Increase the retirement age for women. Raising the retirement age. At what age do women and men retire?

My last article was about raising the retirement age in Russia for our readers. I'll try to improve today!

There is constant talk about raising the retirement age scheduled for 2020, accustoming the population to the inevitability of this event.

True, the country's leadership reassures worried citizens, asserting that no sudden movements in this direction are planned in the near future. Olga Golodets (Deputy Prime Minister) said in mid-2016 that until 2018 the retirement age will remain unchanged.

And now 2019 has arrived. What should residents of the Russian Federation expect?

The initiatives of economists of the liberal wing do not leave the topic of increase alone. At the beginning of this year, Alexey Kudrin, who heads the Center for Strategic Research, came up with his own plan, proposing to begin its implementation in 2020.

The goal is to bring the retirement age to 65 (for men) / 63 (for women) years by the 30s of the 21st century. At the same time, Kudrin promises a significant increase in pensions (an increase in payments by 30%) while simultaneously reducing budget expenses.

Vladimir Mau, an economist close in ideology to Yegor Gaidar, who today holds the post of rector of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Civil Service, supported this plan.

The IMF also periodically calls for raising the retirement age for Russian residents, the last time such a call was made in May of this year. At the same time, there are inevitable references to developed countries, in which the population retires much later than in the Russian Federation.

Each country has solved the issue of retirement age in its own way.

A countryRetirement ageaverage life expectancy
67 62 82
67 67 76
66 66 82
66 66 80
65 64 83
Brazil65 60 74
South Africa60 60 57
China60 55 75
60 65 55 60 71

As can be seen from the table, the lowest expenses for maintaining pensioners are observed in South Africa: it’s just that few people there live to see retirement. The Swiss live the longest, and although they become pensioners at 65/64, they still have time to fully enjoy their well-deserved rest until the age of 83.

As for Russia, today the average life expectancy of citizens is 71.78 years, and for men it is about 66. Women, as a more resilient part of the population, live to an average of 77.

With these indicators in mind, United Russia reacted sharply negatively to Kudrin’s idea to push back the retirement age for men to 65: they don’t want to follow the example of South Africa and “save for the dead.”

But the Ministry of Finance (Ministry of Finance) does not object to the age limit for men at 65 years old, motivating their optimism by the fact that by 2016 they began to live 7 years longer (if you count from 1995).

For women, by the way, the Ministry of Finance proposes to set the same bar at 65 years, although their life expectancy has increased by only 5.2 years.

Discussions are ongoing about the weak stability of the Russian pension system and methods for its improvement.

The government assesses the current pension system as unsatisfactory, and here's why:

  • it is not balanced, largely due to excessive complexity;
  • as a result, it is financially unstable;
  • does not provide a decent level of pensions;
  • needs improvement.

One of the main reasons forcing to increase the retirement age is the deficit of the Russian Pension Fund. The fund is constantly subsidized from the budget, and this, of course, is bad practice.

Budget savings will be short-lived

As the main measure to reduce the expenditures of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Finance proposes increasing the retirement age. Moreover, in his opinion, it is necessary to start this procedure as early as possible.

Ministry of Labor (Ministry of Labor and social protection The Russian Federation, for its part, declares that there is no need for this, much less urgency.

The Ministry of Finance refers to transfers that have to be used to replenish the Russian Pension Fund. The burden on the budget last year amounted to about 4% of GDP, or 3.7 trillion rubles. If we implement the 65/63 formula, then by the end of 2035 the volume of transfer will decrease to 2.5% of GDP, and with the 65/65 option the savings budget funds there will be even more.

The Ministry of Labor objects that the effect of savings will be observed for a very short time, since pension payments will increase - after all, Kudrin promised to raise them by 30%.

In general, issues with transfers from the budget to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation must be resolved by revising the state’s non-insurance obligations, and not at all by raising the retirement age.

Recently there have been media reports about an upcoming promotion, which is a condition of appointment. The population was alarmed, because in fact this technique is a veiled increase in the retirement age. Officials of the Ministry of Labor hastened to assure that such actions are not planned, there is not even any talk about them.

However, the Ministry of Finance thinks differently: it is necessary not only to increase the age pension qualification, but at the same time it is necessary to increase the mandatory length of service to 25-35 years.

True, officials say, the freed-up funds should be used primarily to increase the income of pensioners. Then it would be easier for them to explain why they need to work longer to retire.

Kudrin also emphasizes this - it is better to work 2-3 years longer, but then receive a decent pension.

Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Olga Golodets expressed her opinion on ways to increase pensions in February 2017. It is not worth reforming constantly, this reduces confidence in it. We just need to increase the responsibility of employers for paying contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and persistently improve the collection system.

According to information from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, more serious changes should be expected.

Starting from 2019 (or possibly 2020), the retirement age in Russia will still begin to rise. The retirement date will be postponed by 6 months every year:

  • men under 65 years of age;
  • women - up to 60.

The wait for social benefits due to age will also be extended, pushing back the period by the same 6 months:

  • men under 70 years of age;
  • women - up to 68.

These figures were announced by Anton Drozdov, Chairman of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, at the beginning of September 2017.

The idea of ​​this was expressed by the President himself, V.V. Putin, at the annual press conference in 2015. He spoke about the increase in the retirement age as a general trend of our time, noting the aging of the population in developed countries.

However, in Russia, as the president emphasized, the retirement age remains unchanged: 60 years for men and 55 for women.

However, certain steps in this direction have already been taken. Thus, from January 1, 2017, a special law launched the process of increasing the retirement age.

For them, the threshold for retirement is pushed back by 6 months every year. The limit value for men is 65 years old, for women – 63. That is, we see the same “Kudrinsky” 65/63.

Simultaneously with age, the minimum length of service increases to 20 years, starting from the generally accepted 15. It will reach its maximum value in 2026; in 2018 it will be 16 years, in 2019 – 17, and so on.

In addition, it is considered new option pension law, which also involves raising the retirement age.

Thus, the decision to increase the retirement age in Russia is already being actually implemented, so far only in a targeted manner. The contours of future changes have been outlined, but their implementation requires careful preparation.

When will the retirement age increase for everyone begin?

They passed in 2019, and it is clear that no one would have raised them before the elections. That is, in 2019, men born in 1958 and women born in 1963 will retire.

The Higher School of Economics asked the opinion of residents of the Russian Federation regarding raising the retirement age.

According to the study, today 21% of respondents were in favor of it. This figure, unexpectedly large, convinced researchers that the population is gradually getting used to the idea of ​​the inevitability of raising the retirement age, and is coming to terms with it.

If you tell citizens more specific parameters, for example, the growth rate of pension payments, then you should expect a significant increase in the level of support. It is quite possible that after a certain time, after appropriate information processing, no one will object.

As for current pensioners, they can calmly observe the process from the sidelines, since no innovations regarding length of service and retirement age will affect them.

Every year the budget deficit of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation increases; billions of rubles are allocated annually from the Federal budget to cover it. To reduce state budget costs, the Government of the Russian Federation resorts to different methods solutions to this problem. For example, the financial and economic blocs of the Government insist on the need to increase the retirement age for all citizens of the Russian Federation, while the social bloc strongly opposes this initiative. This issue has not yet been finally resolved, but for now the Government of the Russian Federation is resorting to other methods of reducing costs - this is an indefinite cessation of indexation of pensions for working pensioners, a “freeze” of pension savings, and an increase in the retirement age for civil servants.

Law on raising the retirement age for civil servants

Many experts are confident that increasing the retirement age for civil servants is a preparatory stage for a corresponding measure for all categories of citizens of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 143 of May 23, 2016 on raising the retirement age for civil servants amended Federal Law No. 3 of May 8, 1994 and came into force on January 1, 2017.

This bill on raising the retirement age for civil servants was adopted by the State Duma on May 11, 2016 and was approved by the Federation Council on May 18, 2016. There is no separate presidential decree on raising the retirement age; to determine whether you are a civil servant or not, you need to be guided by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2005 No. 1574, as amended on January 26, 2017, “On the Register of Positions of the Federal State Civil Service.”

The law on extending the retirement age for civil servants introduces new conditions and procedures for pension provision for those citizens who hold positions in the state and municipal service in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities.

It is worth noting that the bill on increasing the retirement age for civil servants provides for the right of subjects and municipal self-government bodies to independently establish the amount of pension payments and additional payments to pensions, determine requirements for work duration, etc. for citizens who conduct state and municipal service. At the same time, all relevant costs for these initiatives are borne entirely by municipal budgets.

Retirement age for civil servants in Russia since 2017

Before the adoption of the Federal Law on increasing the retirement age for civil servants, it was 55 years for women and 60 years for men. These are generally established age standards in the Russian Federation for the onset of old-age pensions. Since 2017, the requirements for the retirement age of civil servants in Russia have increased and amounted to 65 and 63 years for men and women, respectively.

