Physical education instructor. Methods of interaction between the educator and the medical staff Coordination of the activities of the preschool educational institution by the educator

Educator of the preschool educational institution must clearly know the conceptual foundations of the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution, the main directions of development of the institution. The teacher should be able to reflect on the reasons for success and failure, mistakes and difficulties in educational educational process to make changes in follow-up, to achieve better results.

Interaction a teacher with specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children.

Interactions educator with the administration of the educational institution.

Interactions the educator with the administration of the educational institution is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the full-fledged all-round development and training of pupils, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution. Also on the organization of work among parents (persons replacing them) on the education and training of children in the family, to promote pedagogical and hygiene knowledge, involve parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and the parental agreement.

Comply with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Interactions educator with a senior educator of an educational institution.

The senior educator organizes the current and forward planning activities pedagogical staff of preschool educational institution... Analyzes the implementation of educational, methodological and educational work in a preschool educational institution and develops proposals to improve it efficiency. Interactions educator with a senior educator of an educational institution are not torn apart throughout the educational process. Senior caregiver assists educators in

mastering and developing innovative programs and technologies, helps to prepare for certification. Measures are jointly taken to equip the groups with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, to replenish them with educational, methodological, fiction and periodical literature.

Work is being carried out to comply with the rules and regulations of fire safety in the educational process, road traffic, behavior on the street.

Interactions educator with a music worker of an educational institution.

General and musical-aesthetic development of preschoolers in kindergarten performed by a music director who is well versed in theory and methodology pedagogical process , and an educator with general musical training.

Work teachers is difficult, is diverse, and should be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

Music lessons in kindergarten are the main form of organizing children's musical activities. In preparation music lessons a musical director with an educator is involved. These activities often start in a group with something fun for the children going on. For example, children find that some toys are missing, and they go to look for them. They come to the hall ... and a play music lesson begins. Thus, children are motivated, interested in musical activity. All this educators think over and carry out together.

The activities of the music director and educator also include conducting music and speech classes. These classes are the connecting link in the activity educators... Classes are aimed at developing speech by means of expressive singing, they are additional. The teacher actively helps the music director in conducting it. The content of the lesson includes literary and musical material.

In music lessons, the singing skills of children are developed, improved and consolidated, a stereotype of the correct pronunciation of words is formed. The emotional basis of music lessons contributes to a better assimilation of various skills. The teacher, attending such classes, enriches the methodology of his work on the development of the speech of children and brings it closer to the methodology of a music director.

The educator and musical director create a subject-developing environment that is carefully thought out by them. The subject development environment is given fundamental importance in pedagogical the process of a children's educational institution.

The essence of the tasks of the joint interactions a musical director and educator is to awaken the creative activity of children, develop their musical imagination and thinking, stimulate the desire to independently engage in musical and creative activity.

Together educators should develop the musicality of children, educate their moral sphere, mental processes and personal neoplasms. Thus, the musical director and educator must provide for the integrity of the musical education: training, education, development. All these tasks can be realized only if the following conditions:

Involvement in musical activity brings only positive emotions to children;

Thought out a humane and personal approach that provides emotional comfort for children;

A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

The musical director and educator must keep the development of the whole complex of personality traits at the center of the musical educational system, and this is the main result. The goal of the humanely personal approach proclaimed pedagogy

cooperation, is the approach to the personality of the child, his inner peace where undeveloped abilities, strengths and opportunities are hidden. Task educators awaken these forces and use them for a fuller development.

Close interaction educator and music director provides efficiency the tasks of music education to be solved, an individually differentiated approach to children.

Educators must subjectively interact with children... This style teacher interaction with a child gives the child the right to choose (songs, games) for learning. Game motivation, the presence of dialogue and polylogue (i.e. interaction musical director with an educator, a game character and children) makes the lesson very dynamic. During the lesson, when posing a question to the child, the musical director (educator) forms a question in such a way that it contains two answer options. For example: "What mood did the music make you feel happy or sad?", "How do chicks sing in a high or low voice?"... Children, as a rule, always answer correctly.

