There is no pure love and friendship in the city. Love is not stained with friendship. Dangers that threaten friendship

Very interest Ask- can love pass, eh ex-husband with wife or loving friend friend people stay friends? I always thought not. And then I accidentally discovered two confirmations of my thoughts ...

Love is not stained with friendship...
“She wants to remain friends. I just have to change love for friendship, or disappear from her life forever. I choose the latter. Why?
"No," he said quickly. “But not this. Stay friends? Dilute a small garden on the cooled lava of extinct feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This happens only after small intrigues, and even then it turns out to be rather false. Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end."

Erich Maria Remarque, Arc de Triomphe
Artist Mark Keller

Where the seagulls argue with the waves
Where there is no love and beginning,
The stone just fell in love with the sea
But the sea did not notice this.

The sea softly caressed the shore,
And accidentally touched the stone -
The stone did not believe in its own dreams,
It seemed like a miracle to the stone.

He loved every drop of the sea
He became smooth and timid soon.
And plucking up the courage somehow
He confessed everything to the sea.

The sea smiled softly at him,
The tears of a stone are alien to the sea.
Rolled back, then returned -
The sea just wanted friendship.

The stone dried up, buried in the sand -
The sea lapped serenely.
The stone is covered with cracks
And crumbled to dust from grief.

Waves mixed stone with sand,
Seagulls looked for fish with their eyes.
Have you ever been offered
Stay just friends?

(c) Natalia Durneva
Artist Valentin Revelioti

Everyone in life has someone who will never let you go, and someone who you will never let go.

  • Happiness

    There are three grandiose laws of happiness in life - 1) you need to do something, 2) you need to love someone, 3) you need to hope for something.

  • Love

    Love is the lover's eternal longing for the beloved.

  • Parting

    People sometimes want to leave in order to be able to yearn, wait and enjoy the return.

  • Treason

    For those who are faithful in love, only its banal essence is available. The tragedy of love is known only to those who change.

  • Suffering

    The one who loves more suffers, and the one who misses, as a rule, decides to break. But still... better than that, who loves.

  • Hope

    Hopes are the dreams of the awake.

  • Luck

    Luck does not forgive indecision!

  • disappointment

    If you don't want disappointment, give up ambition.

  • Wish

    Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine.

  • Loneliness

    When you feel like you're alone, it means you're alone. This is the essence of loneliness.

  • Indifference

    You love everyone, and to love everyone is to love no one. You are all equally indifferent.

  • Remember boy!

    Remember one thing, boy: never, never, never again will you be ridiculous in the eyes of a woman if you do something for her.

  • Dream

    Do you have a dream, right? But she did not come true. Why? Because you chose the wrong dream...

  • Ecstasy

  • World

    Remember - the world that surrounds you reflects what you have inside ...

  • Past present Future

    You hate the past, you despise the present, and you are indifferent to the future.

  • Friendship

    Make friends with smart people, for a friend is a fool
    Sometimes more dangerous than a smart enemy.

  • Women

    If a woman walks with her head down, she has a lover. If a woman walks with her head held high, she has a lover. If a woman keeps her head straight, she has a lover. And in general, if a woman has a head, then she has a lover!


  • The heart of a man.

    strange thing the heart of a man: it's hard to even believe, but it is able to love several women at once, and at the same time in different ways.
    ... Let the women themselves say what they prefer: to awaken in men sublime love or ardent passion?

  • A person who fully knows what you are made of, but no matter what, who loves you is a true friend.

    Friendship is like love - you do everything for her, every next step and breath. But in it, as in love, you can stumble if you step without looking under your feet.

    When you love your enemy, sometimes you can find a friend.

    Unlike Love, which seeks to change a person in its own way, friendship is the acceptance of a person as he is, with all his flaws and shortcomings.

    Ask a person about his aspirations - in response you will learn everything about his soul.

    Friendship is the best inspiration for humanity, because only it does not carry lies and falsehood.

    True love, like true friendship, is not subject to manipulation, because the purity of these feelings is above the filth that has affected all aspects of our lives.

    There is no greater mystery in the world than pure and immaculate love. After all, such love does not require a similarity of interests and morals, it is only full of sweet languor and mystery, which no one can unravel. Living being in this universe...

    Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

    To die for a friend under some exceptional circumstances is less sublime than to daily and secretly sacrifice oneself for him. Stendhal.

