Lip care at home. Lip care all year round. Lip care: moisturizing

The most sensitive part of the human body is the lips. Our lips do not contain sebaceous glands, and the blood vessels are located very close to the surface, as a result of which they are affected by hot air, frost, sun, wind and sea salt water. Our lips become dry, begin to peel, cracks appear, which subsequently lead to bleeding. Therefore, it is important at any age.

If you don’t have the time and money to visit beauty salons, you can do it yourself. How to care for your lips at home? We will talk about this in the article.

Basic rules for lip care

For the skin on the lips, as for the skin on any part of our body, there are basic rules of care: nutrition and hydration.

In the photo: rules for peeling lips using a soft toothbrush

We must not forget about our body’s need for water. The lack of this important element has a very bad effect not only on the condition of the skin of the lips - it is one of the most important conditions for the life and health of our body.

Lip care: exercise

To make your lips look beautiful, do not forget to do special exercises

To make your lips look beautiful, you should not forget to do special exercise:
1. Pull your lips into a tube and blow as if you want to extinguish a candle on a cake, then relax your lips. Repeat 10 times
2. You need to take a very deep breath and puff out your cheeks strongly. Exhale slowly, then very quickly, as if completely pushing all the air out of your mouth. You need to repeat the exercise 10 times.
3. Try to pronounce the sounds “a”, “o”, “i”, “s”, “u” very quickly. Repeat the recitative 7-10 times.
4. Open your mouth slightly and stretch out your lips. Open and close your mouth just like fish do in an aquarium. Close your lips and relax. Repeat - 10 times.
5. Perform the movement with the lower jaw and lips simultaneously. Movements should be made left and right. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.
6. You need to stick your tongue out as far as possible and hold it in this position for 5 seconds. Remove your tongue and relax for 2-3 seconds. Repeat 5-7 times.

Nourishing lip masks: recipes

Banana mask
Mix ripe and peeled banana with 1 tsp. fat sour cream. This mask should be applied for 10 minutes and then rinsed with warm water. Banana and sour cream moisturize the skin on the lips very well.

Homemade masks fermented milk products have always been used in folk cosmetology. Sour cream, yogurt and cottage cheese - well moisturize and nourish the skin at any age.

Mask made from homemade sour cream or yogurt
To prepare the mask you need to take 1 tsp. sour cream and curdled milk and mix well. The resulting composition is applied to the lips for 15 minutes, after drying, applied again for 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse your lips with warm water.

Curd mask
Mix homemade cottage cheese with cream in equal proportions (1 tsp each) and apply to lips and the area around the lips for 10 minutes.

The photo shows a lip balm made from 2 capsules of vitamin E, 2 parts cocoa butter and almond oil, 1 part beeswax.

After using nourishing masks, you need to lubricate your lips with balm or baby cream.

Lip balm
To prepare the composition you need to take 2 capsules of liquid vitamin E, two parts of cocoa butter and the same amount of almond oil, add 1 part of beeswax.

The balm should only be prepared in an enamel bowl in a water bath, stirring with a stick (faience or wood). Store the finished composition in a clean glass container in the refrigerator, but no more than a week. Apply mono every day.

To carry out the procedure, you need to grind 1 tsp. oatmeal, mix the resulting mass with 1 tsp. liquid honey. The mixture should be applied to the lips and massaged in a circular motion 2-3 minutes. Rinse off and apply moisturizer.

It must be remembered that the condition of the skin on the lips is influenced not only by unfavorable factors environment, but also the health of our body. Therefore, our diet every day must contain a sufficient amount of vitamins, microelements and fats that are necessary for the body to function.


Dasha, 25 years old:
How often and at what time of year is it better to use lip masks?

Cosmetologist's answer:
In the summer, lip masks are used once a week, and in the winter, with worsening weather conditions, it is better to do nourishing masks every day.

Vera, 40 years old:
Give advice, if there is no lip balm, what else? protective equipment can I use it?

Cosmetologist's answer:
If you don't have protective lip balm on hand, you can use Vaseline or baby cream. Any vegetable oil (olive or sunflower) will help you protect your lips from drying out and peeling.

The sun, cold and wind have an impact negative impact on the skin of our lips. Therefore, lips need systematic care that will help maintain freshness and beauty for many years. To do this, it is not necessary to resort to the help of specialists and visit expensive beauty salons. It is enough to take care of your lips at home.

