Competitions for godparents. Boy's christening: script with contests, what to give, signs, toasts. How to congratulate a boy on christening in poetry, prose, SMS to godfathers, guests? Toasts for my son

Christening - very important holiday in the life of believers. And this holiday, unlike many other celebrations, really happens only once in a lifetime. This means that it must be held in such a way that it will be remembered by the godson's parents, relatives, and godfathers. And the godson himself, if he is no longer a baby.

But if it is christening newborn , you need to leave him the memory of the holiday: photographs (for them you can prepare a separate photo album self made), videos, postcards from guests and at least some of their gifts. This, of course, in addition to the baptismal shirt, icons, cross, towels and other items necessary for the rite of Baptism.

How to Celebrate Christening? Preparation

To celebrate christening , it is not necessary to arrange a lavish feast, although this is not forbidden. In many countries, the celebration in honor of the christening is equated in scope to: they spend a lot of money on preparation, set the tables with many dishes, invite a large number of of people. For example, celebrating christening many Orthodox in Greece and Georgia, or Catholics in Italy and France. However, instead of a lavish celebration, you can arrange or invite friends not to a festive dinner, but to a late breakfast - in this case, you can arrange a light buffet table or set a sweet table.

First of all, you need to decide on the date of the christening and at least a week before the planned day, visit the church, informing about their intention to baptize the child. It is advisable to get acquainted in advance with the priest who will conduct the Baptismal ceremony. In the church, you will be informed about what is needed for the christening, and you will immediately decide on the list of necessary purchases. It is immediately necessary to clarify whether it is possible to take photographs and videos of the ceremony and how many relatives-friends can be invited to church.

Guests, if they are not only the closest relatives and friends, it is better to invite in advance - as well as to a wedding, 2-3 weeks in advance. It is preferable to send real invitation cards in envelopes. In the invitations, you need to indicate where the guests come - to the church or to the place of celebration. And, of course, you need to provide the date, time and, if necessary, dress code. All over the world it is customary to invite as many children as possible to christening. Children are the main decoration of the christening holiday.

Christening celebrations can be held in different places: at home, in a restaurant, in a summer cafe. During the warmer months, it is worth arranging a celebration in the form of a picnic or an outdoor feast.

Christening: decor of the venue

The color of the christening gown is white. White is the color of purity and holiness, therefore, it is in this color that the table is usually decorated for a festive christening dinner. White is often combined with yellow or orange - the color of gold (the color of the christening shirt and gold cross).

You can choose one of the decor styles:

  • Classical(white, can be combined with gold; decor - white doves, ribbons with prayers, candles, figurines of angels, etc.)
  • Russian ethnic(tablecloths and napkins, samovar on the table, wooden dishes for common meals, etc.)
  • Modern russian(decor using tricolor colors)
  • Child(white combined with pink for christening girls and in combination with blue for christening boy; cards with a photo of the baby can be placed on the tables).

The room can be decorated with a banner with an aphorism on the topic or a phrase from the Bible. For example: "Children are the grace of God".

What to treat? Christening menu

According to the old Russian tradition, porridge with milk, butter and sugar was prepared for christening. Nowadays, it is not customary to serve porridge on holidays, but you can cook delicious cereal casserole for dessert, served with exotic fruits, berries and sweet sauce.

Poultry was previously baked into porridge: as a rule, a chicken (if a girl was baptized) or a rooster (if the godson is a boy). It is still worth baking a bird for christening in our time. And you can stuff it with just the same porridge (for example, buckwheat).

In the old days, a separate porridge was prepared for the young father - very salty and spicy, already scalding. Horseradish, mustard, pepper were added to it. The same can be done at modern christenings: to force the dad of a toddler or toddler to eat a small portion of extremely spicy and salty porridge. Eating such porridge was equated, albeit only partially, with the hardships of childbirth. And on the day of his christening, the Pope was invited to experience these hardships.

In addition, there must be a lot of sweets on the baptismal table. As already mentioned, christenings have always been considered a children's holiday - many children were invited to it. of different ages... Treats were prepared for them: nuts, gingerbread, cookies, fruits. Today it is difficult to imagine a holiday, especially without a cake.

For a christening holiday, you can make a cake in the shape of a cross. An ordinary biscuit dough is prepared, poured into rectangular shape and baked. The finished chilled biscuit is cut into strips, from which a cross is formed. The strips of the cake are fastened with a thick butter cream. The cross can simply be cut entirely from a biscuit cloth. For decoration, you can use white and colored cream or sweet mastic: blue in honor of the boy's christening and pink for the cake in honor of the girl. Also, the cake can be made in the form of a baptismal shirt, bible, etc.

How to celebrate christenings? Fun for christening

Christenings are a touching celebration that usually takes place with family and friends. As a rule, this holiday is rather quiet. Often alcohol-free. But this does not mean that the celebration should be boring. If you've scheduled an appointment, be sure to come up with entertainment by composing christening script .

If there are children at the party, make sure that they have something to do. You can buy Bible-themed coloring books, as well as pencils and markers. When the children eat, they can, if desired, get carried away with coloring. At the same time, they will get acquainted with biblical stories. Board games can be prepared for older children.

Make a poster for all guests to congratulate. Take a large wallpaper sheet, draw a sun in the center and paste in a photo of the hero of the occasion. Decorate the poster with small images of angels, crosses, church domes, doves, but most of the poster should be blank. Hang the sheet on the wall and prepare felt-tip pens and markers. Let all the guests, including the children, circle their palm and write a wish for the godson in it. Leave this poster as a souvenir for your child along with the baptismal gown, etc.

Here are some more fun and party experiences you can include in your girl or boy christening scenario.

1. Charter for raising a baptized baby

Have the host or a relative read "Charter for the upbringing of a baptized baby"

Responsibilities of the mother:

1. Establish regular and timely provision of the baby with fresh milk, clean diapers and new rattles.

2. Learn at least a dozen lullabies and perform them every night. If the mother has no hearing and voice, she is obliged to develop her vocal abilities.

3. Maintain good relations with the godparents of your child, regularly treating them to various goodies.

Father's responsibilities:

1. To protect the mother of the child from various problems and troubles, so that she can establish regular and timely provision of the baby with fresh milk, clean diapers and new rattles.

2. Regularly pump the muscles of the arms and legs in order to easily carry various heavy objects necessary for a child at any distance, such as a stroller, a sled, a bicycle, an electric car, a baby's mother, etc.

3. Provide the baby and his mother with a systematic rest on the sea beach under the hot sun.

4. Maintain friendly relations with the godparents of the child, regularly organizing meetings with them.

Responsibilities of the child:

In response to parental care, the child undertakes not to cry in vain, not to untie the diapers, not to wake up at night, and not to get sick.

