Major Christian holidays. Orthodox Church Calendar How many church holidays per year

The Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is a holiday associated with the Christian tradition of how the Archangel Gabriel told the Virgin Mary the "good news" about the forthcoming birth of Her Divine Child. Celebrated on March 25 (April 7).

The introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos into the temple is a holiday in memory of the entry of three-year-old Mary into the Jerusalem temple, where she was given up by her parents for upbringing. Celebrated on November 21 (December 4).

Ascension is a holiday in honor of the ascension of Christ to heaven. Celebrated on the 40th day after Easter.

The Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday) is a holiday in honor of the entry of Christ into Jerusalem. Celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter.

The Exaltation of the Cross is a holiday dedicated to the events of the 4th century, when Saint Helena found the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem. Celebrated on September 14 (27).

The Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany) is a holiday in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ by the prophet John the Baptist in the Jordan River. Celebrated on January 6 (19).

Easter is the main Christian holiday in honor of the resurrection of Christ crucified on the cross. Celebrated on the first Sunday after the vernal equinox and full moon. For Orthodox churches, Easter falls on the period from March 22 to April 23 in the Julian style.

The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos is a holiday in memory of the appearance in the 10th century. in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople of the Mother of God, who spread her veil over the Christians, thereby blessing them for a victorious battle with the Saracens. Celebrated on October 1 (14).

The Transfiguration of the Lord is a holiday in honor of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ, who revealed his Divine nature to his disciples shortly before the Calvary sufferings. Celebrated on August 6 (19).

The Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos is a holiday in honor of the birth of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ. Celebrated on September 8 (21).

Nativity of Christ is one of the main Christian holidays in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Celebrated on December 25, Orthodox churches celebrate this holiday on January 7 (Gregorian style).

The Presentation of the Lord is a holiday in honor of the meeting (meeting) of the great holy man Simeon the Messiah - the Christ child, whom the parents brought to the temple for dedication to God. Celebrated on February 2 (15).

Trinity (the Russian name for the day of Pentecost) is a holiday in honor of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter.

Major Christian posts

Fasting is abstinence for a certain period from any food or its certain types (especially meat). Every Orthodox Christian must fast on Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, on Epiphany Eve, on the day of the beheading of John the Baptist, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. There are also 4 multi-day fasts.

Spring (Great) - starts on the first Monday after Shrovetide and continues until Easter.

Summer (Petrov) - begins on the first Monday after Spiritual Day and ends on June 29 (July 12), the day of the holy apostles Peter and Paul.

Autumn (Assumption) - 15 days before the feast of the Assumption.

Winter (Rozhdestvensky or Filippov) - starts on November 15 (28) and lasts 40 days before Christmas.

The most important of these is, of course, Bright Easter, Resurrection of Christ... On this day, the Church recalls how the crucified Savior rose from the dead, breaking the shackles of hell and thereby giving hope for future immortality to every person.

This is followed by twelve holidays, called great or twelve. Twelve holidays are divided into non-passing and rolling. The first of them are celebrated on the same day every year. The dates of the second are associated with the movement of the date of Easter.

Also read: Orthodox Calendar for 2020

Non-passing twelve holidays

Nativity of Christ January 7 in a new style - this is the most famous Christian holiday dedicated to the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, the beginning of a new era in the life of mankind.

Ascension of the Lord- on the 40th day after Easter, the ascension of the risen Lord Jesus Christ into the Kingdom of His Heavenly Father is celebrated, which took place on Mount Olivet, in the presence of the Apostles and the Mother of God.

Holy Trinity Day, Pentecost- on Sunday, on the 50th day after Easter, the descent of the Holy Apostles and the Mother of God of the Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire is recalled. This holiday is considered the birthday of the Christian Church.

Dates of the rolling twelve holidays by year

Palm Sunday - date by year

  • Palm Sunday 2015 - April 5
  • Palm Sunday in 2016 - April 24
  • Palm Sunday in 2017 - April 9
  • Palm Sunday in 2018 - April 1
  • Palm Sunday in 2019 - April 21
  • Palm Sunday in 2020 - April 12

Easter dates by year

  • Easter, the Resurrection of the Lord in 2015 - April 12.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2016 - May 1.
  • Easter, the Resurrection of the Lord in 2017 - April 16.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2018 - April 8.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2019 - April 28.
  • Easter, Resurrection of the Lord in 2020 - April 19.

