What is PEYP ART in needlework. Master class "Goldfish". Unconventional decoration equipment with paper napkins - Paip Art. Brief history of napkin needlework

Peep art's napkin technique is a relatively young, but already very popular needlework. Literal translation of Paper Art - paper art.

But in the end, there are volumetric images in which it is difficult to guess the nature of origin. Peip art can visually imitate and combine complex and expensive modern design techniques: chasing, wood carving, forging, embroidery, modeling. At the same time, the main material is almost always at hand. These are ordinary paper napkins - table or cosmetic.

Brief history of napkin needlework

Needlework is based on the decor with napkins, but there is nothing in common here. Just as with the modeling from. Napkins twisted in flagellas, from which then create a decor on a solid surface.

Invented in 2006 "Napkin plastic" immediately thundered on International Festival Children's creativity. The presented works of the Master and her students won the honorable first place and the Grand Prix of the Competition. In 2014, the first book was published on the study of technology with the already modified copyright name "Peip Art".

Those who wish to find out what a pep art and try new creativity, immediately found. The needlewomen quickly mastered the trendy needlework and began to bring their developments into it.

Advantages of a new hobby

It is always useful to try something new and, perhaps, find yourself in some hobby. Peip-art technique is able to interest both newcomers and an experienced master.

Napkin needlework is interesting and quite simple, to master the art of Peip Art under the supervision of the mentor can even a child. This is an excellent opportunity to express your mood and your own understanding of beauty in creative crafts. And the results of the work done often not only decorate the room, but also used in everyday life.

Crafts in the technique of Paip Art are the transformation of absolutely unnecessary things into chic interior details or even in practical things, unique in their beauty.

For example, from a piece of cardboard box can turn out a bulk picture. A box of candy or from under small household appliances will turn into an old casket, glass jar and glasses - to a rare table service. With love decorated plates or bottles perfectly complement the design of the kitchen.

World fondness, simplicity of performance and beauty of finished products - these are the main factors of constant growth of fans and just those who want to try to make the Decor of Peip Art with their own hands.

How to learn the technique of a napkin decor

Peip-art does not limit the fancy of the wizard, allows you to form the volume and texture of the product, add additional elements in the form of seashells, coins, beads or stucco clay parts. The essence of paper art - edging drawings or display of parts from self-twisted napkin threads different flowers, sizes and density.

Materials for needlework

To create "masterpieces" in the style of Peip-art with their own hands not only interesting, but also very profitable, the costs are minimal. The first stage of work is the preparation of the necessary materials and auxiliary means. For creativity, you will need:

  • paper napkins;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • a small capacity with water;
  • waffle towel;
  • multicolored paints;
  • toothpicks and tweezers;
  • clear nail polish;
  • subject for decor.

Napkins are suitable conventional kitchen, cosmetic, multi-layered, white or colored. You can even put even toilet paper.

To work with Paper elements, PEP Art will need PVA glue, the more, the better. For gluing additional details From plastic or iron should be used "superciles" or "moment".

Waffle towel - optional. It depends on what technique for the manufacture of napkin threads you will choose, and whether the finished material will be needed.

Professionals prefer aerosol paints, they perfectly lay on any surface, look very good. But if you need to make a motley multicolored handicraft, or the child performs the child, it is better to use a gouache or acrylic paint.

A tweezers will be required for neat moistening napkins before twisting, and toothpicks are just a find to align the thread position after gluing.

Preparation for decorating

Get to know the appliances on the example of decoration glass bottle "Under the old man."

Any idea or idea should begin with a thorough cleaning of the subject for decorating. From the surface, remove all the labels, wash and dry the bottle that is going to give " new life».

Standard white napkins need to break into small squares about 4 cm in width and tightly sack the lower half of the bottle, starting with the bottom. To do this, on the glass with a thick layer, apply PVA glue. When the paper snacks, do the same with the top, right up to the neck.

Loose planted mock up with another layer of PVA and leave to dry well. This step will provide the texture of the glass surface and simplify further work.

While the glue dries, do the harvesting of the main material - napkin filaments. You can use standard white napkins, which are always at hand, because in the future the product will be painted. You should cut the strips with a wide range of about 1.5 cm, and then form flagellas from them.

