How to choose an outfit for the new year for a man. Burnout, stress and fatigue. How can we resist this? How to dress for the new year for men

It would seem that it should be much easier for men to choose clothes for special occasions. Indeed, for such cases, they have suits that look appropriate at a corporate event, and at a party, and at a friend's wedding. And yet, festive men's clothing also obeys fashion trends, so gentlemen who want to dress not only stylishly, but also in the latest fashion, will not hurt to get acquainted with the men's trends of 2018.

What can men wear for corporate events?

A corporate party is solemn event, which is attended by all employees of the company, so the choice must be made in favor of stylish clothes. Will it be a suit or elegant combination everyday things, directly depends on where exactly the festive event will be held, so let's see what a man can wear for a corporate event if the party is in a restaurant, and what dress code to choose if the corporate event is held in an office or in a country house.

What to dress a man for a corporate party in a restaurant?

A trip to a restaurant is a kind of going out, so the answer to the question: "How to dress for a corporate office for a man in a restaurant?" always one - you need to choose a suit! It is best to give preference to classic styles, but the color of the outfit can be chosen based on the trends of men's fashion 2018. It's no secret that 2018 is the year of the Yellow Dog, so costumes in muted shades of yellow will look very relevant. Sand, mustard, light beige - suits in these colors are ideal for a holiday in a restaurant. If you are a classic lover, you can choose models in black, brown or dark blue, but combine them with a shirt made in a fresher colors.

Supplement your fashionable image need suitable accessories. The choice of shoes is unlikely to complicate you, since these are always Oxfords or Derby shoes. It is desirable to wear a tie, but if you are sure that an informal style is welcomed, then you can refuse it.

What to wear for men for a corporate party in the office?

If you are going to celebrate a holiday within the office, then nothing prevents you from choosing more comfortable clothes, or taking a closer look at the original trends of men's fashion 2018. So, for example, if you are looking for what to wear for a man's corporate party for the New Year 2018, then you can choose trendy velvet suits or designer suits with embroidery or print. If you are interested in clothes for a holiday for men for February 23, then you can give preference to more strict, but no less fashionable, solutions, such as plaid or striped suits.

In search of what to wear for a corporate party for a man, do not forget about such a stylish alternative to a suit as a combination of trousers with a vest. Note that three-piece suits are trends in men's fashion 2017-2018, and if you already have such models, then nothing prevents you from “forgetting” your jacket at home, presenting yourself at the party in trousers and a vest. However, nowhere is it said that trousers and a vest should be from the same set!

Neither velvet and printed suits, nor casual combinations of trousers with a vest require you to complement your look with classic shoes, so you can choose accessories focusing on the trends of men's shoes 2018, namely:

The rest of the accessories for men can be used both as an addition and as a fashionable accent. For example, you can complement a modest outfit with a bright tie or unusual cufflinks, or vice versa, choose a bright suit and stylish jewelry made of precious metals. The main thing to remember is balance.

What clothes to wear for a corporate man for a country trip?

Many companies organize holidays outside the city, and if you have to go to a corporate party in a country house or outdoors, then your clothes should be, first of all, comfortable. Perhaps only in such a situation jeans, as well as rough models of shoes, will look appropriate. Of course, no one can forbid you, even in the forest, to appear in a stylish classic suit, but you are unlikely to be comfortable in it.

Since the choice of clothes for such a corporate party is practically unlimited, then accessories can be selected based on what men's jewelry trends of 2018 are. So, for example, you can highlight your style by choosing a scarf or create a trendy boho look. It all depends on you!

What should a man dress for a theme party?

On the one hand, the theme of the party itself should tell men what their clothes should be, but on the other hand, not everyone understands how to dress a man to a party in the 80s, or what to dress a man to a gangster party. Well, we will try to help you prepare for the most popular theme parties.

Gatsby Party: What should a man wear?

Oddly enough, but if in your fashionable wardrobe With a three-piece suit, a hat with a small brim and a cane, then you are almost ready for both the Great Gatsby-style event and the gangster party. The style of the 20s and 30s of the last century requires stylish clothes from men, and the difference between the “dress codes” is that the Gatsby style is necessarily a tie or a bow tie, Oxford shoes and a flower on the lapel, and a gangster style is suspenders, patent leather shoes and no flowers.

80s party

Prepare for such theme party For men, it's as easy as shelling pears, because all they need to have on hand are boiled jeans and a black turtleneck, and such festive clothes for men are also present in the 2018 collections!