Ascension of the Lord - dates by year

  • Ascension of the Lord in 2015 - May 21.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2016 - June 9.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2017 - May 25.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2018 - May 17.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2019 - June 6.
  • Ascension of the Lord in 2020 - May 28.

Holy Trinity Day (Pentecost) dates by year

  • Trinity in 2015 - May 31.
  • Trinity in 2016 - June 19.
  • Trinity in 2017 - June 4.
  • Trinity in 2018 - May 27.
  • Trinity in 2019 - June 16.
  • Trinity in 2020 - June 7.

Christian believers call Easter as a holiday of holidays. At the heart of this main church is the legend of the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross by the verdict of the Jewish Sanhedrin court. The idea of ​​resurrection is central, therefore a special role is assigned to the holiday in honor of this event.

Easter is celebrated on the first after the vernal equinox and the full moon, provided that it should never coincide with the Jewish one. Thus, Easter is a “nomadic” holiday, falling on a different date every year.

3 other important twelve holidays are tied to Easter - the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, the Ascension of the Lord and the Day of the Holy Trinity.
The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem is also called Palm Sunday, it is celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter. This holiday is based on the Gospel legend about how, before his martyrdom and resurrection, Jesus Christ arrived in Jerusalem, where the people, greeting him, threw palm branches on the road in front of Jesus.

On the 40th day after Easter, the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated. It is based on the gospel legend about the ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven in the presence of his disciples.

In Russia, Trinity merged with the Slavic holiday of seven, dedicated to the spirits of vegetation. From here came the custom of decorating houses on Trinity with greenery and round dances around the birch.

The holiday of the Holy Trinity is based on the story of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the 50th day after Easter. The Orthodox Church attaches special importance to this event and interprets it as the testament of Jesus to carry the message of Christianity to all nations.

Non-passing twelve holidays

According to the object of glorification, Orthodox holidays are divided into the Lord's (associated with Jesus Christ) and the Theotokos (dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos), and the Christian church also celebrates holidays in honor of the saints.

In total, not passing, but assigned to specific dates, twelve holidays 9. These include the Nativity of Christ, celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 7; Baptism of the Lord, the celebration of which falls on January 19; Meeting is celebrated on February 15; April 7 - Annunciation; The Transfiguration of the Lord is celebrated on August 19; August 28 - Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, and September 21 - Nativity of the Mother of God; on September 27, the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord falls, and on December 4 - the Entrance to the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The 1 of May

Saint John, disciple of Saint Gregory the Decapolite (820-850)

Martyrs Victor, Zotikos, Zinon, Akindin and Severian (303)

Saint Cosmas the isp., Bishop of Chalcedon, and the Monk Auxentius (815-820)

Martyr John the New of Ioannina (1526)

PriestMartyr Bessarion Selinin Presbyter (1918)

Martyr Tamara Satsi (1942)

Maximov Icon of the Mother of God (1299)

Lenten day

May 2

Saint John the Old Cave (VIII)

Blessed Matrona of Moscow (1952)

Martyrs Theona, Christopher and Antoninus (303)

Hieromartyr Paphnutius, Bishop of Jerusalem

Saint George isp., Bishop of Antioch of Pisidia (813-820)

Saint Tryphon, Patriarch of Constantinople (933)

Monk Nikifor Abbot

Saint Victor isp., Bishop of Glazovsky (1934)

May 3

Venerable Theodore Trichina

Saint Alexander of Oshevensky (1479)

Martyr baby Gabriel of Bialystok (1690)

Saints Gregory (593) and Anastasia Sinaita (599), Patriarchs of Antioch

Monk Anastasios, Abbot of Mount Sinai (685)

Saint Nicholas Velimirovich, Bishop of Ohrid and Zichy (1956) (Ser.)

Saint Theodosius isp., Bishop of Kolomna (1937)

Cyprus Icon of the Mother of God (392)

Signs of the day on May 3:

  • On Fyodor, the dead yearn for the land.
  • On this day, they visited the cemetery: they lamented or called out to their parents at the churchyard.
  • On Theodore's day, the earth opens and the souls of those who have departed from us fly out into God's light.

