How best to stretch the shoe one size. How to stretch leather, suede or rubber shoes. How they do it in workshops

When buying new shoes, we pay attention not only to material, decor or design, but also to convenience. And how many times the feeling of comfort in the store has deceived us! If it turns out that a new pair is too tight or stiff, you should not put it in a closet or put it up for sale: leather, sports, winter shoes can be stretched.

Wearing new shoes

Everything becomes clear after 30 minutes of wearing new sandals, boots or moccasins. If a callus appears on the heel, your legs are swollen, or your toes rest on the toe, the shoe is small and squeezes your foot, then your shoes are small. The way out is to try to carry the new thing without pain and harm to health.

It is important to understand how much you need to stretch the shoe. It is easier to spread the model wide: if the last is tight, it can be fixed in a couple of days. If you have not guessed with the size, it is more difficult to increase it. Use the methods described in the article: the result will not be long in coming.

When can you stretch your shoes

It all depends on the material from which the shoes are made. Made of genuine leather and suede, it is quite soft, adjusts to the leg during the week of wearing. If the shoe material is eco-leather or textiles, you will have to make an effort.

It is possible to make any shoe more, but it is important to understand in what time frame in order not to make a mistake.

Precautionary measures

No matter how keen the urge to put on new shoes, sneakers or ballet flats as soon as possible, take your time, proceed with caution. Before you start wearing new shoes, we recommend that you study the precautions:

  • Don't try to endure the pain. Discomfort when walking affects the foot, spine and the body as a whole.
  • Check the material for paint and decoration fastness.
  • Apply chemicals with gloves, keep your hands away from boiling water or alcohol.
  • Examine the material: after an unsuccessful attempt to increase the size, patent leather may crack or lose shine, and cracks and stains may appear on the leatherette.
  • Do not use greasy cream, petroleum jelly, vegetable oils when stretching suede or velor shoes.


You can increase the size of your shoes at home. Observe the measure, because not all stretching methods are safe for shoes. If you overdo it, the sole may come off, the seams may come apart, the last may deform. After that, the appearance of the shoes will be completely ruined. Natural suede or velor are more delicate materials than smooth leather. It is necessary to stretch velor shoes very carefully and carefully, using the methods that we will discuss in the article.

Daily wear

It is suitable only if the discomfort during the operation of sandals, loafers or ankle boots is minimized: you sealed a fresh corn with a plaster - and you don't feel anything. Short-term wear without strong impact will not give a quick effect, so you can wear out your shoes at home by wearing a thick woolen sock. And there will be no calluses, and the material will adjust to the shape of the leg faster.


Wet the inside of the shoe. The concentration of vinegar should be no more than 9%. The solution will soften the material if the shoe is pinching the toes. Repeat 3-4 times.

Don't worry about the harsh, unpleasant odor; it fades away quickly.

Rinse your shoes as soon as they reach the correct size.

Glycerin or Shoe Cream

If the discomfort when wearing is insignificant, and it is important to soften rather than stretch the shoes, then cream or glycerin will help. It will make the narrow toe of the shoes more elastic. Shoe polish will do the job well as well. Once it has been absorbed, spread the product again. And so several times. Therefore, try to set aside a day off for these purposes or take a jar of funds for work.

Boiling water

Grandma's method. Simple yet powerful. You need to pour or dip the shoes in hot water for a few seconds, and then wear them with a thick toe for about half an hour. The shoes should dry completely after being worn out. This is a rather aggressive way, so we advise you not to risk new expensive sandals. A softer way is not to pour boiling water over the shoes, but to hold them over the steam.

Hair dryer

We continue the theme of the effect of heat, because leather items become much more elastic during heat treatment. A jet of hot air must be directed to especially tight and hard places, warm them up for about 10 minutes. Then our constant “helpers” come into play - thick socks. It is their application that is the secret of success. Walk like this for 15 minutes and evaluate the results.


