DIY pompom blanket. Pompom blanket: a soft miracle without any extra effort. Choosing threads for a pompom blanket

It’s hard to imagine a modern person’s home without stylish, functional things: today, any thing should be adjusted to the user’s needs. One of the stylish interior accessories are blankets - charming capes with a pleasant texture and unusual design, for example, made of pompoms. However, not all products are durable and, depending on the manufacturing method, differ in service life. Choosing blankets made from pompoms: noting the subtleties of choice, taking into account different designs and functionality.


Pompom blankets are unique textile accessories.

They are capable of performing several tasks at once:

  • are stylish decoration furniture different types(adult or children's bed, sofa, armchair, chair);
  • protect the surface of the sleeping bed or sofa seat from abrasion, mechanical damage, dust, dirt, moisture;
  • give furniture a neat look, successfully replacing a classic blanket or bedspread;
  • capable of becoming a light blanket, covering the user;
  • cope with the role of a sweater or voluminous scarf, wrapping the body in a cool room;
  • when made for babies, they are transformed into a diaper envelope (relevant for discharge from the maternity hospital);
  • If necessary, they can become a baby's play mat.

The versatility of pompom blankets makes them special and in demand. And given their unusual appearance, they are welcome in every home.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pompom blankets - fabrics different lengths and width from unusual texture. These are colorful bedspreads made of round or oval elements located close to each other. A pompom is a dense ball of yarn, other fibers, or thickened thread. Connecting with many similar elements, it provides the blanket with a special textured texture and warmth.

Such products bring fresh colors to the style of the room.

Pompom blankets:

  • They allow air to pass through perfectly, and when performing the function of a blanket-blanket, they do not overheat the user’s body (excluding sweating);
  • not limited in shape: they are classic rectangular, in the form of an oval, square, circle, hexagon, silhouettes of animals, insects and fruits;
  • never repeat, therefore they are recognized as exclusive items;
  • based on the characteristics of the size range, they are suitable for furniture with different dimensions;
  • intended for children and adults, decorating the accent area of ​​the room (relevant in the design of a bedroom, living room, kitchen, nursery);

  • are made from natural, artificial threads and yarn of a mixed composition that does not irritate the user’s skin (wool, acrylic, limbage, cotton, velsoft, cashmere, etc.);
  • do not require wet-heat treatment and are completely self-sufficient without additional decoration;
  • are not limited in the color palette, therefore they can be made from colors of any shade in a plain or melange version, with a pattern of contrasting threads;
  • are able to bring home comfort and warmth into the atmosphere of the room;

  • made from small fragments of light colors, they create the visual effect of a large space;
  • are an independent accent of a room or part of a set, complemented by covers for decorative pillows or identical covers for the back of a sofa (chair);
  • can be made separately from the general design idea of ​​the room or customized for a specific piece of furniture;
  • Made from natural wool fibers, they have health benefits.

Wool pompom blankets– favorites among such accessories. Due to the special structure of the fiber and the presence of the natural antiseptic lanolin, they, like their usual wool counterparts, are useful for humans.

These models:

  • create and maintain the “correct” climate between the body and the blanket, so overheating is impossible even if the wool balls are densely located;
  • have a beneficial effect on the human body, increasing its immunity to colds and calming nervous system;
  • improve the functioning of the circulatory system and relax the muscles of the body, increasing the comfort of rest (sleep);
  • with regular use they can reduce pain in the lumbar region, neck, back, and relieve the user from the unpleasant feeling of numbness in the limbs.

Despite a lot of positive qualities, pompom blankets have several disadvantages:

  • need a considerable amount of time to create, patience and perseverance in work;
  • are made from a larger amount of raw materials compared to conventional knitted analogues;
  • are distinguished by the large weight of the finished blanket (especially models for a single, double bed or large sofa);
  • need careful washing without mechanical movements;

  • require delicate handling, otherwise they may fall apart into separate pieces of thread;
  • products made from natural raw materials are susceptible to moths if they are not washed or stored in a dark place (a damaged pompom thread leads to the ball scattering);
  • due to their texture, they “collect” dust well, provoking the appearance of dust mites - the cause of itchy skin;
  • after washing they have an unsightly appearance, so they need to straighten each pompom.

Besides, manual labor it costs expensive. It is calculated at a rate per 1 meter of raw materials used for the total quantity or based on the time spent at a rate per hour. You won’t be able to save money: both methods are quite expensive.

