Big heart for February 14th. DIY valentine lottery card. Video on how to make a craft for Valentine's Day

Useful tips

It is believed that this holiday was named after one of the two martyrs - Valentina Interamskogo And Valentin Rimsky.

On this day, people give their loved ones flowers, sweets, cards (Valentines) with poems and declarations of love, as well as many others gifts symbolizing love.

But a gift handmade, will make no less an impression than a purchased gift.

Here are some DIY Valentine's Day gifts you can make:

DIY poppers with candies and confetti for Valentine's Day

You will need:

Paper towel or toilet paper cylinders




Candy or other small gifts.

1. Cut the cardboard cylinder in half.

2. Fill each half with candy and confetti.

3. Fold the halves back and secure them together with tape.

4. Cut the sheet wrapping paper, wrap it around the connected halves of the cylinders and secure with tape.

5. Tie two lengths of ribbon to both ends of the cylinder. You can use scissors to curl ribbons.

To get the contents, you need to break the craft in the center (where the halves of the cylinders are connected).

DIY vase with hearts and roses for Valentine’s Day (master class)

You will need:


Strong thread

Red felt

Glue and tape.

1. Cut out small hearts from felt.

2. Thread a needle and thread through the hearts. Leave about 5-7 cm between the hearts.

3. Tie a knot on one side and the other side of the thread.

4. Secure one end of the thread to the jar with glue or tape and begin wrapping the thread with hearts around the jar.

The vase is ready, all that remains is to pour water into it and place the flowers.

DIY Valentine's Day (photo): bouquet of pompoms

You will need:


Green felt


Multi-colored threads

White acrylic or spray paint

Hot glue.

Making a pompom

1. Wrap the thread around your fingers 50 to 75 times. For a large pompom you need to wrap it around 4 fingers, and for a small one around 2. Cut the thread.

2. Cut another piece of thread 15-20 cm long and wrap it around the lump that you wrapped around your fingers. Tie a knot.

3. Carefully remove the thread from your fingers and use scissors to cut the loops on the right and left.

4. Make the pompom more voluminous by adjusting the threads. It is also worth trimming the thread a little with scissors to make the pompom more even.

Preparing the flower stems and connecting the parts

1. Take twigs and paint them White color. Let the paint dry.

2. Using hot glue, attach the pom pom to the branch.

3. Cut out leaves of any shape from green felt and glue them to the branches.

4. Make several flowers to make a bouquet.

5. Wrap the bouquet of flowers with ribbon and twine. You can add a note of congratulations to the bouquet.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day: puzzle cube with hearts

You will need:

4 wooden cubes

Acrylic paints and brushes

PVA glue

Sequins of different colors

Heart template


1. Place 4 cubes on a flat surface as shown in the image.

2. Place a heart template on the cubes and trace it with a simple pencil.

3. Start applying PVA glue to the cubes with a brush, namely to the places marked with a pencil.

4. Carefully sprinkle glitter of the same color onto the glue. Use a brush to remove excess. To ensure that the glitter lies tightly, you can apply a layer of glue on top. Let the glue dry.

5. Rotate the cubes and repeat steps 1-4 to make another heart, only this time use a different color of glitter.

6. Cover all sides of the cubes with heart pieces.

You can put all the cubes in a fabric bag, which can also be decorated with a heart.

DIY Valentine's Day gifts: 52 reasons why I love you.

You will need:

Deck of cards (36 or 52 pieces)

Binding rings

Colored cardboard

Double-sided tape

Hole puncher

1. Punch two holes in each card using a hole punch.

2. Stack all the cards and thread the binding rings through the holes.

3. Cut out several small rectangles from cardboard, the size of one should not exceed the size of the card.

4. Using double-sided tape, glue the rectangles onto the cards.

5. On each rectangle, write one reason why you love your significant other. You can write something with humor for a change.

DIY gift for a guy on February 14: a picture of kisses

You will need:

White cardboard


Frame for a picture or photograph

1. Cut a piece of cardboard slightly larger than your frame.

2. Apply a few “kisses” to the white cardstock.

3. Insert the cardstock into the frame and write on back side personal message.

DIY gift for February 14th: heart made from cones

You'll need:

Red thick paper (in this example, 7 sheets measuring 30x30 cm are used)


Hot glue or PVA glue

Strong thread.