According to state statistics, these changes affected more than 1 million citizens holding positions in state, regional and municipal authorities, as well as deputies and senators. And also more than 70 thousand officials who were supposed to retire in the near future.

It is worth noting that the increase in the retirement age for civil servants will be gradual, increasing annually by six months during the transition period until it reaches maximum levels. For male civil servants it will be achieved by 2026, and for female civil servants by 2032.

Year of pension assignment

Retirement age

60 years 6 months

55 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

56 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

57 years 6 months

63 years 6 months

58 years 6 months

64 years 6 months

59 years 6 months

60 years 6 months

61 years 6 months

62 years 6 months

2031 and beyond

Which civil servants are eligible to increase their retirement age?

After the law on raising the retirement age for civil servants came into force, the question arose of who exactly belongs to this category?

This Federal Law and the changes introduced by it affected officials at all levels:

  • persons holding public office in the Russian Federation and its constituent entities;
  • persons holding municipal positions on a permanent basis;
  • persons who hold government positions. civil and municipal service.

These include: employees of the Federal Tax Service, employment services, statistics department, federal department. treasury, judicial authorities, executive authorities - bailiffs, Roslesnadzor, etc.

Employees of budgetary organizations (teachers, doctors, kindergarten teachers, teachers of state universities and employees of research institutes), as well as ordinary employees of various government bodies (cleaners, programmers, etc.) do not belong to this category and are not subject to increasing the retirement age of civil servants .

Extension of retirement age for civil servants

Since 2017, not only the retirement age for civil servants has increased, but also a number of other age requirements that are taken into account when assigning pensions to this category of citizens.

Thus, along with the retirement age, the maximum possible period for conducting public service has increased. Now it is 65 years, but can be increased to 70 years by mutual agreement of the employee and employer, after concluding a fixed-term employment contract.

The minimum length of service for the civil service has also increased, the achievement of which entitles the official to a long-service pension and a monthly supplement to the pension, up to 20 years (previously it was 15 years). It, like the requirements for retirement age, will increase gradually and reach a maximum by 2026.

All civil servants have the right to a long-service pension, paid in addition to the old-age (disability) insurance pension, as well as early retirement, if the official’s length of service is not less than the period indicated in the table, in the year the pension was assigned.

It is worth noting that all of these changes do not apply to those citizens who have already received the right to a long-service pension before 01/01/2017.

Retirement age for civil servants in 2017

In addition to the above changes, in 2017, the requirements for the minimum duration of office of members of the Federal Assembly and State Duma deputies increased from 1 year to 5 years. For deputies, this period constitutes the time of service during one convocation of the Duma. Fulfillment of this requirement entitles members and deputies to an additional payment to the insurance pension in the amount of 55%. To receive an increased payment amount (75%) you must fulfill these powers for 3 to 10 years.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants is one of the measures to reduce Pension Fund costs. Already in 2017, this will save the extra-budgetary fund 600 million rubles, which will be used to fulfill other obligations of the Pension Fund to current pensioners.

The authorities must announce an increase in the retirement age in 2018, if the Vnesheconombank report is taken as the basis for development. This is the opinion of Vladimir Nazarov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

According to the expert, raising the retirement age for Russians from 2020 is quite possible. But the population will certainly be informed about this in advance, one and a half to two years before time “X”, that is, at this year. Then people planning to retire in 2020 will be able to mentally prepare for this event.

The removal of the cherished pension plan will be gradual, 2-3 months a year, maximum six months, Nazarov believes. “There are several examples when they were jerkily raised for a year or two years, but this is an exception. Basically, the classics are just six months,” he explained to RIA Novosti. At the same time, the expert is confident that there is no need to fear an increase for more than 7-8 years.

“It seems to me that setting more ambitious goals than 62 or 63 is wrong. Psychologically, society is not ready for higher ages, and there is no need to do this, because for a woman, for example, this path (increasing the retirement age) will take 16 years. And in 16 years everything will be different,” Nazarov said.

The day before, VEB published its macroeconomic forecast for the country’s development for 2018-2021. It assumes that a gradual increase in the retirement age for men and women will begin in 2020, but does not indicate how long this process will take.

However, VEB’s forecast is not yet a decision from the authorities. As stated by the head of the social committee of the Federation Council, Valery Ryazansky, a bill on raising the retirement age is not being prepared either in the government, or in the State Duma, or in the Federation Council, and the president of the country has not given the corresponding instructions to anyone.

