If pregnant sick with a windmill can be infected. Windmill during pregnancy. Heavy consequences of childhood disease. Fetal syndrome in the windmill manifest itself

For viral infections, the influence of the pathogen on the human immune system is very characteristic. Depending on the state of the body's protective forces at the time of infection, a different course of the disease is possible. From easy to very heavy. There are also a certain category of people for whom the windmill disease will have serious consequences.

The herpes virus relating to the third type of this family is very dangerous for old people and pregnant girls. For the first - in view of the strong ageal reduction of immunity, and for the second, the threat of the formation of pathologies of the fetus.

For the woman itself, the windmill during pregnancy in the early deadlies does not bear any features, and will flow like from other adults. But with the defeat of the cells of the developing body of the future child, and for his health, in the future, the emergence of various consequences.

Herpes Various Zoster refers to very contagious microorganisms. And if a person falls into the lesion focus, it has almost 100% a chance to get sick with a windmill. Of course, if he has not suffered an infection in childhood.

Since many doctors of the old school and some parents hold recommendations on hard quarantine during outbreaks of morbidity in children's gardens, then some children remain without naturally developed immunity. And when they become adults, the virus affects them quite differently.

Therefore, today you can meet women of childbearing age that do not have antibodies to herpes. That is why when making accounting for Akuster, a mandatory analysis is carried out for the presence of these agents in the body. For unprotected girls in the early pregnancy, caution must be required when contacting the surrounding people the following reasons:

  • infection occurs in crowded rooms (clinics, schools, kindergartens);
  • the pathogen is transmitted by airborne droplets;
  • after communicating with a person who is sick-haired by depriving;
  • vaccination during pregnancy is impossible.

If you suspect that they faced the source of the windmill, it should be not delayed to make a laboratory blood test. It is relevant at any time of pregnancy, but in the early time it is especially important to know about infection. In any case, remember that the windmill is not an indication for interrupting pregnancy.

Not always girls (on early or late time) Meet the wind inspiration. Approximately seven of 1000 people. But at the first signs viral infection We need to urgently consult a doctor. Consider in what cases herpes virus can have a negative impact on the development of the fetus.

The first trimester - from the first twentieth week the initial formation of tissues and systems of the future organism occurs. At this time, the fruit is not yet protected by the placenta, as it also did not completely develop. Therefore, the child is susceptible to the unhindered influence of Herpes Zoster's causative agents.

If the infection occurred in the early terms, before the occurrence of 12 weeks, then there is a high probability of formation of serious violations of internal systems of a small person.

  • filling the life of the fetus;
  • destruction of cells of the central nervous system and brain;
  • termination of the growth of the limbs;
  • natural miscarriage.

The most important thing is the consequences of such an infection can be traced only after time - with ultrasound in the second trimester of pregnancy. After finding the pathologies incompatible with the life, the specialist decides on the interruption of pregnancy, not even in the early deadlines.

Among all the victims of women in the period up to the 8th week of pregnancy, they receive complications only in 0.4% of cases. But between the second and third month the number of women in which the development of fetal defects reaches 2%. But even in such circumstances, if the child survived, then further complications will not be 0.1% in all women from the number of persecuted.

The threat of serious damage to the herpes virus occurs during the very weakened immune response. When the mother after infection does not have time to produce antibodies, and the child has no opportunity to get protection. This period comes two days before delivery and continues within 5 days after them. With a timely discovery of windmill symptoms in a pregnant woman in late terms, doctors can extend the resolution for several days to enable its immune system to create protection.

With windmill, which takes place at the very end of the baby tooling, according to statistics, 20-25% of kids receive complications. These can be various changes in the tissues of internal organs, as well as a strong damage to the surface of the skin. As a result, deep scars and scars remain on the child's body.

If the windmill is found in the early period of pregnancy

The windmill in the early deadlines requires a clear understanding of the health of the baby, so additional examination and tests will be appointed for the mother. They also include preliminary definition of pathologies from the fetus.

Among specific analyzes are carried out:

  • determination of hgh markers;
  • blood survey on PAPP-A;
  • biopsy of chorion;
  • studies of cordo-beer and amniocente materials.