Even if the stone wears away, then the shoes will definitely stretch. There are several ways here. You can wrap your shoes in a cotton cloth soaked in warm water. After about half an hour, remove the material and lubricate the skin with any oil. Check the effect in a day. Another tip: Soak wool socks in very hot water, put them on, and put your shoes on. Walk around the apartment for 30 minutes.


An interesting way that will help owners of wide feet. Grain or any small cereal is suitable for him: semolina, millet. You need to pour wet cereals into your shoes and leave overnight. During this time, the mass will absorb water, swell and slightly expand the shoes.

Vodka or alcohol

To gradually distribute the shoes, wipe them with alcohol or vodka from the inside, put on a tight sock and walk in them for 10-15 minutes several times a day. This method will allow you to regulate the process and not overdo it with stretching. This method is perhaps the most popular among women.

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A good way to soften the leather without damaging the color of the material is to treat the shoes with beer. The alcohol in the composition will make the shoes one size larger.


An effective but extreme way to stretch winter shoes. At the same time, the boots will proportionally increase both in length and in width even more than the size. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour water into tight plastic bags, tie them tightly, and place in boots or boots.
  2. Spread the bags inside all over the block: the result will depend on this.
  3. Place your shoes in the freezer or on the balcony.
  4. Leave it on for a day: the liquid will expand when it freezes, and the boots will become larger.
  5. After a day, take out the boots and remove the bags from them. There is no need to wait for the water to melt.
  6. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Wet socks

A thick terry or wool sock will help stretch the shoe in almost every recipe above. Even a simple sock moistened with warm water will create the desired effect under the influence of weight. You can easily combine this method with household chores. If the shoes are tight in a specific area, then it is necessary to wet the sock only in this place.

Wet newspapers

Wet newspapers, crumple them up, and stuff your shoes tightly. Wait for it to dry completely without applying heat (about a day or more). So, you will not be able to harm the shoes and at the same time make them a little more spacious.

Petroleum jelly and castor oil

They will help to carry shoes, make them softer, more elastic, protect them from creases and cracks. For a week, before putting on your shoes, lubricate them on the outside, and if they involve wearing on bare feet, then on the inside. With the help of oil or petroleum jelly, the shoes will adapt to the foot as much as possible and take its shape.

Purchased stretch products

In shoe stores, you can find sprays and foams to stretch your shoes. These are handy mobile assistants that can be used in the office or on a walk. Most vials are small and will fit easily into a bag. Apply the product from the outside and inside to the pressing areas - just before wearing.

These funds are delicate, so it will not work to carry shoes the first time in 9 cases out of 10.

Arm yourself not only with a spray can, but also with patience. The products do not spoil the shape of the pads, do not wash off the paint and do not corrode the material.

How to use stretchers

Another not very common but effective remedy is mechanical spacers. They are made of wood in the shape of a foot and allow you to separately pull the skin of any model in the little toe or in the area of ​​the thumb joint. All parameters are adjustable, allowing you to adjust the mechanism for any pair, to increase its completeness and size. By the way, it is recommended to use spacers with stretching sprays.

What they do in the workshops

In specialized workshops, shoes are stretched on special machines. The shoes are sprayed and spacer pads are inserted into them. Adjust the desired size and width on the machine and leave for two to three days. After such a procedure, the shoes can become two sizes larger, both in length and in width.

What methods to choose for different materials

Any shoe needs to be handled with care and gentleness, and different types of stretching are designed for different types. Let's try to correlate all the above methods with various materials.


Easy to wear even on a wet sock, so don't overdo it. The stretching spray will also help, and the oil will make the skin not only pliable, but also shiny, soft and well-groomed.


It wears out well enough, it is soft, so it will not be difficult to stretch it during everyday use. Try to warm it up with a hair dryer or hold it over steam. Never use petroleum jelly and oil: permanent stains will remain!


Nubuck shoes are gentle enough. In this case, use wet grain or cereal.

Artificial leather

Dermantine shoes are capricious and not very easy to change. Vaseline and vegetable oils are suitable for her, alcohol and vinegar can help.


