Bag for the New Year. Gifts for the New Year. Lamp “Snowy City”

On the night from December 31 to January 1, everyone believes in a miracle and prepares to meet it. To bring a fabulous holiday into your home, try to buy Balloons for the New Year. If the weather doesn’t cooperate with fluffy snow, arrange a snowfall in your office, apartment, or banquet hall yourself! Incredible silver snowflakes will float under your ceiling, creating a winter mood. Do you think that Santa Claus doesn’t come to adults? We will dispel this myth! We present from miniatures that are convenient to place on your desktop, to giant ones - for a school hall or a shopping center hall.

Who said you can't give away a whole holiday without decorating the premises for Christmas? Our aerodesign masters will constantly create Christmas and New Year decorations with helium balloons, decorating shop windows and shopping centers. They create decor for restaurants and children's parties at school and kindergarten.

In thematic sections you can choose inflatable compositions, focusing on stylistic and color preferences or budget:

  • large latex spheres with confetti, feathers or made in the form of an animal’s face according to the horoscope;
  • wicker trees, snowmen, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, deer, snowflakes, gifts and other winter characters that amaze with a variety of shades, textures and color combinations;
  • glowing balls are an excellent and safe alternative to candles with different glow modes, which makes this product especially popular;
  • decorations in the form of arches and garlands, chains, columns and racks for decorating the entrance area, stairs administrative buildings, hotels, clubs;
  • fountains and ready-made sets with foil figures and holiday paraphernalia for home or office corporate events.

Immerse yourself in joyful preparations with the whole family by choosing beautiful New Year's balloons in the online store!

It is not known at all when people came up with the idea of ​​exchanging things with the onset of the New Year. But there is evidence that 3000 years ago the Egyptians congratulated each other on this holiday. Fortunately, today it is much easier to buy gifts for the New Year in Moscow than it once was for the Egyptians under Tutankhamun. On this bright and much-awaited holiday, please your loved ones with something truly special and original! Unusual present colleagues or friends you will find here.

Gift ideas for the New Year of the Mouse 2020

The PichShop online store offers you to choose from hundreds of items and order goods with delivery. Perhaps you will find suitable gifts for the New Year 2020 in accordance with the theme corporate party. For example, you were invited to an employee awards ceremony - don’t forget to grab an Oscar statuette to present it to your boss in return. Or do you want to make a pleasant and original gift for the holiday to your significant other, then give a fragrant kit for growing lavender or a soft pillow with an interesting print. What should please you even more is the price new Year gifts 2020, absolutely honest in our online store.

Tips on how to give gifts for the New Year of the Rat

Naturally, for the person you are giving, not only the gift itself is important, but also the form in which you give it. Choose one of the presentation methods that is most suitable for your particular situation. It could be:

  • Filling Santa's sack or stocking hung over the fireplace.
  • A playful guessing game, during which the recipient asks questions about the gift and gradually guesses its properties;
  • A quest with a game map that will lead to a “treasure”, that is, a present you have prepared;
  • Just leave a beautiful package under the Christmas tree. After all, no one canceled the classics!

New Year's bag- a type of New Year's gift for a child.


“Balls, lanterns and flags, and lights on our Christmas tree...” And under the Christmas tree... a New Year's bag, the main attribute winter holiday for a child.

Each of us treasures in our memory the moments of receiving a long-awaited surprise bag. These moments are some of the most vivid childhood experiences. Therefore, we, grown-up children, must, just like our parents and grandparents, preserve this tradition and present the same emotions as a gift to our children.


The first thing that will intrigue your baby and pique his interest is, of course, the packaging. You can take the easy route and buy a pre-packaged New Year's bag. Fortunately, today on store shelves there is a wide range of gifts of various price categories. However, the conveyor belt origin of the bag is devoid of parental sincerity; it excludes taking into account the individual preferences of your baby. Creativity in relation to your own children cannot but bring pleasure, so do not doubt that creating a present yourself is a very exciting and enjoyable activity.

There are an incredible variety of packaging options. This can be a box (cardboard, metal, wood, plastic), a bag (rag, paper), a toy (which can include all edible and other components) and so on. Creative packaging will reflect your attitude, reveal your imagination and create a festive atmosphere.

