How to customize the table for children. Methodical recommendations on the organization of the process of nutrition and serving tables in groups of material on the topic. Festive table setting in kindergarten

Food Culture B. children's garden - Science required in modern life. Fast food, which looks attractive in the conditions of eternal lack of time, so strives to exist healthy food from our diet. This is not at all useful for a growing children's body. Because children spend most of the day in kindergarten, it is at the educators a duty to teach a child useful, tasty, beautiful and, most importantly, to be neatly eating.

Lessons of etiquette begin at an early age. The child learns not only to behave correctly at the table, but also confidently use cutlery, be neat and polite.

Table Serving Rules

In kindergarten children are taught to eat on the classic, European manner is a plug in the left hand, the knife is right. Based on this, tables are served. Forks give children since junior Group, and knives from the older group.

In each group it is desirable to have its dishes, the coloring of which can correspond to the name of the group ("chamomile", "kids"). When switching to an older group, the set of dishes changes.

An additional item may appear in the older group on the tables - the solonka with a small spoon. Often, children, not wanting there is a low-salted dish, refuse food. But it is enough for them to solve a little satisfying the dish, as an appetite immediately appears. Of course, the children need to be told about the fact that the surplus of salt is extremely harmful to observe the measure.

Depending on the time of reception, the tables are served in different ways.

To breakfast on the middle of the table put a vase with flowers, a bread maker, a plate with a portion oil, a napkin, a saucer. The plugs are laid out on the left side, knives - with the right, spoon - parallel to the edge of the table. The main dish is not cooled, only is served when the child sits down at the table. The dishes clean the left of the seated child.

For dinner the table is served in a similar way, however juice and compote in the cups on the table are poured in advance, on the edge of the table put a slide plate. At the same time, only deep plates are put in junior groups, and in the middle and older - deep and small plates in cases where the second is declined in the group, and not brings from the kitchen. Used utensils immediately removes.

Some gardens encourage children's habits that do not always be called useful. For example, many guys who do not like boiled onions, carrots or cabbage, lay them on a plate, pre-harvested by a nurse. However, educators should work with pupils, trying to teach there all thick together with liquid. In extreme cases, a piece of onions can be put on the edge of its plates.

To afternoon the table is served as for breakfast - with the only difference: no oil is served.

Formation of cultural and hygienic skills at the table

As the child grows, his behavior skills are performed at the table. Go to the manner and older group, and you will not only see, but also hear the difference. The kids are sitting out of them, as virtue of their age and nonsense, crumbs are crumbs, try to chat - not everywhere, of course, but this is a typical picture. And take the older group: children are sitting and calmly eaten, no one chats, not laughing. After eating wiped with a napkin, thank the nurse and help the duty to remove the dishes behind them.

Children early age (1-2 years) teach:

  • wash your arms before eating and wipe them dry with a towel (with an adult);
  • sit for a chair
  • use a cup: keep it in such a way that the liquid does not spill, drinking does not rush;
  • use a spoon;
  • alone is a spoonful of thick food, there is bread;
  • after the end of the meal is to come out from behind the table and sticking the chair.

Children of the first younger group (2-3 years) are taught:

  • yourself wash your arms before meals, dryly wipe them with a towel;
  • it is neat, holding a spoon in right hand;
  • wipe off a napkin after eating;
  • thank after eating.

Children of the second younger group (3-4 years) are taught:

  • alone and carefully wash your hands with the help of soap, dry by a towel, hang the towel in your place;
  • properly use cutlery;
  • to eat neatly: do not crumble bread, chew food with a closed mouth.

Children of the middle and older groups (4-5 years, 5-6 years) teach:

  • take food in small portions;
  • there is quiet;
  • correctly use cutlery (fork, spoon, knife);
  • sit with a straight back;
  • neatly make up dishes after meals;
  • drop the dishes.

Children prepared to school of the group (6-7 years) enshrine the resulting culture skills in the table: do not put the elbows, sit straight, carefully chew food, use the cutting devices correctly.

Forms of Power Culture Forms

Forms of grafting the food culture in kindergarten are diverse. One of them is duty . The stands on the tables are given an elegant form consisting of colored caps and apron. All this clothing is stored in the "corner of the duty".

To duty children start with the second youngest group at the end school year. The duty helps a nurse to cover the table, followed by eats. The preschooler puts glasses, puts the napkins, spoons, puts breadmen.

In the middle group, children secure the skills to serving the table. In the second half of the year, duties are added: to put the saucers that pre-put a nanny on the table, put into the glasses of napkins, remove breadmen and glasses with napkins after eating.

In the senior I. preparatory groups Duty can independently serve the table and get used after meals. The duty of the duty includes not only the placement of dishes, but also, for example, folding fabric napkins. This occupation is very promoted by the development. small Motoriki hands.

Seriously duty belongs to the declaration of the menu, a kind of acting mini-scene. After all, the menu can be read with the expression so that children still have no hunger, want to try all the dishes.

In addition to duty, in the preschool institution thematic classesThe partial programs are implemented. One of them - "ABC is healthy Nutrition« , developed by the specialists of the Center "Trust". Classes come to children come "Melnik" and "Merchant" who are divided interesting facts About vegetables and fruits, are learning poems with preschoolers about food, conducting ideas dedicated to nutrition in kindergarten.

IN preschool institutions Holidays are organized. Especially popular Eating culture day . Within the framework of it, various master classes are held on the preparation of salads, decorating dishes, conversations are underway on culinary preferences and traditions that came to us from other countries.

As you know, the appetite depends largely on how "tasty" looks like a food, a table is beautifully served. In this regard, in kindergartens, it is often declared contests reviews for the best serving .

A review competition for the best table setting in MBDOU "Child Development Center - kindergarten № 7" Christmas tree, Khanty-Mansiysk, site -

Kindergarten special place for the child. In this institution, the baby vaccinates communication skills and manners, which is reflected in the serving of the children's table. Unlike home dinner or children's celebration, kindergarten workers and parents cannot afford the liberties in serving. In each garden, there is a strict regulation of food intake. However, the table can be transformed by adding fresh notes into the design.

