Lesson summary “The Four Seasons”. Preparatory group. Summary of the lesson “Seasons” in the preparatory group Outdoor game “Nest”

Lesson topic: Seasons. Change of seasons.


  • To form in students an idea of ​​the changing seasons;
  • Show students that the movement of the Earth around the Sun is the reason for the change of seasons on the planet;
  • Develop observation, attentiveness and research skills in students;
  • Continue to develop your ability to work with a textbook;
  • Instill a caring attitude and love for nature.


  • Tellurium(Sun-Earth-Moon model) - a moving model of the relative position of the Sun, Earth and Moon in various phases of their rotation. Allows you to clearly demonstrate: the change of seasons, day and night, phases of the Moon, solar and lunar eclipses;
  • Illustrations nature at different times of the year
  • Globe;
  • Textbook.


I. Organizational moment.

II. Updating basic knowledge.

Checking homework:

  • Why does day and night change on the planet?
  • What natural phenomena repeat every day?
  • How many times does the Earth rotate per day?
  • Does the length of night and day change in winter?

III. Announcing the topic and main objectives of the lesson.

Choose the only correct conclusion from the following three:

  1. Night comes because the Moon appears in the sky.
  2. The sun revolves around the planets.
  3. Day and night occur because the Earth rotates on its axis and is illuminated differently by the Sun. (The last output is correct.)

Consolidating new information using the question-answer method:

  • What movements of the Earth do you know?
  • (Movement around its axis, movement around the Sun.)
  • What does movement around its axis lead to?
  • (To the change of day and night.)
  • What does the movement of the Earth around the Sun lead to?
  • (We don't know yet.)
  • What do you think the lesson will be about?
  • (We learn what happens on the Earth as it moves around the Sun.)

There are 4 illustrations depicting the seasons on the board. The teacher asks the children riddles.

The water turned into ice
The bear stopped roaring:
A bear hibernated in the forest.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?

I open my buds
In green leaves
I dress the trees
I water the crops.

I am made of heat
I carry the warmth with me
I warm the rivers
“Swim!” - I invite you.

I bring the harvest
I am sowing the fields again,
I send birds to the south,
I strip the trees.

Guessing riddles is accompanied by showing illustrations. Well done guys, today in class we will talk about the seasons and try to answer the question: For what reason do they change?

IV. Learning new material

People have long been interested in knowing why it is warm in summer and cold in winter, why summer days long and the nights short. After time, it became known that the Earth revolves around the Sun and at the same time rotates around its axis, in a circle from right to left (clockwise). This is why the change of day and night, as well as the change of seasons, occurs on Earth (it is recommended to show it visually, using a globe and a flashlight - very effective!).

If we imagine a line from the North Pole to the South Pole, then we will get the foundation on which the Earth actually rests - this is the earth's axis. It is inclined to the plane of the Earth's orbit at an angle and is always directed towards the North Star. Because the position of the Earth's axis is tilted constantly in the same direction, the Sun illuminates the Earth's surface in different ways. A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun occurs in 365 days and 6 hours, and around its axis in 24 hours.

In this regard, there are 4 seasons on Earth. Let's call them (spring, summer, autumn, winter). If in summer the Northern Hemisphere is turned towards the Sun, the rays fall directly, we find ourselves on a well-lit surface of the Earth, respectively, with long days and on a short night. During this period, active growth and reproduction of the plant world begins. And in winter, the Northern Hemisphere, passing through its orbit, turns away from the Sun, the sun's rays lightly touch the Earth, accordingly the day is short and the night is long. There is a calm, nature is sleeping. When the rays of the Sun illuminate the Northern and Southern Hemispheres evenly, autumn and spring begin there.

Another main point is the presence of days when the Sun occupies its highest (lowest) position above the horizon.

  • June 22 - summer solstice;
  • December 22 - day winter solstice;
  • March 22 and September 22 are day equal to night; these are the days of the spring and autumn equinox.

A complete revolution of the Earth around the Sun takes 365 days and 6 hours. We know that there are 4 seasons in a year, each with three months. Name them. Our ancestors had completely different names for the months, try, guess, explaining some of the names (sechen, lute, berezozol, pollen, grass, worm, linen, serpen, veresen, leaf fall, breast, jelly).

Next, it is recommended to carry out practical work using a globe and a flashlight. Children with a teacher look on the globe for the place where they live. Collectively figure out how the earth model should be located at different times of the year, while describing the main distinctive features each season (weather, nature, temperature, animal and human life).

