What a diaper for newborns. How many diapers need to buy newborn: the optimal amount, standard sizes and ways to sew their own hands. Diaper reusable waterproof for newborns - for and against

Along with useful and relevant sprawers and "men", diapers are very necessary in the first months of the life of Karapuz. Purchase of diapers does not exclude the acquisition of a certain number of diapers.

The question of the need for swaddling costs for parents is no longer so acute - pediatricians recommend changing the Karapus at least in the first two months. Swaddling is made free to the pens and the legs of the baby had a small space. This article is designed to provide the most complete information about the important attribute of the Kid's wardrobe - diapers. We also tell me how to sew these products yourself.

Most modern parents and pediatricians choose free swaddling that does not shine the movement of the kid

Swimming useful

Creating a "cocoon" to the child has a number of positive:

  • rare shuddering during sleep, as the baby does not wake up himself with handles and legs;
  • a comfortable wrapping system creates a sense of security;
  • more relaxed sleep;
  • some orthopedic problems require the use of certain types of peeling.

Remember! The benefits of the swelter will be effective if using it a short time. In the former times of tightly pelleni baby up to 6-8 months. Excessive movement restriction slows down the process physical development. Children can swaded a maximum of 1-2 months.

Number of diaper

How much will it be necessary to the newborn diaper? They will be needed, even when purchasing disposable diapers. Wise moms know - the material for swaddling does not happen much.

When planning to use disposable diapers in minimal quantities, it is necessary to stock up 45-50 canvases, of which half are thin sieve and half flannel, thicker. Moms, not excluding the use of diapers, can buy a little less - about 30 pieces.

Why so much? Such numbers are associated with the fact that the toddler of the first months of life fabric cuts will be needed not only for sleep time.

We list the main points of their use:

  • The monthly crumble pisses 15-20 times a day, and also cures several times. Thus, about 25 diapers will go on day. Please note that dirty diapers need to be stretched, dried and stroke, which means the stock is needed large (about 5-7 pieces per shift).
  • The changing table is covered with a cloth. On the day you will need 3 units.
  • Flannel diapers will be needed to wet the ass of the kid after swimming. During the day clean cloths need 5-6 pcs.
  • The diaper is covered with a bed when using the loaf. Also, you can make rollers from it to limit the child's coups in the problems of the orthopedic plan. Total 5-7 cloths.
  • During the walk you will need diapers: thin 4 pcs. Summer and spring, and 2 pcs. Thick winter.
  • The canvases are used very actively, so the amount of 50 units no longer seems so large.


Diapers in stores are presented a wide variety of density, and in color. What types of diapers will be needed by the newborn? Purchase desirable different variantsFor use every time of year. Flannel diapers for newborns are well suited not only for winter, but also for cool summer days.

The material of children's diaper is proposed as follows:

  • Cite. Cotton is suitable for loafing baby and summer, and in winter. In the cold time, the flannel is superimposed on top of the sist. Thin stente diapers for newborns are suitable for hazing a child during sleep in the summer and for lining in a stroller.
  • Flannel. You can use in several qualities: for wrapping, like a towel after bathing and for the bathness itself. The soft surface of the fabric gently even the most sensitive skin.
  • Muslin. Choose a cloth for summer? Geese and very gentle muslin diapers will give the baby softness and comfort. The appointment is very diverse: a litter for a changing table, a towel or a thin bedspread. Also, this finest cloth is extremely pleasant to the body when turning. Muslin diapers for newborns, unlike cheaper fabric options, extremely persistent and will serve for a very long time without losing its softness and tenderness. High quality canvases determines its high cost. Three diapers will be about 2000 rubles, but it is worth it. The skin of the Karapus will be able to breathe, avoid irritation, and will serve such a fabric not yet one generation.
  • Knitwear. This type of material has already scored a lot of admirers, despite its "young age" in the case of a swelping. Knitted diaper perfectly passes air and becomes the optimal option for the summer, and also suitable as an inner layer when wrapped in winter in combination with flannel. Knikota "Cocoon" will give comfort and comfort to your crumb.
  • Bike. Winter option material. Pulling on both sides, the bike diaper is distinguished by high density. Woolen bike so warm that it is used for sewing outerwear. Baika diapers are usually semi-wool and perfectly suitable for use in the cold season when leaving the baby.

