How to make a garden figure from papier mache. Crafts from Papier Masha: creating a favorite character with your own hands. Video: how to cook a lot of papier-mache

Modern shops and supermarkets are filled with suggestions of funny toys and dolls. Sometimes, yielding to the temptation of a large selection, become a happy owner of a little dog figurine or a dancing girl, which are then cozy comfortable on the bookshelves. But with small statue, it is much easier - it is usually an emotional purchase. I saw, I liked it, bought. And inexpensive, and the soul warms. And what if for the garden suddenly urgently needed a favorite cartoon character, and it is impossible to buy it anywhere? If there is no possibility to get rid of an obsessive idea, then it must be implemented in all sorts of appropriate ways. And today we offer on the example of the figure of a cat see how a dream is embodied in reality. For those who have already matured enough to start playing in dolls again - our instruction for making crafts from homemade papier-mâché.

Mastery crafts from papier-mache do it yourself quickly and easily

With your own hands, among other things, do something and more pleasant, and more useful - participation in the creative process helps to relax and enjoy, and the result is doubly pleased, from the realization that he made his hand to him. The list is simple and everything you need can be bought at the nearest construction store and supermarket.

So, it will take for work:

  • Old newspaper
  • Cardboard
  • Toilet paper (inexpensive, gray)
  • PVA glue (you can buy in a construction store, you can take in stationery, the main thing is that the glue was liquid)
  • Linen oil (at the rate of 3 tablespoons per 500 grams of paper)
  • Tile glue
  • Paper tape
  • Several tanks for the manufacture of putty mass

From the crumpled newspaper forming the ball of the required size. If we embody the idea of \u200b\u200ba garden sculpture, which in size will definitely have to be more than a mini-statuette for the bookshelf, then you can take a small children's ball as a basis so as not to suffer from round form. With the help of sliced \u200b\u200bnewspaper strips and glue, PVA are gaining volume. I don't need to regret the newspaper - dial good layers.

Then, on the muzzle, we plan eyes, nose and cheeks. We glue the newspaper using paper tape.

For the same principle form a torso. From the cardboard, cut out the ears and scotch fully fasten all this to the head.

Separately, we make the arms and legs of the animal (the basis for which the newspaper bands are glued can be made of foil).

In the next step, we need to make a putty mass for Papier Masha. For its manufacture: toilet paper tear into small pieces. The smaller they will be, the stronger the putty (for grinding, you can use a kitchen blender, pre-slightly smoking paper).

In the tank with paper pour water. Watch that dry fragments remain on the surface. We leave for a day so that the paper is thoroughly swell. It can be done in parallel, with a drying figure, so as not to delay the time too much. After 24 hours, the wake-up mass is squeezing well (it is necessary to remove the extra moisture). But the water is pressed not to dry state, and so that the extra liquid does not go to the surface.

In addition, we put the mass in the container and add glue PVA to pour glue it is necessary to portions, mixing every time.

After getting a mixture of the required consistency, we pour linseed oil, which will give a putty needed elasticity and will not give it too much to rear in the process.

The resulting mixture thoroughly process all the details of the cat:

After all parts are dried (so that drying occurred in a natural way, it is desirable not to put them on direct sunlight, but to dry in the shade), they are going together. After that, you can additionally enhance the design with newspaper stripes and dry well again.

On the already dry cat is applied tile glue. It will additionally capture the parts and give the street figure the necessary resistance to moisture, which will have to be by the way during the rain.

After we collected a figure, you need to decide on what color it will be. It is recommended to take acrylic paint to paint - it is quite dense and maybe, in addition to direct destination for painting, serve primer.

Draw details of the face as in the photo:

Final result:

We hope our MK delivered you as much pleasure as we. And the fact that the result of the spent effort will also like you and your loved ones, we do not even doubt.

Video selection on the subject of the article

For example, we present a video selection.

Paper-Masha technique is one of the easiest and most cost ways to create various crafts for the house. The advantage of Papier-Masha is not only the ease of manufacture, not causing difficulties even in children, the great strength of the products, but also a wide range of opportunities for the finishing finish of the crafts - from varnishing to color.

Paper-Masha - how to make stucco figures

In such a technique, you can make small figurines figurines, dolls or rattles. We need:

  • any paper - newspaper, office or toilet,
  • pVA glue,
  • flour,
  • water,
  • bowl,
  • mixer,
  • sieve,
  • primer, which is applied before staining - on latex or water based,
  • brushes,
  • paints - tempera, alkyd, oil or gouache with adding PVA,
  • colorless varnish
  • abrasive tape for grinding.

