How to beautifully decorate diapers as a gift. Master classes on making gifts from diapers. Bouquet for newborns from rattles

If you have a baby among your relatives and friends, and you don’t know what to give him, then a cake or other figures made from diapers is a great way out. Every baby needs diapers, and if you complement the gift with other things that are irreplaceable at first, then such a gift will become very valuable in the eyes of any parent.

Gift for a newborn from disposable diapers

For newborn boys, gifts are traditionally made in blue color, you can also use blue tones, green and sea green. Not all cool shades are considered masculine. For example, lilac and violet are traditionally considered feminine colors.

Newborns will not soon need soft toys for games, or rather in a year, in any case, you should choose a gift very carefully. The toy must have certificates of quality, environmental safety, and be made of high-quality artificial fur that holds tightly, even if you pull it. There should be no small details, and it is better to choose embroidered noses and eyes rather than button ones.

Gift for a newborn girl

For a gentle girl, not only pink colors are suitable when decorating gifts. When creating designs from diapers, you can use beige, light green, sand, lilac and other pastel shades.

Step-by-step principles for assembling a diaper cake

Diaper Cakes They are the most popular for two reasons: they are easy to make with your own hands, and they are suitable for both boys and girls. A convenient and practical gift that your mother will be delighted with.

To make the cake you will need a large package of diapers for newborns, for example, Pampers Newborn 84 pieces.

Before buying diapers, try to check with your mom or dad what kind of diapers they buy themselves. For many parents, the manufacturer is important.

In addition to diapers, you will need satin ribbons and fabric flowers in blue or Pink colour respectively. Also add diapers, newborn clothes, bottles, socks, bathing and grooming products to your cake. All this will not only serve as decoration, but will also be useful for the young mother.

To attach the cake, you will need rubber bands, double-sided tape, clamps, clothespins, etc., and also buy a cake stand at the store. If you plan to give your gift in the maternity hospital, you can carefully pack it in cellophane film.

In principle, the fastening of diapers to each other can be different. You can use an accordion and wrap the entire row in a diaper at once. You can put clothes inside, and the diapers themselves can be rolled up individually and arranged in a circle.

The easiest way to create a diaper cake looks like this:

  1. For a three-layer cake, divide the pack of diapers into three unequal piles. The first should be about half of all diapers. The second row is 2/3 of the remaining ones, and the smallest amount for the top.
  2. Place the first large layer of diapers in a circle. To do this, place them on their ends and, leaning against each other, twist them until a closed, dense figure is formed.
  3. Take any ribbon and, bending the edges of the diapers in one direction, wrap it around the resulting circle. Tie tightly enough to prevent the cake from falling apart.
  4. Now connect the second and third layers of diapers in the same way.
  5. Place the bottom layer on a cake stand and the second and third on top of it.
  6. Now you can start decorating. To begin with, thin fasteners should be decorated with wide satin ribbons with a children's drawing or plain ones of a suitable color.
  7. Now, using clothespins, clips or ties, secure pacifiers, socks, bodysuits, blouses, and rattles as decorations. Place a soft toy at the very top.
  8. If you want to use diapers, you can carefully wrap them around the layers of the cake and secure them with clothespins. Then put the fasteners in the center so that they do not interfere. Then move on to decorative ribbons and decorations.

Your cake is ready, now you can wrap it in cellophane and give it to young parents.

In this video master class you can watch and then try to make the second option with rolled diapers:

Any types of diaper cakes are very popular today; this is a great way to please the baby’s mom and dad with healthy and a beautiful gift. Particularly complex motifs can be ordered from craftsmen, and simple cakes can be easily made with your own hands.

And again for the neighbor boy a car made of diapers. The idea was spotted on the Internet, but the assembly is my own. Maybe somewhere it could have been done easier and simpler, but I did it this way :) Maybe someone will have any additions to make the process easier, you are welcome to comment :)

So, we will need: cardboard, wrapping paper, diapers (2 packs of 58 pieces), ribbons, socks, 2 bottles, blankets or, like mine, cloth diapers and a diaper. Knife, skoich, rubber bands.

We lay the diaper on the diaper as in the photo and twist it into a tight roller, then secure it with an elastic band. I had 8 diapers. (there is also an option to twist each diaper separately and then combine them into one)

Twist 4 of these pieces - these will be our wheels.

Now we measure the cardboard and wrap it. I have 2 cardboards 54x45 and 45x35. At the same time, we try on the wheels on a small cardboard, this will be the bottom of the car :)

Then we place the smaller cardboard in the middle of the larger one and make holes through it in the places where our wheels will be.