In addition, the infant undertakes to learn to walk no later than 12 months; speak - no later than 12 months; read poetry - no later than 13 months; eat independently with a spoon - no later than 10 months, and with a fork and knife - no later than 24 months.

In relation to the Godparents, the baby undertakes to honor and respect them, listen to their good advice and be sure to invite them to his wedding.

Duties of godparents:

1. Always remember your important role in the life of a godson. Teach him only light, kind, eternal.

2. Do not forget to visit your godson at least once a month

3. Never forget about the birthdays of your godson.

4. Respect and maintain good relations with your godson's parents.

Responsibilities of the baby's grandparents:

Strictly and continuously monitor the observance of this Charter for the upbringing of a baptized infant

The consent of the parents, godparents and the infant with the content of this charter is required to be sealed with strong hugs and kisses of all persons specified in the Charter.

2. Box with wishes

Take a simple box - like a shoe box. Decorate it by making a hole in the lid. Glue the cover to the base so that it does not open. Give each guest a strip of paper and a felt-tip pen. Have them write one wish, advice or recommendation to the baby and put it in the box. This box will be remembered, and the current baby will be able to open it in 10-18 years.

3. Blank slate

You need to take a fairly large clean White list... Show it to the guests and say:

A child is born pure and pure, like this white sheet. And then he acquires certain qualities. Let's write in this list only the best qualities that our hero of the occasion will possess. And so that there is no free space for anything bad.

The sheet and marker are passed in a circle, and everyone writes in one at a time. good quality that the baby will possess. And so on until there is no free space left on the sheet. You can write the following words: “Intelligence, kindness, high intelligence, thirst for knowledge, respect for elders, sociability, benevolence, faith in God, following the advice of godparents, etc. etc.".

4. Diplomas for Godparents

On the front side of the diploma, the following information can be entered:

WITH back side diploma, you can place a memo for godparents

REMINDER for the godmother / godfather

1. A baby can scream three times as loud as three adults. This can adversely affect the health of adults in the vicinity of the child, therefore, it is necessary to provide the infant with such care so that they cry as little as possible.

2. If some items need to be kept out of the reach of children, it is better to take them out of the house or at least close them in a safe. Since any other place inaccessible to children can be gutted by a child in exactly 2 and a half minutes.

3. The taste of lipstick is liked not only by men, but also by children. And the brighter the lipstick, the tastier it is for the baby. Keep lipsticks, especially bright ones, out of the reach of children (see point 2.)

4. A tube of toothpaste is enough to paint half of the wall, not only in the bathroom, but also in the hallway.

5. If the child wants to dust or mop the floors, give him a napkin or mop, otherwise the cleaning will be done with your blouse or a used diaper.

6. Most important documents for some reason they are torn in the first place (see point 2).

7. The stomach can hold 3 huge servings of ice cream, but remember to leave room for at least one bowl of porridge or soup.

8. In case of fire, call 01.

9. Girls are given dolls, boys - cars, women - flowers and chocolate, and men do not drink flowers and chocolate. The main thing is not to confuse anything!

10. A godson remains a godson, even when his own child acquires Godparents.

5. Fun with baptismal porridge

Since ancient times, rituals with baptismal porridge were included in christening script... We offer a modernized version of this ritual.

You will need a clay pot or porcelain soup bowl. Instead of porridge, you need to put gingerbread cookies, sweets, nuts, etc. into the dishes. Someone dressed up as a grandmother can bring the dishes with porridge to the guests. The duty to break a pot of porridge can be entrusted to the father of the hero of the occasion, grandfather or godfather. Or you can do it differently - for example, sell the right to do it.

In this case, such an eyeliner is made:

Whoever breaks a pot of porridge - that the angels smile and good luck comes. But right it is expensive! Fly in, buy !.

Selling, of course, is better not for money, but for something intangible: for example, for the best ditty about babies. Although, if you wish, you can hold a small money auction.

To break the "pot of porridge", you need to wrap the pot in a tablecloth and hit it on the floor. This is done by the one who was given the right to break the pot. The "grandma" distributes the shards to the guests as a keepsake with the verdict:

Having received a shard, those who are not married will marry, those who are not married will marry, some will give birth to children without children, and who will nurse their grandchildren without grandchildren.

In addition to the shards, guests should receive the contents of the pot and immediately eat at least a small part of the treat.

6. Trials for godparents

Making up on christening script be sure to include a few godparents tests. For example, the ones below.

Godfathers Mom and Dad are competing in their "teaching skills"

1. Knowledge of Russian folk tales. The godparents take turns calling the tales that they will tell the godson. Whoever calls the last one wins.

2. Ability to make a toy out of nothing. The godparents are given fruit (banana, apple, tangerine), several vegetables, a knife and toothpicks. Need to make a doll. Whoever gets it more realistic and funnier will win.

3. Collect toys. The godparents each stand beside a separate chair. Various toys are scattered on the floor. At the same time, the godparents begin to collect toys from the floor: you need to take one toy at a time, carry it to your chair, put it on it, and then go for the next toy. Whoever manages to collect more toys in the end wins.

4. Team game "Chocolate". Godmothers mom and dad pick up a team of 3-4 people. Godfathers are given a large chocolate bar. They have to divide the chocolate "on windows" and distribute them to the members of their team, and they should eat the chocolate wedges as soon as possible. Whose team eats the chocolate faster, that godparent wins.

5. Team game "Amulets". The presenter reminds that the pin is considered a powerful talisman and suggests preparing amulets for the hero of the occasion. Each team is given a long wide ribbon (blue or color pink or tricolor) and a box with a lot of decorative pins. The teams simultaneously begin to pin the pins to the ribbon. Whose team will cope faster, that godfather wins.

6. Riddles. Prepare the usual children's riddles and challenge the godfathers. Whoever guesses the most wins.

The godfather who wins the most tests must be obliged to take patronage over the godfather and increase his level of knowledge and abilities related to raising children.

Writing a baptism script for a girl or boy do not plan any loud games, as this may wake up the infant. But if the child is transferred to another room in the middle of the celebration, you can also sing - for example, divide the guests into two teams and arrange "Battle" for the knowledge of children's songs and lullabies.

Christening Bonbonnieres

In many countries it is customary to cook christening bonbonnieres for guests ... Put candies, almonds, dragees inside. In addition, you can put a small candle, an icon or a miniature photo of a baby in a frame.

Gifts can be arranged in small boxes or wrapped in pieces of fabric (for example, organza, tulle) and tied with a ribbon like a bag. You can also wrap the present in nice paper and also tie with a ribbon. Guests will be very pleased to leave something to remember your child's christening.