Cooking a plumber. To do this, mix flour with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, thoroughly stirring, breaking all the lumps, we put the mass into the pan and bring on fire to a boil, continuously stirring. After cooling the hub is ready to use. It is possible to store it in the refrigerator under a polyethylene film.

To create a working mass, finely cut or swear paper. We place it in the container with small portions, pour water, grind the mixer to a homogeneous mass. In the absence of a mixer, the paper is poured with water (hot), we are waiting for about 3 hours, wash your hands. The mixture is fixed through a sieve, removing excess water. Next, add a mixture of PVA and Clays glue to the paper mass, wash until the mass starts to stick to the hands.

We form figures. Each 1-2 layers must be completely dry before applying the following. Dry products need outdoors, as too high temperatures May lead to cracking of figures. After completing the work, we glifting the product, apply primer. After its drying, paint the figure. We complete the processing of the layer of varnish.

Paper-Masha - how to make carnival masks in classical technique

We will need:

  • mask based
  • pVA glue and bow bowl,
  • brush,
  • newspapers, Paper Towels, Toilet or Office Paper,
  • primer and paint,
  • abrasive tape
  • food film.

Cooking paper, cutting or tearing it into small pieces of different sizes. It is convenient to use multiple types of paper to distinguish the layers applied to the base. Then pour glue into the container, we appline it to the mask section, we put the paper, we wash it on top. If the product needs to be separated from the base, then we are tightened with the food film before applying the first layer. We repeat the process until the whole mask is covered with a paper layer, while the next piece of paper should go to the previous one. Next, we apply the desired number of layers.

For alignment of small sections, we crush the toilet paper, we fold it into the tank and pour glue. When the mass completely spacked, we apply the mixture with your hands to the desired sections of the mass. After the process is completed, we leave the mask to dry. If defects are visible on a dried mask, then the process can be repeated.

Separate papier-mache from the foundation. We grind the product with an abrasive ribbon, applied primer. Then you paint the mask in the selected colors.

Paper-Masha - how to make figures of different animals

We need:

  • pVA glue,
  • titan glue
  • plastic shells from chocolate eggs,
  • wire,
  • awl,
  • skewers
  • toilet paper or napkins,
  • sandpaper,
  • brushes,
  • peas,
  • acrylic paints.

We process plastic sandpaper to ensure better clutch with papier-mache. Shell make holes, insert the ships of the legs and neck, we form tails and ears out of the wire. We dress the plastic heads on the workpiece, and fix the titanium glue. We apply in the figurines glue PVA and make 3-4 layers of napkins in classical technique. After drying, add layers in the necessary places, we are dry again.

Then we apply a rich layer of PVA, waiting for drying, repeat the process. Getting staining. Tassel apply a layer acrylic paint Selected color, after drying, we apply the second layer. White acrylic and dry brush are missing every figure, drying. Then we apply the finishing layer using a dry brush and a gold, pearl or pearlescent acrylic. We glue the animals of the eye-peas (they can be pre-painted). Draw pupil.

Paper-Masha - how to make fish piras

We need:

  • pVA glue,
  • newspapers
  • toothpicks
  • thermopystole
  • acrylic paints,
  • brushes,
  • bandage,
  • stones for Aquarium Marbles,
  • threads
  • awl,
  • scissors.

From dry newspapers, we make a drop-shaped blank - the basis for fish, wind it for strength threads, then we look with wet newspapers. After drying the newspapers, we begin to apply the following layers on PVA glue in classical technique. When the workpiece is completely dry, cut out the mouth of the mouth and remove the dry newspapers. We look at the inside of fish orange acrylic.

From the stones we make eyes and lay out two rows of lateral scales, fixing them with an adhesive pistol. Shakes decorated papier-mache. Toothpicks with sewing and adhesive guns make fins and tail. We glue the bandage on them, and after drying the glue - 1-2 layers of napkins. We glue your teeth from the toothpicks, painted with white acrylic. We look at the fish first black, and then - gold acrylic.

Beautifully formed shapes from papier-mahas are converted to a garden plot and complement the flower landscape. They are decorated with mushrooms, fabulous heroes, castles, magic fairy. Any shape is easy to produce from plaster, concrete, plastic containers. Beginner wizards let them try to create various figures from paper and alee, and the following MK will help them in this.


Materials and tools:

  • plastic bottle (1.5 or 2 liters);
  • scotch (Normal or Malar);
  • newspapers;
  • scissors;
  • wire;
  • stacks;
  • putty;
  • acrylic paints;

Prepare a mass for modeling:

  1. Narvit in the cells of the cell from under eggs, toilet paper, napkins.
  2. Pour boiling water and leave for 24 hours and grind the mixer or blender.
  3. Squeeze excess water.
  4. Add Cleaster or PVA glue and knead in a homogeneous mass.

