Christmas: preparation and traditions of the holiday. Family traditions of preparing for Christmas How to prepare for Christmas

Today, in the traditional column “Holy Truth,” Archpriest Andrei Tkachev will talk about the celebration of the Nativity of Christ

Brothers and sisters, I greet you. We have two calendars - Julian and Gregorian. According to the Gregorian calendar - on December 25th, in our opinion on Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, most of the Christian world celebrates the Nativity according to the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Christ has two Christmases. The Son of God is born outside of time from a father, without a mother, and on earth is born once in time, from a mother without a father. And we celebrate, in fact, the Nativity of the Son of God in the flesh from the mother Mary the Virgin from the Holy Spirit and without the seed of a husband. Today you can congratulate all those who celebrate Christmas according to this calendar. In the Orthodox world these are quite a few Romanians, Bulgarians, Greeks and many others. In America and Canada, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Nativity of Christ on these days. In Palestine, the Jerusalem Church, Georgians, Serbs, Russians - I celebrate differently, according to the Julian calendar. And part of the Orthodox world celebrates this way. Therefore it is not only Catholic Christmas, as well as for Orthodox Christians living according to the Gregorian church calendar, unlike Easter.

All Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter the same way; we have the same Paschal. And the entire Orthodox world celebrates Easter on the same day. It is very important. I think it is very important to understand what we are celebrating. What are we celebrating, brothers? We celebrate the incarnation of God. This is what distinguishes Christianity from Judaism and Islam. That's why they are monotheists. Both of them worship as they know how, as they can, as they taught the Creator of heaven and earth. But only Christianity claims that God became man.

In the words of John the Theologian: “The Word became flesh, and we saw His glory, the glory of the Only Begotten from the Father, filled with grace and truth.” The Word became flesh. The Word was incarnated, embodied, became a man, became animated. That is, the Word of God, which is always with God, which is God, from the Prologue of the Gospel of John we are taught that it became flesh from the Virgin Mary and became man. What we sing about in the Creed: We believe in Christ the Son of God, begotten, uncreated, of one essence with the Father. Through whom everything became. Everything was. That's all it was.

It is precisely in these godless times that we must affirm the celebration on a dogmatic basis. That the church does not have non-dogmatic holidays. Introduction to the Temple, Dormition, Transfiguration, Christmas, Easter, Epiphany - these are all dogmatic holidays, they have a dogmatic foundation. Celebrating a holiday with buns and gingerbread without knowing the dogma of the holiday is some kind of dubious activity, which will then burst like a dam, as if with a cracked wall under the pressure of water. From the flow of various new teachings, or from actual godlessness.

Today I boldly urge myself, a fool, and all of you, smart and reasonable, to ensure that we understand the dogmatic basis of the holidays. At Christmas we celebrate a unique thing - God became man. “Undoubtedly,” Paul writes to Timothy, “the mystery of great piety is that God became incarnate, God became man. He justified himself in spirit, showed himself to be an angel. Preached to the nations, accepted by faith in the world, exalted in glory.”

We preach that God became man, Divinity and humanity, in the person of Jesus Christ, were united. United, according to the words of the Fourth Ecumenical Council, united inseparably and not fused. That is, without merging, without separating. And we celebrate, in the person of Christ, this “bambina gesu”. Behind my back are these shops, in Polish, or dens, in Russian. This is where baby Jesus is, above him is Mary, figures are made of clay or wood. Joseph, three kings, who in the Middle Ages began to be depicted as blacks, yellow and white. It’s like representatives of three races coming to Jesus to worship. ... Three magicians from the East, Persian wise men. They weren't there. But they began to depict it this way in order to show the coming of all nations to Jesus’ manger.

You can ask your parishioners: what are you celebrating, people? What exactly is being celebrated? Birth of a child? They are born every day in large quantities. We don’t go to maternity hospitals with palm branches and wave over every baby. Who was born? What's so special? The redeemer of our sins was born. Who said it? A star from the sky said. Here she stood over the house... And people came from the East, bringing him gifts, gold... myrrh, showing that He is Lord, and sacrifice, and king. He is little Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, who did not know a husband. Whose womb did not know the seed of a man, which was preserved by the Virgin. She gave birth to him without pain, and gave birth to him, and worshiped Him.