Lips are of great importance in our appearance; they can both enhance beauty and ruin everything. You can’t hide your lips, they are always in plain sight, so when your lips become chapped, dry and cracked, even the best decorative cosmetics cannot save you.

The skin of the lips is devoid of sebaceous glands, so their surface is very prone to drying out and peeling. Meanwhile, we know that well-groomed lips make a woman seductive and younger.

How to care for your lips at home?

Before going to bed in mandatory Remove any makeup on your lips with a sponge soaked in a special cleanser or warm water.

Twice a day, after morning and evening rotational movements, massage your lips using a soft toothbrush or the corner of a soft terry towel.

After massaging your lips, lubricate them with butter or a special balm, thanks to which chapped lips will stop peeling and become soft.

If your lips are prone to dryness and cracking, protect them from external influences with vegetable oil or oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Apply any of these products to a cotton pad and blot your lips 30 minutes before leaving the house.

Then remove excess oil with a tissue and cover your lips with cosmetic or hygiene product– lipstick, gloss or balm, this will protect your lips from dryness and cracking. After this you can apply. A similar procedure can be done before bed, but in this case do not wash off the applied oil until the morning.

Lip masks

To smooth the skin of your lips, give them freshness and natural shine, try making lip masks.

Chapped, chapped lips are perfectly refreshed and moisturized by natural honey. Just don’t lick it off right away, but keep it on your lips for at least 5-7 minutes.

Nourishing lip mask - mix a small amount of sour cream and carrot juice, apply to lips, rinse with cool water after 5-7 minutes.

Masks based on honey and melted pork fat have a nourishing effect. Stir well 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a half tbsp. spoons of pork fat, melted in a water bath, or just on the stove, and transfer the resulting mixture into a jar. This mask will last you several times. It is recommended to store it in the refrigerator.

To prevent your lips from drying out, use the following lip mask: apply a mixture of cucumber or carrot juice, honey, sour cream, cottage cheese. After 15 minutes, lubricate your lips with vegetable oil.

To soften the skin of your lips, mix a finely grated apple with 1 tsp. butter, then apply the mixture to your lips for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with cool water.

In conclusion, it is important to recall two more important rules– never lick your lips while outside, and never start smoking. If you have already purchased this bad habit, try to part with the cigarette as soon as possible. Smoking does a lot of harm, not only to the lips, but in return it gives fleeting and very dubious pleasure.

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The skin of the lips, like the skin of the face, requires constant care. To ensure that lips have a healthy and natural appearance, are elastic, have clear outlines, and their skin is soft and naturally scarlet, you need very little effort. You just need to properly care for them, use high-quality cosmetics, and do not forget about natural, time-tested natural remedies. Various exercises and lip massages are also effective; they help improve blood circulation, which provides the lip skin with the necessary nutrients.

When choosing lip care products, you should remember that the skin of the lips is different from the skin of the face and is more sensitive. The skin of the lips lacks sebaceous and sweat glands, and the blood vessels are located very close to the surface of the skin due to a thinner layer of the epidermis. The skin of the lips contains 100 times more sensory receptors than the tips of the fingers. Due to the large number of receptors, lips are the most sensitive area of ​​human skin.

Due to its sensitivity, the skin of the lips is more susceptible to external influences. negative factors such as:

  • Use of low-quality cosmetics containing aggressive chemical elements that cause dryness and flaking of the skin of the lips
  • Impact of temperature changes ( frost, high dry temperature)
  • Dust, dirt, smog
  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The lack of melanin in the skin of the lips makes them more susceptible to the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Lip skin care methods

The skin of the lips, like other areas of the skin, needs constant care and attention. The main methods of care include:

  • external skin cleansing
  • hydration and nutrition
  • soft peeling
  • massage and gymnastics for lips

Features of regular lip care

  • Due to the absence of sebaceous and sweat glands in the skin of the lips, their surface is prone to drying out, therefore requires additional moisture
  • When using long-lasting lipsticks, their l It is better to apply on pre-applied hygienic lipstick or balm, this will prevent various chemicals from the lipstick from being absorbed into the skin of your lips.
  • Before going to bed, be sure to remove any remaining lipstick., balm or lip gloss
  • To remove lipstick, it is better to use specialized cosmetics. There is no need to wash off lipstick with soap; this dries out the skin of your lips; it already does not have a natural protective layer in the form of sebum.
  • Once a week do gymnastics lip treatment and massage
  • Apply proven cosmetics, avoid cheap fakes and do not use expired cosmetics
  • For dry lips, use regularly moisturizing masks
  • To improve blood flow and regeneration in the skin of the lips, apply periodically nutritional compositions in the form of lip balms and masks

Choosing lipstick

Since you can’t do without lipstick and other aesthetic cosmetic products that are needed virtually every day, you need to approach the choice of these products responsibly. Low-quality cosmetics can cause a lot of problems and lead to dry skin of the lips, the appearance of cracks and inflammation, as well as various types of irritation.

In addition to the type, color, texture and texture of the lipstick, when choosing it, you should pay attention to the composition and expiration date. IN quality product Most likely, components beneficial for the skin of the lips will be present:

  • natural beeswax - gives lipstick the desired consistency
  • natural oils - they will take care of moisturizing the skin and prevent it from drying out. Quality brands mainly contain castor, olive, coconut and other vegetable oils. Cheap lipsticks use lanolin, petroleum jelly or mineral oil made from petroleum products.
  • vitamins A, E, F, C- promote the healing of wounds and cracks on the lips
  • solar filters (usually SPF5, 10, 15)- protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation. For the summer period this is a mandatory component.
  • natural medicinal herbs- prevent skin inflammation and provide it with microelements

It is worth paying attention to the appearance of the lipstick. The lipstick pencil should have a uniform consistency, be no drips, liquid droplets, cracks or dents.

The lipstick should have a pleasant aroma Or it shouldn't smell at all. Unpleasant smell indicates the expiration date or the use of low-quality and hazardous ingredients.

Moisturizing lip masks

No matter how high quality it is lipstick, it will still dry out the skin of your lips. Therefore, periodically, you should use moisturizing compounds that will help restore the protective properties of the lip skin.

The main component for moisturizing lips- these are ingredients containing fats, for example, various vegetable or animal oils.

Purpose of moisturizing lip masks- this is to restore lipid (fat) connections between the layers of epidermal cells of the skin of the lips. This will allow the skin to restore its protective properties and give the lips a healthy appearance, making them smooth and velvety in appearance.

There are many options for balms and masks for moisturizing; you can use special cosmetics, or you can make them yourself at home. We offer you several time-tested options:

  • mask from coconut oil and honey


    • 1 tsp coconut oil
    • 1 tsp honey

    Melt coconut oil in a water bath, add honey and almond oil to it. Mix everything thoroughly and let cool. Apply for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.

  • mask of sour cream and almond oil


    • 1 tsp high fat sour cream
    • 2-3 kali lemon juice
    • 1 tsp almond or olive oil

    Mix the ingredients together and apply on lips for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Simple, pure vegetable oils work great as a moisturizer.: almond (apricot), coconut, olive, shea butter, sea buckthorn and others.

And if you add liquid to the oil fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, then the effect of such a mask will be more pronounced and lasting. The oil can be applied in a thin layer every night before bed, or periodically when you feel your lips are dry and need moisturizing.

Nourishing lip masks

In addition to moisturizing, the skin of the lips needs periodic nourishment. Nourishing masks and balms will help with this, providing the skin with essential microelements and improving blood circulation in the inner layers of the epidermis. All this will improve the regeneration of lip skin cells, allowing the epidermis to recover faster, which will make lips healthy and well-groomed, with a natural scarlet color.

Considering that the upper layer of the epidermis of the lips, like our other skin, is poorly permeable to water, it is advisable for the masks to include components containing fats, albeit in small quantities. The presence of fats will allow the beneficial components dissolved in them to penetrate the upper layer of the epidermis, which will make the mask much more effective.

You can easily prepare nourishing masks and balms at home:

  • lip mask based on natural honey

    Apply a small amount to clean lips once a week natural honey If the honey is thick and candied, then melt it first in a water bath, but not higher than 50°C. After application, leave for 15 minutes and then simply rinse off any remaining honey with clean water.

    This procedure will make your lips soft and, by improving blood circulation, give them a healthy natural color.

