Folk signs for wealth and money

"Money can not buy happiness!" - Approves folk wisdom. However, in the absence of the latter, it is very difficult to build a happy and prosperous life. As if someone wanted, but money in our world weight. And this weight is very significant.

Some people make money, others - curse, calling them the cause of all troubles and misfortunes on Earth. One way or another, capital acts as the basis of any state economy. Without it, the development of industry, modernization of agriculture, the construction of new infrastructure facilities is impossible.

Money is able to reveal new opportunities

For a particular individual, money is a kind of guarantor of his personal safety and well-being. They open a lot of doors for a person, make it possible to eat high quality, treated, learn and develop.

A poor man reflects on where you can get money. Rich thinks how not to lose their ht. And in the first, and in the second case will help monetary signs. Consider the most important of them.

Major signs for money

You need to clean in the house correctly, otherwise you can lose financial well-being

Cleaning in your home is quite prose and familiar to many procedures. But few people know how to clean up correctly in the house, so as not to fit the wealth and wealth out of it. First of all, this ordinary ritual should be carried out in the afternoon or in the morning. The consequences of evening cleaning can be sad: along with garbage and mud, you risks recipient from home and all the money.

Other superstitions say that it is necessary to sweep in the premises in the direction of the entrance door from the threshold. This will help protect your home savings from unnecessary waste. We should not start cleaning and then when your home has just left any of the households or guests. Superstitions are stitching that "Sor will fly to the departed", bringing him troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, in such cases with general cleaning in the house it is better to postpone.

It is believed to carry garbage in the evening - bad sign

According to another popular accept, in the evening it is impossible to carry garbage from the house. True, many consider this superstition absurd and far-fetched, and assure that nothing but unpleasant flavors in the house will not bring.

Another of the money claims that the house should not whistle. Moreover, where the legs and the roots are growing and the roots of this superstition - it is definitely unknown. Anyway, a man who began to look at ease and harmful to his nose, will immediately remind you of the proverb:

"Do not whistle - there will be no money!"

Most popular signs for wealth and money

And now let's talk directly about money: what signs contribute to increasing profits, and which - no?

Money does not tolerate mess

Money does not tolerate carelessness and disrespectful attitude. The famous sign says that they cannot be left on the table for the night. Such actions may entail large financial losses. According to other superstitions, on the table should not leave the keys to the door locks. It may threaten the owner of the ownership.

"Putting an empty bottle on the table, you should expect lack of money - short or long." This is another popular cash sign. If you leave an empty bottle on the table for the night, then it will bring a person even more serious financial difficulties.

"Money loves the bill." This saying also does not lose its popularity in the modern world. It is believed that its savings need to constantly recalculate, shift, drinking paper bills with their positive energy. Regular implementation of such a ritual will help save and significantly increase their wealth. And do it best in full moon. Another interesting detail: Different money requires different in the intensity of recalculation. So, for example, pocket money is recommended to recalculate at least three times a day!

Large savings need to recalculate at least twice a month

The funds allocated to acquire things of essential necessary (food, clothing, etc.) should be recalculated every Friday, in the evening. The rest of the savings constituting the foundation of your welfare can be held in two or three times a month. For this procedure, it is best to choose a motor number in the calendar. Wait for the sunset and start counting.

There are also cash signs to increase profits - these are peculiar guidelines that will help you improve your financial situation. First of all, all profits should be carefully recalculated. It is necessary to do this in silence and in complete loneliness. After that, recalculated cash should be hidden in a dark, closed place and hold them there for at least a day. Only after 24 hours, these money can be safely disposed. It is believed that the consistent implementation of the above actions will help get rich and multiply your wealth.

Signs for attracting money: traditional and exotic

Will make money related enough

How to attract money to yourself? How to multiply your riches? For this, there are a number of attachments and rituals. True, some of them may seem very and very strange.

Any house begins with a threshold. And in monetary signs, he is paying great attention. So, it is not recommended for a long time to linger or stand on the threshold - it can prevent well-being, which is sent to your home. According to another superstition, it is impossible to transfer any things or objects through the threshold of the dwelling. If you have taken guests in your home, then after their care, you should remove the tablecloth from the table and thoroughly shake it out on the street.

Many superstitions are associated with debit money. For example, debugs in the evenings are categorically undesirable. It is best to do it in the morning, as a last resort - the day. This will help avoid money problems in the future.

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