Rock party: what should a man wear?

A rock and roll party is also unlikely to make it difficult for men to choose clothes, since there is only one requirement for a festive outfit - at least one of the things must be leather. Chains, metal rivets and spikes are welcome.

What should a man wear for an anniversary?

Despite the fact that an anniversary is any round date, men ask such a question only when they need to be present at the birthday party of people who are over forty. The dress code of such events largely coincides with the corporate one, since in both cases it is necessary to show respect. That is why, if you are looking for what to wear for a man's anniversary in a restaurant, then this is a suit. If the celebration is in a cozy family atmosphere, then in winter you can wear trousers and a knitted sweater, and in warm weather add a shirt to your trousers.

What should a man wear for a wedding?

Wedding fashion obeys its own trends, which, for some reason, are silent on what to dress a man for a wedding as a guest! That is why we will try to answer the question of what a man can wear for a wedding. Of course, the most logical choice is a suit, the color of which should be different from the outfit of the newlywed, so just in case it is better to exclude not only black, but also white. Stylists recommend giving preference to lighter colors, but burgundy has got into men's trends in 2018, so if you don't mind being a stylish and fashionable guest, then feel free to buy a burgundy suit made of satin, silk gabardine or other fabric with a natural shine.

It will be more difficult to answer the question of how to dress for a wedding for a man without a suit, but there are also stylish options. For example, trousers and a shirt, which can be supplemented with a vest.

  • Yulia Zolotareva
  • 30.12.2017, 22:21

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This question, one way or another, worries everyone. Clothing for a corporate party should correspond to both the level of the company and the status of a gentleman. Corporate events require men to follow certain rules when choosing clothes.

Formal Party Wear

Your company has a tradition of throwing big parties in expensive restaurants, where everyone looks stunning, expensive champagne pours like a river and, in general, everything resembles the world of Gatsby. Most likely, a dress code is also prescribed for such events. A safe bet in this case is to wear a tuxedo. Chances are, most of your coworkers will just put on their office suits... You can do this too, but at least pick up a more interesting tie.

Clothing for an informal party

The New Year's corporate party in your company is calm, there are not very many people at the holiday, most of the employees are your friends. In this case, you can afford and relax a little - wear sneakers with a jacket, for example. True, this is still a holiday, so don't forget some New Year's element. Red turtleneck, for example. The option is risky, but if you follow the figure and are confident in yourself, then you will be successful.

If the holiday details are really bad, just try to look neat and stylish. Yes, the clothes should fit well on you. Do you know how many photos from the party will be? It's easier to dress well initially than to get rid of bad frames in facebook.

Out-of-the-box clothing

You are absolutely lucky: your company appreciates its employees, and every New Year you go to a country house by the lake, where you drink mulled wine, discuss the outgoing year, maybe play snowballs, in general, have a great time. Here, of course, the dress code is out of the question. You need something comfortable and festive at the same time. Oversized cardigans, brightly colored sweaters and dark jeans are what you need.

Top tips when choosing clothes for a corporate party

The basis of stylish clothes - nice shoes... The traditional idea that a person can be judged by his shoes is still relevant today. If you have never had good shoes, pull yourself together and get ready to pay a significant amount for a quality classic shoes... You may be shocked by the price tag on good shoes, but quality and comfort will pay dividends in the future. A good pair of dress shoes will last for years and keep you appearance, losing possibly only shine. High quality leather shoes it is not a luxury for especially rich people, it is a necessity for any person.

This is what the perfect jacket should look like:

  • The shoulders should be wide enough. If they are too narrow, it will be difficult for you to move, and ugly folds will appear in the shoulder area. The sleeve should fall freely from the shoulder without forming folds or creases.
  • The jacket should be wide enough at the chest so that you can comfortably wear it when the buttons are buttoned.
  • An ideal length jacket that completely covers the buttocks. The usual way to check the length is to lower your arm and measure the length - it is not always accurate, since different people arms of different lengths.
  • When trying on a jacket, a man should wear a formal shirt to check the sleeve length and collar height. Traditionally, the collar of the shirt should protrude 1-1.5 cm above the jacket, and the sleeves can look out of the sleeves by the same 1-1.5 cm.
  • The collar of the jacket should be smoothly rounded around the neck, and the lapels, on the contrary, should fit snugly against the chest.
  • The jacket should be slightly fitted. A straight blazer looks baggy.

