Throw a house party for halloween ideas. How to celebrate Halloween: history of the holiday, traditions and celebration ideas. Greeted by clothes

On the night from October 31 to November 1, all sorts of evil appears on the streets of cities and villages in many countries of the world. These are creepy ghouls and ghouls, terrible zombies and the evil dead, mysterious vampires and werewolves, charming witches, funny imps and charming devils. Where did so much evil spirit come from that night? It's Halloween and all these dark, otherworldly forces are just people dressed up in costumes.

Halloween - what kind of holiday is it?

Halloween is a fun holiday that is celebrated on October 31 on the eve of All Hallows' Day. It is believed that Halloween is the only day of the year when the spirits of dead people return to earth. Traditionally, Halloween is considered a holiday for residents of America, Great Britain and other English-speaking countries, but it is also celebrated in other parts of our world.

And this joyful holiday reached Russia. Young people celebrate Halloween with pleasure and celebrate it in nightclubs, at parties, dressing up in costumes of ghouls, witches, vampires, werewolves.

How is Halloween celebrated around the world? The halloween attribute is the pumpkin. Lamps are made from it, in which candles are placed and lit, and living quarters are decorated with pumpkins. They also organize family feasts and prepare all kinds of culinary dishes from pumpkin.

Various rituals are performed to appease the souls of the dead. Multi-colored fireworks are launched into the night sky, torchlight processions are held, blood-curdling horror films are watched, and heartbreaking horror stories are told.

And the children, dressed up as charming devils and witches, are having fun, playing pranks, singing songs, running from house to house and begging for sweets.

Traditions and symbols of Halloween

The main symbol of Halloween is the Jack-O-Lantern, which is made from a pumpkin. According to Irish legend, a man named Jack managed to outwit the Devil twice, for which the Devil promised him not to destroy his soul. But Jack led a life full of sins and after death was not allowed into Paradise. And now he is forced to wander the earth in anticipation of the Day of Judgment, lighting his path with a lamp made from a pumpkin.

To prepare the lamp, use a large pumpkin, cut off the top and remove the pulp. An evil face with a terrible grin is drawn on the pumpkin and holes for the eyes and mouth are cut out, and a lit candle is placed inside the pumpkin. It is believed that a jack-o'-lantern left near a house on Halloween protects the house and wards off evil spirits and dark forces.

Costumes of evil spirits, monsters and masks are another symbol of Halloween. What kind of supernatural characters appear on Halloween - all the evil spirits, the undead, fairy-tale heroes and monsters from horror films are present here.

One of the traditions is begging for sweets, fruits or money. Costumed children and youth knock on doors and ask the owner a question - “treats or tricks?” If the owner is greedy and does not treat him with sweets, it is customary to play petty tricks on him. And if the owner brings out treats, they will thank him, sing a song or recite a poem, and leave a funny postcard with an image of evil spirits as a souvenir.

Also observing traditions, they organize family feasts. On the table there are always sweets made from apples, pumpkins, nuts, as well as candies in the shape of pumpkins and corn. But the main dish of Halloween is a pie, in which various small objects are added to the dough to predict what awaits the person who gets a piece of the pie with a surprise. A ring means there will be a wedding soon, a coin means you will get rich, a piece of fabric means you will be poor.

Young girls call Bloody Mary and wonder what she will predict for them. To do this, at night they climb the dark stairs backwards and sit down with a burning candle in front of the mirror. The face of the future husband should appear in the mirror, but if a skull appears instead of a face, it means that the girl will die without getting married.

Also following the traditions of Halloween, residents of American and other cities visit various attractions - “Castles of Fear”, “Haunted Houses”, where they are frightened by all kinds of ghosts and monsters, creepy moans and creaks, and the howls of werewolves.

How and where to celebrate Halloween

Celebrating Halloween in a nightclub

If you decide to celebrate Halloween in a nightclub, you should prepare yourself a fancy dress costume in advance. If you know how to use a sewing machine and are a needlewoman, you can make any costume with your own hands, or you can buy it in a store. Before Halloween, all kinds of monster costumes, various masks and other holiday attributes go on sale. Who to become - an elegant Count Dracula, a funny imp or an evil monster depends on your imagination. If you decide to celebrate Halloween in a nightclub, then you don’t have to fool around with the Halloween scenario. In the nightclub everything is ready for the celebration of evil spirits.

How to Celebrate Halloween with Friends

If you want to celebrate the holiday with friends, here you and your friends need to think in advance about how you will spend Halloween. First you need to find a suitable room - this could be a vacant apartment or cottage. You need to prepare a script for the holiday (scenarios can be found on the Internet, or even better, come up with it yourself), decide on a theme, choose costumes, decorate the room in the style in which you dream of celebrating Halloween (if you want to become vampires on this night, then the attributes should also be pick up a vampire one). Prepare snacks, drinks, set the table, select appropriate music, find fun competitions and games, and you can arrange fortune telling.

