Frozen Elsa costume for girls pattern. DIY Elsa's New Year's costume ("Frozen"). Snow Lady Elsa Dress

The cartoon "Frozen" broke all Disney records and won the hearts of girls of all ages and everywhere. Therefore, the Elsa costume (“Frozen”) is widely replicated both at the industrial level and by handicrafts. We will talk about beautiful and simple ones in this article.

Disney heroine outfits

First, let's decide what Elsa's costume looks like (Frozen). It should be noted that she has three main outfits:

  • children's with a short skirt and Norwegian patterns (looks good on little girls);
  • the coronation dress is luxurious, slightly heavy and closed, with rich embroidery, complemented by a crown, gloves and a huge cape;
  • Snow Lady's outfit - it is the most common, so let's take a closer look at it.

Analysis of the sorceress's decoration into components

What does Elsa's costume look like in the cartoon (Frozen)? A photo of the outfit is presented below.

Its elements are:

  • A thin translucent shirt that reveals the shoulders.
  • Blue corset with a sweetheart neckline.
  • The skirt is tailored, with a slight flare at the bottom and a slit. Baby suit Elsa often suggests a more curvaceous version of her.
  • Air cape. Please note that it does not cover the shoulders, but actually starts under the arms of the corset.
  • Shoes. Elsa wears elegant shoes made of transparent blue ice with a small heel. A similar form can often be found among “adults” female models and decorate it with blue paint, sparkles, etc. And for little girls, silicone ballet shoes can be an interesting alternative - they are transparent, with sparkles, ornate patterns, and at the same time inexpensive.

How to make an Elsa costume for a girl

An outfit for a little witch can be made even if you do not have sewing skills and have a limited budget.

To create this costume you will need:

  • white t-shirt with long sleeve;
  • blue T-shirt;
  • white leggings (preferably);
  • white organza - 2 m;
  • shiny tape 6 cm wide, transparent white, blue, turquoise - 1 spool each (9 m);
  • wide elastic band - 1 m;
  • sparkles, rhinestones, fabric paint;
  • scissors, needles.

The Elsa costume (“Frozen”) is made almost without sewing like this:

  1. We cut the elastic according to the girl’s waist circumference and sew the ends together. We measure how long the skirt should be to achieve the desired effect. We cut the shiny ribbons into strips twice as long as the resulting measurement, adding 5 cm. Fold the cuts in half and use a simple loop to secure them with an elastic band. Let's alternate different colors until the skirt reaches the desired volume.
  2. We decorate the white tulle: print snowflakes on a printer, cut them out, place them under the fabric of the cape and redraw them. Then you need to either paint them with paints, or put patterns on them with rhinestones, or grease them with glue and sprinkle them with glitter.
  3. Sew the tulle to the back of the T-shirt, gathering it slightly. If desired, the T-shirt can also be decorated with rhinestones or snowflakes.
  4. Let's move on to assembling the costume: put on a T-shirt and leggings, over them - a blue T-shirt and a skirt. And the snow sorceress is ready!

No sewing: other options

Here are a couple more similar costumes:

Elsa costume for the New Year

When not to incarnate into your favorite heroine, if not on festive matinee? But for such a suit it is better to work hard and remember the basics of cutting and sewing.

Here original idea for a little girl (3 years old). In fact, this is not a full-fledged dress, but a decorated apron. Pair it with a simple white turtleneck for a neat holiday outfit. Well, then the baby will be able to put it on any clothes, instantly turning into Elsa. In addition, this is an outfit “to grow into”, the child will be able to use it for a couple of years, unlike a full-fledged dress.

To work you will need:

  • apron child size(you can sew it yourself, according to the girl’s measurements);
  • satin fabric - 0.5 m;
  • fabric with sequins - 0.5 m;
  • blue organza - 2 m;
  • snowflake buttons - 8 pieces;
  • silver ribbon - 0.5 m;
  • silver ribbon with lace pattern - 0.5 m.


  1. We will try to bring the shape of the top of the apron closer to the outlines of Elsa’s corset, so we will make a pattern with a pointed end. Using it, we will cut out identical parts from blue satin and fabric with sequins and pin them together.
  2. We work with the skirt. Gather the organza the way you like using sewing needles.
  3. We assemble the product. Sew on the skirt, then the double top. It is better not to connect the bottom of the “corset” to the skirt so that it does not hinder movement. Finish the edges with a silver ribbon, additionally decorating the neck with a lace strip.
  4. Sew on the snowflakes and the outfit is ready.