If you want to buy a finished product with an attractive price online, you should think about it: high-quality raw materials and labor are not cheap.

Manufacturing techniques: which is better?

Such products are made exclusively at home using one of the following techniques:

  • classical knitted method from special pompom yarn according to the principle of row knitting;
  • fragmentary method using additional devices and preliminary assembly of pom-pom balls;
  • a single piece of fabric on a sewing machine, in which the blanket is created from a special yarn-braid with frequently spaced pom-poms along the edges;
  • non-traditional, in which the main tool is a wooden frame.

From pompom yarn

This method involves knitting a fabric made of yarn with thickenings that give the product texture. This blanket is very soft, double-sided, knitted like a scarf and does not need additional decor, simplifying texture. The work uses one thread, the pom-poms of which can be of one or several shades, which determines the color of the product.

From individual balls

The fragmentary method is quite labor-intensive: it begins with making many individual pom-pom blanks. To do this, they are made the old fashioned way, using double cardboard blanks with a hole in the center for winding yarn. Having wound the required number of threads, they are connected with a strong knot, then cut to a larger diameter between two cardboard rings. Assembly is carried out by manually linking the fragments.

From pompom braid

The easiest, but not the cheapest manufacturing method is to use a special yarn-braid with multi-colored pom-poms on the transverse threads. It will take a minimum of time to create, and the model will turn out not only special, but also durable. The braid is sewn one on top of the other, cutting it into strips of identical length or without cutting it, in a circle, not forgetting to add allowance in the corners for each subsequent row.

On a frame or sheet of plywood

This method is the most creative and allows you to create a whole canvas without compromising the quality and appearance pom-poms. The whole difficulty of creating a blanket lies in preparing a special device, which can be a wooden frame or a sheet of plywood with nails nailed along the perimeter at equal distances.

No knitting: a pompom blanket is created by winding threads in a certain sequence until the required number of layers is reached (30 or more). The device with wound yarn resembles a plain weave. After winding, each crosshair is fixed with tight knots of double warp threads, after which the required number of layers is counted and the threads are cut. The result is a blanket with a powerful and solid base.

How to choose?

Despite their external beauty, pompom blankets have differences. If you want to buy or order such an accessory for yourself or loved ones, you should choose products with a high-quality base. The durability of the product and its appearance after washing depend on it. In this plan the best models There will be options made from pom-pom yarn and models created from pom-pom braid.

When choosing models with balls made independently at home, you should give preference to a product made on a frame. Its basis is more practical. In addition to the base, it is worth considering the number of sides: models with pom-poms in the form of balls have one textured side and the other smooth side.

Often on winter evenings there is a desire to hide warm blanket, watch your favorite movie or read a book. And although in modern stores these products are presented in a wide range, believe me, it will be much more pleasant to use a blanket made from pompoms with my own hands. Plus, you can make it in the sizes and colors you like.

Preparing materials and equipment for weaving a blanket from pompoms on a frame

Weaving a blanket from pompoms on a frame is the most labor-intensive manufacturing method. of this product. Indeed, in addition to the fact that the creation process itself takes a lot of time, it is also necessary to prepare special equipment for the work - a frame. To make the latter, you will need a plywood sheet of the size that the needlewoman wants to get a finished pom-pom blanket. You will also need 70 mm nails at the rate of 1 by 4 cm on all sides of the base. It is important not to forget about the threads from which you plan to weave the product. A two-color blanket made of pompoms looks especially original. With her own hands, while working, the needlewoman can alternate colors according to her own taste. As for the type of yarn, thick threads are best suited for making this product, since they produce the fluffiest pompoms.

So, all the materials are at hand, all that remains is to make a frame, after which you can proceed directly to weaving the blanket. To make the main equipment, it is necessary to drive nails along the perimeter of the plywood sheet at a distance of 4 cm from each other. It is important that they hold tightly enough, but at the same time their height is sufficient for the weaving process.

