Money magic: how to attract money using wealth symbols

Is it possible to consciously choose for yourself the best life? Why not become the very creator of his fate? We will not touch the happiness, hope and love in this article. It is better to write about rituals to attract money. And how to choose the right characters - amulets that will help attract abundance, financial prosperity and good luck into the house.

Of course, we will talk about the harmless "household magic", which does not imply trade in the immortal soul. On the other hand, this most ordinary "household magic" is not worth considering nonsense and joke. With money do not joke.

Ordinary miracle

People who have achieved success know: Good luck depends on the right goal, confident steps towards it. It is necessary to make a hot desire and energetic actions for the incarnation of a dream. People often do not believe in miracles, magic and folk signs, and believing their own strength. But at the same time, they still knock on the tree three times, sit down on the track, wish each other "Neither the Pooh" before the responsible business, look in the mirror, if it was necessary to return, in the cabin of the car there are wubble souvenirs, wear a non-discrevious coin in the wallet and It is not even thought that all this is ancient and proven magic rituals and effective symbols.

And about the monetary rituals of skeptics will be said: Well, as a ritual with a candle and a cereal can affect the increase in the salary of the employee of the budget sector or the success of a financial contract? We explain to doubters: the ritual is not a recipe for increasing the salary from next Monday and not a panacea for Tuneev. This is the psychological transformation of intent in the incentive. According to psychologists, such rituals are effective psychotraining: so we visualize our desires. It has been proven that if a person focuses on some kind of process or phenomenon, it gives energy to this process or phenomenon, thereby attracting the desired event in his life. Thus, we give the team to our subconscious, which is seeking internal resources to achieve the goal.

And if you even believe in miracles a little, you know that no one has canceled the power of magic either. Magic is supernutrition, super-violence, designation of intention, giving an additional directional subtle energy to its aspiration - and therefore much more efficiently simple psychotraining. There is a theory that it is in an incorrect or disrespectful attitude towards this energy and the reason for lack of money lies. If you have no money for a long time, it means that you are in a conflict with fine money. Money like girls: they need to love, they need to be careful for them, they need to respect them and take them to them.

Symbols of wealth

The most popular symbol of wealth, which can be seen in many houses and offices, three-way toad with a coin in the mouth - a symbol of a large monetary success. Coin in the mouth symbolizes gold. In accordance with the Chinese philosophy Feng Shui, the statuette is put in the left far corner of the desktop or in the southeast sector of each room. The toad should sit back to the door, as if he had just jumped into the room. Choosing a three-way toad for the house, should not save, since the figurine should be big and look expensive - after all, it personifies wealth and is considered one of the most effective talismans for the wealth sector.

The monetary tree and its artificial analogue also include popular monetary symbols for the wealth sector. By the way, that the tree serve you faithfully, it is not enough to immediately arrange it on the windowsill. Replacing it in a comfortable ceramic pot, put on the bottom of eight coins of the same dignity. Having planted a plant, you need a conspiracy three times: "You grow, and in richness to bloom. Such is my will. " Watering the plant follows once a week, strictly on that day of the week when it was planted and repeated this plot.

Prognostability to the house is brought and violet. For the best effect, it is necessary to put on the desktop, and under the pot of putting three Chinese coins tied with a red ribbon.

The heather twig is also considered a strong cash faith that can concentrate in large quantities of material energy. In order for money in your wallet, you always have been wanted (you can in the form of a collage), and decorate the wall in the office. In a collage, in combination with heather, you can use any items that personify the energy of money - coins, green paper, bills.

Another option is to launch green velvet paper into the photo frame, put the heather sprig on it. In the bottom of the collage, add three coins of different dignity. Press the glass tightly. Now it's not just a picture, but a money charm. In addition to heather, mint, green tea, jasmine flowers, patchouli, spicy carnation, nutmeg, dill seeds, cinnamon are working on the energy of monetary good luck. Effective cash talisman is considered a bag of green mint tea in a red wallet.

Before proceeding with the magical ritual to attract money, remember the simple rule. It is necessary to start any ritual, determining the current phase of the moon. In the period from the new moon to the full moon (i.e., on a growing moon), we attract the desired to themselves (money, good luck and success). From the full moon to New Moon - on the contrary, repel (obstacles on your way, bad luck, get rid of uncertainty and low self-esteem).

Ritual "Golden Money Spell"

You will need a deep bowl or pot to put next to the door. Within 7 days at the same time, put in a coin pot. Putting the first coin into a bowl, tell me: "Teach, money, sparkle, wish me rich." Putting the rest of the coins, say: "Money-money, you are my strength, do not leave, do not leave me in a difficult hour." A week later, let's get, let no one bothers you. . Suppose the pot with money on the table, put a circle out of the coins. In the center of the circle, put a green candle and a small cup with salt. Look at the flame of the candle, without breaking down, and imagine that there is live money from coins in the flame. Forget about debts, taxes and other financial troubles. Use all your limitless fantasy by presenting yourself rich and happy. Sit so and labelish about your happy future, fullness and abundance. Leave the candle to get to go. In the morning, it is thrown away, and fold the coins back to the pot. This ritual can be carried out only once.

Ritual for attracting money and well-being in business

In the center of the table, put and burn a candle of red or green (these colors are attracting money). Clearly formulate your desire, your goal. Write it on paper - so thought is clearly designated. Now it is necessary to create a bright mental image of his desire, "see" it and try to keep as long as possible. The task will facilitate the performed drawing depicting the goal. It should reflect the type of business and the desired amount you intend to get. And the more precise and small details you reflect on paper - the better. Close around the candle with a salt circle thick in a centimeter. It is necessary to do it clockwise. Visualize your desire within five minutes. Concentrate at a desire until you feel the feeling of joy and satisfaction, as if your desire has already come true. This means that you have mastered the energy of your desire, and it will soon begin to materialize.

Ritual "Visualization for the missing amount"

For this ritual, prepare paper and handle, square jar with a lid, bay leaf and seven coins. Write on a sheet of paper the amount in which you need. A piece of paper with a desire and coins omit to the bank with the hand that you usually stretch when you take money. On the back of the laurel sheet, write your name and also lower the bank. A jar with ritual objects must be put in a secluded place to see it could only.

Slavic rituals at night Ivan Kupala and with semolina

Rituals, rites and conspiracies for prosperity in the house were widespread from Slavic peoples. The most famous of them, which came to our time, is held on the night of Ivan Kupala. In this magical night you need to collect all the cash that is in the house, make money from bank accounts and put them next to the bed. Falling asleep, you need to dream of finances you want to possess and all the pleasures that they will give you. Waking up in the morning without getting up from bed, you need to take money in your hands and start recalculating them. Consider and count, repeating again and again in a circle. When you summarize the number of bills that you need for happiness can get up. The whole year will not be financial problems.

Also, the MANA GROUND was considered a magnet of good luck and the money for money, which is used today: if you designate the moqani road from the bank to the house, big profits will not work your business and money will definitely find the way to you!

Ritual "Bookmark of Financial Foundation"

As accepted in the people, a new life is usually starting from Monday, from a new year or repair. It is the repairs - a wonderful chance to create around yourself the space of a fundamental installation on financial well-being.

For this ritual, postpone cash bills of any dignity, the main thing is that money is paper. The number of bills must correspond to the number of corners of your working office or the main room (only not a bedroom, not children's or kitchen). These bills must be wrapped in red paper and put in a safe place in this room. It is impossible to shift them from this place to another until the very beginning of the repair. It will be fine if they lay there during the year. When you start glued wallpaper, each angle of the room is connected around the perimeter of bills. Now your home in direct and figurative sense stands on money! All your ideas and initiatives, hopes and effort will be worthily rewarded.

1. The money earned was not translated into your home, you can not spend a penny on the day of salary, the whole amount should spend the night at home.

2. The wallet should be a "happy" bill or coin (the first earned, received from the successful transaction, after the magical ritual, etc.). This money cannot be spent - this is a wealth talisman.

3. Take money with your left hand, but give right.

4. Make sure the all plumbing is working at home - along with dripping water, and money is dripping.

5. Do not give debts in the evening. Try also to give debts on the growing moon.

6. Do not consider money on weight - it is necessary to do on the table. Best of all - on a wooden surface or a special cash rug.

7. Red color attracts money. Buy a red wallet or just put next to bills of red.

8. To make money in the house, put a broom with a handle down.

If you have a successful and rich man will help a simple, even if the seeming skeptics are ridiculous, ritual, why not try? You just need to believe. And not lose the sense of humor.