Casual table in kindergarten

Table setting for younger group

Little children still master food intake skills using appliances, so the table setting for them must comply with certain rules:

  • The dishes should be bright and colorful.
  • Plates and devices should be easy for the child to eat comfortably.
  • On the children's table for the younger group, glass glasses and forks are not provided. Instead, there are ordinary cups and spoons.
  • It is better to use dessert dishes.
  • Soup is served in standard plates.
  • The devices are folded into the envelopes from the napkins.
  • The desk necessarily present a bread box.
  • To issue children's table Cheap and creative, use adhesive tablecloths with cartoon pattern, bright napkins and painted dishes. A composition of artificial flowers or origami can be placed in the center of the table. Children will be happy to see their own crafts on the dinner table.

    Table for the middle group

    Older children can already use forks, full-fledged suits and ordinary cutlery. Plates put on large linen napkins with a pattern. At this age, kids can already cover themselves on the table visual scheme As duty.

    The table can be decorated with origami from napkins. It can be boats or asterisks. For boys, this way can be cheap to create naval themes using blue napkins and striped colored paper flags.

    Table setting for older children

    Children at this age can fully use all the food intake devices. Knives for food and oil are added to previously displayed plates and devices. Children can now make sandwiches independently, so the table is needed to the table.

    • Pies, cheesecakes, cookies, gingerbreads put on the middle of each table in common plates or breadmen.
    • Bread to put on the middle of the table in the bread beds, cutting it into small pieces (20-25g). Scoops in the breadpie are always more than children at the table. Everyone can eat how much wants
    • Such dishes like meat and fish cutlets, fried or boiled fish, potato cutlets, cottages, omelet, scrambled eggs, different casseroles, give children in a continuous form (it excites appetite, affects the selection of gastric juice).
    • Sausages, sausages in the younger group are served in a cut form, five-six-year children cut them themselves. Also serve cucumbers and tomatoes in the cut. If not cut, children take their hands.
    • Festive table setting in kindergarten

      Holiday in kindergarten implies small costs and use healthy products. You can select the following stages of the holiday table for children:

      • The choice of topics. It is better to choose a neutral theme that will enjoy all the guys. You can also organize several separate tables for girls and boys. Girls will enjoy the Barbie Table, and the boys will become pirated attributes.
      • Preservation color Gamma.. Value the subject, you need to decide on the color of napkins and decorations. It is better to choose objects close to color to create aesthetic picture.
      • Decorating space over the table. Hung to the ceiling decoration will not take a lot of space, but turn lunch into a real holiday. You can go to the ceiling helium balls or suspend ordinary. Ball ribbons should be twisted so that they hide serpentine. Good option There will be a variety of tight cardboard figures.
      • Selection of dishes. It is better to choose plastic dishes, which is safe for a child. In the store you can affordable price Purchase plates with thematic pattern. Monthly glasses are decorated with stickers and tubes.
      • Selection of tablecloths. Instead of fabric, it is better to choose a colorful oilcloth, aged in one color scheme with a table design.
      • Chairs decoration. The backs of the chairs can be decorated with ribbons, bows and helium balloons.

      Performing the above steps, it is necessary to adhere to the main theme and the selected color scheme. For economical design of the table, caregivers will be useful balloons, napkins, colored paper and tapes.

      READ ALSO: How to decorate a children's birthday table.

      Of balloons And the brown cones from the cardboard you can build ice cream horns. Children will be happy to paint the balls and leave the handprints on them. Such creative jewelry can be suspended to the ceiling or bind to the back of the chair of each child.

      An origami technique will come to the aid of the table. From napkins and paper you can build small animal figures, boats, geometric figureswho refresh the holiday.

      Dishes on the festive table in kindergarten

      Children's holiday implies the use of healthy products that will not cause allergies from kids. On the table in kindergarten you can file such products:

      • Boiled sausage, cheese, eggs;
      • Fruits and vegetables;
      • Fruit juice;
      • Marmalade, marshmallow and caramel;
      • Bakery products.

      Little children hardly become boring dishes on a festive day. Guys can be pleased with satisfying sandwiches from bread, sausages and cheese. Such snacks have many options for design, which will fall to the taste of each child. For example, a sail of the ship will turn out of a slication of cheese, and tomato with splashing squirrel will come for God's cow.

      • festive children's dishes;
      • menu on children's birthday.
      • Also an appetizing snack transforms unusual form Bread: Baton slice with a sharp knife turn into a star, a ship or heart. From a small product, a funny face of an animal will be obtained. The eyes will replace the pieces of olives, and eyelashes and mustache, greenery sprigs.

        The win-win option will be miniature canapes. You can drive absolutely any products on the skewer: cheese, sausage, olives. Sweet canapes are prepared from pieces of fruits that do not fall apart in their hands. For this purpose, the apple, kiwi, pear, grapes are suitable for this purpose. But tangerines and banana for this purpose are better not to use.

        Baking is better to use homemade. In this case, will come to the rescue experienced motherswho prepare miniature cookies and pastries. Cookies are better baked in molds, and punkyki decorate berries and multi-colored dragee.

        Fruits can also be transformed with carving. In order to turn a pear and a few grape berries in an appetizing hedgehog, special skill is required. The same can be said about the swan from an apple and a snowman from a banana.

        Drinks should be decorated with tubes and umbrellas for cocktails. In the center of the table will look good bright decanter filled with juice. However, in the breakdown, the kids will need adult assistance.

on the organization of the power process

and serving tables in groups

This methodological guidelines for the organization of the process of nutrition and serving tables in groups are advisory and will help a preschool educational institution to improve the quality of the organization of the power process in the DOU.

This document is addressed to teachers and younger predictors DOU, in order to increase competence in the organization of the process of nutrition in the DOU.

Psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution depends largely on the organization of nutrition. An important point In the proper nutrition organization is a good setting, it plays a big role for the development of the child's appetite and consolidate cultural skills.

The table setting should be such that she causes the kids let the unconscious desire to be neat. On the tables - tablecloths, and better under each cutlery - Napkin, clean, elegant in appearance. Aesthetic design of the table: necessarily paper napkins, beautiful and properly decomposed cutlery (spoons, forks, knives), portion-sliced \u200b\u200bbread in the bread, cups (circles) by the number of children, allowed flower composition for decoration.