1. From red paper, cut out several (in this example, 14 pieces) squares measuring 7x7 cm - for the inner part of the heart, and 10x10 cm (in this example, 47 pieces) for the outer part.

2. Cut out a heart from cardboard. In this example, the widest part of the heart is 40 cm.

3. Make cones out of all the squares.

4. Start gluing the cones to the cardboard heart. Large cones on the outside and small ones on the inside.

Here's another option:

Gifts for Valentine's Day: heart embroidered on an envelope or card

You will need:

Colored thread for knitting

Thick paper envelope or colored cardboard

Needle (large enough for thread)




1. Draw a heart on cardboard or an envelope.

2. Using a needle, make several holes along the line of the drawn heart.

3. Start threading the thread through the holes in different directions. Tie a knot at the end.

DIY gift ideas for February 14th: hearts with confetti and an arrow

You will need:

Tracing paper

Colored cardboard (white, red, pink)

Confetti (you can buy ready-made or cut from colored paper)

Black marker

Red thread

PVA glue or hot glue


1. Make a heart template. Draw a heart on cardboard and cut it out. To make it symmetrical, you can fold the cardboard in half and draw half a heart and cut it out, then straighten the paper.

2. Place the heart template on tracing paper and trace in two places to cut out two identical hearts.

3. Make the arrow feathers.

3.1. Fold the red cardstock in half and draw half of the feathers for the arrow (see image) and cut them along the line with scissors.

3.2. Straighten the paper feathers and cut them along the fold line. On each half, stepping back from the edge by 0.25 cm, make a fold.

Repeat with the pink cardstock so you end up with 4 pieces for the arrow.

4. Make the point of the arrow.

4.1. Using scissors, cut about 6 cm from the skewer.

4.2. Cut two identical triangles from red and pink cardstock.

4.3. Glue the triangles to each other so that they cover the tip of the skewer.

5. Collect the heart.

5.1. Using a black marker on one of the tracing paper hearts, write something nice for your other half.

5.2. Secure both hearts together with red thread and a needle. Leave some space to fill the inside with confetti.

6. Fill the heart with confetti.

6.1. You can add confetti and little secret notes inside the heart.

6.2. Sew the hearts until the end and tie a knot.

6.3. Carefully insert a skewer through the heart between the seams.

7. Glue the paper feathers to the arrow using PVA glue.

Gifts for February 14 (photo): heart-shaped boxes with a surprise

You will need:

Colored cardboard


Stationery knife


PVA glue

Paper clips

Corrugated paper

Stamps (if desired)

Decorations to taste.

1. Cut a strip of colored cardboard. Its size is 28x4 cm.

2. Fold the strip in half.

3. Bend the ends of the strip towards each other so that the outer sides of the ends touch.

4. Glue the touching ends paper tape and secure them with two paper clips.

5. Cut out a square from cardboard that is larger than the size of the paper heart.

6. Apply a little glue to the edges of the heart and glue it to the square.

7. Using scissors, cut a square along the outline of the paper heart. You have a small box.

8. Put a piece corrugated paper onto a box and cut out a heart a little larger than a heart made of cardboard paper. Use scissors to cut the fringe.

9. Pour sweets or notes into the box, apply a little glue to its edges and glue a corrugated paper heart. You can stick another heart made of corrugated paper on top (for strength).

10. Decorate the box with braid, hearts, feathers, etc. You can add the inscription "Don't break my heart."

How to make a gift for February 14: a heart made of pompoms

You will need:

Ready-made pompoms or red knitting thread to make them



Thread and needle

Fabric glue (if necessary).

In this example, 22 pom poms were used. The size of the pillow is 40 x 40 cm. The size of the resulting heart is 20 x 20 cm. One pompom has a diameter of 5 cm.

How to make a pompom with your own hands (video)

1. Cut out a heart from felt.

2. Prepare the pompoms and use a thread to sew them to the felt heart. To find out how to make a pompom, check out our article: 10 cute crafts for kids and adults, section "DIY spring crafts"

3. Sew or glue the pompom heart to the pillow.

Valentine's Day is a special holiday for all those who love and are loved. Although some deny its existence, many are sure that one day a year should be devoted to Special attention It's not a bad idea for your other half. Couples spend pleasant evenings together, confessing their feelings to each other and giving gifts, including valentines.