We form the main product.

Wrap the neck of the bottle with newspapers and secure scotch tape (head blank), trim the bottom and cut a bottle in half (along to the middle):

Stripping the bottle of the bottle with paper and slaughter with scotch (it turns out the legs), secure the design with newspapers and tape:

Putting out the framework, to do this, to give the future thoroughly and "dress" into the jacket and cap:

From the wire to form a skeleton for the nose and beard, start applying a mass, special for papier-mache, work with stacks small elements:

Leave for drying, and then handle with putty, paint and coat with varnish:

Garden mushroom

A plastic bottle is a blank with a leg, and the cap is a cap (for example, from under the ice cream or mayonnaise). In the lid, do the hole in which the neck of the bottle will be fixed. Now you can gradually increase the volume first with newspapers, and then created by paper mass:

For the foundation, the framework of wire, a glass or plastic can, and another newspaper or foil, is also used. Any objects that can be wrapped with wet newspaper strips without loss of shape are suitable.

Crow for Garden

For the foundation of the figure, the usual mint of the newspaper will suit. Two lumps (head and torso) are connected with glue or scotch.

From the cardboard, cut the beak and wings. For legs used bamboo sticks and greasy tape. Since the figure does not have a solid foundation, then the crows before painting it is recommended to coat with tiled glue, it will give the waterproof form.

It remains to be applied to paint sculpture, fix on the stand (plate) and paint on your discretion:

Cow for Garden

Bull design collect from plastic glasses and bottles of different volumes. Feet and horns are made using wire, twisted newspaper and scotch. We proceed to the technique of Papier-Masha, look at the figure with newspapers and weighing:

Garden Castle

The castle is created from jars, cardboard cylinders, bottles, plastic vest. Before collecting your architectural masterpiece into a single whole, it is recommended to sketch a sketch of the future castle. Pointed roofs are easily folded from cardboard circles or plastic bottles. Details fasten with scotch and plane with newspapers and weighing:

Fabulous stump

The stump is formed from a glass jar with a lid, a tin voluminous can or from a plastic five-liter bottle. If you use a closed container, then a decorative figure will be a decorative figure, which will decorate the garden, and if you glue the open broad packaging, then there will be a boat for plants. With the help of the modeling, you can "decorate" Prenok mushrooms and moss:

Remember that all street figures are strengthened, as well as protected from mold and fungi. To do this, it is recommended to use step by step at the completion stage:

  • primer for wood with impregnation from mold;
  • putty (helps to remove unevenness, smooth the protrusions) or grouting for tiles;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • colored paints (coloring stage);
  • alkyd varnish (for example, parquet PF-157, 283, 170).

Garden figures are withstanding the 1-2 seasons, depending on the care. For the winter and in the rain period, the craft is recommended to clean up in a dry place.

Home Decor Figures


Surprisingly, with the help of Papier-Masha technique, original tables and chairs are created:

From simple plastic chairs on a metal frame, designer furniture is made. It is enough to remove the plastic lining and wind the frame of the newspapers, and then strengthen the mass for the papier-mache ::

A simple coffee table will be transformed if Pierce Masha is planted, cut out patterns or add extra shelves. The paint is well located on such a basis, so the final chord will be the painting:

Consider that the usual mass of papier-mache is not the most durable material. Therefore, when planning is planning to use furniture on purpose, then make a special recipe.

Detailed mass preparation instructions for furniture creation:

  • toilet paper pour into small pieces;
  • joinery glue in granules dilute on a water bath;
  • mix paper and glue, add gypsum and knead the homogeneous mass;
  • divide "Plasticine" on briquettes of 1 kg and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours;
  • apply with layers of 5-8 mm and give dry;
  • small details are finalized by epoxy glue.

Pet House

Sust a rounded case for the future house and bring it with blankets, pillows or other soft material. When the case takes a volumetric form, wrap the preparation of the food film:

The entrance to the house flies in the process of work. Frame holes Make out of a thick rope, cover it for 1-2 layers of papier-mâché, there will be 12-16 of them:

If desired, the house decorate "horns" or other elements. They are created from cardboard.