Questions to consolidate information:

  • What movements does our Earth make?
  • How many days does a year last?
  • Explain why there are seasons. Name them.
  • Remember what you know about the movement of the Earth around its axis.
  • What are the seasons?
  • People have long noticed that when the sun rises high in the sky, it is warm on the earth, and when it sinks low, it is cold.
  • Why do the warm seasons (spring, summer) change into cold seasons (autumn, winter)?
  • Why does the Earth receive from the Sun different times year unequal amount of heat and light?
  • When the sun's rays hit directly, the sun is hotter. If the rays of the sun fall on the earth's surface at an angle, then they heat the earth's surface less. This is why the seasons on Earth change. How long does it take for the Earth to revolve around the Sun? What is this time called?

2. Physical education minute

V. Systematization of knowledge

Demonstration of the change of seasons on Earth using tellurium:

  • Children! Look at this device.
  • How many of you know what it's called?
  • (Tellurium)
  • Say the word in chorus.
  • Today you will be able to reveal the secret of why I brought this particular device to this lesson.
  • (The teacher turns on tellurium.)
  • I want to hear your opinions.
  • What are your assumptions?
  • (Model of the Earth and the Sun, -tellurium depicts how the Earth rotates relative to the Sun.)
  • What role will the lamp play?
  • (The lamp plays the role of the Sun.)
  • Let's draw a conclusion. Talk about how the rays fall on your hand.
  • (In the first case, the rays fall directly on the hand, and in other cases the rays fall obliquely.)
  • So why was the hand warmer in the first position?
  • (Because the rays were straight, and the hand was closer to the heat source.)
  • Let's perform the same experiment with a globe - a model of the Earth. The globe has an imaginary axis around which the Earth rotates.
  • Let's follow the rotation of the globe.
  • Where does the Earth’s axis “look”: towards the Sun or away from it?
  • (From the sun).
  • What do you think the sun's rays bring: light, heat, or both?
  • (Both light and warmth.)
  • Let's determine where it is warmer in this position of the Earth: in Africa or in Antarctica.
  • (Africa is warmer.)
  • Let's continue observing the rotation of the globe around the Sun.
  • Does the earth's axis point toward the Sun or away from the Sun?
  • (In the sun.)
  • While our hemisphere is turned towards the Sun, our days are long, the rays are straight, and the season is summer. While our hemisphere is facing away from the Sun, our days are short, the rays are oblique, and the season is winter.
  • How long will it take for the Earth to complete its revolution around the Sun?
  • (In a year.)
  • How long is a year?
  • (12 months).
  • So, what happens as the Earth rotates around the Sun?
  • (Change of seasons.)
  • What is main reason changing seasons?
  • (The tilt of the earth's axis and the movement of the earth around the sun.)
  • Why do days last longer in summer?
  • (The sun rises high above the horizon.)
  • Why is it cold in winter?
  • (The sun is low on the horizon.)

VI. Summarizing

  • How does our Earth move?
  • What is the reason for the seasons?
  • What are the seasons?
  • How many days are there in a year?

There are 4 climate zones on Earth:

  • The equatorial zone is the hottest, where drought occurs in spring and autumn, and high humidity in summer and winter.
  • Tropical zone - hot and dry almost all year round. However, once a year there is a rainy season - the coldest season of the year.
  • Temperate zone - this includes Western Europe and the central part of Russia. In spring and summer it is relatively dry with short-term precipitation; in autumn and winter a huge amount of it falls in the form of rain and snow.
  • The Arctic and Antarctica - in this part the seasons do not change, only the change of day and night occurs, since the weather conditions are the same throughout the year, the temperature is always below zero.

VII. Reinforcing the material covered.

The path in which the Earth revolves around the Sun is called an orbit. The change of seasons is an eternal and unchanging phenomenon of nature. Its cause is the movement of the Earth around the Sun, which lasts 365 days, or a year.

  • Why does the change of day and night occur?
  • Why do the seasons change?
  • When it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere, what season will prevail in the Southern Hemisphere? (winter).
  • If it is spring in the Northern Hemisphere, then in the Southern Hemisphere? (autumn)
  • Where does the Sun shine the same throughout the year? (near the equator)
  • Explain what would happen if the earth's axis was vertical? (seasons would not exist. Because any point on the globe, on the illuminated side, would be equally distant from the Sun. Accordingly, the air would warm up evenly).
  • What climate zone do we live in?

