How to wash the soft toys in the machine. How to clean up soft toys without washing. Why and how often you need to clean up soft toys

Soft toys - a mandatory accessory of each house where children have. Sometimes the collection of such toys reaches up to fifty, and even more pieces. Unfortunately, in addition to the joy that they bring to children, there are certain troubles that get to parents. And now it is not only about the constant cleaning of things scattered throughout the apartment, but also that such items often collect dust and dirt, even being on the shelf. What to talk about toys with which children spend all day.

Children love their soft friends and endure even the slightest changes regarding their toys. That is why every parent should know how to wash stuffed Toys in washing machine.

Preparing toys for washing

First of all, it is necessary to divide all things for washing into several groups in size, the type of filler or for the following criteria:

  • toys with an internal music mechanism that cannot be reached;
  • dear fabrics requiring delicate washing, such as: Silk, Suede, plush and a group;
  • toys with outer small details in the form of buttons, glitters, sequins and metal objects;
  • trinkets made of materials with different properties: Fur and silk, leather and lace.

Depending on the belonging to a particular group, it will become clear: is it possible to send things to the washing machine or you should give preference manual washing, dry cleaning. Careless care is a good output, but requires more time and strength than automatic processing.

It is very important not to rush with the start of washing, so as not to risk your baby's favorite fun. Immediately before cleaning, if you doubt the fabric and filler, you need to check the durability of the color in a small area. For this action, you will need a bandage, alcohol and literally a couple of minutes of your time. On a piece of bandage you need to apply a little alcohol and wipe the material.

It is advisable to choose a plot at an invisible place - under the lowered ear or on a sealing detail. If there are no divorces on the fabric, the bandage remained clean, then you can safely wash it without worrying about further color changes.

The above-mentioned actions will help avoid such consequences as fading, molting, oxidation of metal parts, loss of shape and damage of decorative stripes. It is important to know exactly the material from which the toy is sewn, its filler, whether it is possible to wash it in a machine machine. Most manufacturers indicate this information on the tags. You can familiarize yourself with it by looking at the tower a bunny, a dog or a bear, and continue to act according to the instructions.

Choosing detergent

The kids often sleep with their soft friends, sniff them, apply them to face, and sometimes they take them in the mouth, which is why it is very important to choose the right detergent.

When choosing a powder or gel, you should not forget that many drugs cause an allergic reaction. This is especially important for young children with gentle and sensitive skin, prone to various rash.

In the case of manual washing, children's or economic soap, children's shampoo or shower gel are suitable. But not all spots can be wrapped with hands, so often used washing machine for serious contaminants. In this case, it is necessary to use children's powders specially created for these purposes, rinsers with gentle and hypoallergenic compositions. To minimize the loss of initial fluffiness, the use of air conditioning is recommended, Since tough water can damage the artificial fur of animals.

Aggressive chemical components in conventional powders can cause not only an allergic reaction, but also damage the material of the toy itself. For example, there is a high probability that it will sweep the fabric, the inner filler is welded, and some plastic parts will lose paint pieces.

Rules of washing

After you have seen a soft friend, you can wash the machine, you should examine it well. You need to get all the batteries, musical blocks and other solid electronic insides, which may be damaged when in contact with water. For this, as a rule, all manufacturers of high-quality and expensive toys make special pockets on velcro, which are easy to empty, and then fill out the conversational block again. If the washing threatens to plowing the toys, it is better to use dry or surface cleaning.

Be sure to check: if there is some risk parts or protruding threads. If so are available, when washing, these sites should necessarily provide for protection. Otherwise, the toy risks to be planned, and everyone else to be with an adhesive filler.

Before you load the animal in the drum machine, it is advisable to place it in a special grid bag that protects a soft tissue from metal parts and contact with other objects. The mode must be delicate, after all, inside children's things. The temperature of the water is not more than 30-40 degrees. You should not forget that the machine spin is categorically forbidden, otherwise your daughter's favorite heart or a soft machine Son will inevitably change the original shape. Pressing soft toys will have manually.

To be confident in the full purity of toys and the absence in the structure of the tissue residues of any chemicals, it is recommended to additionally rinse them in a basin with water, or just increase the rinse time in the washing machine.

Large soft forms that are not placed in a typewriter, it is better to wash manually, or clean with a children's shampoo or soap using a damp cloth.