Weaving a blanket on a frame: master class

If you plan to make a two-color blanket from pompoms, then you need to start working with the yarn that will be on the wrong side of the blanket. First you need to fasten the thread to the upper left corner of the frame and, stretching it to the opposite nail, hook the neighboring one to it. Then, returning, wrap the peg located next to the first one, located on the top edge of the frame. This weaving should be continued until the entire area of ​​the base is covered with vertical stripes. Next, similar actions will need to be done with the two remaining sides. Thus, the needlewoman will receive the first layer, which will become the basis of the future product. There should be at least 50 of them - the more, the thicker the finished pompom blanket will be. The master class involves making a two-color product, so it is important not to forget that you first need to wind 20-25 layers of thread of one color and about the same amount of another. You can make the top and bottom one shade, and the middle rows another. By alternating yarn during weaving, you can get very interesting products - everything is limited only by the imagination of the needlewoman.

The final stage of making a blanket from pompoms on a frame: photo of the finished product

After the required number of layers have been woven, you will need to bandage each crossing of threads. For this task, you should use yarn similar to the top rows. It is important that the dressing thread is tightened tightly and covers all layers. After making sure that all the places where the yarn intersects are fastened together, you can proceed to the next step. To do this you will need scissors. Using this tool, you need to cut the top 25-30 layers of yarn, leaving the rest intact. The cut should run in the center, between the ties made at the previous stage. Each cut section of thread will form a pompom. Upon completion of this stage, you will receive a luxurious blanket made of pompoms, a photo of which can be seen below.

Sewing a blanket from pompoms with your own hands

Needlewomen who do not have enough time or patience to create a blanket from pompoms according to the described pattern can take an easier route and sew a product from a special braid. True, to implement this idea, a prerequisite is the presence of a sewing machine. The materials you will need are fabric for the base - the ideal option would be linen or burlap, pins, two types of braid - regular and colored with pompoms, and, of course, sewing threads and scissors.

First, the fabric used as a base will need to be trimmed around the perimeter with regular braid. After which the product should be ironed, then you can proceed to the next stage. Stepping back 2 cm from the top edge, use pins to secure the braid with pom-poms across the entire width of the base, and then sew it on. Similar actions should be performed until the entire area of ​​​​the fabric is covered. You can make such a blanket from pompoms with your own hands quite quickly, and this method does not require any special skills or knowledge.

Pompom yarn blanket: preparatory stage

Needlewomen who have at least a basic level of knitting skills should pay attention to another option for making a blanket. We're talking about knitting. True, it has its own peculiarity - for its implementation it is necessary to use the so-called pom-pom yarn, preferably in several colors, since in this case a homemade blanket made from pom-poms looks much more interesting. The master class on creating this product assumes the presence of circular knitting needles No. 3 and the yarn mentioned above, the amount of which should be determined by the size of the future blanket. So, to make a product 75x75 cm you will need 400 grams of acrylic yarn.

Knitting a blanket from pompom yarn

The required number of loops is cast on manually by crossing the thread from the broach and putting it on a knitting needle. Next you will need to alternate knit and purl rows. The first - edge - loop also needs to be knitted, pulling the second through it. As you work, the pompoms should fit between the loops and form a tight knit. It is better to complete the work using a hook. To do this, the first loop is knitted with knitting needles and thrown onto a hook, which grabs the working thread and makes an air loop from it. Then, using a hook, the loop is removed from the knitting needle and pulled into the air one. Similarly, it is necessary to alternate loops to the end of the row, that is, knit one from working thread, and remove the second one from the knitting needle. At the end of this row you will have a gorgeous pom pom blanket.

Probably, any girl at least once paid attention to the amazing technology of fabric created from wool balls. It is distinguished by its tenderness, lightness and warmth; from the gizmos in this technique it emanates care and comfort.

This technology is used to create bedspreads, capes and even items of clothing. However, such luxury costs a lot - today the price of a bedspread 80x80 cm varies from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. But don’t despair - let’s see how to make pom-poms with your own hands step by step.

Weaving equipment: frame

For needlewomen who have already dealt with pom-poms, this technology may come as a surprise - there will be no rings or forks. You will need something more bulky, namely a frame on which the weaving will be carried out. It should be slightly larger than the intended size of the product. So, if you need to make an envelope for discharge, the standard parameters of which are 80x80 cm, you need a frame of 90x90 cm.

You can weave something smaller than the frame, but this involves a certain wastefulness: part of the yarn will have to be cut off. It is inconvenient to make a new frame for each new size of work - after all, most of them are quite bulky and inconvenient for storage. Therefore, if a single production of a children’s envelope is planned (or multiple, but of the same size), the optimal solution would be to produce a frame of 90x90 cm.