How to make marks from napkins

There are several ways to form flagella:

  1. According to the method of the famous Master of Peyp Art Tatyana Sorokina with a tweezers, capture a strip of paper, plunge into the container with water, twist the harness with your hands.
  2. You can constantly make hands in water and wet palms form a thread of dry napkins.
  3. If a lot of material is required for creativity, and the time in the edge, use the so-called "cunning" method. In 100 ml of water, dissolve half a teaspoon of glue, on the hip bed, a wafer towel, and on it - a napkin moistened in the solution, dramatically pull the palm to the knee.

In the case of the drying of the "Shordochkov" before gluing, wet the water. Balls, squares and other forms for the composition are made of ready-made threads. From a wet and militant thread, it turns out to twist the most welcome pattern. And in the case of a break, you should not throw it into the garbage, any length can be useful.

How to decorate the craft

To the dry surface of the future souvenir, a simple pencil, transfer the screen pattern or draw the pattern yourself. You can trust our own fantasy and intuition and lay out abstract patterns in the process directly.

To glue the filament parts, mark the back of the same PVA glue, slightly press and form patterns, adjusting the direction with the toothpick, doing it again and again.

If there is a desire to improve the ornament in the style of Peyp Art, you can add details in the form of small seashells, coins, dry leaves or colors with a super block.

When the souvenir decoration step is completely complete, you can once again gently wrap the entire surface of the PVA pattern for reliability. An absolute drying of glue should be waited.

Time to start painting. Alternatively, black acrylic paint is suitable for coating the entire bottle surface, including the smallest depressions and protrusions. Purchase with a brush and leave until complete drying. With the help of a sponge or sponge, carefully treat the decorative protruding elements with gold or bronze color, in some places making lungs, barely noticeable strokes on a black base.

Once the paint is completely dry, cover the souvenir throughout the perimeter colorless lacquer. It will finally secure the decor and ensure the glossy effect of the product.

It is not necessary to use only an empty container, the same miracles can be done with a closed bottle, turning it into a creative present to a friend or employee.

Step-by-step master classes

Having mastered the original and fairly simple performed technique of Peip Art, you can create unique masterpieces with your own hands, to turn ordinary interior items from glass, metal or wood into real works of art.

Step-by-step lessons will help you learn to make masterpieces in the technique of Peyp Art with your own hands.

Even a child preschool age It is under the power if he helps a little and suggest using accessible blanks in the form of drawings - stencils or napkin threads.

Truly author's and unique products from napkins, imitating forged, carved or woven decorations, ideally complement the interior of the favorite room and will undoubtedly become best gifts For relatives and people close to you.

Would you like to be able to create unique things or transform existing? Turn them into gold or vintage relics? The answer is probably positive. Of course, you may seem that for this you need to be born a wizard or for many years to learn from the best professors of alchemy, but no, it is enough to discover the amazing technique of needlework - Daip Art.

Basics of technology

The literal name of this type of creativity is translated as "paper art". But this also does not mean that only paper is used within the framework of technology. The second important raw material in it is a polymer clay.

Paper-Art is a unique art that is from the strength of ten years, no more. Now it is already impossible to say who his founder is. But most innovators-handmadeters stay in our country. So it is possible that it originated in Russia.

What is the feature of this creativity? Peip-art allows you to transform almost any life of life: products made of glass and wood, beyond recognition, while its main plus - with the help of this technique you can simulate different effects, for example, carving wood or metal chasing, which, you see, not Make every second. And for these purposes, mostly you will need only polymer clay and paper in the form of thin napkins.

Of additional tools Both materials will also need: scissors, brushes, PVA glue, clay cutting patterns, tweezers, sprayers or paints with interesting effects (under gold, silver, pearls, bronze, wood, and so on). This is the main one. But there is also decorative material. For example, artificial artificial components can be useful for installation and enrichment. gems, wire, beads and the same kind of decorative material.

In our master class, you will only get acquainted with the basics of this creativity, therefore, the crafts, cited as an example, are completely simple and will take you no more than an hour. Your task is to evaluate the possibilities of technology and understand what ultimately you can create amazing masterpieces with it.