Postcards can be made not only from plain paper. There are a great many ways to create and decorate. However, now you will see everything for yourself!

A gift made with your own hands is the best! This has been known since ancient times. The giver puts a piece of his soul into such a gift and the recipient will certainly feel it.

Postcard bookmark for Valentine's Day

Such a cute little thing can be given to classmates, classmates or just work colleagues, just like that, as a sign of respect and friendship.

To do this you need to prepare:

  1. 3 templates in the form of hearts of different shapes
  2. 3 different sheets of designer paper
  3. glue stick
  4. decorative rhinestones

Prepare all materials immediately so that they are at hand.

1. Using a pencil, first transfer the largest of the stencils onto a sheet of paper. Trim along the contour. Carefully trim the edges.

2. Do the same with the remaining stencils and sheets. As a result, you will get 3 hearts of different sizes and colors.

3. Glue the smallest piece to the largest piece, to the top edge. Place the middle one in the middle, glue only the top of the figure, the lower part should be freely separated from the adjacent one. You will get a picture like this:

4. Decorate with rhinestones to suit your taste. Here you need to include a full flight of fantasy. You can make a butterfly, a crown, a dragonfly, or just stick them in a chaotic order.

5. Once the glue “sets”, which takes about 10 minutes, you can test your creation in action. It should easily fit into the corner of the book, thereby serving as a bookmark.

An original, cute, and most importantly useful present is ready!

Heart – topper for a bouquet or holiday table

In just a few minutes you can make an excellent addition to a composition of fresh flowers or a holiday dish.


  1. long skewers
  2. sheet of red paper
  3. glue stick
  4. simple pencil
  5. scissors

1. Fold the sheet in half twice. That is, first bend it in half, then in half again.

2. In the upper corner, where the edges of the paper remain free, draw a semicircle with a pencil so that it visually “cuts off” this corner.

3. Now cut along the contour and you should get a sheet like this.

4. Now fold it in half again and bend the line about 1 centimeter.

5. Then turn the workpiece over and fold it again in exactly the same way, according to the accordion principle. Do this along the entire length.

6. Fully straighten the workpiece and fold it into a fan again.

7. Secure the middle with a needle. Pierce the accordion with a skewer and glue it together internal sides glue.

You can make several of these toppers.

So, in a few minutes you can make an original gift for your family, friends and loved ones!

Very beautiful hearts made from ribbons

Such pendants can be made from satin ribbons very simple. At first glance, it may seem difficult to make such beauty at home, but step by step description will help you believe that this is not true at all.

We will need:

  1. Satin ribbons: red – 5 cm wide and silver – 4 cm wide
  2. Beautiful rope for a loop
  3. Glue gun
  4. Scissors
  5. A little felt
  6. A sheet of plain stencil paper
  7. Burnt Candle
  8. Tweezers

So, let's begin.

1. Fold a sheet of paper in half.

2. On the side where the addition occurred, draw half a heart, as shown in the photo.

3. Cut along the contour.

4. Transfer the stencil to felt and cut out the same shape from it.

5. Cut the ribbon, 5 cm wide, into squares of the same length. For a figure measuring 7x6 cm you will need approximately 38 of these squares. This is only for the first display.

6. Fold into a triangle 3 times and burn the free corners on the candle. After this, the petals will be fastened at the edges.

7. Apply a little glue to the felt, from top to middle. Attach the first petal here, with the front side to the left.

8. Insert subsequent parts into each other, having previously coated the edges with glue. So paste it in a circle.

9. Now take the silver ribbon and cut 4x4cm squares. Fold them in the same pattern as the red ones.

10. Invest them according to the previous principle. As soon as you reach the middle, bend the structure, coat it with glue and secure it to the base.

11. Do the same with the other side. Now decorate the transition joints in the upper edge in this way: make the same petal from satin squares, just turn it back a little. Paste on each joint, according to color. Repeat with a third layer of red.

12. Take 2 silver squares and first fold them into a triangle, and then press the edges to the middle.

13. Glue them together this way:

14. Secure them in the middle of the figure.

15. Apply a little glue to a piece of tape and install the edges of the rope there. Glue this to the back top.

This charming gift will delight your loved one and will always remind you of your feelings!