    Love is the experience of unity. The breaking down of walls, the merging of two energies, that is the experience of love. Love is delight when the walls between two people come down, when two lives meet, when two lives come together. Osho.

    In order to pass for a friend of man, it is not enough to be a real dog. – D. Rudy

    Without true friendship life is nothing. Mark Thulius Cicero.

    Friendship between two politicians is not possible as long as they belong to the same political party. — Herrio Edward

    No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, not sharing them with friends. Erasmus of Rotterdam.

    Lyceum student I. Pushchin after six years of observation of the lyceum student and, first of all, friend Pushkin, who, in the opinion of very, very many, lacked tact:

    Love is the whole story of the whole life of a woman and only an insignificant episode in the life of a man. – de Stael

    A friend is a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think aloud. Ralph Waldo Emerson.

    Choose your friend; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two. Pythagoras of Samos.

    Love is an extremely luxurious thing. Love lifts us to the heights we truly deserve. All that every person needs in life is only love. Moulin rouge

    Promise me that you will survive. That you won't give up. No matter what happens, don't lose hope. Titanic

    Associations of bad people are not a partnership, but a conspiracy: they do not love each other, but rather fear each other, they are not friends, but accomplices. Etienne de la Boesie.

    Yes, you can love more than once, but not the same person. – Leviz

    Beware of exclusive and reckless attachment to another; she is not at all, as it often seems, an example of absolute love. Such self-contained and self-feeding love, which does not need others and does not give them anything, is doomed to self-destruction. Love is not just a passion that flares up between two people. Falling in love is infinitely far from true love. Love is, rather, a form of existence: not so much attraction as self-giving, an attitude not so much towards one person, but towards the world as a whole. Irvin Yalom.

    Friend is like this amazing person who knows everything about you, but despite this, he still continues to love and appreciate you. — Hubbard Elbert

    Love is the beginning of all those joys that Mother Nature has in store for us.

    How rare and beautiful is that moment, the moment when we realize that we have a friend! William Rotster

    Love is a devoted spaniel that prefers a stingy punishment from the owner's hand than a generous caress stranger. – Colton

    Love is a world that only exists when someone defines it.

    A man who marries for love is like a frog jumping into a deep well: there is a lot of water around, but there is no way out. – Coleridge

    In my dreams I loved you so much that now I think I already know what it's like to be loved by you. I will love you by being loved by you. King and me

    In face-to-face conversations between close friends, the wisest people very often make very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud. Joseph Addison.

    Alas, you cannot express every feeling of every moment of happiness when you are next to him. When Harry Met Sally

    Parting words of the graduate A. Delvig to his friends-graduates at the graduation act of the Lyceum on June 9, 1817.

    Friendship ends where distrust begins. Seneca Lucius Annaeus (the Younger).

    I like not only to be loved, but also when they tell me about it. George Elliot

    I can't remember how we met. I don't remember who approached whom and spoke first. All I remember is the two of us... always.

    Please love your neighbor as yourself, if you so desire. But first, become the kind of person who loves himself. – Nietzsche

    A kiss without a hug is like a flower without a scent.

    It is better to refuse a sharp word than a friend. Quintilian.

    Love is dead - long live Love! – A. de Musset

    The most vile crime is the abuse of a friend's trust. Henrik Ibsen.

    Friendship is a calm and quiet affection, guided and strengthened by habit, which arises from long association and mutual commitment. David Hume.

    He who does not seek friends for himself is his own enemy. Shota Rustaveli.

    If you are sad about the loss of the boat of love, then you better remember the fate of the Titanic. - The author of this wonderful aphorism, unfortunately, is unknown.

    In true friendship there is a charm that is incomprehensible to ordinary people. Jean de La Bruyère.

    Love is to the heart what summer is to peasant eyes: it brings the harvest and adorns the soul with the most beautiful flowers.

    False love is more the result of ignorance than a lack of ability to love. J. Baines.

    Much of your pain is self-selected. It is a bitter potion that the healer in you uses to heal your diseased being. Therefore, trust the healer and drink his medicines in silence and calmness: for his hand, heavy and firm, is directed by the caring hand of the Invisible... D.Kh. Gibran.

    Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired. Robert Frost.

    Show love is unbearable.

    Difficult to distinguish from true friendship those relationships that we make during love. Jean de La Bruyère.

    Friendships often end true love, only love rarely ends in a good friendship. — Caleb Colton

    If I had the opportunity, my friend, I would give you the ability to see yourself through the eyes of other people, because only in this way could you know how much you mean to me. billingsley

    We are together forever, even when we are not around, because you are in my heart, even when we are apart.