    If, after applying a honey-based mask, lightly massage the skin of your lips with your fingertips, then the mask will have the effect of an ultra-soft scrub.

  • lip mask based on grated apple

    For the treatment of small cracks, a mask based on grated apple is well suited.


    • 3 tsp finely grated apple
    • 1 tsp butter

    Mix the ingredients, apply to clean lips for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

  • mask based on cottage cheese and carrot juice


    • 1 tsp fat cottage cheese
    • 1 tsp heavy cream
    • 1 tsp carrot or cucumber juice

    Mix cottage cheese, cream, carrot juice and apply to the surface of the lips for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

    After removing the mask, apply a small amount of almond oil to your lips, leave for 15 minutes, and blot off the remainder with a napkin.

Lip balm

Unlike nourishing masks, which are applied for a short time, lip balm can be used continuously throughout the day. It can be applied to the lips simply instead of hygienic lipstick, or used as a base before applying cosmetic lipstick.

Lip balm prepared at home does not contain preservatives or other chemical elements harmful to the skin of the lips, but consists only of natural ingredients. Therefore, lip balm prepared at home has an undoubted advantage over products purchased in a store or pharmacy.

In addition, you can always experiment with the composition yourself, trying different combinations of components.

The basis of any lip balm is natural beeswax and vegetable oils. Wax serves as the basis for the balm, into which the remaining ingredients are mixed during preparation. It creates a protective film on the lips, protecting them from environmental influences. Vegetable oils and other components included in the composition are necessary to achieve a therapeutic effect.

The method of preparing any balm is the same:

  • it is necessary to melt the beeswax in a water bath until it reaches a liquid consistency
  • add other ingredients to the melted wax
  • mix everything together thoroughly
  • pour into containers
  • let cool
  • store in a cool, dark place

To ensure a thicker consistency of the balm, you simply need to increase the amount of beeswax in its composition. And to make the balm more viscous (softer), you need, on the contrary, to reduce the amount of wax or increase the amount of vegetable oil included in the composition.

Healing lip balm

If your lips are chapped or inflamed, you can prepare a special lip balm that will help relieve inflammation.

Lip balm composition:

  • 1 tbsp beeswax
  • 1 tsp cocoa butter (can be replaced with almond or olive oil)
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp shea butter
  • 1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • 1 tsp Vaseline (can be omitted if desired)
  • 1 tbsp chamomile decoction

Melt beeswax in a water bath, then add cocoa butter, Vaseline, coconut and other oils and chamomile decoction to it. Mix everything thoroughly and remove from the water bath. While the composition is liquid, it can be poured into small glass containers. When everything cools down, it will turn into a thick balm that can be stored for 3-4 months in the refrigerator in a closed container.

The resulting balm must be applied to the skin of the lips 2-3 times a day. The therapeutic effect should already occur within 2-3 days.

This balm is perfect as a prophylactic product, as a hygienic lipstick, or as a base for cosmetic lipstick.

Do not confuse chapped lips with herpes infection. If water bubbles appear on your lips, severe itching or bleeding small abscesses occur, then immediately resort to specialized medicinal ointments purchased at the pharmacy (acyclovir, valacyclovir and others). And the sooner you do this, the better.

Aloe lip balm

Aloe juice accelerates the regeneration of lip skin cells, allowing small cracks and wounds to heal faster. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect, suppressing the development of pathogens.

Balm composition:

  • 1 tsp beeswax
  • 1 tsp aloe juice
  • 1 tsp coconut oil

If desired, you can add liquid vitamin E to the composition. It will enhance cell regeneration and help recovery processes.

Lip balm with sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil contains a rich complex of substances beneficial for the skin of the lips:

  • amino acids
  • mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • flavonoids (rutin, isorhamnetin, quercetin, kaempferol)
  • triterpene acids (ursolic, oleanolic)
  • organic acids (tartaric, salicylic, oxalic, malic, succinic)
  • carotenoids- provide a wound healing effect
  • vitamins E, C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, K
  • trace elements - magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, silicon, nickel, molybdenum

Sea buckthorn oil promotes wound healing and perfectly nourishes the skin. Due to the rich complex of vitamins and minerals, it supplies the skin of the lips with the necessary elements, improving metabolic processes in it and improving blood circulation.