Muslin diapers will save the crumb into hot weather, plus they are very pleasant to the body and practically weightless

The size

How to choose a diaper and not mistaken with the size? We bring to your attention a table of sizes of diapers, where standard and non-standard indicators are indicated. When buying it is necessary to consider that the size of the diaper for a large baby with a weight of more than 4 kg will not be 85x90 \u200b\u200bcm, but at least 110x110 cm.

Toddler age (months)Child's heightChild weight (kg)Product size (in cm)
0 50 3,2 85x90.
1 54 4,0 90x100.
1,5 56 4,5 110x110
2 58 5,0 120x120.
3 61 5,7 120x150

Practical advice! Planning a swaded baby traditional wayUsing a square or rectangular cloth, stockplash. An excellent choice will be different in the quality of the sprawling: stem, cotton and flannel. Make sure whether the silests of the edge are sewn - this option is more preferable.

When choosing a traditional swaddling, you should not neglect the pile - the basic element of clothes in the wardrobe kid


Today, new types of diapers have received great popularity - they are more convenient for swaddling, but it is not necessary to completely abandon the traditional species. Having learned how much you need a diaper, you can replace half of them to the euro version. Swimming more comfortable will be modern products, but the traditional canvas with the adjusted edges will be suitable for swimming, for lining in the crib and stroller. Flannel or sitheries are suitable for this as it is impossible.

Product classification by type:

  • Disposable diapers for newborns. The basis of waterproof diapers is cellulose. The absence of synthetic makes them extremely popular among moms. An additional component of disposable waterproof diapers is a special powder. When wetting the inner layer turns into a gel, which is similar to the action in diapers. The inner layer perfectly absorbs, and the lower polyethylene layer does not let the fluid. It is he who makes diapers with waterproof. Such hygiene products can be bought at the pharmacy and in the children's store, but the price of them is quite high. We should not use them constantly, they will be by the way when you visit to the doctor or walk. You can't buy them for every day - a greenhouse effect is created, as in diapers.
  • Reusable. The basis for such products is a Mahra or a membrane with small pores. The material is impregnated with an antibacterial agent, which means there is no danger for reproduction of dust mites. Fully hypoallergenic surface provides protection against irritation. Reusable products have excellent properties: do not wet, breathe, do not slide and do not rustle. The dreams of the perfect diaper are complemented by the usual wash way - in a washing machine.

Reusable foolish diapers serve as excellent help for mothers who are tired of endless hand Styrikh


Diaper "Cocoon" is already very popular in the countries of Europe and the United States. Russian mothers also appreciated this innovation. The thing is expensive, but extremely useful.


  • Cocoon creates a feeling of comfort and protection.
  • No pressure on the legs, and the kid's handles get excellent fixation.
  • Zippers in the form of lightning or lipuchkuy to allow rimpants or partially malaphing a baby in just a couple of minutes. There are modern options for "cocoons", allowing to spread the sleeping baby without disturbing his sleep.
  • Euro diapers are made of thin or dense tissues.
  • For each season, its convenient option is offered.
  • Sometimes manufacturers in addition to Euro-diaper offer caps in tone (we recommend reading: (We recommend reading :)).
  • The baby, born in the summer, can be written in such a beautiful "cocoon" from the maternity hospital.
  • Baby diaper on a zipper will get rid of mom from unnecessary trouble, will give her the opportunity to rest and allow little to disturb the baby.

Having small errors in the classic style of wrapping, buy an euro version in the number of several pieces. "Cocoon" is so simple in dressing that even dad will easily cope with it. Baby care will be easier and more pleasant.