In the process of subjective interaction teachers constantly put children in the position of an experimenter, ask them many questions, encourage them to constantly think and look for an answer to the question posed. Exactly this interaction perfectly influences the development of intellectual abilities.

The process of music education is long, you should not expect quick results. Only the joint activity of the music director and the educator leads to the desired results in solving the problems of the general and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children.

Interactions educator with a supervisor physical education educational institution.

Currently, one of the most important problems is the health status of the population. Children's health is the wealth of the nation. Most

an available means of increasing health potential is physical culture, physical activity.

In a preschool institution, physical culture and health-improving work is organized by the teacher and the head of physical education. Efficiency physical culture and educational work in a preschool institution is largely determined by their interaction... Each of them performs work in accordance with their job responsibilities. The requirements for the activities of these specialists differ depending on the tasks: general physical fitness children, motor rehabilitation. Pedagogical the activity is aimed at the child, so their actions must be coordinated with each other. Planning them joint activities carried out on the basis of an annual plan preschool and is made out in the form plans: consultations for educators, performances at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings

They are equally:

Know the program according to which they put into practice the physical improvement of children (goals, objectives, projected results) ;

Diagnostics of the physical condition of children is carried out according to the program implemented by the preschool institution;

They know the peculiarities of the state of health of the pupils and plan physical exercises in accordance with these characteristics;

Forms children's ideas about hygiene and aesthetics of physical exercises (posture, exemplary display physical exercise conducting a lesson in sportswear and shoes, etc.);

Use the means of physical education to educate moral

(morally - strong-willed) qualities of pupils;

Control physical activity by outward signs fatigue;

Use means of physical culture to form normal sex-role behavior in children;

Hardening is carried out in the process of physical exercises;

Ensure the safety of children in the process of physical exercise;

Provide children with the first medical assistance in case of accidents;

Plan, conduct and analyze physical culture and recreational activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics);

Parents are informed about the level of physical condition of their children and their success in physical activity.

The life of every child in a preschool educational institution is built on the basis of a thoughtful alternation of physical activity, different types and forms of activity.

Interactions an educator with a medical worker of an educational institution.

Interaction educator and health worker directed on:

control of the sanitary condition of the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten;

compliance with the sanitary regime as prescribed by a doctor, organization of an event for hardening children;

ensuring the organization of recreational activities, adherence to the daily routine, the correct conduct of morning exercises, physical education and walks for children;

registration of absent due to illness, isolation of sick children;

there is a joint daily morning reception of children;

participation in pedagogical councils dedicated to the problem physical development and children's health;

sanitary and educational work of parents;

adherence to the schedule for receiving food by the group;

keeping time sheets for the nutrition of children by group;

organization of meals in the group.

Interactions educator with a junior educator of an educational institution.

In interactions teacher with a junior teacher occurs daily, throughout the day the children stay in the kindergarten, in it enters:

participation in planning and organizing the life of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the teacher;

creation of conditions for social and psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils;

together with health workers and under the guidance of the educator, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the health of the pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine;

organization, taking into account the age of the pupils, of their work on self-service, compliance with labor protection requirements, providing them with the necessary assistance;

participation in the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits from pupils;

responsibility for their life and health of children;

dressing and undressing children, carrying out tempering activities;

ensuring the protection of the life and health of pupils during the educational process;

compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules;

ensuring the protection of the life of children, preserving and strengthening their health;

joint work with children;

interaction in work to improve efficiency educational process and to create a favorable emotional climate for pupils in the group during their stay in a preschool institution.

Summing up the above, I would like to note once again that modern goals and objectives preschool education can't howl realized by every participant pedagogical process separately. All professionals should strive to have a unified approach to the upbringing of each child and a unified style of work in general. To ensure such unity in the work of all educators and specialists need their close interaction.

in kindergarten, each specialist has his own area professional activity, which is aimed at diagnosing, preventing and correcting the existing deviations in the development of the child, in a particular educational area. Diagnostics allows not only to quickly monitor the process and dynamics educational activities, but also to correct it in a timely manner in the event of the possibility of a negative impact on health and mental development child.

