A fingernail comes off. The nail on the big toe is coming off: reasons. A fingernail is coming off: what to do? Nail removal procedure after injury

In medicine, nail detachment is called onycholysis. A void forms under the nail plate, and it becomes yellow, bluish or brown.

Why does my toenail come off?

This phenomenon can be caused by infection or other reasons. For example, damage to the nail can occur due to injury. In this case, the main factor will be the mechanical factor. It also happens that the nail moves away from the finger due to chemical factors if your skin often comes into contact with powders, reagents and other harmful substances. This phenomenon can also occur as a result of diseases - dermatitis, dermatoses, eczema. The reason that the toenail comes off may also be long-term use of tetracycline antibiotics. Onycholysis, by the way, is a side effect of these drugs. Then you just need to wait a while. Usually the problem goes away on its own after a couple of months. It happens that the disease is associated with infection. Here, first of all, we mean foot fungus. This disease is quite unpleasant, so it is better to consult a doctor immediately. He will determine what type of fungus is causing it and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Features of the course of the disease

This is not to say that if it is very dangerous. However, it is advisable to get rid of this unattractive sight as soon as possible. After all, at first only a small cavity appears. Then it increases, and as a result, the nail plate finally moves away from its bed. The finger remains without a nail and looks unaesthetic. There are times when they try to disguise a detached nail with varnish. You can't do this. The cause cannot be eliminated in this way, and the cosmetic effect will not last long.

Treatment of onycholysis

When a toenail comes off, you need to find out the reasons for this phenomenon, and only then begin treatment. But there is also general rules, which will not harm, but can easily improve the situation:

Prevention of onycholysis

Prevention of this disease involves daily care for the feet - first of all, hygiene procedures. If your feet sweat a lot, you need to use special sprays and deodorants. And, of course, we must try to avoid injuries. Collateral good treatment will be a timely visit to the clinic. Since onycholysis is often accompanied by other diseases, you need to be careful and cure them completely.

What to do: the child’s nails are peeling off!

An important note from the first lines. Adults may ignore their sores and not go to the doctor, citing being busy. But when it comes to children, you need to go to the doctor. He will assess the situation and tell you how to resolve it correctly.

Why do nails peel off?

  • Damage. A nail may fall off a foot or hand because an injury has occurred: pinched by a door, for example.
  • Fungus. Sometimes children may suffer from fungal infection nail plate, and the sooner you contact a mycologist, the better. Traditional methods will not help here, but will only aggravate the process. Of course, the doctor may scold you for bringing the child to the point where the child’s nails themselves are peeling off. Because when affected by a fungus, the nail plate will change and begin to peel off at a more advanced stage.
  • Diseases internal organs. If the nails on all your fingers begin to flake and peel off, there is no need to rely on traditional methods. Be sure to go to the pediatrician. And then it will be clear what it is: quite possibly, pathology gastrointestinal tract. They, in turn, occur with an unbalanced diet.
  • Other diseases in which the nail plates peel include problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, the endocrine system, nervous system. Nails can come off with atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis.
  • Vitamin deficiency, lack of microelements and minerals. Your child is just growing and developing, and his body, which is still fragile, reacts sharply if something is missing. Nails will not peel off if there is enough zinc, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.

Your doctor may order a complete blood test. It will help you determine which elements are missing.

If the child is very small

If the fingernails of a small child are peeling off, perhaps the reason is untimely hygiene procedures. In babies, the nails are usually as thin as leaves, and the fingers are small. Moms are afraid once again touch them, especially cut something with scissors. Young mothers perceive nails as real edged weapons.

But if you don’t trim and file your baby’s nails in time, they can begin to flake and peel off.

Another important factor: if a child sucks his fingers, this also worsens the condition of the nail plate. We need to fight this bad habit Necessarily.

By the way, sometimes a small child’s toenails come off for the same reason: because of the disgusting habit of biting them. Yes, yes, you heard right. It is sometimes difficult for an adult to imagine how to reach his toes, but for a child this is easy. Observe, and if he does this, this may be the key to understanding why the nails are coming off.

Why do my toenails still peel?

Above, we talked to you about the reasons in general, without specifically highlighting whether the nails of the feet or the hands are affected. Let's say, like the nail plates of the hand, the feet can be affected by a fungus.

But sometimes it happens that the baby is bothered by one toe. When a child’s toenails come off, we look for why, among these factors:

  • problems with blood flow in the lower extremities - it is slow,
  • wearing tight shoes - ask every time if they are tight, check yourself by feeling with your fingers, because the child may not say that the shoes are too small or uncomfortable for him.