A comfortable diaper-cocoon allows you to easily dress and undress a baby if necessary: \u200b\u200beven a young father will cope with this (we recommend reading :)

On Velcroe

Features of velcro products:

  • Diapers are offered in two sizes: from 0 to 3 months and from 3 to 6 months.
  • There are the following options for the web: knitted, flannel and fleece.
  • Accessories are distinguished by high quality and pleasant varied colors.
  • Even dad can root.
  • For the legs, special pockets are designed, which reliably fixes them. The left side turns into right side And fixed with a velcro, the right part is fixed with comfortable "ears".
  • You will need no more than 2 minutes for the whole process.
  • The cost of such a product is about 500-600 rubles.

On zipper

See how it looks live, you can in the photo that is easy to find on the Internet. Features of lightning devices:

  • Cocoon is as easy to use. Write the crumb is very simple: put a newborn inside the product, and then just lay the zipper to complete the entire process.
  • To change the diaper, there is no need to remove the entire cocoon, it is enough to unbutton two zippers from the sides.
  • Manufacturers often complement the Euro-diapers on the lightning with comfortable soft caps. Dimensions exist different.
  • High-quality knitwear from which a diaper is made, helps to create comfortable conditions for the newborn. The kid moves freely by handles and legs, but at the same time neatly flood.
  • The price of such a product is quite acceptable. WOOMBIE and SUMMER manufacturers offer "cocoons" at zippers for approximately 500 rubles.

A diaper on a zipper reminds sleeping bag And it is also easy to fasten: it is very convenient

How to sew a diaper?

Sew diapers can be alone. You already know the necessary sizes of diapers, and before buying it is necessary to do the following:

  • It is necessary to weigh the baby and measure its growth. Booting products even before the birth of the Karapuz, stick to the standard data. You can make diapers with a margin. So, for a large baby with an increase in 54-56 cm and weighing more than 4 kg, the size of the diaper must be made more than 120x120 cm instead of 85x90 \u200b\u200bcm, otherwise they will be small.
  • Plan how much thin and dense diapers need. Try to take the material in moderation, no more and no less.
  • It is better to choose a canvase with small drawings. You should not take bright fabrics with too large pattern. The perfect option is pastel shades with a mild and pleasant motif.
  • Before buying, specify the average cost per meter of fabric and capture the required amount with you. Make count how much diaper will turn out with a width of 80, 90 or 120 cm.
  • Threads will be needed for the edges. Think out this moment.

For children's diapers perfectly suitable fabric of pastel shades with nonsense pattern

Step by step guide

We sew together:

  • Do not worry: Even if you are a starting dressmaker, you can easily cope with the task of sewing samplers yourself.
  • Purchase the necessary cut of the tissue. For work, you can take old sheets.
  • Having bought a new tissue, you must definitely make the first wash before sewing. Temperature To do this, select 60 ° C. Without making it, you can get highly segal diapers after the first use.
  • After washing the fabric should be dried and stroke. Prepare the work surface to perform measurements and plan the size of future baby diaper. Use a centimeter. Marks can be done by a knear or simple pencil.
  • After performing measurements, cut the planned web. The edges should be hungry with a zigzag or overlock machine.
  • Having bought the material in the store, it will be enough to treat only two sides - the other two will already be securely fixed with machine seam made in production. Taking unnecessary sheets to work, all 4 parties should be spent.
  • Without having a sewing machine at hand, the edges should be treated with a grid seam. This method requires free time - it is better to do during pregnancy. The appearance of the kid to the light will deprive mom even too much minutes.
  • Do not convey the edges of the canvas. Neighten dense texture can cause irritation of sensitive children's skin. Especially this warning is in relation to the bike and flannel diaper.
  • After the end of the work, put the resulting products with children's powder.
  • After drying, intend the finished diapers from two sides and remove into the closet until necessary. We advise you to paint children's diapers in quality, density and sizes.

