Wedding in lilac color: organizational moments. Juicy summer motifs - Pion Wedding: how to make registration

We call for spring! Outside the window April, and the warmth and spring sun and does not smell. It's time to connect heavy artillery! Today, inspiring, bright and bright report, which is saturated with the aroma of greenery and in the eyes sparks the bright sun. Immerse yourself at this time of year, forget about the snow, rain and wind. Yes, there will be spring!

How and why did you choose this stylist of the wedding?

Arslan and Nurgul winners of the project Dream Wedding 2014 The goal for which was to create a classic European wedding. Due to the success of the project last year, the DreamWeddingKazakhstan 2015 project was conducted, the names of the winners are already known, in August will delight readers with a new report! !

The project has become an annual expected event! Our newlyweds became the basis of the stylistics and the general concept - "the design of the hall in a classic floral style" - this is how Nurgul's bride was described in his wedding when she applied for participation in the project. Hence the basic idea, floral print! The task was performed and the classic and the main idea is logical to be carried away throughout the wedding - starting with the invitation, ending with the wedding cake. That color solution Gently and tastefully emphasized and supplemented all the details of the wedding.

What was the feature of the wedding organization? What were the difficulties in the organization process?

The feature of the organization has become a job for us on a completely new platform, this is the charter first in our city. The wedding of Nurgul and Arslan was the first wedding, which took place on this platform. We had nuances with technical equipment, a lot of things, from which the bride would have happened a nervous breakdown for a long time! The main task for us was to create a unique decor, whose concept we worked out, not representing the scale of the site, as the tent was put only on May 31, and the date of our wedding is June 1!

The work of the cohesive team, the professional approach of everyone!

Happy! Unique! They believed in the victory!

We still get a lot of reviews about this wedding!

And with Nurguli and Arslan, we became real friends!

Soviets on the organization of the wedding.

Each wedding is a unique story, creating it necessary to think over all the details.

The basis of the organization is absolutely any wedding, this is a team of professionals you trust.

Do not forget from traditions!

We hold a wedding of the European level, but at the same time we are always with great respect to comply with national traditions. Everything turned out perfectly thanks to the team of professionals Dream Wedding, which thought through every detail of the wedding day, and, of course, the most important feelings between Arsloman and Nurguli

Answers from the bride

I learned about the DW project in Soc. VK networks in the news on the Wedding Planning Agency Wedding Agency Page. The project and its advantages immediately attracted attention, and we decided to try good luck, submitting an application for participation.

Describe the most favorite / significant / interesting moment of your wedding? Why?

The most significant point for me is registration! The holding of this particular ceremony was the most exciting, most touching and happiest memories of our wonderful wedding. All close people were near, in their eyes I saw sincere love and joy for us. At that moment I was overwhelmed with tender love to all, at that moment I was absolutely happy!

Peach - a warm shade that sets a romantic mood with a wedding decor. Opening your choice on peach colors, try to use them as much as possible: in the decoration of the banquet hall, wedding costumes, celebration floristics. As decoration, such fruits such as peaches, persimmon, apricots look very original. They can be decorated with the table of newlyweds. Be sure to use your fantasy when creating cards for the seating of guests and invitation cards. They also have to add decor elements in peach tones.

Persician wedding palette

To work with the shades of peach color it is worth considering two main rules:

  • Combine it with other tones to dilute the atmosphere.
  • Use no more than two shades in the palette.

It looks unusually a combination of a popular mint color with peach, as well as any shades of green. The atmosphere of a gentle drowning holiday will give combinations with white or color ivory. Play with shades of gamma, so your wedding will look even more interesting.

Wedding in Peach Color: Accessories

Invitations - the first step towards the preparation for the wedding. That is why the newlyweds are so trying to arrange them colorfully and romantic. As a basis for invitation cards, choose a combination of white with peach. You can add an element of mysteriousness and romanticity with the help of lace, pearls or other handmade techniques.

Food cards are customary to do in one style with invitations. However, if there is a desire to make postcards extravagant, you can decorate them with the help of living fruits and small wooden sticks, such as toothpicks or speakers. Such cards will pleasantly surprise your guests and become a wonderful holiday decoration.