It is worth noting that if the fabric is strongly swept or polished, hazardous chemicals were present in it, which are contraindicated for children. There will have to withdraw this thing in the baby to secure it.


After washing, additional rinsing and manual spin, soft toys should be dried before returning them to the child. The proper carrying out of the drying process is also important, as well as the correct wash. So as a result, the baby got his friend in excellent condition, you need to know some rules.

Many dried soft animals in a suspended state - the option is not bad, but it is suitable exclusively for small sizes and dense fabric, which is not amenable to stretching. Knitted toys Require a special approach, since they are most susceptible to deformations during drying. They cannot be hung, you can only decompose on a horizontal surface.It is recommended to place a toy on the towel, straighten or give the shape, and then wait until it dry completely.

Another one good option It is the placement of wet things near the battery, the heat of which dries significantly faster and without harm to the appearance.

Often, after drying on the surface, rollers appear, they are easy to remove with a blade or a special typewriter.

In case your toy allows drying in a suspended condition, it is recommended to do it outdoors in a well ventilated place, with access for the sun. This option will not only allow you to quickly dry, but also will provide a good ventilating product, relieve it from unwanted smells.

What toys can not wash the machine

There is a certain type of soft beast, which can not be washed in a typewriter. This is suitable only hand washing, or dry cleaning. There are several signs that will help make a choice:

  • they are sewn directly from several types of fabrics;
  • there are small glued items: eyes, nose, mouth, butchers, bows or other decorative parts;
  • the toy is easily stretched and changes the shape, made of very gentle and soft material;
  • there are painted plastic parts that can be damaged by water or lose their color;
  • the filler is made of of different types croup, such as buckwheat or rice, as well as cotton or cotton;
  • the material has a silk pile that can lose the brilliance when contacting water;
  • the toy is equipped with an electronic non-removable mechanism.

All of the above types are brutally cleaned with an exceptionally brushed or damp cloth. The suitable solution is prepared from soda, mixing it with water.

How to get rid of dust mites in soft toys

Unfortunately, dust pliers have become very common parasites in lately And, first of all, they appear on children's toys. You can get rid of these unpleasant guests, the main thing is to know exactly what kind of way it is necessary to do this in case of a toy.

The child where he would not go, almost always takes her favorite soft toy with him, or several such at the same time. It is for this reason that the toys are very quickly dirty, the microbes are gaining, lose their attractive appearance And they begin to carry a potential threat to the child's rapid organism. For this reason, the care of toys needs to pay special attention. Many parents are interested in the answer to the question of how to clean a soft toy that can not be washed. Do not throw out the product, right? There are many ways to erase soft toys in a washing machine and hands, even if the manufacturer does not recommend it. It's time to figure out how you can wash the soft toys in the washing machine and what can I do.

Proper preparation of toys before their washing - what should I remember?

In order to make the best way to choose the method and mode of washing, before you wash the soft toys, they must be carefully investigated. In particular, special attention should be paid to the factors indicated below:

  • The size. Problems usually begin with large toys. Many are interested in how to wash the soft toys of large sizes in a washing machine and do not find a response - often the drum is too small in order to take huge teddy bears and other products. In this case, you should not be interested in how to make the toys correctly, but in which better dry cleaning of them - there are no other cleaning options.
  • Additional details. Many toys are equipped with buttons, lightning, plastic eyes and other accessories that should be taken care of before making children's toys in a washing machine. It is best to remove or repeal the protruding details so that they do not break off during the washing process.
  • Type of filler. Most often, toys are filled with syntheps, but sometimes various other materials are also used. Before you wash children's toys, you need to know from which material the filler is made, and set the mode and the temperature of the machine washing is strictly individually.
  • The presence of mechanisms. If toys are able to move or imitate voice and reproduce the sounds, then there are electronic mechanisms inside them, and therefore they need to be removed each time to wash the plush toys advanced configuration. In no case can not forget about batteries.
  • External material. As in the case of filler, the material from which the toy is made is made, reacts to washing differently depending on its own properties. Do not be lazy to find out what the product is made before you make the toys in the washing machine, the machine is not mistaken.

The close inspection of toys will allow you not to make numerous errors and correctly select mode, temperature and other washing parameters. Now you have to understand how to wash the soft doll or toy with your hands and in the washing machine, the machine - this guide on how to wash the plush toy will help you with this!