The answer to this question worries millions of Russians now, not without reason. In recent years, rumors have persistently circulated in our country about increasing the pension threshold. The government refuted them with enviable regularity, assuring that such an issue was not being considered, since the strategy of the pension fund was planned until 2018. And now 2018 has arrived! What should the population expect? Will there be an increase in the retirement age in 2018, and what last news on such a pressing issue come from the Cabinet of Ministers?

Let us remind you that currently the general retirement age is Russian Federation is 60 and 55 years for men and women, respectively. A number of categories of citizens have the right to retire early.

On January 1, 2017, the Federal Law came into force throughout Russia, providing for a gradual increase in retirement dates state and municipal employees. According to the provisions of the normative act, the retirement age of officials will be increased annually by six months until 2032 for women and until 2026 for men. So,

  • from January 1, 2018, the retirement age for female civil servants in Russia will be 56 years and 61 years for men;
  • from 2019 – 56 years 6 months – for women, 61 years 6 months – for men;
  • from 2026 - 60 years for women, 65 years for men - from this moment the annual increase for men stops;
  • from 2032 the final indicator will be established: 63 years for women, 65 years for men.

Moreover, if an employee resigns from a public position before the deadline increased by law, he has the right to apply for an old-age pension in the general manner.

In comparable figures, the length of civil service required for retirement has also been increased.

Will the retirement age increase in 2018?

However, such an increase in the timing of retirement affects only officials or only 1% of the population. What about the rest? What are the Government's plans for the remaining 99%? Will the retirement age be increased in Russia in 2018?

Discussions have been going on for quite some time, however, they have not yet been formalized by law. The need to raise the retirement bar has been repeatedly stated by Russian relevant departments (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Labor and Social Protection) and authoritative economists (Alexey Kudrin, Alexey Ulyukaev and many others).

However, it is worth saying right away that There will be no increase in the retirement age in Russia in 2018, then we will look at the reasons for this. And first of all, we will consider the opinion of the first person of the state on this issue. What does Vladimir Putin think about raising the retirement age?

2015 Presidential Statement

The President of Russia spoke most fully on the issue during an extended press conference in December 2015. In particular, answering the journalist’s question “ Russian newspaper", he stated: "You know my position. I strongly oppose raising the retirement age. But there are, of course, problems.”

Then the head of state explained what the possible harm was. According to Vladimir Putin, life expectancy is increasing in Russia. (Indeed, according to statistics, back in 2000, the national average was 65 years; now it already exceeds 72 years). As a consequence, the number of working citizens (namely, they form the pension system with their contributions from wages) is decreasing, and the number of pensioners is increasing.

If the state does not respond to processes of this kind, a budget deficit for the pension fund will arise, systemic problems will arise in filling it, which will ultimately lead to a reduction in the pensions themselves.

In Russia, there is already an extremely low ratio of the pension to the average salary - 33%, which is significantly lower than in developed countries of the world (about 60%). The President sees an increase in the retirement age as the only way to solve this problem. In his opinion, “someday this will need to be done,” however, “slowly and calmly.” When asked exactly when, Vladimir Putin did not give a clear answer.

Latest statements by the Head of State

On December 14, 2017, at the annual press conference, the President was again asked a question about retirement age in Russia.

This time the Head of State gave a laconic answer: “The question is not idle, not simple, very sensitive for large quantity our citizens. We haven’t made any decisions yet, there are discussions on this matter... In order to make a final decision, we need to really calculate everything... for each position...”

At the same time, Vladimir Putin made a reservation that possible changes will not be a shock, will not be adopted behind the scenes, and in any case will not affect existing pensioners.

On June 7, 2018, on a direct line, Vladimir Putin assigned responsibility for the decision to raise the retirement age to the Government.

Raising the retirement age from January 2019

After the presidential inauguration in May 2018, it became known that the Government was working to raise the retirement age of Russians. The following figures were announced: 65 years for men and 63 years for women.

On June 14, Prime Minister Medvedev announced that the government had adopted a new pension reform. By 2028, the retirement age in Russia will be raised to the previously announced 65 and 63 years. The increase will be gradual: starting from January 2019, half a year per calendar year.

Negative aspects of raising the retirement age

In today's Russia, it is already difficult for a 45-year-old person to find a job. Just imagine that you will need to find a job at both 63 and 64 years old!

In addition, working until such an advanced age does not make a person healthier. Accordingly, government spending on medicine will increase. However, budget expenditures on health care in the near future (2018 – 2020) have been reduced.