Musical director Together with the teacher, they organize musical classes, literary and musical matinees. Musically gifted children are identified and dealt with individually and in a group. They jointly conduct morning exercises, physical education and entertainment, provide musical accompaniment for organized children's games in the afternoon. Together with the teacher, they conduct musical-didactic, theatrical and rhythmic games. Consults educators on the problems of musical development. Get acquainted with the tasks of work and the results of diagnostics. Together with educators, they develop and conduct: holidays, entertainment, leisure. The musical director helps the educator in working with parents: prepares consultations at the teacher's request, recommendations, reminders.

In kindergarten physical education instructor conducts physical education, together with the educator, during the diagnosis, reveal the physical abilities of children, plan individual work with lagging children, control locomotor activity children during the day. Provides counseling to educators on the problem motor development learning through open demonstration of physical activity with children. Conversations with teachers of groups on the organization of physical education. Together they develop and participate in physical culture holidays, days of health, summer recreation activities, morning exercises. Assists educators in creating conditions in the group for the organization of motor activity, the physical development of children, the use of non-traditional equipment, gives advice. Takes part in parenting meetings, in the design of visual information, consultations for parents. Together with the teacher, they plan and carry out various forms of physical culture and health-improving work: hiking, excursions, outdoor games, competitions.

Important role in the organization of the educational process provides educator - psychologist. The main work of a teacher-psychologist falls on the adaptation period, when a new team is formed. At this point, she helps educators build relationships with newly arrived children and their parents. Individual work with children is planned together and the teacher-psychologist gives recommendations for further correctional and developmental work. Together they participate in the organization and implementation of various festive events... The teacher-psychologist provides the necessary psychological professional assistance to educators in order to prevent their emotional burnout. Provides assistance to the educator in the form of: consultations, seminars, questionnaires, design of visual material. Takes a direct part in parenting meetings.

Teacher speech therapist works in close contact with educators, attends their classes. Together with the teacher, they carry out relaxation, breathing, finger, articulatory gymnastics, massage with the children, set and automate sounds, develop phonemic hearing. In the afternoon, the teacher conducts individual work with children on the instructions of a speech therapist. A speech therapist teacher advises educators and parents on the use of special methods and techniques for helping children with developmental disabilities. Together, the group creates conditions for the development of various types of activities, taking into account the possibilities of the interests, the needs of the children themselves.

The exchange of professional information about the developmental features of a particular child is provided for by the regulations of working meetings, teachers' councils, but usually the need for a mutual exchange of views arises more often. Therefore, each of us informs each other about the characteristics of children, specifying exactly that part of the information that can be useful to a specialist in solving narrow-profile problems.

An important point in work is a properly planned activity in work with a teacher. Here it should be borne in mind that specialists must know the content of not only those sections of the program in which he directly conducts classes, but those that the teacher conducts. In turn, educators should know the content of those types of work that specialists carry out. Those. educators or specialists carry out preliminary work before class.

B) Throughout the entire period of stay in kindergarten, the child interacts most of the time with the children of his group, the teacher and the assistant teacher. on the quality of interaction pom. tutor and educator depends on the emotional and physical well-being of the pupils of the group.

Each kindergarten employee has their own job responsibilities. The main responsibility of the educator is the upbringing, education and development of the child. The assistant educator focuses on preserving, maintaining cleanliness, ensuring a safe stay and preserving the health of pupils. However, there are issues on which they work together: the safety of the life and health of pupils, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills in children, speech development children, the aesthetics of the design of the group premises, the creation of conditions for the emotional well-being of the child.

There are several models of interaction between an assistant educator and an educator: the boss is a subordinate, each on his own, conflicting parties, like-minded people, “We are a team”.

1. Objectives and content of the interaction of the educator with the medical staff of the educational institution on the issues of children's health. The head, educator, who, knowing the individual characteristics of each child, with an attentive attitude towards him, can timely notice any deviation in his behavior and well-being and call the medical staff for diagnosis and isolation.