Ready work - examples

Thanks to the master class, you will be able to make sure that you create real magic with your own hands in the Peip Art technique real. And from a conventional bottle, you can create an amazing medieval decanter, and an old cardboard box, attaching efforts, turn into a wonderful golden casket or a spectacular chacking box for jewels.

When you are available to the Peip Art technique, you can easily issue any object, be it dishes, vases, candlesticks, kashpo for flowers, photo frames, mirrors or even a favorite laptop.

A little imagination, a little labor and you will learn how to receive unique bracelets, earrings or medallions, decorated under lace, skin, silver and gold.

An exclusive diary, the cover of which is decorated with the patterns of napkin plastics will be wonderful gift For friends to any holiday.

Lightly popularity on the Internet enjoy the inimitable volumetric paintings and Paper Art panels depicting money Tree From coins. It is even believed that such a work of art helps to attract wealth to the house.

With a great desire, possessing a sufficient amount of free time, you can decorate a pep art and larger items: the chest of dressers, the bed, the back of the bed.
Also, thanks to this miracle technology, you can add brightness and individuality of the existing houses of animal figurines or cut out completely new figures.

There is no limit to your imagination and technique of Paip Art. Try and perhaps you will also become a fan of this wonderful kind of needlework.

Make Peip Art Bottles

First of all, select the thing you will decorate. In our case, these are four glass containers, different in their destination. At the very beginning, they do not look enviable, but believe me, at the end of processing, their appearance Carefully transformed and enriches.

Start with the workplace arrangement. At hand there must be all tools and materials.

If you have previously worked with a polymer clay, then consider it in this case, it can not be sent to dry, but if there is such an opportunity - dry all parts in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature not lower than 180 degrees Celsius. When everything is ready, you can start.

Wipe the decorated with a cotton swab moistened in alcohol to degrease the surface. After that, at your discretion, you can kill the surface of the subject with pieces of napkins moistened with PVA into one or more layers. But such a step is needed only if you want to achieve surface irregularities when finite staining. When there are no such purposes, you can immediately begin the formation of decoration elements of clay and napkins.

For polymer clay. Roll the clay into a subtle layer. If there are forms-templates for cutting - use them, if not, better make items that will look beautifully and with uneven edges, for example, flowers. After drying and completely cooling the elements, you can immediately glue them to the surface of the decorated item.

For napkins. Moisten the hands with ordinary water in which the glue is diluted (the ratio of one to one). And roll out of the napkin like a rope. From this rope, form curls and stick them to their rightful place.

The choice of ornaments and patterns in this case simply has no boundaries. But it is worth considering and what effect you want to get. For example, our items referred to in the photo to the lesson are decorated for metal, that is, the metal chasing. At the end, when all the elements are glued, they are coated with appropriate metallic color (copper). You can experiment both with the configuration of the elements of the composition, and with the final design.

After the deposition was applied, which, by the way, can be applied in the form of paint, also appropriately apply a layer of varnish. But he will fit only when you make the design under the tree. For the idea "under metal", on the contrary, the matte coating is considered ideal.

Sunday, May 06, 2012 22:36 + in quote

Paper-Art, Paper Art or Pep Art that translated from of English language Means paper art.
Author's technique Tatyana Sorokina "Peip Art". Master Class.

Glass bottle of the desired shape you clean from the stickers from cellophane, the paper can not be removed. Cut into small strips toilet paper or napkins and get the entire surface of the bottle, slightly stretching paper and dislike PVA glue.

Be starting with the bottom. Half pasted - let the glue dry, and then look at the upper half. Bottle-colored bottle once again cover the liquid glue of the PVA and let go well.

This should look like a bottle prepared for work. You can draw a sketch of the future pattern on this primer.

The pattern is damped from a cerapalast, plastics, or from any other self-essential material, can be made of salted test. We stick to the bottle of PVA glue.

Now our modeling should dry well. Keraplast dries a day.

We fold a three-layer or two-layer paper napkin and cut to the same strips, 1-1.5 cm wide.
The strips disassemble, each should remain three or two layers. IN this case, the color of the napkin is not important, it will be painted.