The bottom should be calm. Choose jeans instead of pants. But it is better if it is a classic: without rubbing and holes in the knees. Look for jeans with a medium leg, not too tight or too wide. Baggy jeans can be too boring for a weekend grocery trip, but not for celebrating NG at work. Pay attention to the length of the legs. That's right, when a small fold forms in the front of the boot, and the edge of the leg reaches the heel at the back.

Shirts of a classic cut, plain or complemented with trendy details (spectacular cuffs and a high collar with a soft contrast from a color pattern) are preferred. You can choose a shirt in an informal shade, for example, soft pink, or try a version in a small repeating pattern. Avoid oversized options, large patterns, and bright colors. It is important that the sleeves of the shirt protrude a couple of centimeters from under the sleeves of the jacket.

The last fashion trends are changing too quickly for us to adopt useful wardrobe ideas from them. Most young people don't have the budget to buy new pants every month or two, so stay away from pants that are only presentable during the current fashion season.

Frayed or faded jeans are a great example; several designer brands managed to sell their image to the public in a short period of time, and then the trend changed, and left many people with very expensive jeans, but too unpresentable to wear them in public. Stick to a classic wardrobe staple, and avoid things that don't go well with it, even if they look good.

We must not forget about the combination of colors, shades, fabrics. If a man does not understand color harmony and does not know the correct combination of fabrics with each other, then it is better to rely on specialists in this area. When buying in a store, you can ask a consultant to make a selection or find examples of color combinations on the Internet.

First, define a base color for the base of your look. Typically, the base color is assigned to a suit, shirt, or jacket. As a basis, choose neutral, achromatic colors: black, gray, white, brown or dark blue. Such neutral colors are very convenient as base colors, since they can be easily and completely safely combined with all other chromatic colors.

It is necessary to combine colors in clothes without interrupting your natural complexion. After all, the main essence of clothing is to emphasize facial features from the advantageous side, making it more expressive. To understand which color scheme suits your natural complexion, you need to determine the degree of contrast - the difference between eyebrows, hair and skin color. There are three main types: high-contrast, medium-contrast, and low-contrast.

High Contrast Type: Black Hair - White Skin

For this type the most a good decision will become the maximum contrast, for example, choosing a black tie with white stripes.

Low Contrast: blonde hair- bright skin

The use of minimally contrasting combinations will be relevant here so that the clothes do not draw attention to themselves. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain a balance by searching for common characteristics in the face and clothing.

Medium contrast type (variable)

The most advantageous type, as there are many more color options for clothing.

Hairstyle, haircut, styling. Not any overgrown backburns and light unshavens. A classic neat haircut and a freshly shaved face are an attribute of a real man.

The formal style implies not only the presence of a suit and shirt, but also such trifles as a tie, bow tie, appropriate jewelry or precious metal products, for example, watches, cufflinks.

  • The vertical line that the small stripe creates will work very well for you. It is better to forget about the cell, unless it will be very small and almost invisible. Choose solid dark fabrics - this is the safest option for you.
  • Suit fabrics should be smooth, not too bulky. Choose fabrics that drape well.
  • Clothes should not be too tight, otherwise it will accentuate all the folds.
  • The jacket should be slightly longer than usual and sit loosely on the back. The sleeves should be slightly narrowed.
  • Pants should be slightly wider at the hips than usual.
  • Double-breasted jackets will not work for you, but if you do wear a double-breasted suit, keep the bottom button of the jacket.
  • You'd better prefer trousers without creases or pintucks at the waist. Trousers with arrows should be chosen so that you can easily reach your pockets. Pants should sit strictly at the waist.
  • For men with big bellies, it is better to wear trousers with suspenders. In this case, the trousers fit better, and the suspenders are completely invisible under the jacket. If you are going to wear trousers with suspenders, then they should be slightly longer and 1-1.5 cm wider at the waist than usual.
  • Choose simple shoes with no unnecessary embellishments.
  • Buy clothes of small sizes, designed for short stature. You should not buy clothes of the usual size and shorten them - this will violate the proportionality.
  • The shoulders of the jacket should not be too wide, but square.
  • The length of the jacket is everything - do not wear jackets that are too long or too short.
  • The trousers should be tucked slightly more downward than usual.
  • Shoes shouldn't be too delicate.
  • Coats and raincoats should not be too long. The ideal length is just below the knee.