It should also be noted that in Russia there is a very wide list of categories of citizens retiring early. Of the 40 million pensioners, 10 million are “early retirees”. And this is also a huge burden on the budget!

Early retirement

Early retirement in Russia is granted if there are certain grounds, the list of which is established by Federal Law No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013. In total, the law establishes about 30 categories of citizens who can apply for pension provision ahead of schedule.

Thus, the types of activities that represent the right to early pension provision include:

  • underground works;
  • working in hazardous working conditions;
  • work in hot shops;
  • work in heavy industries;
  • work in the Far North;
  • public transport drivers;
  • health workers;
  • teaching staff
  • and a number of other types of work - more than 20 in total.

For early retirement, preferential categories of citizens need not only to develop length of service, but also to achieve of a certain age(45, 50 or 55 years old). In this case, the employee is accrued pension points in a certain way, which subsequently influence the amount of the old-age insurance pension.

In addition, the law defines professions (for example, teacher, doctor) for which special experience is required for early retirement.

Retirement age in other countries

To form a more complete picture and comprehensively consider plans for changing the retirement age in Russia from 2018, we present data for other countries of the world.

State Retirement age, years Life expectancy, years (average)
men women
Japan 70 70 82
Denmark 67 67 78
Norway 67 67 80
USA 65 65 78
Germany 67 67 79
Canada 65 65 81
Switzerland 65 64 81
Armenia 65 63 73
Great Britain 68 60 79
Spain 65 65 80
Sweden 65 65 81
Italy 67 65 80
Georgia 65 60 77
Poland 65 60 76
France 67 65 81
Hungary 62 62 73
Czech 62 62 77
Kazakhstan 63 58 68
Moldova 62 57 71
Ukraine 60 55 69
Belarus 60 55 71
Russia 60 55 72

As can be seen from the figures, the retirement age in Russia is one of the lowest, at least in Europe. But the average life expectancy immediately attracts attention. And ours is also less than in many countries.

In developed countries of the world, both insurance and funded pensions. The savings formed there during working life are invested in specialized trust funds and multiplied many times over.

In Russia, this system functions only on paper. And this is really a problem! One thing is clear - Russian pension system is in dire need of systematic reform.

Brief summary

So maybe the problem of lack of funds in the pension fund is not at all related to the retirement age and there are other, not so one-sided, ways to solve it?

The answer to this question requires deep, comprehensive study and broad open discussion. One thing is good - our President is showing political literacy and foresight, understanding that simply raising the retirement age will not solve the accumulated problems.

The retirement age differs from generally established standards. This applies to the following categories of citizens:

Starting from 2019, Russians with long work experience can retire early. This basis was introduced in order to mitigate the consequences of carrying out.

Note that since 2017, the retirement age has been gradually increasing - to 63 and 65 years.

Retirement age in Russia since 2019

On January 1, 2019, Law No. 350-FZ of October 3, 2018 came into force, according to which the retirement age, the achievement of which allows a Russian to receive old-age insurance pension payments, was increased by 5 years. The retirement age is now 65 for men and 60 for women.

  • The changes are not introduced immediately, but with a stipulated transition period (from 2019 to 2023).
  • Every year, the retirement age increases by 1 year, that is, in 2019 - to 61/56, in 2020 - to 62/57, and so on.
  • The final values ​​will be fixed from 2023, that is, from this time it will be possible to apply for a pension only at 65 and 60 years old.

For those citizens who were supposed to retire in 2019-2020, the law provided a special benefit. They can receive pension payments 6 months earlier than the schedule for increasing the retirement age. Accordingly, for 2019 the increase will be only six months, and for 2020 - one and a half.

The table according to which the retirement age will be increased is presented below.

Retirement table by year from 2019

DVP according to the old law (at 60/55 years old)PV (in years)Duration increase (in years)Fiberboard under the new law
2019 60.5 55.5 0.5 II p. 2019 / I p. 2020
2020 61.5 56.5 1.5 II p. 2021 / I p. 2022
2021 63 58 3 2024
2022 64 59 4 2026
2023 65 60 5 2028
2024 2029
2025 2030
2026, etc.2031, etc.

Abbreviations used in the table: DVP - date of retirement; PV - retirement age; p. - the corresponding half-year of the specified year.

The table shows generally established retirement age standards for old-age insurance pensions. For Russians who have retirement benefits (for example, northerners, teachers, mothers of many children etc.), timing of pension registration will be different from those indicated in the table (they will all be discussed below). The retirement schedule by year of birth can be found in the article on.