Rubber boots and galoshes can be stretched too! Boiling water will come to the rescue. First, dip the shoes in it for a few minutes, then put on with a tight toe and fix the result in cold water.

Textiles and PVC

Wet newspapers can help stretch fabric sneakers or sneakers. Before stuffing them into rag shoes, hold them over the steam to soften them.

But dance sandals or patent leather shoes can crack from any careless influence. Therefore, the best thing to do with them is to smear with a greasy cream and spray with a stretching spray, hoping for a result. We warn you that it may not exist.

How to stretch baby shoes

Children grow up at lightning speed, and new boots ordered via the Internet may already be small by the time they are received. We urge you not to stretch children's shoes, because the wrong size can disrupt the formation of the legs, lead to clubfoot and flat feet. But how annoying it can be if a child grows out of shoes at the end of the season. It is unprofitable to buy another winter boots: next year they will be already small. The same can be said for shoes for other seasons.

Winter and demi-season models, you can try to "correct" at least half the size.

Thick socks come to the rescue here again. They can be soaked in warm water and passed as long as the child can tolerate. Ask him not only to walk in tight shoes, but also to squat in them, lifting his heels off the floor.

If the sandals fit, just feel stiff, try a greasy cream. Moreover, you need to smear not only the shoes, but also the child's legs, so that they gradually knead the block.

Climbing shoes

A sore subject for any climber is the distribution of new climbing shoes. As a rule, shoes are bought 2-3 sizes smaller and acquire the shape of a foot during use, through discomfort and pain. In this case, you are unlikely to get pleasure from tourism, so it is better to distribute them in advance.
Specialized footwear requires a special approach.

After the second or third climb, it will become clear where the rocks are pressing or rubbing. It is important to protect these areas with a plaster and put a piece of cotton wool under it. If you use your shoes every day, they will soon stretch to the shape of your feet.

How to straighten individual elements

It often happens that the shoe fits in size, but some of its elements or the foot itself are non-standard. Situations vary, and our tips will help you cope with each.

Narrow or hard back

New shoes and worn heels are inseparable! Moreover, this problem occurs not only in shoes or ballet flats, but also in sneakers and high shoes.

There may be several outputs. The most effective of these is the hammer. If the heel of your shoe is unbearably stiff and won't pick up either alcohol or water, gently hammer it through a thick cloth with a hammer. Don't overdo it! Just before wearing, rub the edges of the shoe with soap, wax or paraffin, and spread a greasy cream on the heel. Use multiple layers of silicone pads or adhesive plaster if necessary.

Narrow toe

You want to throw away shoes that are tight in your toes. Do not hurry! The impact of water, alcohol, vinegar on the place of squeezing the shoes works quite well. If you are pressing your little finger or thumb, wooden spacers can help: they make the device more anatomical and are most often sold with it. Remember to use a stretching spray.

Tops of boots

It is also possible to stretch the boots in the calf area, if they barely fasten and press. Try freezing bagged water, smearing with petroleum jelly or oil, and applying heat. If the leather is artificial or very delicate, and the boots have decorations in the form of plaques and other metal elements, it is better to take the shoes to the master: he will make cuts on top and insert elastic bands. This will widen the boot and guarantee a comfortable fit for any boot model.

How to stretch in the lift

The high instep of the foot makes it uncomfortable to wear boots and boots. We offer several solutions to the problem:

  • Choose lace-up boots so the instep can be adjusted.
  • Take out the insoles. When the material adjusts to the height of the leg rise, they can be reinserted.

If the boots do not have a lock, take them to the master so that he can insert the zipper.

Care after stretching

Any footwear after exposure to chemicals, water or mechanical procedures requires rehabilitation. Be sure to let it dry until the end, use skin care products, moisturize with creams and protect your skin from moisture. And then your favorite shoes, boots or sneakers will last you longer and will delight you with their appearance.