Simple and inexpensive

And now we will tell you how to make an Elsa costume (“Frozen”) with minimal costs (both time and material) for older children. Using this principle, you can create beautiful outfits for girls from 3 to 11 years old. The quantities of materials are indicated for a five-year-old child.

You will need:

  • a white long-sleeve T-shirt that fits the child well (not tight, but not loose);
  • shiny blue fabric for the bodice - 0.7 m;
  • shiny transparent organza - 1-1.5 m (depending on the child’s height);
  • blue satin fabric for a skirt - 1 m;
  • elastic band narrow (1 cm) and wide (5 cm) - 1 m each;
  • snowflakes, rhinestones;
  • sewing supplies.

Costume making process

  1. Lay out the T-shirt and measure the blue fabric for the bodice in two layers so that it completely covers the front and extends 2 cm into the back. Fold it right side in and make a side seam.
  2. Measure the thin elastic according to the chest circumference of the T-shirt. In a bodice made of blue fabric, make a drawstring along the top a little more than 1 cm wide. Thread an elastic band into it and sew the ends.
  3. Now take measurements of the child: from the shoulder blades to the floor. This is the length of the cape. Its width in this product is 1.1 m. Measure the appropriate piece of fabric. If it frays, then you need to process the edges. Gather the cape so that it fits the size of the back.
  4. Baste the bodice of blue fabric to the T-shirt, and at the same time lay the top of the cape on the back. Sew, stretching the elastic slightly.
  5. Let's move on to the skirt. Determine its length by measuring the child from the waist to the floor. Since our skirt is voluminous, its width will have to be made a little larger (55 cm). Open out the two pieces, sew them together, don’t forget to trim the bottom edge.
  6. Measure the wide elastic band around your child's waist. Sew the skirt to it, creating folds.
  7. Sew the top and bottom of the dress.
  8. Sew snowflakes, rhinestones and other decorative elements as desired.

And consider another Elsa costume (“Frozen”). The photo looks very impressive. But if you look closely, you will realize that this outfit is made according to the same principle as the previous one. If you manage to find one beautiful fabric with sequins for the bodice and snowflakes for the cape, the result will be impressive.

Don't forget that you are creating not just a craft, but an item of children's clothing. Therefore, it should be comfortable, and the materials should not cause skin irritation. This is a common problem with store-bought Elsa dresses. Therefore, white as a base is not only an attempt to simplify the work, but also a great way to provide comfort to the child. After all, if the suit starts to prick and rub, the pleasure of the holiday will be ruined. In addition, a long sleeve will warm the child better.

A long train is beautiful, but a child can get tangled in it. Take this into account, especially if you are making Elsa's New Year's costume - so that the girl and other children do not trip over the cape during round dances around the Christmas tree.

This story began in the distant magical kingdom of Arendelle, where a little princess could create ice and snow, and continues in our online store Frozen-store. We have collected the best children's dresses and accessories in the style of the cartoon "Frozen".

The main characters of Frozen, sisters Elsa and Anna, were also fashionistas. They appeared on the screen in completely different outfits, which should definitely be in your daughters’ wardrobes. Rhinestone-studded dresses, satin gloves, and sophisticated jewelry will help you create high-quality cosplay of famous princesses.

Why should you buy an Elsa and Anna dress from Frozen?

Firstly, Elsa’s costume will be an excellent option for a New Year’s look, because it successfully combines Frost patterns on the train, the cold blue of the skirt and snow-white shimmering sleeves. You can see Elsa's dress as carnival costume Snowflakes/Snow Maidens or Winters.

Secondly, a Frozen outfit would be appropriate for a child's theme day birth. This cartoon did not leave a single girl without impressions, so if you make a holiday in the style of “Frozen,” you can’t go wrong.

Thirdly, you can wear an Elsa or Anna dress to any costume event, because they look great! Manufacturers used different techniques decorating for bright, dissimilar outfits.

Show our site to your daughter - she will be delighted! And hurry up to order a beautiful child dress, because some models are in particular demand in Moscow and sell out at lightning speed.

For many mothers, finding a costume for a little princess is a real problem. We offer you interesting ideas How to easily and quickly sew an Elsa costume from the cartoon “Frozen”.

The cartoon “Frozen,” despite its “cold” name, has won the heartfelt love of children all over the world.

And girls not only admire his heroes, but would also like to try on the image of the heroine Elsa. Today, many costume balls and events are held for children, so the choice of costume is always very important. Well, if your little one dreams of a dress like Elsa’s, then you have two options:

  1. Try to find such a dress in stores fancy dress, which is quite real. The only thing is that it is difficult to say how much it will cost you.
  2. Sew Elsa's dress with my own hands. I would like to immediately note that the second option may turn out to be “intimidating” only at first glance. In fact, there is nothing difficult about this; you will need a little patience and imagination. Rest assured, this outfit will give your child delight and joy!

