A hat in a woman's wardrobe. Fedora hat is a fashionable detail of women's wardrobe. Choosing the right hat

A hat as a type of headgear appeared quite a long time ago - in the world the first mention of it appeared in the last era, and in Europe they first started talking about this headgear during the Thirty Years' War, when almost all European countries were involved in hostilities.

Then this headdress served as part of military uniform. However, women never missed a moment to sneak away any objects. men's wardrobe and the hat was no exception.

Since then, couturiers of that time began to produce chic pieces, decorated with various decorative elements.


If you briefly answer the question of what a hat is, it is a headdress for men and women that has a crown (the upper part that directly covers the skull) and fields.

There are various variations of this accessory designed for different people and different styles.



Fedora can be both male and female - in this regard, it differs only in materials and color.

As a rule, the hat has a rather rigid crown and soft brim, which can both rise and fall. Often by bottom edge the crown of the hat is decorated with a satin ribbon.

Fedora was popularized by films about famous gangsters and mafiosi of the first half of the 20th century, who appeared exclusively in fedora on cinema screens and pages of books.

Also earlier, in social events, it was customary to raise a hat a few centimeters above your head as a sign of respect in front of revered citizens and women. This gesture particularly influenced the fashion trends in headwear design, adding even more popularity to Fedora, which continues to this day.


This model is one of the subspecies of the classic fedora, differing from it only in the width of the fields - as a rule, they are very narrow and slightly lowered to the edges. Traditionally, the trilby hat is considered a headdress for visiting races.

All fans of equestrian sports are simply obliged to have such a model in their wardrobe in order to comply with the dress code rules adopted in the stands of the hippodromes.


The hat model, made in a true English style, moved into the women's wardrobe at the beginning of the 20th century and immediately fell in love with many fashionistas.

Its elegant and mature style emphasizes the neat features of the correct face shape. This is achieved due to the laconic style - a tight-fitting crown and narrow fields, slightly upturned along the entire diameter of the hat, do not allow shadows to fall on the face and do not hide the beauty of a woman with their width.


At one time, this style took a place in the wardrobe of mods, replacing the bowlers and cylinders that were firmly seated there.

The strict style is represented by a classic combination of narrow upturned brims and a tulle on which a satin ribbon is located, which allowed this hat model to become the subject of a business toilet for many officials and fans of the classical style.


A surprisingly feminine model, reminiscent of a bell, gained popularity thanks to the incomparable Coco Chanel. It was she who became the trendsetter for this headdress, which in French is called “bell”.

A cloche hat will help emphasize femininity in any look, adding elegance and sophistication to it. It can also be considered a plus that the brim of the hat, which is smoothly lowered from the crown, almost completely covers the forehead, thereby making the look of the woman from under her brows a little bold and defiant.


A tablet hat is a flat, cylindrical, brimless headdress worn at the back of the head. Initially, such a hat was an attribute of cult clergy, but thanks to its extraordinary style, it quickly migrated from temples to fashion catwalks.

At one time, the admirers of such a hat were the first lady Kennedy, the incomparable Audrey Hepburn and the famous Swedish actress Greta Garbo.

Today, the pillbox hat is again at the peak of popularity, successfully complementing stylish looks. business lady and girls going down the aisle.


Panama is a favorite hat for tourists , who do not want their face to fall under the scorching rays of the southern sun. Thanks to the wide brim, the shadow from them completely covers the face, thereby preventing it from sunbathing.

The first panamas appeared in Latin America, in particular in Ecuador, where they are one of the items national clothes. It is interesting that she got her name from the laborers who built the canal of the same name.


The pie hat is a pretty stylish headdress. It is a classic model with a slightly tapered back brim and tulle. It is customary to wear this hat slightly shifted to the forehead so that the eyebrows are barely visible.

Wearing such a hat with a strict business suit, any woman will be able to emphasize her exquisite taste, but at the same time demonstrate her passionate nature, which is hidden under the classic laconic details.


Hat in wedding suit The bride is, first of all, a rather stylish accessory that can emphasize the virginity and purity of a girl and make her even more beautiful.