Persons applying for work and working in food facilities are required to undergo medical examinations and examinations in accordance with the current regulatory documents. So, persons who are in direct contact with food, utensils, industrial inventory and equipment must undergo hygienic training, take a test every 2 years according to the established program. A sanitary doctor has the right to suspend from work persons who do not know and do not follow sanitary rules during work, until the test is completed according to the established program. Each employee must have a personal medical record, in which the results of all medical examinations and examinations, information about the transferred infectious diseases, passing hygienic training, certification are noted.

Correct planning and operation of premises, strict adherence to the daily routine, rational nutrition of children with sufficient introduction of vitamins in the menu, physical education and especially tempering, as well as a good organization of general medical care and educational work increase the resistance of the child's body to various harmful effects of the external environment, including pathogenic microbes.

An important measure in the system of combating infection in children's institutions is the correct organization of the reception of children.

Before heading to children's institution the child should be carefully examined by a polyclinic doctor, examined for bacterial carriers of diphtheria and intestinal diseases. The doctor should find out if there are infectious diseases in the house and apartment where the child lives, and clarify what infectious diseases he had been ill earlier. The educator should know this. Based on the data of the examination, the doctor issues an appropriate certificate. The children's institution must be presented with a certificate from the sanitary-epidemiological station that the child and those living in the neighborhood with him do not have infectious diseases.

A nurse examines newly adopted children, as well as a child who has returned after an illness, checks the availability of medical documentation and gives permission to admit him to the group. This child is then examined by a doctor. In the event of an infectious disease (such as whooping cough, mumps, scarlet fever, rubella), with the permission of the epidemic station, a quarantine group of children who have had contact with a sick child is organized. Medical workers, as well as all personnel, ensure strict isolation of this group and careful observance of the anti-epidemic regime (dishes are processed and boiled separately, linen is soaked separately in disinfection solutions). Once a week, medical professionals examine children for head lice. The results of the inspection are recorded in a special journal. If children with head lice are found, they are sent home (for sanitation).

After the illness, as well as the absence of more than 3 days, children are admitted to the preschool educational institution only if there is a certificate from the district pediatrician indicating the diagnosis, the duration of the disease, the treatment carried out.

More important is the sanitary control over the recruitment of personnel, especially in closed children's institutions. Persons who come to work in the food blocks of children's institutions and for positions related to the direct service of children (educators) are subject to a full medical examination, a thorough questioning about the diseases they have suffered; find out if there are infectious diseases at their place of residence. These persons should be examined for bacterial carriers (intestinal infections). If an infectious disease transmitted through third parties develops in the family of a worker in a preschool institution, he can come to work only after the patient is isolated and the entire apartment is completely chemically disinfected.

Great importance has sanitary and educational work, which is carried out with the attendants of children's institutions, with children, as well as with their parents.

WITH early age children should learn to always keep their body and clothing clean, cover their mouth and nose with a handkerchief or the back of hand, etc. when coughing and sneezing.

Mutual notification of children's and medical institutions (polyclinic, hospital, sanitary-epidemiological organization) about the presence of infectious patients and children who have been in contact with them is the most important means of preventing the introduction of infection into nurseries and kindergartens. Parents should be encouraged to promptly notify kindergarten staff about their child's illness, family members and roommates. It is important to carefully record the incidence of infectious diseases in children and staff of child care facilities.

During the summer recreational work in the country, it is necessary to carry out a set of special preventive measures. Of great importance is the sanitary and hygienic condition of the place where the children's institution goes.

Similar information.

Interaction of the educator with the staff of the preschool educational institution.

The preschool teacher must clearly know the conceptual foundations of the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution, the main directions of the institution's development. The teacher must be able to reflect on the reasons for success and failure, mistakes and difficulties in the educational process in order to make changes in subsequent activities, to achieve better results.

The interaction of the educator with specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children.

Interaction of the educator with the administration of the educational institution.

The interaction of the educator with the administration of the educational institution is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the full-fledged all-round development and training of pupils, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution. Also on the organization of work among parents (persons replacing them) on the education and training of children in the family, to promote the promotion of pedagogical and hygienic knowledge, to involve parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and the parental agreement.