Rules of manual washing of children's toys that can not be washed

Manual washing - a great way to make children's soft toys, whose filler is very undesirable to exposed moisture. Wash manually easy - enough to follow a simple instruction:

  1. Before you wash soft toys correctly, they must be carefully eliminated from dust. It is best to do with a powerful vacuum cleaner and several nozzles - you need to knock out absolutely all dust.
  2. Dissolve a small amount of soft shampoo into a container with water and thoroughly stir up to the foam.
  3. Mark the required amount of foam with a sponge and apply a means to a soft toy.
  4. After wipe the toy, carefully rinse the foam from its surface with a wet washcloth.

How to wash toys that can not be erased? Often, it is impossible to wash the inner filler, which can be spoiled from the water. If you do not allow a strong wetting of the product with a manual wash, there will be nothing terrible. How to clean the toy that you can not wash with the help and capacity for water you already know, but it will not be superfluous to understand how to wash the soft toys at home using a washing machine?

How to wash soft children's toys in a washing machine - the desired tips

Is it possible to wash the soft toys in the car? Yes, if approaching this case with knowledge of the case. Do not be afraid to wash toys with a filler from the foam rubber and such materials, since it is perfectly withstanding the influence of water and does not deteriorate under its impact. Toys from down fillers, on the contrary, add unnecessary troubles.

So how to wipe the fur toy at home in a washing machine, and how to do it? Easily:

  1. Before you wipe the soft toys in the washing machine, remove the electronic parts from them if you are presented, as well as remove all the outdoor parts and decorations, especially made of metal.
  2. For the safety of the product, put a toy into a bag for washing delicate things before you cut a large soft toy at home - this procedure will allow you to keep the product when washing.
  3. Add a needed amount of powder for washing children's necessary to contain machine. No longer use any additional detergents - you can get a negative result of washing.
  4. At what temperature to wash soft toys? Set the value of no more than 30 degrees Celsius.
  5. In what mode to wash the soft toys? It is necessary to choose the most gentle of all modes available for use - manual or one of the delicate, or the washing mode of children's things.

Immediately arises the question of how to wash the soft toys during quarantine, if they are very big and do not fit into the drum of the washing machine. There is a way out - disassemble a large toy into a few pieces, or remove the filler from it and wash it in the bag separately from the shell. How to wash the soft toys by hand and in the washing machine we have already figured out. The final stage is to learn to dry the products so that they do not deteriorate.

Proper drying of soft toys - how to keep the results of washing?

It is not enough to know only how to wash big soft toys manually - you need to understand how to dry them. There are some important rules, following which will allow you to keep the results of washing and spoil anything:

  • Sew the toys should be outdoors either indoors that are well ventilated.
  • It is impossible to have postgraded toys near heat sources or open fire, as well as under the sun.
  • You should not manually accelerate the drying process, trying to blow the toys with a hairdryer - it will not lead to good.

Now you will have no questions about how to clean the soft toys without washing and can we wash the soft toys in the washing machine. Just follow the recommendations given and then everything will turn out!


Bunnies and bears from plush and artificial fur will have in every house where there is a child or a young girl.

These cute little things quickly accumulate dust in themselves, so they need constant purification: not only to maintain purity in the room, but also to prevent many diseases.

The easiest way to be wrapped with a soft toy in a washing machine, but it does not always turn out to be possible.

To put the soft toys in order - it is not just a tribute to the cleanness, but the necessary procedure. If not to wash them regularly, the risk of the occurrence and exacerbation of many diseases is increasing, especially if small children and allergies live in the house.

Soft toys are made of fabrics with a pile and fill with synthetic or natural materials to give a bulk form.

This composition makes the product the ideal environment for accumulation and habitat of various pathogenic microorganisms:

  1. Dust pliers.

These inconspicable eyes are articulated in any room and are dangerous in that they carry the diseases of the inhabitants of the apartment, since they feed on dead cells of the epithelium.

If you are a little shake or throw a toy, millions of smallest animals, as well as the products of their livelihoods will rise into the air and remain there for several hours. Inhalation of them exacerbates allergic reactions and reduces immunity.

  1. Viruses.

They can freely live on the surface of the toy from 2 days to several weeks, infecting others.