On the practical side, a hat can replace a veil or become a mount for it. also in recent times fashion trends bring back the veil to the catwalks, which harmonizes very well with an elegant little hat decorated with flowers to match the bride's bouquet.

In the wedding men's wardrobe, a hat can also be found. As a rule, a top hat or a bowler hat is used in themed costumes, when the outfit of the bride and groom is designed in the style of a particular era.


In summer, a hat is an indispensable headgear that protects against heat and sunstroke. Without this item, it is very difficult to do without many lovers of outdoor recreation.

No matter where you are - on the sea coast, in a stuffy city or in the country - be sure to get yourself a hat, because it will not only add a certain zest and elegance to your image, but also help maintain health.

Particular attention should be paid to beach models, because looking good on vacation and without spending a lot of time and effort on it is the lot of dreams of any woman.

Choose a wide-brimmed model that hides your face, and you will not only make your look bright and memorable, but also save yourself the need to apply makeup in hot weather.


Winter hats are also becoming very popular. As a rule, they are made of warm materials - fur, wool, felt, artificial insulation, and also have a visor that can protect the face from rain and snow in bad weather.

Choose hats from the same material that your outerwear is made of - if you prefer a natural mink coat - combine it with a stylish cloche hat made from the same fur; if you have chosen a cashmere coat, pay attention to hats with a visor made of the same wool.

Then you will be able to create a harmonious image in which all objects successfully overlap with each other.

Fashion models 2019

Fashion trends made the hat one of the most stylish accessories. Various models and the most unimaginable decor allow you to include it in various bows, while making it an exclusive and stylish accessory.

It would seem that hats with feathers are long in the past and remain in the memory of many only associations with musketeers.

But eminent couturiers with each new collection prove the opposite: small bright feathers of small birds, which decorate headdresses, make them very extravagant and stylish.

Of course, you can also see beautiful models with peacock feathers on the catwalks, but as a rule, from a fashion show, such styles do not end up in mass-market stores and do not become must-haves in the wardrobe of fashionistas.

Veiled hats are also of interest. Such models will help create the image of a mysterious lady who, with her mystery, can interest any man. And in combination with a high crown of a hat, such a headdress looks very unexpected and extravagant.

If you are planning to visit theme party or an event where there will be a special dress code, be sure to try on such a headdress.


  • The classic material for making hats is straw, processed in a special way.

Such models appeared in Ancient Greece, however, were then called Pethasos.

Since then, the straw hat has undergone many changes in both style and manufacturing method, only one thing has remained unchanged - its comfort, which is felt when wearing such a hat.

The most common types of straw for making hats today are Florentine and toquilla - products from these stems are most durable and easy to manufacture.

  • Leather hats are also very popular, which, unlike straw hats, are most often designed for the cool season.

They perfectly warm and do not allow the head to get wet from precipitation.

  • Felt is the most common hat material.

It received the title of “hat fabric” primarily for its unique properties - felt is very soft, warm, thin. In addition, it perfectly holds its shape, which is important for the manufacture of molded products. This quality is achieved due to the method of manufacturing the material - it consists of felted wool and the remains of rabbit down.

It would seem that it is waste, but in reality a material is obtained that has unique characteristics.

  • Recently, velor hats are gaining popularity - such models have a very concise design and a feminine look.

The texture of the fabric is a soft pile, very reminiscent of suede, but unlike it, velor can have completely different embossing - vertical, horizontal, transverse, diamond-shaped, etc.


The latest trends in the fashion world dictate only one rule: no rules! Following it, you do not need to worry about the incompatibility of objects in the image, but you should choose a thing, relying solely on your taste.

But in order for the image to be sustained harmoniously in terms of color, it is worth paying attention to choosing the right shade of the headdress, which sets the whole tone of the ensemble and can significantly affect how your face will look.

So, to slightly refresh the skin color and make the blush more noticeable, pay attention to the hats of green, orange or ocher.


Recently, hats are regaining their former popularity, and this becomes possible to a greater extent thanks to their creators. Let's consider some of them.

Grimoire (Grimoire)

The company presents Russian market the widest selection of headwear, designed for a wide range of consumers. All models are produced by Russian specialists on German equipment, which is an excellent tandem for creating exclusive and high-quality headwear.

