincerely, without selfish intentions, with a feeling of concern for the person. It would be perfect for a high-ranking boss to have his subordinates acknowledge before an upcoming operation how much of a contribution he makes to the work process. And how they will miss the leader in the workplace during his operation, as well as recovery from it. It is advisable to do such recognition as a collective, since the effect from this can be much greater than from individual wishes.

If an ordinary employee undergoes surgery, then in the best words The following phrase may support him:

“We wish everything goes smoothly and the way you want it. We all sincerely worry about you and hope that you can cope with the disease. We look forward to great achievements in your professional field in the future. We want to see you there, as part of the overall team, since it’s difficult to find a better specialist.”

Of course, a kind word from the boss himself can be quite effective in this situation. He might say something like this:

“At this stage, your personal health is of paramount importance. Everything related to professional activity, fades into the background. I have always appreciated and appreciate an employee like you, so I will sincerely worry and hope for your speedy recovery.”

If a neighbor in the entrance or yard is seriously ill and he has to go on the operating table, then here too you can cheer the person up. You can say warm words of wishes something like this:

“Dear neighbor, I know about your life difficulties related to the upcoming operation. I have always had a good opinion of you and have friendly feelings towards you. Therefore, I want to see you again in our area and have a sincere conversation with you on various topics. In this regard, I sincerely wish that the operation goes as well as possible and that you recover quickly.”

But if a friend is ill and in his case it is impossible to do without surgery, then here the words should be chosen more deeply. After all, if this is sincere friendship, then it is characterized by special fidelity, and therefore mutual assistance in a difficult situation. Therefore, parting words from a friend should sound in a slightly different form:

"Dear friend. I learned about your trouble and came to support you in such a difficult situation. I am sure that you will cope, that everything will certainly be fine for you. In turn, I express my own support to you and will try to help in any way I can. Therefore, I ask you to inform me in advance about your needs that may arise during the treatment process. I will definitely try to resolve them!

Wishes before surgery for loved ones

Wishes for loved ones before their operation are fundamentally different from those addressed to others around them. After all, a loved one is especially dear to your heart; it simply cannot be replaced by anyone else. And no material values ​​can compensate for the loss of a beloved husband, son, father, grandfather, brother or beloved wife, daughter, mother, sister, grandmother.

And if they have to go through a thorny path associated with the need for surgical intervention, then wishes from family members should be addressed with special love and compassion. Here you already know the patient’s character and understand at the level of intuition what exactly he wants to hear as words of support.

For young children, taking into account their great sensuality and not yet fully developed life credo and their own “I,” it is worth saying something like this:

“Beloved son. I know that you are already an adult and are ready to boldly face the upcoming difficulties. I know what you are going through, because this feeling of anxiety is transmitted even to me. But at the same time, I know that you are strong, brave and you will succeed. The operation will be successful, just believe in it. And after it you will become even stronger mentally. Know that I love you unconditionally and will always be by your side. I pass on my energy, all my positivity and strength to you, and I’m really looking forward to the moment when I see you again, but completely healthy.”
If your significant other is sick, then the support for her will be somewhat different:

“Beloved wife, you have forever captivated my heart. Therefore, during your absence it will be very lonely and difficult for me. In this regard, I am very much looking forward to your return home. I am sure that the surgeons will do everything in their power to get you back on your feet as quickly as possible. I believe in the best and in the success of the operation. I will certainly do everything that depends on me and will always be with you in my thoughts. I hope you will always feel my support."

Parents' illness is also difficult for their children. Even if they are already old, children still want to see mom and dad always healthy. And if the circumstances have already developed that the operation is simply necessary, then choose Right words support is needed from the heart. They might sound like this:

"My lovely, Dear Mom. I have already learned from the doctors that you need surgery. Of course, for our family this is a whole test, which we will certainly pass successfully. My love for you is limitless and it will always warm your soul in any situation. And we will certainly overcome the current illness with the help of an operation from professional doctors. I am sure that you will delight us with your presence and give us your life wisdom for many years to come! I have unlimited faith in your complete healing and I share this confidence with you too!

What are wishes for?

Of course, wishes before surgery for any person should be selected in such a way as to give him additional emotional strength to fight the disease.

Faith and love – the basis for always remaining strong in spirit and recharging your loved one with positive thoughts during a difficult period for him.