    Graduate A. Pushkin to his friend, graduate Matyushkin, who was destined to become an admiral of the fleet:

    Loving everyone means not really loving anyone. – Oscar Wilde

    Plant a seed of friendship and reap a bouquet of happiness. Louis Kaufman

    Without friendship, no communication between people has value. Socrates.

    Romantic relationships are not as different from just friendships as people think. Friendship, like love, involves sympathy and support, and just as often puts before a choice. Friendships require the development and use of positive relationship skills and abilities: the ability to share, honesty, empathy, listening, and communication—all of which are required in a romantic relationship. We can assume the following: a person who has difficulties with girlfriends and friends will have difficulties in the most important relationship - romantic. Laura Day.

    Blessed feature of old friends - with them you can be as stupid as you like. Ralph Weldo Emerson

    Only those people who know how to forgive each other for minor shortcomings can be bound by true friendship. Jean de La Bruyère.

    In order to love him in a real way, it was necessary to look at him with that complete benevolence that knows and sees all the unevenness of character and other shortcomings, puts up with them and ends up loving them in a friend-comrade.

    Sincerity of relations, truth in communication - that's friendship. Alexander Suvorov.

    Friendship is one of the areas of education of love for a person. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

    A friend is a person who is most trusted when he speaks badly of his friend. – J. Rostand

    True friendship is never cloudless. Marie de Sevigne.

    He who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a single friend. Samuel Coleridge.

    A friend is first of all one who does not undertake to judge. Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

    Without a heart, I would never be able to truly understand what it is to love another. Wizard of Oz

    Trust is the first condition of friendship. Jean de La Bruyère.

    True friendship matures slowly and blossoms only where people have really proved it to each other. Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield.

    Friendship between women and girls is just a temporary non-aggression pact. – Monterlan

    Forgiveness is the answer to all questions and problems. I know from my own experience that when we have problems in our life, no matter what kind, it means that we need to forgive someone. Love is the only answer to any of our problems, and the way to that state is through forgiveness. Louise Hay.

    There is no more desolate desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; consolation of the soul, it is the only cure for a hostile fate. Baltasar Gracian y Morales.

    Friendship is the harbor to which a person aspires, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is rest in this life and the beginning of heavenly life. T. Tasso.

    Love is a passion that is difficult to define. It's really hard to say what it is. We all love. But one day this feeling flares up, and one day it leaves us. There is a very definite difference between passion and love. But everyone must determine it for himself. Lucas Roy

    The search for an ideal in love and friendship is a double-edged sword that allows a person to beat himself, while managing to fully mock the feelings of other people. — Frederick Perls

    Foolish is he who seeks more wealth and power than good friends. Euripides.

    When foolish man does what he is ashamed of in his soul, he will always declare aloud that to do this is his sacred duty. - Bernard Show

    The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and bisects suffering. Joseph Addison.

    True love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have actually seen it. — Francois La Rochefoucauld

    Friendship is the only cure for hatred, the only guarantee of peace.

    The least noisy friendships are often the most rewarding. Joseph Addison.

    And to be friends with everyone means not to be friends with anyone for real. – Petrash Tatiana

    Take your love, multiply it by an infinite number, and in the end you get the depths of eternity ... and only a very modest idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow much I love you. Meet Joe Black

    She wants to remain friends. I can only change love for friendship, or disappear from her life forever. I choose the second. Why? Because that's the way it should be. You can't live in a house that's burned to the ground.
    "No," he said quickly. “But not this. Stay friends? Dilute a small garden on the cooled lava of extinct feelings? No, this is not for you and me. This happens only after small intrigues, and even then it turns out to be rather false. Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end.

    Marrying is interesting only for love; to marry a girl just because she is pretty is the same as buying an unnecessary thing in the market just because she is good.

    You only need to thank a man in two cases. If He leaves your life once and for all. Or if it remains in it once and for all.

    In the end, everything must be fine. If something is bad, then this is not the end

    What happens to you only happens to you. No one will ever be able to look at the world through your eyes, see what you see, and understand it the way you understand.

    Love is when you are not compared with anyone, because they know for sure that there is no one better than you and cannot be.

    Love is not stained with friendship. The end is the end.

    Happiness begins with you and ends with you. It's so simple. Love is when you want to grow old with someone.