Each hat produced in the process of creation undergoes careful control more than once, which makes it possible to manufacture the highest quality and reliable hats.

The range includes models from various materials, but hats made of velor, wool, and angora became the most popular among Grimoire buyers.


The company, which appeared on the Russian market in 1996, has firmly won the position of one of the leaders in the manufacture of high-quality headwear.

Production is located at several factories in the Moscow region and is constantly expanding. According to the company, they wore their hats to about 14 million people last year alone.

The range is designed for several categories of consumers who can choose a piece of clothing to their liking. First of all, these are luxury models that will suit buyers with an income above average, a classic assortment designed for a wide range of customers, the Street Fashion collection, the main contingent of which is young people, and Young - hats for the smallest.

Maison Michel

The brand, which was born in 1936, quickly won the love of true Parisian fashionistas. Over time, the management of the company changed, until in 1995 the company began to work under the auspices of Chanel and under the leadership of the incomparable Laetitia Krehei.

It is from this time that new stage development of the company, which works according to the precepts of the famous Madame Coco. The design of maison michel hats is dominated by lace and hand-embroidered elements, some examples have a veil, ears and rims.

Many fashion historians and stylists agreed that it was this brand that returned its former glory and popularity to such a headdress as a hat.

Exclusive design, clear features and romanticism are intertwined in the brand's models, never ceasing to amaze fashionistas and constantly delighting connoisseurs of hats.


The company, founded in Moscow in 1989, positions itself as a manufacturer of head jewelry. And it's hard to argue with that - just look at their range to immediately fall in love with these models.

The factory purchased the latest equipment from Italy, which radically changed its production capacity and made it possible to build ambitious plans - to become the best factory in Russia.

We can say that they almost succeeded - most connoisseurs of high-quality hats prefer products of this particular brand.


The incomparable Coco Chanel, who became a trendsetter for an entire era, could not ignore such an exquisite wardrobe item as a hat.

The model of the tablet she created, equipped with a veil, still does not leave the covers of glossy magazines. This hat is preferred by ladies who prefer timeless classics and style.

But time does not stand still, and new headwear models are released in the brand line, which are distinguished by exquisite simplicity and harmony. If you want everyone around to know about your taste and admire the image you created, do not forget to include an exclusive hat from the fashion house Chanel.

How to choose?

Since a hat is a rather capricious headdress in terms of fitting to the shape of the face, when choosing it, you should definitely be guided by the following rules:

  1. For round face try to abandon the correct forms and strict lines - a bowler hat, a top hat, and a tablet are clearly not your models;
  2. A too elongated face is not recommended to be worn with high hats - they will visually lengthen your oval even more;
  3. For an oval face with wide cheekbones, pay attention to the Fedor model with wide brim - due to them, it will balance the width of the face, introducing a horizontal border into the image;
  4. For voluminous cheeks, it is recommended to select models that can be worn by sliding to one side. So you hide one side of the face and divert attention from the second with a non-standard style;
  5. Add angularity to the face will help high crowns and short, slightly bent inward fields;
  6. To divert attention from perfect makeup, you should wear a hat, pulling it a little over your eyes;
  7. A square face can be hidden under a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses. A pretty comfortable ensemble for a beach holiday?

Hat - where did it come from in our wardrobe? What is she? Tribute to fashion, veneration of cultural traditions, sacral attribute of a ritual? Now, perhaps, this is following the fashion trends, but earlier ... But let's sort it out in order.

One ancient Mexican legend says that in those distant times, when a rather deep abyss began to appear between people and deities, the beautiful goddess Sikomeaya descended from heavenly heights to Mexican land to prevent danger and put everything in its place.

However, she found herself on earth not empty-handed, but with a huge number of toilets and three kinds of hats. One type was intended for those who had to work under the scorching sun, the other for beautiful and flirtatious girls, and the third for the recalcitrant and rebellious, whom the heavenly court pronounced a harsh and uncompromising sentence: to ridicule and humiliate at any cost.

The aforementioned goddess fulfilled her mission admirably, and this predetermined her very frequent presence among the Mexicans, always with an armful of clothes and hats. So she influenced people and fashion.