Holding a strip in one end, omit in the water and immediately take out. Do not hold long, splash.

Scroll through the strip between the palms, twisting it into the thread. If the strip rusts, divide it into short parts. You will still share it on the details for decoration. You can ride and on fabric napkin, the threads will get tight and thinner. If the napkin stripes are still rushing, try not to wet them, but your hands.

That so much threads turns out of one napkin. On this bottle, I had a single napkin.
The threads can be twisted from dense toilet paper, and from cosmetic or kitchen paper napkins ...

Now we start to decorate our bottle. From the napkin threads you can twist the spirals, petals or what will tell you your fantasy. We glue the pattern on PVA glue. Make the pattern with raw threads, if dried - moisten, scroll again and make patterns.

Here is my bottle is decorated and now it needs to be covered with liquid glue PVA and give her to dry well.

Now take acrylic gold (silver, copper, what you want), as my bottle will be gold. We stir the gold and a piece of foam rubber on a bottle with a thin layer, as if wiping it.

Here it is like that after one procession, I like it even more, but I ordered golden ...
So, after drying the first layer of gold, we apply another layer.

And here we have a finished product. If you do not need to pour water into it, then for drywalks it is ready.
But, if you want it to serve a flower vase, it still needs to be covered with 2-3 layers of colorless yacht varnish.

This is how the bottom of my bottle looks like.

Request to everyone who takes MK to Favorites, and then shows in their blogs or makes your work in this technique - specify the name of the equipment and the author, let's actively link to my master class.
It went through different sites and saw a lot of posts already exhibited with my MK, but not everywhere they are correctly signed ...
I do not want to quarrel with anyone, but I will not share the authorship either too. Sorry.

So I photographed the packaging of the Keraplast. It happens white and terracotta. For sale in art salons (we, for example, in any stationery store). This is a self-sitting clay, very convenient in work.
Multiple firms producing it write a different name: ceraplast, kermoplast, ceramoplastic, but all this one material.

ADDITION: After my MK about Peip Art, you have many questions. Like any master, for almost six years, I got used to my work and almost before automatism, the manufacturing process has accumulated, so I can explain the process, allow missing, without giving them values \u200b\u200b.... but these little things are important for you! Now I will try to answer at least the basic your questions on Paip Artu.

I make a laying on the products from Keraplast (Kermoplast) for the last three years, this new Material. It is good because it will quickly dry and does not twist from dampness. The best quality is Portuguese or Spanish. After drying the product from ceroplast (especially Polish production), cracks may appear ... Do not worry, they are easily cleaned. A piece of keraplan is to drain the warm water to the state of sour cream and the brush "felt" all the cracks (if too large, then several times), irregularities of the drying product can be adjusted by sandpaper (zero).

Before Keraplast I made the volume under Pep Art salted dough (with baking and self-sitting, with adhesions of glue), papier-mache, plastic, even made your own composition: Washing clay, PVA glue and toilet paper (by the way - very good!), But in all these compositions there are disadvantages ... because And while still stopped on ceroplast. But you can try on any of them ...

There was a question on pre-primer under patterns - whether he always needed. It all depends on what you do a pep art on what surface ... All the threads from the napkins are sampled by PVA glue or any other water based, They and the background under them should absorb glue if your background absorbs glue - it means it does not need to be pricked, he will keep it the pattern, and if it does not absorb - it is better to deal it as I have shown in MK.

Now about bottles of liquid. Peip-art is still paper art and it does not like liquid very much ... but there is a way out. First: do not decorate the neck of the bottle of the threads, add, for example, the painting of points or just leave empty; Second: finished product cover instead of varnish with epoxy glue.

Now about napkins ... I wrote to the MC that three-layer napkins are needed, because you immediately easier to learn how to twist the threads. Of course, I use any napkins and any toilet paper, especially in the manufacture of paintings. Simple gray toilet paper is very good, like a background for the composition, looks like a canvas, napkins gray "Too noble" for the canvas ... On the first page of my blog just the work of "Ipomeya" on canvas from toilet paper. Often grayish, muted tones of single-layer technical paper napkins are simply indispensable in color palette pictures ... And more ... We live in different cities and even countries, those napkins, which I work, can not be on sale, so try working with any paper, such as napkins and find it necessary for yourself material.