Original valentines for Valentine's Day

Already in early February, store shelves begin to be filled with various holiday paraphernalia. Of course, you can buy all this, thereby saving your time. However, making a gift with your own hands is always pleasant for both you and the recipient.

We all know how to make ordinary cards, since childhood. And if you have always been distinguished by originality and the ability to surprise, then this selection is for you!

Beautiful valentine card

To do this, prepare:

  1. Thick paper or cardboard
  2. Newsprint or decorative paper. It is better if it depicts love lines or drawings
  3. Beads and other decorative elements
  4. Scissors
  5. PVA glue

Fold the cardboard in half and draw a heart on one side with a simple pencil. Cut so that the folded sides remain intact. Thus, a postcard is obtained.

On the front side you can write a declaration of love, the name of your chosen one, or whatever you want. Stick on beads, rhinestones or whatever you like. Inside you can also write love lines, wishes and just warm words.

Such a souvenir will warm the soul of the recipient at any time of the year!

Valentine's card for those with a sweet tooth

If your significant other loves candy, there is something for her too. suitable option. All you need for this is a piece of cardboard, glue and your favorite sweet.

Draw and cut out a heart, remove the middle so that the thickness of the frame is slightly less than your candy.

Cover the entire area with treats and the result is so beautiful!

Every sweet tooth's dream!

Button heart

You will need:

  1. A sheet of thick cardboard. You can use the crust of an old book
  2. Multi-colored buttons of different sizes
  3. PVA glue
  4. A piece of felt
  5. Thin satin ribbon

Let's start creating:

1.Cut out a heart from felt, approximately half the size of the selected base.

2.Glue it in the middle of a cardboard sheet and cover it with buttons, alternating them in size and color.

3.Tie the ribbon in a bow and secure it at your discretion. On the reverse side you can leave your message to the recipient.

Beautiful drawings and pictures of hearts for Valentine's Day

1. If you have good drawing skills, then creating a drawing will not be difficult. For example, with the help of gouache you can confess your love in this way:

A cute and modest drawing will communicate serious intentions and reverent feelings.

2. It would also be a great option to make a book dedicated to your relationship. The front side can be decorated in the “Love is...” style. This option, familiar to everyone from the famous chewing gum candy wrappers, is perfect as a surprise.

You can fill the book with funny stories from your life, memorable dates and photographs. Keep a table of your “achievements” and a wish list. Mark your dreams and goals here, and the ways to achieve them. A declaration of love will also be a wonderful addition to creativity. After all, it is known that the book is best gift! And making it with your own hands is doubly pleasant and original!

3.If you are not confident that you can draw a decent drawing, then do not worry! Stencils will come to the rescue. You can simply print them out and color them in bright colors!

For example, such cute animals will melt any heart.

The dog and cat depicted here perfectly symbolize the relationship between people with different temperaments. A harmful but affectionate pussy is always under the protection of a reliable and faithful dog! This analogy applies to many relationships!

In addition to material gifts, it never hurts to congratulate your loved one electronically. Send such a picture and thereby cheer up the recipient for the whole day!

And this option will say everything for you! A perfectly selected composition of words expresses thoughts and delivers them to their destination. And glasses of champagne and sweets will hint that this evening will have a pleasant continuation!

There can never be too many pleasant things!

How to make a beautiful paper heart with your own hands - master class

Let's look at two of the simplest, but no less effective handmade options for Valentine's Day.

Heart card with paper roses

You will need:

  1. Sheet of red cardboard
  2. Sheet of pink paper
  3. Scissors
  4. Brush

1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half and draw a figure so that the lower border runs along the fold line. Cut along the contour, without separating the junction of the two halves.

2. Cut the paper into thin strips. Make cuts along the entire length, as shown in the photo.

3. Coat one side with glue and screw the strips one by one onto the brush. In the end you will have this beautiful rose.

4. Make the required number of flowers and frame the craft with them.

5. You can take further design completely into your own hands! Do as your soul tells you. Then everything will work out in the best possible way.

Look how beautiful it turned out!

Large heart made of cardboard and paper

Cut out a symbol of love from thick cardboard (household appliance boxes, for example). It’s better to make the size larger so that your loved one understands that your feelings are strong!

