Birthday compatibility for free

Knowing dates, places and time of birth (at least approximate) two people, you can build a horoscope compatibility by date of birth. This joint horoscope (called synastria in astrology) will maximum individual. It allows you to identify all the problem points in the relationship and show all positive, which is and / or maybe between partners.

Deciphering such a horoscope (its text interpretation) gives specific practical advice (including from the point of view of astropsychology) to smooth the negative moments of relations and the maximum disclosure of positive.

3 Birthday Compatibility Options:

    1. There are no negative aspects at all or their significantly less than positive. In this case, there are practically no problems in relationships, at least at first: everything is easy and pleasant. BUT! In such respects there is no what is called "lights". And unfortunately, despite all their ease and trouble, after some time they exhausted themselves, people will become each other as strangers. As it seems to be strange, but in such cases it is recommended to emphasize the negative aspects of the relationship, possibly causing conflicts, disputes And even scandals, but unambiguously adding "lights". Especially if the relationship is already long enough. This will allow you to preserve the liveliness and greater duration of the relationship.

  1. Negative aspects have a lot, but less than positive. These are the most promising relationship. Negative aspects will give energy to continuously updating relationships, to introduce the very "light", which sometimes it is so lacking with some positive aspects alone. But! Negative aspects sometimes require a sufficiently long and difficult so-called. Studies, when you and a partner, what is called, are soldered to each other, learn to understand and take each other such as it is. And in this case, accurate knowledge, in which it consist of these problems in relationships can very much. And after study After a while, negative aspects are always positive, and even with great potential and energy. People begin to live, what is called, soul in the soul.
  2. Negative aspects a lot, more than positive. This is perhaps the most difficult option of relationships. And you and the partner will have to work a lot, working on negative aspects of relations. You most likely there will be a lot of disagreements and disputes that reach the scandal. In this case, it is simply necessary that every partner clearly realize and understood the roots of all conflicts and actively acted on their smoothing and mitigation. For some time some long time, it will definitely bring its fruits and relationships will be even more harmonious than in the second version. Unless, of course, partners will not break out after the next quarrel com.

In any case, the relationship is incomparably easier when you know that difficulties with the partner are not intended to be a negative attitude, but only aspects of your compatibility horoscope. Especially if the partner also seeks to work with you all the negative aspects, reaching real harmony. Probably in this and there is real happiness! ????

Construction of the Sinastria is made automatically IS FREE. It in the encoded form contains all information about the past, present and future of your relationship.

If you do not know the exact birth's of one or both partners, point 12:00 and then in interpretations, see all aspects, except for those in which one of the aspects of the planets are Moon and Mercury. According to them, most likely, the tips will be inaccurate. For all other planets, compliance will still be quite high.

To calculate and build your date compatibility horoscope, please fill out the data of both partners in the form below.

Date of Birth of the year
Time of birth min.
City of birth
latin letters
Date of Birth January of February April April May June of July of August September of December of the year
Time of birth 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 hours. min.
City of birth
latin letters

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