The holes are made, let's take it large cardboard and thread the tapes through the holes, so we secure the wheels.

Now we thread the flight strips into a small cardboard. It will turn out like this.

We push the wheels between the tapes and secure them at the top small cardboard. We fasten it very tightly.

We place diapers on the resulting chassis. In front we create a “radiator” (or whatever it’s called) and headlights, lay the second and third row as you want. And cover with a diaper. Before putting on the diapers, it’s better to put one edge of the diaper under it, otherwise you’ll have difficulty folding it after, like I did.

From another diaper we make a “hood”.

And lay the next layer “cabin”. Randomly or like mine. Cover with a diaper again. We twist the other diaper and tie it with ribbons - this will be a “bumper”. We insert a folded napkin into the socks so that it holds its shape and makes it easier to secure.

All. We wrap it in cellophane for greater stability and give it away :) Before wrapping, look at the sides of the machine, I only saw folds in the cellophane.

The gifted parents were delighted :)

It’s a pity that the color scheme is not what I wanted, but with a small child you can’t run around looking for something suitable, so I had to use what I found first.

The appearance of a child in a family is a great joy not only for young parents, but also for their loved ones. Friends, grandparents, going to visit new parents, try to present them with various pleasant and useful little things for the child, toys, rompers, baby vests, baby food etc. Of course, all this will be useful to a young family, especially in the first months after the birth of the baby, but it is unlikely that mom and dad will then be able to remember which family member gave this or that item.

In the post-holiday bustle, new parents are unlikely to be able to remember which relative gave this or that item as a gift.

To surprise your friends or relatives who have become parents, you can present them with an original and useful gift- cake made from diapers. You can purchase it to order from people who have been making such unusual things for a long time, or you can make it yourself. To do this, you do not need to have special knowledge or skills. Anyone can make a diaper cake; the main thing is to understand the basic principle of making it and figure out how to creatively design a practical gift for a little person.

How to make a diaper cake and what to pay attention to?

Of course, the main element for creating a cake will be diapers. Today in stores you can find these necessary items from a variety of manufacturers. Products differ not only in range, but also in price. On the Internet you can find a video tutorial or MK on the topic “how to make a cake from diapers.” In fact, there is nothing difficult about this and everyone can cope with the task.

It is important to know the diaper size

When choosing diapers in a children's store or pharmacy for a newborn who will receive a surprise, pay attention to the size.

For newborns, it is better to buy the first or second size diaper, since babies grow quickly in the first months (see also:). It is not advisable to purchase the most small size diapers also for the reason that it is not recommended to use them for babies without factory packaging - the sterility of the diapers is impaired.

If desired, you can create a combined diaper cake. Collect several sizes of diapers - practical idea, which will be appreciated by the parents of the baby. Also, before purchasing diapers, check with the young mother what forms and products from which manufacturers she prefers - this will help to avoid mistakes.

A combined cake involves using several types of diapers for one product.

Having learned all the details, decide what your cake should look like and how many tiers it should have. So, for a single-tier cake, 20-22 diapers are enough, for a two-tier cake - 50-51 diapers, for a large cake - from 72 to 100 diapers. Their quantity also depends on the method of placement in the cake.

What will you need for work?

To ensure the creative process goes smoothly, get ready to work. In addition, make sure in advance that you have all the necessary attributes:

  • stationery erasers;
  • clothespins;
  • wire and pins;
  • tapes and double-sided tape;
  • for decoration - bows, flowers, beads, satin ribbons;
  • additional children's accessories - bottles, pacifiers, rattles, things - vests, hats, rompers, diapers, towels.
  1. The cake creation process must take place in a clean room. It is necessary that the table surface, tools, and materials are clean. Wash your hands thoroughly before the process.
  2. For reasons of hygiene, it is prohibited to turn diapers inside out. inside out.
  3. If as additional decor things will be used - vests, rompers - iron them.
  4. If toys will be used for decoration, you need to choose those that do not have an unpleasant odor.
  5. The elastic should not tighten the rows of diapers too much, but they should not dangle either.

The tightening of the rows of diapers should not be too tight - it is only necessary to hold the finished product together

Diaper cakes: varieties

A small cake made from diapers with your own hands will also look very presentable and will be an original gift.

The cake may consist of one, two or three tiers, which are arranged in the same way - twisting each element or stacking one item on top of another. Differences can only be in decoration options.