We celebrate God who became man. If we forget this, there is no point in Christmas. There is no point in Easter if everything comes down to Easter cakes and eggs. There's no point in Christmas if we don't know what we're still celebrating. Christians are not just monotheists, not just believers that there is one God. You believe that God is one and you do well, unfounded person. Demons also believe, but they tremble. We believe in God who became man. In His only begotten Son, in His Word He became incarnate, the Word became flesh. This Word is the bambina jesu, this little Jesus, this child Jesus, whose name was revealed in advance to Joseph and Mary. Whom we worship, who will grow up, be circumcised at eight days, join the church at 14 years old, and become, so to speak, initiated into the mysteries. And he will enter the temple of God and talk with the elders. And then at the age of 30 he will be baptized by John in the Jordan. And he will be clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit and go into the desert for 40 days. Then he will return and preach for three years. And then he will be rejected and crucified. And he will lie in the grave and rise again. Here we are celebrating the beginning of it all.

On these holidays, we need to connect our feasts, our all winter and cheerful things with the bloody history of the life of Christ the Savior and with his solemn, glorious Resurrection. That is, our holidays are dogmatic. We don't have non-dogmatic holidays. The holiday gives a person fun and relaxation. Gives him weakening and some weakness in everyday labors. And gives him a dogmatic load. He gives him some kind of anchor in his soul so that we won’t be carried away. So that the dropped anchor keeps you in place. Stay put. Study the teachings of the Church. Read the Gospel. Go to the temple. Without a temple, Christianity is... the feathers of a dandelion that blew - and it is not there. Go to the temple. Repent of your sins before God. Rejoice before the Lord. Weep for your sins. You need to be able to do both. Rejoice in the Lord, talk about your sins and cry. You need to be able to repent.

So, Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate Christmas according to the Gregorian calendar. We have Spiridon for now. We are saved by His prayers. And then there will be our holiday in two weeks. And we, the second part of the Christian world, will celebrate the Nativity of Christ. That is, the incarnation of God the Word. For now, happy holiday to those who are already approaching the holiday. Well, our holiday is still ahead. Goodbye.

The most incredible miracles are possible at Christmas. This is probably why we are looking forward to it so impatiently, preparing in advance, buying gifts to please our loved ones. We can say that Christmas is everyone's birthday. And joy, fun, all kinds of pleasures - what could be more natural on such a day? But most importantly: simply fabulous Christmas opportunities. On this day we can meet long-awaited love, receive news that will change our lives, become the owner of something we never even dared to dream about. Nothing strange: all these are gifts from Christmas itself, which from time immemorial was considered spiritual. That is Christmas comes at a certain time (at 12 at night from January 6 to 7 you need to let him in, opening front door), and then leaves (exactly at midnight from January 7 to 8 it must be held).

How to prepare for Christmas

The most important preparation for the holiday is not buying gifts and preparing a lavish table. Christmas Eve is a special period when it is much more important to show the best human qualities: sympathy, compassion, mercy. And not only in relation to family and friends, but more so to people in need. The days before Christmas were previously considered charitable: people shared what they had with the poor, visited lonely people in hospitals, and provided help to everyone who needed it. And just before the arrival of the holiday (on Christmas Eve), food was distributed to the poor so that they also had the opportunity to celebrate this day.

And these days it is not difficult to find someone who needs help. One might ask: what about Christmas magic? Why, for example, did food not appear to the poor in a fabulous way? Appeared! Human hands simply passed it on. Christmas gifts But, besides the fact that Christmas is a holiday for everyone, it is first and foremost family celebration. Guests are usually not invited to the house on this day. But if a guest happens, it is the duty of the hosts to receive him as best as possible. That is, feed, drink, and not leave without a gift (even to the point of sacrificing your own).

Speaking of Christmas gifts. On this day, you can give absolutely anything, but it’s better to give something that a person has dreamed of (as a confirmation of Christmas miracles) or that he will definitely need in life. You can give an icon to your family and loved ones; you can buy icons in Ukraine here. You can give the gift yourself or put it under the tree. There is a difference between a New Year's tree and a Christmas tree. As surprising as it may seem, for Christmas the spruce is even more important: after all, this tree personifies eternal life. And if the top of the New Year tree can be whatever you want, the Christmas tree should only have a star - a symbol of the star of Bethlehem, which announced the birth of Jesus. Although gifts under the tree are always nice, no matter what they are: New Year's or Christmas. Some people wrap Christmas gifts in Santa's long stockings, especially if the house has a fireplace to attach the surprises to. But, in principle, what difference does it make what the gifts are wrapped in? The main thing is that they exist!