Due to the low percentage of heavy complications, when the chickenpox is infected while having a child, which can only occur during certain periods, the disease in a woman proceeds in the usual form.

The female organism during the waiting period is characterized by special susceptibility to various diseases. Any health problems may have negative consequences for future momand her long-awaited kid. Thus, an ordinary windmill during pregnancy can provoke the development of intrauterine fetus deformations or even premature birth in the early periods (miscarriage). How to protect yourself from such a misfortune and how dangerously the simplest children's disease for a woman in an interesting position?

Characteristic signs

The windshield is a disease, which, first of all, is striking young children. As a rule, the kids calmly carry unpleasant illness, quickly relax and produce constant immunity, which remains for life (with rare exceptions). The characteristic symptoms of the disease can be attributed:

  • moderately elevated body temperature (from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees);
  • itching preceding the skin rashes;
  • general ailment (apathy, weakness, desire to sleep, and not awake);
  • rash, with time covered with a crust.

The virus is transmitted from a person to a person (regardless of age) by air-droplet, even at a fairly significant distance. Unfortunately, adults are quite often the windmill, with significant complications.

The disease in the first trimester

So, why is the windmill during pregnancy? First of all, it is worth noting that the disease has a detrimental effect on the fruit is not always - quite a few percent of cases when a woman is safely tolerates a parable, without harm to her yet born child. However, if the sickness of the flooring at the very beginning or at the end of the kid to wear the period, it can be dangerous.

To begin with, let's talk about what difficulties at the initial stage provokes a windmill during pregnancy. 1 trimester is characterized by the bookmark of all vital organs of the child, so the effect of the virus can be destructive. The most sad consequences of the submitted illness include:

  • fetal death;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • defeat the central nervous system and the development of neurological diseases;
  • hyperplasia of fetal limbs;
  • vision problems;
  • defects of skin.

Most of the unpleasant consequences of the disease can be definitely with the twentieth of the child's development in the womb by passing the UzI procedure ( ultrasound procedure). In case of detection of severe pathologies, a gynecologist can recommend to interrupt pregnancy. It should be known that adequate treatment started on time is able to significantly reduce possible risks and avoid the most unpleasant consequences.

Disease in the second trimester

The windmill during pregnancy is most easily transferred in the second trimester. The thing is that the baby has already reliably protect the placenta, which means the risk of infection is negligible. Future infection can occur in about one case from a hundred, and if it happens, the consequences may be as follows:

  • pulmonary diseases;
  • scars on the skin;
  • impairment;
  • dysfunction of the urethra.

At this stage, the virus no longer provokes the fetal death and does not lead to spontaneous childbirth.

The disease in the third trimester

What is still dangerous windmill during pregnancy? 3 trimester (up to 36 weeks) is also a very quiet period - the risk of negative consequences at this time is minimal. However, the last month is very dangerous, since the virus can easily hit the child. According to statistics, approximately each second kid is infected in this case, and each fifth is born with congenital windmill. The infant organism is seriously tolerated by a parable, as a result of which such complications such as pneumonia and other respiratory diseases may develop.

Preventive measures

Windmill during pregnancy - the state is unpleasant and dangerous, do not feel fate and try to prevent infection. For this, it is mandatory at the point of planning the kid to pass the relevant research. You will need to pass the blood test and identify the presence of antibodies to the virus. Such procedures should be done if you have not transferred diseases in childhood. In the absence of antibodies, it is necessary to put the vaccination, but only three months after it proceed to active actions by conception. Additional examination It will not be superfluous for women and in the event that you have already had a windmill - despite the immunity there are cases of re-infection. This is explained by the virus mutation or a significant decrease in the immunity of a woman in the position.

How not to infect the virus in the absence of vaccination?

Recall once again that the windmill during pregnancy is transmitted by air-droplet. You will be enough to stand next to an infected person to pick up the virus. You can minimize the risks by refusing to visit places with a large cluster of the people. Additionally, it should be remembered that small children (preferential kindergarten age) are the main nerve carriers. The windmill has another feature that is known not to everyone. You should avoid contacts not only with people, patients with this disease, but also those who suffer from a shearing linguing - for both ailments one causative agent.