Discussion 0

How to increase the size of your shoes: probably, many people asked this question. After all, for sure, almost everyone at least once in their life has had a situation when, having acquired shoes, they suddenly, for some reason, turned out to be cramped for you. Maybe they didn't try it on right away, or maybe they tried it on, but not as it should, and you never know, what other reasons could be. But it all comes down to the fact that you need to make it looser and increase it in length or width. It is quite possible to do this, even at home.

Of course, if you bought, for example, sneakers in size 42, and you need a size 45, then nothing can be done about it. But to increase them by half the size, or to make them a little wider and more spacious is a quite feasible task. However, this should be done very carefully and many factors should be taken into account so as not to render the product completely unusable with its inept actions.

Risks when trying to change shoe size yourself

Sadly, but hasty and thoughtless attempts to increase the size of shoes at home, may not only fail to improve the comfort of your boots and boots, but also with inept actions, even cause them irreparable damage. Therefore, it is better for you to familiarize yourself with some warnings and recommendations before proceeding with your own actions.

  • Before you start taking drastic measures on your own, try just spreading at first - in many cases it helps. If it doesn't help, then try to save the situation with other methods.
  • Synthetic products practically do not lend themselves to these manipulations, so do not even try it better. Otherwise, most likely, your shoes will have to be thrown away, and so at least you can give them to someone, or even sell for a certain amount of shekels.
  • Products with wedge-shaped inserts will be less problematic to stretch, so if you purchased just such, then it will be easier for you in this regard.
  • When trying to stretch fabrics, there is a risk of damaging or breaking the fibers.
  • Before resorting to folk methods, try to artificially "spread" your shoes using special means, such as:

a) Wooden blocks or spacers. The former are more suitable for maintaining their shape, removing excess moisture and unpleasant odors. And when inserting spacers into shoes (or whatever else you wear there), in addition to the previous properties, you can slightly increase them if you insert a spacer and adjust it to the dimensions you need. Although this method can harm the heels of shoes or sneakers if you overdo it.

b) A can with a special spray, which should be sprayed onto the upper surface and then walk for 15-20 minutes. If it does not immediately help, then you can repeat the procedure.

It is important to remember: after any manipulations aimed at increasing the size of the shoe, it is advisable to cover it with a special polish to fix the result. It will fix the desired shape.

Folk methods to stretch shoes

Below we will consider various folk methods with which you can quickly increase the size, and which can be used at home, without using any complicated devices.

Vodka or alcohol

This option is most appropriate if your shoes are leather, suede or imitation leather. Liberally lubricate the entire inner surface with alcohol or vodka, and then put it on your leg and lubricate the outer surface. After that, walk around for an hour and a half.

Boiling water

This radical method is only suitable for natural leather and rubber. Pour boiling water into your shoes or rubber boots. Drain it immediately and wait until it cools. Then put on wet shoes and wear until dry.

Liquid soap

Mix warm water (40-50 degrees, no more) with liquid colorless soap in a ratio of 4: 1 and treat the outer and inner surfaces with this solution. After a significant part of the solution has been absorbed, wipe off the excess with a rag or towel and, after putting on thick woolen socks, put on your shoes and walk around the house for an hour or two.


Place a tight, hole-free plastic bag inside your shoes or boots and fill it with as much water as possible. Then put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. Stretching will occur due to the expansion of water when it freezes and turns it into ice. After removing from the freezer, wait until the ice begins to melt (20-30 minutes), and you can pull out the bag.


Hold your sneakers or shoes over the steam from boiling water, and then walk around the house in them.

Lubrication for softening

Lubricate the inner surface of your choice: with vinegar, glycerin, petroleum jelly, castor oil, or any vegetable oil. After an hour or more, as in the previous methods, we put on our shoes and walk around the apartment for at least an hour, and preferably more, until we get bored.

Hair dryer

Warm up the inner cavity with a hairdryer and put on a woolen sock. Or, putting on woolen socks and putting on your shoes, use a hairdryer to warm up the place that squeezes you the most. Walk around until it cools down.