Planning work

The procedure for making diapers is very simple and for the whole process you will have 2-3 days, the maximum week. The duration will depend on the skill and number of free hours. A pregnant woman should not spend a lot of time for a typewriter or overlock, so it is better to distribute the process for several days. Having made the main part of themselves, you can instruct the process of the mark of someone else - grandmother, mom or sister.

Despite the appearance large number Clothes for newborns and bodybuildings), diapers still remain in demand. They are littered into bed, stroller, apply as a blanket. So that children are best sleeping, it is used so it makes no sense to abandon this option of baby clothes.

We plan the number of diapers

How much the diaper is necessary for the newborn, it is worth thinking before it appears to the light. It is important to calculate correctly, because unnecessary will occupy a place, and the deficit will have to be very closely. I want to solve this question once and not to return to him again.

In order not to be mistaken, it is worth thoroughly consider ways to use the purchase. Need to lay a table for a sweltering or a surface intended for hygienic procedures with baby. This will require 3 pieces. Also, diaper will be needed for the bed. Even if the baby sleeps in a diaper, in a dream it can turn out, and then the erase will have to have a whole sheet with a mattress.

In the first months of life, children often jar. To insure yourself from faceless washing, Parents put the oilcloth, and from above - standard diapers.

Also covered the stroller for walking. Thus, the mattress remains clean and protected from the secretion of the baby. In the warm season, parents endure their children to make fresh air In the cradle. To protect the baby from freezing, to cover it well, the flannel diapers are suitable. In addition, the child needs to wipe after the bath and arms. For this, it will also not hurt to stock up 2-3 pieces.

With diapers and without

Counting how much the diaper is needed for a newborn, you can fall on the digit of 15 pcs. Minimum is 10 pcs., According to experts. For the sweltering it is worth foreseen from 10 to 15 pcs.

Nowadays, few people refuse themselves the pleasure of buying diapers for a child, because in this case, parents will protect themselves from unpleasant surprises. How much does the newborn dumplings need if this convenient operation is used?

From 10 to 15 pcs. It turns out quite enough. There are those who do not want to use this newfit invention for their children, but acts in the old manner. Then the number increases significantly.

Types of diaper

Recommending how much the diaper for the newborn, parents face their great variety, and the choice is not always given simply. It is worth understanding which material they are made. Each manufacturer has several options at once. The use of Boszy, Sitz, Futher, knitwear is mainly distributed. Flanchery diapers are popular. Each of these materials are characterized by distinctive features.

Diaper 60x90, made of sitz, lungs, are well passed air. The edges are treated with durable threads, because of which everyday use becomes convenient. In summer, the kid is protected from sweating and heat.

Knitted products are a rarity one. They are on sale much less. This causes their low practicality. The use of such a diaper 60 * 60 is inconvenient. The child does not feel comfortable in it.

The flannel is very pleasant to the touch, has softness, does not irritate the skin. Such fabric is characterized by the presence of cotton.

Disposable and warm diapers

Knowing the properties of the material, you can decide on the number of diapers from each of them. It is important to take exactly those that will actually come out, and they will not lie on the shelf unused.

As mentioned earlier, thin-saten and dense flannel diapers are most often used, as well as disposable. Futter and knitwear - rare materials. Diaper for newborns of them are practically not used.

But it is incredibly popular for peeling disposable views. Of course, if you need to put a baby to sleep, a diaper-cocoon for newborns will become much better choice. However, they calerate strollers, tables for swaddling, cots. If the child lies, not dressed in diapers, to progress it is better in this way.

If the kid appears in the cold seasons, one way or another warm diapers, moreover, in such a quantity so that the postgraded managed to dry, which is not always obtained quickly due to the density of the material. So you have to stock. Basically, products from thin and thick materials are bought in the same quantity.

Care when buying

Deciding with the number and types of diapers, parents are sent to the store. At this stage, it is also worth being attentive to ensure that the edges should be processed, otherwise after a short use on the corners will stick the fringe from the threads.

Overlock is preferable than the bending. Disappears the problem of hard seams delivering discomfort. It is worth running a look in the composition. There must be spelled out exclusively natural components. Before purchasing a purchase, it should be proven, follow that it is pleasant to the touch and soft.