In general, a man needs to dress for a corporate office so that:

  • The clothes fit him perfectly and it was comfortable to move and spend time in them. Whether it's fiery dances or funny Games for a change of evening.
  • The color of the outfit did not overshadow the face, but, on the contrary, emphasized it favorably.
  • Accessories were harmoniously selected: a tie, a bow tie, a scarf, cufflinks and a watch.
  • The shoes were clean, well-groomed and polished.
  • And, of course, neatly styled hair, a clean shaven face and a charming smile.

December 31 is approaching, which means it's time to choose a festive outfit for the New Year. Not in a dressing gown and slippers to go to visit, and even more so to a party? Even if you've paired just a simple T-shirt and comfortable sweatshirt with practical jeans or chinos all year, it's time to surprise.

Dazzle family, friends, and acquaintances with a tasteful, stylish outfit. How about an elegant suit, a colorful casual solution or an outrageous option? On this night, you can try on an image with the gloss of a dressed "smart guy", a sexy playboy or a confident dandy. You decide! And we will tell you how to choose a New Year's outfit in order to conquer all those present with an emphatically stylish and attractive set. Join us!

A place

The choice of outfit is primarily due to the place where you plan to meet. There are many options. Moreover, their number directly depends on the breadth of the imagination of a particular person. It could be a mountain lodge, a bungalow in Fiji, an underwater hotel in the UAE, or a VIP event at one of New York's most prestigious venues. But most often, the New Year is limited to four places:

  1. Official event;
  2. Party;
  3. Restaurant or bar;
  4. Home furnishings.

When choosing an outfit, it is important to take into account the time of the event, the level of the institution and the event itself, as well as the environment. A strict black suit and bow tie will be out of place during the day in a modest village cafe. But it is quite another matter if you got the chance to visit a private country villa with a luxurious interior, and the invitation is clearly stated. Therefore, in many ways, you will have to independently focus on the specific conditions of the event. I will reveal the basics of drawing up a harmonious bow for a particular New Year's occasion. Follow me, friends!

Official event

It can have both formal and status. And here you need to know in advance the expected dress code of the event.

White tie

Another exquisite touch can be -,. However, it is easy to replace it with a scarf, matched to one of the items of clothing. Laconic models of restrained colors (not necessarily a neutral palette) are preferred.

Who said you have to tuck your shirt into your trousers? It only depends on the preferences of the man. By the way, it is encouraged to wear a turtleneck, long sleeve or T-shirt instead of a shirt. Especially if you are going to a club-party or a friendly get-together. Choose a brighter long sleeve under a blazer in a neutral shade, and vice versa.

Do you like to attract attention to yourself or are you just going to meet a festive night in a youth get-together? Then a bright outfit for the New Year will be the best solution. But adhere to the basic rule of style: observe harmony in the image, carefully choosing textures and colors. Here are some options - which one did you like?

A solid blazer and a color-matched check shirt are the flamboyant components of an outfit for an exciting party.

As for shoes, oxfords or brogues are appropriate for formal events. In other cases, even discreet sneakers will do.

New Year's outfit in a restaurant or bar

For a cafe, any of the sets in casual style... Throw in just laid with help and some catchy one.


If your choice fell on a status bar or a high-level restaurant, then you should think about a careful selection of wardrobe. Your look must be perfect! Tuxedo is optional. Although models made of velveteen in saturated colors look very presentable when properly combined with companion items. The latter include: a slightly narrowed down Tuxedo made of spectacular corduroy of noble colors and narrowed trousers - with such components, the outfit for the New Year is doomed to success!

You can also wear a suit of one of the noble colors (deep blue, burgundy, silver, dark green). It is optimal if it is made of expensive fabric: velvet, satin, textiles with combined textures. However, the youth version with tight trousers or jeans, complemented by a shirt, long sleeve is also suitable. A spectacular vest will organically complete this look.

A mixed fabric upper is guaranteed to attract the attention of others, and a luxurious bouquet is for your lady

home furnishings

There are many people who deliberately avoid New Year's hype and hustle and bustle. For them, comfort is a key factor in having a pleasant pastime. Therefore, such people meet the festive night in their native walls at home, preferring to visit relatives and friends in the following days. If you are one of them, then you are very lucky!