Advice from the site: preparing for the rite of Baptism, drawing up a menu and coming up with christening script, do not forget to involve older children in this process, if any. Let your older brother or sister prepare a gift for a kid... You can buy a retelling Bible for children. A brother or sister can make a special cover for the book (of course, with the help of an adult) and decorate it with appliqués, embroidery, etc. When buying pretty little things for a baby, don't forget to get special outfits for older children. Let the baby's christening be a holiday for them too!

Christening of the child (family holiday)

On the day when the child is baptized, they arrange a festive dinner - christening. In the old days, the main treats at christenings were "babkina's porridge" and "grandma's pies". Porridge symbolized the continuation of the family, it was cooked from several types of cereals and was very thick and satisfying. For a pot of porridge, relatives conducted a comic bargain, and after emptying the pot broke for the happiness of the baby.

Christening gifts are children's things, toys, dishes, that is, everything that can be useful to a baby. The cross is bought by godparents. For christening, a special suit is sewn for the child.

The house baptism party can be held by the godmother.


We gathered for a christening.

Name day angel!

Our baby to our delight

Was introduced to the sacred temple.

Guests are invited, sit down,

Treat yourself well

Eat and drink slowly

For the health of the baby!

Toasts are made to the child.

After the first course, the godmother announces that it is time to serve the porridge and brings out the pot. But the pot is empty.

Godmother: We have an empty pot! This porridge, it turns out, is not easy, with cunning! Apparently, you have to pay the tax!

Guests put money in the pot, who will give how much.

Godmother(gives the pot to the child's mother): And here is a small maternity capital for diapers! Well, now you can share the porridge.

This time the godmother brings out the porridge and begins to distribute.

Puts a spoon for the baby's mom:

Our porridge first

Milf takes a bite!

Eat, get well

Gain strength!

Puts a spoonful of porridge to his father and sprinkles with plenty of salt, pepper or mustard:

Daddy spoon!

Chew a little

Vigorous gruel,

Salted porridge!

Daddy will know

How difficult it is to give birth to children!

Treats brothers and sisters (if any):

Spoon for brother-sisters,

Both large and small!

To play with the youngest

So that they do not offend him!

Treats grandparents:

Your grandson is excellent,

And the venerable age,

A full cup of porridge for you!

Treats the godfather:

The godfather will eat in one sitting!

Cow's butter in the gruel,

The baby will be healthy!

Treats other relatives:

To you, aunties-uncles,

One bucket for all!


Wish your baby to grow!

You can follow the old tradition and break an empty porridge pot for good luck. Shards are given to guests in return good wishes to the baby.

Then the godmother announces a competition for the most interesting advice or a trick about caring for young children.

The guests are singing "Song of the Baby".

Song about baby (to the tune of the song "Wonderful Neighbor" from the repertoire of Edita Piekha).

Why is the apartment quiet

So you can even hear the mouse?

Has appeared in your house

Wonderful baby!

In a lace bed he sniffs,

And others do not believe

That this little man

Will become an adult and big!

The silence doesn't last long

And in one fine moment

From diapers and pillows

A child's cry is heard.

Mom and Dad are calling

Beloved child

And hints at hunger,

Not joking at all!

We sang this song

And it's time for us to leave

So that with your screams

The kid cannot be woken up.

It's not easy to babysit a child

But we can help you:

We will be songs like this

Hum him all night!

According to custom, there should be a silver spoon among the gifts for the christening. In the old days it was called a gift "for the first tooth" so that the child could eat well and grow faster. The spoon can be engraved with a name.

Godmother: The name of a person largely determines his fate. Our wonderful boy (girl) was named ... This name means ... (see the list of meanings of names). Let him (she) receive only the best from this name!

Meaning of girls' names:

Alexandra (from the ancient Greek "protector").

Alina (from Latin "other").

Alla (from the ancient Greek "noble").

Anastasia (from the ancient Greek "return").

Angela (from Latin "angelic").

Anna (from the Hebrew "grace").

Valentina (from Latin "healthy").

Vera (from the Old Church Slavonic "faith").

Veronica (from the ancient Greek "victorious").

Victoria (from Latin for "victory").

Galina (from the ancient Greek "calm").

Diana (name of the ancient Roman goddess of the hunt).

Dina (from the ancient Greek "strength").

Eugene (from the ancient Greek "human").

Catherine (from the ancient Greek "pure, immaculate").

Elena (from the ancient Greek "solar").

Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "God's help").

Zinaida (from the ancient Greek "from the kind of Zeus").

Zoe (from the ancient Greek "life").

Inna (from the Old Church Slavonic "stormy stream").

Irina (from the ancient Greek "peace, calm").

Karina (from Latin "looking forward").

Cyrus (from the ancient Greek "lady").

Christina (from the ancient Greek "Christian").

Xenia (from Latin "hospitable").

Larissa (from the ancient Greek "pleasant").

Lily (from Latin " White color OK").

Lydia (from the ancient Greek "rich").

Lyudmila (from the Old Slavonic "dear to people").

Love (from the Old Church Slavonic "love").

Maya (from the ancient Greek "goddess of spring").

Margarita (from the Latin for "pearl").

Marina (from the Latin for "sea").

Maria (from the ancient Greek "lady").

Hope (from Old Church Slavonic "hope").

Natalia (from Latin "native").

Nina (a name that comes from the Georgian language).

Olga (from the Scandinavian "saint")

Pauline (from the ancient Greek "worshiping Apollo").

Raisa (from the ancient Greek "submissive").

Rimma (from the Hebrew "apple").

Rose (from the English "rose").

Svetlana (from Old Slavonic "light").

Snezhana (from the Slavic "snow").

Sophia (from the ancient Greek "wisdom").

Tamara (from the Hebrew "fig tree").

Tatiana (from the ancient Greek "organizer").

Ulyana (from the Latin "from the Julian clan").

Elvira (from the ancient Greek "protection").

Emma (from the ancient Greek "affectionate").

Julia (from the Roman name Julius).

Yana (from the Slavic "God bestowed").

Meanings of boys' names:

Alexander (from the ancient Greek "defender of people").

Alexey (from the ancient Greek "helper").

Anatoly (from the ancient Greek "ascending").

Andrew (from ancient Greek "courageous")

Anton (from Latin "competing").

Arkady (from the ancient Greek Arcadia - "happy country").

Artem (from the ancient Greek "unharmed").

Boris (from the Old Church Slavonic "struggling").

Vadim (from the Old Church Slavonic "attractive").

Valentine (from Latin "strong").

Valery (from the Roman "strong, vigorous").

Basil (from the ancient Greek "regal").

Victor (from the Latin for "winner").

Vitaly (from Lat. "Vital").

Vladimir (from the Old Church Slavonic "owning the world").

Vyacheslav (from the Old Russian "great glory").