Balm composition:

  • 1 tsp beeswax
  • 1 tsp sea ​​buckthorn oil
  • 1 tsp grape seed oils

Recommendations for the composition of masks and lip balms
(vitamins for lips)

You can add fat-soluble liquid vitamins A, D, E, K to any mask or lip balm. Vitamins can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of ampoules with liquid vitamins used for simple injections.

Fat-soluble vitamins, are able to penetrate the epidermis of the skin and reach the inner layers of the skin, delivering the necessary vitamins there. This will improve metabolic processes in the skin, improve blood circulation and tissue regeneration. Vitamins will also help relieve inflammation and speed up the healing of cracks and small wounds on the lips.

In addition to vitamins, You can add 1 tsp to any lip balm at the final stage. natural bee honey. This will make the balm even more useful and provide the lip skin with additional nutrition and care.

Lip skin massage

It is recommended to massage your lips regularly. This can be done during morning or evening hygiene procedures. To do this, after brushing your teeth, take a clean, soft terry towel and lightly massage the entire surface of your lips. 2-3 minutes will be enough. This will increase blood circulation in the skin of the lips and remove dead epidermal scales, allowing the skin to renew itself.

Massage option using a toothbrush, we strongly Not we recommend doing. No matter how soft the bristles of the brush are, it still causes microtrauma to the delicate skin of the lips, which does not in the best possible way will affect their health and appearance, even if not immediately.

Exercises (gymnastics) for lips

Gymnastics for the lips will keep your facial muscles toned, which will allow you to maintain the shape of your lips longer, their clear outline and elasticity. Regular exercise will improve blood flow, which will provide the skin of the lips with the necessary nutrients, making their color natural and rich due to additional blood flow.

Lip exercises should be done regularly, at least once a week.

Exercise option for gymnastics:

  • Stretch your lips and blow as if extinguishing a candle, then relax your lips. Repeat 7-10 times
  • Pronounce the vowels, clearly pronouncing them “a”, “o”, “u”, “i”, “s”. Repeat 7-10 times.
  • Pull your lips forward and open your mouth like a fish when breathing. Close your mouth and relax your lips. Repeat 10-20 times.
  • Move your lower jaw simultaneously with your lips, first to the left, then to the right. Repeat 10-20 times.

Beautiful female lips attract the attention of all men. Moreover, in those cases when they are “not hidden” under a thick layer of lipstick, but look natural. If nature has not endowed you with plump and bright lips, then you need to make every effort to make them so. That is why it is necessary to carry out timely lip care at home. They require the same attention as hair care or dental care, that is, you need to monitor the entire body.

First of all, do not forget that your lips require daily care. Before starting the procedure, you need to wash off the lipstick or gloss from your lips. To make your lips always look attractive, soft and tender, you can do special massage, exercises, apply moisturizing masks using cosmetic or folk remedies. Particular attention should also be paid to chapped or cracked lips.

Massage and exercises for lip beauty

Massage should be done to improve blood circulation, because in this case, your lips will acquire a rich color. A similar action can be performed using your fingertips. Perform tapping movements for 2-3 minutes. Massaging with a toothbrush will work well, just don’t overdo it.

You can also use special massagers to massage your lips. After the procedure, moisturize your lips with a hygienic cream or sunflower oil. Remove the last two ingredients with a cotton pad after some time.

You can try using it, it’s like a massager that allows you to enlarge your lips. But this is temporary, so for long lasting effect It is better to carry the device with you.

To give your lips elasticity, you can perform the following exercises:

  • Pull out your lips and blow as if you were trying to put out a candle. Then relax them. The exercise must be repeated five times.
  • You need to take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks. Exhale it slowly at first and then quickly. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times.
  • Pull your lips forward and then move them up and down. The exercise must be repeated 6 times.
  • Commit motor movements jaw together with lips left and right. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Lip care using cosmetics

The use of cosmetics has a beneficial effect on the general condition of your lips: they are able to nourish and moisturize them. To achieve this effect, you can use cosmetics to care for the area around the eyes, because the skin around the eyes is also very thin. This cream can not only remove bags under the eyes and other visible defects, but also help the lips. To prevent your lips from drying out and cracking, you need to use oil solutions of vitamins A and E, which can be purchased at pharmacies. Half an hour before going outside, you should apply the solution and then wipe your lips with a napkin.