1. How to sit at the table, how to drive a drink, how to sit down and leave the table that you can not do at the table

Before eating, children wash out, put in order nose, hair, clothing.

We teach children to sit at the table: the bottom of the back should be pressed against the back of the chair, the feet feet completely touch the floor, between the feeding of the dishes right hand on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand on the table.

It is impossible to sit with crossed legs, swing on the chair, sitting breaking down, go through the back next to the sitting, move the chair with all the weight of your body, drumming on the table with your fingers, put on the bore of the elbow.

The petition conversation is required. Topics conversations should not affect the identity of the child, be asked or exciting. For example, one should not be discussed by a fighter that many people looked at home last night. It is forbidden to view the TV at the time of food.

With a drinking conversation, children must learn only two rules:

Not to join the conversation until he finished saying

Do not talk while in the mouth of food.

It is known that the conversation for food is skill, to learn which is possible only in practice. Children should not be silent at the table, and even to the smallest, also to speak - as it should not be able to periodically handle any phrase.

Children, scientific to lead a conversation at the table, never shout, even if there is no adult nearby.

The subjects of conversations can be the most different, it is appropriate to talk about the food that children eat: what kind of products it is made, from where these products appear, etc. But there is no conversation at the table to turn into the likeness of the training classes. If someone from the children translates the conversation to another topic, let it be so. It is important that the child in the process of conversation has formed its opinion on the issues discussed. It is desirable that the educator refrain from the statement of decisive opinions.

To be listened - the right of a child, and it must be respected. It is necessary to support the initiative of children in conversation, help them develop their thought. If children are calmly talking among themselves and everyone participates in it, the teacher may not interfere, but only make sure that the rules of the conversation are not disturbed.

Each child coming to the table must wish the sitting, pleasant appetite, and those in response to thank. Going out of the table, the child wishes the remaining pleasant appetite again.

"Thank you" serving it to people, he says whenever he is served food, clean the dishes, etc. Going out from behind the table, the child says "Thank you" again, referring to the name of the patronymic to the younger educator.

The dishes do not remove the children behind them, they make adults. Plates after soup, the second should be removed immediately, since the table should always look neat.

2. How to use cutlery, napkins, keep a cup.

Cutting devices We learn to use in the European manner: the knife in the right hand, the plug is in the left. They are put on the plate only when they are not more needed. A teaspoon is fed to the compote. Table spoon Eating soup, dessert porridge, souffle, jelly, berries, pudding.

Paper napkin Children should use as needed. It should be attached to the lips, then, compressed, in a lounge, put on the used plate or a specially prepared container, if the food is not rejected, next to the plate.

Cup with handle take the index finger, which is focused in the handle, superimposed thumbAnd at hand is placed on average - to ensure stability. Unnamed finger And the little finger is pressed to the palm.

By six years, the child should know and comply with the basic rules of behavior at the table and not to do what can be surrounding unpleasant: itching, picking in your teeth, chew with an open mouth, combine lips, leave a spoon in a cup, there is a knife, lick your fingers, stuff up the mouth;

Soup remnants dotilting the plate from ourselves. Spoon leave in a plate;

Salads, vegetables (Starting with the older group) there is a knife and fork with a knife, upliving a portion, holding a fork to the teeth up, and drop the knife and slightly press.

Porridge, omelet, gentle soufflé, puddingit is allowed to eat a dessert spoon.

Second dish with a side dish and without It is necessary to eat with a knife and forks (starting with the older group).

Fruits Eat differently. Clean the fruit kids must adults, but it is allowed to eat the apple entirely.

Oil, jam Children smear on bread (Baton) (starting from the older group).

Pies, Cookies, Gingerbread Children eat, holding them in her hand.

Soup with bread You can eat, holding bread in your left hand and biting right away from a piece.

Table setting

A good table setting is of great importance to improve the appetite of children and consolidate cultural skills. In the preparation of tables for nutrition, duty are accepted.
The dishes should be small, and most importantly, attractive: with elegant pattern, beautiful form.
For children of younger, ordinary children's deep plates are convenient; For children, 5-6 years is better to have a medium size (300 -400 g).
It is good to have small plates of two sizes: desserts - for breakfast and afternooner and small, respectively, the size of deep plates - for the second dishes.
Spoons for kids are comfortable dessert, senior children, you can give ordinary - dining rooms. We need tea spoons for compote, cottage cheese and other dishes.
Forks should be given to children since the younger group (second half of the year). Children 5-6 years old should be used to use both forks and a knife, but they must be the corresponding size, the so-called children's.

To breakfast, the table is served as follows:

The middle of the table is put a bread box with bread covered with a napkin, a plate with a portion oil, a napkin, a saucer (if the tables are combined, then each table separately). Then lay off spoons, forks, knives (for oil) - Senior preschool age. Fork on the left side, knife and spoon- right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Mugs are put in the center of the table, by the number of children.

The main dish of children gives a junior educator before they sit at the table. Pre-dishes are not laid out, with the exception of those eating cold. Served and remove dishes to the left of the seated child.

If eggs are served for breakfast, they are put in a plate, which is in the center of the table.

To the dinner table is used in a similar way:

At the middle of the table, the bread box is placed with bread covered with a napkin, a napkin (if the tables are combined, then each table separately). Then lay the spoons, forks, knives. Forks on the left side, knife and spoon - right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Mugs are put in the center of the table, by the number of children, and on the edge of the table, the slide is deeply plated andsaladers, if a salad is served to dinner (4 pieces per half of the table).

The soup breaks the younger caregiver before children sit at the table.No need to prematurely lay out the second so that it does not cool down: the cooled food is less useful. If the younger caregiver closely monitors children while eating, she will always have time to file each second in time.

To downnik, the table is served:

In the center of the table there is a napkin, mugs and a plate if baking or cookies are offered.

To dinner, the table is servedjust like to breakfast. Only oil is not served.