  1. Bacteria (intestinal and cinema sticks, staphylococci and others).

These microorganisms can be maintained on a product for more than a month, causing conjunctivitis, bronchitis and other infectious diseases.

  1. Fungi.

More often penetrate and live in high-quality toys from natural materials, provoking respiratory tract diseases.

In homes where there are small children, in addition to household dust in soft toys, food and organic residues accumulate, which causes enhanced multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms.

Experienced hostesses and cleaning specialists recommend to wash toys at least once every 5-6 months. In families with kids to do it better times a quarter, and if the product was dirty, put it in order immediately.

How can you wash soft toys

There are several ways to get rid of pollution on soft toys. Which one to select depends primarily on the size and materials from which they are made.

Washing in a washing machine

The easiest way for today, allowing to remove all pollution from soft toys - washing machine-machine. Before loading plush friends in the drum you need to make sure that they will withstand such cleaning.

Methods of dry washing

Plush pets from natural gentle tissues that do not carry moisture can be put in order in order in such ways:

  1. A vacuum cleaner.

With household electrical appliances, nozzles are removed, included on the minimum mode and spend several times on the surface of the hose, tightly pressing it. If there is a "suction" function in the vacuum cleaner, it should be turned off. Please note that the places of fastening of small parts should be processed with caution.

  1. Soda.

This substance is known for its antibacterial properties. To brush the toy from dust and minor contaminants, it is necessary to put it in a package of dense polyethylene, pour several tablespoons of sodium bicarbonate there (quantity depends on the size of the teddy animal), tie and carefully shake for 15 minutes. Soda will elect dust particles, small garbage and destroy part of pathogenic microorganisms.

Surface wet cleaning

If the dry cleaning turned out to be ineffective or on the toy there are stains, but it is completely impossible to wet it, you can remove the contamination with soap mortar:

  • add to liter of warm water liquid or economic soap or a little hypoallergenic powder;
  • beat your hand thick foam;
  • palm or sponge to stain and rub it (if necessary, you can gradually process the entire toy);
  • loose a teddy pet with a clean cloth and dry outdoors.


Some products are allowed to erase manually (information is specified on the product label). Implement it is very simple:

  • pour warm water in large pelvis or bath (not higher than 40 ° C);
  • add detergent (children's or liquid powder, chips of any soap);
  • immerse in the water toys and rub a brush or sponge strongly contaminated places;
  • rinse 2-4 times until water becomes clean;
  • sleep and put on the lattice above the bathroom.

During the washing process, it is not worthwhile to water the parts glued to the surface.

Washing Features in Machine Machine

Plush animals can lose form, damage with intensive washing. Modern machine machines have delicate modes that allow you to remove pollution even with very thin and capricious fabrics without deforming them.

However, it is not all toys to wash in the car. Before sending a teddy product to a drum, you need to pay attention to such details:

  1. Filler. Synthetic materials (foam, synthetone) will easily be returned after drying, but natural (sawdust) is most likely deformed.
  2. Production material. You can wash in the car only toys of dense tissues with sturdy seams.
  3. The presence of musical and other mechanisms, batteries. After contact with water, such products will definitely come into disrepair.
  4. The size. Large toys, even if they fill in the drum machine, it is impossible to carefully wrap and rinse, it is better to choose a dry or manual washing to clean them.

So, from the machine washing you need to refuse if the toy:

  • made of natural fur, thin tissues capable of political or give shrinkage;
  • contains built-in electronic mechanisms;
  • it has big size;
  • decorated with small details.

Washing Rules in the car

For cleaning machine-machine use gentle, weakly foaming agents: soap or children's powder. Before washing toys, you need to put in separate bags (pillowcases) to reduce friction in the process.

In addition, you may need scissors, blade and threads.

Washing algorithm:

  • explore the manufacturer's recommendations on the labels;
  • small details of plastic (eyes, decorations) carefully expand so that they do not lose when washing;
  • if there are stains on the fabric, drain them with your hands;
  • put toys in separate bags;
  • turn on the machine.

After washing the product you need to decompose on the dryer or grid over the bathroom to glass water. After that, teddy pets should be placed on a dense tissue and wait for drying. Soft toys hang on the clothespins are not recommended, it can lead to loss of form.