Diaper cake for the “little princess”

How is this cake different from a gift for a boy? Some details make it different from a cake for a “real man”:

  • First of all, the color scheme in which the gift is decorated is different - from beige, milky to soft pink and purple tones. By the way, almost any color is suitable for a girl, be it a bright or light shade.
  • Ruffles and frills in delicate pastel shades can make a gift cute, unusual and bright. They will look like cream decorations on a real confectionery product.
  • Creative and bright accents The gift will be decorated with butterflies, bows, flowers or a more modest option - satin ribbons and beads. You can also emphasize what time of year the girl was born - summer or spring - with the help of these decorations.
  • You should definitely pay attention to the small ones Plush Toys– bears, bunnies or dolls with baby dolls. They can decorate a cake for a little princess like nothing else.
  • Socks, handkerchiefs, cream - all these necessary items can also become decoration.

A cake for girls can be decorated with various floral and doll elements, tied with ribbons in color

Diaper cake for a “real man”

“Boy” diaper cakes are different from gifts for girls. For example, you will never see ruffles or bows on them. In addition, there are other significant differences:

  • Most suitable color scheme considered blue, green, beige. It is not at all necessary that the cake be very bright, especially if the child was born in winter or autumn.
  • As decor for an unusual gift for a boy, you can choose toys - cars, trains, boats, attributes of a future football player, pilot or firefighter.
  • If you want to make your gift even more practical, decorate it with baby items. Socks, hats, booties, several diapers and other items of clothing will do (more details in the article:). You can also use baby hygiene products for this purpose - baby cream, skin lotion, shampoo, oil, and so on.
  • Using a basic “circle” of diapers, you can make not a cake, but a bicycle, a car or a train.

A wonderful “vehicle” made from diapers, perfect for a young gentleman

Step-by-step instructions on how to make a diaper cake

Some people mistakenly believe that to make a beautiful diaper cake you need to have some special knowledge, skills or abilities, but this is not at all true (we recommend reading:). You can find it on the Internet detailed master a class where it is explained step by step how to create such a masterpiece yourself. To make the process clear for beginning needlewomen, a photo is shown. Following step by step instructions, anyone can make an original one-tier, two-tier or three-tier cake, which will be an excellent practical gift. Parents will undoubtedly be glad that they were presented with baby hygiene products in a creative form. To cope with creative work and not waste your time and money, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. There are several technologies for fastening diapers. The first involves rolling diapers and fastening them into rows, or tiers. The second method is to remove the diapers from the packaging and place them in a circle.
  2. Usually cardboard is used as the basis for work. round shape, but you can use a children's book with a hard cover for this purpose.
  3. It is not recommended to make very large cakes. The maximum number of tiers is three, since a large work of art may accidentally fall apart during transfer or transportation.
  4. You shouldn’t limit yourself to creating just cakes. If your imagination allows, you can make other gifts from diapers with your own hands - original “toys” or figurines (we recommend reading:). For example, a bicycle, a car, a stroller, a train with a trailer, a snowman, and so on.
  5. If possible, give your gift on the day your mother is discharged from the hospital. Then the photos have a good day will become even more beautiful, and a masterpiece made with your own hands will be captured on film and in the future will remind the baby’s parents about your unusual gift.

Classic cake made from diapers and towels

What we need:

  • Diapers – 90 pcs. It is better to give preference to size “2”, because... kids grow very quickly.
  • Small face towels – 10 pcs.
  • Elastic bands – 100 pcs. standard size and 3 pcs. big.
  • Roll of paper towels.
  • Decorative tape – 2 pcs. different color, at least 5 cm wide.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Thick cardboard or ready-made cardboard stand.
  • Toy, useful little things (for example, pacifiers), decorative elements(paper flowers, butterflies and others optional).
  • Fastening plastic or wooden sticks(you can use special ones for multi-tiered cakes), simple pencils or sushi sticks are also suitable.

Before we begin, we remind you: wash your hands thoroughly and work on a clean surface. You need to start by rolling each diaper into tight cylinders - from the groin to the waistband - and securing them with elastic bands. Do the same with towels.

Place a roll of paper towels in front of you and start lining up diapers around it. Make three rows and secure with a large elastic band.

Measure the resulting diameter of the bottom tier, cut a circle out of cardboard and place the cake on it. By the way, you can use children's books as a backing. suitable shape and size. For the second tier you will need the remaining diapers, which need to be installed in two rows and secured with an elastic band.