Feeding etiquette

During feeding for children of early age, we need to put on the adhesive obugarchans. At the disposal of children should be napkins. After one and a half years, they must learn themselves to use them. The teacher teaches the child to keep a spoon in his right hand, for the middle of the cutting tree, clasping with his fingers from above. Children teach there and the first, and the second dish with bread, do not take food from the plate with their hands, the meat dish is with a side dish, use the napkin.
Dishes must be submitted in a timely manner so that, sowing at the table, the baby immediately began to eat, i.e. It is unacceptable to plant children for empty tables.
It must be remembered that the movement of the child is still coordinated, and it is impossible to comply with it in full order during meals. Children are quickly tired and, thorough hunger, begin to be distracted or completely ceased to eat. Adults should help them finish lunch. If the baby is still refuses to eat, you should not insist.
Children must learn the rules: it is impossible to leave the table with a piece of bread, cake, apple, etc.; It is impossible to go if the mouth is filled with unguided food. Already at this age, the child should thank an adult after eating, sticking his chair.

During meals, the tutor should be accepted with children ("Eat, children, delicious soup"; "Katya, take bread, bite a piece"; "Maria Ivanovna, Sasha ate the soup, put him, please, the potatoes with potatoes. Delicious cutlet, eat , Sasha "etc.), use the artistic word.

An important requirement for personnel and teachers is not to create a tense environment when children eat. Adults must remember constantly that children only entered this world and still do not know much. In escaping them to good manners, it should be condescendingly treated to slip, not to pour and do not rush. Manners need to be trained at ease, calmly and best with their own example, coming to help whenever the child experiences difficulties.

And finally, the third requirement concerns the coercion of a child during food.

Each child is born to light with the well-functioning mechanism of hunger, which shows when it is necessary, and when to stop. If adults and the child himself do not interfere with this mechanism, then no one complains about the absence of appetite and the growth occurs normally. Intervention in the activities of this fine device can cause serious emotional difficulties in the development of the child, which may be accompanied by him throughout life. The tastes of the child can be hereditary and form in a family due to its singularities.

Psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution depends largely on the organization of nutrition. An important point in the correct nutrition organization is a good setting, it plays a big role for the development of the child's appetite and consolidate cultural skills.



Municipal budget pre-school

educational institution "Kindergarten

general priority

implementation of physical activities

development of children number 49 "Merry Gnome" city

Novocheboksarsk Chuvash Republic

"Table setting and nutrition in kindergarten"

Prepared educators

1 qualification category:

Molina N.M.

Real guidelines for the organization of the process of nutrition and serving tables in groups are advisory andhelp the pre-school educational institution to improve the quality of the organization of the process of nutrition in the DOU.

This document is addressed to teachers and junior supporters of the DOU, in order to increase the competence in the organization of the process of nutrition in the DOU.

  • Law Russian Federation "On Education" №273 dated December 29, 2012;
  • Sanpin "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of pre-school educational institutions";
  • Programs preschool education "From birth to school" ed. N. E. Veracs, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, (2 building);

Psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution depends largely on the organization of nutrition. An important point in the correct nutrition organization is a good setting, it plays a big role for the development of the child's appetite and consolidate cultural skills.

The table setting should be such that she causes the kids let the unconscious desire to be neat. On the tables - tablecloths, and it is better for each cutlery - a napkin, clean, elegant in appearance. The aesthetic design of the table: necessarily paper napkins, beautiful and correctly laid out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives), portion-sliced \u200b\u200bbread in the bread, cups (mugs) by the number of children, the flower arrangement for decoration is allowed.


  1. How to sit at the table, how to drive a drink, how to sit down and leave the table that you can not do at the table

Before eating, children wash out, put in order nose, hair, clothing.

We teach children to sit at the table: the bottom of the back should be pressed against the back of the chair, the feet feet completely touch the floor, between the feeding of the dishes right hand on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand on the table.

It is impossible to sit with crossed legs, swing on the chair, sitting breaking down, go through the back next to the sitting, move the chair with all the weight of your body, drumming on the table with your fingers, put on the bore of the elbow.

Packaging conversation. Topics conversations should not affect the identity of the child, be asked or exciting. For example, one should not be discussed by a fighter that many people looked at home last night. It is forbidden to view the TV at the time of food.

With a drinking conversation, children must learn only two rules:

Not to join the conversation until he finished saying

Do not talk while in the mouth of food.

It is known that the conversation for food is skill, to learn which is possible only in practice. Children should not be silent at the table, and even to the smallest, also to speak - as it should not be able to periodically handle any phrase.

Children, scientific to lead a conversation at the table, never shout, even if there is no adult nearby.

The subjects of conversations can be the most different, it is appropriate to talk about the food that children eat: what kind of products it is made, from where these products appear, etc. But there is no conversation at the table to turn into the likeness of the training classes. If someone from the children translates the conversation to another topic, let it be so. It is important that the child in the process of conversation has formed its opinion on the issues discussed. It is desirable that the educator refrain from the statement of decisive opinions.

To be listened - the right of a child, and it must be respected. It is necessary to support the initiative of children in conversation, help them develop their thought. If children are calmly talking among themselves and everyone participates in it, the teacher may not interfere, but only make sure that the rules of the conversation are not disturbed.

Each child coming to the table must wish the sitting, pleasant appetite, and those in response to thank. Going out of the table, the child wishes the remaining pleasant appetite again.

"Thank you" serving it to people, he says whenever he is served food, clean the dishes, etc. Going out from behind the table, the child says "Thank you" again, referring to the name of the patronymic to the younger educator.

The dishes of the children behind themselves remove themselves: after the first dish, they are pile, after which adults do it themselves; The plates from the second dish and the glasses are carrying children.

How to use cutlery, napkins, keep a cup.

Cutting devices We learn to use in the European manner: the knife in the right hand, the plug is in the left. They are put on the plate only when they are not more needed. A teaspoon is fed to the compote. Table spoon Eating soup, dessert porridge, souffle, jelly, berries, pudding.

Paper napkinchildren should use as needed. It should be attached to the lips, then, compressed, in a lounge, put on the used plate or a specially prepared container, if the food is not rejected, next to the plate.