Wet newspaper

This method works best for faux leather products, but you can try it on other materials as well. Its essence is that you need to wet the newspapers and put them inside, and the more the better. So in this case, do not feel sorry for waste paper.


We fill the cavity of the shoes with any available cereal and fill it with water. The groats will swell and stretch the shoe a little.

Potato peel

We fill the cavity with potato peelings and leave it overnight. If the first time there is no tangible result, then you can repeat the procedure several times.

An important point: when using stretching methods that involve filling or lubricating the inner shoe cavity, first remove the insoles from there so as not to damage them.

Well, here you are, familiarized yourself with the main and most famous folk methods for stretching shoes. In conclusion, we draw your attention to the fact that it is much easier to stretch a product in width than in length. Also recall that stretching it by more than 1 size (although even this is very problematic), you are unlikely to succeed. In most cases, it can only be increased by a few millimeters. So don't overdo your efforts. And these methods are suitable mainly for leather, suede or imitation leather, but not for synthetics or textiles. Use our advice wisely and without fanaticism. All the best to you and your comfortable shoes!

Video: How to stretch shoes at home - the best "recipes"

Quite often there are situations when the shoes we like, which have the main function - convenience, turns out to be small and rubs at the same time, creating a lot of problems for their owner and causing pain.

The very next day, after the purchase, you may find that such beautiful and comfortable shoes in the store have now acquired a smaller size. Why is this happening? These are some simple tips to help you avoid these kinds of troubles:

  • It is worth shopping in the evening, or after lunch, when you have been on your feet most of the day and they are a little swollen. If you buy shoes in the morning, then there is a high probability that by the evening it will start to press and rub you, or maybe even become one size smaller.
  • Feet can be deformed and increase over the years, and sometimes even decrease in size. For example, after pregnancy. It is worth considering that your legs can be of different lengths, this is normal. Before trying on in the store, it is better to measure your feet in length.
  • It is better to buy shoes made from natural materials. Yes, such a purchase is affordable, and not everyone can tough it, but if you decide to make it one size larger, it will be much easier to do than shoes made of other materials.
  • Shoes should be chosen only strictly according to their size. Some girls who complete their leg size neglect this rule, creating a lot of problems for themselves. It is not so easy to stretch the shoe one size up. Moreover, a crooked gait with rubbed and sore feet will certainly not please and will not look seductive for the opposite sex. As practice shows, men like women who stand firm on this earth, confidently striding forward.

So what if the shoe doesn't fit?

By following the tips listed below, you can find out how to stretch shoes at home... Before you start stretching shoes, you should decide on some factors in order to choose the way in which you will do it:

  • If your shoes are made of synthetic material, then you shouldn't even start this activity, because you are unlikely to be able to achieve the desired result. Synthetics are valuable in that they retain their shape under any impact on it, even professional processing will not be able to cope with it.
  • If you try to increase the size, you can damage and ruin your textile shoes, since when stretching, the fibers can simply tear.
  • If you are faced with the fact that new shoes are constantly pressing, regardless of the material or its type, be it boots, shoes or sneakers, you need to use special orthopedic devices, for example, wedge-shaped inserts. Your feet may be the cause of this problem. All shoes are made strictly according to standards, so individual deformation of the foot or other problems are not taken into account.
  • The stretching procedure must be carried out quite carefully. Each material has its own stretch limits. Do not think that leather shoes can stretch for several sizes at once.

So, as mentioned above, for stretching shoes, it is worth considering the material from which it is made.

How to stretch leather shoes at home?

There are many ways to stretch leather shoes. You can combine them if, after using, in some way, the shoes did not stretch, perhaps you did something wrong, or it is made of a different material.

There is no need to despair, you can try another method, but again, do not forget that any impact on the shoes can lead to its damage.