The ancient Romans wore hats at every convenient occasion. At some point in time, this piece of clothing even became a symbol of freedom and calling card social position. When rich, a strong, influential man freed his slave, he gave him a hat. Whoever had a hat on his head was considered a full citizen.

Although the hat appeared on White light in hoary antiquity and immediately liked by everyone, she also had her critical periods when she was relegated to the background or even thrown into the trash. But in the 10th century, hats will see the green light again. In Saxony, Saxon hats begin to be made, which later spread throughout Germany, Holland and Switzerland.

Their adherents and admirers had high and low hats, of various colors, with raised and lowered brim, soft and hard, different shapes and with various decorations. How many times has fashion offered "novelties" that dealt a downright barbaric blow to nature. For example, at the end of the last century, giant ladies' hats appeared, decorated with dissected birds of paradise.

In 1913, the famous zoologist and traveler Alfred Brehm noted: “By the way, catching a bird of paradise for the sake of the shameless coquetry of our women reaches terrifying proportions ...” But that was not all. There were times when fashion recommended other flashy designs, for example, huge hats that looked more like a sunshade. Or the headdress was so original that it completely covered the head, and in front of the face there was something similar to a drainpipe. Such hats were worn by women who wanted to hide their faces.

The history of the hat in Russia is 300 years old. Hats and hairstyles have always been closely related to each other. When at the turn of the XVI-XVIII centuries. subjects close to the court had to change their usual clothes for a dress of European cut, hats and caps entered everyday life.

It was inthe age of wigs and powdered hair, and therefore men more often wore a triangular or two-cornered hat under their arms than on their heads. But women's hairstyles-wigs were more like headdresses - such a complex structure was built on the head of a beautiful hairdresser. Women for a long time did not make out such a hairstyle and protected it with various caps. Actually, women's hats came into fashion only in the second half of the 18th century.

The most famous women's hat of that era was called "Pamela", named after the heroine of the novel by the English writer Samuel Richardson. She was decorated with wild flowers and ears of corn - after all, the novel was called "Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded." The height of the crown and the size of the fields changed, but the hat remained in fashion for a century and a half, until the end of the 19th century.

The hat, as well as the European cut of the suit, meant the class of a person. In Russia of the 19th century, a woman's hat became an integral part of the image of any woman who would like to emphasize her involvement in a different culture. A woman's hat testified that a girl or lady had the appropriate education, knew the rules of secular etiquette, and they would choose exactly the hat that suits the occasion to the theater, to a ball or a walk ...

Hats are an important detail women's costume for all occasions.

She is loved, worn and removed. This extremely important addition to the wardrobe has almost disappeared from our lives, because in Russia the 20th century tried to erase class differences, and the hat managed to fall into the attribute of the bourgeoisie. Meanwhile, the history of the hat in our country is 300 years old, and it is full of incredible events that tell about the vagaries of fashion and the special role of this part of the costume.

Whoever did not decide the fate of the hat in Russian society - milliners and fashionistas, artists and poets, the church and even tsars. And all this is due to the fact that among the fashionable and relevant accessories, the hat occupies a very high, dominant position.

The history of hats is rich in events. Since ancient times, hats have been worn with a headdress magical properties and were mistaken for a kind of "double" of the head. The hat is not just an element of the costume, but also a kind of cultural and artistic phenomenon.

Refined French believe that a woman without a hat is like the Eiffel Tower without a tip. And the great couturiers put this statement into practice, supplementing their collections with incredibly extravagant creations, in which one can guess only a distant resemblance of a hat.

And from time immemorial, a headdress for a woman meant a lot. In ancient Rus', for example, a woman certainly had to walk with her head covered, otherwise it was considered indecent. And then Russian beauties could not imagine a street walk without kokoshniks, wreaths and ribbons.