The third tier is towels, arrange them alternating colors. Insert several sticks between the tiers to secure them relative to each other.

Wrap the tiers with ribbons, the ends of which are secured with double-sided tape. Place a toy on top, and pacifiers and decorative elements on the rows. The cake is ready! Don't forget to pack it in transparent film.

Cake for a girl in the Disney style

The materials are almost the same as in the first master class. In this case, you will need a small pack of diapers - from 24 pieces. All decorative elements should be in the style of “Minnie” - Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend: bow, ribbon, bibs and combs in pink.

  • We roll the diapers using the technology we are familiar with; for the first tier you will need 14 pcs.
  • For the second tier we use 7 pieces, for the third - 3.

The most interesting step is decoration. Wrap the tiers with ribbons, add all the paraphernalia, as in the photo:

Single tier diaper cake

We already know the technology for creating such a cake:

All that is added is the decoration of the tiers with diapers. Fold them diagonally.

We measure the required height.

Roll it into a long roll.

We wrap the tier and secure it with an elastic band.

We decorate with ribbons and beads. You can add rolled towels to liven up the cake.

Most best gift for parents of a pink-cheeked toddler - diapers. This is the most popular and very useful item in the first two years of a baby’s life. By presenting such a gift, you can be sure of its relevance, usefulness and demand. What else can you give when going to visit the house where the baby was just born? Diapers, bottles, various clothes, pacifiers. Such gifts are very pleasant and pleasing to the eye, but it would not hurt to take care of how to present them beautifully.

An unusual gift for parents who have just had a baby - a cake made from diapers.

What it is? A diaper cake is not only a very stylish, but also an extremely useful gift that will definitely come in handy for everyday child care. You can make such a surprise yourself or buy a gift made to order by professionals.

In this master class I will show 5 options - how to make a diaper cake with your own hands with step by step photos. And useful tips how to decorate and how to package such an unusual diaper cake.

How to make a diaper cake with your own hands

I would like to dispel the myth that without special skills and experience it is impossible to make a diaper cake with your own hands. Anyone can cope with such a task. For everything to work out, you need to carefully study the algorithm of actions, be patient and careful.

What tools and materials do you need to prepare to create a diaper cake?

Of course, without diapers it is impossible to make a cake - a gift. On store shelves you can see a large assortment of diapers from different manufacturers, quality and cost. When choosing diapers for a gift, you should focus on the size, age of the baby, his height and weight.

Store or pharmacy consultants will be able to help with the choice, but it will not hurt to know that when choosing between the first and second sizes of a diaper for a newborn, it is better to give preference to the second number. This is because children grow very quickly, and there is always a risk that diapers will remain unused, since the child has simply outgrown them.

When making purchases, pay attention to the integrity of the packaging. You should not buy diapers whose packaging is defective. Microbes and dirt get inside through the holes, and they lose their sterility. It is not advisable to unpack all the elements in advance, due to possible contamination and loss of sterility.

Important: for babies in the first month of life, use diapers only in previously undamaged packaging.

For the same reason, it is better to buy diapers to create a cake-gift for older children, using the second or even third size diaper. For babies over three months old, you can already use pre-packaged diapers.

A good solution would be to create a cake - a gift that includes several sizes of diapers. Particular attention should be paid to the third size. As practice shows, it is he who is the most in demand.

Before you start assembling the diaper cake, it would be a good idea to clarify which manufacturer of this product is preferred by the baby’s parents. This will help avoid an unpleasant situation when donated diapers cannot be used for their intended purpose due to an allergic reaction of the child’s skin.

When choosing these pleasant little things for a surprise cake, you can completely trust your taste and imagination. You can beautifully place diapers, bottles, booties, various clothes, pacifiers, teethers and much more in the cake.

Any child care item will be a pleasant surprise for his parents.

Anything that can complement, decorate and create the theme of a composition of diapers, ribbons, braid, lace, and flowers are suitable.

How to make a diaper cake for a boy

Prepare small rubber bands. Rubber bands are best suited for creating bracelets.

We begin to roll the diaper into rolls, after putting on gloves.

We fasten the roll with an elastic band.

For the base you can use thick cardboard suitable size. Since the birth of our baby coincided with the New Year, I took a tray with this design.

Using ordinary rubber bands for money, we begin to assemble the first tier of the cake.

To fasten the tiers together we take tubes baby cream and shampoo.

We wrap the tube in polyethylene and attach it in the middle of the first tier.