“Stuffing” of a New Year's bag

What should you put inside? The answer to the question is not difficult. Most of the New Year's bag is, of course, edible. These are sweets (confectionery - chocolates, sweets, cookies, marmalade, marshmallows, chocolate figures, lollipops, sponge cakes, soufflés, marshmallows, etc.) and fruits (tangerines, apples, kiwis, bananas, pears or something exotic, but not contraindicated). You can diversify the “delicious” composition of the gift with a toy that your baby has been dreaming of for so long (puzzles, molded mass, ball, coloring book, book, construction set, car, doll...), or a symbol of the coming New Year. There is no point in going into this aspect in more detail. Here your imagination and financial capabilities will help you.

How to give

The ability to give gifts is a real art. The child very sensitively picks up your emotional mood, your sincerity. And, as you know, gifts should be given only in a good mood and nothing else. So try to abstract yourself from the harsh realities (if any are present in your life) and immerse yourself completely in the atmosphere of the most fabulous, magical holiday.

The best option it will be if you from the very early childhood instill in your child a belief in Santa Claus. Fairy tales have a surprisingly powerful effect on the psychological development of children. By telling stories we improve inner world the child, his imagination and imagination, which, accordingly, affects his creative potential. The story about Santa Claus teaches a child to believe in miracles, which in adult life is called “optimism.”

If you deprive a child of a fairy tale about Santa Claus, this will hit the child’s self-esteem, because “all the children in kindergarten receive gifts from him, but I don’t...” Tell that Santa Claus is a kind wizard who brings gifts to good children. This will be a kind of psychological tool, with the help of which you can explain with a clear example what is “good” and what is “bad”. The child will try to behave well, of course, not throughout the year, but at least on the eve of the New Year holiday. You can organize an “unexpected” meeting with Santa Claus on the street, during a walk, or invite the wizard to your home. It is not recommended for mothers, fathers and other relatives to dress up as New Year's grandfather, as the child will definitely expose you and disappointments cannot be avoided.

Parents who adhere to the position in which the child is raised in conditions of “truth” (excluding castles in the air) can give their child a gift in game form. For example, hide a bag and give children hints in a poetic or prosaic form on how to find it.

The New Year, like New Year's gifts, will not leave any child indifferent, regardless of his age. In order to make your baby the happiest, it is not necessary to give him the “best” expensive gifts. Otherwise, the baby will quickly get used to being paid off, he will understand that he can’t expect anything from you besides gifts, and his behavior will become more and more demanding every day. A sensitive, non-superficial attitude is the main thing for a little person. Help children understand an important truth: the most valuable gift is the one made with love. Approach your choice responsibly and thoughtfully, this will help you fulfill the wishes of your children.


  • How do you give gifts to children on New Year's Eve? , social network for parents "Country of Mothers"

New Year is a favorite childhood holiday. And a gorgeous Christmas tree with huge glass balls, shimmering garland and dazzlingly shiny tinsel has nothing to do with it. During the times of a happy, carefree childhood, we were absolutely delighted with New Year's gifts. Just remember these huge rustling bags of candies or sometimes melted chocolate Santa Clauses, wrapped in colorful foil, and from year to year we certainly received shaped cookies in a paper wrapper as gifts. What a joy it was to open such a gift, inhale the mixture of sugary smells and start sorting through all sorts of goodies, putting aside tasteless caramels, choosing big candies with a mysterious filling and while looking at all this happiness, thoughtfully chew marmalade.

We have all grown up a long time ago, but we still continue to love sweets. New Year is traditionally considered family holiday, and even if you are not meeting him with his family, then certainly with close people whom you want to surprise and please. And we are used to surprising and delighting with the help of gifts. A gift made by your own hands will be very original and simply incredibly pleasant. Of course, it may be some cute souvenir that will be sighed over and sent to gather dust on a shelf, but we suggest giving a tasty gift that can really make an impression and be remembered. However, before you give a delicious gift, you need to take care of its design. So, let's start compiling and decorating original gifts.

A homemade gift sounds great, but all these are not just words, so arm yourself with sweet dough, a rolling pin and other culinary tools. Cookies are invariably present in all gifts. But which one? The kind that you can buy by going to the first grocery store you come across. This option is absolutely not suitable for us. So, we buy shortbread dough, or, if we know how, we make it ourselves, add raisins, nuts or cinnamon if desired, take out the molds and cut out beautiful cookies. While the cookies are browning in the oven, prepare the icing from powdered sugar and simple syrup; if you want the cookies to be bright, add a little food coloring to the icing. Make a bag out of baking paper, and while the icing is still hot, pour it into this bag, cut off a corner to make a hole no larger than 1-2 mm and draw snowflakes on the cookies or paint them with any winter patterns to your taste. Once the cookies have cooled, wrap them in clear wrapping paper and tie with brightly colored lace or ribbon.