After drying the workpiece, pull the insides and take the house from the inside. It remains painting and design:

Interior dolls from papier mache

A small horse is easy to make it easily made from a wire frame wrapped in foil. Elegant legs will also work out of the wire. For the base of animals and dolls, conventional bottles are used. Examples of ready-made jobs in the photo:

There are other ideas of toys and papier-mache models. This is universal and inexpensive material for creating durable sculptures of a variety of shape:

Video: Large and small papier-mache figures

Figures for children's creativity


Prepare for work:

  • a bottle of any volume (depends on the desired height);
  • phaneur or dense cardboard for the base;
  • newspapers;
  • white paper;
  • pVA glue;
  • scissors.

Cut off the neck of the bottle to expand "Gerlo", glit to the base and make a white paper frame frame:

We strengthen the frame with horizontal stripes, we tear on the pieces of the newspaper, wet them in the glue and impose on the frame. Periodically dried by the applied layers, we glue 5-7:

The latter will be made of white paper, we leave for drying:

We draw up a volcano: you can paint it brown and black paint, Draw the grass, glue the twigs at the foot:

The action of the volcano is caused by the reaction of vinegar and soda. To do this, inside, put a teaspoon of soda, and on top of pour the vinegar solution, dishwashes and red paints.


The creation scheme is similar to the execution of the shapes for the garden. For this, a plastic bottle will also be suitable, parts from cardboard are pasted on it. Everything together is punctured by newspapers and strengthened by the lapse:

Video: how to make a paper missile

DIY, made with their own hands, are usually associated with children's creativity. However, now this occupation is dedicated to their free time Many adults, with pleasure creating interesting and original things. It is this trend that we are obliged to resume interest in the old technique of making decor elements in the papier-mache technique.

Crafts made with their own hands, in our consciousness are usually associated with children's creativity

Directions of paper creativity

Initially, dad-mache gifts were available only to aristocrats.

The birth of papier-mâché occurred in France. It happened at the end of the 16th century. Translated from the language of the pioneers, this hobby is translated as "torn paper" or "Hawberry paper". Initially, dolls were made of paper mass mixed with glue. Then tobacker, music boxes and so on. Nowadays there are two directions of technology:

  • crafts made of paper mass mixed with glue and holter (it allows you to sculpt volumetric figureslike test);
  • produced made of paper strips glued to the base (this method is called MAKING).

They are characterized by consideration. In the first case, it is enough to make a lot and, giving it a form, to dry well. And in the second - neatly, layer behind the layer, impose strips of paper based on cardboard, wood or plastic. No matter how much way you choose, you can make dolls, jewelry, caskets, souvenirs, masks, and so on.

It is interesting. A huge rotating globe used by Harry Potter in the film of the same name, was made by one Scottish Paper Masha Master. After the success of films about a wizard boy, the scenery was sold from auction for $ 20,000.

Photo Gallery: Dolls and Figures from Paper Masha

Such a girl can be a relevant gift for the beginning of the school year.

To create color things, it is necessary to gently paint all the details and glue a mustache

Special place in a row of crafts from toilet paper occupy unpainted little things

Original Papier Masha meant the manufacture of dolls

With these cats, you can decorate the shelf in the closet

Such an exercise will dry about 8-10 hours

What paper is used

For Papier Masha it is better to use the cheapest toilet paper.

For papier-mache, you can take any paper. But the most convenient to use:

  • newspapers
  • cardboard,
  • toilet paper.

Here on the manufacture of crafts based on papier-mache from toilet paper and let's stop in detail.

Preparing a lot of papier mache from toilet paper

For volumetric crafts You need a peculiar paper dough, which is easiest to cook from the most useful paper toilet. The convenience of this material is explained by the fact that it turns well in water. Consider several options for making a papier-mache mass.

Cooking the mass for papier-mache you can not at once

First method: Cleeter based on flour or starch

  1. Two rolls of toilet paper tearing into small pieces, pour ½ l hot water and give it to break from 5 to 8 hours.
  2. Cooking a plumber. Fill the saucepan of a suitable volume (2 liters) with water, put on fire, stirring.
  3. In the glass mix cold water with 4 tbsp. l. Starch (or flour), after boiling from the fire removed.
  4. Meanwhile, we bring to the condition a paper mass. We put it on fire, let me boil.
  5. Blender or combine mix up to homogeneity of pieces of paper.
  6. We mix the mass with the leaf and give 20 minutes to stand up so that the mixture thickened. Material for crafts papier-mache is ready.

This amount is enough for 2-3 medium-sized crafts, and sculpt their pleasure, as the dough is supplied elastic, soft. How much will the finished figures be saved? Approximately 3-4 days. If you doubt your patience, then use another recipe.

Second way: we use PVA glue or putty

If you add more glue, then the material will be slightly "rubber". This is convenient when making crafts of rounded shape. This number of papier-mache is enough for 1 medium-sized aril, which will dry in 1-2 days. If you made more finished material, do not be discouraged: it can be folded into the cellophane package and store about 2 weeks in the refrigerator. To work it will be necessary to warm it in the water bath.