It is important to consider

An important role is played by even such a detail as color. Newborn are very sensitive and susceptible. Do not pick up the screaming color, because of which the baby will be excited and will not be able to sleep quietly. The presence of dyes in the fabric is also not talking about anything. Because of them often appear allergies, itching.

It is worth taking products enough big sizebecause it is convenient. Wrapping a child, it can be done securely. Loyal diaper in a carriage or bed, parents are confident that it provides softness and protection against selections. Small products take the whole couple. And then after the first week of life, the baby from them can be getting rid of them.

Benefits of flannel diaper

Flannel diapers are used not only for babies, but also for older children. Due to the softness, naturalness and tenderness of the material, children feel comfortable. The skin is not irritated, as the edges are soft.

Many manufacturers use glue for their processing, so the threads do not climb out. They are put in strollers. If there are irregularities at the bottom, they are covered with a large thickness cloth. Even if the road is bumpy and there are pebbles on it, the baby will not feel so much.

This is an excellent warming material, extremely convenient in the cold season. Often performs the functions of the blanket during sleep.

Using flannel diaper

The thick nobody warms the child in the cold seasons. In summer, it is used as a lining in a stroller, a cradle or crib.

When visiting the polyclinic, the flannel diaper spreads on the dialector, a couch for an ultrasound (and for newborns it is a fairly frequent procedure, the organs of digestion, kidney, hip joints, etc.) are investigated. After the procedure it is required to remove the remnants of the gel from the child, which flannel will also very help.

ECG and ultrasound - procedures that make not only babies, but for all people. If you keep the diaper that was used in the first procedure, and give it to his imperishable son or daughter, the moment will be quite touching.

Kingny, children do not think about manners, so that the flannel is also very good as a bulk. Testing her to the neck of the child, the mother protects her body from the fall of food particles.

For a newborn, a diaper is the main component of the wardrobe. Buying the required number of the necessary speciesParents provide their stay comfort and convenience.

Preparation for the birth of a baby is a very responsible moment. It will take a lot of all to buy: bottles, nipples, sprawers, etc. But the most important thing is to buy diapers for newborns, because without them it will not be possible to do. They will be required to swaddle crumb, as well as to drain them on a changing table, in a crib or stroller.

Today in the market you can find a huge variety of diapers. These are familiar flannel, sorts and knitted, and newer models, such as diaper-climbing and diaper on velcro. What do they differ from each other and what to leave their choice?

Flannel diapers - incredibly soft and comfortable, perfectly retain heat even when wetting

Flannel and sorts

Sitzen diapers are 100% cotton. They are very soft to the touch and very thin. Perfectly suitable for the kid's swaddling in the summer, as well as in autumn and spring, if the room where the newborn is, is heated well. IN winter time They are also used for the peeling of a newborn, only in this case they are put on the flannel, thereby creating two layers of clothing for a child, which corresponds to hygienic standards.

They come in different colors and size. They can also be used as a sheet in the crib or as a towel after each kneading or bathing of crumbs.

Flannel diapers are made of one hundred percent cotton fiber. They are much thicker than the Sitsev and are also pleasant to the touch. They perfectly absorb water and retain heat, even wet. They also have different colors and sizes. You can use them for various purposes, both for swaddling and for wiping the delicate skin of the crumbs after bathing or kneading.

In addition, they can also be used as a sheet in the crib or as a bedspread in a well-heated room or in summer.

Diaper from drawn fabric are very comfortable for a child, as they are elastic and take the body shape

Knitted diapers

Knitted diapers for newborns are the most popular to date. They are pleasant to the touch and are also made from natural fabric - Cotton. They differ from their "fellow" (flannel and quiet) by the fact that they are perfectly drawn, take the form of the body of the child and are not knocked down, no matter how much the baby does not eat. As a rule, when swaddling them is put on the flannel diaper. But on hot days, you can safely swing the newborn only by them.