For stretching use:

  • Alcohol. You need to moisten genuine leather shoes from the inside, and walk in them for several hours, wearing them on a thick sock. If it did not work out the first time, you need to repeat the procedure, for 5-10 minutes, 3-5 times a day.
  • Boiling water.

It's fast and effective enough way to carry shoes, and its acquisition of the desired shape. It is enough just to pour boiling water over the inside of the shoe and wait until the water cools down. When the water cools down a little and reaches room temperature, then you need to walk in shoes for a few minutes, in order to keep your feet dry, you can put plastic bags on your socks.

A basin of water. This option is only suitable for quality factory shoes. If you are not sure of the quality of your shoes or shoes and where and under what conditions they were produced, you should not use it, as your shoes may simply fall apart and come unstuck. In this case, you need to collect water in a basin and put your shoes in it for a day. After that, they need to be carried.

Corn. They used this cowboy way to stretch their boots in the old Wild West. Put any grain or oats in your boots or shoes, pour in enough water to cover the grains, and let sit for 8-10 hours.

After that, pour the swollen grain out of the shoes and put them on to carry. In no case do you need to dry them, it is wet shoes that need to be worn out, in the process they should dry. The cowboys did not take off their wet boots for several days, but hardly anyone in our time will do the same.

Artificial leather

Doing any actions with shoes with leatherette is rather careful.

For stretching, you can use:

  • Paraffin candle. The inside of shoes or boots should be greased with paraffin and left in this form for a day.
  • Alcohol. As in the above method with leather shoes, you need to lubricate the shoes with alcohol from the inside.
  • Posting to a wet sock. By putting shoes on wet toes and spreading them, you can increase the shoe size by half.

How to stretch varnished shoes?

Stretching patent leather shoes is a rather dangerous procedure, as it can lose its glossy shine and there is a possibility of cracks and their former appearance.

  • Alcohol. In a 2: 1 ratio, mix alcohol with water and moisten the socks that you need to wear, put on your shoes and wear them out for a couple of hours.
  • Socks and hairdryer. Put on patent leather shoes, wearing socks under them and use a hairdryer. You need to be extremely careful with this method.
  • Vaseline and block. Apply petroleum jelly inside the shoes and insert a shoe or put on a shoe with a warm toe.

Before stretching nubuck shoes, you need to make sure that they are natural. In no case should you use alcohol, petroleum jelly, fatty cream, otherwise stains and stains will remain on the shoes.

  • Carry out. Try to just spread the shoes. If the nubuck is natural, then this should work.
  • Stretching foam for nubuck. Get it in the store, treat the inner surface of the shoe, and walk like this for several hours, wearing a sock and shoes.

Can rubber shoes be stretched?

Unfortunately, ordinary rubber cannot be stretched. But if your boots are made of PVC, then you can do this with boiling water. First you need to check the rubber: lean against an inconspicuous place on the boots with a red-hot object and if it melts, then you can safely proceed to stretching.

  1. Fill your boots with boiling water.
  2. Wait a while for the PVC to soften.
  3. Put your socks on your feet.
  4. Pour cold water into a basin.
  5. Drain the boiling water from the boots and put them on immediately.
  6. After a few minutes, stand in cold water to harden the PVC.

When buying suede shoes, you need to remember that they need special care. You should also handle it carefully when you post it.

You can try to smash suede shoes with:

Newspaper. After you've steamed your shoes, stuff them with wet newspapers and leave them there for a day. Newspapers should not be pressed tightly, it is enough to stack them behind the shape of your leg. For patent leather shoes, you can also use newspapers.

Table vinegar. This posting option is quite effective. It is necessary to moisten the inside of the shoes with vinegar, but not much, so that it does not leak out. Having put on a nylon sock, you can start wearing it.

In addition to these methods, the shoes can be stretched by mechanical and physical impact on them.

How to increase shoe size through physical and mechanical manipulation?

Posting. The most famous of all methods for carrying suede, leatherette and natural leather, rag moccasins. It is based on shoeing and walking in shoes in your free time. It is worth considering that you will have to walk, if you put on a pair and sit in it, alas, you will not get the proper result, especially if these are natural shoes, you will only earn swelling.