VIII. Solving Natural Problems

  • You washed the blackboard in the classroom. She's wet. Where did the water go?
  • Let's think about whether there is a water cycle in winter.
  • (Students' answers.)
  • Can water evaporate at low temperatures?
  • (No)
  • Why do housewives hang washed laundry outside in winter?
  • (Dry)
  • Is it drying out?
  • This means the water evaporates.
  • In nature, water can pass into a gaseous state not only from liquid, but also from solid: from snow and ice.
  • In winter, in what form does water return to the earth?
  • (In the form of snow).
  • And snow is water. The water cycle is endless!

X. Lesson summary.

Thank the children for the lesson and give grades.

Target. Formation of the concept of the characteristic features of the seasons, introducing children to the months of the year.

Tasks. Specify . Strengthen their knowledge about the months of the year through play activities.

16 children (4 seasons and 12 months) take part in the dramatization. The performers, together with their parents, prepare costumes for this activity.

Props are used: real or homemade leaves and flowers, the image of the sun, made snowflakes, etc.

The hall is decorated with elements of all seasons in the order of their occurrence.

After completing a fragment dedicated to a certain time of year, you can include amateur performances (songs, dances, playing the musical instruments and so on.). In this case play activity can be extended to a holiday event.

In the lesson you can use the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky from the “Seasons” cycle, or other melodies dedicated to the seasons.

All children present in the hall take part in outdoor games.

Spring is red!

Music is playing. Three children enter the hall wearing smart costumes from the spring months. They stand at intervals, hold hands and, moving forward, invite Spring.

Spring Months. Spring is red! Spring is red! Spring is red!

A girl in a Spring costume comes forward and goes around each month in a circle. Then, she returns to the center and stands in front.

Spring. The days have become brighter

Brighter and longer, -

Children, holding hands and raising them up, welcome Spring.

Spring Months. It's spring is red!

Spring. The sun is shining,

And the animals can’t sleep, -

Spring Months. It's spring is red!

Spring. The buds are bursting

Leaves will grow,

Spring Months. It's spring is red!

Spring. The birds are flying in

Nests are made, -

Spring Months. It's spring is red!

Spring. Balls, jump ropes,

Games and counters, -

The months go in a circle around Spring and repeat:

Spring Months. It's spring is red! It's spring is red! It's Spring is red!

Then the Spring Months and Spring pass away, giving way to the teacher.

The teacher asks questions to the children sitting in the hall about the signs and symptoms of spring. They answer.

A choreographic number dedicated to this time of year is performed.

Outdoor game “Nest”

Children sit in a circle, holding hands. This is a nest. There is a Bird sitting inside, which is selected according to the rhyme:

The sun has risen above the earth

And it began to play with rays.

The sun will shine

You will be a bird and fly.

Outside, another Bird (the leader), chosen according to the same counting, “flies” and gives the command: “The Bird flies out!” At the same time, the nest “crumbles”, the first Bird “flies” out of the nest, and with her all the children “fly” like birds. The leader commands: “Into the nest!” The children crouch down again and hold hands, pretending to be a nest. Whoever did not have time to sit down becomes the leader.

Golden Summer

Music is playing. Three children enter the hall dressed in fancy Summer Months costumes. They stand at intervals, hold hands and, moving forward, invite Summer.

Summer Months. Golden Summer! Golden Summer! Golden Summer!

A child comes out wearing a costume representing Summer. He holds a bouquet of wildflowers in his hands. He gives these flowers to the audience. After Leto delivers his lines, acting them out with appropriate movements.niyami.

Summer. Hot weather,

Nature is all in flowers, -

Months hold their hands on their belts and, crouching, turning left and right, they speak their lines.

Summer Months. This summer, golden summer!

Summer. Warm water

Can't sit at home -

Summer Months. This is Summer, golden Summer!

Summer. Butterflies are dancing

Children draw them -

Summer Months. This is Summer, golden Summer!

Summer. We are on our journey

We cook cabbage soup and porridge, -

Summer Months. This is Summer, golden Summer!

Summer. The berries are ripe

People ate deliciously -

Children stand around Summer, walk in a circle, saying the words:

Summer Months. This is Summer, golden Summer! This is Summer, golden Summer! This is Summer, golden Summer!