Cup with handle take the index finger, which is filled into the handle, the thumb is superimposed on top, and the average is placed on hand - to ensure stability. Unnamed finger and a little finger pressed against the palm.

By six years, the child should know and comply with the basic rules of behavior at the table and not to do what can be surrounding unpleasant: itching, picking in your teeth, chew with an open mouth, combine lips, leave a spoon in a cup, there is a knife, lick your fingers, stuff up the mouth;

Soup remnants dotilting the plate from ourselves. Spoon leave in a plate;

Salads, vegetables (Starting with the older group) there is a knife and fork with a knife, upliving a portion, holding a fork to the teeth up, and drop the knife and slightly press.

Kashu. It is allowed to eat a dessert spoon.

Second dish with a side dish and without It is necessary to eat with a knife and forks (starting with the older group).

Fruits Eat differently. Clean the fruit kids must adults, but it is allowed to eat the apple entirely.

Oil, jam Children smear on bread (Baton) (starting from the older group).

Pies, Cookies, Gingerbread Children eat, holding them in her hand.

Soup with bread You can eat, holding bread in your left hand and biting right away from a piece.

Table setting

A good table setting is of great importance to improve the appetite of children and consolidate cultural skills. In the preparation of tables for nutrition, duty are accepted.
The dishes should be small, and most importantly, attractive: with an elegant pattern, beautiful shape.
For children of younger, ordinary children's deep plates are convenient; For children, 5-6 years is better to have a medium size (300 -400 g).
It is good to have small plates of two sizes: desserts - for breakfast and afternooner and small, respectively, the size of deep plates - for the second dishes.
Spoons for kids are comfortable dessert, senior children, you can give ordinary - dining rooms. We need tea spoons for compote, cottage cheese and other dishes.
Forks should be given to children since the younger group (second half of the year). Children 5-6 years old should be used to use both forks and a knife, but they must be the corresponding size, the so-called children's.

To breakfast, the table is served as follows:

The middle of the table is put a bread box with bread covered with a napkin, a plate with a portion oil, a napkin, a saucer (if the tables are combined, then each table separately). Then lay off spoons, forks, knives (for oil) - senior preschool age. Fork on the left side, knife and spoon- right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Mugs are put in the center of the table, by the number of children.

The main dish of children gives a junior educator before they sit at the table. Pre-dishes are not laid out, with the exception of those eating cold. Served and remove dishes to the left of the seated child.

If eggs are served for breakfast, they are put in a plate, which is in the center of the table.

To the dinner table is used in a similar way:

At the middle of the table, the bread box is placed with bread covered with a napkin, a napkin (if the tables are combined, then each table separately). Then lay the spoons, forks, knives. Forks on the left side, knife and spoon - right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Mugs are put in the center of the table, by the number of children, and on the edge of the table, the slide put deep plates and salad bowls, if the salad is served to dinner (4 pieces per half of the table).

The soup breaks the younger caregiver before children sit at the table. No need to prematurely lay out the second so that it does not cool down: the cooled food is less useful. If the younger caregiver closely monitors children while eating, she will always have time to file each second in time.

To downnik, the table is served:

In the center of the table there is a napkin, mugs and a plate if baking or cookies are offered.

To dinner, the table is served Just like to breakfast. Only oil is not served.

Feeding etiquette

During feeding for children of early age, we need to put on the adhesive obugarchans. At the disposal of children should be napkins. And after a year and a half, they must learn themselves to use them. The teacher teaches the child to keep a spoon in his right hand, for the middle of the cutting tree, clasping with his fingers from above. Children teach there and the first, and the second dish with bread, do not take food from the plate with their hands, the meat dish is with a side dish, use the napkin.
Dishes must be submitted in a timely manner so that, sowing at the table, the baby immediately began to eat, i.e. It is unacceptable to plant children for empty tables.
It must be remembered that the movement of the child is still coordinated, and it is impossible to comply with it in full order during meals. Children are quickly tired and, thorough hunger, begin to be distracted or completely ceased to eat. Adults should help them finish lunch. If the baby is still refuses to eat, you should not insist.
Children must learn the rules: it is impossible to leave the table with a piece of bread, cake, apple, etc.; It is impossible to go if the mouth is filled with unguided food. Already at this age, the child should thank an adult after eating, sticking his chair.

During meals, the tutor should be accepted with children ("Eat, children, delicious soup"; "Katya, take bread, bite a piece"; "Maria Ivanovna, Sasha ate the soup, put him, please, the potatoes with potatoes. Delicious cutlet, eat , Sasha "etc.), use the artistic word.

An important requirement for personnel and teachers is not to create a tense environment when children eat. Adults must remember constantly that children only entered this world and still do not know much. In escaping them to good manners, it should be condescendingly treated to slip, not to pour and do not rush. Manners need to be trained at ease, calmly and best with their own example, coming to help whenever the child experiences difficulties. If the child can not throw a pea for a fork, then let him use while the spoon. Therefore, we put on the table all cutlery and for breakfast, and at lunch, and in the afternooner.

And finally, the third requirement concerns the coercion of a child during food.

Each child is born to light with the well-functioning mechanism of hunger, which shows when it is necessary, and when to stop. If adults and the child himself do not interfere with this mechanism, then no one complains about the absence of appetite and the growth occurs normally. Intervention in the activities of this fine device can cause serious emotional difficulties in the development of the child, which may be accompanied by him throughout life. The tastes of the child can be hereditary and form in a family due to its singularities.

During the table setting to the nutrition process, there are active participation.

Memo for junior educators.

Cultural and hygienic skills


2 ml.

Formation of elementary skills at the table: properly use dining and teaspoons, fork, napkin; Do not crumble bread, chew food with a closed mouth, do not talk with a full mouth, rinse your mouth after eating

In the second half of the year, the formation of the skills required during duty on the dining room (help to cover the table to dinner (spread spoons, forks, lay a bread box (without bread). Plates, cups, etc.))

Medium group

Improving the skills of accurate meals: food take a little, chew well, there is silent, correctly use cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin, rinse mouth after meals

The formation of the ability to independently perform duty duty on the dining room: carefully arrange the breadmelocks, cups with saucers, put the napkitnitsy, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group

Improve the food culture: the ability to properly use cutlery (fork, knife), there is silent, carefully, while maintaining the right posture at the table; Approach.