Knitted products allow the baby to move with legs and handles, they do not squeeze his body, as well as easy to wash them and stroke. When they purchase them, it is necessary to very carefully study the label, the fabric must fully consist of cotton, no additives should be.

The waterproof diaper is an indispensable thing that will save the mattress of the crib from the "forcemage" and any other surface.

Waterproof diapers are two types: disposable and reusable. All of them have on the one hand the water-winding thin oilcloth, which closes the access of moisture. They are not intended for, but they can easily wrap the newborn and go with him, for example, to receive a doctor or walk. Also, they can be kept in the crib to protect the mattress from moisture.

These waterproof products have a velvety surface, pleasant to the touch and not irritating gentle skin of the baby. Some of them have an antibacterial or anti-allergenic impregnation, which provides additional protection for the newborn from bacteria.

They are made of 100% natural threads. Reusable waterproof diapers are much more economical disposable. After contamination, they can be erased in the usual washing machine on the program "Delicate wash" or hands. Only dry them on batteries or near radiators is impossible, as they may be damaged by their adhesive part. Sew them should be in a natural environment, that is, on the street.

Velcro makes it easy to simplify the process of swelping and ensure reliable fixation of the fabric on the shape of the body's body

Diaper on Velcroe

Diaper on Velcro appeared in our country not so long ago, but already received their recognition among young parents. They are easy to use, it is enough to put a newborn on it and according to the instructions to block it.

Such products do not create unnecessary folds and do not tighten the child's body. They are like disposable and reusable, made from natural fabrics (flannel, knitwear, fleece) and easily erased. In addition, this product on velcro is quite easy to sew yourself.

The size is better to choose more, "with a margin," because the baby grows, and soon it will be uncomfortable in a small diaper

Diaper Size For Babes

Diaper size for a newborn is different. But many experienced mothers Recommend to buy large-sized diapers, as the child will begin to get out of the little ones, which will bring a lot of trouble with her mother, because she will have to swaded his child.

Diaper are like triangular shapeand square. However, the latter, as young mothers noted, is much more convenient. If you decide to use triangular stem products, their dimensions should be at least 0.9 x 1.2 m. If you plan the newborn, only the first months are planning, then you can use the size of 0.85 x 0.9 m or 0.95 x 1m.

Flannel diapers must be more sorts or knitted. For the first months, they can be used the next size - 0.9 x 1,12m. When the baby is growing, you need to use diapers with a size of 1.1 x 1.2 m.

If your baby was born in the summer, but it makes no sense to buy a mountain of diaper - in the warm season, things quickly dry after washing, so each of them can be used almost continuously

How many diapers need for a newborn?

To say exactly how many diapers you need, unfortunately, we can not. But we describe the required minimum:

  • 3 pcs. in the crib;
  • 3 pcs. in a stroller;
  • 10 pieces. for swaddling;
  • 2 pcs. for wiping;
  • 2 pcs. on a changing table.

A total of about 20 pieces. But in fact, it all depends on how often you will use diapers. If you do not accept frequent use of diapers, then the diapers you need to buy twice as much.

Also their quantity depends on the birth of the Birth of the baby. In the summer they dry pretty quickly, so you will not need a lot of diapers, but if your baby was born in winter, you will have to buy them much more, because they will dry them much longer.

Pelainka, underwear and diapers will always remain the main necessary things after the birth of the baby. Some moms immediately begin to use the crawls, but still do not deny the need to have a dozen tissue flaps.

Why are Pelinka desirable? Yes, because they are soft to the body and are available for high-quality washing and ironing on both sides.
Consider on how to make pelleons for a newborn with your own hands.

To do this, it is necessary to consider which fabric flaps, their size and processing technology.
So, there are thin and warm pelleys.

For thin choose soft and not very bright sitheria. Calcular is tougher and colorful. After the first styrics, it has properties to paint, which means that the dye to the newborn body is not desirable. Possible pre-wash option before use. Although there are also its advantages. This is the width of the bumping canvas - 1.5 - 2.2 m. But still better sitheria. The width of it is 0.8-0.9 m. The wider - the better!