The teacher asks the children sitting in the hall what they remember about the summer. The children answer.

The teacher asks questions about whether children like warm summer rain, do they like running through puddles? The children answer.

There's a song playing “Rain”- words Zinaida Alexandrova, music. Alexandra Danshova.

A choreographic composition is performed "Summer rain".

Outdoor game “Butterfly and flowers”

All children stand in a circle, they depict Flowers. You can say the names of the colors. According to the first count, a Butterfly is selected:

Summer, sun, flowers,

Play with me.

I'm not joking, my friend.

I'll rise and fly away!

According to the second counting, a Boy with a net is selected who catches a Butterfly:

Today is an interesting day,

I have a wonderful net.

I will walk quietly

To catch a butterfly.

At the command of the driver, the Butterfly runs away from the Boy, chooses any Flower to rest, and stands behind the Flower. Then the Flower turns into a Butterfly and runs away from the Boy with the net. The game ends when the Boy catches the Butterfly.


The teacher, addressing the children, asks the question: “What do you know about autumn?” The children answer.

Music is playing. Three children in costumes of the autumn months and Autumn enter the hall.

September. Summer sleeps in nature,

So it's autumn,

Autumn. It's autumn.

September. Grew up in a small forest

With a mushroom cap, -

Autumn. It's autumn.

October. The rain suddenly started dripping,

I cried for a long, long time -

Autumn. It's autumn.

October. Carved leaves,

They are all colored -

Autumn. It's autumn.

November. The wind blows often

Dancing with leaves -

Autumn. It's autumn.

November. They wave “Goodbye!”

Birds goodbye -

Autumn. It's autumn.

Autumn Months. Harvest Festival

We glorify work

Autumn. It's autumn.

Autumn Months. It's Autumn! It's Autumn! Gold autumn!

Autumn treats its brothers - the Months - with fruits.

A choreographic composition dedicated to autumn is performed.

Outdoor game “Sun and Cloud”

Children join hands and dance in a circle. The teacher tells the children: “In autumn, the sun does not come to visit us every day, be careful! Suddenly a cloud may appear.”

Children walk in a circle, the teacher says the words:

- Again in the morning

The sun rose over the mountain.

It sparkled and then

Every house was illuminated.

Suddenly the command “The cloud is floating, it will rain!” sounds. Children find a place to hide. If parents are present in the hall, they can play the role of “houses” or “umbrellas” where their children hide.

The game is repeated 2-3 times.

The game may have another option. Participants are divided into two teams: “Children” and “Houses”. Each member of the first team remembers their “house”. “Children” gather in their circle, “Houses” - theirs. At the teacher’s command, both circles begin to move.

When the command “The cloud is floating, it will rain!” sounds, the children of the “Houses” circle scatter in different directions. Members of the “Children” team must find their “houses”.


Music is playing. Three children dressed in winter costumes and Winter enter the hall.

There's a song playing “Cautious Snow”— words Vladimir Stepanov, music. Alexandra Danshova.

Performed “Dance of Snowflakes”.

The Month Brothers depict a trio of horses. Colored ribbons (reins) are thrown over their shoulders, which Winter holds in her hands. The ringing of bells is heard. The improvised troika drives in a circle and stops. Winter comes to the center, the brothers stand in one line next to her.

Winter. Nature sleeps in the snow,

The waters freeze -

December. This is Zimushka-winter.

Winter. The sun will set early,

The night will look out the window, -

January. This is Zimushka-winter.

Winter. Snowflakes are spinning -

Tiny pieces of ice -

February. This is Zimushka-winter.

Winter. Animals in warm holes,

Children rush down the hill -

December. This is Zimushka-winter.

Winter. We celebrate the New Year,

We sing songs -

Winter Months. This is Zimushka-winter! This is Zimushka-winter! This is Zimushka-winter!

Outdoor game “Winter fun”

At the command of the presenter “Ski!” children pretend to be skiers. At the command “Skates,” they pretend to be skating. At the command “Sledge” the children become pairs. The child standing in front depicts a sled, and the child standing behind depicts riding on this sled. At the same time, the second child holds the hands of the first, they run after each other. Then the children change places. On the command “Snowballs,” children pretend to play snowballs. At the command “Snowman!” depict the creation of a snowman. Commands may be repeated.