Formation of desire to conscientiously perform duty duty on the dining room: to serve the table, put it in order after eating

Preparation. Group

Fastening the skill gently use cutlery. Fastening the ability to handle how to thank.

Formation of the ability to conscientiously perform duty duty on the dining room: to fully serve the tables and bring it in order after meals

The duty is entered from the second youngest group, in the second half of the year and put only one condition in front of the child: to help the younger caregiver to cover the table.

The child gives a spoon, puts bread, glasses with napkins. Understanding the duties are not yet available to children before four yearsAnd it would be wrong to nominate such a requirement before them. In the leadership of children, teacher relies on their interest in the process of activity, creates an emotionally positive attitude towards him, explains the need to work hard and in every way to encourage any attempt to show independence. It forms children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of the labor of duty, about the intensity in the fulfillment of the entrusted business.

Formation of elementary skills at the table: properly use dining and teaspoons, fork, napkin; Do not crumble bread, chew food with a closed mouth, not to talk with a full mouth.
In the middle group The teacher uses at the beginning of the year (September - October) the same techniques as in younger agedIn order to find out how many children have mastered the skills, give them to get used to the living conditions in the group.
Further in children form the skills to independently perform the duty duty on the dining room: carefully arrange the bread mines, the cups, put the napkitnitsy, lay the cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Going out due to the table, the child can take its cup and attribute it to the distribution table. The duty officers are cleaned with a bread box, glasses with napkins, and the junior tutor.
Duty continue to take place insenior and preparatory to school groupthe kindergarten is gradually becoming more complicated by the content of labor, and in the forms of uniting children, and at the request of independence in the process of work, as well as by self-organization in the process of activity. Changing on duty is held daily.
The maintenance of the duty on duty on the dining room includes a full table setting: gently spread cutlery (spoons, forks, knives); Collect bread minesses, clips, mugs.

After eating, duty helps younger caregiver to restore order on the dining tables.

At the duty on the dining room should be a special form: aprons of a headdress (shim banks, caps).

Organization of the process of nutrition and table setting in Dow

The main task of the kindergarten is to ensure the constitutional right of every child to protect his life and health. Whereinorganization of rational nutrition prerequisite for harmonious growth of children, their physical and nervous, resistance to infections and other unfavorable factors The external environment occupies a special place in the activities of the DOU. After all, it is in kindergarten that children spend a significant part of the day.

The psychological comfort of children during their stay in an educational institution depends largely onnutrition organization . An important point in the rightnutrition organization Is correctserving She plays a big role for the development of the child's appetite and consolidate cultural skills.

Aesthetic designtable. Attracts the attention of children to dishes, increases appetite, forms the aesthetic taste of children.

Aesthetic designtable. : necessarily paper napkins,

beautiful and correctly unfoldedcutlery (Spoons, forks, knives, portion chopped bread in the bread, cups, plates by the number of children, a flower arrangement for decoration is allowed.

To breakfastthe table is served as follows. :

Middletable. The breadnight is placed with bread covered with a napkin, a plate with a portion oil, a napanert

Then lay spoons, forks, knives(for oil) - Senior preschool age. Fork on the left side, knife and spoon- right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Tea couples are put in the centertable. , by the number of children.

The main dish of children gives youngertutor before how they will sit fortable . Pre-dishes are not laid out, with the exception of those eating cold. Served and remove dishes to the left of the seated child.

If eggs are served for breakfast, they are put in a plate that stands in the centertable. .

For dinnerthe table is served :

Middletable. A bread box with bread covered with a napkin, a napkin.

Then lay the spoons, forks, knives. Forks on the left side, knife and spoon - right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork.

Tea couples with a small spoon are put in the centertable. , by the number of children.

Salads, vegetable cutting, marinade put out in separate plates before children sit down fortable .

Soups(if there are no salads) served only when the child sits fortable .

No need to prematurely lay the second so that it is notcooled : The cooled food is less useful. If aeducator and Junior Educator Carefully monitors children while eating, they will always have time to file each second in time.

To a compacted afternoonthe table is served :

In the centerthe table is set by the cloth , Tea couples.

The plate is placed in every child if baking or cookies are offered.

In the restthe table is served as well as well as breakfast. Only oil is not served.

Procedure of POorganization of food intake :

Preparation for feeding food. Compliance with hygienic requirements (furniture is convenient in accordance with the growth of children;tables Rinse with hot water with soap. Jreducator I must wash your hands thoroughly, put on special clothes, ventilate the room, use only clean dishes)

Hygienicprocedures : Valeological education of children, fixing the rules of hand washing; Self-adjoint children.

Compliance with the gradual landing of children fortables . The teacher is trying to follow dutythe table sat down those children who are slowly eating and have a bad appetite.

Table setting : organization of duty ; familiarization with the menu, the announcement of his children; Attracting the attention of children to aesthetic designtables Compliance with the right posture.

Meal(breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, compacted afternoon) . Individual work byeducation of food culture ; learning to the rules of etiquette; Evaluation of activities.

Organization of duty

General requirements :

Duty is the character of the orders;

Unity of requirements from botheducators and a younger educator ;

Be sure to perform hygienicprocedures , presence of an attractive form for duty(apron, cap) ;

Prescribe 1 duty for everyonetable. ;

Promotion and gratitude for the help

Dutydining room junior age :

by the end of the year you can hang"Board of duty" and teach children to use it;

output bytable span , Salpars and breadmen.

Dutydining room average age :

table setting under the leadership of an adult;

Dutydining room senior age :

table setting ;

placing paper napkins in cloths(twisting in the tube, cutting, folding) ;

cleaning used napkins.

Lay the table - It means to prepare it for meals. the main goaltable setting - Create order ontable , Provide all the necessary objects. Orderserving developed over the years , dictated by hygiene requirements and the need to ensure the greatest convenience.