Wishes convey the emotional recharge needed at the moment to those who lay on the operating table. Sometimes words of support before surgery serve as a kind of additional “cure” for a terrible illness and give boundless moral strength to eliminate it!

How to support and reassure a person before surgery. Examples of words of support, wishes for a friend, man, woman, child, mother, loved one, parting words before surgery for health reasons.

Get well soon!
And let's live without getting sick.
Do some sports?
And, of course, toughen up!

Get well soon
I'm ready to sing songs for you!
Getting sick is not a good idea!
It’s much better not to get sick!

Illness has shackled me, my body has weakened,
And the muscles are weak and movements are timid,
But this is only for a moment, believe me,
Health will come, open the door for him,
And you are without shackles, prejudices and rules,
You will discard plexus diseases, leave them,
Along the flat meadow, towards the blue river
Let's run with you on the green grass,
And the wind plays with us in gusts,
And we are like children, and happiness beckons us,
We need only one thing for joy,
Get well soon, that's all!

Are you sick? Go to bed,
We will save you.
Here is a potion, a miracle poison,
She treats everything.
We'll pour some cognac,
You'll be instantly invigorated.

When you're sick, everything makes you sad
And my nose is stuffy, my head hurts.
I want to wish you, don’t be sad.
You'll get better, that's what the doctor says.

Fever, weakness, cough?
Why has your health failed?!
You rely on medicines,
Follow your doctors advice!

I'm sad that you're sick
I want to hug you tighter
To make you softer and warmer
Come on! Get well soon!

Get well soon, dear,
Who needs you sick
With a sour expression on his face,
Like the embryo in an egg.
Clean your feathers quickly
Your favorite sparrow

Get well soon
Stop being sick again
I will warm your world with my warmth,
I'll come to look into your eyes,
In bottomless wells of love,
Where the fire burns with sparks,
Where the sun plays through the clouds,
And tears drip into the palm of your hand...
I'll hug you playfully
I will remove your illness from your soul,
And the heart will sing happily
Caressing the depths of the abyss...

Why are you so sick?!
We've been without you for two weeks...
Try to get better
And return to work.

Cough, runny nose, illness, cold?
What nonsense? What kind of miracle?
Don't let yourself become limp,
Get on your feet quickly!

Get well soon
Be cheerful and cheerful!
Down with the disease when you
Best friends are tired of waiting!

Rest and get some sleep,
Gain more strength
Get well soon,
And get up quickly!

Don't worry, my friend,
Eat onion and celery.
Increase your tone easily
Drink fresh milk.

How did you manage to get sick?!
Got a draft and caught a cold?
We wish you recovery
And back to work!

Get well, my wonderful friend,
Get well soon dear
After all, without the look of your diamond eyes
Everything on earth seems darker to me.

I wish you get well soon!
Don't be sad! This is a temporary phenomenon!

Well why didn't you follow?
For your health and caught a cold?
I want to wish now
So that the disease goes away in one go!

Get well soon, dear,
Bring light for us again.
We love you endlessly,
Save us from sorrow.
With your gentle, ringing laughter,
Our Earthly bell,
Make us happy with your spirited perseverance
This life is not easy.
You're strong, I know
Our beautiful stem,
We love you so much
Dear glorious Angel.

Get well soon!
It became so sad without you...
You are like a bright ray of sunshine!
Everything around is empty without you!

Get well soon, beloved person!
I will squeeze your palm and touch your lips,
You get some sleep and let yourself dream about your father’s shore,
Where the blizzard is noisy and covered in snow.
I'll lull you to sleep like a baby
I'll warm you up with a blanket,
I touch my forehead - it’s hot, I’m barely breathing,
Again you say: I love you.
My lips tremble - I run faster,
To be with you in the morning,
Look - what a wonderful day!
Get well! I will be very glad.

Best wishes for recovery in prose

1. Get well soon, may illnesses and illnesses go far away from you forever, may strength and vigor return to you, fill your soul with hope and optimism, may the energy of the sun, the power of the earth, and the support of loved ones help you recover and get back on track with life’s events and again have the pleasure of creating, dreaming and loving!

2. Get well soon, let the illness become only a short-term test that you can quickly overcome. I wish you to gain courage, follow the doctors’ recommendations, and tune in for the fastest possible healing. Think about the good, then all ailments will recede!