May 4th

Hieromartyr Iannuarius Bishop and with him Martyrs Proculus, Sossius and Faustus deacons, Disideria the reader, Eutychios and Akution (c. 305)

Martyr Theodore, like in Perga, his mother Philippia, Dioscorus, Socrates and Dionysius (II)

The discovery of the relics of the Monk Theodore of Sanaksar (1999)

Righteous Alexy Bortsurmansky (1848)

Martyrs Isaac, Apollos and Kodratus (303)

Saint Maximian, Patriarch of Constantinople (434)

PriestMartyr John Prigorovsky Presbyter (1918)

St. Nicholas Pisarevsky isp., Presbyter (1933)

PriestMartyr Alexy Protopopov Presbyter (1938)

5 May

Venerable Theodore Sikeot, Bishop of Anastasiupol (613)

Transfer of the relics of the blessed prince Vsevolod, in the Holy Baptism of Gabriel, Pskov (1834)

Apostles Nathanael, Luke and Clement (I)

Venerable Vitaly (609-620)

PriestMartyr Plato, Bishop of Banyaluk (1941) (Ser.)

PriestMartyr Eustathius Presbyter of Malakhov (1918)

Martyr Dimitri Vlasenkov (1942)

Signs of the day on May 5:

  • Onions are planted on the bow.
  • Warm May equips spring.
  • At night it will freeze, so forty matinees will fall on bread, forty morning frosts for the whole summer, while the bread is in the field.

the 6th of May

St. George the Victorious (303) - spring St. George's Day

Iberian Icon of the Mother of God (second acquisition of the list of the icon 2012)

Martyr Queen Alexandra (303)

Martyrs Anatoly and Protoleon (303)

Reverend Sophia (1974)

PriestMartyr John Anserov Presbyter (1940)

Signs of the day on Yuri, May 6:

  • Yuri dragged spring to the doorstep.
  • Egoriy unlocks the land.
  • Yegory came - and the spring will not leave.
  • Egoriy begins the spring, Ilya (August 2) ends the summer.
  • If the spring Egoriy is with food (grass will appear), then the winter Nikola (December 19) will be with a bridge (winter will be established, there will be a good toboggan path).
  • On Yurya snow - harvest for buckwheat, on Yurya rain - buckwheat crop failure.
  • With George, they begin to plant beets, sow carrots and seedlings.

Lenten day

May 7th

Martyr Savva Stratilates and 70 soldiers with him (272)

Saint Sava of the Caves, in the Near Caves (XIII)

Venerable Alexy, the hermit of the Caves, in the Near Caves (XIII)

Martyrs Pasicrates and Valentine (228)

Martyrs Eusebius, Neon, Leontius, Longinus and others (303) - Evseev day

St. Thomas the Holy Fool (546-560)

Venerable Elisabeth the miracle worker (V)

PriestMartyr Branko Presbyter (1941) (Ser.)

Martyr Sergius of Arkhangelsk (1938)

Molchenskaya Icon of the Mother of God (1405)

Signs of the day on May 7:

  • Yevsey came - take away the oats.
  • When there is mud on the road, then oats are prince.
  • This rye even for an hour in ash, and oats even in water, but in good time.
  • Oats should be sown two days after or before the full moon, and never during an eclipse.

May 8

Mark the Apostle and Evangelist (63) - Day of Mark the Keeper

Saint Sylvester of Obnorsk (1379)

Saint Basil of Polyanomerul (1767) (Romanian)

PriestMartyr Sergius Rokhletsov Presbyter (1938)

Tsaregrad Icon of the Mother of God (1071)

Signs of the day on May 8:

  • Mark owns the keys to the rain.
  • Mark unlocked the heavenly heights, summoned moisture, asked her to descend to earth.
  • If three good rains fall after Mark, then there will be bread for three full years.

Lenten day

9th May

Commemoration of the departed warriors

PriestMartyr Basil, Bishop of Amasia (c. 322)

St. Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm (1396)

Righteous Glafira of the Virgin (322) - Day of Glafira the Pea

Venerable Ioannikiy Devichensky (XIII) (Ser.)

PriestMartyr John Pankov Presbyter and his sons Martyrs Nicholas and Peter (1918)

Signs of the day on May 9:

  • Large dew or a clear day on Goroshnitsa - for the harvest of cucumbers.
  • If you sow peas in the north wind, it will be liquid, if in the west it will be shallow, if in the south wind it will be rotten and wormy; sowing peas is necessary with an east wind.