Elsa dress

Before you begin, decide which dress will suit you. Let's remember what Elsa wore in the cartoon:

  • a baby outfit with a cute cropped skirt and Norwegian patterns;
  • coronation dress;
  • snow lady dress.

A children's outfit will look great on little ones - it's beautiful and charming.

The coronation dress is pompous and luxurious; it is closed, replete with embroidery, and looks very impressive, but, admittedly, you will have to put a lot of effort into creating it.

And finally, the third option is the snow lady dress. It can be called the most recognizable and relatively simple to implement. Therefore, if you decide to please your daughter and are ready to put in some effort, then this is the best option. And we will help you with some practical and very useful tips.

Snow Lady Elsa Dress

To make it easier to plan the stages of work, let’s look at the components of the outfit element by element:

  • translucent White shirt;
  • corset blue color, the neckline of which is made in the shape of a heart;
  • skirt with a slit and slight expansion towards the bottom;
  • air plume;
  • ice shoes.

You can immediately make a remark that for absolutely young ladies You can make some deviations in the cut of the skirt. This may well be a more fluffy version, similar to the bottom of a ball gown.

As for shoes, here, naturally, you will have to experiment. Older girls may well have a pair of classic-shaped shoes that can easily be decorated with glitter and foil. And for a baby, you can choose ballet shoes made of silicone. The material itself will make them look like ice, and all you have to do is add a little decor. The baby will feel comfortable in them.

How to sew Elsa's dress yourself?

Stage 1:The base can be a thin white T-shirt with long sleeves or 3/4 sleeves. And to create the appearance of a corset, you will need blue fabric from which you will cut the required form(don't forget about the sweetheart neckline) and carefully baste or stitch to the T-shirt. The choice of shiny fabric (satin, silk) will help make the dress as impressive as possible. You will decorate the iridescent blue corset with white or blue sequins.

Stage 2: We will cut the skirt from the same blue material as the corset. We have already mentioned that here you can deviate a little from the image and make it most comfortable for the baby. As for decor, the main thing is not to overdo it. If your corset is completely strewn with sequins, then on the skirt let it be small patterns and images of snowflakes.

Stage 3: The transparent train is intended to become the “highlight” of our outfit. You, of course, can go the simple route - cut it out of white or bluish chiffon (tulle, etc.) and decorate it with snowflakes made from the same sequins or embroidered with silver lurex. But we suggest you try a little, as they say, to be zealous.

So, the base will be white chiffon. You will also need another one like this lightweight fabric, but blue. From it we cut out figured ornaments and sew them evenly onto a white base and then decorate them with sparkling lurex embroidery.

You can be sure that such a train will look simply magical. Another nuance - please note that the train is not attached to the shoulders, but flows, as it were, from the corset.

Cape for a little princess

To make a dress for Elsa exclusive and spectacular, you need to make a cape for it in one of the convenient ways.

Crocheted Elsa cape

  • You need to start with the sleeves: a chain of 15 ch. connects into a ring (if the girl’s fingers are chubby, more loops are needed);
  • a triangle is knitted on the outside of the palm so that the upper part covers the wrist completely;
  • Any pattern is suitable, but it must be light and openwork;
  • it is closed in a ring and a circular pattern is knitted to the desired height (top of the bodice);
  • knit the second sleeve;
  • both are connected with a VP chain equal to the width of the back;
  • from it they begin to knit the fabric of the raincoat, adding loops along the edges.

How to sew Elsa's cape. 2 ways

  1. You need to cut out a raincoat from blue shiny organza. All edges are carefully machined. Then a wide braid is sewn to the top of the raincoat, leaving material for ties on the sides.
  2. A piece of tulle white cut to the length and width of the future raincoat. The edges are carefully processed. The top is stitched with silver braid. The finished cape is decorated with snowflakes. It is attached to the back of the dress.

Well, as you can see, the whole process step by step is not particularly difficult. And by adding a little creativity and imagination, you can make a truly unique costume. All girls want to be the most beautiful princesses. Why not give a real fairy tale to your child?!

And what simple suits do you sew for your children? Please share your comments!