What should children eat?

The products below are not a panacea. This does not mean at all that if a child’s fingernails come off, then it is enough to simply start feeding him “according to the list”, and everything will immediately return to normal. Maybe this will happen, but online diagnostics are impossible.

Consider the list below as a checklist of sorts. Of course, if you do not provide these foods, they must be included in the diet. But this is only an addition to a specialist consultation.

  • Porridge. Oatmeal, buckwheat. It is good to season them with linseed oil.
  • Broccoli.
  • Dairy products, cottage cheese and tofu cheese, for example.
  • Eggs.
  • Lean fish.
  • Nuts (especially almonds), dried fruits (especially raisins, dried apricots) - they contain a lot of iron.
  • Marmalade.

Perhaps the doctor will prescribe a complex of vitamins for children. For example, Multitabs or Pikovit.

What can you do at home?

If you have found out why a child’s fingernails come off, for example, due to a deficiency of substances, then we will add accompanying methods to the main treatment. For example, you can do cosmetic procedures.

  • Olive oil baths. The contents should be warm, but not hot. Add some in there lemon juice, a drop of iodine. Important! Before performing the procedure on your child, lower your finger and check to see if it burns.
  • One more note about iodine. It should be added with caution. Because it can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, we do not advise you to make a bath based only on this ingredient and water.
  • Baths based on sea ​​salt. The procedures help strengthen the nails and prevent them from peeling and peeling. Let's cook like this. Take half a liter of warm water, dissolve a spoonful of soup salt in it, preferably sea salt. The procedure should take no more than twenty minutes.
  • If the nail plates peel off severely, then do this procedure every day for a couple of weeks. As a preventive measure - 2-3 baths per week.
  • What else you can do: rub oils with vitamins A and E directly into the nail plate. Usually children are not very capricious and do not hide their hands. Take each finger and rub in the oil one at a time. Just like manicurists.

Overall it's better pediatrician no one will tell you why your baby’s nails began to peel off, and what to do to stop this process.

Unpleasant sensations caused by a bruised nail can be quickly eliminated, as well as prevented severe consequences this injury. To do this, you need to know the methods of first aid for a bruised nail and the specifics of its treatment, described in this article.

Bruised nail- an unpleasant accident that can happen to anyone. In such a situation, it is important to know how to provide first aid and how to relieve pain. Read about how to help yourself with a bruised nail in this article.

First aid for a bruised fingernail or toenail

Bruised nail- an injury resulting in bruising and hematoma under the nail plate. No one is immune from a bruised nail, because, as a rule, such an injury occurs for everyday reasons:

  • pinched finger in door
  • falling of a heavy object
  • narrow, uncomfortable shoes

These and other incidents cause not only severe pain, but also lead to the appearance of a blue nail characteristic of a bruise. Immediately after an incident, it is important to provide first aid correctly to prevent serious consequences.

A bruised nail is characterized by:

  • bruise which is characterized by a blue or even black color of the nail plate
  • nail separation(the nail may come off shortly after the injury)
  • painful sensations(sometimes, with severe bruises, the pain can be throbbing and even lead to loss of consciousness)

Immediately after the blow, it is necessary to soberly assess the situation and if symptoms that are not characteristic of a bruise occur seek help from a doctor.

If the blow is not severe and the pain is tolerable, then seeing a doctor is not necessary. In any case it is necessary perform a first aid:

  • apply something cold to the bruise (this can be ice, or, in extreme cases, any frozen product from the freezer)
  • treat the bruise with an antiseptic (iodine, brilliant green, peroxide)
  • eliminate pressure on your finger (select comfortable shoes, do not cover the affected area with a blanket while sleeping)
  • do not warm up the bruise or bandage it
  • If the nail immediately begins to come off, it must be fixed with a bandage

If under the entire surface of the nail there is black hematoma, then you need to see a doctor to prevent infection. The specialist will make a puncture through which the blood will come out and will treat the bruise. Thanks to this, the nail will not come off, and the injury will heal faster.

If the hematoma due to a bruised nail turns black, consult a doctor

For severe, unremitting pain, it is possible use of painkillers. Most often, doctors recommend aspirin in such cases, as well as a compress from a dimexide solution (in a 1:1 ratio with water).

How and with what to numb a pinched or bruised nail for a child?

Very often victims of bruises of the nail plate It is the children who become: due to inattention or neglect of safety measures. Needed as soon as possible provide first aid to the child and try to eliminate painful sensations.

Bruised nail in a child

The first step, as in the case of an adult, is to lower the affected finger in the cold. It's better if it's a jet cold water, but ice or any cold object will also work. If the pain does not go away, then a similar procedure must be repeated. every 10-15 minutes, until the condition improves.