Future spouses always dream that their guests invited for a long time remember the wedding day. Therefore, at the end of the holiday, newlyweds can give small commemorative souvenirs:

  • Bonbonnieres with sweets.
  • Chocolates.
  • Jars with peach jam.
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Peach wedding dress and groom outfit

The color gamut peach is suitable for any type of women. The color is quite neutral, it does not cause rejection and always advantageously emphasize the beauty of the girl. Especially since it can be easily combined with other shades. The bride in the flying peach dress looks very gently and romantic.

If you do not have a desire to give the championship to this color, then you can take the basis of white tone. In a spring-summer period, girls can use wreaths of live flowers or peach shoes. Decorations, handbag and bouquet Also worth choosing in the main shade wedding celebration. Do not overload a multitude of details, let it be more natural and air.

Makeup in the style of "nude", a light blush on the cheeks and a translucent lip gloss - the perfect option for the wedding image. Manicure and pedicure is better made classic, in this case "Frenc" is suitable as it is impossible.

The groom at the wedding can be dressed in classic suit of the same color: brown, sand, black. You can connect the image with the overall wedding style with such trifles as a butterfly, tie, shirt, boutonniere, handkerchief, cufflinks.

Peach Wedding: Guest Images

Ideally, the bridesmaids should be in the same outfits. The transformer dress will help the girls to create their own unique image, and at the same time they will look very harmonious against the background of the bride. Each of the invited girlfriends will be able to build the desired style, taking into account the features of the figures and taste preferences. But this is quite expensive pleasure. Therefore, their images should be supplemented with accessories that are completed in one. color palette. It can be:

  • Bracelets with alive flowers.
  • Brooks.
  • Gloves.
  • Coquette hats.

Let friends from the bridegroom complement their suits the same ties or butterflies. Optionally, you can pick up the cufflinks in a single style.

Wedding in Peach Color: Floristics

Gentle wedding can be beat with peonies and bush roses. In a bouquet worth adding juicy greenery, creating the desired accent. In the warm season, peach shades look in a special way. Use them to the maximum on your wedding in flower decoration.

Peach Wedding: banquet design

In order to think about the decoration of the hall, you need to accurately decide on the ceremony. Those who stop their choice on peach color are very lucky, since most of the restaurants hold these shades in their interior. Maybe newlyweds do not have to once again spend their time and money on the decor of the banquet hall.

In the design of the room, use textiles. Easy flowing fabrics, drapery and bows on the backs of chairs will help visually expand the space. When entering and outlet from the hall you can hang peach dense curtains. She will give the celebration an element of mysteriousness. Tables are usually decorated with tea-colored rose petals, wooden statuettes or wroughtted candlesticks painted in the color of ivory.

Photo session Peach Wedding

Best options for wedding photo session It will become an outdoor area, coast, wheat field or forest glade. Lovers will look very harmonious on any background. Elements of the decor as a basket with fruit or berries, lace umbrellas and a wooden frames will add freshness and rear shots.

I did not have time to come 2017, as many pairs began to plan a wedding in the new season. In order to understand the new color trends of the wedding year, it will take time, because the many new shades will be used in the solemn palette. For example, the popularity of muted outflowed tones will increase, and the noble deep shades will enter into a harmonious union with neutral pastels. According to some designers, peach color will be top on Pantone 2017, while others believe that the trend of the season will be a popular shade of ivory.

Fashionable colors for weddings in 2017 - Photo

Wedding Fashion is no less caprious than everyday, so the leading fashion designers in their collections are trying to create new styles and directions of wedding outfits. According to their unified opinion, 2017 will be devoted to romantics and femininity, and new bride dresses, regardless of the color range, will bear charm and femininity. Check out the video, where fashionable in 2017 is shown according to American color designers for wedding dresses:

If earlier the wedding colors did not give values \u200b\u200bat all, but all the attention was directed to the outfit of the bride, then in the new season, the choice of color of the celebration is, almost the most important issue of newlyweds. What are the main color trends of the coming year? The opinions of the designers in this matter were somewhat diverged, but definitely remains unchanged trendy color decision "Ombre" with the effect of a smooth transition of the tones from the dark to bright or vice versa. Let's deal with what shades will dominate at the weddings of this year.


Purple is one of the most beautiful flowersexisting in nature. It has long been symbolizing harmony with nature, respectability, luxury. If you want to make a non-traditional wedding, then all the combinations of purple are suitable as it is impossible. The most common shades purple color are:

  • lavender;
  • plum;
  • blackberry;
  • lilac;
  • purple;
  • amethyst;
  • indigo.