3. Illness can never be an obstacle to the feelings of loved ones, right? That’s why I continue to think and worry about you, about how you feel on the spiritual and physical plane, in your emotional world. Dear little man, I want to wish you an active recovery, because you should once again enjoy the world around you and successful life. We will definitely make every effort to successfully eliminate the disease, which can knock you off your feet and bedridden. Very soon you will go outside again and be able to smile at the sun and think: “I’m healthy, finally!” Don’t waste a single day to successfully fight your illness, but take action. My support and care, I hope, will be useful. I believe that in the very near future we will go on an active walk, enjoying life to the fullest. Get well soon, please, dear.

4. Any illness can pass, and your illness will definitely be eliminated in the shortest possible time. Try to follow all the advice of experienced doctors who know how and what to treat existing disease. Follow a routine for your quick recovery, give preference to nutritious foods. Do you need to do something around the house or cook healthy meals? Just tell me and I will definitely come. Now I am sending you impulses of goodness and happiness, I wish you good health and strong immunity. Let health return and allow you to look at the world differently. Life is given so that you find in it every day bright colors and used the chances to make his dreams come true. Close people and good friends should always be together, that’s why I’m with you now. Get well, please, because you will make yourself and me happy by fulfilling this wish!

Wishes for recovery in your own words

5. My sunshine, get well, such a kind and good person shouldn’t get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover quickly and be in great shape again, fully armed and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.

6. My dear little man, let your illness leave you, get well soon. Stop being sick, let's conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and realize your ideas. Sunny, get better and don’t get sick anymore.

7. My soul can’t find a place, my bunny is sick. My beloved little man, get well soon, honey, let’s get well and boldly go into battle, go ahead - conquer this world and fly towards bright happiness!
8 Illness is always untimely, They won’t invite her to visit... I want to wish you a speedy recovery! Let your strength quickly return to your weakened body, and quickly appear beautiful, so that nothing hurts in the future!

9. The most important thing for a person in life is his health. It’s not without reason that the phrase “A healthy mind in a healthy body!” has been known since time immemorial! And this is really true, because if you are healthy, it means you are in a great mood and any task is going well. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you best health!

10. Beloved, I wish you to move towards recovery in step with your immunity. But first, let's start preparing the fight with raspberry jam, honey and linden tea.

11. I wish you to spin in a dynamic waltz as soon as possible with correction, relief and complete recovery!

12. I wish that every cell of your body works for recovery and overall improvement, and the sweet, sunny orange juice that I left on your nightstand will not go amiss!

13. Let every link of your immunity be strong, strong, heat-resistant... Which is not afraid of any viruses, illnesses and temperature changes! Let's get well soon my dear!

14. I will rise with the sun, walk through forests and roads, and collect the dew of health in my palm. And you, having washed yourself with happiness, will forget about your worries, you will be able to completely beat your illness! Let the disease run shamefully into its den, slam the doors behind it and don’t open it again. And courage, feel free to call for help, about laughter and good mood, look, don’t forget!

15. I wish you to become healthy as soon as possible, forget all medications and bitter mixtures, have fun again and play football in the morning, completely forgetting that you have a temperature.
I want my body to quickly overcome all the pain that has accumulated, so that everything around me will be fine, and so that the disease will not happen again.

Get well wishes pictures

Nobody likes to be sick -
You are no exception!
I wish you to get better
You as quickly as possible!

Drink broth, eat vitamins
And get plenty of rest.
Get busy new strength,
Don't give up your hands!

Get well soon!
You don't like to get sick, after all.
To be sadly pitied
And they sympathized with you!

And so eat fruit,
Drink strengthening broth.
Listen to my wishes,
Take care of your health!

Get well soon
I sincerely wish you!
Good mood
Let it not leave you!

Don't relax too much
And don’t you dare be sick for a long time!
Drink tea with raspberries and mint -
Get your health back soon!

Illness is always untimely
They won’t invite her to visit...
Get well soon
I want to wish you!

May your strength return quickly
Into your weakened body
And quickly appear beautiful,
So that nothing hurts in the future!

I wish you a speedy recovery
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!
To get back into action without delay,
Walk briskly through destiny again!

Eat ripe tangerines
Strengthen your immunity!
May you have plenty of faith and strength
You have enough in this life!