You can use various scrubs, balms, serums, creams containing effective caring ingredients. For example, such as shea butter, which protects lips from dehydration. And also sea buckthorn oil, which has a healing effect. Collagen, which is contained in cosmetic products, prevents early aging of the skin of your lips. The peptides included in many products make the skin of the lips more elastic and firm, and hyaluronic acid is able to retain moisture.

It is recommended to apply cosmetics in the evening. For example, the cream can be left on the lips for half an hour and then washed off with warm water. As a rule, the way in which one or another is used cosmetic product indicated in the instructions, so please read it carefully before use.

It is impossible to imagine lip care without using hygienic lipstick. It contains natural caring ingredients that are also capable of moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the lips at any time of the year: be it hot summer or Cold winter. Do not forget that decorative cosmetics such as lipstick or gloss can also provide direct care. They should contain vitamins and other caring components. Thanks to this, your lips will be moisturized throughout the day. The choice of decorative cosmetics should be approached with all responsibility, because low-quality products can cause irreparable harm to the lips. You need to choose a lipstick that has an expiration date of at least 3 months.

5 effective lip masks using folk remedies

What to do if your lips are chapped

The most common cause of chapped lips is wind. But besides this, there are other reasons: decorative cosmetics, lack of vitamins, licking lips or inappropriate toothpaste. The process of chapped lips implies a loss large quantity moisture, so they become dry, unpleasant to the touch, and also pale.

If you feel that your lips are chapped, then first you need to find out the reason for this process. But in any case, you must immediately use various masks, creams and balms containing nourishing moisturizing ingredients. In this case, the former beauty of your lips will return soon.

What to do if your lips are chapped

Caring for your lips is a rather painstaking process, especially if they are chapped. The causes of cracks can be different: lack of vitamins, allergic reaction to cosmetics, excessive consumption of sugar or alcohol, as well as the habit of licking and biting lips.
Such “damaged” lips require especially careful care. To ensure that not a trace remains of cracks, it is necessary to use nourishing masks, creams, balms, as well as ointments containing antibiotics, which also help

Lip care is an important part of your daily beauty routine. What do you need to know about the skin of your lips in order to properly care for it?

The number of sebaceous glands in the lip area is reduced; a small number of them are located only in the corners of the lips. That is why, in the absence of proper care, dryness, peeling and cracks cannot be avoided.

Dry, chapped lips cause discomfort and do not add neatness to your makeup. Therefore, it is better to systematically maintain the health of the skin of the lips than to periodically restore it.

There should be several lip balms, including sunscreen © iStock

Why do lips dry out?

The skin of the lips is initially more susceptible to aggressive environmental influences, since it has a thin epidermis and is almost devoid of natural protective lubricant. Main causes of dryness:

  1. 1

    negative impact of environmental factors: strong wind, frost or, conversely, scorching sun, temperature changes;

  2. 2

    bad habits such as smoking;

  3. 3

    structural features;

  4. 4

    age-related changes;

  5. 5


Decorative cosmetics can also dry out the skin of the lips - for example, popular in Lately matte liquid lipstick. Its long-lasting texture contains practically no greasy components, so this makeup requires enhanced lip care before and after applying lipstick.

How to care for your lips

It would seem that what is so difficult here? But there are nuances, and it is better to adhere to certain rules.

Take care of proper nutrition

Beauty starts from within. A lack of vitamins and fatty acids in your diet immediately affects the condition of your lips - and this is a reason to reconsider your nutritional system. It should include:

    fatty fish: mackerel, halibut, saury, eel, sturgeon;

    nuts(walnuts, peanuts), pumpkin seeds;

    vegetable oils: olive, flaxseed, sesame, rapeseed;

    vegetables and greens: spinach, parsley, pumpkin, Brussels sprouts.

Bad habits such as smoking and excessive consumption of spicy foods can also lead to dryness, cracking and flaking.

A scrub with sugar particles will help exfoliate the skin of your lips © iStock

Don't skip care steps

The daily care algorithm involves several steps.

  1. 1

    Use lip balm

    Before going outside, apply a protective balm, before going to bed - moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating.