You can also celebrate Halloween in nature, ideally on a mountain, dressed up in costumes of witches and vampires, sorcerers and fairies by the light of a fire or torches, and have a disco under the night sky.

How to Celebrate Halloween at Home with Kids

If you want to please your children and give them another unforgettable holiday, celebrate Halloween. To do this, decorate your home or a separate room in which you plan to organize a Halloween-themed party. Hang painted pictures depicting evil fairy-tale characters on the walls, make a ghost out of a sheet, and vampires out of cardboard, draw and cut out black spiders, bats and attach them to the chandelier.

Be sure to make a pumpkin lamp with your children and tell them that the lamp is a talisman against evil spirits. Also tell the legend about a girl who got lost in the forest, and it was on this night when all the ghosts come to earth, but she knew that ghosts are afraid of light and lit a candle. However, evil forces sent a wind that extinguished the candle light, and the girl had a pumpkin with her and she made a lamp out of the pumpkin, carving out a terrible face and all the ghosts that came across the girl’s path ran away from fear.

The main colors of Halloween are black and orange. Cover the table with an orange tablecloth, put black napkins, place black dishes or black candles on the table, or vice versa. Prepare holiday treats - sweets, fruits, nuts, you can cook porridge directly in a pumpkin or casserole in the oven. Which menu to use for the holiday depends on your taste.

To make the children have fun, organize fun games and all kinds of competitions, for example: who will make the most beautiful Halloween card or carve the scariest face on a jack-o'-lantern. Organize a viewing of cartoons about ghosts or watch together a fairy tale with evil characters - Baba Yaga, a witch, Koshchei the immortal.

And most importantly, be sure to make or buy a fancy dress costume for your children, consult with your child in advance about the role of which supernatural creature he wants to play on this fabulous evening.

Halloween Costumes

Halloween costumes can be made with your own hands, you don’t have to sew anything, just buy a monster mask, or apply appropriate makeup on your face. Costumes are easy to find in stores and markets; they are readily sold before Halloween, or can be rented.

Vampire costume

A classic suit will help you create an elegant vampire look: black trousers, white shirt, black or red vest. You can tie a red scarf, a butterfly or a lace frill around your neck, or you can hang a massive metal cross. The cloak can be made of black fabric, and the lining can be made of red material. Do appropriate makeup and hairstyle.

Another option is black leather tight pants, a black leather vest, high boots and a cape in the shape of bat wings.

For a vampire costume, a long black dress with red inserts in a Gothic style is more suitable, or a mini dress - black or red. A cape in the shape of bat wings, as well as long gloves, a leather belt and high black or red boots will help create a unique look. To complete the image of a vampire, you need to paint your lips with bright red lipstick, your nails with red or black varnish, mark your eyes with black arrows, apply dark shadows around the eyes, and make your face pale with light-colored powder.

Witch costume

To create the image of a witch you will need a dress that can be long or short, the color depends on your taste, high boots, if the dress is mini tights of any color or in a fishnet. You need a cape-cloak (can be made from any fabric) and a hat - a cap, which can be made from cardboard and painted with black or purple paint, or you can cover the cardboard with fabric on top, you can also stick foil stars or other images on the hat. If you wish, instead of a hat, wear a blue, silver or green wig, and put a metal hoop on your head. Apply makeup that you think matches the image of a witch.

Devil costume

To become a devil you need horns and a tail, which you can make yourself or buy ready-made, you can sew them from red or black fabric, or you can cut them out of cardboard. It is also advisable to choose clothes in black and red colors.

Mummy costume

For the mummy costume you will need white clothes - a turtleneck, tights or trousers. Sew ribbons of white fabric onto clothes or wrap them with bandages. For a scary look, you can paint bleeding wounds with red paint.

Ghost costume

It's easy to make your own ghost costume. For this, an old white sheet is suitable in which you need to cut holes for the eyes and use a black felt-tip pen to draw eyeliner around the holes, you can also draw a mouth.

Freddy Krueger costume

To create the image of Freddy Krueger, you will need a striped sweater, preferably red and black, black trousers, a hat, an old leather glove, the claws for the glove can be cut out of cardboard and painted with gray paint, or you can make it out of wire and wrap it with tape and paint it the same way. A glove with claws can be purchased, as well as a mask. If there is no mask, apply makeup to your face.

Halloween is undoubtedly a fun holiday and how you celebrate it will depend on your imagination.
Happy Halloween and unforgettable memories!

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

Halloween is probably the most multifaceted holiday, because there are so many variations of its celebration. It can be either a very creepy party for adults with alcohol, dancing and a host, or a nice little party for kids, where everything is not so much scary as funny. You can find descriptions of thousands of different holidays on the Internet, but specific instructions on what to do and how are worth their weight in gold.

So, what do you need to do and what should you pay attention to to make your party great? There are a lot of nuances in organizing any holiday - this includes choosing the theme of your party, writing or searching for a script, a selection of entertainment, festive decorations, and many other little things. We will try to consider each of them in as much detail as possible. After reading this article, you can easily organize a truly interesting event yourself with or without a mystical-themed quest. It’s much easier to do this than you imagine - you just need to choose the right surroundings, riddles, decide on the audience and invite guests.

