How to live happily and enjoy life. Nick Vujicic's advice

They say that you have to fight for love. And also for a place in the sun.

How to Catch Your Bird of Happiness

And for the truth. But how to live happily and enjoy life if there are so many difficulties in this life? And also to fight for justice and against the system. Everything must be earned, received as a reward for hard efforts. For overcoming yourself. For stepping over your character.

Anyone can enjoy life

It is believed that what is earned by sweat, blood and nerves is valued higher. That it takes on some additional, special meaning. It's no secret that every person wants from life what we call "happiness." But everyone has their own concept of "happiness", since a person himself determines for himself what factors his happiness depends on.

Factors of a happy life

  1. Health
  2. A family
  3. Love

Which of these factors do you prefer to put first for yourself? Do you feel happy with your family or with a tightly packed wallet?

What is the secret of Happiness

What is the secret of happiness? How to learn to live happily and enjoy the world. Really, in order to seek this happiness, as many advise, you have to go against your will. Is it right that a person is obliged to do something and obey someone. Surely you have read quite a few articles about how to become happy.

And in these articles there were many similarities that a person must change himself, respect all people, exercise, love himself.

But damn it, if everything was so easy, no one would ask - how? what to do? who to contact? where to go?. And as a result, I came to the conclusion that everyone can give advice, but as they say, the one who does not know how teaches. And he himself does not want to become such. Think for a moment about Nick Vuychech and his advice. This person gives you a lot to think about.

Believe that you are happier than others

Remembering the words of Dale Carnegie: the more you feel more cheerful, the more you will be cheerful, and the more you feel happy, the more often you will be happy. So everything is simple, on what wave you will be, you will get this one. This is the secret of happiness, because the most important thing in our human life is love, and love is a feeling, love is like the wind - we do not see it, but we feel it, as well as happiness - we feel it, we feel it. Happiness is a state of mind. But this is the first secret, or rather the principle. Improve yours.

Find a hobby in your life

The second is different, if the first principle is every instant feeling of happiness, feel happy and believe in it. Then the second principle, perhaps more difficult, or maybe easier, and Steve Jobs himself advised him - this is to find your vocation, your favorite work, the work of your whole life. But it starts with a search, but what is the point - happiness and a favorite thing? And here's what - as one book hero said: find out what you really like to do, and give all your strength to this occupation. And I completely agree with him, but there is one catch, in order to find his calling, a person must become courageous and free from their fears.

Get rid of bad habits

Since in order for a person to do what he wants, he must get rid of his usual life. It's hard to accept, but it is. After all, as soon as you fully focus your strength and energy on what you love, abundance will fill your life and everything that you desire will be fulfilled with ease and bliss. People who have found their vocation live by this vocation itself, their time, strength and energy go only to their cause, and there is no fuss in their world. and when you are doing what you love, sooner or later your business will enrich you not only spiritually, but also materially.

This is a fact, there are plenty of examples: J.K. Rowling, Bill Geitz, Steven Spielberg, Steve Jobs, Paul Macartney, etc.

You do not consider yourself weak-willed or weak-willed. You can use every opportunity and try to achieve what you want until you rest your forehead against an already impenetrable wall. Your obsession knows no boundaries or taboos. You, without hesitation, bend the sticks until they either take the desired shape, or do not break. That is, you may well fit into this stereotype of fighting to the end, mostly victorious.

But you do not get more pleasure from what you got the hard way. Sometimes it's even the other way around. When an intermediate and minor goal begins to resemble climbing Mount Everest, it loses its appeal for you. Because it means that you are on the wrong path. When you stumble at every step, you need not get up, rubbing your bruised knees, and trudge on. You need to understand that you turned off at the wrong intersection.

Fight and seek your Happiness

No matter how beautiful the goal may be, achieving it should not poison life. Because there will inevitably be more and more behind it. And as soon as the point that just seemed to be the final one approaches, it instantly turns out to be a staging one. And again you need to climb, endure the bad weather and wait for a bright future. So the whole life turns into a notorious struggle. Because the movement cannot be stopped. Learn.

But you can make this movement a pleasant walk, and not short dashes from trench to trench under heavy fire. It is not necessary to endure hardships in order to later receive manna from heaven. When the process itself is a joy, it already becomes an end, not a means. And there will be no painful disappointment if the result is not the same as he saw in a feverish delirium after the next throw with an anguish. Because right now you are doing what brings joy.

To live and work at the limit of possibilities - it looks beautiful and impressive. A sort of symbol of the century. A man who does not spare himself, cutting his way through the jungle. But his success is no better than the victory of those who walked to the same summit with joy, I enjoy what I have already received.

Proving to the whole world that you can go through any jungle is probably important. But it is even more important to learn to find your niche, and not to bite your teeth into the first one that comes across, in order to demonstrate the strength of the mind to the universe.

That's all, these are the secrets of happiness, now you also know how to live happily and enjoy life:

  • Always be happy, keep this feeling in yourself always, and the like will be attracted to you. Even if you suffer from.
  • Overcome any difficulty.

Find your calling (it can take years, or maybe a couple of minutes, just defeat your fear) and surrender to it and you will become so happy that people around you will become as happy as you are.