Christmas traditions

On the evening of January 6, Holy Evening, after sunset the whole family gathers at the table, on which there are 12 Lenten dishes - according to the number of the apostles. None of the dishes should remain untouched: each one should be tasted at least a little. It’s good if there is a candle burning on the table - a living fire. The main dish of dinner on Holy Evening is kutia. Traditionally it is made from wheat, but other whole grains can be used. Grains, grains are a symbol of people glued together into humanity. And honey or sugar syrup is used as glue in kutia. This dinner ends the strict Nativity fast: on January 7, all restrictions are lifted, and you can have a real festive feast.

They say that on New Year Homes should smell like tangerines, and at Christmas the house should be saturated with the aromas of cinnamon and vanilla. That is, this holiday is unthinkable without festive baking. At Christmas, another tradition has long been followed: to wear only new clothes. Not clean, washed, but new, not yet worn. Well, and, of course, on this day there was a ban on any work: sewing, washing, cleaning (especially taking out trash from the house) was prohibited. All food must be prepared in advance.

A good tradition that forces you to pay attention to yourself and spend time with your loved ones. By the way, in the first days of Christmas week, visits were common: it was supposed to visit relatives and good friends. But a visit to their home should have been a visit, not a visit: they stopped by for 15-20 minutes, no more - with congratulations and wishes. Nowadays, of course, you can get by with a phone call, the main thing is to let the people you care about know that you remember them and wish them the best. By the way, if you're in due date If you open not a door, but a window, it doesn’t matter: Christmas will come in through it too. And maybe something completely magical will happen in your life.

Church New Year - September 14 according to the new (September 1 according to the old) style. From this day a new liturgical circle begins. From the day of the Church New Year until the Nativity of Christ, many righteous people of the Old Testament who lived before the Birth of Christ are prayerfully remembered.

The penultimate Sunday before Christmas - Holy Forefathers - is dedicated to the memory of all the righteous people of the pre-Christian era who lived by faith in the coming Savior. The Sunday of the Holy Fathers - the last Sunday before the great holiday - is dedicated to the remembrance of all the ancestors of Jesus Christ, who with their lives and flesh served to ensure that the Savior was born.

First great holiday liturgical circle - Christmas Holy Mother of God(September 21, new style). This event stands at the junction of the Old Testament and the New. The righteous people of the Old Testament, Joachim and Anna, with their pious life and feat of love for God and people, served to ensure that God entrusted them to become the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who united Heaven and earth. It will become the “Ladder” along which God will come into our world.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple (December 4, new style) - new stage implementation of God's plan for our salvation.

The pious parents of the Virgin Mary, who lived in a friendly marriage for fifty years, made a vow to God: if they had a child, they would dedicate him to God. They wanted to bring as a gift to the Creator the most precious thing that can be in life - the human soul. Already in her mother’s womb, the Virgin Mary was warmed by her mother’s prayer and love. The three years She spent in her parents' home taught Her a trusting love for God. The fact that She, in her fourth year from birth, joyfully goes to live in the Jerusalem Temple testifies to the maturity, albeit at a childish level, of Her personal relationship with the Lord. After all Small child can go to live only with someone with whom he is connected by bonds of love.

These two feasts of the Mother of God spiritually prepare believers for the Nativity of Christ: She is born in whom the Son of God will take our human nature, and Her Introduction into the temple indicates how necessary it is for man to seek God and strive for Him. After all, it was the spiritual life of the young Virgin Mary in the temple that reached the heights of Heaven, when She, trying in everything to fulfill the will of the Creator, entered the mysterious depths of communion with God in the promise of the temple of the True God. It was in the prayerful atmosphere of the temple that the spiritual maturation and growth of the Blessed Virgin took place to the extent that God entrusted Her to become the Mother of the Son of God.