May 10

Apostle and Hieromartyr Simeon, a relative of the Lord (107)

Saint Stephen, Abbot of Pechersk, Bishop of Vladimir-Volynsk (1094)

Righteous Eulogius the Stranger (IV)

Hieromartyrs Pavel Svetozarov and John Rozhdestvensky Presbyters, Martyrs Peter Yazykov, Nikolai Malkov, Avxentius Kalashnikov, Sergius Methodiev and Martyr Anastasia (1922)

Venerable Martyr Maria Nosova (1938)

PriestMartyr John of the Savior Presbyter (1941)

Signs of the day on May 10:

  • The grass is dry in the morning - expect rain at night.
  • The owl screams - in the cold.
  • Bad weather will end if fog appears in low places in the evening.
  • Freezing is possible if the weather is clear in the morning, and by noon cumulus clouds appear, which disappear again in the evening.

May 11

Apostles from the 70 Jason and Sosipater, the Virgin of Kerkyra and others who suffered with them (I)

Martyrs Dada, Maximus and Quintilian (286)

Saint Cyril, Bishop of Turov (1183)

Martyrs Sathornius, Iakischol, Favstian, Iannuariya, Marsalia, Euphrasia, Mammiya, Murina, Zinona, Eusebius, Neon and Vitaly (about 63)

Martyr Anna Shashkina (1940)

Signs of the day on May 11:

  • Healers on Maxim treated lingering fevers: a sunny day was considered a sure sign that diseases would release a person.

On this day, you cannot:

  • Cut babies' nails and hair.
  • If you pierce your ears, you will hear worse.
  • Planning an engagement - the marriage will not last long.
  • Whitewashing walls or ceiling - you can part with luck and health.

12 May

The nine martyrs of Cyzic: Theognis, Rufus, Antipater, Theostikh, Artema, Magna, Theodotus, Favmasias and Philemon (286-299)

Reverend Memnon the Wonderworker

Saint Nektarios of Optina (1928)

Saint Amphilochius of Pochaev (1970)

Martyrs Diodorus and Rhodopian Deacon (284-305)

St. Basil of Ostrog (1671) (Ser.)

Three hundred martyrs, victims in the Dudikvati and Papati mountains (Turkey) (XVII-XVIII) (Georgia)

Signs of the day on May 12:

  • On this day, the healers continued to treat the sick with fever, appealing to the nine martyrs.

may 13

Apostle James Zebedee (44) - James the Apostle

Uncovering of the relics of St. Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod (1558)

Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov, Bishop of the Caucasus (1867)

Saint Donatus, Bishop of Evria (c. 387)

Uncovering of the relics of the Hieromartyr Basil, Bishop of Amasia (IV)

Martyr Maxim

Signs of the day on May 13:

  • If the sunrise on Jacob is clear, then the whole summer will be sunny, and if the weather is cloudy in the morning, then the rain-senognos will exhaust you in the summer.
  • If the stars rise in the evening and a warm wind blows from the south, the summer will be warm, with abundant fertility.

Lenten day

May 14

Prophet Jeremiah (VI century BC)

  • The peasants believed that Jeremiah was harnessing the heavenly chariot on May 14 and helping the farmers.

Venerable Pafnutius Borovsky (1477)

PriestMartyr Macarius, Metropolitan of Kiev (1497)

Saint Gerasim of Boldinsky (1554)

Venerable Martyr Vata of Persia (IV)

Blessed Tamara, Queen of Georgia (1213)

Monk Martyrs Euthymius (1814), Ignatius (1814) and Akakias (1816)

Martyr Nina Kuznetsova (1938)

Tsarevokokshaiskaya, or Mironositskaya (1647), Andronikovskaya and called "Unexpected Joy" icons of the Mother of God

Signs of the day on May 14:

  • If the sun rose clearly, then be clear throughout the summer.
  • If it is fine on Eremey, the harvesting of bread is more suitable.
  • Bad weather on Eremei - you will miss the whole winter (there will be a harsh winter).
  • Dew fell in the evening - by a clear day.
  • Early spring this, when the water will drain, and later - when the color of the viburnum is in a circle.
  • This week after Yegoriy (May 6), and another after Yeremey.