A color made from red and blue, symbolizing the male and feminine beginning. This moment can be beautifully beat at the wedding, combining some elements with blue, and some are red. As for the highlights of the newlyweds, to which everyone will be accounted for, then fashionable designers offer dresses for brides lavender, smoky-violet, lilac or purple shade. The bridal bouquet must combine purple and white flowers to not merge with the dress.

But the bridegroom should not wear bright tones. To match the bride, it is better to wear a rigorous suit of pearl, gray or beige color with a purple shirt and a boutonniere from gentle violets or lavender. To guests fit into the subject of the holiday, they also need an image with elements of a lavender, lilac or plum shade. The purple decor is drawn up banquet room, wedding tuple, cake, invitations and other wedding accessories.

Neutral colors

The weddings of neutral tones still remain in the trend. Gray, beige, white, black - colors that carry the minimum emotional load. But if you want to add a little emotion to the newlywed, then a neutral brown color with the "character" will come to the aid - autumn, warm, natural, woody. Many brown wedding design ideas: spices, candy, chocolate, wooden decorations.

Neutral, classic, unobtrusive gray is the most acceptable tone for the wedding of 2017, in which the newlyweds will feel confident, calmly, pacific. This is the color of rain and cities, but with it, it turns out magnificent weddings in retro style, autumn, sea and romance. Especially since gray is perfectly combined with almost all existing shades.

A wedding in beige color is considered neutral, because its calm shades create an atmosphere of harmony. The celebration, made in Beige, always creates the impression of beauty, tenderness, sophisticated style. Befully combined perfectly with other flowers, so it fits easily into the open-air wedding, and the holiday in the banquet hall. This is the perfect choice for brides, sticking classics, because beige color has a huge palette: from fashionable ivory to creamy white.

Yellow shades

The whole palette of yellow is the embodiment of light, warmth, good energy. Yellow color is similar to the Sun and is able to charge all positive and optimism at the wedding. In addition, his great dignity is a combination with many relevant colors in 2017. To the legs of the newlyweds, yellow color throws a wide palette of shades:

  • canary;
  • solar;
  • citric;
  • saffron;
  • narcissus;
  • straw;
  • sand.

Let the newlyweds do not bother the superstition: yellow is not a sliding symbol. On the contrary, this solar color carries out all wishes, promises wealth, symbolizes loyalty, happy family life. The perfect newlywed dress on a yellow wedding is a golden, tint of daffidet or mature corn. For brides, adhered to traditional views, the classic white outfit with yellow elements is suitable: belt, shoes, bouquet with yellow flowers, a hat or a golden embroidery.

The image of the groom on a yellow wedding should be strict - gray or black suit, classic shoes, and yellow accent can be made using a tie, butterfly, neck headscarf, boutonnieres in a loop. Bright yellow boat suit can afford to the wedding style. When placing the banquet hall, yellow should be dominant, but it must be combined with neutral shades.

Green shades

The popular weddings in the style of "Mojito" will not lose their relevance in the 2017 season. Green wedding images look fresh and touching, because this is the color of life, natural, nature, personifying spring, youth, hope. There are a lot of shades of green, therefore, newlyweds, if desired, can arrange a fear of tones, regardless of the season:

  • salad;
  • green tea;
  • menthol;
  • jade;
  • aquamarine;
  • pistachio;
  • green apple;
  • emerald.

Not every bride to decide to wear a dress completely green, so more often for the thematic wedding is used by classic white outfit with green elements. The same applies to the groom, which, does not prevent an image of a shirt of any green shade. But it is necessary to wear witnesses in green to keep the subject. Choose bridesmaid similar dresses, bouquets with bright salad ribbons or decorations for hair color Aquamarine - and absolute harmony will be achieved in the design of the thematic celebration.

Dark red shades

The decoration of weddings in the dark tones of the Red Now is not uncommon. In a single scale, all the details of the celebration are created - from the invitation cards to the bride dresses, which look exquisitely and emphasizes the good taste of newlyweds. The wedding palette of dark red shades includes several tones fashionable this season:

  • purple;
  • wine;
  • bordeaux;
  • dark scarlet;
  • deep red.

The wedding in a noble dark red is a beauty and sophistication that has long been associated with royal luxury, passion, persistence and confidence. This color is ideal for conservative couples who love stability and always know exactly what they want from life. The future spouses are not at all necessary to fully climb into a dark red shade, you can arrange only the details of the wedding dress.