Elsa's dress - photo

Elsa from the cartoon Frozen is the favorite character of many girls. Surely your daughter is delighted with it? If so, you simply must sew an Elsa dress for her with your own hands. After all, the image of Elsa is one of the brightest and most attractive. An elegant dress, drowning in the sparkle of rhinestones, a luxurious shimmering train strewn with snowflakes will make your girl feel like a real snow princess. And it doesn’t matter on the eve of what holiday you decide to sew Elsa’s dress from a cold heart, be it New Year, Halloween or birthday - your girl will be the true queen of the holiday.

How to sew an Elsa dress for a girl with your own hands

Like any product, you should start sewing a dress by choosing and purchasing fabric. I won’t focus too much on this - you will need the main fabric for the dress (as an option satin), for the cape and sleeves with the top some kind of transparent fabric (organza, chiffon, etc.). And some natural material for the lining.

Please note that Elsa’s dress can be made from two types of fabric. Sew the skirt from a uniform fabric, and for the top (corset) choose a more elegant material.

So, let's start looking at options for how to sew Elsa's dress with your own hands. First of all, I suggest you watch the master class with detailed video instructions in 3 parts.

  • 1 m 90 cm blue satin;
  • 2 m 20 cm white organza;
  • 70 cm bleached calico (for lining).

The first part of the video is devoted to cutting the material.

The photo instructions show the main points: we cut the skirt with a train, the top of the dress with a corset.

Looking ahead, I’ll say right away that the author eventually added lacing loops to the back of the corset - this way the dress can be beautifully pulled to fit the figure. Therefore, if you decide to do the same, sew in the eyelets right away so that you don’t have to rip out the corset while working and re-stitch it.

In the second part of the video: we sew a corset and a skirt, cut out the cape, sleeves and shoulders. As a result, all the finished parts can be swept together and tried on.

In general, nothing complicated. Please note that to simplify the work, you can use your daughter’s blouse: cut out the sleeves and the tops of the back and chest, which you connect to the corset.

Third part: sew all the details together and decorate the dress with sequins.

The result is a cute dress for a little girl.

As I mentioned above, the corset on the dress can be sewn from a different fabric. Or you can embellish the existing main one yourself, as shown in the example above, embroider it with sequins or cover it with rhinestones. However, this will take some time. If you want to sew a dress as quickly as possible, but have not found an embroidered fabric that could be used as the main one. Don’t be discouraged, there will probably be transparent embroidered fabric that can be sewn on top of the main plain material on the corset. It will turn out even more original, due to the additional play on the light of the transparent material.

Please note that Elsa's cape was decorated with fabric glitter.

By the way, the bodice does not have to be made in the shape of a heart. You can make a different shape based on a standard pattern. Or even insert the “corset” into an even rectangle (there are similar examples below). After all, you are sewing an Elsa dress for your daughter, so consult with her which option she likes best, and sew it that way.

By the way, the cape does not have to be sewn into the corset. You can attach it with Velcro, buttons, snaps, or sew in a zipper, etc. You can find out more about the options for decorating and attaching the raincoat in ours.

A corset can also be made incredibly beautiful; details are in the same article.

In the cartoon Frozen Elsa, the upper part of the dress is transparent, but you can deviate from this rule and use shiny fabric.

Or just white.

By the way, you can.

If you're afraid to mess with sleeves, here's a sleeveless option.

And in order for the dress to fit better, you can stitch the back with elastic thread.

Simplified versions of the cold heart dress

In fact, you shouldn't be afraid to sew with your own hands. If you are a beginner, for greater confidence, use your daughter’s ready-made item, this way the sleeves will definitely work out and it will be easier for you in general.

The previous option can be diversified by inserting another fabric at the top of the back and chest.

And by the way, lace fabric is perfect for a cape.

Since I promised simplified options, I propose to throw the hassle with sleeves aside. Take your girl’s regular white blouse and sew a “corset” on top of it from transparent fabric. Sew a skirt and combine it with a jacket. The top can be decorated with beads, rhinestones or sequins.

For greater accuracy, you can rip side seams on the jacket and insert a “corset” into them.

Another option: sew a bodice made of beautiful fabric to the front of the jacket with a zigzag.

Or you can leave the jacket alone, just hem a rectangle of fabric, sew on Velcro or a clasp. Complete with a matching skirt and cape it turns out Nice dress Elsa.

In addition, you can sew a kind of sundress with straps.

Don't be afraid to experiment, individuality is great!

You can sew a simple one-piece dress, the main thing is that your baby likes it, and, as you know, it’s not difficult to please a child.

Beautiful Elsa-style dress with a rhinestone cape

Finally, I have in store for you an Elsa dress with an incredible amount of rhinestones.