The Virgin Mary became the Temple of the Divine. God lived in Her. The Holy Church leads her spiritual children - Orthodox Christians - to ensure that Christ is born in the heart of every believer, so that the human soul becomes the home, the abode of God. Just as the whole world has been preparing for thousands of years for that greatest event when God will be born on earth, become Man and enter human history, so man must prepare and mature in order to become a spiritual participant in this event through participation in church services. The better and more seriously an Orthodox Christian prepares for Christmas, the more spiritual joy and grace he will be able to accept into his heart.

The Nativity Fast promotes this path to Christmas. This is a time of spiritual preparation for the great holiday, such preparation when our soul will joyfully sing from the meeting with the Infant God and our whole life will be renewed. While waiting for our dear guest, we sweep and tidy our room. Likewise, while waiting for Jesus Christ in our hearts, we must cleanse our soul with repentance and deeds of love and mercy: reconcile with loved ones, and help those in need, and nourish the soul with the word of God and Holy Communion. This is necessary so that Jesus Christ sees that we are waiting for Him, and the door of our heart is open for Him. Then the joy of meeting the Savior will be mutual.

From the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, churches begin to sing Christmas irmos: “Christ is born, glorify! Christ from heaven, descend, Christ on earth, exalt. Sing to the Lord, all the earth, and sing with joy, O people, for you have been glorified.”

In Russian, this chant can be translated as follows: “Christ is born - glorify! Christ from heaven - meet! Christ on earth - exalt! Sing to the Lord, all the earth; and sing with joy, people, for He is glorified.”

The ninth Christmas Irmos in Russian sounds like this: “I see an extraordinary and wonderful Sacrament: a cave - the sky; the Virgin - the throne of the cherubim; a manger - a container where the incontainable Christ God reclines; Him we, chanting, magnify.”

These chants prepare an Orthodox Christian for spiritual work leading to a personal meeting with the God-man Jesus Christ. After all, our soul, into which Christ wants to enter, should become a manger, a feeding trough for livestock, into which they placed the born Infant of God.

On the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (December 19, new style), Orthodox churches begin to sing the stichera of the forefeast of Christmas - a chant calling for preparation for the holiday.

The Nativity Fast is less strict than the Great Fast or the Assumption Fast. During it, meat and dairy foods are not blessed, and on Wednesdays and Fridays, fish foods are not blessed. The Nativity Fast becomes more strict in last days- from January 2. Of course, fasting should not only consist of food. During the days of fasting, Christians shy away from entertainment and life’s pleasures and try hard to do good deeds, including overcoming anger and division, and forgiving offenses. And of course - pray more and read the Gospel, go to church more often, confess and receive communion more often.

On the eve of the Feast of the Nativity of Christ, there is a particularly strict fast and a very touching service, when we are approaching an event of global significance - the Coming of God to earth.

On Christmas Eve, if possible, do not eat until dusk. Of course, the spiritual and physical strength of each person must be taken into account.

And, of course, the most important preparation for Christmas is reconciliation with people, repentance and Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ.

Fast, church holidays and worship lead us to a meeting with God, with whom we correct our earthly life and enter into the Eternal.

Every parent wants to organize Christmas holidays for their children in a way that brings joy and is memorable for a long time. Let's look at two average children's parties held on their own at home.

Option one. About a week before the wonderful event, mom begins to create a menu, buy balloons and call guests. A rich table is set with chops, salads, cake and wine. Until 2-3 toasts, they still remember why they gathered and admire the bright holiday and the still clean, cheerful children. After this, the little guests are usually left to their own devices (as a rule, these are children of different ages of invited relatives and friends, sometimes unfamiliar friend with a friend).

Option two. Having firmly decided to arrange a holiday more for children than for adults, mother serves them a separate festive table and throughout the entire event he tries to somehow channel the destructive energy of youth in the right direction.

Have you had a similar experience? Then let's try to organize a holiday according to the third option.

From Christmas morning to welcoming guests

New Year, Christmas and Birthday are the most fabulous holidays of childhood. Remember how impatiently you went to bed, waiting for the onset of a little fairy tale in the morning.

Preparing for Christmas begins long before the holiday itself: children are told about the Nativity of Christ, with older children you can learn the troparion, kontakion of the holiday, irmos of the Christmas canon (“Christ is born, glorify!”). In a few days we arrange a nativity scene. At night or in the morning there is a festive service in the temple.