Righttable setting as a necessary conditioneducation Positive Relationship to Eating and Formation of Reception Skillsfood :

on cleantable Single Tablecloth Her edges lowered from all sides equally, but not lower than the seats of chairs. and better for eachcutlery - Napkin , clean, elegant in appearance

paper napkins are not laid out, and put in the napkin (finished there, wipe the lips first, then the hands, and the napkins used are put on the dish)

the bread box is put in the centertable. , if necessary, bread is cut in half(does not break)

Tea pairs are placed if compote with berries are served, then the saucer is put on the saucer on the right of the plate are putcutlery : closer to the plate fork with cloth up, neartable spoon deepening down if servedtable-knife , then the fork put on the left of the plate, and the knife to the right closer to the plate, the blade to the plate (the knife is cut into small pieces of meat, sausage, cheese, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, pears), what is easy to enter fork, eat withoutknife : Boiled potatoes, cutlets, casserole, omelet.

salad, vegetable cutting, marinade are served in a separate plate

the layout of dishes on plates should be aesthetically attractive

as dishes eating, you need to remove dirty plates

on the organization of the power process

and serving tables in groups

The table setting should be such that she causes the kids let the unconscious desire to be neat. On the tables - tablecloths, and it is better for each cutlery - a napkin, clean, elegant in appearance. The aesthetic design of the table: necessarily paper napkins, beautiful and correctly laid out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives), portion-sliced \u200b\u200bbread in the bread, cups (mugs) by the number of children, the flower arrangement for decoration is allowed.


1. How to sit at the table, how to drive a drink, how to sit down and leave the table that you can not do at the table

Before eating, children wash out, put in order nose, hair, clothing.

We teach children to sit at the table: the bottom of the back should be pressed against the back of the chair, the feet feet completely touch the floor, between the feeding of the dishes right hand on the knees, and the wrist of the left hand on the table.

It is impossible to sit with crossed legs, swing on the chair, sitting breaking down, go through the back next to the sitting, move the chair with all the weight of your body, drumming on the table with your fingers, put on the bore of the elbow.

The petition conversation is required. Topics conversations should not affect the identity of the child, be asked or exciting. For example, one should not be discussed by a fighter that many people looked at home last night. It is forbidden to view the TV at the time of food.

With a drinking conversation, children must learn only two rules:

Not to join the conversation until he finished saying

Do not talk while in the mouth of food.

It is known that the conversation for food is skill, to learn which is possible only in practice. Children should not be silent at the table, and even to the smallest, also to speak - as it should not be able to periodically handle any phrase.

Children, scientific to lead a conversation at the table, never shout, even if there is no adult nearby.

The subjects of conversations can be the most different, it is appropriate to talk about the food that children eat: what kind of products it is made, from where these products appear, etc. But there is no conversation at the table to turn into the likeness of the training classes. If someone from the children translates the conversation to another topic, let it be so. It is important that the child in the process of conversation has formed its opinion on the issues discussed. It is desirable that the educator refrain from the statement of decisive opinions.

To be listened - the right of a child, and it must be respected. It is necessary to support the initiative of children in conversation, help them develop their thought. If children are calmly talking among themselves and everyone participates in it, the teacher may not interfere, but only make sure that the rules of the conversation are not disturbed.

Each child coming to the table must wish the sitting, pleasant appetite, and those in response to thank. Going out of the table, the child wishes the remaining pleasant appetite again.

"Thank you" serving it to people, he says whenever he is served food, clean the dishes, etc. Going out from behind the table, the child says "Thank you" again, referring to the name of the patronymic to the younger educator.

The dishes do not remove the children behind them, they make adults. Plates after soup, the second should be removed immediately, since the table should always look neat.

2. How to use cutlery, napkins, keep a cup.

Cutting devices We learn to use in the European manner: the knife in the right hand, the plug is in the left. They are put on the plate only when they are not more needed. A teaspoon is fed to the compote. Table spoon Eating soup, dessert porridge, souffle, jelly, berries, pudding.

Paper napkin Children should use as needed. It should be attached to the lips, then, compressed, in a lounge, put on the used plate or a specially prepared container, if the food is not rejected, next to the plate.

Cup with handle Take the index finger, which is filled into the handle, the thumb is superimposed on top, and the average is placed on hand - to ensure stability. Unnamed finger and a little finger pressed against the palm.

By six years, the child should know and comply with the basic rules of behavior at the table and not to do what can be surrounding unpleasant: itching, picking in your teeth, chew with an open mouth, combine lips, leave a spoon in a cup, there is a knife, lick your fingers, stuff up the mouth;

Soup remnants do Tilting the plate from ourselves. Spoon leave in a plate;

Salads, vegetables (Starting with the older group) there is a knife and fork with a knife, upliving a portion, holding a fork to the teeth up, and drop the knife and slightly press.

Porridge, omelet, gentle soufflé, pudding It is allowed to eat a dessert spoon.

Second dish with a side dish and without It is necessary to eat with a knife and forks (starting with the older group).

Fruits Eat differently. Clean the fruit kids must adults, but it is allowed to eat the apple entirely.

Oil, jam Children smear on bread (Baton) (starting from the older group).

Pies, Cookies, Gingerbread Children eat, holding them in her hand.

Soup with bread You can eat, holding bread in your left hand and biting right away from a piece.

Table setting

A good table setting is of great importance to improve the appetite of children and consolidate cultural skills. In the preparation of tables for nutrition, duty are accepted.
The dishes should be small, and most importantly, attractive: with an elegant pattern, beautiful shape.
For children of younger, ordinary children's deep plates are convenient; For children, 5-6 years is better to have a medium size (300 -400 g).
It is good to have small plates of two sizes: desserts - for breakfast and afternooner and small, respectively, the size of deep plates - for the second dishes.
Spoons for kids are comfortable dessert, senior children, you can give ordinary - dining rooms. We need tea spoons for compote, cottage cheese and other dishes.
Forks should be given to children since the younger group (second half of the year). Children 5-6 years old should be used to use both forks and a knife, but they must be the corresponding size, the so-called children's.

To breakfast, the table is served as follows:

The middle of the table is put a bread box with bread covered with a napkin, a plate with a portion oil, a napkin, a saucer (if the tables are combined, then each table separately). Then lay off spoons, forks, knives (for oil) - senior preschool age. Fork on the left side, knife and spoon- right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Mugs are put in the center of the table, by the number of children.