Round dance of the Months

The teacher invites the children to name the signs and signs of all seasons and repeat the order of the onset of 12 months. After this, he invites all the Months children to stand in a round dance. Each Month holds a sign in his hands with his serial number of the month of the year. The rest of the children present in the hall are given cards with numbers from 1 to 12. For a certain number of children, several sets of numbers can be used so that everyone takes part in the game, for example, for 60 children you need to have 5 number sets.

Game “Seasons”

Children dance to the music. As soon as a command for a certain time of the year sounds, the Months of the indicated time, as well as the children who have the numbers of these months on their cards, gather in a circle.

The commands are given by children dressed in costumes of the seasons. For example, the command “Winter!” sounds. December, January, February, as well as children with cards depicting the numbers 1, 2, 12, gather around Winter.

The game is repeated several times. At the end the command “Year!” sounds. A round dance or several round dances are formed depending on the number of participants in the game, each of which represents 12 months. If, for example, 5 sets of numbers were used, then there will be 5 round dances.

At the end of the lesson, you can use festive special effects at the discretion of the organizers.

The presenter thanks everyone for Active participation in the event.

Listopadova G.V., Danshova G.Ya.


  • Learn to use complex sentences in speech, focus on the endings of words when agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender;
  • activate your vocabulary, practice choosing definitions;
  • develop coherent speech and attention;
  • practice direct counting, comparing groups of objects;
  • clarify children's ideas about the characteristic signs of spring: increasing daylight hours, melting snow, swelling of buds, the appearance of flowers, the return of migratory birds;
  • consolidate knowledge about migratory and wintering birds;
  • cultivate communication skills, observation, interest, love of nature, emotional perception;
  • consolidate skills in working with gouache;
  • develop creative thinking and imagination when coming up with a plot for drawing;
  • strengthen the ability to listen to music and understand the nature of a musical work.

Preliminary work:

1) observing the signs of the coming spring in nature;

2) didactic games “Telephone”, “Remember, Name” to consolidate the names of early spring flowers;

3) games and exercises “They fly away - they don’t fly away”, “Who, where and how they winter” (the difference between wintering and migratory birds).

Vocabulary work: consolidate the terms - background, warm and cold colors.

Material: phonogram by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “Seasons” “Snowdrop” (April); phonogram of birdsong; cards with images of flowers, birds; 2 easels; emblems (snowflake, spring thawed patch); “traces” of spring; tinted roll of wallpaper for drawing; gouache; “signets”; brushes; wet rags.

Progress of the lesson:

Children enter the music room. The teacher meets them.

Hello guys! I'm glad to meet you! I really need your help. Look, someone's footprint! But I just don’t understand who left it? Listen. Can't you hear anything?

Who passed by so quietly?

Well, of course, not an elephant,

And, of course, the hippopotamus

I couldn't go through this quietly.

And none of you heard

Like a leaf coming out of a bud,

And you couldn't hear

Like green blades of grass

Taking off my green shoes,

They quietly emerged from the ground.

And the snowdrop quietly came out.

And there is silence everywhere.

This means, this means:

Quietly has come... (Spring).

So that's who left the trace! Guys, let's sit down in the spring meadow.

Children sit around the “clearing”. The soundtrack sounds: birdsong.

Hear: the birds are making noise, singing, fussing.

About what? (About spring, about the sun, about nests)

Spring. What is she like? (Tender, joyful, ringing...)

What kind of miracles happen in the spring, when the sun warms up? (The snow is melting, streams are flowing, birds are flying, flowers are blooming)

What does spring smell like? (Flowers, melted snow)

Guess: it blooms from under the snow and welcomes spring before anyone else? (snowdrop)

What other spring flowers do you know?

The didactic game “Spring Flowers” ​​is being held. The teacher shows illustrations and the children name them. Flowers - cards are laid out in the “clearing”.

What is the name of this flower?

Count how many spring flowers are in the meadow?

How many snowdrops are there in the thawed patch?

There are a lot of snowdrops because they are the very first, early spring flowers.

Children, who brings spring on his wings? (Birds)

What are these birds called? (Migratory)

Why are they called migratory?

What do you call birds that don't fly away? (Wintering)

Physical exercise. Outdoor game “Wintering and migrating”.

Let's play, stand in a circle. If I name a migratory bird, “fly” and “flapping your wings.” If I name wintering birds, squat down and clap your hands.

The children sing: “We follow each other, sing together, and sing merrily. You have to think, don’t yawn, just show it correctly.”

