Self-sufficiency - what is it? Signs of human self-sufficiency

Sooner or later in every person’s life there comes a time when it’s time to think about one’s independence. Many people dream of becoming independent and self-sufficient people. Isn't it great to be the master of your life? Self-sufficiency is not just the ability to independently satisfy one's material needs, but also the ability to live without close contact with people.

The physical side of self-sufficiency

If you have firmly decided to become a self-sufficient person, then the first thing you have to do is achieve complete independence in everyday matters. That is, you need to learn to live without outside help. The first thing you need for this is the ability to earn a living. Housing, food, various household goods are things that modern people cannot do without. But meeting minimal needs can hardly be called self-sufficiency, because there are many other needs that require financial investments. A person is not a robot; he needs many things that are not necessary to maintain life.

Therefore, material self-sufficiency is not only the ability to maintain one’s life without the help of outsiders, but also the ability to satisfy other material needs and constantly improve one’s life.

Internal self-sufficiency

Material self-sufficiency is only the very beginning of the journey; it is much more difficult to overcome dependence on human company. Having spent their entire lives among people, constantly communicating and interacting with them, many cannot imagine their future lives without this. What kind of self-sufficiency can we talk about if you cannot spend a day alone?

Usually those individuals who have all sorts of interesting hobbies or hobbies do not need people. They are not bored spending time alone with themselves. Such people do not seek human company, but do not avoid it either.

Inner peace and independence can give a deep sense of self-sufficiency. Independence from other people's opinions and how other people evaluate you allows you to look at the world in a new way, to break out of the captivity of conventions and social games. At the same time, it is worth understanding that a self-sufficient person does not become a recluse; he, like others, communicates with people and fulfills his social function, but easily endures loneliness and is accustomed to relying only on himself in everything.

The Pros of Self-Sufficiency

Self-sufficiency definitely gives many advantages to its adherents, endowing them with qualities that contribute to a harmonious and happy life. The ability to provide yourself with everything you need, the ability to make independent decisions and your own view of the world, unclouded by other people’s opinions, are just some of the advantages of self-sufficiency.

But if you take a closer look at a self-sufficient person, it becomes clear that there are many more advantages. Erudition and perseverance, the habit of relying only on oneself, the ability to earn money and improve one’s life, the desire to develop and become better - all these are also signs of self-sufficiency. However, not everything is as good as it seems: in addition to the obvious benefits, self-sufficiency, or the desire for it, can also have a negative effect.

Cons of self-sufficiency

Self-sufficiency is good when a person develops it harmoniously within himself, finding a compromise between his desires and capabilities. Many call self-sufficiency a painful renunciation of one's desires or habits. In this case, the need remains, but the person, through an effort of will, deprives himself of the opportunity to satisfy it.

He begins to convince himself that he does not need it, continuing to constantly mentally return to what was lost. It is difficult to call such a state self-sufficiency.

Self-sufficiency is the gradual getting rid of unnecessary things, and not recognizing as unnecessary what you cannot achieve. Many, having experienced unsuccessful relationships, begin to convince themselves that they do not need other people, suffering more and more from loneliness and depression. This path does not lead to independence and prosperity, but to a gradual immersion in a viscous quagmire of dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life. A self-sufficient person is not lonely even when alone.

Bad habits

Giving up bad habits is an important step towards self-sufficiency. Self-sufficiency is out of the question if you constantly want to light a cigarette or take another dose of a drug. Of course, not all habits are bad, some are just pleasant or even useful. But some of them cause significant harm to health and at the same time hit hard on your pocket.

Therefore, if you want to gain self-sufficiency and independence, then it’s time to highlight the most harmful habits and begin their systematic eradication. The main thing in this matter is not to go to extremes, destroying all your habits and desires. This will only bring sadness and dissatisfaction.

Self-sufficiency and others

Oddly enough, when communicating with a self-sufficient person, people more often experience negative emotions than positive ones. There are many reasons for this. For example, envy: most people give themselves into voluntary slavery, obeying social principles and the habit of going with the flow. For them, self-sufficiency is something forbidden, obscene, because they have not given themselves a single chance to get it. Therefore, an independent, independent person causes irritation and dissatisfaction in such subjects.

Also, a self-sufficient person is unpleasant to society because standard social levers of pressure do not apply to him. It is difficult to somehow manage a person who does not need anything from you, which causes discomfort in people who are accustomed to dependent, standard individuals.


Not the most obvious principle of self-sufficiency is constant development. If a person, having reached a certain level of well-being, stops moving forward, he can hardly be called self-sufficient. Even if you have everything you need for a comfortable life, you can always find some element of your life that needs improvement. And internal development is truly limitless!

The constant desire to improve your personality, acquire new skills and sharpen old ones, the desire to continuously improve your life - all this is an integral part of self-sufficiency.

Surely many have met people who, having decided that they had achieved everything they wanted, tried to relax calmly and enjoy their achievements. Such people often begin to experience health problems, boredom begins to overwhelm their minds, while illnesses consume their bodies. But not only does health refuse to cooperate with a person who has decided to rest on his laurels, things will also begin to fall apart and decline. Therefore, it is important to remember that movement is life, without the desire for perfection, even the most self-sufficient person will sooner or later return to a pitiful, dependent state.

Is it difficult to become self-sufficient?

The path is long and difficult, at the end of which self-sufficiency awaits you. Defining goals and guidelines for the near future is the first thing you need to do when you set foot on this winding path. You should not immediately set global and impossible goals, this will only bring disappointment and despondency. It is best to solve small, rewarding tasks that will eventually lead you to complete independence and self-reliance. This way you can track your progress, moving step by step towards your goal.

You need to be prepared for the fact that old attachments and habits will not want to go away without a fight. It's always hard to change, but it's even harder to feel the need for change. In any case, anyone who decides to achieve self-sufficiency will face many difficulties, but the result of these efforts will exceed any expectations.