Surely among your family and friends there will be many lovers of cakes and marzipan. To make the cakes, you will need tartlets, which you can buy in grocery supermarkets, as well as marzipan, which you can also buy or try to make yourself. Place your favorite cream in the tartlet - protein cream, boiled condensed milk, whipped cream or butter. Using cookie cutters or a stencil made from cardboard or paper, cut out marzipan stars, snowflakes or any other shapes and cover the tart with them. You will get an original delicious cake. From the remains of marzipan you can make a symbol of the New Year - a hare - and decorate a cake with it or give it to someone as a separate gift.

A gift made from sweets will look very solemn self made. It’s easy to make such sweets, from 150 grams of dried apples, 150 grams of walnuts, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, juice of half a lemon, pine nuts, cinnamon and dark chocolate powder or chocolate powder. Chop the dried apples and walnuts, mix them, add lemon juice, honey and cinnamon and mix well. Roll the resulting mass into balls, not forgetting to put several grains of pine nuts in them. Roll each ball in dark chocolate powder or chocolate powder. You will get very tasty and healthy candies. Now it is important to pack them correctly. Select a small box of light brown or beige color, cut out a square from baking paper equal to the length of the side of the box multiplied by 2.5. Place the paper in the box, place the candies on it, cover with the paper and close the box with a lid. Bandage the gift wide ribbon deep chocolate color.

If the main thing in a gift is brightness and fun, then the next idea is for you. More and more often, so-called marshmallow sticks and small multi-colored marshmallows are being sold in grocery stores, especially in children's departments. You can use the emerging innovations as New Year's gifts. Buy some marshmallow sticks and some colored marshmallows. Cut the sticks into pieces 3-4 cm long. From bright wrapping paper make several bags, decorate them with bright ribbons, braid and beads. Fill the bags with marshmallows and present your gift. The phrase “bag of candy” has long become common, and such a visual representation simply cannot go unnoticed.

Continuing the theme of bright sweets, it’s worth mentioning marmalade. Marmalade is perhaps the most colorful and varied sweet product. A marmalade gift depends entirely on your imagination and the recipient’s sense of humor. On store shelves you will find the most ordinary shaped marmalade in sugar, gummy bears, cars, all kinds of marmalade rings, citrus slices and berries. Take everything that your keen eye falls on. Also, to form a gift you will need completely transparent jars. Just pour the marmalade you like into the jar and close it tightly. The gift can be decorated with a ribbon tied around the lid, or a label made of paper and attached to the jar, on which you can write a few kind words.

Let's move from sweet gifts to tasty and healthy gifts. For example, to nuts. Before giving such a gift, you need to find out if the person to whom this gift is intended has allergies. If not, then we begin to create a present. Include shelled walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews and any other nuts in the nut bag. You can diversify and decorate this mixture with dried anise and a few cinnamon sticks. For those with a sweet tooth, you can cook nuts in sugar; for this you will need 2 tbsp. butter, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 tbsp. water, 1/4 tsp. ground cumin, 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp. salt. Fry the nuts in a dry frying pan, then remove them, melt the butter in the frying pan and add all the specified spices, cook the mixture for about 1 minute, then add the nuts, mix with the glaze and wait until the glaze turns golden. This nut mix looks great in leather or fabric bags, the main thing is that everything should be completely natural.

Perhaps the most useful and most sweet gift- this is natural honey. But getting it in winter is not so easy. The fact is that natural honey, if it has not been heated and diluted with sugar syrup, at this time is already hopelessly candied, and you will have to bend more than one spoon trying to pick out a tasty gift close relative. However, you can buy honey in a beautiful jar or try heating your own a little in a water bath. Just as in the case of marmalade, you will need a beautiful transparent jar, as well as natural decorations in the form of anise and cinnamon sticks. Place the honey in a jar, stick a couple of cinnamon sticks into it, and put anise on top. The result will be an original, tasty, fragrant and very useful gift, which will come in handy during such a cold season.

If only everything were so simple with delicious gifts! But there will definitely be someone for whom sweets are not allowed, or someone who is on a diet and is not going to stop it at any cost. But you can also please such people with goodies. A wide variety of fruits are useful for this - oranges, tangerines, apples, pomelo, grapefruits, pears and in general anything your heart desires. But the presented package of apples does not look much like a gift, so even here you will have to make an effort to decorate it. It's best if you can find a small basket and decorate it with a wide ribbon. You will also have to tie each fruit with ribbons, and decorate the citrus fruits with clove seeds. So fragrant, tasty and useful gift Even the most picky people will be delighted.