The first photo shows a very useful “technology”. In order not to stop the sewing process because you are waiting for your child to return from kindergarten or school, you can make a “mannequin” with its dimensions. So we “dress” the child clean garbage bag, cover it with tape in several layers. Next, we make a neat cut on the back (preferably in a zigzag) to remove the “mannequin” from the daughter. After removing the blank from the child, seal the cut. Then we stuff/fill it with paper or bags, don’t be too zealous so as not to distort the dimensions. The main advantage of such a mannequin is that you can stick needles into it and you can sew a dress at any time of the day or night. To check, you can sew a “draft” from cheap fabric.

Of course, if you are sewing a dress for a very little girl, this is probably a waste of time. But if you are sewing a dress for a young fashionista who dreams of a fitted dress, this mannequin can help you.

The finished dress was generously covered with rhinestones. Pay attention to how the rhinestones on the chest are selected - with smooth transition size. Looks good.

This dress came with an incredible cape. Due to the fact that the raincoat is transparent, it is very convenient to paste it over. Just print out the snowflakes, place them under your raincoat and off you go.

The only thing I would change about this gorgeous Elsa dress is the clasp, it looks kind of rough. Perhaps a secret castle would look better.

That's it, our selection of options for how to sew an Elsa dress with your own hands has come to an end. Good luck with your experiments!

As you know, young children love to try on the image of cartoon characters, fairy tales and movies. And the popular cartoon Frozen was no exception. He won the great love of millions of children around the world. And the image of Elsa is now a dream for every young fashionista. Many people, going to matinees or carnivals in kindergartens and schools, tell their mother that their idol is Elsa from Frozen. If your daughter also dreams of an Elsa dress from Frozen, we will tell you how to make your little one’s dream come true, where to get it or how to sew the outfit.

If your daughter is also a fan of this cartoon, then first find out from her which Elsa she likes. Still, there are several of them:

  • Blue dress snow queen with a cape is the most recognizable option.
  • Pompous luxurious coronation dress.
  • Cute outfit with short skirt and patterns.

Where to get the outfit

There are only two options here.

  1. Buy a ready-made Elsa costume from the store.
  2. Sew it yourself. Although you can entrust the sewing to friends or even an atelier (but then it’s cheaper to buy).

If you know how to sew and have a sewing machine at home, you will have no problem making your own Elsa dress from Frozen. A little imagination and patience, and everything will work out!

The outfit consists of a white shirt base, a blue heart-shaped corset, a flaring skirt with a slit, a light airy train with a pattern, and shoes that look like they are made of ice.

To do this you will need:

  • White T-shirt or turtleneck as a base.
  • The fabric for the skirt and corset is blue. Material with a cool shine, sequins or sparkles will look good. You can make a shiny corset and a glossy skirt.
  • Organza for a train-cloak.
  • Wide elastic band.

So, to sew a dress for the snow lady from Frozen, you should first take measurements:

  • Bust girth – designation OG.
  • Back width – designation Shsp.
  • Waist girth – designation OT.
  • The length of the back to the waist is the designation DST.
  • Length of the train – designation – DShL.
  • Skirt length - Oak.

Calculation of required fabric:

  • For the corset you will need – (OG + 10) x (DST + 5)
  • For a skirt, the calculation is (Dub + 5) x (OT+3)
  • For a raincoat-train - (L) x (2.5 - 3Shsp)

  1. Take a jersey T-shirt or turtleneck with long or short sleeves as desired. Lay it out on the table. You can leave the existing neckline and sleeves or trim the required amount of fabric - it is at your discretion. If you cut, the edges need to be processed. It’s more convenient, of course, to immediately choose a suitable white T-shirt.
  2. Cut out the front and back of the corset from the sequin fabric and baste it with threads to the T-shirt.
  3. Sew by machine.
  4. Then sew the side seams of the corset.
  5. The pattern for the skirt can be used - sun, half-sun, bell.
  6. Sew the side seams of the skirt and finish the bottom.
  7. Sew a wide elastic band on top of the skirt so that it becomes slightly pleated.
  8. Pin the top to the skirt, evenly distribute the pleats, baste, then machine stitch. The elastic must be hidden.
  9. The raincoat train for Elsa is sewn from transparent organza, cut to the required length.
  10. You can sew decorative snowflakes and patterns onto the train, or cut out “ice pieces” from self-adhesive paper and glue them to the train.
  11. After this, the train can be sewn to the back of the dress along the edge of the corset.
  12. The bodice of Elsa the Snow Lady's dress can also be decorated with snowflakes and ice flakes.