So, I define Size of thin pellery for a newborn . This is a rectangle 0.9 x 1,2m (1.1 m). And if we need ten pellery, then it is necessary to purchase a seat 1.2m x 10pcs. \u003d 12m.

For thick pellery fit flannel, bike. The width of the finished canvase is different: 0.75 - 0.9 - 1.5 - 1.8 m. You can choose a width of 0.9 m, and a length of 1.2 m. And then the calculation, as in the thin pellin. For 10 pcs. You need 12 m tissue. Even if you forget the sizes of a cellar for a newborn, then in the store the seller will always tell me how much you need to buy fabrics.
The definite minimum pellery is 10 pieces. Lights goes more, so some buy 15, 20, 25 pieces.

How to sew pelleons for a newborn with their own hands

1. Place all 10 diapers on the cutting of the fabric. Marking only on the edge of the pencil. This is a label ~ 1 cm.
2. To break the fabric on the closed scissors of the labels all 10 pellery.
3. Process edge overlock or zigzag. Seam in the bending is not allowed for newborns. Therefore, if there is no possibility to negotiate in the studio or acquaintances on the account of overlock, it is better to wash it manually.
4. He's good to try the iron (T-MAX) on both sides.

When a little baby, then the fabric is laid out so that the narrow edge of the pellery is along the body. After the baby is growing a little, then the narrow edge puts along.

Somehow in the book I found a waving scheme and was very surprised. Now they do not shoe and exist more simple ways. Although, decided to place in the article so that readers familiarize themselves with the complex swaddling of the newborn.

It is preferably erased at a maximum temperature, but if you have a fabric fabric, then 40-60 degrees.

Washing powder to buy better for newborns. Control on the tendency to allergies.

If you wash manually, that is, an old way to dug the children's feces. This is water with a manganese, pre-dissolved in a glass jar. If you soak pellery, then yellow spots will not.

Many love to buy tissue for sinks of different colors so that the color does not bother.

For those who are bothering constantly refilling the edges of the pellery, I recommend sewing a pellery on velcro, which can also be used as a sleeping bag.

For what can be used by Pelainka:
First for simple swaddling.

For lining on the sofa, in the stroller, on the hands of an adult. There are also purchased, waterproof reusable pelleys.

For the top layer bed. My experience: put on a sheet put a lining, and then pelleton. It is easier to change at night when the child sleeps without a diaper. Such night shifts were in our family from 1 year to 3 years.

Practice tailoring of nasal chatters from Sitz Pelainka.

The curtain pellery fits on a few layers fit as a litter under the head of the baby. And one more under the face - in case of joining.

Over time, when the child stops often walking on a small (somewhere for 6 months), you can break one bike pellery on 8 parts. Then these parts overlook and use as personal mini-towels for the face and hands of the child. For our babies, such running rags have always been at hand and very comfortable on the road.

And what do you, dear readers, are the ways to use fabric flaps? Write in the comments about your pelainka for the newborn.

Create for your children with love! Good luck!

Warding is more comfortable baby and more comfortable mom than dressing. In the pelleon, the newborn is not frightened by the movements of his handles and legs. He feels in a cozy neleshka, like the mother's belly. What size should be pelleys, as they care for them, from which material they are, where to take them, and for what else can you use?

From this article you will learn:

With soft swaddling, primarily consists in protecting and fencing the baby. It does not shine movements, does not bind him to hand and legs. Children were swearing in Russia for a long time. Large sheet, sizes 1.1x1.1 and 1.2x1.2 m, used as:

  • a blanket;
  • sun cape;
  • sheets;
  • towel;
  • cape when breastfeeding in a public place;
  • for wrapping large children.

At the first bathing, pellecomms for newborns assigned the role of litters in the bath. During breastfeeding in the position of the lying on his side, the pellenyk climb under the child to flow into her. When massage, the child is placed on the sheet, on physically procedures, such as electrophoresis, the baby is wrapped in one pelleon and laid onto the second. Sometimes, with orthopedic diseases, tight peeling legs are shown. Then two products are sewn.