When placing a wedding in any shade of red, it should be remembered: the color should dominate, but not be the only one. If the whole wedding is performed solely in the wine tone, it will create a very difficult impression. More often as an intermediary color roles white, pink, golden, gray. Do not choose a black color - he will also take away the impression of the wedding.


Turquoise Wedding is a magical combination of green and blue shades. This color of truth and healing is associated with people with sea rocks and heavenly beauty. The image of the bride is the main on the turquoise wedding, because the dress of this divine color will definitely attract attention not only to guests, but also of all people who will see the newlyworld. The depth of turquoise is striking, and this is understandable, because turquoise is the magic of nature, which gives newlyweds endless opportunities for experiments.

At the wedding, not necessarily the color of turquoise to make the main one, it can be accentual. For example, it is possible to make the main color white with bright turquoise elements: a bride bouquet, a groom tie, bright napkins on a banquet table, covers on chairs, bandaged turquoise ribbons. Do not forget about the wedding cake, which should be in the topic on a turquoise wedding. It can be a culinary masterpiece in the style of "Tiffany" or individual cupcakes for each guest wrapped in color of turquoise color.

Champagne Color

Wedding Color Champagne - This is a fun in sophisticated romantic style and golden caramel shade. This color, giving newlywed happiness, hope and joy. It is great for a wedding in August-September, when nature is saturated with a bright palette of all sorts of paints. Unlike Pastel Ivori, Champagne is a deep stylish shade, which is perfect for both darkness, and a bell of the bride.

Wedding dress of champagne colors in recent seasons are the most demanded due to their unusual, brightness and practicality. Even the very long models By the end of the celebration do not lose their perfect external view, while white wedding outfits are rapidly polluted and gray. Champagne dresses look luxurious and expressive, especially on the "Mermaid" and "Princess" style. Ideal for wedding dresses Such thin fabrics are suitable as:

  1. Guipure.
  2. Organza.
  3. Silk.
  4. Taffeta.
  5. Fatin.
  6. Atlas.


The main favorite of the wedding 2017 is a peach shade. After winter cold, I really want to plunge into the heat, and it will be delivered to the air shades of peach colors. Designed such thematic weddings With the addition of wooden elements, cream drapes and tablecloths of apricot. In addition to the textile component for the banquet hall, fruits, bright balloons, candles and ribbons in pastel cream shades are widely used.

The concept of a peach wedding is fully separated by newlyweds. The dress of the bride can be peach, apricot, creamy or color of a gentle blush. Newlywed It is desirable to pay attention to the pearls, the decor of the organza or on the delicate floral decorations. Perfectly complement peach accessories image of hair rim from satin ribbon Peach color, lush bow, scarf on the neck or belt on the dress in the tone of the wedding. The groom will not cost without accessories of an apricot or peach shade - boutonnieres, socks, tie or butterflies.


If mixed pink, orange and red, then the air, light, sparkling coral color. He immediately wants to try, so designers gladly use it in their best collections. The coral color is multicotted and interesting, as a result of which, many seasons are at the wedding Olympus and is not going to leave him in 2017. Shades of coral diverse. It is long-fashioned - neutral, muted warm, or boldly:

  • pearl and raspberry;
  • orange-red;
  • red-terracotta;
  • salmon;
  • pink peach;
  • pink pink.

The brides like shades of coral, because they are combined with all the colors of the rainbow. The only drawback of this summer color - He is not "friendly" with dense and heavy winter fabrics, preferring cotton, chiffon, silk and satin. Any woven outfit, whether it is traditional white with coral elements or a bold dress of the bride of a salmon shade, looks bright and unusual. Basic color for a groom suit on coral wedding Beige, brown, gray or white, which need to be supplemented with tie and flowers in a coral hue button.

Peonies are gentle, luxurious and are a worthy alternative to classic roses. With their help you can create a unique wedding flavor: decorate the interior, outfits, festive table. The aroma and beauty of petals in combination with the natural colors will create a romantic atmosphere. Do not forget that at present, a flower theme is a fashion trend. If you want to keep up with the times - organize a lush pion wedding.

Choose outfits

Peonies are available in spring and summer, so the marriage is better planned for the flowering season, otherwise the search for flowers in an accessible amount will be associated with financial and temporary difficulties. As part of the pion style, it is allowed to use live and artificial flowers. It all depends on the budget of the celebration and availability required material in the shops.