Pregnancy and chickenpox

It often happens that, the second baby, young mothers, do not evaluate all possible risks. What to do in the event that your elder child brought this ailment from kindergarten, and you did not hurt the windmill in childhood and did not care for vaccination?

First of all, try to strengthen your immunity and eliminate additional risk factors. Among them bad habits and lack of regular sleep. Be sure to spend more time on fresh air, airing the apartment and cut close contacts with the child as much as possible - instruct your parents or husband care.

Form the right diet, add a maximum of vegetables and fruits to it. Exclude stressful situations day Son. And regular rest. To strengthen the body, do special exercise For future mothers. Such measures will help to increase immunity and easier to transfer the disease in the case of infection.


Windmill during pregnancy is treated with rather standard methods. Strong heat is recommended to be shot down with the help of allowed antipyretic drugs, for example, using the Paracetamol medication. All other appointments are aimed at removing symptoms. So, rash is recommended to be treated with ordinary green, and formation in the field of genital organs or oral cavity - with the help of special oral antiseptics. Try to limit the water procedures as much as possible, watch the water does not get on rash. In the case of painful itch, try to dissolve the validol tablet in the water and handle the rash.

The windmill in the early periods of pregnancy can be relocated using the drug "Acyclovir", but after the twentieth week to take this tool is not recommended.

Remember that any treatment should be sanctioned by a gynecologist. Do not attempt to cope with the problem yourself - it can lead to serious complications.

Sickness and breastfeeding

Now you know about what the windmill is dangerous during pregnancy. 1 trimester and the end of the toddler expectation - periods when you should take care of yourself. After the birth of the baby, the current of the viral disease in the mother passes the same as most adults. However, the child is breastfeeding It can easily pick up the virus. Be sure to consult your doctor about the methods of prevention to exclude it. With any symptoms of the disease at the kid immediately, please contact the pediatrician doctor.

Pair of words finally

These are the dangers of a windmill tait during pregnancy. The consequences of the disease are quite serious - not so much for the mother as for the future kid. Serious malformations, deformities and pathology, miscarriage and death of the fetus - all this can be avoided. Take away seriously to your health and life of your child. Surveys and vaccination are able to prevent many problems in the future. Be healthy!

The windmill during pregnancy occurs if the woman in childhood did not overcome this disease. Immunity in the period of tooling the child weakens, and the probability of infected with herpes virus is increasing several times. Next, consider whether the windmill is dangerous for pregnant women, whether there is a risk for the fetus, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

Windmill during pregnancy flows typically. However, with a low immuniching of the future mother, the disease can be in severe and accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. After the incubation period, pink bubbles appear on the skin. Initially, their number varies from 2 to 5, then they spread over the surface of the entire body in a few hours, including the face, belly, head of the head and even mucous membranes.
  2. Rash on the skin is accompanied by a strong itch.
  3. Since its own immunity begins to fight herpes virus, the temperature rises, sometimes very high (above 38 degrees). This condition is dangerous not only for the mother, but also for the child.
  4. Among common symptoms, the appetite loss is released.

The clinical picture of the windmill is rather bright, so when contacting the doctor, doubts rarely arise in the diagnosis.

What threatens the windmill pregnant

The windmill in pregnant women proceeds the same way as other people who have become infected in adulthood. But since the immune defense during this period weakens, the risk of complications increases several times.

The danger is that the virus Viocel Zoster, which causes a wind oil, even after treatment, does not leave the body, and in the hidden form it remains in the blood and nerve fibers. Therefore, even after some time there are complications such as a shelling herpes, encephalitis, pneumonia.

The windmill is dangerous for pregnant women also because the cordially vascular system is also threatened, as herpes affects it. The virus strain affects the bone system and can contribute to the development of arthritis.

What is dangerous windmill for the fetus

If pregnant will get sick with a windmill, the degree of danger to the child depends on the period of pregnancy.

The most high risks in the first and third trimester.

The state of the fetus and the placenta is still unstable, so the threat of miscarriage is very large in this period. Also in the first months of navigation there is a formation of all vital organs and systems, therefore their deformation can occur, the child will be born with various deviations, sometimes even incompatible with life.