Over the many years we spent with our family and friends, we were given a lot of things, and every year we tirelessly continue to look for new ideas and invent something like that, while delicious gifts remain recognized classics. But even classics allow you to look for new tastes, shapes and methods of decoration, while remaining a universal gift that absolutely everyone likes. Experiment, get new ideas, and let your gift become the most unusual and memorable!

Liana Raimanova

Adult children are looking forward to the New Year holidays. They begin to prepare for the New Year tree long in advance. They decorate the apartments, think about the guest list and choose gifts. New Year is not complete without sweets. Every child looks forward to the New Year's package as a special miracle, and although the sweets there are the most ordinary, they still have a special taste. Often adults do not think about the internal contents of the gift, and New Year's gift bags for children are selected only taking into account appearance. Actually myself The composition of a children's New Year's bag is no less important. Therefore, when choosing a sweet present, you need to take everything into account.

How to choose packaging?

Packaging for sweets must meet certain conditions, namely:

  • be durable;
  • do not allow moisture to pass through;
  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • closes well;
  • be light in weight.

All bags for wrapping gifts for the New Year can be divided into three types: plastic, cellophane, paper. Each type has its own characteristics.

Polyethylene packaging

Packaging plastic bag for candy it should have a New Year's design: a Christmas tree, animals and other New Year's characters.

Try rubbing the bag between your fingers. The paint should not remain on your hands. Children who are addicted to sweets will get dirty and chemicals will enter their bodies.

The package should not have the smell of paint or other foreign odors. Polyethylene must be intact, all its seams must be strong and not come apart. Check the handles: they need to be strong, otherwise the child will not bring the gift home, all his sweets will fall out. It’s good if the gift is bandaged, then it is protected from moisture and foreign debris getting inside.

Polyethylene New Year's packaging

Paper bag

A paper bag for New Year's gifts is less durable, but it is the most environmentally friendly packaging. It will not harm the environment, unlike polyethylene. Thanks to the special composition, the bag does not allow moisture to pass through, but it conducts air well, which allows the fruit in the bag not to spoil. It should also be tested for toxicity. High-quality packaging will not stain your hands and will not have a strong odor. Paper packaging for a New Year's gift considered the most popular in the world.

Paper bag for New Year's gifts

Plastic bag

Transparent cellophane gift bag. The child can easily see what is inside. In addition, cellophane breaks easily. If it is painted, check that it does not stain your hands and does not have a chemical smell. Cellophane protects food well from moisture, but it does not allow air to pass through. If fruits or sweets are stored in it for a long time, they may spoil. In terms of environmental safety, it is inferior to polyethylene.

Bag for New Year's gifts made of cellophane

Based on all that has been said, It is preferable to choose paper packaging. They are also made in the form of boxes, caskets, chests - so the child will receive not only candy, but also a beautiful toy.

How to choose the contents of the New Year's package?

Traders are always happy about the New Year holidays: they last a long time, and they manage to sell all the stale goods. Often, New Year's gifts for children include everything that has not been sold during the year. Thus, the gift includes even something that should not be there.

What may be included in the set?

Of course, first of all this chocolate. All children love him. The bars can be made from milk or dark chocolate. Candies with waffle and jelly filling are allowed. Maybe chocolate halva, marshmallows and marshmallows. Iris is present only in circulation. Among flour products, waffles, cookies, and biscuits are allowed.

Contents of New Year's bags for children

What should not be included in the kit?

The set should not contain sweets with fondant filling or fondant body; the presence of caramel and lollipops is not allowed. Viscous toffee should also not be present in the package.

Colored dragees (Skittles, for example) and confectionery products with hazardous ingredients (coffee, alcohol, spices, apricot kernels, dyes, sweeteners) are not allowed.

Read the gift label carefully. The product should not be expired or contain anything that should not be there.

Many manufacturers put the date of collection of the package instead of the expiration date of the package. It turns out that all the products are suitable for consumption, but the candies inside have long expired.

To avoid falling into such a trap, you can assemble the package yourself. Then you will know for sure that your child will not eat anything spoiled or not recommended.

There is no guarantee that the child will not receive a gift on new year holidays unusable bag of sweets. To prevent this, carefully examine the contents of the gift. Explain to your child why some sweets had to be removed.

Limit your consumption of sweets. You cannot eat the entire contents of the package at one time. The permissible amount of sweets per day should not exceed 50 g.

New Year's holidays bring many cases of poisoning or severe consequences allergies in children. Choose the right New Year's gifts or collect them yourself, then the New Year will be without health consequences!

October 29, 2018, 10:00