    Friendship between a man and a woman is an eternal dilemma that everyone argues about. How many people, so many opinions. These feelings go hand in hand throughout life. Can ordinary friendly relations without love and romantic feelings? Love and friendship have a lot in common - to understand where the border is, and it can be difficult to distinguish it. To begin with, it is important to understand these concepts and determine their meanings. What are romantic feelings and what are friendly ties.

    Love - you can talk about it endlessly, this is one of the most powerful and beautiful feelings that people experience. It has many meanings and forms. Main types of love:

    • Eros - romantic feelings, sympathy for a man or woman;
    • Storge - implies feelings for relatives, family;
    • Philia - feelings that are shown to close friends;
    • Agape is the love of God.

    Every facet of love contains a feeling of deep affection for another person. It encourages you to live for others and give. In the name of love throughout human history, many heroic, beautiful, fantastic deeds have been committed. It doesn't always have a happy ending. But it always makes the one who manifests it happy. The ability to love others enriches and relieves selfishness.

    Friendship is a relationship between people, the basis of which is love, honesty, sincerity. Close friends have mutual sympathy, common goals and interests, complete trust among themselves. Friends help each other get better.

    The concepts of love and friendship seem to be closely related. These feelings simply cannot exist in isolation. There are no friends who do not love. Yes, and sympathy will arise if the foundation is a good friendship. More than one example has shown that the secret happy marriage there are relatives trusting relationship before marriage. Husband and wife simply have to be best friends.

    Common Grounds for Friendly and Romantic Feelings

    Both falling in love and good friendship are characterized by attraction. People who communicate closely, like couples in love, can miss each other. They have a desire to often spend time together, call up.

    Both friendship and love involve close relationships. The desire to share the innermost, their feelings, dreams, goals. A loved one or friend becomes special, closer than everyone else. A bond based on understanding and trust is possible in both cases.

    Friendship or love is simply not possible without mutual respect. You cannot say that you love a person and at the same time treat him carelessly or somehow humiliate his dignity. Both feelings encourage mutual support. Thanks to this, any relationship becomes stronger, develops and is valued more. And, of course, the time spent together brings pleasure. It's nice to laugh together, look forward to the next meeting.

    What is the difference

    This is not love, but friendship, how to make sure? Although friendships and romantic relationships have many things in common, there are also significant differences. These concepts can be distinguished in many respects. Of course, good friends have a lot in common, they can have the same outlook on life, common aspirations. But just Good friends do not strive for the general implementation of their goals. Only potential families plan a joint future.

    Define true attitude to the person it is possible and by quantity of the rendered attention. Even in the strong friendship not given as much time as in a romantic relationship. Lovers all their own free time giving each other every minute. And if this is not so, then this is not love, but friendship, or even something less.

    When two people love, they do not have the concepts of “I”, “me”, “mine”, they say “we”, “us”, “our”. Comrades have a need for each other, but still each of them has his own life. Friends go through life in parallel, side by side, and when they bind the bonds of love, the two become one. Of course, the relationship of couples in love is much closer and warmer than friendly feelings. From these aspects, it is not difficult to distinguish and understand the difference between friendship and a serious love relationship.

    From friendship to love

    Can a good friendship grow into something more? The answer is obvious: yes, it is possible. As already mentioned above, strong families come from good friends. No one is immune from love. And it is more difficult to distinguish this fine line. Friendship develops into closer relationships gradually and imperceptibly. Therefore, it cannot be determined immediately. Relationships become warmer and stronger, a person becomes simply irreplaceable in life. This is how they have been friends since childhood, they sit at the same desk, share their innermost secrets. But they say that they are just friends, there is no question of love. But suddenly something happens and the two fall in love. It's great if these feelings are mutual, you get a wonderful family.

    Of course, this is not always the case. The question cannot be answered in the affirmative. Some will say "no", others - "yes". It all depends on each individual situation.

    There are many examples of friendship between opposite sexes. But there are no less examples when she grew into a warmer and more tender relationship. There may be sympathy, close relationships, but they will not be romantic, but rather like kindred. Two people can be united by common memories, the past, they are comfortable together. But there is a different kind of love between them. The relationship between a man and a woman can be like that of a brother and sister. But again, no one is safe, even a very long ordinary communication can turn into romance. It is not always easy to understand and sort out your feelings. The time spent together will help determine this. Love and friendship are the kindest and brightest facets of human relations. It's great when they complement each other. Whether it's friendship or love.