Where to find?

A minimum of four options are possible to get accessories for the baby: take a gift, sew yourself, make an order seam or buy ready. Perhaps the samples were left with your parents who wrapped up you. Wash, stroke and ready. The used pelleys even better for the skin of the newborn. Unless of course, they are not too covered and without appeared spots.

You can sew from existing fabric or from purchased matter. You can ride in the suitcases with the dodged. There, for sure, there are several meters of material suitable for cutting accessories kid. Buy ready-made in the departments of children's goods, and the material is in fabric stores. There are separate or sets. Focus on the width of the cut - it will be one of the sides of the future sheets.

What materials are baby diapers are manufactured?

Depending on the type of product, you can predict what kind of sizes in the pellery you will see. There are disposable and reusable variations. Disposable absorbent usually take into a children's clinic. The following are the following dimensions: 40x60, 60x60, 60x90 cm. Reusable pelleys sew from such materials:

  • flannel;
  • cite;
  • knitwear;
  • muslin;
  • futher;
  • kulirka.

Some products combine two types of matter. For example, knitwear-cooled or knitwear-footer.

For children weighing from 4.5 to 8.5 kg there are pellets on velcro. When carrying out hygienic care for the newborn, water-mounted medical samples based on cylinders, as well as from microfiber. There are terry products protecting the mattress from the course. Positions with rubber band are of size 118x58 cm, pellets in a bag - 71x71 cm.

Rules for care

Products treated with an overlook, more comfortable for the baby. But if the material lifts or tight as flannel, then you can adjust the edges and firm. Long edges to handle not necessarily.

Two months before the alleged giving birth can already be laid out children's pelleys, observing temperature mode material. And by the time of the discharge from the maternity hospital, let their relatives look on both sides. Thus, the baby will be at the ready fresh "uniforms".

It is easier to stack in the same position, put on the shelf of a cabinet with baby liner. Peleins should be available, easy to pull out. Convenient when thin and warm alternate. Chad need 24-30 pieces. As soon as half will be fan, you can download washing machine, In the meantime, those erase to use diapers or remaining.

What size should baby pelleons be?

Since the woven canvas usually has a width of 80 or 150 cm, then the width of the pellery is adjusted under these dimensions. A long freedom is observed with a length. The instance size is selected depending on the type of swelping. Gradually pass the following stages: full, armpits and legs.

In the future, wrapped the legs only overnight. If the handles are open, you can put on the bat blouse. If the child is summer, then warm sheets are also needed, as they are softer, and the nights can be cool.

Act with intervals of 2 weeks - a month. You yourself will see when the child will be ready for the transition to new stage Swelnia. Watch kids usually up to three months. But some and longer: according to medical testimony or if they are better falling asleep. Simultaneously wrapped in two pellets: thin and warm.

Standard swab dimensions: 80x120 or 95x120 cm. For complete comfortable swaddling - 120x120 or 150x120 cm. Next is used as a bed sheet. 80x95 cm - small, except for the first time. 95x100, 100x100 cm is more convenient, but two or three months.

During this time, the child has already recovered significantly, grown, he began to swear to wave with his handles and legs, trying to reset the superfluous. 110x110 cm - if you are swaded after three or four months. Warm flannel sheet can be less than the inner sieve. Since it does not need to wrap a miracle in several layers. It is only for heat and softness.

Table of typical sizes of the pellery for some materials

Size, seeMaterial 70x50 100x120 120x75 120x80 120x90. 120x95 120x105. 130x90. 150x90.
batiste +
kulirka. +
sitz + +
tricat + + +
flannel + + + + +
futher + +

The pellets begin to cook before the birth of the baby, they are focused on the newborn, but they are very impressed for care for a matured child. Large copies will dry longer, and the time on their ironing is greater than on compact items. But in great convenient to complete the child of the whole.