Well done, you know birds well. Sit on the chairs.

All the birds gathered in the clearing and it was impossible to tell where the migratory birds were and where the wintering birds were. Let's separate them. Migratory birds should be placed in one clearing, and wintering birds in another.

There are two easels. On one the emblem is a snowflake, on the other a spring thawed patch. The task is completed by 2-4 children.

While the children are completing the task, I suggest remembering and telling spring signs, proverbs and sayings.

March to February – my little brother is warming his side.

In March there is winter behind and in front.

March sows with snow and warms with sun.

In March, a chicken will drink from a puddle.

In March the frost is creaky, but not stinging.

Well done! Now let’s see how the children completed the task (check the task on the easels).

How many wintering birds are there?

How many flights?

Which birds are there more?

How long?

What needs to be done to ensure that there are as many migratory birds as there are wintering ones? (Children's answers)

Children sit on chairs. The art teacher appears, holding the “trace” of spring in her hands.

Hello guys! Someone passed so quietly, only traces remained. You don't know whose they are? (Spring)

Yes! Spring is a time of amazing changes: nature awakens, everything around becomes light, clean, transparent. Insects appear. Let's play and tell us what insects are? Go out into the clearing.

Physical education minute “Bee”.

Well done boys! Today we will draw a picture about spring. And the colors in which the sun, the stream, and the blue sky are hidden will help us with this... We must free them. Who can be freed from brown paint? (Sparrow, ant) ​​And from the yellow one? (Dandelion), etc. Let’s fantasize, add a little love - and the fairy tale will come to life.

The floor is covered with newspapers. On top of them lies a tinted roll of wallpaper for drawing. Gouache paints are diluted in plates. “Signets” are made from potatoes, there are brushes and wet rags.

Children begin to draw a picture. Everyone works together on one picture (10-12 minutes).

How did we paint our picture? (Children list)

A fragment of a musical work by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “Seasons” - “Snowdrop” (April) is played.

Guys, do you recognize this piece of music?

What is the character of the music?

How does music talk about nature?

Spring quietly enters the hall. Reads a poem.

I, Spring, am red!

I wake the earth from sleep.

Buds swell on the branches,

Leaves bloom silently.

Snow, quickly turn into streams,

Weed ant, get up, get up!

Children, you worked together today, worked well, tried hard. Guys, invite a guest to the exhibition and tell us about your painting.

Spring praises the children and invites them to a round dance with the folk cry “Mother Spring”.

Mother is coming - Spring,

Open the gates

The first of March has come -

Brought all the children

And behind it comes April -

Open the window and door.

And when May came -

Walk as much as you want.

Children go to the group.


  1. Integrated training in kindergarten: Educational and methodological manual\ Comp. And general ed.
  2. G.N. Grishkova. – Omsk: OOIPKRO, 2000.

Methodological advice for the “Childhood” program. – SPb.: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2001.

The correctional and developmental lesson “Seasons” is intended for children 5-6 years old, to develop basic mental processes. This lesson uses active learning methods that stimulate cognitive activity

children, aimed at developing independence, initiative, free realization of the abilities of pupils and their educational needs.

During the correctional lesson, children are offered a change of activities by including playful physical education. An artistic word was used to activate children's attention. Duration of correctional lesson: 25 minutes.
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“Correctional and developmental lesson for preschoolers “Seasons””

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 16 "Little Red Riding Hood" of the city of Novocheboksarsk, Chuvash Republic

summary of correctional and developmental classessubject:


psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children

educational psychologist, Dunaeva N.A.

Novocheboksarsk, 2017

Target: Program content.

systematize children's ideas about the time of year.

Tasks: Educational:

consolidate and clarify ideas about the signs inherent in the seasons; learn to find signs yourself; Expand words knowledge. Educational: develop thinking, attention; memory; ability to compare; develop fine motor skills fingers; develop artistic and;

Creative skills Educational:

cultivate a caring attitude towards nature; cultivate accuracy when performing work.

Lesson duration: 25 minutes

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall to the music. Psychologist

Today is an unusual day,

I want to surprise you.

On a big trip

We'll leave now.

And which one, you will find out from the plot (SLIDE)

What are we going to talk about? How do you think?

(Children's answers. About the seasons).

How many seasons are there? (Children's answers. 4).

What seasons do you know?

Guess what time of year the riddles refer to?