Comply with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Interaction of the educator with the senior educator of the educational institution.

The senior educator organizes the current and long-term planning of the activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. Analyzes the implementation of educational, methodological and educational work in a preschool educational institution and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness.

The interactions of the educator with the senior educator of the educational institution are inseparable throughout the educational process. The senior educator assists teachers in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies, helps to prepare for certification. Measures are jointly taken to equip the groups with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, to replenish them with educational, methodological, fiction and periodical literature.

Work is being carried out to comply with the norms and rules of fire safety, traffic, and behavior on the street in the educational process.

Interaction of the educator with the music worker of the educational institution.

The general and musical-aesthetic development of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out by a musical director who is well versed in the theory and methodology of the pedagogical process, and an educator who has general musical training.

The work of teachers is complex, diverse, and should be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

Music lessons in kindergarten are the main form of organizing children's musical activities. A music director with an educator participates in the preparation of music lessons. These activities often start in a group with something fun for the children going on. For example, children find that some toys are missing, and they go to look for them. They come to the hall ... and a play music lesson begins. Thus, children are motivated, interested in musical activity. All this the teachers think over and carry out together.

The activities of the music director and educator also include conducting music and speech classes. These classes are the connecting link in the activities of teachers. Classes are aimed at developing speech by means of expressive singing, they are additional. The teacher actively helps the music director in conducting it. The content of the lesson includes literary and musical material.

In music lessons, the singing skills of children are developed, improved and consolidated, a stereotype of the correct pronunciation of words is formed. The emotional basis of music lessons contributes to a better assimilation of various skills. The teacher, attending such classes, enriches the methodology of his work on the development of the speech of children and brings it closer to the methodology of a music director.

The educator and musical director create a subject-developing environment that is carefully thought out by them. The subject-developing environment is given fundamental importance in the pedagogical process of a children's educational institution.

The essence of the tasks of joint interaction between the musical director and the educator is to awaken the creative activity of children, develop their musical imagination and thinking, stimulate the desire to independently engage in musical and creative activity.

Together, teachers should develop the musicality of children, educate their moral sphere, mental processes and personal neoplasms. Thus, the music director and educator must provide for the integrity of music education: training, upbringing, development. All these tasks can be realized only if the following conditions are met:

Involvement in musical activity brings only positive emotions to children;

Thought out a humane and personal approach that provides emotional comfort for children;

A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

The musical director and educator must keep the development of the whole complex of personality traits at the center of the musical educational system, and this is the main result. The goal of the humane-personal approach, proclaimed by the pedagogy of cooperation, is an approach to the personality of the child, his inner world, where undeveloped abilities, strengths and possibilities are hidden. The task of teachers is to awaken these forces and use them for a more complete development.

The close interaction of the educator and the music director ensures the effectiveness of the tasks of music education being solved, an individually differentiated approach to children.

Educators must interact subjectively with children. This style of interaction between the teacher and the child gives the child the right to choose (songs, games) for learning. Game motivation, the presence of a dialogue (i.e., the interaction of the music director with the teacher, the game character and the children) makes the lesson very dynamic. In the course of the lesson, when posing a question to a child, the musical director (educator) forms the question in such a way that two answer options are laid in it. For example: “What mood did the music make you feel happy or sad? "," How do chicks sing in a high or low voice? ". Children, as a rule, always answer correctly.

In the process of subject interaction, teachers constantly put children in the position of an experimenter, ask them many questions, encourage them to constantly think and look for an answer to the question posed. It is this interaction that has a great effect on the development of intellectual abilities.

The process of music education is long, you should not expect quick results. Only the joint activity of the music director and the educator leads to the desired results in solving the problems of the general and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children.

Interaction of the educator with the head of the physical education of the educational institution.

Currently, one of the most important problems is the health status of the population. Children's health is the wealth of the nation. The most accessible means of increasing health potential is physical culture, physical activity.