On the day of the holiday, let's surprise the child as soon as he opens his sleepy eyes.

Balls are banal, I don’t argue. But how amazing it is to wake up and see a multi-colored garland above you! And sitting down in your crib, be surprised by the blanket covered in confetti and streamers? Make a surprise - create the mood of a fairy tale.

It often happens that some of the guests invited to the celebrations have already arrived, while others have not yet arrived. The children who came are awkwardly bored, not knowing what to do with themselves. I suggest this way to pass the time: instead of a beautiful starched tablecloth, we put a disposable light paper tablecloth on the table and give the children felt-tip pens - let them draw a funny drawing themselves. Or we’ll hand out album sheets asking them to write (or draw, if the children are still small) a funny Christmas card. Or maybe ask the children to tell what kind of holiday it is today.

You can put various squiggles and bizarre incomprehensible shapes on blank sheets of paper with a marker and invite children to show their imagination and add something to them so that these squiggles turn into understandable drawings: turn something into a mysterious animal, something into a fairy-tale creature, exotic plant.

I would recommend that for children from 4 years old (and 10-year-olds enjoy this kind of entertainment) cut out each Christmas Star from white cardboard, cut small stars, diamonds, flowers from colored foil, cut pieces of tinsel, sprinkle confetti and invite everyone to decorate the cardboard blank . If you can give older children - from 6 years old - glue in a cup and brushes, then for kids it is better to prepare the base in advance by applying double-sided tape to the star.

Treats for

You won’t surprise your child’s guests with a snow-white tablecloth and crystal. Anything that is a shame to get dirty and broken is out of sight. Let's look at our children with common eyes: will they be happy with meat and salads? Rarely will parents answer in the affirmative. What about fruits and sweets? Well, what a stupid question, you might say. Let's pamper our guests with different delicacies. There should be a lot of juices on the table - at least a liter per child, preferably more - something, and children, excited about the holiday, drink a lot. Fruits should be divided into convenient parts: grapes (without seeds, if you don’t want to collect them all over the house) cut into branches of 3-4 berries, citrus fruits are peeled and disassembled into slices, apples... well, almost nothing ever eats them, like and bananas, traces of which leave stains on clothes. In general, avoid fruit that gets dirty; one persimmon is tantamount to a small nuclear explosion.

Can be arranged little surprise: Place a piece of paper with Christmas wishes under the plates!

If you really want to feed your children substantial food, make sandwiches, canapes with meat, sausage, fish, cheese, decorate them more interestingly, serve a cocktail (you can beat milk, banana and a little sugar in a blender) - a very satisfying and nutritious meal. But should you stick to the standard cake? I recommend making this original dessert: buy waffle cakes, ice cream, a can of cream, different fruits. 10 minutes before serving, place a 3 cm thick layer of ice cream on a waffle sheet, cake layer, more ice cream, cake layer, ice cream, now a mixture of chopped fruits, pour in whipped cream and stick in candles - the cake is ready! Let's call it, for example: "Christmas delicacy."

...By the way, as one of the entertaining entertainments, you can invite guests to prepare and eat canapés themselves (using plates with chopped products) and decorate their cocktails with chocolate chips, colored sugar dragees and straws.

Sequence of events

The room is decorated, the table is set, the food is ready. What should follow what so that it is not boring, but also not oversaturated? Guests began to arrive. While we are waiting for a full turnout - the children need to be occupied with quiet play - this is exactly what painting a festive tablecloth is very suitable for. Everyone is assembled - we sit down at the table. We congratulate the children and eat sandwiches with drinks and fruit. There’s no point in staying too long over the treat – as soon as the noise starts, you’ve had your fill, it’s time to play.

Games can only be organized by an adult leader, otherwise the uncontrolled little one will simply walk on his head, causing a real end of the world. Are all the planned entertainments over? Back to the table! And then - quiet games (the children were tired and overexcited). At parting, each guest should be given a small gift - this will be a very pleasant souvenir.

What about the parents of the invited children, you ask? Who will take care of them? When will I celebrate? Who will serve and clean the cutlets and Olivier? Our holiday is for children. If you can bring your child and leave – wonderful! If this is not possible, warn in advance that you will have to participate as your assistant. And while the children are eating, you will have time to eat a cake and drink a glass of wine.