The main dish of children gives a junior educator before they sit at the table. Pre-dishes are not laid out, with the exception of those eating cold. Served and remove dishes to the left of the seated child.

If eggs are served for breakfast, they are put in a plate, which is in the center of the table.

To the dinner table is used in a similar way :

At the middle of the table, the bread box is placed with bread covered with a napkin, a napkin (if the tables are combined, then each table separately). Then lay the spoons, forks, knives. Forks on the left side, knife and spoon - right. If there is no knives - right spoon and fork. Mugs are put in the center of the table, by the number of children, and on the edge of the table, the slide put deep plates and salad bowls, if the salad is served to dinner (4 pieces per half of the table).

The soup breaks the younger caregiver before children sit at the table. No need to prematurely lay out the second so that it does not cool down: the cooled food is less useful. If the younger caregiver closely monitors children while eating, she will always have time to file each second in time.

To downnik, the table is served :

In the center of the table there is a napkin, mugs and a plate if baking or cookies are offered.

To dinner, the table is served Just like to breakfast. Only oil is not served.

Feeding etiquette

During feeding for children of early age, we need to put on the adhesive obugarchans. At the disposal of children should be napkins. After one and a half years, they must learn themselves to use them. The teacher teaches the child to keep a spoon in his right hand, for the middle of the cutting tree, clasping with his fingers from above. Children teach there and the first, and the second dish with bread, do not take food from the plate with their hands, the meat dish is with a side dish, use the napkin.
Dishes must be submitted in a timely manner so that, sowing at the table, the baby immediately began to eat, i.e. It is unacceptable to plant children for empty tables.
It must be remembered that the movement of the child is still coordinated, and it is impossible to comply with it in full order during meals. Children are quickly tired and, thorough hunger, begin to be distracted or completely ceased to eat. Adults should help them finish lunch. If the baby is still refuses to eat, you should not insist.
Children must learn the rules: it is impossible to leave the table with a piece of bread, cake, apple, etc.; It is impossible to go if the mouth is filled with unguided food. Already at this age, the child should thank an adult after eating, sticking his chair.

During meals, the tutor should be accepted with children ("Eat, children, delicious soup"; "Katya, take bread, bite a piece"; "Maria Ivanovna, Sasha ate the soup, put him, please, the potatoes with potatoes. Delicious cutlet, eat , Sasha "etc.), use the artistic word.

An important requirement for personnel and teachers is not to create a tense environment when children eat. Adults must remember constantly that children only entered this world and still do not know much. In escaping them to good manners, it should be condescendingly treated to slip, not to pour and do not rush. Manners need to be trained at ease, calmly and best with their own example, coming to help whenever the child experiences difficulties.

And finally, the third requirement concerns the coercion of a child during food.

Each child is born to light with the well-functioning mechanism of hunger, which shows when it is necessary, and when to stop. If adults and the child himself do not interfere with this mechanism, then no one complains about the absence of appetite and the growth occurs normally. Intervention in the activities of this fine device can cause serious emotional difficulties in the development of the child, which may be accompanied by him throughout life. The tastes of the child can be hereditary and form in a family due to its singularities.

During the table setting to the nutrition process, there are active participation.

Memo for junior educators.

2 ml.

Formation of elementary skills at the table: properly use dining and teaspoons, fork, napkin; Do not crumble bread, chew food with a closed mouth, do not talk with a full mouth, rinse your mouth after eating

In the second half of the year, the formation of the skills required during duty on the dining room (help to cover the table to dinner (spread spoons, forks, lay a bread box (without bread). Plates, cups, etc.))

Medium group

Improving the skills of accurate meals: food take a little, chew well, there is silent, correctly use cutlery (spoon, fork), napkin, rinse mouth after meals

The formation of the ability to independently perform duty duty on the dining room: carefully arrange the breadmelocks, cups with saucers, put the napkitnitsy, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Senior group

Improve the food culture: the ability to properly use cutlery (fork, knife), there is silent, carefully, while maintaining the right posture at the table; Approach.

Formation of desire to conscientiously perform duty duty on the dining room: to serve the table, put it in order after eating

Preparation group

Fastening the skill gently use cutlery. Fastening the ability to handle how to thank.

Formation of the ability to conscientiously perform duty duty on the dining room: to fully serve the tables and bring it in order after meals

The duty is introduced by S.the second youngest group , in the second half of the year, and put only one condition in front of the child: to help the younger caregiver to cover the table.

The child gives a spoon, puts bread, glasses with napkins. Understanding the duties are not yet available to children up to four years, and it would be wrong to put forward such a requirement before them. In the leadership of children, teacher relies on their interest in the process of activity, creates an emotionally positive attitude towards him, explains the need to work hard and in every way to encourage any attempt to show independence. It forms children an idea of \u200b\u200bthe importance of the labor of duty, about the intensity in the fulfillment of the entrusted business.

Formation of elementary skills at the table: properly use dining and teaspoons, fork, napkin; Do not crumble bread, chew food with a closed mouth, not to talk with a full mouth. The educator uses at the beginning of the year (September - October) the same techniques as in the younger age, in order to find out how children were traded by skills, let them get used to the living conditions in the group.
Further, children form the skills to independently perform the duty duty on the dining room: carefully arrange the bread padrings, cups, put the napkitnitsy, lay out cutlery (spoons, forks, knives).

Going out due to the table, the child can take its cup and attribute it to the distribution table. The duty officers are cleaned with a bread box, glasses with napkins, and the junior tutor.
Duty continue to take place insenior and preparatory to school group The kindergarten is gradually becoming more complicated by the content of labor, and in the forms of uniting children, and at the request of independence in the process of work, as well as by self-organization in the process of activity. Changing on duty is held daily.
The maintenance of the duty on duty on the dining room includes a full table setting: gently spread cutlery (spoons, forks, knives); Collect bread minesses, clips, mugs.

After eating, duty helps younger caregiver to restore order on the dining tables.

At the duty on the dining room should be a special form: aprons of a headdress (shim banks, caps).