Halloween is a unique holiday, so you can easily choose a party theme for both an adult, sophisticated man and a little girl. In both cases, it is enough to correctly place the accents in the design, menu and program of the holiday. And, of course, don’t forget about truly exciting entertainment.

Halloween Contests

Entertainment is probably the most important part of any party. It is very important that your guests do not get bored and can have a good time. This rule works no matter where you want to celebrate and for whom you are doing it all - entertainment is equally needed in the club, at school, and at home. The only difference is in the theme of the entertainment program, because it must correspond to the general idea of ​​the party, the interests of your guests, and even their age. The latter is especially important if you are preparing a party for children - games and competitions for them should be selected according to their interests and preferences.

But don’t think that for a fun party for adults you don’t need interesting entertainment or competitions; here they are just as necessary as at a children’s party (and even more so). Depending on the personal relationships between the guests you invite, they can be either simple and intellectual, or contain light frivolous notes.

The simplest entertainment is a variety of games. For adults, they can, in principle, be carried out anywhere, just by choosing the right location and the appropriate surroundings. This could be taking apples out of a container of water with your teeth, or eating something at speed.

The following competition is suitable for a Halloween theme. Take several containers and mix different substances there: boiled pasta, gelatin, candies, marmalade, noodles. The most important thing is that the container should be as slimy and disgusting to the touch as possible. The person is blindfolded. He must put his hand into each of the containers and determine what is in it.

When organizing a party for children at school, kindergarten or in your kitchen at home, choose exactly the games that your guests will like. These could be fun relay races, a competition for the best outfit, a themed poster, a carved pumpkin, in the end. If there is no age limit at the party, then make sure there are games for all age groups. Also, when choosing an idea for a holiday, consider the interests of children. For example, for middle or high school students, you can choose games and/or riddles in English.

The first thing you need to know when organizing a party for children is that the holiday should be fun and exciting. Remember: children love to play fear, not to be truly afraid.

You can easily hold a Halloween-themed children's party at home; all you need to do is decorate the space correctly, take care of a themed menu, music and entertainment.

A children's party in the Halloween style for teenagers always includes scary costumes, various horror stories and good music. For younger children, it is better to focus on less creepy or scary details, focusing on outdoor games and an abundance of sweets.

And don’t forget about competitions - for 5th grade it could be a competition in carving a holiday pumpkin with your own hands or whipping up a costume for a friend. Also, for grades 5 and 6, a thematic quest would be appropriate - the main thing is to correctly compose questions for it and draw a good plan of locations.

How to dress for Halloween?

First of all, when choosing a Halloween costume, you should pay attention to the dress code of the party. For example, bulky and frilly clothes are unlikely to be appropriate for a pajama party. Typically, the party hosts determine what costumes guests should wear. This is determined primarily by the theme of the party. For example, at a party in the style of Count Dracula, a vampire costume would be most appropriate. Therefore, when it comes to what to wear, you should focus specifically on the theme and style of the party.

It’s another matter what to wear if the party is just Halloween-themed and there are no restrictions on choosing a costume. Then you simply put on what is both prettier and closer to you. A costume for adults is generally a limitless field for realizing any fantasy. Women's and men's outfits can be funny, scary, creepy, and even sexy. In any case, you simply cannot go overboard with the details of the image, makeup and decorations - such is the specificity of this holiday.

How to throw a Halloween party at home?

Of course, you can have a Halloween party at home, but is it worth it? The specificity of Halloween is that the holiday is held in the evening and at night, and the celebration itself is usually quite noisy, so it is not recommended to hold it in an apartment building. If you have a large private house, you can throw a fun party without disturbing your neighbors.

Ideas for a home party can be very different - from children's fairy tales to horror films. But no matter what topic you choose, you need to know exactly how to make all the preparations correctly. And there are a lot of nuances in organizing any holiday.

If you want to throw the most fun and iconic party, then you need to remember that you won’t be able to organize it in 2-3 days. Preparations should begin a month before the holiday by choosing a theme, location, list of guests and sending out invitations. Next, take care of an interesting scenario and entertainment, without them you won’t be able to have a fun party.

The appropriate surroundings - room decoration, music and special effects - will also help to create a great party. Another item without which it is impossible to have a cool party is, of course, a holiday menu with a special Halloween design.

If the party is for adults, then there are no special restrictions on what can be done. However, take into account the interests of your guests - everything should please them first of all. You can ask them about their preferences and take this into account when choosing what to arrange.

Organizing a party is a lot of work, because there are a lot of different details to take into account, so it’s better to ask your best friends for help.

Where is the best place to spend it?