    Snow on the fields

Ice on the waters

Blizzard is walking

When does this happen?

    The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life

Snowdrop blossoms

When does this happen?

    The sun is burning

Linden blossoms,

The rye is ripening

When does this happen?

    I bring the harvest

I send birds to the south

I strip the trees.

But I don’t touch the pines and fir trees

I…….. (Autumn).

Children enter the hall to the music.: Well done, as you said, there are only 4 seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter).

All seasons change in turn, summer is followed by autumn, winter is followed by spring.

a game "Name the neighbors"

Please tell me your neighbors by time of year spring …, winter... those that come before and after the indicated one.

Envelope with letters from the seasons

A game “It happens, it never happens”

Oh, what an unusual letter arrived at email from the seasons. You guys need to be especially careful. Seasons deliberately made mistakes in their writing, when you hear that these signs are not suitable for the season, you should record the mistakes by clapping your hands.


Summer I: sunbathing, swimming, I'm skiing, I play in the sand, making a snowman, I wear shorts, I celebrate women's holiday March 8 I'm picking strawberries in the forest.

In the fall I: I collect fallen leaves, dig up potatoes in the garden, I meet New Year , I go to the forest to pick mushrooms, I hang birdhouses, wear felt boots.

In the spring I: I'm filming warm clothes, I meet migratory birds, swimming in the river, I plant seedlings in the garden, collect snowdrops in the forest, I'm preparing vegetables for the winter.

In winter I: I skate, I ski, sunbathing, clearing the snow from the paths, playing snowballs, skating down the mountain on the ice, I collect berries and mushrooms in the forest, I'm waiting for Santa Claus to visit.

Psychologist: Well done, you were very attentive

The game “What’s missing?”

Children enter the hall to the music.: These are the gifts autumn has brought, what do you think is missing in the second row. Look carefully, think. Items in a row and column should not be repeated. (SLIDE)

(Children's response)

Game "What's extra?"

Children enter the hall to the music.: The seasons have prepared another task for us. Guys, you need to look and determine which one of the four pictures is extra, and why? (Children's answers)

Please look and tell me which of these pictures is the odd one out and why? (SLIDE youngsters skiing)

(Children's answers)

What do you think is unnecessary here (SLIDE boy hanging a bird feeder)

(Children's answers)

Oh, what’s superfluous here (SLIDE man sweeping away leaves)

(Children's answers)

Physical education lesson “Butterfly” .

The psychologist calls the children to him and performs the movements while standing.

The children sit at the tables. Work on individual forms.

Psychologist: Guys, find in the first row the picture most suitable for the time of year “Autumn” and circle it,

In the second - summer

In the third - winter

In the fourth - spring.

Shall we check?

Well done guys.

form « Find and cross out and circle »

Guys, look carefully, these are the gifts autumn has brought us; you need to cross out all the vegetables with one line, circle all the fruits. (SLIDE form « Find it, cross it out and circle it»)

Let's check how many items you crossed out and circled in the first row, name them (Children's answers) in the second, etc.

Form “What does a boy need?”

Please color the objects red, which will be useful for the boy in the summer, and blue, which will be useful in the winter.

Let's check. Right.

Well done.

Psychologist:. Oh, well done, you were very attentive (the psychologist looks at the time). Oh, it's been a long time, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. And so, make yourself comfortable on your chairs, close your eyes (music sounds)

1,2,3, - fly to kindergarten quickly!

Here we are again in our beloved kindergarten. How many interesting and informative things we learned on this unusual journey. Did you enjoy this trip?

Feedback .

Questions for children:

What is the coldest time of the year?

What other seasons do you know?

What natural phenomena occur at this time of year?

What new and interesting things did you learn during the lesson?

Thank you. Goodbye.

Circle the corresponding autumn, summer, winter, spring.

Find it, cross it out and circle it

Summary of the lesson on familiarization with fiction

Topic: Conversation « Seasons ».

Reading a story by V. Dahl« Old manYearling»

Target: Expand and clarify children's knowledge about the seasons.

systematize children's ideas about the time of year.

Clarify children's knowledge about the seasons, the number of months in a year, the seasons;

To provide knowledge about the names of the months of the year in ancient Rome, to develop cognitive interest in the history of human development;

With the help of experience, give knowledge about the movement of the Earth around its axis and around the Sun;

Develop the ability to answer fully, using common sentences, and justify your conclusions;

Cultivate a desire to learn new things.