We install a second tier on top, which is diagonally smaller than the first.

We fasten the third tier in the same way.

We wrap all tiers with a wide white ribbon.

Another way to assemble a cake from diapers.

This method is simpler - take the diapers out of the packaging and place them in a circle.

We fasten them first with an elastic band, then with a satin ribbon.

When our cake is assembled, we begin to decorate it.

As a rule, such a gift for a boy is decorated in blue, light blue or purple shades. The composition should not be cluttered with unnecessary decorations and decorations.

To emphasize the style of the gift, the cake can be decorated with a car, an airplane or even a ball.

If you want to make your gift practical, complement it with children's things. Booties, socks, hats, rompers and undershirts are suitable for these purposes. Don't forget about hygiene products: diaper cream, baby powder, shampoos and lotions. Such gifts are always in demand.

A football theme is also great for a boy's gift. So, a soft plush ball is attached to the top of the cake, and the composition is complemented with booties in the form of sneakers and various accessories. A children's football scarf in the form of a ribbon will complete the composition.

We create a cake - a gift from diapers for a girl

To create a gift for a girl, of course, it is better to stick to a girly theme. Delicate pink tones, beautiful flowers and ribbons, beads and a bow - all this can be successfully combined with each other creating uniquely beautiful compositions. Don't be afraid to go overboard with decorations. A cake for a girl can resemble a light ball gown or a cake with whipped cream.

The color scheme for a diaper cake - a surprise for a girl, in addition to pink, can be complemented by beige, milky shades, soft siren and even purple flowers. You can diversify the pastel palette with bright accents of rich, rich tones.

Miniature plush toys, baby dolls and baby dolls can create a diaper cake design style for a girl like nothing else.

You can highlight the time of year when a girl was born with simple accessories in the form of butterflies, flowers, decorative leaves and even snowflakes.

You can very quickly make a beautiful and valuable discharge gift. No amount of money can replace the joy that such a cake brings. He looks very rich. You can change the contents of the cake as you wish, adding booties, bodysuits, bottles and pacifiers. The simplest and most affordable option is to place a stroller pendant on the top of the cake. She is helpful, bright, interesting.

To make a large diaper cake you will need:

  • 80 diapers (preferably premium level);
  • tape approximately 2 cm wide (about 1-1.5 m);
  • tape 0.8-1 mm wide (about 1-1.5 m);
  • a thread;
  • needle;
  • beads;
  • stroller pendant or toy (or booties, or bottles);
  • rubber glove or thin elastic bands.
  • rectangle or circle made of cardboard;
  • bright paper for gifts;
  • transparent paper (about 2 meters);
  • double-sided tape.

We assemble the diaper cake as follows:
First, we roll up 25-30 pieces of diapers into tubes. We intercept each tube with rubber bands. Elastic bands can be cut from a rubber glove.

We take 15-20 diapers, fold them as shown in the photo so that we get a circle. We grab it with an elastic band and distribute the diapers evenly.

We insert the diaper tubes inside this circle. This is necessary to fill the tiers.

We form three “cakes” of different diameters.

The place where each circle is intercepted by an elastic band should be hidden. For this we will use ribbons.

We wrap ribbons around each circle and sew them together to form bows. Sew a bead onto the bow.

On each “cake” we make a different decoration from ribbons. The edges of the ribbons should be burned so that they do not quickly fray or lose their appearance.

We wrap the cardboard rectangle in paper and secure it with tape on the bottom side. Place the cake on a cardboard tray.

Place a toy or pendant on top.

Wrap the cake in transparent paper. We secure the edges of this wrapper with pieces of tape.

We also decorate the transparent paper with ribbons on top. The diaper cake for the newborn's discharge is ready!

Train cake made from regular diapers

Don’t know what to present to mommy and her newly born baby? As a gift, I suggest making your own little train from ordinary diapers.

For the train, prepare:

  • 17 diapers;
  • stationery erasers;
  • double sided tape;
  • wrapping paper;
  • satin ribbons (white and blue 5 cm wide, blue 1.5 cm wide);
  • decorative buttons;
  • soft toy;
  • a thick rod or wooden skewer;
  • thick cardboard for the base (you can use a large chocolate bar).

First of all, we roll up the diapers into tight rolls and secure them with an elastic band. We glue the cardboard base wrapping paper. We place the first carriage of eight rolls on the backing and decorate with white and blue ribbons.