In the second trimester, the risks for the baby are minimal, in the womb of the mother, it is protected by an formed placenta. At this stage, after the 20th week, it is advisable to make a fence of cord blood in a child and an accumulative fluid to determine chromosomal and other anomalies.

In the late period of pregnancy and immediately before childbirth, the windmill is most dangerous for the child, since infection can occur when passing through generic paths. The virus penetrates through the placenta, and the baby appears on the light with congenital wind inspi. The disease must be cured before childbirth.

Despite the fact that the windmill in a pregnant woman can be transmitted to the future child through the placenta and affect its development, this condition does not turn out to be an absolute medical testimony for abortion.

Treatment during pregnancy

If the pregnant woman got sick, treatment is carried out according to the general scheme, only using drugs, non-contapapined when having tooling the child.

To suppress herpes virus, acyclovir is taken according to a scheme prescribed by a gynecologist. The drug is allowed pregnant, is not harmful to the fetus. For the removal of itching, preparations are prescribed, for example, suprastin, zyrtek, diazoline, etc.

External processing of bubbles is carried out by antiseptics. This will help protect yourself from infection with bacteria. Suitable green, Fuccin (its analogue, only pink colour), Miramistin, Kalamin. To maintain immunity and faster suppression of the virus, a specific immunoglobulin is introduced pregnant.

As for general recommendations when infected with a wind inspiration, the future mother needs to provide bed regime, often change clothes for sleep and bed linen. With walks on the street you need to postpone completely recovery, but it is necessary to often air the room in which the patient is located.

It is possible to wash in the active stages of the disease, but you should not rub the skin with a rigid washcloth. After the shower, it is mandatory to handle rashes by antiseptics.

Windmill and Pregnancy: Prevention

If a woman knows that in childhood she did not have a windmill, she should take action even before conception. To do this, you need to vaccinate from this disease. Vaccination gives one hundred percent result. If in the past, the vaccination was already done, then at the stage of pregnancy planning it is necessary to be reused.

During pregnancy, the vaccine is contraindicated.

If there was contact with the patient

If pregnant in contact with an infected windmill, the likelihood that the virus will be transmitted to it almost one hundred percent. For this, you do not even need close communication, it is possible to get a few meters away at a distance, since the windmill virus is very "volatile".

In this case, the emergency injection of immunoglobulin will help. It does not guarantee that the infection does not happen at all, but will reduce the risk of complications for the future mother and her child.

The windmill is also terrible and the fact that a woman may not even know what is in contact with a sick person, because there is a contaghea in the stage of incubation, even before the appearance of the first symptoms. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is advisable to avoid the massacre of people.

If the family has infected

In that situation, when a elder child or a husband is already sick in the family, a pregnant woman is almost impossible to protect themselves from infection. However, you can act as follows to avoid unpleasant consequences:

  1. Immunoglobulin injection.
  2. Take other immunomodulators.
  3. Do not use overall dishes and other household items.
  4. Try to provide a patient a separate room.

Windmill during pregnancy is a dangerous state. More disease affects the child than on the mother. The presence of complications depends on how timely and comprehensive treatment was undertaken.

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Wind Maypan or simply windmill diagnose most often in childhood. As a rule, the kids disease occurs quickly, and complications are observed very rarely. But the adults are not afraid of adults, and the older the person is sick, the more difficult the course of the disease. The windmill during pregnancy is quite a rare phenomenon, since most of the women suffered a disease in childhood.

The causative agent of the disease is the grain virus of the third type. Infection occurs either by air-droplet, or through a liquid, which is filled with blistering characteristic. A person becomes contagious even until the appearance of rashes, as well as within a few days after recovery. Therefore, a woman can get infected, even herself is not suspecting about it. During the period of the child, the immunities of women are significantly weakened, which creates especially favorable conditions For the development of infection.

Symptomatics of the disease

Windmill in pregnant women proceeds in normal mode. The incubation period can take from 10 to 20 days and only after this period may appear the first signs. These include:

  • headache;
  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • lack of appetite;
  • significant body temperature increase.

Then, about 2 to 3 days on the body, characteristic blisters appear, which fills the transparent liquid. Initially, there are separate bubbles, which every day becomes more and more. In general, the education of new rash continues from 2 to 7 days.