We prepare a more thick mass - the third way

To obtain a mass resembling plasticine or clay, add wallpaper glue into the mixture.

Video: how to cook a lot of papier-mache

Master class crafts from papier mache based toilet paper

Before you start, you need to cook everything you need to not be distracted in the process

The manufacture of crafts from paper test does not imply a framework, the creation process resembles a clay or plasticine. With the only difference that the finished thing should be dried. But the most difficult thing is not. The fact is that when apparent lightness, the papier-mache mass is quite difficult to make small details, for example, faces. So difficulty step-by-step instructions It will be determined by this parameter: the presence or absence of small elements.

Lepim Snowman

This is an excellent handicraft for those who are just starting their acquaintance with Paper-Masha technique - few details.


  • Mass Paper-Masha (from 1-2 rolls of toilet paper) prepared based on PVA glue;
  • A couple of small pieces of wool;
  • PVA glue;
  • Skeleton under the kebab;
  • A piece of cardboard;
  • Acrylic paints (white, black, orange, gray, brown);
  • Tassels.


We make souvenir - Babu Yagu

Despite the small size, this handicraft requires certain skills to work with Papier-Masha, as they will have to win the face of the character.


  • Mass Paper-Masha (from 2-3 rolls) based on the wallpaper glue;
  • Pieces of fabric, woolen threads for decoration (Baba Yaga clothing and her hair);
  • PVA glue;
  • Eye beads;
  • Wooden spanning for detail.


Video: Christmas decorations from papier-mache

Working with papier mache from toilet paper does not require any special skills. The main thing is to make the right composition for the modeling and give it to reach the desired condition. In the manufacture of crafts, it is also important to remember that it is not necessary to immediately take for products with a lot of small parts, it is better to start with something easier to adapt to the technology of creating original things in the old Papier-Masha technique.

Want your cottage to have a unique and unique landscape design? Then you will be helped with beautiful garden crafts that can be made with your own hands with minimal costs. - This is one of the most popular techniques that makes the figures of any size from newspapers or toilet paper. Learn with a master class, how to make crafts from papier mache for garden and garden.

Master Class: Garden Figure Cat from Paper Masha

First you need to prepare the following materials:

  • paste;
  • paper or newspaper;
  • scissors and tassels;
  • cardboard;
  • identical plugs from plastic bottles;
  • painting tape;
  • cardboard;
  • putty;
  • scotch;
  • paints;
  • plastic bottles.

To make a cat's head, you need to inflate the balloon and smear it with a cream. After that, bridge the newspaper on small pieces and start folding the ball, missing it with a hub with PVA. Try the layers to impose gradually so that there are no irregularities and the head turned out to be beautiful.

After that, you will need to leave your head for a few days so that it can dry. Balloon It will be possible to pierce and pull out, and then proceed to the further design of the head. To do this, you will need two identical caps from bottles that need to be fixed using a painting tape. It will be your cat's eyes from Papier Masha for a garden and a garden. You will need to make a spout of a large lid or foil.

Now cut out the ears from dense cardboard and secure them on your cat's head. With multiple paper layers, try to give the shape of the cheeks. Do not hurry, because all the details should be good to dry, so that then it was possible to handle them better.

In order to make a cat torso, you will need a basis, for example, a large plastic bottle. You can make a frame from plasticine, and then cover it in a papier-mache technique. When the frame dries, it will be necessary to cut it to separate from plasticine, and then glue.

Couple a head and torso with each other and dear the putty to hide letters on the newspapers. While the cape from papier-mache will dry, start making hands and legs. To do this, you can use newspapers that twist into rolls in several layers.

Recipes Papier Masha from toilet paper

IN lately Needlewomen are used as a material for papier-mache toilet paper. The fact is that even small details can be swallowed from the resulting mixture, so try

  1. Slow two rolls of toilet paper and put in a small container.
  2. After that, fill with water paper until it is completely covered.
  3. Put a saucepan with water and paper on fire and constantly stir.
  4. You must have a homogeneous mass, which then should be thrown into a colander.
  5. Squeeze the paper from the water well and take the weight of the blender to a homogeneous consistency.
  6. Lay out the mass on polyethylene and let it dry for half an hour.
  7. Then you need to pour out a mass for papier-mache into the container and add PVA to it.
  8. Mix the mixture well with the glue and begin to wash the crafts for the garden with your own hands.

We offer several photo ideas Papier Masha from toilet paper.