Gennady (from the ancient Greek "noble origin").

George (from the ancient Greek "farmer").

Danila (from the ancient Greek "God is the judge").

Dmitry (from the ancient Greek "fruit of the earth").

Eugene (from the ancient Greek "human").

Ivan (from the ancient Greek "God's grace").

Igor (from the Scandinavian "thrifty").

Ilya (from the Hebrew "fortress of the Lord").

Cyril (from the ancient Greek "lord").

Constantine (from Latin "permanent").

Leo (from the ancient Greek "lion").

Leonidas (from the ancient Greek "like a lion").

Maxim (from the Latin "great").

Michael (from Hebrew "like god").

Nikolay (from the ancient Greek "victory of the people").

Oleg (from the Scandinavian "saint").

Paul (from Latin "small").

Peter (from the ancient Greek "stone").

Roman (from Latin "Roman").

Sergei (from the Roman "highly esteemed").

Stanislav (from Old Church Slavonic "to become glorious").

Stepan (from the ancient Greek "crown").

Fedor (from the ancient Greek "God's gift").

Philip (from the ancient Greek "horse-savvy").

Edward (from the ancient Greek "keeper of wealth").

Yuri (from the Old Church Slavonic "creator").

Jacob (from the Hebrew "following on the heels").

Godmother: There is one wise phrase: "Don't be afraid that your children will grow up smarter than you." Let's wish happy young parents that their baby takes all the best from them and grows even smarter and more beautiful than them! Do you know, dear parents, that scientists have invented a test that allows you to predict what a child will become in the future?

Comic test "Who to be?"

1. You believed that children ...

A) Found in cabbage.

B) The stork brings.

B) Your own version.

2. The name of the baby was chosen ...

A) From smart books.

B) The first one that comes across.

B) Your own version.

3. The baby is sleeping ...

A) Calm and a lot.

B) Waking up often and asking for food.

B) Your own version.

4. Most of all he (she) likes ...

A) Eat.

B) Play.

B) When you are around.

5. The child rejoices when he sees ...

A) A bottle of milk.

B) Rattle.


Most of the answers are "A" - your kid is waiting for the future of a successful businessman, financier or top manager.

More answers "B" - the child will achieve a lot in creativity: he will become a singer, composer or writer.

And, finally, more answers "B" - he (she) will be the complete master of his destiny, but will only listen to mom and dad.

At parting, the guests once again wish the parents and the baby happiness and health.


Toasts for my son

For a beautiful son,

The long-awaited boy!

The striking look of cheerful eyes,

Not a child, but just a class!

Let the hero grow

Will bring a lot of happiness.

A little son appeared,

Joy and happiness of the light!

Mom's and Dad's joy,

A generous reward for patience.

May the boy grow up healthy

Laughs and plays merrily!

Toasts for daughter

What a charm your daughter is,

How much joy it brings!

Under the wing of the angel

May it grow happy

The most affectionate and modest

It will grow up in an hour,

It will be a great joy

And I will delight you!

With a long-awaited daughter,

Sweetheart, desired!

May she be happy herself

She will grow up

Every moment

Luck awaits her

There will be a wonderful life

Full of joy!

Toast to young parents

You are young parents

Young, daring,

We tried our best

And the child was purchased!

To make the baby grow up happy

Be patient, daddy,

Don't swear, don't shout

And teach him everything;

Well, mother, be ready:

Your life will go on a new one,

Give everything to the child

But don't let yourself go.

You will remember your duty -

A sense will come out of the child!

The script for the christening of the first child. Scenario "Kashi"

Vedas: Dear guests! Sit down to festive table yes closer to our treats!
The guest: All your dishes are good, but we don't see porridge here!
Porridge- everyone should eat her dish of antiquity.

1. Rite of passage "Babkina porridge":
Vedas: The young grandmother cooked with great joy for the appearance of her grandson (chka) with trepidation, care, tenderness and love, the most delicious "Babka's porridge". The right to the first spoon to bite off this porridge will be given to the one who puts the largest bill in the pot (the pot is placed in the center of the table).
Then the rest of the guests put the money: Well, try the porridge, and we will look at your money. Drink vodka, grab some gruel, and gild a plate!
Come on, guests, swoop in our porridge and sip!
How to eat this porridge - present our baby!
(Gives parents a pot of money):
"So that everyone has a bright road in your home and a lot of wealth!"

We finally waited for the first-born in the family!
The first son of mom and dad, the first grandson of grandfather and grandmother
The first great-grandson and nephew ... his birthday is a holiday!
A holiday for a huge family. We have been waiting for this day for a long time.
Everyone wondered: who will be born? A boy or a girl?
And which number? In the middle of the night or day?
What will be the weight and height, and the color of the eyes or hair?
And, of course, everyone was not joking about the name ...
The dictionaries were all rummaged, arguing from day to day.

(tell about the meaning and origin of the baby's name)

2. Charter for raising a baby:
1. The mother is obliged to establish a regular supply of the baby with fresh mother's milk, clean diapers and a good mood.
2. In response to maternal care, the child undertakes to grow and improve:
a) do not shout; b) fall asleep quickly; c) do not untie the diapers;
d) be a comprehensively conscientious infant.

3. In addition, the child takes on a counter-obligation:
a) learn to speak at 5 months; b) learn to walk at 6 months.
c) learn to eat independently with a spoon at 8 months.
So that the baby does not know diseases, he would never get sick
The sun, air and water are most useful for him!

3. Parting words to the parents of the baby:
Until recently, you were children: you are (name), son, and (name) -daughter
You lived under your parent's wing
You were cared for day and night.
Then you met, fell in love with each other
And we celebrated the wedding merrily
And in a new capacity you appeared before us:
You (name), received the title of a husband, (name) -the title of a wife.
Today is such a wonderful day
When your first son was born, you became: (name) -dad, and (name) -mother, so they call you today for the first time.
When my son grows up a little
And for the first time to his parents, he will say quietly "mom", "dad"
That day and hour will become the most dear to you.

4. Presentation of certificates to parents (godparents):
We want parents to be baked again
Today we present certificates
The fact that from now on it is proud and happy to wear the names "mom", "dad"!

So you became a daddy (name), God gave you a son!
Responsibly and holy this name is (god) dad!
So that your son was born, you did everything you could
Now your son needs your care.
Be at home more often, take time for your son
And (name) give your education according to the mind!
Take care of your title and wear it with pride!

(name) congratulations on becoming a (god) mom!
For the baby-son (kresnik) of his own and necessary one!
(For the fact that 9 months under my heart carried
For giving your son your life!)
Our Friendly family everyone thanks you!
And from now on you are the main person for your son!
The holy name "mother" is now yours forever!