Since in the period of the child tooling the child's immune system running in a different mode than usual, the windshop of the future mothers flows either in the middle or in severe. Symptoms of the disease appear more brightly. The disease is accompanied by temperature, strong intoxication, and, consequently, intense headache. At the same time, there is a formation of abundant rash. Much more often there are atypical forms of infection.

30% of cases of all diseases in pregnant women receive such a complication as herpetic pneumonia. At the same time, the occurrence of the risk of developing severe respiratory failure depends on the gestational period: the more the term of pregnancy, the higher the probability.


A pregnant woman relatively relates to his health, since the health of the future kid and its development depends precisely from the well-being Mom. The greatest danger in this period is viral diseases, since they are capable of causing the greatest harm. And chickenpox is one of them. If you look at the statistics, the windmill in pregnant women are not too often.

1 trimester

It is perfect that in pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, any infection is dangerous. And the windmill is no exception, since the first twelve weeks are the period of bookmarking organs and tissues of the future child. The placenta is not yet formed, and therefore cannot protect the fetus from infection. Infection occurs quite rarely. But if the child develops a intrauterine windmill, then without consequences it almost never costs. This may threaten the death of the fetus, spontaneous miscarriage of either by grave deformities of organs and tissues, which were affected. There may also be a damage to the central nervous system, organs of vision and underdevelopment of the legs and hands of the child. As a rule, all the consequences of intrauterine infection become known only after the ultrasound of the second trimester. If inspection reveals heavy deformities incompatible with life, the pregnancy will be interrupted.

Infecting with a chickenpox virus in the first trimester does not increase the risk of frozen pregnancy or natural miscarriage.

2 trimester

If the woman fell ill with windmill on this period, then you should not worry. The placenta to the beginning of the second trimester is already fully formed and perfectly protects the baby. Infection is almost completely excluded, even if the disease in a woman proceeds in severe form.

3 trimester

The disease occurring in the late periods of gestation is very dangerous, but this is only if the woman has become infected after 36 weeks of pregnancy. And the danger increases as the birth time approaches.

The fact is that the body of a woman does not have time to form immunity to the disease and the baby can become infected both before childbirth and during the passage through the generic paths and already in the first days of life. In this case, the child is formed a congenital windmill, which proceeds very difficult. At the same time, not only leather and mucous membranes are affected, but also internal organs with the central nervous system.

Is the windmill dangerous for pregnant women? The question that worries many women. Danger is not the disease itself, but its consequences. A particularly unfavorable outcome may be observed if the woman fell ill at the end of the third trimester, i.e. Directly a few days before delivery. The mother's body does not have time to produce antibodies that can stop the development of the disease and thereby protect the child.

If the disease manifested itself 4 days before delivery, then on average, the intrauterine windmill receive from 10 to 20% of all kids. Do not survive from 20 to 30% of all children. If the rashes appeared more than 5 days ago, the child can also be infected, but the course of the disease passes in a slight form, or asymptomatic.

In any case, passive immunization is prescribed to the child. It reduces the risk of developing the disease by only 40%, but guaranteed helps to avoid fatal outcome.

The answer to the exciting issue will sound as follows: the level of danger and for future mothers, and its baby depends on the severity of the disease and the gestational period on which infection occurred.

Treatment of windmills during pregnancy

If contact with a sick person took place, and the woman had the first rashes, then, first of all, it is necessary to urgently visit the district gynecologist observing the course of pregnancy. When prescribing treatment, the doctor takes into account the term of pregnancy. If the disease occurs in a normal form and is not complicated by secondary infections, then specific treatment is not assigned. Bubbles need to be treated with green. The windmill is accompanied by a strong itching, to remove which can be medicated by drugs. One of them is a Kalasna lotion, which greatly removes this symptom.

No matter how difficult it was, but it is necessary to refrain from combing rashes, as they turn into small open wounds. And this is an open way for the development of secondary skin infections. That is why it is so important to pay enough attention to the processing of all without excluding blistering.

If the windmill infection occurred in terms exceeding 20 weeks, the injection of immunoglobulin is prescribed a pregnant woman. Such treatment will be appointed and in the event that the disease manifested itself before childbirth.