May 15

St. Athanasius the Great, Archbishop of Alexandria (373)

Transfer of the relics of the noble Russian princes Boris and Gleb, in the Holy Baptism of Roman and David (1072 and 1115)

  • The younger sons of Saint Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, were the first saints to be canonized by both the Russian and Constantinople Orthodox churches. Other names for the holiday are Borisov day (Boris-day, Boris and Gleb - sowers, profit-day, nightingale holiday, nightingale day, whistler, whistle, whistle dance).

St. Athanasius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Wonderworker of Lubensky (1654)

Martyrs Esper and Zoe and their children Cyriacus and Theodulus (II)

Blessed and Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Boris, in the Holy Baptism of Michael (907), who was baptized with his people in the 9th century (Bolg.)

Putivl Icon of the Mother of God (1635)

Signs of the day on May 15:

  • Healers speak of Boris and Gleb to people suffering from malaise - nervous disorders.
  • They read a conspiracy over milk, with which the patient must then wash.

Lenten day

16th of May

Martyrs Timothy and Moor (c. 286) - Day of Martha the milkmaid

Monk Theodosius, abbot of Kiev-Pechersk (1074)

Saint Peter the Wonderworker, Bishop of Argos (X)

Saint Juliana (1393) and Eupraxia (1394), Moscow Saint Theophanes of Peripheor (after 1353)

PriestMartyr Nicholas of Benevolensky Presbyter (1941)

Icons of the Mother of God: the Dormition of the Kiev-Pechersk, brought from Constantinople (1073), the Pechersk (with the forthcoming Anthony and Theodosius) (1085) and Svensk (Pechersk) (1288)

Signs of the day on May 16:

  • They began to plant cabbage seedlings and sow vegetable gardens.
  • The nightingales sang in front of Mavra - spring is blooming together.
  • Spruce shoots start to grow.
  • The color of the bird cherry brings coldness.

May 17

Martyr Pelagia, Virgin of Tarsus (about 290)

  • Pelageya is a crow's patron. Protects young ravens, teaches them wisdom.

Saint Nikita, Cyril, Nicephorus, Clement and Isaac, brothers Alfanov (Sokolnitsky) in Novgorod (XIV-XV)

Hieromartyr Erasmus, Bishop of Formia (303)

Hieromartyr Alvian, Bishop of Anaeus, and his disciples (304)

Hieromartyr Sylvanus, Bishop of Gaz, and with him 40 martyrs (311)

PriestMartyr John Vasiliev Presbyter (1942)

Hieromartyr Nikolai Tokhtuev Deacon (1943)

Old Russian Icon of the Mother of God (1570)

May 18

Great Martyr Irina (I-II) - Day of Irina the seedling

Discovery of the relics of St. Jacob Zheleznoborovsky

Venerable Varlaam of Serpukhov (1377)

Monk Martyr Ephraim the New (1426)

Icons of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" (1878)

Signs of the day on May 18:

  • Cabbage was planted on this day.
  • Early in the morning, the housewives went out into the garden and all alone, so that no one would jinx them, and planted seedlings.
  • You cannot eat bread on Irina-Rassadnitsa, otherwise the chickens will eat the harvest.
  • If the seedlings drink a lot of water - for dry mowing, and do not absorb water - the mowing will be wet.
  • Fields, mows and meadows were burned on Irina.

May 19

Righteous Job the Long-Suffering (c. 2000-1500 BC)

Saint Micah of Radonezh (1385)

Saint Job of Pochaev (XVII)

Martyrs Barbarian the Warrior, Bacchus, Callimachus and Dionysius (c. 362)

Martyr Barbarian, a former robber

Signs of the day May 19:

  • The dew falling on this day was considered curative.
  • Early in the morning the peasants went out to the meadows and walked barefoot on the grass, and the children rolled on the ground, "absorbing" their strength and health.
  • Healers on Job collected dew on towels, squeezed them out and stored healing moisture, which helped in the treatment of many diseases.
  • Large dew and a clear day - for a good harvest for cucumbers.
  • The absence of morning dew after its daily appearance - to a change in the weather.