5. Games and contests: (guests, godfathers, parents)
So that you can cope with new responsibilities
We invite you to study at the "School for a Young Family"!

For couples:
1) Auction of couples: name the accessories that are necessary for a baby under one year old ...
2) Pour milk into a bottle: dads hold a bottle, and mothers pour from a mug, everyone has the right to touch only their own object.

3) "For my beloved son, I am ready day and night ..." - put notes in balls: cook porridge, change diapers, wash sliders, take out a pot, carry in your arms, breastfeed, swing in a crib, get up at night, iron your vests, roll in a stroller, repair toys, buy soft toys ...

(they take turns bursting the ball with their booty with the words "For a beloved son of a point, I (we) are ready (s) both day and night + a note)

For dads:
4) As you know, a man appeared first on earth, and without departing from this historical reality, the word for the godfather, who is henceforth the second father. A real man must do three things in life: plant a tree and raise a son and build a house! So let's start turning the fairy tale into reality! I give each of the dads a bare branch of a tree, your task is to make them bear fruit! (because a branch and paper clips are issued - put bills on the tree. Who is bigger)

5) Everyone knows that one son is not a son, two sons are half a son, but three son-son! (Dads pick up a man from the guest's table and bring him to the specified place (3 people), who is faster; 1 is not a son, 2 is a son, 3 is a son!) In this competition you will experience the joy of giving birth to boys!

After the game: There was a family and they had ... many relatives ... many friends ... a house with three ... floors, three cows, a wild boar, a rooster and .... Three pigs, a cat, a dog and three .... Sons! (grab the prize for the phrase - "three sons")

6) How responsible do you feel about building a house?
Home is work, family, relatives, household, wealth! And in exactly three minutes you must build big house your dreams based on the means at hand: chairs, guests, friends. Whose house is higher, he is the winner like a real father.

For moms:
7) Mom is a miracle ... Mom is love, this is talent, this is good advice. If dad's educational speeches are an outpatient clinic, speaking in medical language, then mom's opinion is a hospital! And the Godmother for a child is, first of all, a nanny! Well, mothers, let's remember lullabies for children.

9) "Fabulous Assorted" - for mothers. As the saying goes “in a fairy tale there is a lie, before there is a hint in it.” (Further?) Learn from which fairy tale the phrase:
-Is the girl warm to you, is the beauty warm to you? (Morozko)
-Well, have eaten, now you can sleep ... (Thumbelina)
- I'll sit on a tree stump and eat a pie .. (Masha and the bear)
- A goat will return, knock on the door and sing ... (Wolf and 7 kids)
- I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather .. (Kolobok)
- -Grandma, and grandma, why do you have such big ears? (Little Red Riding Hood)

Dedication to grandparents:
We will dedicate you to grandparents now,
But first, we ask you to pass the test.
To complete tasks more often remember childhood
And, of course, try to help each other too.

1) Poster " Crying baby"- insert the pacifier into the mouth with closed eyes.
2) "Cool grandpa": cars (2 pcs.) In the back of a glass, wind a tape 2-4 meters, bringing the "transport" + "For the grandson!" Who quickly.
3) "Beloved grandfather": reading rhymes
Vedas: Grandmothers ... from their mouths grandchildren sometimes hear more affectionate words than from their parents. Dad and mom are either very young and do not know how to tell them to children, or are very busy. Or what grandmothers say when they caress them?

Game: "What will I call my grandson" - a kind word for every step. Who will go further?

Questions: "Grandma's School":
-What will you teach your grandson? -What is the use of lullabies? -Is it useful to swing the baby? - The grandson did a bad thing. His parents punished him. Grandma disagrees. But the grandson is here. What should grandmother do?

Vedas: You passed the test with dignity, no doubt
And, of course, we are now ready for initiation.
Please bend your knees and bow your heads low.
We cover you with a holy veil (diaper)
And we dedicate you to grandparents!
(touch the rattle to the left shoulder of everyone)

To consolidate these titles, holy water must be sprinkled
(sprinkle milk from a bottle with a nipple)
It's time to present you with the Order of the Saint (name of the baby) on a blue garter, which you deserve by passing the tests, completing all the tasks! (Hang a dummy head around your neck. Or roses.)
- Everything! The name "Grandfather" and "Grandmother" belongs to you forever!
But in the end, I would like to hear from you an oath to us.

Grandparents read the oath:
I swear to be an exemplary grandfather!
From work, quickly rush to the house where my granddaughter lives
Shopping march for milk, for baby porridge
I swear to do it without fail.

I swear to get up in the middle of the night and rock it cradle
And if you need to quickly change the pampero at any time.
I swear to him to wash the diapers and iron the undershirts
I swear to him to read fairy tales when he wants to play hide and seek.

He should do his homework so that he could study at five.
I swear then to provide money, so that I do not ask dad, mom.
Then I swear to save some money for a car
In general, from the first day to put him on the neck!

And if I break my oath, I’ll get tired, maybe I’ll crush
I never drink brandy and eat pineapples!
Do not drive in a Lexus car, do not go out in a mink coat
Do not travel the world and do not have a villa on the sea!
Do not sunbathe in Miami! I swear to fulfill my oath!
-All: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Vedas: Our evening has come to an end. I thank all the guests for participating in our party. I sincerely wish all grandmothers and grandfathers, parents and godfathers youthful soul, cheerful mood, mutual understanding, love of loved ones in the family and, of course, happiness!

you may be interested in:

Baptism is a holiday that happens only once in a lifetime. So, it needs to be done in such a way that it will be remembered and godfather of the child, and his parents, and other relatives.

In Greece and Georgia, Italy and France, lavish celebrations are organized on this occasion, to which many guests are invited. In Orthodoxy, it is not customary to organize noisy holidays with a large number of guests, because christening is a church holiday. However, this does not mean that it should be monotonous and boring.

How to have a christening of a child?

You can arrange a holiday at home, in a restaurant or cafe. Decorate the room where the celebration will take place: hang colorful garlands and Balloons... Usually, in this case, white, symbolizing innocence and purity, is combined with yellow or orange - the color of gold (golden cross). For a girl's christening, pink is suitable, for a boy's christening - blue.

To make the holiday interesting, think over in advance the scenario for celebrating the christening of the child. Include in the program funny Games and contests that will create a relaxed atmosphere and please the guests.

Think over the music and choose the appropriate compositions. These could be songs dedicated to the day birth, or songs, alterations, which are about christening.

How to celebrate the christening of a child - holiday scenario

The evening will begin with a speech by the host:
- Dear guests! Today we have gathered together to celebrate a joyful event - the christening of our dear (child's name).

Then the godparents and other guests will congratulate the baby and present him with gifts.

- While the hero of the occasion is very small, and we do not know how he will grow up. But we are confident that he will become a good, honest, happy and successful person. Let each of the guests write what exactly he wants to see the baby.

Guests are given felt-tip pens, and they list on a sheet of Whatman paper one good quality that a godson or goddaughter will have.

When planning how to hold a christening of a child, you can also include in the script congratulations on this holiday to his parents, godparents and other guests.

The host will read poems in honor of the baby's mother:
- Many gentle and affectionate words,
A sea of ​​good and fabulous dreams,
Congratulations, smiles, love
On the day of the christening of the baby, accept!

Live for a long time, do not hurt,
Never regret the past.
So that the eyes do not know the sadness,
Only a tear rolled down from happiness.

To make your house full of guests -
The closest ones, relatives and friends.
So that you come back in full
The love that I gave to the child!

Then the presenter will turn to the baby's godmother:
- To you, godmother, I want to wish:
More joy than care
More rest than work
More sun than bad weather
And great, great happiness!

The child's mother can also congratulate the godmother:
- I confess to you, godmother,
In love and respect!
Are firmly connected with you
We are the sacrament of baptism.
May the joy of my fate
And every moment
Will be warmed in the future
Your blessing!

Then, at the holiday celebrated on the occasion of the christening of the child, the host will hand over memos to the godparents.

The godmother / godfather is allowed to:

  • To love and protect the goddaughter / godson, like your own child.
  • To instruct and pray for the godson / goddaughter in Christ's faith.
  • Surround the godson / goddaughter with warmth and attention, without demanding anything in return.
  • Give gifts to the godson / goddaughter.

Godmother / Godfather is prohibited from:

  • Refuse to babysit.
  • Forgetting to wish him a happy birthday
  • Pamper your child with too expensive gifts or money.
  • Set a bad example for your child.

Games and contests at the celebration of the christening of the child

To have fun with your baby's christening, organize fun games and contests for guests. For the first competition, you will need two baskets. Toys are laid out on the floor. Contestants must move them and put them in baskets, and only one toy can be taken at a time.

A certain time is allocated for the task, at the end the number of collected toys is counted. The winner is the one with the most of them in the basket.

The godparents choose a team of 3-4 people for the Chocolate game. The godparents are given a large chocolate bar, which they must share and distribute to their team members, and they will need to eat the chocolate slices as quickly as possible. The team that eats the chocolate faster wins.

A script for celebrating a baby's christening may include creative tasks... The godmother, grandmother and other relatives of the child will take part in the song contest. They will need to sing a lullaby to the baby. The woman who performs the song better than others will be declared the winner.

Anyone can take part in the next competition. They will need to tell the child a story. The best storyteller will receive a prize. Or you can hold a similar competition, in which only the godmother and Godfather... One of them will come up with the beginning of the tale, the other will continue it, etc. The one whose plot turns out to be more original will be declared the winner.

What else to arrange for the christening of a child to celebrate the holiday interestingly? On this holiday, you can hold an auction using baby's things as lots. This can be, for example, his first feeding bottle, the first sliders, etc. The host will give the funds collected during the auction to the parents of the baby.

When planning how to hold a christening of a child, do not forget that if there are children at the party, you need to make sure that they also have something to do. You can prepare board games for them, coloring books (preferably on a Christian theme), pencils and felt-tip pens. You can organize outdoor games for children.

What to cook for a child's christening holiday

Also consider a holiday menu. According to the old Russian tradition, porridge with milk, butter and sugar is prepared for christening. You can play up the serving of this dish in the scenario of the holiday in honor of the christening of the child.

First, baptismal porridge, which is carried out in a large pot, is treated to the baby's mother, then to the father. Horseradish, mustard and pepper are added to a portion of porridge for him (so that he feels on himself what it means to experience the hardships of childbirth).

Also, a lot of sweets are served on the table on this day, so that the child's life in the future is sweet. You can order for the holiday a cake in the shape of a cross or a baptismal shirt, with figurines of angels, some kind of congratulatory inscription and other decorative elements.

We hope that our ideas on how to celebrate the christening of a child will be useful to you, and your holiday will be interesting and bright.

Meaning of girls' names:

Alexandra (from the ancient Greek "protector").

Alina (from Latin "other").

Alla (from the ancient Greek "noble").

Anastasia (from the ancient Greek "return").

Angela (from Latin "angelic").

Anna (from the Hebrew "grace").

Valentina (from Latin "healthy").

Vera (from the Old Church Slavonic "faith").

Veronica (from the ancient Greek "victorious").

Victoria (from Latin for "victory").

Galina (from the ancient Greek "calm").

Diana (name of the ancient Roman goddess of the hunt).

Dina (from the ancient Greek "strength").

Eugene (from the ancient Greek "human").

Catherine (from the ancient Greek "pure, immaculate").

Elena (from the ancient Greek "solar").

Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "God's help").

Zinaida (from the ancient Greek "from the kind of Zeus").

Zoe (from the ancient Greek "life").

Inna (from the Old Church Slavonic "stormy stream").

Irina (from the ancient Greek "peace, calm").

Karina (from Latin "looking forward").

Cyrus (from the ancient Greek "lady").

Christina (from the ancient Greek "Christian").

Xenia (from Latin "hospitable").

Larissa (from the ancient Greek "pleasant").

Lily (from Latin for "white flower").

Lydia (from the ancient Greek "rich").

Lyudmila (from the Old Slavonic "dear to people").

Love (from the Old Church Slavonic "love").

Maya (from the ancient Greek "goddess of spring").

Margarita (from the Latin for "pearl").

Marina (from the Latin for "sea").

Maria (from the ancient Greek "lady").

Hope (from Old Church Slavonic "hope").

Natalia (from Latin "native").

Nina (a name that comes from the Georgian language).

Olga (from the Scandinavian "saint")

Pauline (from the ancient Greek "worshiping Apollo").

Raisa (from the ancient Greek "submissive").

Rimma (from the Hebrew "apple").

Rose (from the English "rose").

Svetlana (from Old Slavonic "light").

Snezhana (from the Slavic "snow").

Sophia (from the ancient Greek "wisdom").

Tamara (from the Hebrew "fig tree").

Tatiana (from the ancient Greek "organizer").

Ulyana (from the Latin "from the Julian clan").

Elvira (from the ancient Greek "protection").

Emma (from the ancient Greek "affectionate").

Julia (from the Roman name Julius).

Yana (from the Slavic "God bestowed").

Meanings of boys' names:

Alexander (from the ancient Greek "defender of people").

Alexey (from the ancient Greek "helper").

Anatoly (from the ancient Greek "ascending").

Andrew (from ancient Greek "courageous")

Anton (from Latin "competing").

Arkady (from the ancient Greek Arcadia - "happy country").