About the torque of the threads. I showed a telespection method in the palms, because I use it myself and it's convenient for me with him, but there are other ways ... The most common among my students - the twist of the threads on the fabric, you can make a napkin and twist on dry tissue, and you can make it possible tissue, and turn the napkin dry, the thread turns out thinner and tightly (I myself use it when too loose napkins or need thin Nights), the method of twist is not fundamental ( newspaper tubes Also grow everything in your own way), the main thing is that the threads themselves are.


You may be surprised, but in the world new types of needlework appear annually. To create something truly new and original, you need to have a rich fantasy and a huge talent, and most importantly remember the simple truth - all ingenious simply. A few years ago, Tatyana Sorokina crafts small miracle From nothing, invented new technique Decoring objects with flames from ordinary paper napkins. PAYP-ART, namely, this name received this unusual occupation, immediately won the hearts of many needlewomen. Why don't you get acquainted with this interesting technique, because a couple of napkins and glue are housed at home? So let's spend the master class on Pep Artu together!

Ready work No one will leave indifferent: it's hard to believe that such masterpieces are made of simple paper flavors.

We study the original technique of Paip Art: master class for beginners

Regardless of what you are going to decorate, the following materials need to be accustomed:

  • paper napkins (single-layer or multi-layered);
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • brushes of different thickness, foam sponge, wet wipes.
Production of flags:
  1. Cut the paper napkins on the smooth strips of about 1.5 cm wide. If multilayer napkins are used, they should be divided into separate layers.
  2. For a few seconds, put strips into a container with water so that they wet and slightly swell.
  3. Holding the strip with one hand, another twist is a dense flavor. He should not have thickens and loose sites. If it is impossible to make a high-quality flagellum flagellum, you can try to make it out of dry, mixing your fingers.
  4. To make a long flagery, it is necessary to connect the ends of several braces of the mustache, and the connection locations thoroughly seal with your fingers when twisting.

You can not separate the multilayer napkin on separate layers and make flagellas from 2-3 layers of paper. In this case, it turns out the blanks of greater thickness.

It should be remembered that during the operation of the flashers should remain plastic, so the dried billets must be watered with water.

We disassemble a step-by-step decoration of the bottle in the technique of Paip Art

First, we suggest try your hand to decorate the volumetric item - a glass bottle. In addition to basic materials, you will need the following:

  • bottle or other glass vessel;
  • paints (gouache of different colors and bronze acrylic paint);
  • glossy acrylic varnish;
  • additional decor: curly pasta, millet.

Pre-bottle must be washed inside and outside, removing the remains of the label and glue, and thoroughly dry. Immediately before decorating, it will be easier to degrease its outer surface with alcohol or acetone.

With the help of PVA, it is necessary to primitive that part of the bottle, where it is planned to apply a bronze background. The glue should be applied in several layers with intermediate drying, excess removed napkin. Then, with the help of a foam sponge, apply an acrylic paint of bronze color to the primed area and give it to dry.


After the background is prepared, proceed with decoration. As decor, in our case, long and short flagella burning flares are used, pasta pasta and millet grains.

To begin with the tassel of the plow glue strictly along the contour of the background and glue the blank from the napkin. It is necessary to ensure that the harness is securely stuck along the entire surface, for which it should be tightly pressed with a brush moistened in glue.

Similarly, lay out a simple pattern of flagella, macaroni and milk at your discretion. Wheat grains are convenient to lay out with a thin tweezer or moistened with water toothpick. Then decorative elements It is necessary to additionally fix it, turning on top of the PVA glue into several layers.

Bottle coloring.

Prepare paint, for what to mix black gouache with a small amount of red and green. Add glossy acrylic varnish in proportion 1: 1. If necessary, dilute the resulting mixture with water. With the help of a sponge, put paint on the decorated part of the bottle using a foam sponge in several layers.

Then the surface is slightly toned acrylic paint Bronze color with a sponge and covered with two layers of glossy varnish. For applying varnish it is better to use a brush.