In a preschool institution, physical culture and health-improving work is organized by the teacher and the head of physical education. The effectiveness of physical culture and educational work in a preschool institution is largely determined by their interaction. Each of them performs work in accordance with their job responsibilities. The requirements for the activities of these specialists differ depending on the tasks to be solved: general physical fitness of children, motor rehabilitation. Pedagogical activity is aimed at the child, so their actions must be coordinated with each other. The planning of their joint activities is carried out on the basis of the annual plan of the preschool institution and is drawn up in the form of plans: consultations for educators, speeches at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings

They are equally:

They know the program, according to which they put into practice the physical improvement of children (goals, objectives, predicted results);

Diagnostics of the physical condition of children is carried out according to the program implemented by the preschool institution;

They know the peculiarities of the state of health of the pupils and plan physical exercises in accordance with these characteristics;

Formulate in children ideas about hygiene and aesthetics of physical exercises (posture, exemplary demonstration of physical exercises, conducting classes in sportswear and shoes, etc.);

Use the means of physical education to educate moral

(moral and volitional) qualities of pupils;

Use means of physical culture to form normal sex-role behavior in children;

Hardening is carried out in the process of physical exercises;

Ensure the safety of children in the process of physical exercise;

Provide children with first aid in case of accidents;

Plan, conduct and analyze physical culture and recreational activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics);

Parents are informed about the level of physical condition of their children and their success in physical activity.

The life of every child in a preschool educational institution is based on a thoughtful alternation of physical activity, different types and forms of activity.

Interaction of the educator with the medical worker of the educational institution.

The interaction between the educator and the medical worker is aimed at:

  • control of the sanitary condition of the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten;

  • compliance with the sanitary regime as prescribed by a doctor, organization of an event for hardening children;

  • ensuring the organization of recreational activities, adherence to the daily routine, the correct conduct of morning exercises, physical education and walks for children;

  • registration of absent due to illness, isolation of sick children;

  • there is a joint daily morning reception of children;

  • participation in pedagogical councils dedicated to the problem of physical development and health of children;

  • sanitary and educational work of parents;

  • adherence to the schedule for receiving food by the group;

  • keeping time sheets for the nutrition of children by group;

  • organization of meals in the group.
Interaction of a teacher with a junior teacher of an educational institution.

The interaction of the teacher with the junior teacher occurs daily, throughout the day of the children’s stay in kindergarten, it includes:

  • participation in planning and organizing the life of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the teacher;

  • creation of conditions for social and psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils;

  • together with medical workers and under the guidance of an educator, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine;

  • organization, taking into account the age of the pupils, of their work on self-service, compliance with labor protection requirements, providing them with the necessary assistance;

  • participation in the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits among pupils;

  • responsibility for their life and health of children;

  • dressing and undressing children, carrying out tempering activities;

  • ensuring the protection of the life and health of pupils during the educational process;

  • compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules;

  • ensuring the protection of the life of children, preserving and strengthening their health;

  • joint work with children;

  • interaction in work to improve the efficiency of the educational process and to create a favorable emotional climate for pupils in the group during their stay in a preschool institution.
Summing up the above, I would like to note once again that the modern goals and objectives of preschool education cannot be realized by each participant in the pedagogical process separately. All professionals should strive to have a unified approach to the upbringing of each child and a unified style of work in general. To ensure such unity in the work of all teachers and specialists, their close interaction is necessary.

Interaction of the educator with the staff of the preschool educational institution.

Educator Rastrogin G.S.

The preschool teacher must clearly know the conceptual foundations of the organization of the educational process in a preschool institution, the main directions of the institution's development. The teacher must be able to reflect on the reasons for success and failure, mistakes and difficulties in the educational process in order to make changes in subsequent activities, to achieve better results.

The interaction of the educator with specialists in a preschool educational institution is an integral part of the successful education and upbringing of children.

Interaction of the educator with the administration of the educational institution.

The interaction of the educator with the administration of the educational institution is aimed at creating optimal conditions for the full-fledged all-round development and training of pupils, protecting and strengthening their health in accordance with the state educational standard and programs implemented in the institution. Also on the organization of work among parents (persons replacing them) on the education and training of children in the family, to promote the promotion of pedagogical and hygienic knowledge, to involve parents (persons replacing them) to participate in the activities of the institution, determined by the charter and the parental agreement.