As mentioned earlier, home parties are an additional hassle. Here you need to come to an agreement with your neighbors, and the time, in general, is limited, and the cleaning will then fall on your shoulders. Another thing is that if you do this in a club, bar or cafe, you certainly won’t be disturbed here. Even more - the administration will help you with both the decoration of the hall and the script. When organizing a party at a children's club, do not forget about the animators. With a devil or a witch, the party will be more fun, and you don’t have to worry about entertainment.

If you need to organize a corporate party, then you can do it in the office - just add a festive atmosphere there.

Halloween themed party

The theme of the party, as we have already said, can be different. The main thing is that it must be a costume party with the right decoration and costumes. But regarding the topic - complete freedom. For Halloween, fairy-tale themes, pirate adventures, aliens, maniacs, mysticism, and horror are equally appropriate. Choose exactly what is closest to you and your guests.

Invitations to a Halloween party should also be designed in the appropriate style, so be prepared to carefully select both design and text. In the invitation, you must not only indicate the time and place of the holiday, but also its name. Ideas for how to name your party directly depend on the theme of the celebration you choose. These could be phrases from a movie, book or comic book.

For a club party, don't forget about the music. For girls at the holiday, it is very important to choose the right musical accompaniment. You should have three sets of selected music - for dancing, songs for karaoke and background noise for ambience.

An important point of your party is the decoration of the hall. Any elements associated with Halloween are suitable for this - cobwebs with spiders, ghosts behind the curtains, blood-stained walls, burning pumpkins and much more.

Throwing a cool and fun Halloween party is enough

a complex process with many nuances. Remember them and approach the process responsibly, then you will definitely succeed!

How can you celebrate Halloween if the ceremonial practices of the ancient Celts or loud theme parties are not your thing? Learn about celebration traditions and signs that have been observed for many centuries.

In the article:

Halloween celebration - traditional fun

The celebration of Halloween in the USA and Europe is similar - noisy crowds of young people go from house to house asking for treats, mass celebrations are frequent during the daytime, and tribute is paid to traditions. In our country, it has not yet taken root enough to talk about its full-fledged celebration. Of course, you can go to a club, pub or other entertainment venue, or have a themed party and have fun with friends. If this doesn’t suit you for some reason, you can celebrate Halloween with your family. So, how to celebrate Halloween in accordance with ancient traditions and not become a victim of evil spirits?

One of the main Halloween traditions is carving jack-o'-lanterns.
There are many legends about the origin of this element of celebration. One of them says that the ancient Celts made such lamps on this day so that the souls of the dead could find their home and visit their ancestors.

According to another version, the appearance of jack-o'-lanterns is associated with Farmer Jack, who deceived the Devil himself. However, even in this case the legends differ. Perhaps the Devil turned Jack's head into a pumpkin, and it is his image that is carved on Halloween as a symbol of the sinful soul that must be remembered in order for Jack to have a chance to go to Heaven. One of the legends says that Jack was not accepted by either the offended Devil or God, since there is no way to Heaven for sinners like him. So Jack remained in the human world, without the opportunity to find peace after death. In order for him to find his way back, the Devil gave him a coal. To avoid burning his hands, Jack placed it in a turnip - lanterns were originally made from this vegetable; pumpkin later became a more accessible substitute.

According to legend, the jack-o'-lantern has protective properties. It is not surprising, because neither the Devil nor his minions want to reconnect with the one who illuminated their path first - with Jack. Seeing a jack-o'-lantern, the evil spirit runs away. Pumpkin lanterns are placed near the front door, or if this is not possible, then closer to it.

A traditional Halloween game is to eat an apple floating in water without using your hands. To do this, you will need a basin or any other large container, as well as apples according to the number of players. The same basin is also used for fortune telling on apple peels. Peel the apple with a knife, blow on it and throw it into the water. On Halloween, the apple peel will take the form of the first letter of your fiancé's name.

According to Catholic tradition, on All Saints' Eve, also known as Halloween, everyone must give food to a beggar who knocks on the door of the house. In the old days there was even such an expression - “you whine like a beggar before All Saints’ Day.” This is how the tradition of begging for sweets under the threat of mischief arose. It is believed that a person who does not treat a beggar on this day will incur the wrath of his ancestors.

In the days of the ancient Celts, priests divorced - the holiday was named after him, which was renamed in the 16th century. Each participant in the ceremony took a torch from this fire into the house. Now this tradition has been replaced by lighting candles in every room. Candles lit on this day bring prosperity to the house for the whole year and protect against evil spirits.

During the holiday of death, Halloween, people try to get rid of everything they no longer need. In England, on this day it is customary to throw old furniture and unnecessary things into a landfill, and sweep all garbage out of the house. It is very easy to blame problems and quarrels on garbage, so make sure that there is no other people's garbage on your doorstep.

Ancient Halloween traditions - commemoration of ancestors

The gates of the underworld open on the night of October 31 to November 1, and the souls of deceased relatives seek to visit their loved ones.
During this dark time, the Celts commemorated deceased loved ones and tried to appease the souls of their ancestors so that they would help in the future and not punish.