However, if you plan to repeatedly weave products of different lengths and widths, it is better to either make the frame “with a reserve”, or make it collapsible, or set up a warehouse-workshop for storing blanks. It is impossible to weave anything using this technique without a frame.

How to make a frame for weaving

To make a frame for weaving, you will need:

  • plywood/boards;
  • nails (optimally seventy);
  • hammer;
  • saw.

It is best to leave the production of the frame to the strong half of the family - husband, father, brother. After all, for the most part, making a machine comes down to a traditionally male occupation - driving a nail. Lots of nails.

More precisely, one nail for every 4 cm of the expected length and width of the product along the entire perimeter of the base of the frame - a frame or a piece of plywood of the required size.

How to weave a blanket on a machine

So, when the preparation is completed, the actual work of the craftswoman begins. But you shouldn’t think that now everything will go quickly, because this type of activity is a rather painstaking and even tedious task.

To get started you will need:

  • frame;
  • yarn;
  • scissors;
  • patience.

It is better to take yarn in two colors - this will make it easier to distinguish the base from the pompoms. Scissors must be selected with straight, not very sharp ends. Otherwise, the needlewoman may prick her fingers in the process of making the blanket. The handles of the scissors should have a rubberized braid and fit comfortably in your hands, because you will have to cut a lot. Before we weave big size, it’s worth practicing on a small product.

The work begins with the working thread being secured to the upper left nail of the machine, on the left side of the frame. Then it is pulled to the opposite nail right side, circles around him and another one, just below. After this, the thread is pulled back to the left side and again wraps around the two nails. These simple manipulations continue until all the nails on both sides are covered in this way.

When the turn reaches the lowest nail on the frame, the nearest nail on the bottom row of the frame is braided with it. Now the direction of movement changes, not left and right, as before, but up and down. Other operations remain the same: pulling to the opposite side, grasping, pulling to the opposite side.

How are the balls made?

When all the rows and columns are wrapped in this way, you will get a network one thread thick in the spaces between the overlaps of the yarn and two threads thick at its intersections. It is necessary to repeat the steps described above until this mesh reaches a thickness of 20 threads (40 at the intersection). This is the base of the blanket that will hold the balls of yarn.

Now you need to change the yarn to a skein of a different color, and add another 30 layers of mesh (60 at the intersection). Changing the color is not necessary, but this step will make the next step much easier, and the future cape itself will look much prettier.

After all the layers are wound, it’s time for the next step: now all the intersections need to be tied with knots. It is these knots that will subsequently hold the balls on the base. For each intersection, you need to make two nodes along the two diagonals of the intersection. The tighter the knots, the more securely the threads of the balls will be fixed in the product, and the less likely it is that they will peel off over time.

When all the intersections are tied, it’s the turn of the scissors. Now each piece of thread from one intersection to another must be cut in half. Please note that only threads of the second color are cut; the warp of the first color cannot be cut.

You should start working in the middle so that the cape is secured to the machine until the last minute. This will make the process easier. When this stage is completed, the blanket can be removed from the frame. This is done easily - threads of both colors are cut next to the nails.

Thus, the entire master class on creating a blanket from pompoms with your own hands can be described step by step as follows:

  • winding threads of two colors;
  • fixing intersections;
  • trimming pom poms;
  • removing the product from the machine.

Despite the fairly small number of steps, this process is quite labor-intensive and time-consuming. On average, it can take three to five days of hard work to make one blanket for discharge.

I accompany my master class detailed photos, and also found a fairly visual video on the Internet that contains written and oral comments on the creation process.

Due to the fact that the blanket consists only of pompoms, your baby will like it due to the softness of the pompoms and the airiness of the texture. This blanket can also be used as an envelope for discharge from the maternity hospital if it is sewn onto a base made of thick fleece or velor.

For inspiration, I prepared several photos of the finished blanket. Admire this cozy beauty:

Now I'm ready to reveal the secret of how to make a blanket from pompoms. But first, let's decide on the materials for work.


  • Wooden frame with nails around the perimeter
  • Yarn (I advise you to use thicker yarn, then the pompoms will turn out very fluffy)
  • Scissors

Pom pom blanket: getting the job done

Before you begin, you need to prepare a wooden frame or take a piece of plywood and drive nails in along the edges. The dimensions of the workpiece are at your discretion, but it is worth considering that the dimensions of the base frame will depend on the dimensions of the blanket itself. I prepared a blank with dimensions 80x80, driving in nails at a distance of 4 cm from each other.