Do not bother about an exquisite outfit, frantically look for cufflinks that have sunk somewhere, puff all evening in a tight-fitting shirt and uncomfortable dress shoes. After all, you can put on the usual one, hastily jump into the rustic, but comfortable trousers, the usual slippers! Now you can not think about anything, completely relax, enjoying delicious homemade food in the company of your family and your dear TV. How do you like this option?

But sometimes even at home home you need to look verified, elegant and stylish. This applies to those cases when you celebrate a holiday in the company of invited friends and acquaintances. It's better to think over your outfit for the New Year in advance. What to choose?

If you want to be dressed with polish, then give preference to a suit or tuxedo in combination with trousers or jeans. Accessories will create the necessary mood in this case.

Are you planning to look casual and casual? Then choose one of the options for a club or a friendly party. Completes the image fashion haircut and a la celebrity.


If you decide to spend a festive night outside the home, then check the dress code for the upcoming event in advance. It depends on this which outfit for the New Year will be preferable for you. You can visit the institution's website and see photos from last year's event. This will give a clear understanding of what requirements the administration imposes on the clothes of the visitors. Otherwise, consider your personal preferences and don't be afraid to experiment. Good luck and Happy New Year!

The yellow pig in Chinese culture symbolizes happiness, wealth and prosperity. This sign completes the 12-year calendar cycle, so the coming year is considered lucky for many people who want to improve their financial situation, find family happiness, and meet comrades close in spirit and interests.

What color to wear for the new year 2019

An earth pig is a changeable nature, so the color of the outfit can be varied, unpredictable. But in order to please the New Year's hostess, one should adhere to important rules... A festive outfit should exude chic and shine, jewelry and other accessories should be smart and colorful.

When solving the dilemma of how to dress for the New Year, it is worth remembering that the Pig prefers a range of colors such as red, orange, gold, burgundy, coral, blue, emerald, sea wave, turquoise.

Attention! It must be remembered that it is not recommended to use some colors, among them animalistic, tiger and leopard prints.

New Year's outfit involves a variety of styles of clothing.

  • An excellent choice would be midi length dress, which is relevant in the fall-winter 2018/2019 season.
  • For a celebration in a restaurant, it is advisable to choose a feminine Evening Dress , and for a house party or visiting friends, a cocktail option is more appropriate.
  • Ladies with luxurious shapes will be irresistible in an A-line outfit.
  • New Year's outfit is not only Nice dress... Can choose stylish jumpsuit or fashionable trouser suit... It is important that every detail of the look is carefully thought out.
  • Blouse and skirt. A simple and effective look. To make it different from the everyday suit of a business woman, you need to choose bright and elegant fabrics: satin, colored velvet, brocade. With a solid skirt model, the top can be in sequins or sparkling elements. It is advisable to choose the length of the skirt as a midi version (between the ankle and the knee, usually to the middle of the lower leg).
  • The "bomb" of the coming year is lush elements in clothes. Sleeves in the form of lanterns or voluminous flounces, asymmetrical models of dresses or blouses, in which one shoulder is decorated with lush decor, and the other remains naked.
  • A white blouse. A win-win combination with trousers, leather shorts, pencil skirt of any length. In order not to seem like a “strict teacher” in her, the style of the blouse should differ from the classic version, and the image should be supplemented with stylish decorations.

What to wear for the new year 2019 for a boy

Boys are fashionable too, and that's a fact. Therefore, it is also very important for them to look their best at the New Year's party. It is necessary to take into account the opinion of the child, because he is growing and he has his own preferences in clothes. It is important to give the boy a full sense of the holiday.

A school boy is unlikely to want to put on a bunny, dog or gnome costume. It is necessary to give him the opportunity, at least for a while, to turn into a designer of his clothes. If a teenager decides to participate in a costume party, then it is worth discussing with him a possible image, every detail of the costume, color, accessories and other elements.

Boys love adult prints. They prefer stylish wool sweaters and oversized sweatshirts decorated with drawings, geometric elements, portraits of famous singers or sports idols. And since the coming 2019 is the Year of the Pig, you can choose clothes with the image of this animal.

If a teenager chose an option from the usual classic clothes, then for sewing it you should use natural fabrics so that they do not constrain movement and let the bodies of active "energizers" breathe. In any case, you should emphasize the individuality of your child!

The character traits of the New Year's hostess combine friendliness and restlessness, which implies fun entertainment in friendly company... Therefore, comfort, style and beauty should be important criteria for choosing a New Year's image!

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