Make a lot of small hearts from red paper and paste them on cardboard, one on top of the other.

By placing such a gift in a prominent place, the chosen one will always remember this day. Beautiful design fits perfectly into any interior.

Stencils and templates for cutting out hearts

The stencil is a unique invention of mankind. At the same time, you save your precious time on drawing or flights of fancy, and have a hand in creating a unique surprise.

1. There are 4 options given here. By cutting out each of them you can make them all.

Printed on decorative paper or simply painting them in the desired colors, it’s easy to make a garland out of them, for example.

It looks very nice and harmonious.

2. Doves are a symbol of love. Their pure and impeccable feelings have been worshiped since time immemorial. Therefore, a template with their image will come in handy.

Colored in soft pink and red shades, you get a great surprise.

3. These designs are also suitable for garlands or decoration of a festive room.

One of the options for submitting them:

And making them an addition to such a cute pattern would be a great idea!

Looks amazing!

4. This option can serve as an anti-stress coloring book. Small and elegant details require careful and subtle painting. This calms many people down.

The methods of application are up to you.

Valentine's Day is a very symbolic date for all couples. Although it came to us from abroad, it has been celebrated in Russia for more than 10 years. Giving each other handmade amenities has become a good tradition. A gift into which the master has invested a piece of himself cannot be compared even with the most expensive purchase!

Hi all! With the beginning of February, we have preparations for two holidays. One of them falls on February 14, the other on February 23.

In this regard, we have the worries and troubles of congratulating our relatives, friends, acquaintances and loved ones on these significant events.

Although St. Valentine's Day came to our country from abroad, it successfully took root and became a favorite holiday. Everyone is happy to congratulate friends, acquaintances and relatives either with a paper “Valentine” or.

Many people strive to buy some kind of gift, from plush toy or a magnet, to various accessories related to the work or hobby of a loved one.

Store-bought gifts are, of course, good, but on Valentine's Day it's nice to receive something self made. Of course, this handmade gift should have a decent appearance and be pleasing to the eye.

On this day it is customary to give valentines.

And a Valentine craft decorated with a small quatrain will warm your soul and speak about the sincerity of your feelings. Still, you tried, and spent time and effort on this, and invested a piece of yourself into the gift. Although, of course, it depends on who you want.

It is best to make homemade hearts together with children. Gluing, embroidering, decorating is a wonderful way to involve your child in needlework.

You can make a Valentine card not only from paper, but also from fabric, such as felt.

We take the material and cut out two identical heart shapes from it. We sew along the edge with thread or braid. Leaving a small gap side seam, fill the heart with cotton wool, padding polyester or whatever you have on hand. After this we stitch to the end. The heart is ready. Now it can be used for any decoration. You can put it on a stick and put it in a vase, you can make a tree out of several of these hearts.

You can draw a cute face and place such a craft on the table during a festive dinner.

You can make not only voluminous hearts from felt. If you take a strip of fabric and sew it, bending it in the shape of a heart, as in the picture,

then after this, cutting the felt into strips, we will get this nice product:

You can make garlands from these hearts and attach them under the ceiling or on a window.

Tree of hearts. Look at this photo, what wonderful craft. You can decorate a real small tree in your yard with hearts.

First, you need to make a template out of paper, drawing the desired composition on it, and then, in the form of an applique, make the craft itself.

An original gift would be a heart-shaped oven mitt for the kitchen.

The main thing is that such a gift will remain for a long time.

Paper Valentines

Paper crafts are called origami. Creating origami is very exciting activity, which will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Making a simple heart like this is not at all difficult:

By bending the craft correctly according to the diagram below, we get a wonderful paper heart. It doesn’t take long to make and is perfect if you forgot to congratulate someone, but you need to do it quickly.

You can also make a heart as a bookmark.

Below is a diagram of how to make such a bookmark from plain paper. According to this scheme, taking any color, preferably pink, you can make a pretty original gift lover of reading books.

And another original gift made of paper – a heart-box. I hope everyone can figure out for themselves how to use such a gift.

Making such a craft is also easy. Having created a blank based on the principle of a paper cube, we fold it into a box.

Take it into service.

Master class on making valentines step by step

There are a lot of different options for valentines. It all depends on the creative approach. Almost every craftsman creates his own original masterpiece.