Next, we prepare blocks consisting of two diapers and tie them with ribbons. Then from the blanks we form two small (more is possible, as far as the base allows) trailers of four diapers. We fix the rolls together using double-sided tape.

We decorate each of the carriages with blue and light blue satin ribbons and attach bows behind them. Finally, we glue on decorative button faces.

Using a wooden skewer, we install a pipe on the main carriage, which we also decorate with satin ribbons (as in the photo).

All that remains is to seat the main passenger, and by the way, there may be several of them, at your discretion.

A much needed gift for mom and newborn is ready!

When thinking about creating a surprise cake from diapers, it is very important to take care of its transportation to the recipient intact and safe. The cake must be packaged in thin, durable film. To do this, the gift is placed on a flat surface on which a film has been previously spread.

Having placed the cake in the middle of the film, you need to connect the edges of the packaging at one top point and secure everything with a beautiful bow.

There is not a single negative review about this unusual gift. It is very beautiful, stylish and practical. Regardless of size and filling, a diaper cake is always a delight.

When creating a cake gift, you should adhere to some rules and advice from experienced craftswomen:

  1. carefully monitor the cleanliness of tools, hands and work surfaces;
  2. the room where work is carried out must be clean and dust-free;
  3. Do not let pets into the room where the cake is being created;
  4. the optimal number of diapers for a cake is 60 pcs.;
  5. never turn diapers inside out;
  6. things that complement the diaper cake must be washed and ironed;
  7. Plush toys decorating the cake should be of high quality, without a strong odor.

As practice shows, making a diaper cake with your own hands is not very difficult, as it might seem at first glance. It is worth noting that this exciting activity develops well Creative skills and allows you to create an original and necessary gift that everyone will like!

Video lesson “Stroller made from diapers”

Motorcycle made from diapers

See how to do it here.

The birth of a baby is a happy event for any family. If you are invited to a christening or to celebrate a child's first birthday, the question arises: what to give for this occasion? It is important that it is something necessary, useful for the baby, at a reasonable price and at the same time original and memorable. Diapers collected as a gift are a wonderful solution.

How to give diapers beautifully

Beautifully made diaper gifts are practical. Diapers are indispensable things for parents of a baby; they can be presented to a girl in the form of a cake or a castle, a stroller or cradle, a bicycle or a train, a bouquet or a lollipop, a snail or a stork. The finished composition can be decorated with children's clothing and baby care items, which will look impressive and will be useful for new parents. You can make a craft to order or with your own hands.

DIY gift for a newborn girl

A diaper gift for a girl should be in pink and white colors. Don’t be afraid to overdo it with decorations – bows, ribbons, beads, flowers. For your gift to be valuable, you need:

  • Find out in advance from the girl’s parents which brand of diapers they prefer;
  • take diapers for growth, preferably three or four, because newborn babies quickly gain weight;
  • Maintain cleanliness when making crafts.

Diaper cake for a little princess

A multi-tiered cake made from diapers with your own hands always looks great. A cake made from diapers will cheer up the girl’s parents and will remain in their memory for a long time. To create this masterpiece you will need:

  • diapers – about 100 pcs.;
  • round tray;
  • stationery erasers;
  • clothespins;
  • wire;
  • pins;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • ribbons, braid, beads, bows, flowers for decoration;
  • baby things (diapers, booties, scratchies, hats, toys, rattles, bottles, etc.).

Step by step procedure:

  1. Take a base (for example, a folded paper towel), place it vertically in the center of the tray, lay the diapers sideways in a spiral around them, and secure the entire row with an elastic band. Tie a fancy ribbon.
  2. Remove the base and replace it with a useful item (bottle, bath product, pack of wet wipes).
  3. Make all the tiers. Each next tier should be smaller than the previous one.
  4. Wrap each tier in a diaper or soft towel, decorate the gift with children's things and toys.
  5. Wrap the cake in transparent film and tie a luxurious bow.

Bouquet of diapers

What to give to a newborn girl? Bouquet of diapers! This can be a stand-alone gift or an addition to another gift. To make it you will need:

  • a pack of diapers;
  • a vase for flowers;
  • wooden sticks;
  • foam ball (of such a diameter that it easily fits into the vase);
  • decorative material, preferably in pink tones;
  • rubber bands for money.


Stroller made from diapers

A gift for a newborn girl made from diapers can be designed like a stroller - it’s practical and impressive. A stroller made from diapers can be decorated with ribbons, beads, soft toys, rattles. You can put a baby towel on top and place a teddy bear. For this you need.