Essay my friend. Essay on my friend. Some interesting essays

In the life of every child, teenager and adult, there is always a person who can be safely called a friend. It happens that over time, communication stops, because interests, goals, worldview, values, society change - everything that affects human consciousness. However, a true friend is tested by years, distance and “falls”.

Until I moved into new kindergarten, according to my mother, I did not have friends in the group: I could not find mutual language with anyone. However, when my parents registered me in kindergarten at the place of our residence, then I was lucky to meet a boy named Vitya, who became my friend, and I became his.

Victor was engaged gymnastics, played checkers well for his age; according to his stories, every evening dad played this board game with him, something edible was the reward for the victory. Every weekend morning, he and his family went out for a short run. His mother was a teacher in high school and not on weekdays I studied reading and spelling with him, so he already knew how to read well and even taught me. We had a good time in the kindergarten: we shared our impressions, told dreams, made up stories, played games together. different games and got to know each other better and better.

On next year we went to the same school, and even to the same class! We are lucky because classroom teacher allowed to sit at one desk. At the drawing lesson, he could not make a drawing that he wanted to give to his parents, and I helped him with pleasure, and then taught him how to draw well. IN free time we went out to play ball or ride bicycles, went to visit each other, in general, enjoyed our friendship.

Unfortunately, by the third grade, he moved to another city, but despite the distance, Vitya and I still maintain friendship, and I really hope that no obstacles will interfere with our sincere communication.

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I have a friend. His name is Lyosha. He is in the same class with me. After school we go for a walk. Sometimes we play in my yard, we have sports equipment there. We also love to play football. There is a good football field not far from my friend's house. There is even a net on the gate. We play there several times a week.

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I have best friend. His name is Michael. He and I are in the same class. Misha lives in the next block. He has younger brother. Misha and I sometimes take him for a walk. Misha and I walk together on the weekends. Also can go for a walk during the week after they have done their homework. Misha and I love to play computer games together. We do it online, each from his own home.

Sometimes we go to the cinema or to the entertainment center. We really enjoy watching 5D, 7D, 11D movies. When you watch such a movie, it seems that you are present in the movie itself.

I recently attended Mikhail's birthday party. Grandparents came to congratulate him, as well as God-parents and a few friends from school. We started our birthday at the entertainment center. The animators gave us a real quest. After entertainment, we went to Mikhail's house, where delicious treats were waiting for us.
I gave Mikhail a board game, a book and a construction kit. Misha was pleased with the gift. When we can't cope with the lessons, we help each other. I can help Misha if I understand the material better, and he can help if he understands something better than me.

It's good when you have faithful and beloved friends with whom you can have fun spending your leisure time.

Option for grade 5

Today I want to talk about my friend. This is very good man and his name is Ivan. He is 10 years old, just like me. We are in the third grade.

Vanya and I have known each other for three years. First, we live in the same yard. Secondly, our mothers also communicate. Thirdly, we go to the same class and to the same workout. We are near all the time. We also go to and from school together.

Ivan is like a brother to me. And this is very good. Because I have a younger sister, and sibling No. Plus, he's six months older than me. You can talk with Vanya, spend your free time. We rage with him, sometimes we fight. But this happens very rarely. The reasons for our quarrels are a slight misunderstanding of each other. And that's it.

Vanya and I met at my birthday party. Then I was seven years old and my mother invited many of my friends. There were girls from the kindergarten, a boy from the yard, little kid who was someone's brother. I don't remember anymore. Vanya and his mother were among the guests. He came because our mothers were friends. That's how we met. I really liked Vanya that day. I wanted to befriend him. IN ordinary life It's not easy for me to get to know someone. And this boy was calm, did not show off, gave me a cool designer and shook my hand. He was sitting next to me festive table. He was absolutely not shy strangers was positive and active.

Then the time came when we went to school together and ended up in the same class.

My friend deserves the title of friend for many reasons. He never offended me, and neither did I. He never betrayed or deceived me. Vanya always answers the phone when I call him. Sometimes I need his help with lessons and homework. Sometimes we just chat for hours about computer games and classmates. My friend does not envy me and does not want to offend me. We don't compete with each other. We promised that we would try to be friends all our lives, no matter what.

I understand that friendship is great gift to be treasured.

4th grade, 6th, 7th grade.

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My friend's name is Vanya, he is a year older than me, but we are in the same class, because Vanya went to school later. Vanya and I knew each other before school, so we have known each other for a very long time. Vanya is very good and a kind person, he will always come to the rescue in difficult times, always support with words. I really appreciate our friendship, because real friendship- that's great rarity. I think we can already say that our friendship has stood the test of time.

Vanya is a creative person, he draws beautifully, because he studies at an art school. His drawings became the best in almost all school competitions. I am very happy for my friend!

Vanya often jokes. Therefore, during breaks in our free time in the corridors of the school, you can often hear our perky laughter. Sometimes we come up with funny things, play small skits, which we perform in a school theater group.

My friend's appearance is quite interesting. He's got jet black hair Blue eyes and long black eyelashes. Many girls envy the color of his eyes and his luxurious eyelashes. His physique is quite normal, my friend is a little taller than me.

Vanya and I live not far from each other, so we often see each other on weekends and in the evenings. We walk, we talk a lot different topics, play computer games, make plans for the future. We are never bored!

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