Valentine boat

For example, a very interesting idea for such a valentine-boat. Everything is very simple here. Let's remember our childhood and make a boat out of paper.

That's all, the gift is ready.

Volumetric postcard

If you want to make a Valentine card with a wish or recognition, use this option.

Take red cardboard for the base and several sheets of paper different color for hearts. Fold the red cardboard in half. Cut out regular hearts from colored cardboard. To make them varied, you can openly cut each one along the edges. You can use a hole punch or special scissors. Remember how you did it on New Year snowflakes.

The cut out hearts must be folded in half and glued along the fold to each other. After that, glue them to the red base of the card.

All that remains is to write a congratulation on a small piece of paper and stick it next to the heart. The postcard is ready, you can go congratulate.

Patterns for fabric valentines

For those who like to sew with their own hands, here are some interesting patterns.

Valentine Bear:

And this is a pattern for another little animal – a mouse:

If you want to sew a Valentine's card in the form of a pillow, this pattern will help you. One half of it is shown here. But, as you might guess, the second is completely similar.

And another wonderful template for a family valentine. True, all the signatures are not made in Russian, but I think everything is clear even without them.

Making DIY valentines with children

Making any crafts with children, not just valentines, is a good activity. We work with our beloved children and teach them to be creative.

If your child is old enough and able to handle a needle, then you can make crafts from fabric with him. With younger children it is better to use paper.

A good option is applique. You can use various available materials. For example, cardboard, glue and cotton pads. As a result, we get a heart like this.

With a small child, you can make such a wonderful postcard, where the baby’s palm is printed.

Or this seemingly simple postcard, but made by a child, it will not leave anyone indifferent to whom it is presented.

Well, this is such a wonderful craft. I would recommend doing it for your child too.

In general, give your child an idea, I’m sure he’ll do the rest himself and handle it perfectly.

Video on how to make a beautiful valentine for Valentine's Day (card for February 14)

This video shows how to make a 3D postcard with your own hands.

Simple and affordable!

Templates for making DIY valentines at school

In general, this is the same for working with children. Here are some interesting ideas. You can download them for yourself and print them.

Valentine ladybug

Heart in an envelope

3D postcard template

And a few more options for valentines with stencils for cutting them out.

The diagrams show dimensions and possible designs. In principle, having learned how to cut correctly, you can even draw your own pattern.

So get creative, invent and surprise. Good luck!

Good day, friends!

For Valentine's Day, I still have an unusual recipe for a delicious dessert in store for you. We have already compiled and even learned how to do it.

Well, today we combine both. Because dessert is a dish and at the same time a valentine. We will bake cookies in the shape of cute, pink hearts. They turn out so tasty, so tender. Your soulmate will be joyfully surprised and melt in their feelings for you. I guarantee it!

For the dish we will need heart-shaped molds. You can take a variety of sizes.

Cookies for Valentine's Day: step-by-step preparation

We will need:

  • Wheat flour - 600 grams;
  • Baking powder - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Salt - 1 pinch;
  • Sugar - 250 grams;
  • Egg - 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream - 100 grams;
  • Vanilla extract - 1-2 drops;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Milk - 50 milliliters;
  • Food coloring - 2-3 drops.


Let's start making delicious dough.

1.To knead it, take a deep bowl. Pour in wheat flour, salt, and baking powder. Stir everything with a spatula until the ingredients are combined.

Sift the wheat flour a couple of times. It is saturated with oxygen. The dough will be airy and tender.

2. Take out 100 grams of softened butter. Beat it with a mixer with granulated sugar until smooth in a separate bowl.

3. Break an egg into it and drop vanilla extract into it. Just a couple of drops is enough. The main thing is not to overdo it. Continuing to beat, pour in all the sour cream.

4.Add the mixture to the bowl with flour and baking powder. Knead the dough. When it becomes difficult to knead, transfer the mass to a clean, dry table. Dust it a little with flour and continue kneading the mixture into a good shortbread dough.

5. Wrap the finished shortbread dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator to rest for half an hour. From the cold it will become more homogeneous, elastic and elastic.

6. Preheat the oven to 180-200° C.

7.Take the dough out of the refrigerator and out of the cling film. Remember once or twice more and roll out the pancake no more than 3-4 mm thick on the work surface. We take molds and squeeze out the hearts.