May 20

Remembrance of the appearance in heaven of the Cross of the Lord in Jerusalem (351)

Martyr Akaki the centurion (303)

Saint Nil of Sorsk (1508)

Saint John of Zedazni and his disciples: Aviv, Bishop of Nekres, Anthony of Martkop, David of Gareja, Zenon of Ikaltoysky, Thaddeus of Stepantsminda, Isa (Jesse), Bishop of Tsilkansky, Joseph, Bishop of Alaumbiri, Michael Stefio of Shiretio of Shiretio Mgvimsky (VI) (Cargo)

Uncovering of the relics of the Monk Nile the Myrrh-streaming, Athos (1815)

Lyubech (XI) and Zhirovitskaya (1470) icons of the Mother of God

  • Vespers, Matins and Liturgy begin at Easter. End and dismissal of the Easter Liturgy. In the Greek Colored Triodion on this day, rites are also given, similar to the sequence of the services of Easter week, with the singing of Easter hours.

Signs of the day on May 20:

  • The earlier the bird cherry blossoms, the hotter the summer will be.
  • Bird cherry buds burst - spring is in full force.
  • When the bird cherry has a lot of color, the summer will be wet.
  • Bird cherry blossoms - the best time for planting potatoes.
  • If the dew does not dry out before noon, expect bad weather.
  • If in the evening the clouds are scattered in small pieces - wait for the next day of rain.

Lenten day

May 21st

Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian (98-117) - Day of Ivan the Theologian

Venerable Arseny the Great (449-450) - Arseniev Day

St. Arseny the industrious (XIV) and Pimen the fasting (XII), Pechersk, in the Far Caves

Martyr Nikifor Zaitsev (1942)

Signs of the day on May 21:

  • Night rains and daytime sun will fill the pantries, barrels and casks.
  • The red sky in the evening promises good weather, the morning redness gives water.
  • The clouds are going up - towards clear weather; going down or going to one place - to the rain.
  • A day with rains - the mushroom will be shelves.

22nd of May

Prophet Isaiah (VIII century BC)

Martyr Christopher (about 250)

Transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra in Lycia to Bar (1087) - Day of St. Nicholas Veshny

Saint Nicholas is the patron saint of horses, the holiday of grooms. The first night (driving horses to the meadows for the whole night).

Saint Joseph of Optina (1911)

Venerable Shio Mgvimsky (VI) (Loads.)

Hieromartyr Demetrius of the Resurrection Presbyter (1938)

PriestMartyr Vasily Kolosov Presbyter (1939)

Signs of Nikolai, May 22:

  • On the first day of the night nobody worked.
  • Boys and children kindled bonfires in the meadows, sat by the fire in a circle, treated themselves to pies and baked potatoes in ashes.
  • The swimming season was opening on Nikola.
  • You shouldn't swim until Nikola vernal.

Lenten day

May, 23rd

Apostle Simon Zealot (I)

Saint Simon, Bishop of Vladimir and Suzdal (1226)

Blessed Simon, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Yuryevetsky (XVI)

Martyrs Alfias, Philadelphus, Cyprian, Onesimus, Erasmus and others (251)

Martyr Hesychius of Antioch (IV)

Saint Isidora the holy fool (IV)

Blessed Taisia ​​(V)

Kiev-Bratsk Icon of the Mother of God (1654)

Signs of the day on May 23:

  • Bees fly cheerfully in the morning - it will be a sunny day.
  • If it rains on this day, it will be rainy all summer.
  • A strong wind during rain portends good weather.
  • Cold and windy May is good for the harvest.

May 24

Hieromartyr Mokiy (c. 295) - Mokey's day

Equal to the Apostles Methodius (885) and Cyril (869), teachers of Slovenian

Equal to the Apostles Rostislav, Prince of Great Moravia (870)

Saint Sophronius, the hermit of the Caves, in the Far Caves (XIII)

Hieromartyr Joseph, Metropolitan of Astrakhan (1671)

Saint Nicodemus, Archbishop of Serbia (1325)

PriestMartyr Michael Belorossov Presbyter (1920)

Hieromartyr Alexander, Archbishop of Kharkov (1940)

Signs of the day on May 24:

  • Sunrise is crimson - summer is coming with thunderstorms.
  • If the sunrise is foggy and crimson, and if it rains during the day, the summer will be wet and formidable.