  2. 2


    Exfoliation - very useful procedure, including for the skin of the lips. To get rid of flaking and improve microcirculation, try lip massage using soft scrubs, such as sugar-based ones.

  3. 3

    Instead of a primer, you can use a non-greasy balm. Apply a thin layer and pat it into the skin with your fingertips or spread over your lips with a brush.

  4. 4

    Remove lip makeup correctly

    Don't wash your face with soap. Apply milk or micellar water to a cotton pad and gently remove makeup with it without rubbing the skin.

To cleanse your lips of stubborn matte lipstick, use a nourishing balm. Apply it on your lips in a thick layer and wait 30 seconds. The balm will soften the pigment, after which it can be removed with a napkin. This method will help keep your lips smooth and healthy, while regular use of harsh cleansers will inevitably dry out your skin.

Still have questions?

How to minimize transverse wrinkles along the contour of the lips. You can do this in two ways:

  1. 1

    regularly use a plumper based on menthol or hyaluronic acid;

  2. 2

    carry out shock exfoliation for seven days in a row - and immediately after the scrub apply an intensive moisturizer.

How care differs in different seasons

Seasonality is one of the conditions that is important to observe in lip care so that their delicate skin feels comfortable 365 days a year.

Apply lip primer under lipstick, especially matte lipstick © iStock

In summer

In summer lip care, everything is simple: choose lighter textures; in warm (but not hot!) weather, you can get by with regular lipstick - without additional nutrition in the form of balms.

In hot weather, be sure to use sunscreen balm. Within the city limits, an SPF level of 15-20 will be sufficient, but for traveling to warmer climates, choose products with an SPF of at least 25. And don’t forget to renew the coating every 1.5-2 hours (and after snacks).

in winter

IN winter care In addition to the mandatory stages of exfoliation, nutrition and moisturizing, you can add masks. If you don’t have a ready-made product, apply a thick layer of restorative cream to your lips and leave for several hours, preferably overnight.

Sunscreen balm will come in handy on a ski vacation: snow reflects the sun's rays just as well as the surface of water, exposing your skin to an increased risk of photoaging.

When choosing a balm for the winter, carefully study the composition. Ingredients such as glycerin, oils and ceramides work as moisture-retaining agents, preventing the appearance of tightness and flaking. Natural vegetable oils (shea, olive, macadamia, coconut) are able to “lock” moisture in the skin and have a protective and antioxidant effect. Hyaluronic acid and aloe extract instantly moisturize and refresh. Products that combine all types of components will suit you.

Tools Overview

Indispensable products for lip skin care are a balm for nourishing and moisturizing, as well as a smoothing cream designed specifically for this area.

Lip care creams


  1. 1

    Anti-aging Collagenist Re-Plump, Helena Rubinstein

    The product with proxylane and collagen microspheres instantly adds volume to the lips and smoothes out wrinkles along the lip contour.

  2. 2

    Care for the contour of the eyes and lips during menopause Neovadiol, Vichy

    Firms and smoothes the skin thanks to the content of proxilan, epiruline, proteins and Vichy thermal spring water. With this product, even with hormonal imbalance, lips look fresh and well-groomed.


  1. 1

    Universal lip product Lip Balm Him/Her, Giorgio Armani

    A universal product that is suitable for both women and men. The melting texture spreads well over the lips, is odorless and gives a natural shine. The product comes in a neutral range to suit different skin tones, with 6 shades ranging from clear and pale pink to cool mauve.

  2. 2

    Nourishing balm for deep restoration of lip skin Nutritic Lèvres, La Roche-Posay

    The formula with ceramides eliminates tightness, irritation, heals cracks and tightens the skin. For deep restoration, you can apply a thick layer before bed.

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    Lipstick-lip balm Sexy Balm, L’Oréal Paris

    Smoothes and conditions the skin, leaving lips smooth and moisturized. The palette contains 12 shades with two types of coverage: translucent Sheer and denser and richer Bold. A stick with a pointed end allows you to apply the product strictly along the contour, even without a mirror.

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    Lip balm Aquasource Plump and Glow Lip Balm, Biotherm

    The light balm smells like peach. Thanks to vitamins and vegetable oils in the composition, it quickly softens lips. Adds visual volume to lips. Sun protection factor SPF 8 prevents photoaging.