Psychosites: Acute Form

Under the term "psychosis", experts understand a group of diseases under which a person loses the objective perception of peace and a critical assessment of events, hallucinations arise, delusional states, etc.

One of the forms of such a disease is acute psychosis. Although the symptoms of the distorted perception of reality in humans are obvious, it is very difficult to diagnose the disease and convince the patient that treatment is necessary.

People suffering from this ailment often go to self-isolation, rejecting help and tips around them. Nevertheless, it is the early diagnosis and timely treatment that can give the most favorable forecast, because as the disease develops, the adequacy of a person is constantly declining, and there are already irreversible to psyche consequences.

Causes of development and types of acute psychosis

Statistically, women are more susceptible to the development of various forms of psychosis than men. Based on the causes of the occurrence of the disease, acute psychosis there are such species:

  1. Endogenous psychosis. The causes of the disease in this case lie in the human body itself: endocrine or neurological violations, genetic predisposition, schizophrenia. The same group includes and - in this case, the cause of the disease is age-related changes in the human body after 60 years (hypertension, atherosclerosis).
  2. Exogenous psychosis. Its reason are external factors - strong stress, infectious diseases (flu, tuberculosis, syphilis, and others), narcotic substances. Alcohol is the first place among the external reasons - the abuse of alcohol drinks is able to break out the most resistant psyche.
  3. Organic psychosis. In this case, organic brain disorders lead to the occurrence of the disease, on the basis of the cranial and brain injury or tumors.

Sometimes it is quite difficult to determine the initial reason for the development of the disease: an external (exogenous) factor could be an impetus, which further led to the emergence of internal (endogenous) causes.

In addition, there is a set of forms of acute psychosis, to determine each form allow specific symptoms of the disease. Below are only some, the most common forms of the disease:

  1. Acute (or bipolar disorder). It is considered one and most severe forms of the disease, in which the patient alternates the periods of the hardest depression (depressive phase) with periods of excessive excitability, when he does not sleep with a patient, something does, not to twist the hands (manic phase).
  2. Acute manic psychosis. The patient is in a state of chronic excessive excitement.
  3. Acute. It occurs as the reaction of the human body with super-stress, threatening his life and health (earthquake, fire, etc.). This form of acute psychosis has the most favorable forecast, and is most often eliminated with the disappearance of the most traumatic situation.
  4. Acute polymorphic psychosis. Its symptoms are usually manifested in adolescence (about 10-15 years), and can serve as a sign of beginning schizophrenia.

Once again it is necessary to emphasize that only some forms of acute psychosis are listed here. Their detailed classification is a lot of psychiatrists. Medical diagnosis and timely treatment are necessary for any form of psychosis. If we talk about acute psychosis - any sharp state is always easier to eliminate than chronic. In the absence of timely measures, the psyche receives irreversible consequences: the distorted perception of the world turns into a chronic form, and it becomes already, in fact, part of the person's personality.

Signs of disease and treatment methods

To make it easier to determine the development of the disease on time, it is important to know how exactly the increasing psychosis arise and form and form. At the earliest, there are such symptoms of the disease:

  • the character of a person is changing: he becomes more irritable, nervous, his sleep is broken and the appetite decreases, interest in life is lost;
  • the performance is reduced: a person is difficult to focus, everything distracts him, he quickly gets tired, even reacts sharply on a slight stress;
  • there are mood differences, depression and fears are manifested;
  • the attitude towards others is changing: problems arise in communication, infractiveness, the desire for self-insulation;
  • the perception of the world is changing: the color and sound are perceived too sharp or distorted, there is a feeling that someone follows a person, watches.

Unfortunately, a very rarely sick or his relatives are treated for help at this stage of the disease, writing off everything for stress, fatigue and other adverse factors. When treatment is not started in a timely manner, the symptoms of the disease are gradually aggravated. And after a while, the disease already manifests itself with obvious, pronounced signs:

  1. Hallucinations (various visions, sounds or sensations that are perceived by patients like reality). Pseudogalucinations may occur - involuntary fantasy.
  2. Depersonalization: A person ceases to adequately realize itself, loses his sense of his own personality.
  3. Derealization: the patient "leaves" in his fictional world, taking off from real, and lives inside his world illusions.
  4. Brad: incoherent speech, the logic and meaning of which are significantly distorted.
The symptoms of acute psychosis do not arise and do not disappear lightly, they can accompany the patient a few weeks and even months. The earlier the patient or his relatives will turn out for medical assistance and the person will receive treatment, the more positive forecast will be. High-quality treatment obtained at an early stage of the disease makes it possible to prevent the development of a chronic impairment of the psyche.

Most often, in the treatment of acute psychosis, hospitalization of the patient is necessary. This is due to the fact that being in a state of distorted perception of the world, the patient can unconsciously cause harm to himself or others. The need for hospitalization determines the doctor, based on the state of the patient, the severity of the disease, its symptoms. Family members of the patient It is important to understand that a person whose psyche is essentially violated, cannot fully be responsible for its actions and decisions, therefore, forced hospitalization is sometimes necessary, by agreement of relatives and close patients.

The treatment of acute psychosis is carried out by such methods:

  1. Medical treatment. Psychotropic substances are prescribed (usually neuroleptics). Also applied antidepressants, tranquilizers. If acute psychosis is caused by intoxication, also use therapy for the purification of the body, and the general investment measures. Preparations are appointed only by the doctor, based on the individual picture of the disease.
  2. Psychotherapeutic treatment. At first, psychological assistance is aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust in order to convince the patient as necessary to be treated, that this does not harm it (because the patient himself can resist treatment, suspects surrounding in the desire to hurt him, etc.). In the future, a specialist teaches a patient to respond to the world around the world, to develop new forms of behavior. It helps the subsequent successful socialization of a person.
  3. Electrosusproy therapy. It is used in selected species of acute psychosis. In this case, the method is carried out by the direct effect of electric current on the subcortex centers of the brain, and as a result, the exchange processes of the human nervous system are changed.
  4. Physiotherapy. This includes acupuncture, reflexotherapy, electrosone, therapeutic physical education. Sanatorium-resort treatment, employment therapy also applies. Such treatment allows you to remove excessive psycho-emotional stress, improves stress resistance and efficiency.

For high-quality therapy, a set of measures is needed. This complex is selected individually for each patient.

Timely treatment has repeatedly increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome.