Eyeshadow: how to create the perfect look? Choosing an eyeshadow - which is perfect for you Eye shadow selection

Eye make-up is a separate and rather voluminous section in the encyclopedia dedicated to the art of make-up. All nuances are taken into account - the color, shape and size of the eyes, the type of makeup and the effect that needs to be produced. The right eye shadow will add incredible depth to your look. and a precious frame that every woman deserves.

How to match eye shadow

Always in eye makeup combines the latest trends in the beauty industry and general rules followed by top makeup artists. The technique of applying shadows, accents and fashionable shades change from season to season, but the rules of shading and a sense of proportion are considered unshakable.

This season versatile and appropriate for all eyes are the shades:

  • beige;
  • golden;
  • peach;
  • olive;
  • lavender.

What to start from when choosing shadows

For an evening out you can use the same colors, but only in a richer palette. And beige shadows save you in any situation.

When choosing a shade of eyeshadow there are two options:

  • selection of a shade that complements your natural color eye;
  • Choice of a monochrome shade that matches your eye color.

What shadows are suitable for what eyes

What shadows are suitable for green eyes

Such wondrous eyes are also called mermaids. Their owners do their best to emphasize the color of the eyes, therefore they choose green shades in their eye makeup. But there are other colors that can be used to enhance the beauty of green eyes.

  • As complementary shades use amethyst, pastel pink and light chocolate.
  • Basic makeup allows you to use eyeshadow with pink pigment, which helps the eyes to sparkle even brighter. It is acceptable to use any shades of green as monochrome shadows, but without splashes of yellow pigment.
  • Much depends on hair color- how lighter hair, the lighter the makeup should be.
  • What not to do so is to use shadows that are lighter than your eyes. So they will seem expressionless.

What shadows are suitable for blue eyes

Correct makeup blue eyes must emphasize the amazing attractiveness that nature has awarded the girl, since people with such eyes are real lucky ones and darlings of fate.

  • Complementary shades for cornflower blue eyes are beige-flesh, honey, lavender and golden shades.
  • As monochrome you should use the dark blue, rich cobalt and silver-gray shades of the palette. You should only exclude those shades of blue that exactly repeat the color of your eyes, so they will be completely inexpressive.
  • Makeup in the style of "smoky eyes" should be done in shades of brown and gray.
  • Shadows for blue eyes should contrast with eyeliner.
  • What not to do- use green or rusty-brown shadows, with them your eyes will take on a tired look, and the whites of the eyes will turn noticeably pink.
  • Girls with cornflower blue eyes are often endowed with light eyebrows. For a perfect and complete make-up special attention should be paid to the design of the eyebrows using special.

What color of eyeshadow suits brown eyes

Brown-eyed girls not only have extremely expressive and bright eyes, but also practically unlimited in the choice of means and colors for eye makeup. Therefore, the answer to the question, which shades of colors are suitable for brown eyes, will be - any colors and shades.

  • Exactly brown-eyed girls rich and contrasting makeup is most suitable"Smoky eyes" with black eyeliner and brown shadows with lots of sparkles.
  • As complementary shades Choose from purple, rich olive and vibrant blues, as well as fancy fuchsia shades. But in monochrome, shades of lavender, golden brown and beige are suitable. Brown and dark eyes are so expressive that the shadows should shade them and add additional depth.
  • With a light purple makeup eye color becomes warmer and more contrasting... For day makeup the whole gamut will do Brown color in shades of cinnamon, oak and dark chocolate. But the gamut of shadows should be several shades lighter than the color of your eyes.
  • Things to Avoid so these are peach and pink eyeshadows.

What shadows are suitable for gray-blue and gray-green eyes

So wonderful light eyes often called "witchcraft" because they can change the shade at the request of the hostess, who has chosen one or another shade of eyeshadow or clothing. Therefore, depending on the wishes of the girl, you can determine which shadow color suits gray, green or blue eyes and choose the one that you want to enhance.

  • To create makeup it is appropriate to use the entire palette of browns, as well as shades in silver, blue or gray-brown tones. For an evening out, a rich purple or turquoise shade with a metallic effect is suitable.
  • But excess makeup can overwhelm even the most wondrous eyes.
  • Simultaneous use of green and blue is unacceptable in makeup. It is also necessary to carefully use the palette of pink shades.

Green-brown eyes also called nut or marsh and very few are fortunate enough to have them. The girls are well aware of their advantage, they are proud and in every possible way emphasize such an unusual and mysterious eye color. In addition, in the iris there may be blotches of different shades, which gives the eyes a mystery.

  • To highlight the green pigment, use coffee and chocolate shades, to enhance brown - gold, copper or bronze.
  • Evening version in shades of plum, lilac or purple color will tell about you as a brave girl going to experiments.
  • What is not worth practicing is using eyeshadows brighter than your eye color, as well as glitter. AND don't buy a palette blue shades , it will definitely not be useful to you.
  • Eye makeup is not complete without eyebrow shaping. , experienced makeup artists will explain and add new tips to the story.

How do you match the eye shadow color? Perhaps you've already picked your perfect shade? Write your comments, we will be grateful.

For every woman, shadows have always been and will be a special tool that allows you to create a suitable image and emphasize the expressiveness of the eyes. But when choosing cosmetics, it is worth considering not only its quality, but also the type, combination with eye color and the expected effect.

How to tell the difference between quality eyeshadow

Products good quality it has a rich color, uniform texture and durability. When choosing shadows, first of all, they pay attention to the service life. A case with dry eyeshadows should not be strewn with small particles, and liquid or creamy ones should have a uniform consistency. To test firmness, you need to apply a line of shadows to the back of your hand or wrist. You should not buy cosmetics of dubious quality, especially where storage conditions are not respected.

Dry eyeshadow

Dry eyeshadow comes in a very wide range of matte and glossy shades and is easy to apply but requires a moisturizing base. There are compact and crumbly. Compact shadows can be called classics, they are familiar to every woman. Loose powder is matte, pearlescent and translucent.

Liquid, creamy, or hard eyeshadow

Liquid shadows Available in small bottles or tubes, they are applied with an applicator or brush and require practice. Cream eyeshadow not only hold well, but also moisturize the skin of the eyelids. They are recommended for women who wear lenses. On oily skin they can roll off at the corners of the eyes. Shadow pencil- thick and concentrated, they require skill in application and shading. Shadow mousse due to its texture, they perfectly tolerate heat, do not roll into lumps, after application, you need to wait a while for them to dry.

Matte or pearlescent

Matte eyeshadows are great for daytime make-up, they are also used as intermediate tones, for complex multi-layered or "smoky" make-up. Shimmering shadows are usually not applied to the entire eyelid, but only to certain areas. This is enough to refresh and accentuate the eyes. These shadows are not recommended for women of age, as they focus on wrinkles.

Choosing eyeshadows to match your eye color

The choice of shade of eyeshadow is fundamental. And his main task is to focus on the eyes, and not only on the colors of the makeup around them:

  • For brown eyes most colors will work, but shades of brown, purple, purple, gray and green are considered the most suitable. It is recommended to avoid only tones that are too pale or light, because of which the eyes will look tired.
  • Shadows for blue eyes should not be contrasting: yellow, copper or green, against their background the blue iris will look dull and expressionless. Burgundy and blue are also undesirable. Shades of gray, brown, lilac look good.
  • Green eyes colors that are more saturated and bright than the iris are contraindicated. Discreet shades of brown, gold, marsh, sometimes even black will do. The outline is always made dark.
  • Owners gray eyes you can experiment with any colors and shades, except cold pink, with which the eyes will look sore and tear-stained.

Correctly selected shadows are not yet a guarantee of excellent make-up, you need to be able to apply them correctly, otherwise even the most expensive and high-quality products may look unprofitable.

Every person is unique. Even twins have certain, not always even noticeable to the eye, distinctive features in their appearance. Eyes gray It is considered to be universal, because they are suitable for both blondes and brunettes, swarthy young ladies and girls with pale skin.

In nature, there is no "pure" shade of gray eyes. Often, the iris is characterized by bluish or green blotches. Probably, most of the owners of gray eyes have more than once heard a comparison with a chameleon. Indeed, depending on the color of the clothes, the style of makeup and the tone of the shadows, the shade of the cornea can change.

Shadow for gray eyes is an optional makeup element, but thanks to them you can completely transform and radically change your appearance.

What colors are suitable?

Grey eyes often have a second name - chameleons. Pay attention to the shade of the iris near the water - the eyes turn gray-blue. And when the sun is bright, they can transform into sky blue. If, for example, you choose a wardrobe for an image in rich tones of green, you will notice how gray eyes will turn gray-green or even with an emerald tint.

Another advantage of the owners of gray eyes is that they do not need to use shadows in their makeup in order to achieve a more spectacular look. It is enough to make an eyeliner along the contour of the upper and partially lower eyelids. However, if you want to make your eyes more attractive and expressive, give preference to a palette of beige, sandy and dusty white shades of shadows. Makeup using lilac and purple colors will look harmonious.

But deep pink and dark brown tones are undesirable for the fair sex with gray eyes. By themselves, these colors are very beautiful and with the right makeup can look spectacular on gray-eyed young ladies. But makeup using brick pink and warm dark brown tones is best left to the hands of professional makeup artists.

The fashion trends of the last few seasons are the shades of bronze, silver and pearlescent tones. Most often they are used to create a stylish evening look.

How to choose cosmetics?

All girls and women use decorative cosmetics, but, unfortunately, not all of them are familiar with the rules that should be followed when choosing eye shadows. First of all, there is no need to buy cheap cosmetic products from unknown companies. Despite the inflated cost, it is better to overpay and buy quality product one of the famous brands.

It is also important to pay attention to the expiration date, because expired cosmetics do not fit well, roll down, have an uneven tone, etc. However, this is not such a problem in comparison with the fact that expired goods often negatively affect the human body. In order to avoid health problems, do not forget to look at the expiration date of the purchased product. Component composition is another equally important criterion for choosing decorative cosmetics. This issue is especially important for those people who have a predisposition to allergic reactions.

When choosing an eyeshadow, you should pay attention to the texture of the cosmetic product.


The compatibility of decorative cosmetics with the color type of appearance is the main criterion for correct makeup. Several rules for choosing eyeshadows in accordance with hair color:

  • For brunettes with light skin and eyes of a heavenly shade, cosmetics of gray and blue tones are recommended; calm tones are suitable for such representatives of the female half of humanity. For dark girls with dark skin and dark eyes, almost all shades of green or shadows, the colors of which match the color of the eyes, are suitable.

  • For green-eyed either brown-eyed blondes with a honey skin tone, the best choice would be shades of brown or green. But blue-eyed fair-skinned young ladies are recommended a palette in gray and blue tones.

  • For dark-skinned brown-haired women with dark eyes, black, dark gray and dark brown shades are suitable. For light brown hair and light skin tone, make-up artists advise to select shadows that are identical to the color of the iris of the eyes.

  • For red hair, blue eyes and pale transparent skin, shades of the green and blue palette will be characteristic. But the suitable color scheme for red-haired beauties with hazel or green eyes consists of golden and all shades of green.


When choosing cosmetics girls try to focus not only on the color of their hair, but also on the shade and features of the skin. In order not to miscalculate with the tone of the shadows, the following recommendations will come to the rescue:

  • For skin prone to rashes and redness, shadows are not suitable, which further emphasize problem areas. These are all shades of light pink, red, red-purple and green.

  • If the skin is naturally yellow, then purple, orange and yellow shadows should not be present in the cosmetic bag.

  • Owners of transparent pale or bluish skin need to exclude shades of orange and blue, as they can visually emphasize pallor or blueness.
  • For girls with dark skin, makeup artists are advised to look at caramel, vanilla, beige and golden tones eye shadow.

  • A "warm" skin tone excludes the use of pinks and purples.
  • To emphasize the natural beauty, girls with a "cold" type of skin are suitable for brown, beige and pale pink shades.
  • Light green and pale purple shadows look harmonious with fair skin.

How to paint beautifully?

Depending on the type of makeup (day, evening, everyday, according to the image, etc.), the technique of applying shadows can be very diverse. They can be applied as independent decorative cosmetics or used as a second layer, painted with one color or combined in several tones. However, there is a so-called classic method that can be taken as the basis for any makeup.

Step by step guide

  1. The first layer is the application of a base to level the surface of the upper movable eyelid, correct it and eliminate greasy shine. BB cream can be used as a base, tone cream dense texture, loose powder, soft beige shadows.
  2. Using a brush on a soft base or a sponge, shadows are applied in the region of the cavity of the upper eyelid. After shading, a light haze effect is created.
  3. The next step is to start shading the middle of the upper eyelid. It can be shades of light pearlescent shades, harmoniously combined with the color of the skin and hair, as well as suitable for a certain color type of appearance.
  4. For the inner corners of the eyes, it is better to give preference to highlighters or shadows of a very light tone.
  5. Shadows of a dark tone are applied to the outer corner of the upper eyelid and the area under the lower eyelid. For classic eye makeup, three shades of color close to each other are used (lightened, neutral or basic, the darkest).
  6. When applying shadows in different shades, remember to blend the blending lines, softening the stark contrast.
  7. Thin eyeliner in the form of a contour is carried out along the lash line, thereby helping to make the eyes more expressive.
  8. And the final stage is to apply mascara to the eyelashes.


An effective and attractive image is obtained as a result of the correct selection of decorative cosmetics and the stage-by-stage implementation of makeup. According to the opinions of makeup stylists, when choosing eye shadows, you can be guided by the following scheme:

  • gray-blue eyes - pastel and heavenly shades, silver-blue, dark blue, khaki, pale pink-brown, mother-of-pearl and others;
  • gray-green eyes - bluish, deep gray, copper, terracotta, white, lemon, plum, lilac, a combination of green and purple, etc.;
  • gray-brown eyes - dark gray, light brown, beige, sandy, milky, ocher, olive, light and dark shades green and others.

Gray eyes will become more expressive if you contour and paint your eyelashes. Depending on the type of make-up (daytime or evening), the gray-eyed beauties' cosmetic bag should contain eyeliner and mascara of universal black, dark gray, deep blue colors. Be careful with brown arrows. Instead of a beautiful and stylish make-up, the effect of tear-stained eyes is obtained at the finish.

The first thing that catches the attention of a man is the woman's eyes against the background of flawless skin. It is in our power to optimally show the beauty of our own eyes, we just need to arm ourselves.

But in the multicolored sea of ​​shadows, eyeliners, mascaras, numerous pitfalls lie in wait for us. We will talk about how to choose the right eye shadow color.

Misses in the choice of shadows

"Do you think a man likes to look a woman in the eye and see the reflection of the British Museum's reading room there?" - we will answer with the words of the ironic writer Muriel Spark, we will study some of the errors and - how to choose the color of the eyeshadows.

Misconception # 1: we want what we like

How to choose eye shadow

What we like doesn't always suit us. Many girls choose and use shadows of their favorite shade, to match their eyes, clothes,. Fight yourself! Even the most pleasant shade for your soul, if it does not suit your eyes, can make them dull, expressionless and even reduce in size.

Misconception # 2: I will paint my eyes the same color as my clothes today.

How to choose an eye shadow color? When applying shadows, you do not need to take into account the overall color range in clothes. But it is also not worth bringing in a sharp dissonance. Evening Dress with a leopard print and blue eye shadows look just ridiculous, even if it is the ideal eye shadow color according to the selection criteria, c. Everything needs a middle ground.

Misconception # 3: I love shiny things.

And in everything, in the shadows too. If there is mother-of-pearl in the world, the question of how to choose the color of the shadows is not worth it at all for lovers of shine. Remember - shiny shadows are suitable (and even then not always) only for very young girls. An excess of nacre just magnetically attracts the eyes of strangers to

If you are unable to give up shiny eyeshadows, then use them in dots, in certain places (for example, at the inner corner of the eye or under the eyebrows - this refreshes and opens the eye).

Misconception # 4: fashion is my style.

Even if on all the catwalks of the world there will be models with green shadows against the background of pale skin, this is not a reason to use this shade exclusively. That which favorably emphasizes the beauty of some will simply destroy your beauty. Don't let fashion rule you, you are your own boss and it is up to you to decide how to choose an eye shadow color and what is best for your skin.

Choosing the right eye shadow color

Color circle

Or spectral. It is a basic foundation for makeup artists and designers. True harmony does not come from just one or two colors. A combination of additional shades is required (these are the colors that are located opposite each other in the layout of the circle). For example:

  • Purple - yellow
  • Blue - orange
  • Green - red
  • Blue-violet - orange-yellow
  • Violet red - yellow green
  • Orange-red - blue-green, etc.

How to choose an eye shadow color? To find a harmonious color range, an isosceles triangle is drawn in the center of the circle. Contrasting colors that are at the top of the corners are the most optimal in this case. To expand the palette, schemes with a square and a rectangle are also used. With the help of such a circle, you can make the choice of eyeshadows by eye color pleasant and interesting (do not forget to take into account your skin tone).

Variations on the theme of color

Dark brown eyes (black)

Light brown and honey eyes

Kare-green eyes

Green eyes

Hazel eyes

Blue eyes

Grey-blue eyes

Grey eyes

How to choose an eye shadow color?

Each color has its own secret, it affects the overall composition of the image in different ways, including hair color and facial skin. How to choose the most effective eye shadow shade.

  • Black. The most "pressing", it dominates over all other colors and gives the eyes a special, unforgettable expressiveness. And it can also reduce the part of the century on which it lies. If you get carried away with the black tone, then add yourself a few extra years.
  • Brown. Mutes too bright shades, gives the look depth and mystery, sets off the skin of the face.
  • Purple. If your eyes are deeply set and have dark circles under them - forget about this shade. In this case, you will get even greater fatigue and dullness, emphasizing all the imperfections of the facial skin.
  • Blue. In its pure, pristine form, blue gives coldness and inflexibility to the gaze. For a warmer and deeper look, use tints of blue (gray-blue, green-blue, etc.).
  • Green. Has the same ability to cool the eyes as blue. It is also best used with shades (green-yellow, green-brown, etc.)
  • Yellow. Able to lighten the original eye color.
  • Gold. This magical shade can make your eyes sparkle. But treat it with caution. If there is too much gold on the eyelids, then the look will go out. You should not use this tone if your skin is tired, fading - gold will mercilessly emphasize all the wrinkles.
  • Pink. It gives the look a clear glow.
  • Beige. It can perfectly highlight the eyes, make them lighter and soften too bright shades.
  • Gray. Makes the look velvety and soft. Soothes and mutes bold, evocative colors. But you should not use it for older women, otherwise your eyes will look dull.
  • White. Brings clarity and purity into the eye. But only if there is not much of this color, the excess of white, on the contrary, will give you an unnatural, repulsive look.

The ability to choose the right shade of eyeshadow by eye color for a fashionable, modern woman is not only an indicator of what she owns. It is science to be able to use different images depending on the situation.

“This is how men are arranged: they can resist the smartest arguments and not resist one single glance,” said Honore de Balzac. Any girl who is fluent in the technique of eye make-up and facial skin care will also own men.