Need to dry in a well-ventilated room to avoid appearances unpleasant odor. During the drying process, they need to shake them several times to preserve the form.

After the toys are dry, they need to combat a soft brush and sew small details.

Musical soft toys can be wrapped in a typewriter, having previously removed the electronic mechanism. To do this, it is necessary to neatly spread up the nearest seams, and then sew it so as not to lose the filler. After the product is completely dry, the musical mechanism is easily returning to the place.

From the video, you can find out how to wash a big soft toy that will not fit into the drum of the washing machine.

How to deal with pests

Dust pliers, bacteria and fungi resistant to ordinary washing accumulate on soft toys. To destroy these dangerous microorganisms, you can use several ways:

  1. Put toys in the package and place in the freezer at night at the lowest temperature. In winter, you can simply bring toys to the balcony for a few days.
  2. Process steam. Pour water in a large saucepan and put a colander or grid on top. After the liquid boils, put on top of the toy and cover with a lid. Steam processing should not last more than 5 minutes. Large copies can be treated with a steamer.
  3. Treat ultraviolet or quartz lamp. Please note during the operation of the instruments in the room there should be no children.
  4. Sprinkle toys for 12-18 hours with kizelgour, powder of algae. The substance absorbs fat isolation and moisture from the body of dust mites, and pests are dying in a few hours. Powder residues are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

Timely washing of soft toys will save children from the development of diseases of the respiratory system and fill the premises. It is necessary to conduct it as dirty, but not less often than once every six months. The washing method depends on the material of the toy, to clean the large and expensive things you can use the services of dry cleaning.

When a child appears, parents have many questions. One of them - how to wash soft toys correctly. Often, the baby is mild everywhere with him, tries it taste, drops on the playground, and then trying to bed with him. On the surface of the toys, the dust, microorganisms, ticks that can cause allergic reactions can accumulate. To protect the baby from contamination with pollution, it is important to pay special attention to the hygiene of soft toys.

Washing soft toys in a washing machine

If the question arose, is it possible to wash a soft toy in a washing machine, first of all, you should study a tag that is attached to the toy: there are recommendations on washing.

Not all toys can be erased in the machine machine. Before putting a product in a drum washing machine, read the washing recommendations on the label.

You can wash in the machine-machine that do not contain musical mechanisms and batteries. If there are such items, try to remove them: carefully dispel the seam, remove the mechanism and be sure to start the seam before washing. You should not erase soft toys with rug-in seams - you can spoil the filler and harm the washing machine. When the toy is completely dry, the mechanism is returned to the place in the same way.

The toy should be put in a special bag for laundry, you can also use a small pillowcase or sew a bag yourself from cotton fabric. Such precautionary measures will not only prevent the deformation of the toy, but also protect the washing machine if small parts will be torn from the surface from the surface of the product.

To wash the soft toys you need a children's powder, a soft shampoo or children's gel for swimming in a delicate wash mode at a temperature not higher than 30. In order to get rid of dust mites, the washing temperature can be increased to 60 ℃, if it does not contradict the recommendations on the label.

To get rid of tick toys that can not be washed in hot water, you can use cold. Mine toys are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner, lay in the package and placed in the freezer for 2-3 days. Large toys can be taken out of frost (for example, in winter on the balcony). After processing the cold, the products are erased in cool water in a washing machine or manually.

When washing toys in the machine, it is recommended to perform additional rinsing, so that it is not left inside the filler detergent. You can add a small amount of air conditioner for linen, which will help keep the softness and freshness of toys. But the machine spin should be avoided. Press the toy manually with a terry or cotton towel. To prevent the loss of form, it is necessary to do it carefully, avoiding excessive twisting.

If the toy you need to wash is large and does not fit into the whole drum, it is broken into pieces and erased them in a washing machine separately, after suturing all the seams. After drying, the parts are repeated again and collect the product entirely. There is another way to wash large toys: filler is removed, and then erased separately from the case, using a bag for washing delicate things. The case is erased in a washing machine or manually.

Manual washing toys

Some toys, for example, filled with balls, sawdust, down or buckwheat husks, as well as those on which there is a mark on the ban of automatic washing, is better to wash manually. To do this, the pelvis is poured with warm water, a soft shampoo is added and produce a product for 10-15 minutes. After soaking, the toy is carefully flashed, pressed with a towel and dried in suspended on fresh air.