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For the bride

Newlyweds can add bracelet boots. Also for the pion wedding are relevant flowers adorning dress dresses or garter. If you do not stick to the strict classic, the pion drawing can perform in the form of a print, appliqué or embroidery. The most bold brides will suit a motley outfit with a floral motif.

Remember that the shade of the dress must echo with the main one - for it are relevant pink, peach shades, white color, Fuchsia. Hair can be decorate with alive flowers. Or straight hair is well combined with from peonies, which can replace veil.

Attention! Stylist Board: Do not overload the image with newlywed floral motifs. You should not add more than one bright accent, with the exception of the festive bouquet.

Shoes of delicate colors on temperate heels, ballet shoes or boats - Beautiful partners for wedding dress A la princess. If the wedding in the pionery style is combined, when sewing dresses, pay attention to the cotton lace, flax, flowing translucent fabrics, knitted canvas of classical shades.

For the groom

The suit of the groom can be decorated with a boutonnier in the form of a single peony or a miniature composition with this flower. Bold and creative wedding suit options are complemented by a shirt, tie or pink socks.

Matte moccasins are appropriate as shoes. The main condition is these accents should look harmoniously in a pair with a bouquet of the bride and its outfit. Contrast here is appropriate only in one case - when the total atmosphere of the evening is rather informal and assumes bright accents In the image of the bride.

For major assistants

Bridesmaid girlfriends may pick up floral bracelets, hairpins, brooches. A good option For a wedding in a peon color - to keep small knitted handbags in the hands of jangle buds. They are practical and comfortable, do not argue movements. Hairstyles girlfriends The accompanying dresses can be sewn from a monophonic, adensived fabric. They emphasize the beauty of the bride, while being an independent element of the holiday.

The photo session of the bride's girlfriends in the company with the culprit of the celebration is one of the most exciting moments of the party, when the young ladies are built into a row, pleased those present by the harmony of the outfits, hairstyles and accessories. Here it is necessary to think through an element that will visually combine girls and allocate them among other female representatives at the wedding event.

Registration of alive flowers

Forms and colors of peonies are distinguished by a variety. You can choose a specific shade and make it basic. Peonies are beautiful solo and combined with suitable tulips, hydrangeas, lilac. It looks harmonious about white and burgundy peonies or gentle floral compositions in a single gamma - pick up your version of the decor of the hall, wedding cortex and other elements of the wedding celebration.

The place where a banquet is planned, decorate with tissue drapes - it will emphasize the beauty that can be placed on the tables, near the windows and the front door, to use as hanging scenery.

If you are planning and marriage outdoors, decorate the peonies of the arch, make a wedding track from petals and place the area for guests with floor vases.
You can pin the flower to the napkin, the cover of the chair, drapery. Spread flowers on the names of guests - so you denote their belonging to the general format of a celebration and revive the festive table. When making a pion wedding instead of VAZ, you can use aids.

Wedding vendor

Balloons And feathers, screaming colors, brilliant materials can disrupt the harmony of the flower decor. If you want contrast, limit his manifestation in the Decor of the Presidium, individual accessories.

Elena Sokolova.


Think out whether the irritation of the bride or the groom will cause a strong fragrance, pick up a delicate makeup, decide on the format of a bouquet. The festive bouquet is decorated with ribbons, beads, rhinestones.


Additional decoration elements

Well combined with alive flowers:

  • Aerial dishes made of porcelain, glass, preferably white or monophonic (bright shades).
  • Large candles (white, pink).
  • Thread balls and Chinese lanterns.
  • Matte materials, transparent, translucent materials for draperies, furniture.
  • Openwork details of the interior - candlesticks, vases, clips, chairs.

A simple composition from peonies can be done by circumcalling the lower leaves. Newlywed, for which it is important to appear before the guests, keeping the intricate bouquet in the hands, uses the services of a florist. Do not forget to clarify it about a special solution, preserving flowers with fresh for the evening.

How to make a celebration unforgettable

We will analyze in detail how to make a pion wedding.

Invitation and registered cards

Traditional postcards with peonies or copyrighted, with elements of scrapbooking - an option of invitation tickets and seating cards to guests is selected, based on financial and temporal opportunities. Colored paper, glued flowers, dried petals - show the creative beginning in the manufacture of memorable cards.