Corrective work: Continue to consolidate children’s temporal representations, activate the work of intact analyzers, and spatial orientation.

Equipment: Illustrated material, musical accompaniment, globe, sheets of paper, pencils, story text, different types of calendars.


1 h. Introductory game for attention« Arrange your posts» ( with a change in direction).

2 h.Guys, guess the riddle:

Every year they come to visit us:

One gray-haired

another young one,

the third is galloping,

and the fourth is crying (4 seasons).

Calendar display.

- Do you guys know why the year is called round? On the calendar layout (board game« Seasons») turn the arrow« wheels of time»- WINTER, SPRING, SUMMER, AUTUMN... so a year has passed, and so on in a circle, ad infinitum...

Humanity has different shapes countdown. You are already familiar with one of them– This is a clock, by which we know the time of day. What helps us find out the days and months?That's right, calendar (demo different types calendars).

- CalendarThis is a list of days of the year. There are 365 days in a year, that's a lot, look how thick the calendar is. Each leaf is a day of the year, and for convenience, people divided all the days of the year into weeks and months. Who can tell us how many months there are in a year? Name them? What month is it? What time of year does it belong to?

3 h. Didactic game:

Give the children cards on which the month and its serial number are written out of order; the children must correct what is wrong.

4 Part Fizminutka:

Like snow on a hill, snow, (stand on tiptoes, hands up)

And under the hill there is snow, snow, (we crouch)

And there’s snow, snow on the tree, (stand up, arms to the sides)

And under the tree there is snow, snow, (we wrap our arms around ourselves)

And a bear sleeps under the snow (swayed from side to side, arms bent at the elbows, in front of the chest, palms facing away)

Quiet, quiet, don’t make noise (finger to lips, whisper).

5 part a) Exercise« Earth movement» - pencil in right hand Place it on a plane with two fingers and rotate it around at the same time.

Conclusion: - The Earth also rotates around its axis passing through the North and South Poles.

b) showing the rotation of the Earth on the globe.

Conclusion : - It turns out it’s a yearThis is the time it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun.

Experienceexperiment: showing children, using a globe and a table lamp or candle, the cycle of day and night on Earth.

6 Part Gymnastics for the eyes.

Children perform a demonstration exercise.

Right - left, right - left,

Look with your eyes.

Up - down, up - down,

Close and relax.

You close your eyes tightly, tightly,

Blink and rest.

And then start again!

7 h.Guys, would you like to take a trip into the history of the names of the months of the year? Then sit back and listen: - In many countries of the world, the months of the year are called as they were invented in the ancient city of Rome. The Romans first named the months of the year by numbers or numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12..., and then gradually they renamed some months in honor of their gods and heroes.

JANUARY– in honor of the god of time, patron saint of travelers and sailorsJANUS;

FEBRUARY– in honor of a big holidayday of cleansing from sins and bad deedsFEBRUTUS;


APRIL - APRICUS– sun-warmed blossoming;

MAY– named after the Roman general and emperor Julius Caesar;

AUGUST - named after another emperor– Octavian Augustus;

And the remaining months remained named by ordinal numbers.

Did you enjoy the month-by-month journey?

And now I'll read you a fairy tale– a riddle written by V. Dahl more than 100 years ago, and listen to it and try to guess it.

8 part V. Dal« Old Man»

The one-year old man came out. He began to wave his sleeve and let the birds fly. Each bird has its own special name. The old man waved for the first time– and the first three birds flew away. There was a whiff of cold and frost. The old man waved for the second timeand the second troika flew off. The snow began to melt, flowers appeared in the fields. The old man waved for the third timethe third troika flew. It became hot, stuffy, sultry. The men began to reap rye. The old man waved for the fourth timeand three more birds flew. A cold wind blew, frequent rain fell, and fog settled in.

But the birds were not ordinary. Each bird has four wings. Each wing has seven feathers. Each feather also has its own name. One half of the wing is white, the other– black. The bird flaps onceit will become light-light, the other one will wave - it will become dark-dark.

What kind of birds flew out of the old man's sleeve?

What are the four wings of each bird?

What are the seven feathers in each wing?

What does it mean that every feather has one half white and the other half– black?

9 h. Lesson summary:

What new and interesting things did you learn today?

How can you show an experiment with the rotation of the Earth?

From which city did the names of the months come to us?

What else can you tell your friends and parents about?