Socks. In this case, thin socks made of natural wool are used, they are rolled up, tightly laid out in the product. Leave in this form for about 8-12 hours. If the result did not meet your expectations, you need to repeat the procedure.

Heat impact socks

This method will not only increase the size, but also make the shoe wider. You will need to wear thicker socks, you can have more than one pair and put on your shoes. After that, direct a warm stream of air from the hair dryer to the places where it is most crowded, and process them for about 30-40 seconds. In this case, it is better to move your foot, thus stretching the shoes.

After that, you need to wait until our shoes have cooled down, take them off, and try to put on shoes on a bare foot or a thin toe. If the shoes are tight, you need to repeat the steps.


It works very well on artificial leather, but other materials can simply deteriorate. An ordinary balloon or a whole bag of polyethylene, you need to fill it with cold water, to a third part, tie it tightly so that water does not leak anywhere, and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator, putting it in our shoes.

When everything is frozen, take out and remove excess ice. The bottom line is that water, freezing, expands, and with it the shoes expand.

Stretcher. A special tool, a stretcher, will cope well with increasing the size of leather shoes. It needs to be applied to the shoes, it softens the material, and stretching is much easier. It is not designed for other materials, therefore, its use may have a bad effect on them.

Shoe lasts made of wood or plastic, made in the shape of a foot, can be purchased at shoe stores. All you need to do is to put the shoe last in tight shoes and wait until it stretches, to improve the effect, you can moisten the shoes with water.

Spray can. Also in the store, you can buy aerosols for stretching shoes, especially in length. Such a tool is inexpensive and quite effective.

Trempel. An old ram and water will do a great job of stretching the shoe. After you dip your shoes into the water, after 5 minutes, you need to cut the trempel in such a way that it is not much larger than the shoe itself. Stick it in a pair of shoes. The water will expand the shoe a little, and the tremple will set the direction in which it should stretch.

Cologne. This method is quite effective, but they are reluctant to use it, since the smell of cologne is persistently absorbed and it is not easy to get rid of it. It is necessary to lubricate the inside of the shoe with cologne and then wear it out for 2-3 hours. It is better to do this in the afternoon or in the evening, when the legs are a little full and swollen. After that, stuff the shoes with newspapers and paper.

Castor oil

Castor oil does a good job, the only shoe it won't fit is suede. They need to process the inner and outer walls of the shoe. Wear for 3 hours, then remove excess oil from shoes.

It also easily revives shoes that have hardened and gives them a shine. By the way, vegetable oil and petroleum jelly also soften shoes.


An excellent folk remedy for stretching shoes is regular rubbing alcohol. It is necessary to prepare an alcohol solution, it consists of alcohol and water in proportions one to one, and with this solution, treat your small shoes from the inside with a spray or spray bottle, before it dries, you need to put them on and carry them around.

So, after the performed manipulations, you managed to stretch the shoes. Now you need to fix the result by covering it with polish. You can walk proudly without rubbing corns!
And finally, the video of Elena Malysheva, the program "Living Healthy": How to stretch tight shoes?

Sometimes new shoes are tight and uncomfortable. In order to carry a new pair, in addition to special, store tools, there are many folk remedies. Before giving up tight shoes, give them a second chance!

How much can new shoes be blown

Products from genuine leather... You can increase the footwear without harm to it by a maximum of one size wide and half the size in length. If the boots are too small, it is best not to try to stretch them, as this will lead to deformation of the skin and torn seams.

Purchased stretching products

There are many special products on sale for stretching leather shoes: foams, creams, sprays. The method of application is simple: it is enough to apply the product to the shoes several times and wear it out. Some effective remedies:

  • "Salamander" - 200 p.
  • "Salton - 200" p.
  • "DAMAVIK" - 150 rubles.
  • "Rainbow" - 50-70 rubles.
  • "Every day" - 50 rubles.
  • "Shtrikh" - 150 rubles.