Knitted toys is also better to erase manually. The water temperature during soaking, washing and rinsing should not be higher than 30 to prevent shrinkage of yarn. Press such toys very carefully, without twisting, but gently wet a towel. Knitted products dried in a horizontal position on a flat surface in a well ventilated place.

Manual also erases products from a tissue with a long pile and with different decor, for example, rhinestones, beads or beads.

Dry and wet toy cleaning

Toys, stitched from natural materials, such as flax and wool, it is better to clean with a dry or wet way. When washing, such products may be shrinking and losing the form. Dry cleaning suitable for musical soft toys, products with cardboard or small details.

Soft bears, hares and dolls are placed in a big new plastic bag, then 0.5 cup of food soda or starch (this amount is enough for 2-3 medium-sized products) is poured there. The package is tightly tied and for 2-3 minutes you are intensely shake, after which the toys are removed and the residues of the powder remove and shake them with a dry brush. Large toys can be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner using a special nozzle for soft furniture.

Before starting a wet cleaning, you should also thoroughly spend the toy to get rid of the dust. Children's toys from felt are brushed with a damp cloth or a sponge with baby soap or soft shampoo, carefully rubbing all the contaminated areas. After treatment with soap water, the product is wiping with a pure damp cloth or sponge. Dry such toys in a horizontal position.

Toys with balls inside, as well as with glued items that can be broken when washing, clean soap foam. To do this, water is gaining water, add soft shampoo and whip it up to the formation of thick foam. The foam is gaining a sponge or brush and start cleaning the toys, while trying not to wet her. Then the product is wiped with a dry towel and dried in a suspended outdoor or in a well-ventilated room.

How often it is necessary to erase or clean up soft toys, depends on how intensively the child uses them. Favorites need to be cleaned at least 1 time per month or as dirty. Those toys that stand on the shelf also need to be washed to prevent the accumulation of dirt, dust, microbes and dust mites and, as a result, the appearance of allergic reactions. This can be done 1 time in 3-6 months.

Regular washing of toys guarantees them an excellent appearance, and also helps to keep the child's health.


If you have questions about how to wash soft toys, we recommend watching a video on this article.

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Do you know that:

If the first signs of carrying in the form of untidy rods appeared on the favorite things, from them you can get rid of a special typewriter. He quickly and effectively swips the fabric fiber lumpy and returns to things worthy.

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The threads of gold and silver, which in the old days embroidered clothes, are called repetitive. To obtain, the metal wire was pulled by ticks to the state of the necessary subtleties. Hence, the expression "pull (breed) canber" - "engage in long-shaped work" or "delay the execution of the case".

The habit of "economically" to use the washing machine-machine can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Washing at temperatures below 60 and short rinsing allow fungi and bacteria with dirty clothes to stay on the inner surfaces and reproduced actively.

Remove scale and naughty with an iron soles are the easiest of the cooking salt. Pour a thick layer of salt on paper, heat the iron to the maximum and several times, slightly appropriate, swipe the iron on the salt litter.

Not only plates and cups are wellhed in the dishwasher. It is possible to download plastic toys, glass lights of lamps and even dirty vegetables, such as potatoes, but only without the use of detergents.

Special traps exist to combat mole. In the sticky layer, which they are covered, added females purses, attracting males. Adhesive to the trap, they are departed from the breeding process, which leads to a decrease in the population of moths.

Soft toys - unchanged satellites of children. And not only children - even many adults nourish the passion for collecting teddy dogs, bears or pink pony. All are good these toys - cute, soft, creating comfort. Only here dust quickly collect. So moms and call soft toys (especially those huge bears that they occupy a good half of the room) - Dust collectors. Do you need to wash them? Certainly yes! No less often than once every 3 months. And how to do it right, we will now understand ...

Dry cleaning of soft toys at home

The method is suitable for small toys:

  • We take a large plastic bag.
  • Put a toy in it.
  • I fall back there the classic food soda or starch (for 2-3 medium toys - ½ cup).
  • Tightly tie a package and intensively shaking a couple of minutes.
  • We take a toy and dry brush shake soda together with pollution.

Large toys carefully vacuum By changing the usual wide nozzle on a special, for upholstered furniture. If you can change the suction mode, lower its level to accidentally do not "suck" the eyes, nose and other details.