In the old days, saucers with treats were left in the yard for the deceased. You don’t need to prepare anything special for this. Leave for your ancestors what you are going to serve on the table that day, but remember that the treat is not leftovers. The offering should please your loved ones, not anger them.

Different legends give different advice regarding offerings to the ancestors. For example, some of them recommend leaving one empty chair at the festive table - for a guest from the world of the dead. He is entitled to all the same cutlery that the guests have, as well as treats. It is a good sign if the drink in the glass for the spirit decreases. This means that spirits have come to visit you. Don't be afraid of them, be glad that you are together again.

On the afternoon of October 31st you can go to the cemetery. This is a traditional day of remembrance, and you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of ghosts during daylight hours. Lay flowers on the graves of deceased loved ones, light lamps.

At the festive table, if you have chosen a family celebration, you should definitely take time to remember your departed ancestors. Remember their life stories, funny moments and interesting incidents. Memories should be bright and joyful, without any negativity. On Spirit Day, the dead especially need to be remembered.

Since on the night of October 31 to November 1 the boundaries between worlds are erased, not only the spirits of ancestors, but also evil forces are released. Can protect against them Jack-lantern, candle flames and, of course, special amulets against evil spirits.

How to celebrate Halloween - traditional dishes for the holiday table

On the day when it is customary to beg sweets from neighbors and friends, not a single holiday table can do without sweet dishes. It can be pumpkin-shaped candies, muffins and cakes, as well as any other desserts - it all depends on your imagination.

Pumpkin dishes are an essential part of the Halloween table. It can be cereals, soups, pies and even pancakes. Pumpkin is a symbol of the holiday; according to superstitions, dishes made from it bring protection from evil forces and material well-being.

Bread barmbrack- a dish that is both a form of fortune telling for Halloween and a delicious snack. This is a pie with any filling and from any dough with one small feature. Each piece should contain something that predicts the future - a ring, peas, wood chips, fabric, coins and other small objects. But do not forget to warn guests about surprises predicting the future, otherwise embarrassment is possible.

On the day of spirits, they not only revered the dead, but also rejoiced at the harvest if it was abundant. Apples are a seasonal fruit, which is why many traditional dishes for this holiday include them. These can be apple pies, caramelized fruits, apple compotes, and in general anything that can be made from apples.

What a Halloween holiday can be like for children

As a children's holiday, Halloween is especially interesting in Europe and the USA. One of the main traditions is begging for sweets under the threat of committing a prank. But, since the holiday has not yet received sufficient distribution in our country, such children's fun is not available in Russia. But this does not mean that children should be deprived of Halloween fun.

Halloween events for children are held in various shopping centers and other establishments. If this option is not suitable, children can participate in the family celebration. For example, carving jack-o'-lanterns as a family will keep them busy for a long time. Don't forget to tell your children why they make jack-o'-lanterns at Halloween.

Traditional games and fortune telling with apples are also good for children. You can stock up on prizes in advance and give them to the children who manage to catch apples out of the water the best. There is a similar game with baked goods hanging on a string, as well as candies.

Children love to dress up in carnival costumes, and preparing for the holiday may well be considered part of it. You can start creating costumes with the whole family, creating creepy or fairy-tale images - whatever suits your tastes. Decorating the house with garlands and other decor can also interest children.

Scary stories are an indispensable attribute of the children's Halloween holiday.
Of course, it is more interesting to listen and tell them around the fire, but the Russian climate usually does not allow you to get out into nature at the end of October. Stock up on interesting “horror stories” in advance, dim the lights and start scaring everyone who agrees to it. But don't overdo it, because on Halloween, legends come to life and ghosts roam the earth.

Signs and beliefs for Halloween, or All Saints' Day

It has already been described above that candles are lit in every room for well-being and protection from evil forces. If one of them goes out, it means that there is an evil spirit in the room. This also means the inability to light the candle at once, crackling and soot. What to do in such a situation? There are many methods of protection against evil spirits, and you will have to use them, because in Russia on Halloween there is no midnight bell ringing, as in Europe or the USA.

To prevent evil spirits from entering the house, at sunset you need to walk around it with a burning torch three times. In this case, you need to be dressed in a fancy dress. If you are celebrating Halloween with your family or company, you can arrange a whole torchlight procession with games and competitions - this is quite in the spirit of the holiday.

By the way, being scared by a ghost on Halloween is a very good omen. She promises good luck throughout the year. Even a dream involving a ghost or evil spirit promises only good things. But, despite such a good meaning of a terrible superstition, they tried not to open doors and windows when darkness fell on the night of the spirits, so that evil would not enter the house.

An owl, if it lands on the roof of a house on October 31, portends a deceased person. It needs to be driven away immediately, then perhaps trouble will bypass your home. The appearance of a flock of bats over the house predicts the acquisition of wealth during the year. There are also. Seeing him on Halloween means receiving a warning from a deceased relative about the danger that threatens one of the family members. But according to other superstitions, a spider indicates the presence of evil spirits. You can’t kill him, thank him for the warning and let him out into the street.