Gradually, simple headdresses turned into works of art. Women competed among themselves, proving to rivals and others that her hat was the best. At the court there were masters of hat making. All work was done by hand. And each hat demonstrated the power and knowledge of its owner. Only one of these headwear could have several kilograms precious stones, including diamonds, sapphires, emeralds ... They were decorated with ostrich feathers, sheathed with gold thread and could be up to a meter (and sometimes even more) in diameter. Now, already in the 21st century, we are not far from our fashionable predecessors. Moreover, today the hat only emphasizes the individuality, style and absolute confidence in the life of its owner.

Strictly speaking, a woman is beautiful, and in a hat this feature is tripled with unprecedented force. The amazing thing is, they go with everything. You can wear a hat made from different furs and unexpected colors to coat. Large wide-brimmed, or miniature with a veil - along with stiletto boots. Medium, lace, with flowers and with a veil - for a wedding dress. Geometric shape - in unison with gloves or handbag.

Ultra-modern design models of women's hats emphasize the individuality and impeccable taste of the happy owner of a stylish accessory. Don't forget the amazing success you've achieved.

Every modern and stylish woman is simply obliged to have at least one exquisite hat in her wardrobe - after all, this is an integral classic that is popular at all times. There are many current models, among which you can choose the most worthy of your attention option.

Let's look at the main fashionable styles, which can be interestingly combined with everyday looks:
1. Wide-brimmed hats are an exquisite classic for any occasion.
2. Straw hats are the current trend of the summer period.
3. A turban hat is a practical and versatile option for a romantic look.
4. The bowler hat is a popular retro themed look.
5. Fedor hat - an exclusive model for freedom-loving women with an independent disposition. The once "male" hat is now in great demand among fashionistas from all over the world.
6. Cowboy-style hats, caps, baseball caps, caps are bold and youthful options.

Women's hats have always been a separate topic for discussion. In pre-revolutionary Russia, if a lady went out into the street with her head uncovered, it was considered the height of indecency, but times are changing and today fashionable women's hats, 2013 hats have lost their relevance.

This is partly due to the long years of life in a proletarian republic, where it was not customary to wear hats, hats, at best, a scarf or scarf on the head. But you must admit, because now fashionable women's hats, hats in 2013 immediately raise the lady to a completely different level of perception by people around her. And in fact, not every woman can afford to wear these beautiful accessories.

What is the reason, you ask? Fear of standing out among the crowd, maybe even some self-doubt, the habit of being like everyone else, mingling with the general gray mass. Whether it is good or bad, we will not discuss, but we invite you to feel in a different role, to rise above these stereotypes that have developed over the years, and fashionable hats, hats of 2013 can just help you with this.

Dear ladies, you will see how completely different a woman looks, wearing fashionable women's hats, hats. Even the word woman here already sounds somehow inappropriate, such an appeal as Madame, Mademoiselle, Miss, Lady, etc. is more suitable. What happened, what are the reasons for such changes? The lady allowed herself to wear this luxurious accessory, while the general image immediately changed, and, accordingly, the attitude.

Today, fashionable women's hats, hats 2013 is an exquisite style, grace, beauty, luxury, and what is most interesting, it is available to everyone. So, dear ladies, let's boldly use these beautiful accessories in our wardrobe. Do not be afraid to experiment, fashionable women's hats are designed to decorate your look, giving it unusualness and originality. They will not be able to make you more beautiful, but at the same time they can favorably emphasize your unique style and feminine image!

The hat began to be called a little later, in honor of Princess Fedora, the main character of the work of Victorian Sardou. Of course, over its centuries-old history, the fedora has undergone some modifications regarding texture and shape, but it is still relevant both in the wardrobe of men and women who follow fashion trends.

Rules for wearing a fedora hat

In order to create stylish look featuring fedora hats, designers fashion clothes advised to adhere to the basic rules of its choice. Whatever material this hat is made of (felt, tweed, suede, leather or straw), it is still a serious accessory. You need to decide in advance what exactly the hat will be worn with, and then select the appropriate color. If it is supposed to be a combination of fedora with business clothes, then it should be the same color as the suit. Stylists recommend choosing a hat to match the hair color, but if they are dark, then this advice is relevant only for the cold season.