May 25th

Hieromartyr Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker (glorification 1913)

Saint Epiphanius, Bishop of Cyprus (403) - Epiphanes Day

Saint Herman, Patriarch of Constantinople (740)

Venerable Dionysius of Radonezh (1633)

The second acquisition of the relics of the righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye (1992)

Saints Savin, Archbishop of Cyprus (V), and Poluvius, Bishop of Rinokir (V)

Martyr John Wallach (1662) (Romanian)

PriestMartyr Peter Popov Presbyter (1937)

Martyr Evdokia Martishkina (1938)

Signs of the day on May 25:

  • If Epifan's morning is warm and sunny, wait for a dry summer.
  • In dry weather, acacia does not have insects, the same happens with currants, melilot and honeysuckle.
  • Yellow leaves of acacia open and release a lot of nectar - to the rain.

26 of May

Martyr Glyceria of the virgin and with her the martyr Laodicea, the guard of the prison (c. 177) - Day of Lukerya the mosquito

Righteous Glyceria virgin, Novgorod (1522)

Transfer of the relics of the MonkMartyr Macarius, Archimandrite of Kanev, Abbot of Pinsk, and the Wonderworker of Pereyaslavl (1688)

Martyr Alexander of Rome (284-305)

Saint Pavsikakios, Bishop of Sinadi (606)

Saint George isp. with his wife Irina and children (IX)

Saint Euthymius of Iversk (1028) (Georgian)

Hieromartyrs Vasily Sokolov, Alexander Zaozersky and Christopher Nadezhdin Presbyters, MonkMartyr Macarius Telegin and Martyr Sergius Tikhomirov (1922)

Martyrs of Cherkassky (XX)

Signs of the day on May 26:

  • If there are a lot of mosquitoes, it means rain.
  • Expect warming from Lukerya-komarnitsa.
  • There are mosquitoes - wait for warmth and rain.
  • A large mosquito - for a good year.
  • When the mosquito is not alive, then May is dry.
  • Mosquitoes curl - towards a sunny day.
  • A lot of mosquitoes - prepare a lot of baskets for berries, a lot of midges - cook baskets for mushrooms.

May 27

Martyr Isidor (251) - Day of Sidor the Borage

Blessed Isidore, Christ for the sake of the holy fool, Rostov wonderworker (1474)

Saint Nikita, hermit of Pechersk, Bishop of Novgorod (XII)

Martyr Maximus (about 250)

Venerable Serapion Sindonite (V)

Saint Leontius, Patriarch of Jerusalem (1175)

Hieromartyr Peter the Nativity of the Presbyter (1939)

Terebenskaya (1654) and Yaroslavl (Pecherskaya) (1823) icons of the Mother of God

Signs of the day on May 27:

  • Plant cucumbers and this flax on Sidor.
  • If the whole day is clear and warm, there will be a good harvest of cucumbers.
  • The weather is bad - the cucumbers are bad.
  • There are frosts before Sidor.

Lenten day

May 28

Ascension of the Lord

Venerable Pachomius the Great (c. 348) - Day of Pachom the Warm

Saint Isaiah, Bishop of Rostov, wonderworker (1090)

Blessed Tsarevich Demetrius of Uglich and Moscow (1591) (son of Ivan the Terrible)

Saint Isaiah of the Caves (1115)

Monk Pachomius of Nerekhta (1384)

Saint Euphrosynus (1481) and his disciple Serapion of Pskov

Monk Achilles, Bishop of Larissa (c. 330)

Signs of the day on May 28:

  • Pakhom came - the smell of warmth.
  • End of soil frost.
  • It is warm on Pakhom - warm all summer.
  • When the aspen is covered with catkins, young leaves will hatch on the birches, and the ferns will expand the curls of leaves - the first mushroom season begins.

May 29

The Monk Theodore the Sanctified (368) - The Day of Theodore the Zhytnik

Transfer of the relics of the Monk Ephraim of Perekomsk, the wonderworker of Novgorod (1545) (he personally dug a canal from Lake Ilmen and brought it to the monastery)

Monk Cassian (1537) and Lawrence (1548) of Komel

Hieromartyr Alexander, Bishop of Jerusalem (III)

Martyrs Vitus, Modest and Criscentia (about 303)

Blessed young lady Muse (V)

Venerable Fathers, in the Lavra of St. Savvas slain (614)

Saint George II, Bishop of Mytilene (IX)

Martyr Vukashin (1943) (Ser.)

Signs of the day on May 29:

  • We looked at the moon that day: if it is fiery red, it means there will be a strong wind.
  • Do not lend money to Fyodor - crop failure from both the giver and the taker.