After comparing all risks, the doctor may assign acyclovir adoption, which not only fights the virus, but also significantly reduces the sharpness of symptoms. The treatment in this case is much faster, but only if the drug has begun within 24 hours after the appearance of the first rash.

In the treatment of chickenpox, the infection of which occurred after the twentieth gestational week, the acyclovir to the appointment is contraindicated. There is a huge risk of harm yet born baby.

If signs of the windmill appeared a few days before the alleged childbirth, the doctors artificially delay the appearance of a child to light. It greatly reduces the risk of infection of the baby. After the birth of the baby, a special immunoglobulin is prescribed, containing antibodies to wind pump.

Preventive measures

In order to fully protect your baby, women still at the pregnancy planning stage must be analyzed for the presence of antibodies. No need to forget that pregnancy is not the period when it is worth making vaccinations. In addition, the reception of most medicinal preparations Also banned. Therefore, it is best to progress in advance. The doctor may recommend to start taking an immunoglobulin, which will significantly increase the body's resistance.

If for any reason to do this failed, then you should exclude visits to kindergartens and places where the disease can spread very quickly. These are hospitals, schools. Ideally, it is worth a communication with other people's children to a minimum, as a child can serve as a source of infection. After all, the windmill is already at the incubation stage.

If there was a dubious situation and contact with a sick person is confirmed, then it is necessary to make an immunoglobulin injection. But this measure will help to avoid infection, only if the medicine fell into the body during the first 4 days after contact.

Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods in the life of any woman. However, for many this time it becomes not only pleasantly exciting, but also very restless, because, being pregnant, you can not hurt.

This "mission" can actually become impracticable if you have older children who visit kindergarten or school, which means there is always a risk of bringing home some virus home.

Since the immunity of a woman during pregnancy is significantly reduced, so it becomes very vulnerable and susceptible to the negative impact of literally any viruses and infections. But for the baby inside you even "light" diseases can be dangerous.

For example, an ordinary chickenpox, which almost everyone moves away in childhood, is able to seriously threaten your pregnancy, as well as the health and life of the child.

The chickenpox or, as they are called in the people, the windmill - the disease is infectious, and the virus that causes it is one of the types (III), therefore, even after recovery, it will remain in your body forever.

For the first time, the disease was described by the doctor and Anatus of the city of Minds (visor), who lived and worked in Italy in the middle of the XVI century. But the name "VARICELLA" was presented to her by the German doctor O. Fogel (1772), thereby dividing and distinguishing the wind Emission of Natural ("Variola").

At the end of the XIXVEK there was a whole epidemic, and the windmill began to be considered a separate nosological form. The causative agent of the virus was identified by the Brazilian doctor E. Aragaa in 1911: the scientist discovered that the elementary virus calves was visited in the contents (later they were called Aragao Tales). And the virus itself is allocated from them only in the 40s of the XX century.

The windmill is considered predominantly childhood disease, since more than 90% of people are overcome by it in early age (from six months to seven years) and get immunity for life (the virus is blocked, but not destroyed).

However, viruses can both mutate, and with a serious decrease in immunity (acclimatization, postoperative state, transplantation of organs, HIV infections, etc.) doctors note that it is possible not only to re-infection with wind inspiration, but also complications in the form of a loose-hazing.

By itself, the DPE virus itself is quite unstable, as it cannot be long outside the body: for ten minutes, the virus may die if it is subjected to ultraviolet radiation, heating or exposure to sunlight.

The person is simply a unique one hundred perceivers to the virus. As a rule, the patient becomes contagious after the day (20-24 hours) before the rash began to appear, and it ceases to be so only when it takes five days from the moment of the last appearance of the rashes and their tightening with the crust.

How and why is infected?

Many people do not remember what diseases they hurt in childhood. If you are planning a pregnancy, the doctor will definitely direct you to analyze, which will show if you have antibodies to the windmill or not.

In the event of a negative result, the specialist may recommend you to make vaccination (according to statistics, one of the ten women do not have antibodies to the disease).