Only after severe pain has been eliminated is it performed treating the bruise with an antiseptic. If there is swelling of the tissues of the limb, then it is necessary to make an iodine mesh.

In case of severe bruise, when under the nail plate there is large hematoma, you should immediately consult a doctor who will examine the injury and prescribe the necessary treatment.

How and with what to treat a bruised nail if it has turned blue and black?

Treatment of a severe bruised nail - a matter for a specialist. If the injury is minor, then you can provide yourself with first and subsequent aid at home. If there is no under the nail large hematoma, then its surface treated with an antiseptic and this is where the treatment ends.

In the event that a bruise forms at the site of the injury and the nail turns black It is necessary to release the blood as soon as possible by puncturing the nail. If this is not done, serious consequences may occur in the form of blood poisoning and detachment of the nail plate.

In order to reduce inflammation and relieve pain when bruised, heparin ointment. It is applied several times a day to the nail in a thin layer until complete healing. It is also advisable to use ointments that improve blood circulation damaged area and contribute to the resorption of the hematoma.

There are many recipes for treating a bruised nail plate traditional methods , here are some of them:

  • freshwater(in the form of a dry powder) must be mixed with water and kneaded into an elastic dough, which is applied to the affected area
  • plantain leaves and millennial juice are mixed into a homogeneous porridge and a compress is applied to the nail
  • wine and vinegar mix in equal proportions and add a pinch of salt. Soak a bandage in the resulting mixture and apply it to the bruise.
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of salt mixed with 1 tbsp. spoon of soda, add warm water. The affected finger is kept in the solution for 15-20 minutes

Important: If a discharge in the form of pus oozes from the nail or the bruise bleeds, then you should immediately consult a doctor!

Video: Treatment of hematoma under the nail

What to do if the nail comes off, how to save it?

With a severe bruise, the blood vessels located under the nail are damaged. In this case, between the nail and soft tissue a bruise forms, and after blood clotting - hematoma. If the blood is not released in time, then over time the nail will begin to peel off and come off completely. Wherein new nail It will take a very long time to grow.

If a nail is bruised, it is necessary to release the blood - otherwise the nail will peel off

In order to protect the nail, it is necessary to stop the bleeding using ice and only then release the blood from under the nail. It is better if a specialist does this, because on your own, without knowing how such a manipulation is carried out, you can make your condition worse.

Often, in order to save the nail, a pressure bandage is applied to the bruise. It's not worth doing this since squeezing the nail prevents the hematoma from resolving and the injury from healing.

If the nail begins to come off, then it is necessary to attach it with a plaster. But save the nail it won't help- if it peels off significantly, then you will have to wait until the next one grows back.

When is a bruised nail removed?

Usually, surgical removal of the nail performed only in emergency cases, when the injury is so severe that the presence of the nail plate affects negative impact on damaged tissue. In other cases, the nail that suffered from a bruise trying to save by all means.

Even if the nail itself peels off, it is glued with a plaster so that the damaged tissue is protected by the nail plate from additional injuries and infection.

Remove loose nail sooner or later it will be necessary if he does not leave on his own. When the injury heals, the formation of a new nail begins, and the old one will only be held on by hangnails and cuticle, then you can safely delete it. To do this, you don’t have to rush to the surgeon - you can do a similar procedure at home using a manicure set.

It is better to remove the nail plate in stages, cutting off small pieces using wire cutters. In no case don't tear your nail- this way you injure the tissues of the nail bed.

Bruised nail- a nuisance that can be easily survived if first aid is provided in time and you know how to treat this type of injury. Moreover, when proper care You will you be able to save your nail? and you won't expect long months until a new one grows.

Video: How to cure a bruised nail?

A disease in which the nails of a child or an adult come off the finger, split, crumble and break is called onycholysis.

At the first signs and symptoms of the disease You must consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. The recovery process can be extremely long.

What to do if your nail comes off thumb legs:

  1. Seek help from a dermatologist.
  2. Establish the cause. If possible, carry out tests.
  3. If the nail comes off partially due to impact, secure the plate with a bandage or plaster.

    It is advisable to treat the injury site with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant. As the nail plate grows, carefully trim the detached nail.

  4. If the bed on the leg is completely exposed, then measures should be taken to prevent the infection process from occurring.
  5. If the base of the nail is black and your finger hurts, urgently contact a specialist.

You can quickly help a victim of injury by ensuring complete rest for the leg, fixing the affected area, and giving painkillers.