Artem (from the ancient Greek "unharmed").

Boris (from the Old Church Slavonic "struggling").

Vadim (from the Old Church Slavonic "attractive").

Valentine (from Latin "strong").

Valery (from the Roman "strong, vigorous").

Basil (from the ancient Greek "regal").

Victor (from the Latin for "winner").

Vitaly (from Lat. "Vital").

Vladimir (from the Old Church Slavonic "owning the world").

Vyacheslav (from the Old Russian "great glory").

Gennady (from the ancient Greek "noble origin").

George (from the ancient Greek "farmer").

Danila (from the ancient Greek "God is the judge").

Dmitry (from the ancient Greek "fruit of the earth").

Eugene (from the ancient Greek "human").

Ivan (from the ancient Greek "God's grace").

Igor (from the Scandinavian "thrifty").

Ilya (from the Hebrew "fortress of the Lord").

Cyril (from the ancient Greek "lord").

Constantine (from Latin "permanent").

Leo (from the ancient Greek "lion").

Leonidas (from the ancient Greek "like a lion").

Maxim (from the Latin "great").

Michael (from Hebrew "like god").

Nikolay (from the ancient Greek "victory of the people").

Oleg (from the Scandinavian "saint").

Paul (from Latin "small").

Peter (from the ancient Greek "stone").

Roman (from Latin "Roman").

Sergei (from the Roman "highly esteemed").

Stanislav (from Old Church Slavonic "to become glorious").

Stepan (from the ancient Greek "crown").

Fedor (from the ancient Greek "God's gift").

Philip (from the ancient Greek "horse-savvy").

Edward (from the ancient Greek "keeper of wealth").

Yuri (from the Old Church Slavonic "creator").

Jacob (from the Hebrew "following on the heels").

Godmother: There is one wise phrase: "Don't be afraid that your children will grow up smarter than you." Let's wish happy young parents that their baby takes all the best from them and grows even smarter and more beautiful than them! Do you know, dear parents, that scientists have invented a test that allows you to predict what a child will become in the future?

Comic test "Who to be?"

1. You believed that children ...

A) Found in cabbage.

B) The stork brings.

B) Your own version.

2. The name of the baby was chosen ...

A) From smart books.

B) The first one that comes across.

B) Your own version.

3. The baby is sleeping ...

A) Calm and a lot.

B) Waking up often and asking for food.

B) Your own version.

4. Most of all he (she) likes ...

A) Eat.

B) Play.

B) When you are around.

5. The child rejoices when he sees ...

A) A bottle of milk.

B) Rattle.


Most of the answers are "A" - your kid is waiting for the future of a successful businessman, financier or top manager.

More answers "B" - the child will achieve a lot in creativity: he will become a singer, composer or writer.

And, finally, more answers "B" - he (she) will be the complete master of his destiny, but will only listen to mom and dad.

At parting, the guests once again wish the parents and the baby happiness and health.

Read also Scenario for celebrating the New House Cooking cabbage soup and borscht after the birthday party Scenario for celebrating March 8 for adults

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After the church celebration, all guests gather for a festive dinner. The baby's parents once again greet the audience.


Dear guests! Today we are going to the christening of our daughter. For us, her parents, this is a great festive event. Therefore, we have invited you to share our joy.

For the holy angel

Today is a magical day

Baby slowly

Already entered the Blessed Temple.

Having passed the rite of this sacrament

And joining the faith,

From now on, the daughter is the Lord's child

And a Christian in full measure.

In awe

And even pleasure

I raise a toast to my daughter

And for her baptism!

The guests raise their glasses and join the toast.


People say: "If God kisses a newborn on the forehead, he becomes a famous philosopher, if on the lips - a famous orator, on the legs - a famous dancer, in the hands - a jack of all trades." May God not go around with his kisses our goddaughter and show her special attention! Let's raise our glasses for this!

The guests are supporting a toast.


Dear guests! Today her godmother vouched for our daughter before God. From now on, she is like Native sister, and for the baby - the second mother.


We congratulate you,

Only good on this day

We wish you!

Stand behind the goddaughter

In life as a mountain

Take a place

Mom's second!

The godmother and mother's mother stand to the applause of the guests on both sides of the baby.


We have a common daughter

With you, godfather,

Hearts close in spirit

One caretaker!

Take as a sign of twinning

In a solemn moment

And a little present.

To the applause of the guests, the baby's mother presents the godmother with three souvenir angels and a memento.


Let in your life, godfather, there are three names, three guardian angels: Faith, Hope, Love. Follow them and God grant you happiness!

All our congratulations

We made a bouquet.

Hope it's better

No godmother for my daughter!

Presenting a bouquet to the godmother.


Erecting praise

Blessed Temple,

I propose a toast

For the godmother!

Guests raise a toast.


Dear guests! The sacred books say that, expressing reverence for the newborn Christ, the Magi who came to Bethlehem brought with them gold, incense and myrrh.

Today I also would not like to leave my goddaughter unattended, and I am pleased to present this golden gift to her. I hope it will bring happiness to the baby!

Presentation of a gift.


I suggest everyone, friends,

Without exception

Continue at the table

All our congratulations.

Do not sunbathe in Miami! I swear to fulfill my oath!

All: I swear! I swear! I swear!

Veda: Our evening has come to an end. I thank all the guests for participating in our party. I sincerely wish all grandmothers and grandfathers, parents and godfathers youthful soul, cheerful mood, mutual understanding, in a family close and, of course, happiness!

Home christening script (page 1):

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Christening parties. Sharing ideas.