The main way that will help avoid infection is the elimination of contacts with ill people or those who were in their surroundings. However, very often the woman may not suspect that it is in contact with the potential media of the virus. Infection occurs:

  • the main percentage is the transfer of disease by air-droplet (, sneezing, conversation, etc.);
  • you can also become infected with contact with the skin of the patient (through liquid in bubbles of rash);
  • there are cases and intrauterine infection of the child.

A man in adulthood transfers the disease is much more complicated than in childhood.

Sometimes the windmill may be accompanied by serious complications (bacterial infections of lungs and pneumonia, impaired coordination of movements, brain inflammation and heart muscle, kidneys, joints, organs of vision, etc.).

Is the windmill dangerous during pregnancy: the consequences of the infectious disease?

The chickenpox during the child tooling can occur in its usual form, but there is a high likelihood of risk and a certain threat to the fetus. Immunity Women decreases very much, and this is an excellent factor for the emergence and development of infection.

If the primary infection with the virus during pregnancy occurs, the possibility of negative consequences and their degree will depend on many details: the state of the health of women, the flow and nature of pregnancy and, of course, the term.

First trimester: What should be afraid of early?

The first weeks of pregnancy - the time when the kid is especially vulnerable. Initially, the fruit is not yet protected by the placenta, it is just beginning to be laid and formed the main organs and systems, therefore any disease, as well as medicines that are used to combat it, are destructive for the baby.

Windshore OPE in the early deadlines can lead:

  • to fetal death and spontaneous miscarriage;
  • to the defeat of the central nervous system (atrophies of the cortex of the brain, mental retardation), underdevelopment or hypoplasia of the fathershalt limbs (handles and legs), organs of vision and hearing (cataract, microftralmia);
  • to various deformities (scars on the skin);
  • to problems with the bladder and intestines;
  • to the height delay, convulsive syndromes;
  • to other physical and mental deviations.

Doctors argue that the most undesirable and tragic consequences of the virus can be a fading of pregnancy or miscarriage, and the risk of pathologies of the child early time It is only 0.4-1%, since the windmill is still not. However, such a chance exists, and it is impossible to forget about it.

Second trimester: the threat is preserved

When making a mother in the third trimester in terms of 14 to 20 weeks, the danger for the baby is somewhat increasing - up to 2-5% of the likelihood of pathologies, deformities or developmental anomalies. According to medical statistics, the child is likely to be born with a congenital windshield syndrome with all its consequences:

  • sections of scarring of the skin;
  • gipoplasia bones and muscles of limbs;
  • eye lesions;
  • congenital pneumonia;
  • neurological disorders up to mental retardation.

If you have gotten a windmill, the doctor will necessarily watch and evaluate the condition of the bones of the limbs and the skull on the ultrasound procedure to eliminate the development of any pathological situations.

Third trimester: In the later dates, the main thing is to protect yourself before childbirth

In later terms (after 20 weeks), the danger of the virus for the child comes from almost no, but at the end of pregnancy she again manifests itself with an even greater threat.

Critical time for infection is considered to be the last 4-5 days before childbirth and almost a week - after them: the kid is probably infected with intrauterine or will be infected with the virus during the appearance of the light. And the fact is that a sufficient number of antibodies to combat the infection of Kroch still receive from Mom did not have time.

In newborns, as well as children, age up to three months, the windmill can proceed very hard, causing a lot of complications and various damage to the brain or internal organs. There are cases and mortality of newborns.

How does the disease manifest?

Symptoms of infection during pregnancy are no different from ordinary symptoms.

The main sign of the windmill is always skin rashes that are similar to small bubbles filled with liquid.

The first symptoms of the sick man discovers on 21 days after infection, since the incubation period of the virus is 10-20 days (however, some signs of illness can be felt before).

Doctors argue that with age, a person is harder to transfers the flow of infection, and it is manifested by more pronounced symptoms.

Other signs that you have become infected may be:

  • sharp deterioration of well-being;
  • weakness, lethargy, fast fatigue;
  • worsening appetite, some even;
  • strong headaches;
  • pain in the joints and muscles ,;
  • fever.

Rales are often very abundant. First, large pink stains appear (diameter up to 4 mm), and then after a couple of hours they turn into papulas, and they are already in vesicles (bubble filled with liquid).