I understand how sad you are
You better dream about good things.
Here are the sunbeams playfully,
Jumped on your hot tea.

I wish you tenderly that illness
I said goodbye to you quickly,
And so that I forget from the fright
Your number for both the house and the door.

Let me take down the dull curtains,
Let the sun shine through the window,
Bed rest and injections
There is a little patience left here.

You're sad in vain, because it's a smile
Rather, he will get you out of bed,
When the violin sounds in the soul,
The disease will run away without looking back.

Of course, again the procedure
Ruined the whole mood.
Let the temperature drop
Recovery will speed up.

Look at illness more cheerfully
And listen to the doctors instructions,
Brace yourself, we want it soon
Celebrate recovery.

Everyone around is so sad
Because a friend is sick.
Get well soon
And in the future, be wiser:

Dress warmly
And don't drink cold things
Stock up on vitamins.
Don't upset your friends!

Let the illness go away
And the strength will return.
Reserves of optimism -
They are afraid of diseases.

Wishing a speedy recovery to the girl

You are a bright sun, gentle angel,
I'm sick, what are you doing? Walls, ceiling...
And a thermometer under my arm. Boredom and melancholy.
Get well soon, honey! Sad without you!

Drink everything as you should, what the doctor prescribed,
Get out of the kingdom of blankets quickly.
From now on, take better care of your health,
Your smiles are very dear to me!

Get well soon!
You are sick - life is worth it.
You and I have more fun
And your laughter always invigorates!

Wishing your child a speedy recovery

My sweet, good one,
Who's sick here?
The ball lies in the hallway,
As if out of work.

My friend, get better!
Listen to the doctor.
Eat well
Drink tea with raspberries!

Without you, everything in the yard is not the same,
And no one came up with funny ideas.
My smart friend, get out of bed,
Get well soon, start a game!

Wishing a speedy recovery to my friend

Friend, my personal consultant in everything,
I can’t live without you, like a musician without notes.
Get well soon, we'll light it up again,
And now everything will be okay in your life!

Don't get sick, don't walk barefoot in the rain,
Don't fill the cola with ice to the brim.
You need to be healthy, shine with happiness,
And when you meet me, hug me tightly!

Nobody wants to get sick
You need to get better, friend.
So that you want to sing with joy.
Do me this favor!

Wishing the patient a speedy recovery in your own words

No one is immune from finding yourself exhausted under a blanket and with a thermometer under your armpit. At this hour I would like to wish you a speedy recovery and Have a good mood! Let potions and pills, watching the best films and TV series have their magical effect, and you will be back on your feet in excellent health and a wonderful mood!

What happened to you to get sick? Without you, everything is not going well, my soul is sad and I want only one thing - for you to get better quickly and illuminate the world with your warm smile. Don't be discouraged and get better!

Wishes for a speedy recovery in verse

When you're sick, the whole world seems dim,
And the soul is troubled by a prayer:
It would be more likely that everything would return to its previous course,
And let the illness leave you.

Get well soon, take care of yourself,
And please don’t get sick again.
Let fate be sewn with a pattern of love,
And you will breathe more freely!

I wish you to get better quickly,
And may your health never fail you in the future.
Lots of strength to achieve important victories,
Do everything in your life with ease and love!

Wishing a speedy recovery to the man

It doesn't suit you to be sick,
Get well soon.
Can you overcome
This illness, because you are stronger.

Say goodbye to hoarseness
Let your nose breathe to your heart's content.
And from now on jogging
The body will be hardened!

You're a man, you'll defeat this disease in no time
And you will breathe deeply, having conquered the enemy.
In the meantime, relax like a carefree baby,
And take the pill with some water.

Wishes for a speedy recovery in prose

Wishing you a speedy recovery and great strength. Smile, even if you don't feel like it. After all, a smile is an excellent medicine for any disease. We already miss you very much: your extraordinary laughter and eyes glowing with joy and purity. Sending you thousands of hugs, friendly kisses and kind words. Each of them is filled with the energy of human care and attention. Catch! And quickly return to activity and cheerfulness!

Get well soon and kick all cold germs out of your life. Raspberry, honey and aspirin - to help you! We really want to see you, we miss you a lot and we are looking forward to meeting you! May strength and health return to you in the future larger volume! Support and kind words from us. Kisses!