8.Roll out the layers several times until all the cookie dough is gone.

9. Place heart-shaped cookies on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 200° C degrees.

10.The baking tray can be greased with a little butter. Or the products can be placed on a silicone baking mat. These mats do not need to be oiled in advance. They are very convenient in this situation.

While the cookies are baking, make the icing.

11.Beat 50 grams of butter with sugar. Pour milk and food coloring into it. You can use any food coloring: pink, red, blue and even greenish.

12.Remove the finished golden brown cookies from the oven. Let it cool down a little. Use a spoon to apply thick glaze using sweeping movements.

These are the lovely hearts I made!

Cookies can be served immediately with tea. We eat with pleasure and confess our love to each other!

And I wish you love, joy and Have a good mood every day!

Everyone loves receiving unusual valentines, but not everyone knows who started this tradition.

According to one version, the first Valentine was sent by a certain Duke of Orleans, who was in prison and, out of boredom, wrote love messages to his wife. According to another, valentines were “invented” by a young girl who, in 1477, wrote a letter to her lover asking him to prove her feelings and promising to extract a dowry from her mother.

Be that as it may, valentines were written already in the 15th century. The peak of their popularity came in the 18th century. These were real works of art: beautiful paper, color painting, lace undercut. In the 19th century, mass production of valentines began, and every year they became more and more depersonalized.

Today, a Valentine is simply a card with hearts and the template phrase “Happy Valentine’s Day!” But Lifehacker has compiled his own selection of Valentine cards - for those who do not accept mediocrity and want to surprise their soulmate on February 14th.

Continuing the M&M theme, another idea for Valentine's Day is a Valentine in a jar.

It's simple: decorate a jar with a twist and pour candy into it (it is advisable to choose red, pink and white dragees to match the holiday flavor). You can decorate the jar to your taste, or you can spy on an idea.

Don't have a jar on hand? No problem - use empty plastic bottles.

Valentine flipbook

A flipbook (from the English flip - “turn over” + book - “book”) is a small (the size of a business card) illustrated book, flipping through the pages of which creates the illusion of movement. The pictures “come to life”, like in a cartoon.

A flipbook for Valentine's Day is a valuable and memorable gift. It can capture the story of your love or simply confess your feelings. You can make a flipbook yourself, or order it from a special company or from a handmade craftsman (see).

Valentine's card for tea lovers. Take a tea bag, carefully cut it and pour the tea leaves out of it. Then cut out a heart from the filter paper and sew it tightly with thread, not forgetting to pour the tea leaves back at the end. By the way, instead of tea “dust,” which is often sold in tea bags, you can buy expensive, delicious tea and fill the bags with it.

Additional romantic touches include heart tails for the bags and sugar with hearts. Details.

Lovers often ask each other a “ridiculous” question: “How much do you love me?”

This cosmic valentine will help you demonstrate the extent and depth of your feelings. Like, my love for you, dear (oh), is as limitless as the Universe.

It’s not difficult to make such a Valentine card. You will need a heart made of black paper (symbolizes space) and a round candy wrapped in surreal paper (the planet of your Love).

You can, of course, laugh - an option for a forensic expert (by the way, why not?), but, in fact, this is a very sweet, if not intimate, valentine.

This is an allusion to the union of a man and a woman who walk through life hand in hand. And between the lines it reads: “I will always be there. I will give you a helping hand in difficult times."

But even if your significant other doesn’t dig that far in search of metaphorical meanings, she will probably appreciate your efforts. After all, to create this creation, you will have to get pretty smeared with paint.

This valentine will help you warm up on a cold February evening. It contains cocoa, marshmallow and other sweets to suit your taste.

At the same time, this is not just a sign of attention and care. This valentine is like an invitation to a date. After all, who wants to drink hot chocolate alone? ;)

Another variation of a similar set.

Valentine's Day is a good time to propose. At least on this day you can be a romantic and not be ashamed of it.

Do a beautiful box, using the diagram and instructions from here, and present your loved one with a ring on February 14th. This valentine will definitely be remembered for a long time!

Well, if you are not yet ready for marriage, just put a small gift inside.

Share your valentine ideas in the comments.