We begin re-upholstering the workpiece. Fasten the thread to the first nail from the edge. Each row (strip) consists of 50 threads. Since the constriction is done crosswise, but at the intersection of the rows there are 100 threads. Thread tensioning process:

Since during the work we will cut some of the threads between the “crossings”, I advise you to use several colors of yarn in your work. I'll explain why. We will not cut all the threads between the intersections of the rows, but only 30. In order not to worry about calculations, we first stretch 20 rows with a thread of one color, and then 20 rows of another, and again 10 rows of the first color (but you can add a third color). Now we have a visual distinction between the working thread and the warp thread, which remains untouched.

After completing the constriction, we need to fix all the intersections of the threads so that our blanket does not fall apart during work. You can simply tie it with threads of yarn in color.

Our blank for the blanket is ready. Now we move on to cutting the threads between the intersections of the rows. Be careful! We cut only part of the threads, i.e. the first 20 rows remain untouched - this is our base of the blanket. We cut clearly in the middle of the row.

The final version looks like this:

And with reverse side it looks like this:

Cute, isn't it?

We complete the work by cutting the threads that are fixed on the nails. And the edges of our blanket will be decorated with neat tassels:

This is how cozy and fluffy our pompom blanket turned out: the instructions are also suitable for creating a blanket in other color variations. The main thing is your imagination and attentiveness in your work. Good luck with your creativity!

Modern man loves to surround himself with beautiful and functional things. Moreover, the more unusual the thing, the closer it is to the heart. Take a blanket: today this blanket can be made from anything, even pom-poms.

Pom pom throws are a unique accessory to any sofa or bed. Such products stand out against the background of their classic counterparts and have a number of advantages.


A blanket made of pompoms is not just decorative element room interior. This product is unique. Like conventional blankets made by woven and non-woven methods, it forms a single base, but is made completely differently, using a special technology. Externally, it is a solid canvas of multi-row round elements.

Such products are considered exclusive. As a rule, they cannot be found on sale, because these accessories are made by hand using special tools. In most cases, yarn or fiber is used to make pom pom blankets, although the technique for making each type of pom pom blanket is different. The working tools usually used are a hook, knitting needles, a sewing machine, scissors and accessories.

Each product is unique in its own way and has a number of advantages. Pompom blanket:

  • has excellent breathability, due to which it does not overheat the body and eliminates the appearance of sweat;
  • is an exclusive item, has no duplicate;
  • depending on the model it may be different shapes(square, oval, hexagonal, round and traditional rectangular);
  • differs in size, being made for a child’s, single, double bed, sofa or chair;
  • being an elegant product, it does not require additional decor;
  • made from yarn of natural, synthetic or mixed composition, which does not irritate the skin, therefore it is suitable even for allergy sufferers and people with special needs. sensitive skin;
  • has the richest color palette, varying the pattern or being designed specifically to match curtains, wallpaper, pastels;

  • is a stylish accessory for a bed, in perfect harmony with other interior items and refreshing the overall background of the room;
  • depending on the composition of the yarn, it can have not only warming, but also healing properties;
  • in most cases it is hygroscopic, capable of releasing absorbed moisture back into the air, due to which it is almost always dry and pleasant to the touch;
  • is the result of the work of skilled craftswomen, as well as all those who are not alien to creativity when they have free time.

In addition to the usual geometric options in the form of plain or contrasting products, experienced craftswomen create unique blanket compositions for children in the form of funny animals (tiger, zebra, cat, ladybug and etc.). Children really like such products, temporarily becoming a unique rug, albeit a small one, or simply an envelope in which you can wrap a baby while going for a walk.


If such a blanket is made from wool and half-woolen threads, it can have a beneficial effect on the human body. Due to the special structure of the fibers with a hollow structure and the presence of lanolin in the composition of the natural antiseptic, such products will:

  • increase immunity to colds and speed up recovery from colds;
  • calm the nervous system, increasing resistance to stressful situations;
  • due to “dry” heat, maintain the required temperature regime inside, preventing the body from freezing (regardless of the temperature in the room) and eliminating the appearance of sweat;
  • promote muscle relaxation, normalizing blood flow;
  • make sleep comfortable and healthy.

Such bedspreads are an excellent theme for a holiday gift to loved ones. Depending on the color of the material, they can be given as gifts for Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's Day, wedding, New Year and other significant events.