Wishes for a speedy recovery to your loved one

My dear, I miss you.
Get well soon!
I love you tenderly and hug you.
You won't be in much pain anymore!

Health, my sweet, beloved!
Drink less bitter pills!
And more inner strength,
To cut off the thread of a cold!

My dear, my dear, hurry up
Kick the cold out the door!
I kiss you and miss you very much!
Drink raspberries and honey generously!

Wishing the patient a speedy recovery

Get well soon
And don’t spare any effort!
Use a smile to help.
Get on your feet quickly!

We provide support and care,
A large company of healing words!
We miss you quite a bit.
We wish you good health!

May long illnesses pass quickly!
Fight the disease boldly, don’t be timid!
Smile more often, laugh, have fun!
And life full of health will return faster!

Wishing a speedy recovery to the woman

My dear, don’t worry!
I hug you tenderly!
Get well soon!
I wish you great strength!

Drink raspberries and eat honey!
Get on your feet faster!
Keep your nose up and all year round
Be healthy and have more fun!

Be healthy, dear!
Get well soon!
Blossom again, fragrant,
After all, the world is more colorful with you!

Wishing a speedy recovery to a colleague 

With friendly support at this hour
We pass on a big order:
Get well soon
It's more fun to work with you!

When you're sick, every time
We miss you a lot, without embellishment!
We wish you great strength,
To defeat wild microbes!

Stop being sick soon
Without forgetting your colleagues!
We can't do it here without you
Conduct business without losing heart!

Friend, get well soon, because you don’t need to be sick for a long time. Take maximum chances to improve your health, eliminate the disease that you need to forget about. Darling, I am sad, knowing that you are suffering, that you feel bad. I can’t stand such pain, because I really want to know that your illness has already become a thing of the past. I am ready to take care of my friend and provide support so that the treatment is sure to be effective. Let all the affairs and everyday life be on me, and you concentrate on treatment, because carrying out therapeutic measures requires a lot of effort. There is no need to worry about what needs to be done, because such a psychological state is not conducive to recovery. I wish you activity and energy, because on the basis of this you can guarantee successful progress in the direction of life you are interested in. Let recovery come as quickly as possible!

I want to wish you recovery and strength. I believe that very soon the days will again bring amazing joy and will be able to inspire heroic deeds, accomplishing your plans, and achieving your goals. Let every day be positive in some aspects. The most important thing now is a successful recovery. In fact, everything depends only on you, dear friend. I will try to provide support in order to relieve you from existing affairs and everyday issues, because I understand how important ease is for recovery. I wish you active progress towards your goals, enjoyment of life, and bright emotions. I’ll give you only a few days for your recovery, because I can’t wait any longer for the situation to improve. Therefore, listen to me and start putting yourself in a healthy, energetic, active state.

Dear friend, please get well soon. Look how beautiful it is today. Is it possible to let your health take its course, just lie in bed and suffer from illness? This cannot be allowed, so make every effort to recover and return to your life. Dear little man, I will definitely share my joy with you and, of course, my sadness too. Your illness is reflected in me heartache, because I want to know that your health is ideal, and your immunity pleases with its strength. Dear friend, I really value you and our friendship, so I want to wish you a speedy recovery. For now, I will take care of you, because such gestures of attention contribute to a quick resolution of the situation. Be active and healthy, I beg you, dear, wonderful little man!

Illness cannot be a barrier to feelings. I always mentally support you. If necessary, I will definitely be there. My dear, I can maintain the peace and inner harmony of my faithful friend. You know, thank you for allowing me to believe that friendship actually exists. I would like to wish you an active recovery and, of course, I can contribute to this by showing attention and care to you. Without a doubt, everything in your world will definitely work out as it should, but for this you need to recover. I want to see my dear person glowing with sincere hopes and immeasurable happiness. I wish you recovery, which will certainly become the basis for successful progress towards your goals. Let everything in your life be just on the runway, but in the meantime, count on my help in order to improve your health.

Dear friend, please don’t get sick anymore, because this is not a good, not useful thing in our lives. I am ready to rush to you, to take care of you, to warm you up, to help you in the trouble that has happened. Let the illness pass as quickly as possible. Forget that you have an illness. I will definitely be nearby, take your hand and give you a piece of energy and health. Agree, the closeness of a good friend, a sister in spirit, is the best basis for active recovery. Sun, I believe that soon body aches, pain in the head and throat, and impotence will be a thing of the past. In addition, not even a trace of a bad mood will remain. Please accept my wishes for a speedy recovery, because immediately after you recover, we will definitely go for a long-awaited walk and will be able to enjoy communicating with each other. Please accept my support, even in words.