Wet cleaning of soft toys at home - how to wash soft toys with foam

For felt toys:

  • Wash the cloth with baby soap.
  • We press the maximum, carefully wipe all contaminated areas.
  • We take a clean cloth, urine in clean water (without soap), press, clean the toy again.
  • We lay out the toy on the windowsill (dryer) to the final drying.

For toys with glued parts (noses, eyes, bows, etc.) and balls inside:

  • In a small bowl, we recruit water.
  • We pour a children's shampoo and beat up to the formation of thick high foam.
  • We recruit foam on the sponge and proceed to the cleaning of the toy, trying not to wet her finally.
  • We rub barely with a damp cloth.
  • We wash the terry towel.
  • Such, laying out a toy onto a linen fabric, or lay on the battery.
  • Gently combing the brush teddy wool.

If the toy appeared yellow spots (Such appear on time), then you pour it down to the spot lemon juice And dried in the sun.

Hand wash soft toys - how to manually wash the soft toys right?

Small toys Which will quickly dry, succumb to manual anneal and do not have the abundance of small parts, you can manually wash the following method:

  • Pour in basic warm water.
  • Wash the toys with baby soap and leave clumsy for 10 minutes.
  • If there is a need to achieve with a brush (and if the texture of the toy).
  • Ride the toys, press, hang on drying, we put on the battery or "waste" on the dryer under the sun.

And remember several rules for washing toys:

  • Toys filled with balls (antistresses and for development small Motoriki), clean only the method of wet cleaning. It is strictly not recommended to wash them in the car: even strong, at first glance, the seams can disperse during the washing process. As a result, you can spoil the toy and the car.
  • If there are batteries (musical toys), first neatly break the seam and get the battery. We are sewn again (a large stitch, so that the filler does not fall out), we erase the most suitable way, dried. Next, we put the batteries in place and sew it again.
  • Fat stains on toys before washing machining with a sponge dipped in a conventional medical alcohol, or with a dishwashing detergent.
  • Toys from knitwear and velor (without fittings, balls, batteries and plastic parts) It is permissible to wash in the car by packing them into a special grid intended for washing delicate items. As for the bows, hats and other similar details sewn to the toy - they will also remain in the grid, if they still break away.
  • Washing / cleaning toys chemicals is unacceptable. Only children's shampoo or children's / shop soap.
  • After cleaning / washing, the toy should rinse well / clean up soap, powder or soda.
  • Not from all musical toys can be pulled out "filling". There are such options where musical blocks are drawn along the entire length, including foot and toys heads. In this case, pull out the block without damaging the product, it is simply impossible. Therefore, the method of cleaning is only dry or wet.

Do not forget to regularly process all the toys using a special bactericidal lamp.

How to eat soft toys in the machine - all about the machine washing of soft toys at home

Rules for machine washing toys:

  • Be sure to study the tag on the toy. Not every can be washed in a typewriter.
  • We check the toy for the presence of musical blocks, batteries, ball fillers, separated by the seams. All that can be pulled out - take out.
  • We fold the toy in a special grid.
  • We wash in a delicate washing mode.
  • We use only children's powder!
  • The number of rinsing is increasing at least 1 rinse.
  • The temperature of the water is not higher than 30 degrees. If there is a risk that dust pliers already started in the toy - from 60 degrees (after studying the label!).
  • Do not press the toy in the car so as not to damage it and save the shape. Just merge water, and the toy itself "press" with a terry towel.
  • Sorshest toys in a suspended state or on the battery, if there is no such function in the car. Knitted toys envy only in a horizontal position.

Cleaning soft toys from ticks using frost

If your toys are so old that you still remember your prom, you can not doubt - they live dust pliers. Do not panic, do not hurry to flush them out of the window - Cool will help to cope with the tick!

  • Small toys erased at temperatures above 60 degrees.
  • If you can not wash - we remove into the package and put in the freezer overnight. And even two - for loyalty.
  • A large toy is wearing a balcony, carefully vacuuming and leave on the cold for the night or two. If until the winter is far away, remove the toy to the chulad, to play with a toy having dust ticks, the child does not categorically.

Do not "Run" toys. Regular cleaning and washing toys will save not only their appearance, but also the most important, the health of your child.