We entertain and occupy

On the Internet you can find many different competitions and ready-made holiday scenarios. Be careful! Fast, energetic activities (relay races, tag and other running and jumping entertainment) must be alternated with calm games (drawing games, riddles and others sedentary tasks). It is permissible to arrange several active games in a row at the very beginning of the holiday, but at the end of the holiday it is better to combine a couple of quiet ones so that the children calm down. If noisy competitions follow one after another, the children will quickly get tired, overexcited, and the rest of the evening will no longer be a joy. And on the contrary: too many sedentary activities will make active children bored and they will begin to look for exciting games on their own. It is advisable that in your holiday scenario the type of game should not be repeated: if a relay race - then only once, if a dance game - then also only once, a dexterity competition should also not be held twice.

Be sure to divide the guests into two teams; the competitive aspect adds spice to the competition. Let each team choose its own name and come up with a slogan. For every competition she wins, she will receive a point in the form of something significant. It could be a little Christmas star. There should be more of them than the number of competitions, in case of a tie.

What else can you do for little guests?

Relay races and blind man's buff are all great, of course, but it would be nice to surprise the children with entertainment that is unusual for such a holiday.

Children are completely delighted when they are offered to make something interesting themselves from... real yeast dough. You can buy it frozen at the store or make it yourself. I emphasize - the dough must be yeast! Their creations comically swell and enlarge as the finished pieces begin to fit, which is simply amazing for little guests! Each child is given a piece of parchment paper, the size of a notebook sheet, on which they must make their own pie. This is necessary so that the figurine of a man or animal made from dough is transferred to the baking sheet without deformation, and from the baking sheet in baked form back to the plate. For decoration, you can offer saucers with kernels of nuts and seeds, raisins. These baked souvenirs are given to the guests at the end of the holiday, and she happily takes them home. You can suggest making the Christmas star again, this time not from cardboard, but from dough.

I remind you that calm games must alternate with active games. If two quiet classes go in a row, more active children will lose concentration and begin to get distracted and make noise. If two energetic and noisy competitions are held without a break, the children will quickly become overtired and begin to be capricious.

I’ll tell you a relay race game that we came up with and tested first at a children’s party and then at an adult party, it turned out to be so fun and win-win funny. Blanks: two sheets of Whatman paper pinned to the wall, two markers, two containers with the same set of notes indicating body parts. Since our task was to depict a “Russian beauty,” we wrote: crown, braid, eyes, nose, mouth... boots. The main thing is not to miss a single part so that the drawing is as complete as possible. All notes are mixed and placed in a box, which is placed under each Whatman paper. With the START command, the first player runs with a marker to the wall, pulls out a piece of paper, reads what to draw, draws it on the sheet, runs away and passes the relay marker to the next participant, and he himself stands at the end of the line. The player who received the marker also runs to the wall, reads, draws and returns. IT IS VERY FUNNY! Our cameraman could not film the competition - his hands were shaking with laughter, and I, as the presenter, was unable to comment on the resulting “Beauties” - disproportionate body parts, distorted facial features... Tears flowed in a stream from laughter. We held the same competition among adults: they drew Miss Beauty - it was even more cool than at children's party. The team whose drawing is the cutest wins.

The end of the Nativity of Christ

Such a wonderful day has come to an end. I would like to end it in such a way that you are not sad that it is over, but feel good at heart. If you filmed the holiday on camera, you can play the video on the TV screen at the moment when the guests are eating the cake. The children are already tired, they don’t really want to talk and have fun, but this kind of viewing will amuse them. If the children are already schoolchildren and know how to write, after clearing the table, bring a huge postcard and markers purchased in advance, let everyone leave a review of the holiday and congratulations and wishes to everyone present. It would be nice to make a simple letter on the computer and hand it to each guest at parting: the most dexterous, the most cheerful, the most resourceful - they will proudly show it to their parents, remembering the past fun.

...And how nice it is, saying goodbye to your child’s friends, to hear: “Thank you! Thank you very much for the holiday! We've never had so much fun before!!! ...Will you invite us next time?!”

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For all questions regarding the use of materials from the Publication, please contact:

Zenkov Sergey Vladimirovich, Managing Director:

[email protected]