Friend, I’m hastening to pay you a visit of encouragement. I would like to wish you recovery and the appearance of activity and energy. Let everything always work out 100% for you. To do this, you need to strengthen your immune system and try to successfully cope with your illness. I will definitely provide the necessary support and help you regain lost strength. There is no need to be discouraged that you are sick, because no one is immune from this. Let hot tea and milk, honey and jam, fresh fruit help in restoring your strength. I believe that everything will definitely work out for you the best way after you recover. Dear friend, I know how sad it is to be sick, but believe that fate will definitely put everything in its place, the illness cannot drag on for long. We will definitely make all our wishes come true, and this will only help strengthen friendly relations.

Friend, you are sick. Why did this happen? You know, I am very worried about you, about your state of health. I beg you, make an effort to recover as quickly as possible, because only in this case can I breathe freely and believe that everything in your life will definitely work out. Forget about your soreness, which struck you and forced you to find yourself in bed. Let activity and energy return, charm and bewitch you again. I would like to wish you many pleasant emotions in the very near future and the opportunity to return to the usual rhythm of life. I believe that you will definitely gain a lot of energy to actively move towards your goals, strength and desire to achieve real happiness. Dear, remember that friends should go for walks, and not drink hot tea with honey together and get sick. Get well soon, because I want to go for a walk with you!

You are sick, but I cannot find peace. I worry so much about you that it affects my physical and psychological state. Please, sunshine, lie down and don’t worry about anything. Friends should help each other in trouble, take care and provide support. I am ready to support you, despite the fact that I myself suffer, seeing you in a dejected state. I’ll definitely come to you in the evening and help you with everyday life. I understand how important it is to buy pills and take them on time, do the cleaning and prepare fresh tea with honey on-line. After this, we will be able to talk and exchange ideas and thoughts regarding plans that must be implemented after your recovery occurs. Please accept my sincere words as spiritual and moral support. Find ideal health and activity, which will manifest itself in everything.

My best friend sick. Everything in the world is changing for the worse. You know, I cannot know that my loved one, my brother in spirit, is sick and suffering. Even the sun and the spring breeze cease to please, the mood drops to 0. Of course, I’m trying to joke to support you. I hope that my verbal support is at least a little meaningful and necessary. How many kind words I would like to say to you. I wish you recovery and active work, which will become possible after the fulfillment of your first wish. I believe that you will only need a couple of days to get out of bed and plunge into an active life. Dear friend, let everything in your life work out only 100%. Remember that I will always be there, because such close and dear people must always be supported. I wish you activity and good health!

Friend, you will definitely get better. The most basic task is to hold on no matter what. Be more active and cheerful, believe that the disease will soon go away, because it will not be able to endure the struggle for long. Rest and sleep more, eat vitamins and drink healthy drinks. Remember that I mentally support you, constantly sending positive rays that you just need to feel. I sincerely hope that even SMS will be useful and will allow you to gain additional strength for a successful recovery in the shortest possible time. Do I need physical support? Just let me know, and I will definitely rush to you and help you with whatever you need. Believe and know that you will definitely live soon as it was before. We will be able to overcome your illness, which is now knocking you down. As you know, she is not an invited guest, so she cannot stay for long. I wish you recovery.

Dear little man, you are so important and meaningful to me. Unfortunately, you are sick. This should not be done. Try to get well as quickly as possible. There are special things waiting for us that need to be done. In addition, it is always pleasant and fun for friends to hang out with each other, providing valuable support. Friend, please drink more tea and milk with honey, eat healing jam and fresh fruit, because vitamins are very important and necessary now. Remember that you must try to gain strength that will allow you to successfully overcome your existing illness. Use all opportunities to gain activity and energy, because without them you will not be able to boldly walk through life. I wish you energy and recovery, success in returning to your rhythm of life and achieving your goals. An illness cannot ruin all plans and prevent you from enjoying life, but to do this you just need to overcome it, understanding in what direction it is desirable to act. I wish you recovery!