The bottle in the technique of Paip Art is ready!

Decorating the chest in the technique of DEP ART:

Various containers, decorated in Peip Art technique look very nice. Let's try to decorate a box, a box or a small chest.

In addition to the materials listed above, we will need:

  • the core of the chest (in our master class is used a pre-glued box of cardboard, but you can use the ready-made casket);
  • keraplast (like a clay molding mass solidifying in the air);
  • acrylic paint black and gold color.
Preparing the surface of the chest.

Using PVA glue, it is necessary to salary the entire surface of the dryer sliced \u200b\u200bto pieces. toilet paper. Paper when gluing you need to stretch slightly to prevent the formation of air bubbles. Then you should once again wash the box with diluted with the glue on top of the paper and give dry.


With the help of a cerapalast, it is necessary to place a chest cover: to make flowers and leaves and gently glue them with an arbitrary manner. Residents on leaves can be done using a needle or toothpick.

The legs, edges and corners of the future chest are made in the same way. The rest of the surface is decorating with the help of pre-prepared flavored flames from paper napkins, with the help of glue, laying out patterns from them and tightly pressed over the entire surface.


A wide brush in several layers should be applied with black acrylic paint, and after its complete drying, slightly reject the convex parts of the pattern with gold with a foam sponge.

If you wish to reorganize the inner part of the chest (glue the mirror on the lid, make a lining from the fabric).

Another good example The use of this unusual technology is the manufacture of a decorative plate.

For the manufacture of such interior decoration, it will take a small faience plate with a diameter of about 20 cm with a picture or without. The surface must be pre-primed with glue. With the help of pre-prepared flagella and glue, PVA is laid out arbitrary pattern. Additional decor - halves of peas - it is better to plant "Titan" glue.

After drying the glue plate from the outside and inside it is necessary to paint in several layers of black acrylic paint, and then slightly arrange a decorated surface with the paint of gold or bronze color.

Video on the topic

For those who have already mastered the basics of PEYP ART techniques, it is proposed to try their strength in the manufacture of other products according to the video master classes below.

Glass decanter in the technique of Peip Art.

This magic can be created by their own hands thanks to the author's technique for decorating Tatyana Sorokina Peip Art.

Well, isn't it magic - with the help of dining napkins, PVA and gouache glue and gouache turning glass, plastic and even cardboard in antique copper, noble silver or antique bronze?!

Highly an interesting idea Partial decoration of the surface of the product in the technique of Peip Art I spied at Natashkin from the country of masters. The daughter of Natashkin Alevtina is the author of the exquisite fuels in a frame made in the technique of Peip Art.

I have long wanted to do something like that. Therefore, today I present my version of the crafts, partly decorated in the author's technique Tatyana Sorokina Peip Art:

Master class on decorating a bottle in the technique of Paip Art

This is a glass bottle in the shape form:

And I'm going to do for this decanter "bronze" frame.

To decorate the bottle in the technique of Peip-art I will need:

  • dining Nappet.
  • pVA glue
  • scissors
  • bronze acrylic paint
  • a piece of foam rubber
  • bamboo spanca
  • millet camp
  • figure pasta in the form of spars
  • gouache (red, black, green)
  • brushes (with a synthetic pile - for PVA glue, with a natural pile - for varnish)
  • glossy acrylic varnish
  • wet hygienic napkins

Important note: High-quality PVA glue is necessary. I use the same pVA glue and acrylic varnish As for work in the technique of decoupage.

1. Preparing the surface of the bottle to Pep Artu

Before proceeding with the decoration in the technique of Peip Art, degreases the surface of the bottle and remove the remnants of glue from the labels using wet hygiene napkins.

Because the pep art will be decorated only part of the bottle surface, I will not get a carafe with a napkin, as is usually done. Otherwise, the glued napkins and other decor will be visible from the inside the bottle through the glass.

Cover the PVA glue part of the surface of the bottle, where it is supposed to perform a "bronze" frame in the Peip Art technique.

I apply several layers of PVA with intermediate drying to prepare the basis for laid out peip Art Patterns. Surplus glue, sprawling beyond the borders of the future "bronze" bottling rim, remove a wet cloth.