Halloween is one of the most ancient holidays, but until recently it was popular mainly in English-speaking countries. However, since the end of the last century, this slightly creepy, but undoubtedly cheerful custom has spread almost throughout the world. They began to celebrate it in our country, however, not everyone knows what they do on Halloween, and what signs and superstitions exist in connection with this holiday.

How to celebrate?

Over thousands of years, the traditions and customs of the Halloween holiday have changed many times, so the modern way of celebrating this “creepy” night has little to do with the origins of the holiday. In addition, different countries have developed their own traditions.

If in the USA it is mainly a family holiday, then in Russia and Ukraine Halloween is celebrated mainly by young people, not at home, but in clubs. In entertainment centers, as a rule, they prepare thematic programs, and young people, dressed in costumes appropriate for the holiday, have fun with friends.

Moreover, in many cases, our people change the traditions of the holiday in their own way. For example, when choosing costumes, they are not limited to Western representatives of evil spirits, but choose characters from Slavic mythology. At parties you can meet not only “imported” vampires, but also “domestic” ghouls (despite their similar way of eating, they are not distinguished by elegance and beauty). In addition, at a party you can easily meet Baba Yaga, Mavka, Kikimora or Lesavka.

Of course, you have to come up with and make an outfit for a costume ball yourself, because in costume stores you won’t find evil spirits from Slavic mythology. But when have such minor difficulties stopped creative people?

What to treat?

Not a single holiday in our country is complete without a traditional feast, so thinking through the menu is one of the stages of preparing for the holiday. As a rule, the most ordinary dishes are served on the table, you just need to decorate them so that they look creepy. For example, any salad or pizza can be decorated with cute spiders made from olives. And sausages can easily be turned into hideous mummies by wrapping them in thin strips of puff pastry or yeast dough. You can make pumpkins from tangerines, and bake cookies in the shape of skulls.

In the USA and some European countries, children go to neighboring houses begging for sweets. And if the owners are stingy with treats, then uninvited guests may do something nasty to them, for example, covering the windows with soot. In our country, this custom has not really taken root, since it is unlikely that adequate adults will let kids wander around at night in search of candy.

Fortune telling

In our country, it is customary to tell fortunes during Christmas time, however, as experts assure, fortune telling on Halloween is no less accurate and certainly more terrible.

As a rule, girls are into fortune telling and want to find out who they are going to marry. There are quite a few options for telling fortunes about the groom. The most famous one is with a mirror and a candle. You need to sit completely alone in a dark room, placing a candle in front of the mirror, and comb your hair (in some versions of fortune telling, it is recommended to leave your hair alone and start eating an apple). It is believed that if you look into the mirror for a long time, you can see the image of your future spouse.

If doing fortune telling alone is scary, then you can do this exciting activity in the company of a friend. For example, you can try to conduct a seance at home by preparing a sheet of paper with letters written and a saucer with an arrow drawn on it. It is believed that on the night of Halloween, the door to the world of spirits and ghosts opens, so the likelihood that one of the loitering spirits will drop in to see the fortune tellers increases.

However, not only girls, but also guys are into fortune telling. So, if a young man wants to find out what his future wife will be like, then he will need to crawl under the branch of a blackcurrant bush (in extreme cases, a rose hip or acacia bush will do). It is believed that at the moment of crawling on the ground, the fortuneteller will be able to see the shadow narrowed. And from this shadow he sees, he will be able to judge what his wife will be like - short or tall, fragile or “in body”. Of course, in our climate at the end of October it is not pleasant to crawl outside under the branches of bushes. But for the sake of fortune-telling one has to make other sacrifices.

A very ancient collective fortune telling at a fire can be carried out if the celebration takes place outside the city, for example, in a country house. Fortune tellers placed stones around the fire, remembering where and in what position “their” stone was located. The next morning we had to go and see the “mosaic” that had been made. If all the stones are in place, then a good year awaits all fortune tellers. If the stones are moved out of place, you should expect trouble.

Determining fate using an apple is also an ancient form of fortune telling. Before eating the fruit, it must be cut in half with a knife. If all the apple seeds turn out to be intact, then prosperity awaits the fortuneteller. If at least one seed is damaged by a knife, you should expect trouble. But worst of all, if several seeds are damaged at once, it means that the year will be very difficult for the fortuneteller.

Signs and superstitions

There are many superstitions associated with Halloween. Let's figure out what you need and what you can't do on this day.

  • after dark, tightly close all windows and doors in the house;
  • decorate living spaces with nuts and candles, and be sure to place a pumpkin in front of the front doors. You can just put a whole vegetable, but it’s better, of course, to make a lantern out of it, carving a scarier face on the pumpkin.

Attention! You should not leave burning candles in the house unattended, this is no longer a sign, but fire safety rules.