Fedora must fit exactly in size so that she does not hang on her head and does not leave red marks behind. The hat should rise about 1.5 cm above the level of the ears and eyebrows. Despite the fact that the fedora is designed to create a businesslike and elegant look, it can also be worn for an informal occasion. Then some playfulness is allowed in its forms and manner of wearing. With the help of a headdress sewn from soft fabrics, you can create a mysterious "spy" image. To do this, it is enough to slightly raise the occipital region of the hat field, and push the front edge over the eyebrows.

Women have more opportunities to "play" with the fedora, decorating it with an additional ribbon, feather or brooch. It can be moved to the side, put on the back of the head. As for the color, the hat may differ from the main costume, but it will certainly be combined with a handbag, shoes, scarf or gloves. And a kind of fedora hat with a narrower brim and a pointed front - trilby, which is typical for equestrians, may well be combined with any sportswear.

Versatile fedora hat for every season

Since straws can serve as material for fedora, it is relevant for summer holiday. If you buy such a hat in light neutral colors, then it will fit any dress or sundress. Stylists in this case are advised to tie a chiffon scarf on the hat to match the outfit. One has only to remove the chiffon train from the hat and pull it over the eyes, and the image from a fragile lady turns into a gangster one. Especially if the hat is combined with worn jeans or shorts.

In autumn and spring, transformations involving fedora hats are no less interesting. With a long coat made of polyester or leather, with a button-down jacket or with a drape coat - an elegant classic, and with a leather or suede cropped jacket, knitted poncho - already everyday and comfortable.

The winter version of the fedora has a denser base and a deep fit to keep out the cold. She will be good with a double-breasted coat of a man's cut and high over the knee boots.

Adela Kamalova

16.05.2015 | 2224

A summer hat is a special thing in a woman's wardrobe. It not only protects from sunlight and wind, but also allows a woman to look elegant and romantic.

A women's hat completes the look, complementing the main components of the ensemble. With a hat, you can create dozens spectacular images! What are the important little things to consider when buying this stylish item?

  • the hat should match the rest of your wardrobe;
  • it is necessary to take into account your type of figure, face shape, hair color;
  • the material from which the hat is made should be light. Silk, linen or cotton works best;
  • the accessory should not sit too tightly on the head.
  • how more unusual style clothes, the simpler the main outfit should be and vice versa.

Oval face

The oval is the perfect "option" for any hat. If you are a happy owner of this face shape, feel free to buy any model you like. The only thing to remember is that the upper part of the accessory should be slightly wider than the cheekbones.

A driver's cap will look interesting and unusual. This seemingly typically masculine piece of clothing fits perfectly into an elegant women's outfit. What ensembles can be made with a driver's cap?

  • Leather pants, bright top and a cap. Sneakers and oversized glasses complete the sporty look.
  • A long plaid or striped sundress is a great pair for this type of women's hat. From shoes you should choose ballet flats or sandals on the platform.
  • Do you want to relax on the beach? Put on fashionable short shorts, a T-shirt and a driver's cap - simply and tastefully.

Round face

Wide brim and high tulle are essential elements of your hat. Accessories in the shape of a bell or any elongated shape will definitely not suit you.

Opt for a hat with vertical feathers or flowers. This model will create a romantic and fragile image:

Long face

You should not buy a thing strict geometric shape. Choose either a wide-brimmed hat (it will balance the proportions of the face) or a low-crowned accessory (for example, a boater shape).

  • Don't know what to wear to an outdoor party? Skinny jeans, platform sandals and a tank top will create a spectacular appearance. A hat will make the image even more irresistible.
  • The boater looks good in tandem with a light loose sundress. Bright jewelry and wedge shoes are a good addition to the outfit.

Square face

Your choice is a hat with curves and wide brim. Avoid accessories that are square or round shape. Move the hat to the side, add a flower to a simple dress or satin ribbon– and you are the queen of the beach!

And what about height and figure?

External data play an important role when choosing a hat.

  • It is advisable for tall women to wear wide-brimmed accessories.
  • Stylish headwear with a high crown is designed for girls of small stature.
  • A curvaceous lady should wear a hat with the brim turned up.

Fashionable, emphasizing femininity and individuality, a summer hat is a great addition to the image. The headdress keeps the hair healthy, beautiful skin face, protects against sunstroke.