Thank you all and please don’t be offended, I’m just a beginner toastmaster.
Christening program (script)
1. Prepare diplomas for godparents
Hidden Society of Review
family ties and family relations
from 21.10.2006 to assign ____________ an honorary title
"THE GODMOM" / "The Godfather"
Godmother is allowed:
1. To love and protect the goddaughter, like your own daughter
2. To give her warmth and care, without demanding the same in return
3. Give gifts in small and large quantities
Godmother is prohibited from:
1. Refuse to nurse the goddaughter;
2. Forgetting your birthday, as well as other holidays;
3. Wait back the money that your goddaughter will borrow from you.
REMINDER for the godmother / godfather
1 - the voice of a screaming child is three times louder than the voice of three adults
2 - everything that is stored in an inaccessible place gets out in 28 seconds
3 - lipstick tastes good, and the brighter, the tastier
4 - a tube of toothpaste is enough for painting half a wall and a door
5 - rinsing in the washing machine makes the hamster sick
6 - an umbrella can never replace a parachute
7 - the most important documents rip the fastest
8 - stomach can hold 3 huge servings of ice cream, but never - 1 small bowl of soup
9 - superglue really glues everything
10 - the fire department arrives in 10 minutes
11- cleaning toys in the room is equivalent to an hour's work in a fitness studio
12- dressing the child for a walk is equivalent to 10 minutes of staying in the sauna
2. Diplomas for grandparents
Expressed to granny ______
and grandpa _________
In honor of the celebration of Epiphany and on the eve of the first Jubilee _________.
For support, responsiveness, kindness and understanding.
Per Active participation in raising a child: for regular walking, bathing, food, education.
For filling up the granddaughter with toys, clothes and goodies.
For the systematic pampering of the child.
Over the weekend of the parents.
With assignment to grandmother honorary title"World grandmother" and grandfather - "Mustache nanny".
Basically, everything is carried out with the newly-made godparents, thus consecrating them as godmother and dad.
1. "Favorite fairy tale" - the godparents had to take turns to name the fairy tales that they would tell the baby (toddler). The winner is the one who names the most (since the godparents themselves are young, the whole audience can usually take part in the title of fairy tales)
2. "Collect toys" - toys were laid out on the floor. The booths had to bring them one at a time to their chair and place them neatly.
3. Team game "Who most likely eats a chocolate bar". One chocolate bar for each team. It is necessary to bite off on a piece, but so that would be enough for everyone and the last piece went to the last in the team.
Staging of the tale "Turnip"
Congratulations from all the guests.
Take a large piece of wallpaper. In the middle, draw a sun and glue a photo of the baby. Draw small flowers, butterflies, angels around and leave a place for guests. Each guest can circle their hand and write in it for the baby.
The baptism of a child is one of the most exciting ceremonies in the life of a child and his parents. This is the first touch of the sacred. For a little man, baptism is the beginning of spiritual life. If you have been asked to become a godfather or godmother to a child, this is great, but only if you realize the full responsibility that you will bear for your godson. The duty of godparents is spiritual education, support and help throughout life. If you have never taken part in a baptismal ceremony, then you will surely ask yourself the questions "What to do", "How to behave" and "What to give for christenings". It is important to know some church features and traditions here.
According to church custom, the godmother buys a kryzhma or "garment". This is a special fabric, or just a towel, in which the child is wrapped when taken out of the font. In addition, the godmother gives a christening gown and a cap with lace and ribbons (for a boy - with blue ones, for girls - with pink ones, respectively). The baptismal gown is kept for life. The towel, according to custom, is not washed after the baptism of the child, but is used if the child is sick. Ready-made baptismal kits are on sale, but it will be much better if you sew or knit a shirt with your own hands. Once there was an old custom to pass on the baptismal dress by inheritance, but now it is a rarity. The godfather, again according to custom, buys a baptismal cross and a chain. Some believe that the cross and the chain should be gold, some - silver, while others are of the opinion that small children should wear a cross on a ribbon or string. By the way, the godfather pays for the baptism ceremony and sets the table. Do not overlook this, it may be inconvenient for parents to tell you about it :-)
Another traditional custom is to give a silver spoon for christening, this was called a "by the tooth" gift. That is, you give the child's first spoonful, with which he will be fed when that time comes. It can be engraved with Christian symbols or the name of the child.
An interesting and, of course, spiritual gift for the baptism of a child in the old days was a measured icon, the Patroness of the baby. Such an icon was painted on a special board in the size of a child. Often she was placed by the child's bed, so he spiritually communicated with his Patron from childhood. It is also customary to give children's Bibles, the Gospel, spiritual books.
Now let's talk about the so-called "optional" baptismal gifts. For girl, good gift christening may be a piece of jewelry that she will wear as she grows up. Wonderful gift can be soft toy with a personal wish. This gift in an exclusive gift wrapping will become your favorite toy for many years to come.
Quite often, for christening, parents are given a kind of "suitcase" with clothes for the baby. You can give beautiful children's suits or dresses and embroider something special on it. Or give a nice, tactile bedding.
Most importantly, remember that this is not just a holiday, the baptism of a child is a serious event, which of course will give everyone a bright and joyful mood! And when going to the christening, take with you not only a gift, but also a special mood of the soul.
Congratulations in verse, wishes
Congratulations on the christening
The baptism of Jesus Christ on the Jordan River marked the beginning of the church sacrament of baptism - the sacrament of accepting a baptized person into a church society. When performing the sacrament of baptism, several rituals are used, each of which has a symbolic spiritual meaning:
- the conversion of the baptized to the west (place of darkness) to renounce Satan, who is spiritual darkness;
- anointing a baby with oil before immersion in water (font) for invincibility in the fight against Satan;
- immersion in water, in which the Holy Spirit secretly descends on the baptized person and cleanses from sins;
- dressing in white clothes and the laying on of the cross on the chest - this means that the baptized person has been cleansed from sins and must lead a pure life and constantly remember the cross - a symbol of salvation;
- walking around the font is a symbol of eternity;
- cutting hair - the surrender of the newly baptized to the will of God.
Together with the sacrament of baptism, the sacrament of chrismation is performed, during which the priest uses a brush to depict crosses on the forehead, eyes, ears, nostrils, chest, arms and legs with sacred oranges (fragrant oil) to sanctify all his feelings, deeds and all behavior.
The sacrament of baptism ends with the rite of churching - the priest takes the baby in his arms, just as the holy righteous Simeon took the Savior.
Traditionally, the child was baptized and given a name according to the calendar on the eighth day, and if the child is weak, then immediately after birth so that he does not die unbaptized, while the parents ask one of the relatives or close friends to be the godparents of the child.
There is a sign that if the shirt in which the first child is baptized is then put on in turn on all subsequent children, they will all love each other.
A home holiday, a festive dinner on the day of the sacrament of baptism is called christening. On this day, only the closest came before and Dear people to visit the baby and parents. Only married women with children were allowed to visit a newborn. Nowadays, not only relatives, family friends, but also workmates come to christenings.
For christenings, they usually bring expensive gifts and a lot of treats to free the still fragile hostess from unnecessary worries and worries associated with preparing the table.
Among our ancestors, the first and main figure at the christening was the grandmother, or the midwife (midwife, receiver), who took delivery, on whom the successful outcome, the birth of a healthy baby and the state of health of the mother depended to a large extent.
The son is a message from the gods,
May he be healthy
Let him grow smart, strong,
Learns for good deeds,
Support for parents,
So the Lord commanded us!
Your daughter is your beautiful flower,
A warm, gentle breeze.
What God has brought you for happiness,
Everything is in his love and power.
Let the "flower" grow beautiful,
Kind, smart, gentle, sweet.
Gemini is a miracle and happiness.
Two destinies were born in one day.
In half all the successes, bad weather ...
Angels rush up,
To add hymns, chants.
Gemini is a sign of God ...

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