  • if a spider is found in the house on the night before the first day of November, then this is a bad sign, indicating the presence of evil spirits in the room. You need to go around the perimeter of the house with lit candles, and under no circumstances kill the spider you find, but try to carefully put it outside;
  • On a holiday night, you cannot leave clothes to dry, even if the dryer is on the balcony. A person who then puts on clothes that were dried on Halloween night will attract misfortune, both to himself and to those around him. Therefore, if you believe in omens and forgot to take off your underwear before the onset of the “terrible” night, you will have to wash everything again. Water will wash away all negativity.

What else is not customary to do on Halloween? Signs vary in different countries. So, somewhere it is strictly forbidden to allow black cats to spend the night in the house. Therefore, it is customary to put even beloved pets outside on this night. In many places it is considered good luck to kill a bat, however, there is an opposite superstition that says that bats flying in large numbers portend wealth.

It is considered very useful to wear clothes “topsy-turvy” on a festive night, and also to leave the house backwards. In this simple way people try to deceive spirits.

Whether to believe in signs and fortune-telling, or whether to celebrate this holiday at all, everyone can decide for themselves. However, it must be admitted that Halloween is a holiday with a rich and very ancient history.

Fashion trends for holding parties in a certain style have not ignored the theme of horror stories, horror films, and mysticism. Of course, it’s hard to think of a better occasion than Halloween to organize such spooky gatherings. Of course, a vamp-style evening can be dedicated to a birthday, a simple party or a corporate event. But the holiday will be much more symbolic on the evening before All Saints Day.

Planning a Halloween Party

A theme evening is always an unusual and fun holiday. Participants rack their brains over makeup, hairstyles, and gifts. Interesting competitions and unusual photo sessions are expected.

But much more duties and responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the party organizer. It’s not enough to come up with an idea, a name for a Halloween party and invite guests; you need to think through the whole concept and not miss a single detail. Let's try to break down all the stages of preparing a Halloween party at home.

Halloween: party theme, ideas for a holiday at home

In principle, the entire further concept of the holiday will depend on the chosen style. The Halloween theme is absolutely not limited to pumpkins and ghosts. Of course, you can inform your guests about the general theme of the party without limiting their imagination.

At such a holiday, witches will meet with Peter Pan, ghosts with Cheshire Cats and Snow White with leprechauns. There's room for everyone on Halloween. But you can come up with a narrower theme, which will make the party even more intriguing.

The zombies are coming. A disease unknown to the world has struck all the living, turning them into terrible creatures. The purpose of their life is food and fun. And the zombie party will become a lesson in survival.

Where the host is a real mad scientist who experiments on guests.

And the guests are all well-chosen. There is a “beautiful” supermodel, an important president, a dashing cowboy, and a mysterious artist.

Agree on roles with the guests or prepare props that guests can use. Wigs, ties, torn shirts and, of course, makeup will come in handy.

Prepare little brains as prizes for competition winners. And the scientist will definitely resurrect the winning participant. And, of course, he will be eaten by his own brothers.

Vampire party. Invite your friends to Dracula's castle. Decorate your invitations with blood and teeth marks.

And for sophisticated and sedate bloodsuckers, prepare the same measured entertainment.

A photo shoot in an improvised coffin, which can be made from a pencil case, will also be original. Decorate this attribute with bright fabric and a bouquet of dried flowers. Guests will have to try to match the image.

House with the ghosts. An interesting and popular theme for a party. It won’t be difficult to turn your home into a haven for ghosts.

Various frightening attributes will come in handy to decorate your house with. The cobwebs hanging in the corridors will add mystery. And wet creatures made from sponges will cause horror.

Squeals and screams will confirm that such a harmless creature has licked the guests - these are the sensations that arise from an accidental touch.

Otherworldly themes should also be present in the competition program. This could include not only movie memory contests, but also a ghostly fashion show.

Witch's Sabbath. Ideal for a bachelorette party theme on Halloween eve. Although guys also gladly take part in the Sabbath as sorcerers and shamans. Sorcerers, witches, psychics and magicians must comply with a dress code.

For careless witches and sorceresses, prepare a small supply of hats, cloaks and wands. Don't forget to include a broom stand. And, of course, prepare a place for holding mysterious events.

Each participant must present his own image, coming up with not only an original name, but also a mysterious story.

An interesting competition will be with transformation into objects or animals, which participants must portray without words. Be sure to spend a few. The theme of witches lends itself well to this.

It is also interesting to play with the plot of a certain film or cartoon.

For example, Harry Potter, Leprechauns, The Addams Family, Supernatural, Alice in Wonderland are suitable as a plot.

We capture interesting ideas for Halloween

It’s not enough to brainstorm and decide on the concept of the holiday.

Record all ideas that appear on paper or electronically. This way you won’t miss important details, and the holiday will turn out great.

Don't forget to make a separate list of necessary purchases. And only after that go to the store.

What should be on your list of Halloween party ideas:

  • options for decorating the room in accordance with the theme of the holiday;
  • attributes for costumes and makeup that can be quickly applied to guests who did not take care of specific outfits;
  • selection of music and films;
  • party script with games and quizzes;
  • Halloween party competitions;
  • prizes for competitions;
  • table setting details;

This plan will help you organize a Halloween-themed party, taking into account all the details.