Important! Nail fungus is treated with special medications and local creams and ointments, which only a doctor can choose correctly.

The plate is removed from the nail bed on the big toe in case of fungal infection. This disease is common among adults and children.

Various sources: swimming pool, public baths, gyms. The fungus is not always immediately recognizable. Treatable local drugs. The big toes are the ones that suffer the most.

What could be the reasons?

Not only on the feet, the nails are moving away from the skin on the hands as well. It looks extremely unaesthetic. This is dangerous and fraught with serious consequences.

The nail on the little finger turned yellow– can be disguised with nail polish. But this method is only a temporary measure that can only worsen the situation.

Causes of onycholysis:

  1. Long-term use of antibiotics.
  2. Allergic reactions of the body to the external environment.
  3. Infectious diseases.
  4. Injuries.
  5. Regularly wearing tight and uncomfortable shoes.
  6. Fungal diseases.
  7. Weakened immunity after illness.
  8. Cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Mental disorders of the nervous system.
  10. Disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  11. Disruption of the endocrine system.
  12. Extensive dermatitis.
  13. Psoriasis.
  14. Eczema.
  15. Frequent manicures.

Causes are divided into external and internal. If a woman notices that the nail on her ring finger has turned white after removing her manicure, the nail plates do not have enough oxygen. The extended nail may move away from the bed along with the healthy one.

note! Frequent manicures, especially with modern gel polishes, lead to brittle nails and diseases. It is necessary to give your nails a rest.

In children, there are cases when the nail comes off after pinching a finger. Nothing wrong with that. It is necessary to treat the damaged area and secure it with a sterile bandage until it grows completely.

Dermatologist advice:

  • See a doctor in a timely manner.
  • For fungal infections, use specialized creams and ointments.
  • In case of hormonal imbalance, undergo comprehensive treatment.
  • Wear individual shoes in public places Oh.

Dermatologists base their diagnoses not only on appearance And personal experience, but also on the test results, which give one hundred percent exact result occurrence of a problem.

note! Defeat nail plates on the arms and legs without timely treatment can lead to finger amputation.

Treatment with folk remedies

People fought against damage to the nail plates with the help of decoctions, infusions, baths, and compresses.

Compresses with olive oil and lemon are common among people.. These components are mixed in a one to one ratio.

A cotton pad is soaked in the resulting solution and applied to the nail. Olive oil nourishes, moisturizes, saturates the skin, cuticle and nail plates.

Important! In addition to the use of folk remedies, antifungal drugs should not be neglected: ketoconazole, griseofulvin.

Antifungals effectively fight fungal infections of the nails. We must remember that the treatment process can take years, so you need to start treatment as early as possible. Folk remedies will complement general therapy well.

Prevention measures

Preventive treatment comes down to a number of simple actions and compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Prevention of onycholysis:

  1. Maintain personal hygiene.
  2. Taking vitamins and biologically active food supplements.
  3. Exercise to maintain a balanced mental state.
  4. Periodic rest from coated manicures.
  5. If possible, avoid public places with large crowds of people.

Nails may turn black, yellow, blue, or purple. All this points to a specific disease, which only a specialist can determine. The space can be partially or completely filled with air.

Important! A disease left unattended can lead to serious consequences.

Maintaining a proper diet, eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and juices can significantly reduce the risk of many diseases. The benefits of civilization should not be abused.

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A cracked or peeling toenail is a common and often painful condition that many people experience at one point in their lives.

The procedure for removing a peeling toenail usually involves minimal risks. After it, the nail grows back to full size in about a year and a half or even earlier.

Typically, nails peel off as a result of injury or infection. Fungal infections or injuries may require additional medical attention, since only a doctor can ensure the correct growth of a new nail in especially severe cases.

In this material, we will tell you what to do when your toenail falls off. We'll also look at the causes of peeling nails and explain when you should see a doctor about this problem.

A new nail usually grows in 18 months or less

When a nail just begins to fall off, a person can immediately go to the hospital.

Or you can start treating your nails yourself. To do this, you should take the following steps:

  • use a file to round sharp or protruding edges;
  • clean the nail bed;
  • apply a bandage to your finger;
  • carefully trim partially attached nails;
  • Avoid removing any remaining nails.

If the underlying cause of nail problems is not treated, the new nail may grow incorrectly or not grow at all. Infectious diseases may require special.


Why do my toenails peel off?

There are several common causes of nails falling off. These include fungal infections, injuries and psoriasis. There are also reasons that are less common. Mainly this side effects

certain drugs and other diseases that do not affect many people.

Below we will look at common causes in more detail.