Moreover, such a gift will always be welcome, because a piece of the soul will be invested in it, and this is dear to everyone.


Along with the advantages, pompom blankets have some disadvantages. Such products:

  • are not completed quickly (you need to spend some time on production, and the work cannot be rushed, otherwise the result will suffer);
  • in most cases, they require a considerable amount of high-quality yarn that is resistant to washing and active use;
  • need to be used carefully (pom-poms should not be tugged, pulled out hairs, or pulled on the base threads - this will disrupt the arrangement of the threads, which will affect the quality of the entire product);
  • short-lived if made from low-quality raw materials;

  • are not resistant to dust, which can provoke the appearance of dust mites that cause allergies;
  • Do not knock out, shake, or dry-clean (there is a risk of the product losing its shape);
  • depending on the volume of raw materials used and its structure, they have different weights;
  • need special delicate care (washing and airing).

Since pompom blankets are handmade and carefully made, such products are expensive. In some cases, the cost is calculated based on the amount of material at a certain rate per meter of yarn. Other professionals rely on the amount of time spent on making a blanket, having a certain price for labor per hour.

Types and details of assembly

Since the name “Pom-pom blanket” is not clear to everyone, it is worth knowing the nuances of assembly. This important point, because in each case the product has its own degree of reliability and durability. A pompom is an element of a blanket, which is a ball of cut yarn threads of a certain size and density.

This is a convex relief element that provides volume and density to the bedspread. The unique thing about the pompom is that it can be made in different ways.

  • Conventionally, the implementation of such a product can be carried out in three different ways:
  • similar to knitting a scarf;
  • by machine;
  • assembling a blanket from a mass of identical blanks;

plain weave method.

From yarn The knitting method is relevant for those who love crocheting and knitting. This is a monotonous and long work, which involves a special thread with thickenings of round or oval shape

in the form of balls located at the same distance from each other. The fabric is knitted with uniform thread tension without the use of additional devices, constantly straightening the pompoms to the front side, leaving the backside flat.

By typewriter

If the yarn is braid with ready-made pompoms, making a pompom blanket is even easier. Armed with a sewing machine, the braid is sewn on one by one, placing the edge of the braid on top of the previous row. To make the composition complete, the edge is decorated with fringe or finishing edging.

By the way, in this method it is important to use pompoms of different sizes. This blanket is especially durable and reliable.

From separate fragments

The method of making a “ball”, familiar to everyone from childhood, is using cardboard blanks on which yarn is wound, then tied in the center and cut between the cardboard blanks and then removed. A rather labor-intensive method that requires a lot of free time and patience, as well as a bunch of identical blanks. Such a blanket cannot be called reliable, because it does not have a solid foundation. All fragments of the assembly are fixed together with a double thread of yarn.

Considering the total weight of the blanket, this is not enough for daily use.

On frame The most in an interesting way

A way to create a high-quality, practical and durable blanket is to assemble a pom-pom blanket on a frame. The main difficulty lies in making the frame itself of the required size (a unique design by handicraft inventors), because only the owner of the house or to order can do this. This device consists of 4 boards knocked together in the form of a frame, along the edges of which regular nails are nailed at equal distances. The creation of a blanket is based on winding layers of yarn lengthwise and crosswise, catching the thread on the nails. Once the required number of layers of yarn has been reached, it is tied in the resulting crosshairs, firmly securing the central parts of the pom-poms. All that remains to turn the “honeycomb” into a pompom blanket is to count the required number of threads and cut them together, as well as cut the loops of the edges. Healthy and durable! Unlike the two previous techniques, this method allows you to make high-quality and fluffy pompoms, and they will be securely attached to a multi-layer base.

This product will withstand washing better than the version made from individual fragments.

Color solutions

The choice of color for pompom blankets has no limits. It all depends on the preferences of the craftswomen or the wishes of the customer. Basically, these are gentle and pleasing to the eye shades of the pastel group. These bedspreads are made for newborns and babies. preschool age. Among the most popular shades are pink, blue, white, lilac, light green, mint and their mix in the form of melange pompom yarn. Regarding models for teenagers and adults, the priority is rich colors: blue, orange, red, warm sand and terracotta tones.

In some models, variegated colors make it easier to make a blanket: using different colour yarn, it is easier to separate the required amount and cut.