Comply with the rules for labor protection and fire safety.

Interaction of the educator with the senior educator of the educational institution.

The senior educator organizes the current and long-term planning of the activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution. Analyzes the implementation of educational, methodological and educational work in a preschool educational institution and develops proposals to improve its effectiveness. The interactions of the educator with the senior educator of the educational institution are not discontinuous throughout the entire educational process. The senior educator assists teachers in the development and development of innovative programs and technologies, helps to prepare for certification. Measures are jointly taken to equip the groups with modern equipment, visual aids and technical teaching aids, to replenish them with educational, methodological, fiction and periodical literature.

Work is being carried out to comply with the norms and rules of fire safety, road traffic, and behavior on the street in the educational process.

Interaction of the educator with the music worker of the educational institution.

The general and musical-aesthetic development of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out by a musical director who is well versed in the theory and methodology of the pedagogical process, and an educator who has general musical training.

The work of teachers is complex, varied, and should be carried out in close, mutual understanding and contact.

Music lessons in kindergarten are the main form of organizing children's musical activities. A music director with an educator participates in the preparation of music lessons. These activities often start in a group with something fun for the children going on. For example, children find that some toys are missing, and they go to look for them. They come to the hall ... and a play music lesson begins. Thus, children are motivated, interested in musical activity. All this the teachers think over and carry out together.

The activities of the music director and educator also include conducting music and speech classes. These classes are the connecting link in the activities of teachers. Classes are aimed at developing speech by means of expressive singing, they are additional. The teacher actively helps the music director in conducting it. The content of the lesson includes literary and musical material.

In music lessons, the singing skills of children are developed, improved and consolidated, a stereotype of the correct pronunciation of words is formed. The emotional basis of music lessons contributes to a better assimilation of various skills. The teacher, attending such classes, enriches the methodology of his work on the development of the speech of children and brings it closer to the methodology of a music director.

The educator and musical director create a subject-developing environment that is carefully thought out by them. The subject-developing environment is given fundamental importance in the pedagogical process of a children's educational institution.

The essence of the tasks of joint interaction between the music director and the educator is to awaken the creative activity of children, develop their musical imagination and thinking, stimulate the desire to independently engage in musical and creative activity.

Together, teachers should develop the musicality of children, educate their moral sphere, mental processes and personal neoplasms. Thus, the music director and educator must provide for the integrity of music education: training, upbringing, development. All these tasks can be realized only if the following conditions are met:

Involvement in musical activity brings only positive emotions to children;

Thought out a humane and personal approach that provides emotional comfort for children;

A comfortable musical and educational environment has been created in all forms of organization.

The musical director and educator must keep the development of the whole complex of personality traits at the center of the musical educational system, and this is the main result. The goal of the humane-personal approach, proclaimed by the pedagogy of cooperation, is an approach to the personality of the child, his inner world, where undeveloped abilities, strengths and possibilities are hidden. The task of teachers is to awaken these forces and use them for a more complete development.

The close interaction of the educator and the music director ensures the effectiveness of the tasks of music education being solved, an individually differentiated approach to children.

Educators must interact subjectively with children. This style of interaction between the teacher and the child gives the child the right to choose (songs, games) for learning. Game motivation, the presence of dialogue and polylogue (i.e., the interaction of the music director with the teacher, the game character and children) makes the lesson very dynamic. During the lesson, when posing a question to a child, the music director (educator) forms the question in such a way that it contains two options for the answer. For example: “What mood did the music make you feel happy or sad? "," How do chicks sing in a high or low voice? ". Children, as a rule, always answer correctly.

In the process of subject interaction, teachers constantly put children in the position of an experimenter, ask them many questions, encourage them to constantly think and look for an answer to the question posed. It is this interaction that has a great effect on the development of intellectual abilities.

The process of music education is long, you should not expect quick results. Only the joint activity of the music director and the educator leads to the desired results in solving the problems of the general and musical-aesthetic development of preschool children.

Interaction of the educator with the head of the physical education of the educational institution.

Currently, one of the most important problems is the health status of the population. Children's health is the wealth of the nation. The most accessible means of increasing health potential is physical culture, physical activity.

In a preschool institution, physical culture and health-improving work is organized by the teacher and the head of physical education. The effectiveness of physical culture and educational work in a preschool institution is largely determined by their interaction. Each of them performs work in accordance with their job responsibilities. The requirements for the activities of these specialists differ depending on the tasks to be solved: general physical fitness of children, motor rehabilitation. Pedagogical activity is aimed at the child, so their actions must be coordinated with each other. The planning of their joint activities is carried out on the basis of the annual plan of the preschool institution and is drawn up in the form of plans: consultations for educators, speeches at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings

They are equally:

They know the program, in accordance with which they put into practice the physical improvement of children (goals, objectives, predicted results);

Diagnostics of the physical condition of children is carried out according to the program implemented by the preschool institution;

They know the peculiarities of the state of health of the pupils and plan physical exercises in accordance with these characteristics;

Formulate in children ideas about hygiene and aesthetics of physical exercises (posture, exemplary demonstration of physical exercises, conducting classes in sportswear and shoes, etc.);

Use the means of physical education to educate moral

(moral and volitional) qualities of pupils;

Physical activity is monitored based on external signs of fatigue;

Use means of physical culture to form normal sex-role behavior in children;

Hardening is carried out in the process of physical exercises;

Ensure the safety of children in the process of physical exercise;

Provide children with first aid in case of accidents;

Plan, conduct and analyze physical culture and recreational activities during the day (morning exercises, physical education, outdoor games between classes and on the street, invigorating gymnastics);

Parents are informed about the level of physical condition of their children and their success in physical activity.

The life of every child in a preschool educational institution is built on the basis of a thoughtful alternation of physical activity, different types and forms of activity.

Interaction of the educator with the medical worker of the educational institution.

The interaction between the educator and the medical worker is aimed at:

  • control of the sanitary condition of the premises and area of ​​the kindergarten;
  • compliance with the sanitary regime as prescribed by a doctor, organization of an event for hardening children;
  • ensuring the organization of recreational activities, adherence to the daily routine, the correct conduct of morning exercises, physical education and walks for children;
  • registration of absent due to illness, isolation of sick children;
  • there is a joint daily morning reception of children;
  • participation in pedagogical councils dedicated to the problem of physical development and health of children;
  • sanitary and educational work of parents;
  • adherence to the schedule for receiving food by the group;
  • keeping time sheets for the nutrition of children by group;
  • organization of meals in the group.

Interaction of a teacher with a junior teacher of an educational institution.

The interaction of the teacher with the junior teacher occurs daily, throughout the day the children stay in the kindergarten, it includes:

  • participation in planning and organizing the life of pupils, in conducting classes organized by the teacher;
  • creation of conditions for social and psychological rehabilitation, social and labor adaptation of pupils;
  • together with medical workers and under the guidance of an educator, ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils, carrying out activities that contribute to their psychophysical development, their observance of the daily routine;
  • organization, taking into account the age of the pupils, of their work on self-service, compliance with labor protection requirements, providing them with the necessary assistance;
  • participation in the prevention of deviant behavior, bad habits among pupils;
  • responsibility for their life and health of children;
  • dressing and undressing children, carrying out tempering activities;
  • ensuring the protection of the life and health of pupils during the educational process;
  • compliance with labor protection and fire safety rules;
  • ensuring the protection of the life of children, preserving and strengthening their health;
  • joint work with children;
  • interaction in work to improve the efficiency of the educational process and to create a favorable emotional climate for pupils in the group during their stay in a preschool institution.

Summing up the above, I would like to note once again that the modern goals and objectives of preschool education cannot be realized by each participant in the pedagogical process separately. All professionals should strive to have a unified approach to the upbringing of each child and a unified style of work in general. To ensure such unity in the work of all teachers and specialists, their close interaction is necessary.