You can perform figure invitation Tickets In the form of blossomed flowers, place the rooms of tables and seats in vases with flowers - large and small, fitting near the cutlery.

Festive table

The main hero of wedding treats is, of course, the cake! It is always part of the overall plan. His decoration in the form of multi-colored peonies is easy to order in a confectionery or make independently made of mastic, chocolate, cream.

Ostromatic trend - decorate pastry products with alive flowers. Ideal if you find country peonies grown without the use of "chemistry." Decorate the cake not earlier than 2 hours before filing on the table. Flowers in biscuit cake can be used with containers or flasks filled with water. Another way is to wrap them with a food film. Do not combine with products toxic valves, jasmine, tulips and a number of other plants.

- Good background for live colors. Pastel shades of glaze are suitable for pink, purple and yellow buds. Colors "Metallic" are combined with saturated shades of peonies. Naked cakes of trendy naked-cakes are universal and complemented by the decor of any color.

Another option to decorate a monophonic cake - fresh petals suitable flowers and forms. You can perform a cake itself in the form of a flower or a multi-level construction in the form of a large peony.

Sweet table is required at the romantic wedding. Marshmallow, glaze, cookies, muffins to the tone of the main element of the decor will make a solemn tea party interesting and memorable. For the main table, press light salads, snacks on skewers, cutting, baking. Since the wedding falls on the warm season, the menu should be light and calorie - the forces will be needed to participate in contests and incendiary dances.


Competitions for knowledge of flower subjects, best dance, compilation of compositions from living flowers - festive program It should be thought out in advance and provide memorable prizes - sweets, cute baubles, postcards, key rings. Well, if the banquet will succeed in homely cozy.

You can arrange competitions between the tables, playing gifts in interesting quizzes.

The romance of the evening is complemented by competitions in which everyone can show their curiosity, creative, erudition. Do not forget about the dance of newlyweds, invited artists, fireworks.

Musical background

Miscellaneous music is suitable for designing a pion wedding. The main thing is that it is not too sharp and loud. "Heavy" and too contrasting club melodies may be disconed with a total atmosphere of the evening. Music row needs to choose, based on guest preferences. At the pion wedding are appropriate modern and classic melodies, slow and fast compositions, which you want to dance. It is difficult to present a specific subject. It is better to take care of a general compliance musical compositions The specified format of the event.

Photo session newlyweds

Capture the best moments of the evening surrounded by festive flower compositions - Excellent idea for memorable photos. You can make them in retro style or limit to modern processing - options for the discretion of newlyweds are appropriate. The wedding album is decorated in the appropriate style using floral elements on the cover and its pages.


Wedding in the style of "Pion chic" - an interesting alternative to a classic wedding with a white dress and a limousine. You can borrow the elements of the traditional celebration and combine them with the flower decor, made in a single stylist. Options for organizing a celebration in the summer and spring time - a huge set. Picnic in nature, rented room in a restaurant, a country veranda - for each of them the pion wedding is played differently.

Spring and flowers - these two concepts are inextricably linked with each other. Lilies, tulips, snowdrops breathe novelty and anticipation of heat. That is why such topics are popular among spring weddings.

How to organically under the chosen topic on the holiday?

Use motifs in decor elements. Estobe vases with flowers on the tables, decorate them the place of newlyweds, columns, entrance to the hall.

Observe the selected color gamut. Pink and white palette is suitable for a wedding in Sakura style or a blooming cherry,

white-green shades - a wedding version in the valley.

Decorate wedding invitations Selected tint and print. This will contribute to creating the necessary mood.

Ask to the Tamatu so that in the process of entertainment events mentioned about the colors chosen. This professional will be able to do it interesting and beautiful.

Complete the image of the bride and groom. For example, enable lilac in a wedding bouquet or prefer a dress with a lilac shade.

Use bouquets as a photo shoot element. What woman will refuse themselves in pleasure to take a picture surrounded by luxurious colors?

Multicolored tulips seem to symbolize all the variety of paints family life - Tenderness, passion, trust, friendship. You can choose flowers of different or similar shades. They will be a real decoration of the holiday.

When you want to organize a celebration impregnated with romance, refer to the most tender spring colors - the valley. This is one of the most suitable options For a spring wedding.

The fragrance of Lilac will be headed not only by romantic newlyweds, but also guests. Use white, bluish, pink or all the familiar violet lilac to give the celebration with a shade of aristocratic.