After complete drying of the PVA glue, cover the primed part of the bottle of bronze acrylic paint using a sponge of a piece of foam rubber.

Thus, from the inside frame, the figure will be of the form of "bronze".

2. Patterns in Peip Art Technique

To create a pattern in the technique of Peip-art, I use double flagella flagella, camp and curly pasta stars.

For the manufacture of a double flagella from the napkin, first make a long single harness.

To make a long single harness in the twisting process, connect several napkins, overlapping the ends of the bands one to another brass.

The location of the connections from napkins in the flames in additionally sealing with your fingers so that the firing for Peip Art has the same thickness along all length.

Rolling the same harness from four strips of napkins, twisting its ends in opposite directions, while I hold the harness stretched. This procedure resembles the process of manufacturing a twisted cord.

After the napkin firing rolled to the failure, she hold the harness with one hand in the middle, and connect his ends together, and the harness twisted.

Lossing the plow glue border "Bronze" frame for a bottle in the technique of Peip Art

and gluing the rolled out of the napkin double flagella until he managed to dry.

To create peep-art patterns, flagella flags must be wet. If the finished napkin harness has already managed to dry, it must be slightly moistened with water so that the firing is again plastic

In order for the harness tightly glued to the surface of the bottle, you can additionally press it with a brush dipped in PVA.

For the decoration of the crafts and all sorts of sewing fittings (locks, buttons, rivets), as well as cereals.

Therefore, as a supplement to flames from the napkin, I lay out patterns of millet cereals and figured macaron-stars. To do this, first draw on the surface of the bottle the elements of the PVE glue pattern, and then laying out the millet and pasta sprockets using bamboo skewers.

I also make a napkin harness and the lower part of the bottle rim.

In addition, I lay out identical patterns from flavors and cereals on each of the sides of the decanter.

It is very important to firm the Paip Art patterns. Cover the decor glued to the surface of the bottle in the technique of PAYP-ART PVE glue. Introduce a few thin layers of glue, so as not to pour the embossed elements of the pattern. Each layer of PVA dry.

If the pasta is glued to the primed bottle surface immediately and practically tightly, then the milled croup is quite easy lagging. That's why the greatest attention I expect sites with a passed game. In these places, I nano 4-5 layers of PVA.

And here the Paip Art Patterns are posted and securely fixed. Before proceeding with the next stage of work, the bottle is dry for 12 hours.

3. Bottle Coloring in Peip Art Technique

In order for the finished frame for a glass bottle looked like a bronze, the surface with the Paip Art patterns must be painted.

Mixing the gouache of red, green and black colors. At the same time, very reminding the cartoon character of harmful, which mixed bright multicolored paints to make dirt. But in the end I get a mixture, in my opinion, very similar to the color on the antique bronze darkened from time.

I add a glossy acrylic varnish to Gaisha in proportion 1: 1. The composition, as usual, it turns out too thick, and I lament it with a small amount of water to the consistency of acrylic paint.

Introduce the resulting paint on the surface of the bottle rim with a piece of foam rubber.

Cover the frame with several layers of paint with intermediate drying. Pay special attention to places with embossed pattern. It is very important that all elements of the decor were well scratched.

4. Tinging the bottle in the technique of Paip Art

When the paint dried, toning the surface of the rim of the bottle of bronze acrylic paint.

To do this, I recruit a little paint on the foam sponge, I make a few writing sponge on paper, and then without push I wipe the surface of the bottle with patterns in the Peip Art technique.

5. Fixation of work in the technique of Paip Art

Fix work in the technique of Paip Art by Glossy Acrylic Lac. Cover the bottle with two layers of varnish. Each layer of acrylic varnish sushi for 3 hours.

After drying the last layer of varnish, remove the surplus paint, glue and varnish on the edges of the "bronze" frame of the bottle along the edges of the lacquer. Now you can admire the finished craft in the technique of Paip Art.

These are the details of Paip Art Patterns on the surface of the decanter and on the top of the plug:

And this is the bottle itself, decorated in the technique of Paip Art:

In my opinion, the combination of glass and the "antique bronze" looks very noble. Is not it?