Lenten day

May 30

Apostle Andronicus and Saint Junia (I)

Saint Euphrosyne, in the world of Evdokia, Grand Duchess of Moscow (1407) - Day of Evdokia Svistunya

Martyrs Solokhon, Pamphamir and Pamphalon soldiers (284-305)

Saint Stephen, Patriarch of Constantinople (893)

Signs of the day on May 30:

  • Evdokia the day when the winds whistle.
  • As Evdokia is, so is summer.
  • The moon born on the rainy Evdokia - by a wet summer, and if the north wind is also blowing, the summer will be cold and rainy.

May 31

Memory of the Holy Fathers of the Seven Ecumenical Councils

Martyr Theodotus of Ankyra and the Martyrs of the Seven Virgins: Alexandra, Tecusa, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Matrona and Julia (303) - The Day of Fedot the Oatmeal

Martyrs Peter, Dionysius, Andrew, Paul and Christina (249-251)

Saint Macarius of Altai (1847)

Martyrs Simeon, Isaac and Vakhtisiy (IV)

Martyrs Heraclius, Pavlina and Venedim

Martyrs David and Tarichan (693) (Loads.)

Saint Michael Vinogradov isp., Presbyter (1932)

PriestMartyr Vasily Krylov Presbyter (1942)

Signs of the day on May 31:

  • Fedot is the helper of spring.
  • The red sun sets - towards the wind, into the darkness (light haze) - it will rain, into the cloud - the next day will be rainy.
  • The wave hits the flowing water - it will rain.
  • If the cumulus clouds do not dissipate in the evening, we expect worsening weather and rain.

Easter, or the Bright Resurrection of Christ, is the first and most important holiday of the entire New Testament Orthodox Church. It occupies a leading position among the twelve rolling holidays. This day is a remembrance of the evangelical events that became the basis of all Christian teaching.

The Resurrection of the Savior for any Christian is the victory of the human essence over the permanent laws of death.

The original sin of mankind was washed away by the shed blood on the cross of the Savior Jesus Christ, and, consequently, its subsequent punishment. On this day, all the previous victories of mankind faded before this event of the triumph of life before death. Therefore, this holiday is also called by the faithful parishioners as the Celebration of Celebrations.

The Lord's Entry into Jerusalem, or Palm Sunday, is also considered one of the twelve major holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church.

This date is very important for the entire Christian teaching, since the very fact of the coming of Jesus Christ to this city, where everyone was initially hostile to the Savior, indicates precisely the fact that his sufferings on the cross, which ended in death, were nevertheless voluntary.

The day of this holiday directly depends on the date of Easter Day. It falls on the number one week before Easter. All the sources of the evangelists point to the special significance of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem.

The day of the Holy Trinity is also called Pentecost.

These events are associated with the appearance of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. The fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit appeared to the disciples of Christ on the day of Old Testament Pentecost. This day is associated with another famous event. The third hypostasis of the Holy Trinity was also revealed to the Apostles. After that, the doctrine of the Triune God became perpetuated.


Celebrated by the Orthodox Church on January 7. According to church traditions, God promised a Savior to Adam, who sinned in paradise. His imminent appearance was predicted by the Old Testament prophets, since before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Jews had already forgotten about their Creator. Many of them betrayed the church and began to worship pagan gods.

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin

Celebrated by Orthodox Christians on September 21. Righteous Joachim and Anna were the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos or Virgin Mary. All their lives they grieved deeply because they could not have children. They believed that this was God's punishment for the sins they had committed. However, even in old age, they did not lose hope and prayed every day. Finally, the Lord had mercy on them.


It is perhaps the most important Christian holiday. This holiday is held from January 18th. Since that time, the Orthodox have been celebrating Epiphany Eve, which means adhering to a strict fast and preparing for another holiday - the Epiphany of the Lord.

At the Baptism of the Lord, the Most Holy Trinity appeared to the world: "God the Father spoke from heaven about the Son, the Son was baptized by the holy Forerunner of the Lord John, and the Holy Spirit descended on the Son in the form of a dove."

On Epiphany Christmas Eve, after the service, solemn processions are performed to the ice holes in the reservoirs, they are consecrated, and those who wish can swim. As a rule, swimming is a three-time immersion in the water with your head. At the same time, the believer is baptized and says "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit!"