We invite guests: Halloween invitations

The holiday scenario and menu will depend on the number of guests. Consider how many people will be optimal to accommodate in your home.

It’s not very pleasant when 30 people crowd around a one-room apartment, pretending that they really enjoy the holiday. Consider thematic areas, the age of the guests and their tastes.

Definitely, all responsibility for both successes and failures falls on the owner of the house.

You will also have to assign roles if the party is dedicated to a specific plot. Be sure to notify guests about them so that a dozen Harry Potters are not present at the party.

We also prepare invitations according to the theme. Be sure to indicate the date and time of the celebration. If necessary, we write down the role of the guest in the themed party, as well as the little things necessary for the holiday.

For the Sabbath, invitations can be made in the shape of a black witch's hat. Figurines of black cats, pumpkins, images of a tombstone, and an ancient castle are also suitable.

An invitation to a Halloween party written with a marker on real small pumpkins will look original.

Activities before the party

Direct preparation for a Halloween party takes a lot of time and effort. Therefore, it is advisable to involve assistants in this process.

It could be relatives or someone invited. Preparations will have to begin not on the day of the holiday, but a little earlier, making decorations for the room, little things for the table and costumes.

Ideas for Halloween Room Decorations and Decorations

Think through the details of the decorations. You will have to decorate not only the room where the feast will take place, but also the entrance, kitchen, and bath.

Pay special attention to the yard if the holiday is taking place in your home. Halloween decor ideas are spooky and intriguing.

Web. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made web at a gift shop. It looks very believable, and guests will think that you specially moved cobwebs from barns and basements for the holiday.

But without any expense, you can make such decorations from ordinary threads, padding polyester or cotton wool.

Pumpkins. The theme of pumpkins occupies a special place when preparing for Halloween. They can easily be used to decorate the house itself and the yard. They put pumpkins on windowsills and tables. This vegetable produces original and unique faces and figures. And when you light candles in them in the evening, it will be an unforgettable sight.

To make a Jack-O-Lantern, all pulp and seeds are removed from a ripe pumpkin. And holes are made in the peel itself to create a wonderful face. And of course, they cook.

You can use our samples to get ideas for your own masterpieces.

Dolls. Rag crafts and old toys will do.

Give them a scary look with paint. Tear their clothes or wrap them in bandages.

Mini ghosts. They are easy to make from old sheets. Place a piece of cotton wool in the center and secure the torn fabric.

Ghosts on balloons look interesting. Hang these ghosts in front of the front door and in your rooms.

Skeletons. In ancient times, there was a ritual with the installation of animal skeletons, which scared away evil spirits.

Nowadays “human skeletons” are popular. Where can I get this “decoration”? Ready-made or made from papier-mâché papers will come in handy.

You can buy animal bones at the market and, after processing, hang them on the walls in your rooms.

Decorate glass and mirrors with a special varnish or spray. Or stick on paper appliques. They adhere perfectly to regular soap, after which the glass is easy to clean.

Table setting

The table has a special place at any party. Therefore, he will have to devote a lot of time.

The main colors used in serving will, of course, be black, orange, red and white. The tablecloth can be made from disposable plastic, painted with gouache.

Black fabric with cobwebs applied to it will also look interesting. There is room on the table for antique lamps, candles, bouquets of autumn leaves and dried flowers.

You can decorate the table with scary animals. Spiders, worms, small animals, teeth - everything will be used on the most terrible holiday.

And be sure to work on decorating the dishes. You can not only think up an intriguing menu with cocktails for Halloween and Christmas, but also decorate the dishes in an unusual way.

Dip the edges of the glasses into sugar, tinted with red dye. Tilting the glass, allow the impromptu blood to flow down the glass.

Place glowing lights in the bottom of salad bowls or salad bowls. And in a vat of punch, which just has to be at such a holiday, place dry ice with smoke. The clouds of smoke that envelop the vat look fascinating.


The atmosphere of terrible fun, of course, depends on the mood of the guests. Therefore, take care to create it right from the doorstep.

Meet your guests with terrifying music.

Don't forget about little surprises in the form of skeletons jumping out of closet doors and ash spilling out of suddenly torn bags.

Screams and screams are out of place at this holiday.

During the holiday, let the costumed waiters carry glasses with “blood.” It will be red wine, cherry or pomegranate juice.

And Madame Tarot hands guests unusual cards with intriguing predictions.

Swipe. Particularly interesting are ancient fortune-telling and rituals around a large fire.

And, of course, include original Halloween games in the scenario. Award the winners with medals or small prizes. If children are present at an adult Halloween party, make sure there are places for them to play and where they can relax and sleep.

These Halloween ideas for kids will allow parents to enjoy the holiday longer.

Preparing and holding a Halloween themed party is a responsible and difficult task. But, believe me, the impressions and memorable photos are worth it.