After a few days, the bubbles will begin to push, forming dark crusts that should disappear by themselves (do not scratch them!) After a couple of weeks.

In some cases, severe complications are possible, as well as the development of atypical forms of the disease.

  1. If you have a rash, chest pain and difficulty breathing, urgently contact medical help. Most likely, these are manifestations of hemorrhagic infection.
  2. Sometimes there is a gangrenous form, which leads to the fact that the body of a sick person is covered with huge ulcers, which are formed after the dry gangrene (along with ordinary rashes).
  3. In the case of generalized form of illness, rash is manifested at all internal organs, and the overall condition of the patient deteriorates sharply.

If herpetic pneumonia is added, doctors do not exclude the possibilities of fatal outcome when the assistance has become untouvented.

Basic diagnostic methods

The doctor rarely have to doubt the diagnosis, because rash and other concomitant symptoms are very characteristic. However, when drawing up medical history, he will try to figure out:

  • could you contact by anyone who was sick with a windmill (if so, then who these people);
  • how long did contact lasted;
  • in what state is your immunity, as well as the immunity of your closest relatives;
  • does the disease be accompanied by additional complications.

Also, a completely different character of the rash will be hazing depriving or some bites.

If the doctor needs to get reliable confirmation of the diagnosis, it can direct you to special laboratory research:

  • to detect tissue antigens, paired blood serum will be subjected to serological studies;
  • to detect the virus itself, RTHA is made;
  • to detect whether there are active antibodies against the pathogen, it will take RSK;
  • skin rash (its elements) can be explored under a light microscope using silvering reagents.

The doctor will also advise you additional analyzes. They will help make sure that your child has not suffered from infection.

The emergence of the windmill in itself is not a reason for interrupting pregnancy, but it is better to know that everything is in order and calm down.

What to treat?

If there are no heavy complications or atypical forms of infection, then the woman does not hospitalize, allowing it to be treated at home.

The doctor will decide on the basis of your individual case, the period of pregnancy and other factors.

The main treatment will be in the processing of rashes with solutions: diamond greenery (green). Alternatively, you can use rims with Kalasin Lotion to remove a heavy itching and prevent combination of ulcers. This will help to avoid the occurrence and distribution of other bacterial infections.

A good contagon and healing means is the inexpensive suspension "Tsindol".

The drug is well drying ulcers and promotes rapid healing. After its use, scars on the skin does not remain.

During the disease, it is impossible to overheat (overlooked), swim, rub the affected skin. It will be good if you go to the milk-plant food before recovery, which would be easily assimilated, was full and contained an increased amount of vitamins and proteins.

If you have become infected after 20 weeks, the doctor may advise you to injection of a specific immunoglobulin to reduce all possible risks.

If you have a severe form of the disease, then, most likely, you will appoint antiviral treatment with acyclovir.

If the infection occurred almost before childbirth, the doctors will try to pull them out at least for several days. Immunoglobulin will be introduced to you and the baby after the appearance of the light. Further experts will already look at the situation, what a course of treatment is to appoint and how to act.

Possible prevention measures: what to do not get sick?

During the period of pregnancy, it is necessary to pass all required analyzesTo find out if you have antibodies to the virus. If not, then you should pass vaccination for the prevention of the disease.

The doctor may appoint you a reception of special polyvitamins and immunoglobulins to strengthen your immunity and body resistance.

General prevention measures are reduced to healthy image Life, full and balanced nutrition, compliance with ordinary hygienic standards, etc.

Also during pregnancy Try to avoid:

  • places with great accumulation of people;
  • children's institutions and close communication with children;
  • people who have suspicious rashes or cold symptoms;
  • if your elder child fell ill, try to isolate it (send to my grandmother, move to another room). Doctors advise to lubricate the nose with oxoline ointment and do not touch the skin of the sick. If the child has not yet sick, make a vaccination and him.

The windmill is not so dangerous as it may seem, but it does not mean at all that the disease should be ignored. If you failed to protect yourself during pregnancy, do not panic, but simply take all the necessary measures in a timely manner. So you can prevent the occurrence of dangerous consequences and save your baby.