Fungal infection

Fungi can develop in many areas of the body, including between the nail and nail bed. When this happens, a person's risk of nail falling off increases.

  • However, there are a number of signs that a person can watch for before the nail falls off. Signs of a fungal infection include the following:
  • white or yellowish discoloration of the nail;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • thickening of the nail;
  • unusual nail shape;

reduced nail strength.

  • Fungal infections can develop for several reasons. They are more likely to appear when the skin near the nail or the nail itself is damaged. Key causes and risk factors are related to the following:
  • aging;
  • cracking of nails;
  • active participation in sports that involve the legs, in particular football;

diabetes. cure fungal infection

it is often difficult. Treatment may require the use of topical creams, oral antifungals, or a combination of both strategies.

In particularly severe cases, a person may need surgery to remove the nail and stop it from growing further.

  • Preventing a fungal infection is easier than treating it. This can be done using:
  • keeping your feet dry;
  • regular nail trimming;
  • frequent changes of socks;
  • disinfecting scissors after use;

wearing shoes in public areas with damp floors, such as gyms, locker rooms and showers.


Ballerinas may damage their toenails when wearing pointe shoes.

These injuries can occur as a result of the following:

  • car accident;
  • falling a heavy object onto your finger;
  • contact sports;
  • ballet or other types of dance;
  • hitting your toe on a hard surface.

As a result of the injury, the toe usually turns black or purple, as blood collects under the nail. The blood puts extra pressure on the nail, which can cause it to fall off after a few weeks.

If the hematoma affects a significant part of the nail, if the person feels pain or throbbing, he needs to see a doctor who can make a small hole with a needle and thus drain the blood and relieve the pressure.

In many cases, people manage to cope with trauma on their own. Most common methods home treatment suggest the following:

  • elevation of the leg;
  • immersing the affected area in cold water;
  • frequent application of fresh dressings;
  • taking (NSAIDs), for example, ibuprofen;
  • wiping the affected area with antibacterial ointments;
  • blunting the sharp ends of the nail using scissors and a nail file.

Depending on which finger is injured and the area affected, it may take up to 18 months for the nail to fully heal and develop a new nail.

If a nail injury occurs, you should wear loose-fitting shoes and socks, and trim the nail to avoid further injury.


Psoriasis is a common condition that causes red, scaly patches to appear on a person's skin. This condition causes the body to produce an excessive number of skin cells that rise above the surface of the skin in the form of plaques.

Psoriasis usually appears on other areas of the body, but 55% of people with this condition find it on their fingers or toes.

People who do not have signs of psoriasis elsewhere on the body are much less likely to experience it on their nails. Only 5% of people without psoriasis on the rest of their body have this condition on their nails.

When psoriasis appears under the nails, it is usually mild and rarely causes serious problems. However, formations on the toes sometimes have the same effect as the collected blood - they put pressure on the nails and can cause them to peel off.

Symptoms of psoriasis under the toenail include the following:

  • yellow or brown;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • deviation in the shape of the nail;
  • formations under the nail.

That is, the symptoms of psoriasis are a lot like those of a fungal infection, which is why a person with psoriasis should be checked by a doctor to separate one condition from the other.

Psoriasis can be treated by soaking the nail in warm water. The doctor will probably prescribe special creams to relieve the symptoms. Phototherapy (light treatment) may also be an option.

When are toenails removed?

If only part of the nail has fallen off, it is important that the remaining part remains in place.

In this case, instead of removing the nail, a person should trim or file jagged edges or bumps to smooth out the shape of the nail. This will help prevent further injury and ensure that the nail remains comfortable in your sock or shoe.

Any nail that has not completely pulled away from the nail bed or is still attached to another part of the nail should be trimmed. After cutting, the edges of the nail must be blunted using a nail file.

Complications when removing a toenail

If a person has had a nail removed, there is a high risk of skin damage in the area of ​​the nail bed and the development of infection. Signs of infection in this case include:

  • pus;
  • bleeding;
  • fever;
  • pain;
  • redness;
  • edema.

When should you see a doctor?

Fungal infections that don't go away a long period time, must be assessed by a specialist who can prescribe effective treatment.

A person should go to the hospital if they suspect an infection under or around the nail, or if they have suffered an injury that is causing problems.

If a person suspects they have psoriasis, a doctor can give recommendations for managing the condition's symptoms on the skin and under the nails.


While a toenail is not usually a serious medical problem, it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort for a person.

In some cases, a damaged or peeling nail can become infected or indicate a more serious medical condition.

A person can take steps to keep their nail beds clean and protected. If he suspects an infection, it is better to tell a specialist about it.