How to soften narrow shoes with folk remedies

Wearing tight shoes... To do this, you need to wear shoes a day for 20-30 minutes in thin, wet socks. However, the result will be obvious only 1-2 days later, and walking in wet socks can lead to colds.

Hot air treatment... Put on your thickest socks and then your shoes. Use a hair dryer to blow hot air over the toes of the boots, moving your feet back and forth for 20-30 seconds. This will help soften the skin.

After turning off the hair dryer, do not remove your shoes until they have cooled down. Repeat several times until desired result. Afterwards, it is recommended to apply a shoe conditioner.

Use gently on old, vintage shoes, as hot air can loosen the adhesive layer. Also, this method is suitable only for shoes made of genuine leather, since leatherette does not withstand high temperatures.

With cloth... Roll the socks into small balls and gently fill the toes of the shoe with them. Leave it unchanged overnight and in the morning you will notice an obvious difference.

With the help of cereals... An ancient method that has not lost its relevance today. Fill your boots with oatmeal, rice, or other water-swollen cereals. Then pour water over the oatmeal so that it completely covers the cereal. Leave to swell overnight. In the morning, scrub the oatmeal and after drying, feel free to put on shoes that will immediately adapt to your foot.

With alcohol... You can use rubbing alcohol to expand your shoes. It is necessary to make a spray, with proportions of 50% alcohol and 50% water. Spray the resulting liquid into each shoe and wear for 20 minutes. Alternatively, soak a pair of cotton socks in alcohol and put on your feet, then put on your shoes and wear until the socks are dry.

Using potatoes... The peeled potatoes are tightly inserted into the toe of the shoe and left overnight. The next morning, the potatoes are pulled out, and the boot is carefully wiped from the inside.

These simple folk recipes are suitable for both leather footwear and artificial leather.

Stretching shoes in the workshop

If you do not risk carrying out such manipulations on your own, fearing for deformation of the shoes, you can use a professional service in shoe workshop... Special machines gently apply pressure and heat and stretch the shoe to the desired condition.

Significant disadvantages of repairing in a workshop: loss of time and money. Stretching the shoes will take several days and will cost at least 400-500 rubles. The more expensive and quality the shoes are, the higher the cost of the service will be.

So, it's okay that the new pair of shoes is a little tight. You can easily shape her legs, both at home and in a shoe workshop.


Probably every woman has a pair of shoes that are comfortable only to sit in. When you try them on in a store, it seems that there is no more convenient and more beautiful model. But when you come home, you understand that you have never been so wrong ...
If you have purchased just such a shoe, rubbing, pressing and causing discomfort, use our advice. prepared for you wonderful life hacks with which you can easily stretch your shoes. After that you will be able to run in your favorite shoes as if on clouds.

How to quickly carry shoes- wet the inner surface

shoes with rubbing alcohol. Put on your shoes and walk in them for 2 hours. Even if you bought a shoe that is the right size, we advise you to follow this procedure to soften tough areas.

With a hair dryer and warm socks, you can soften your shoes quickly and effectively. Well, of course, in the photo with woolen socks - too much, it is better to wear cotton or terry socks, then put on shoes and on top, for 15 minutes, blow hot air from a hair dryer.

Lubricate leather or leatherette shoes that you have not put on for a long time with castor oil. After processing, clean it and remove excess oil.

Rub the inner part of the shoe with paraffin wax (with an ordinary candle), leave it overnight. Remove excess paraffin in the morning. This method will help you forget about calluses once and for all!

The grandfather's method. Pack each shoe with damp paper (newspapers) and leave to dry completely. You cannot dry such shoes near hot spots; they must dry in a room with room temperature.

But in my opinion, the best way to stretch your shoes. Works 100%. It is necessary to pour water into the packages (1/4 part), put the packages into shoes or boots (boots) and put such shoes in the freezer until the water completely freezes.