Early retirement in 2020

Pension legislation is provided for certain categories of citizens on various grounds:

  1. When developing the established special work experience in the profession:
    • (working in the conditions of the Far North and areas equivalent to the CS);
    • For , .
  2. For health reasons or social reasons (parents and guardians of disabled children, etc.).
  3. (42 years for men and 37 years for women).
  4. registered with the employment service.

Disability pension in 2020

For workers who have experience in difficult, harmful or dangerous working conditions, the law provides for the possibility of early retirement due to harmfulness.

Reducing the retirement age for these citizens depends on:

  • their professions (from the so-called and “small lists”);
  • duration of special (harmful) work experience;
  • duration of the total.

The list of professions, jobs and working conditions, requirements for insurance and preferential length of service, as well as the preferential retirement age established for these persons are indicated in paragraphs 1 - 18 of Part 1 of Art. 30 and Art. 31 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ “ About insurance pensions».

Please note that the retirement age has been increased since 2019. did not affect the disability pension. All requirements for insurance and special experience also remain the same. More details about the appointment preferential pension for harmful and difficult working conditions can be read in a separate section.

Retirement for northerners in 2020

For citizens living and working in the Far North (FN) and equivalent areas (ISS), a pension is assigned early - until they reach . The provisions of Article 32 of Law No. 400-FZ establish the following retirement age standards for northerners:

Recipient categoryAge, yearsWork experience at the CS in years, not lessWork experience at the ISS in years, no lessInsurance experience in years, not less
Women with 2 or more children50 12 17 20
Men60 15 20 25
Women55 15 20 20
Men50 Permanently residing and working as reindeer herders, fishermen, commercial hunters25
Women45 20

Long service pension for teachers and health workers

Medical and teaching workers who have completed the required length of service in their profession have the right to early old-age pension:

  • it is necessary to work for at least 25 years in institutions for children (clause 19, part 1, article 30 of law No. 400-FZ);
  • it is necessary to work for at least 25 years in rural areas or 30 years in the city (clause 20, part 1, article 30).

Since 2019, the length of service standards for teachers and doctors have not changed, but the procedure for applying for a pension has been adjusted:

  • Until the end of 2018, these categories of citizens could apply for a pension immediately after completing the required special work experience.
  • On January 1, 2019, the provisions of Part 1.1 of Art. 30 of Law No. 400-FZ, according to which the date of assignment of payments is postponed for 5 years after completion of the length of service.

These changes will be introduced gradually, with annual delays increasing for 1 year. In addition, in the first 2 years (2019 and 2020), a mitigating amendment to the law will be in force, allowing the deferment to be reduced by 6 months.

Below is a schedule according to which teachers and health workers can now apply for pension payments:

Early pension for the unemployed in 2020

Citizens who lost their jobs due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise and registered with the employment service, pension payments can be issued ahead of schedule. This assignment occurs:

  • at the suggestion of the employment service and with the consent of the unemployed;
  • if it is impossible to get a new job;
  • no earlier than two years before retirement age, including on preferential terms;
  • if there are 25 years for men and 20 for women, as well as the required amount, depending on the year of retirement (for example, in 2019, 16.2 IPC is needed).

Early retirement benefits for the unemployed are assigned and paid in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 1032-1 of April 19, 1991 “On employment in the Russian Federation”.

Upon reaching the requirement established by law, recipients of early pensions, as unemployed, re-register their pension for old-age insurance. More information about applying for early pensions for unemployed citizens can be found in the article on.

Who else is eligible for early retirement?

For some categories of Russians, old-age pensions are granted earlier than the generally established retirement age. due to health conditions or for social reasons. The list of these citizens is listed in Art. 32 laws " About insurance pensions" These include, for example:

  1. Mothers with five or more children who raised them until they were 8 years old;
  2. Parent, guardian of a disabled person since childhood, who raised him until he was 8 years old;
  3. Disabled people as a result of military trauma, visually impaired people of group 1;
  4. Citizens classified as Lilliputians and dwarfs, and so on.

Pension provision for these citizens is established ahead of schedule if there are amounts provided by law.

Since 2019 the list of such preferential categories of citizens was expanded - it included. They now have a fixed retirement age:

  • 56 years old- for mothers with 4 children;
  • 57 years old- for mothers with 3 children.

Raising the retirement age for civil servants from 2017

In 2017, a law raising the retirement age came into force. The law applies to employees of state and municipal authorities, as well as to persons holding political positions. According to the adopted law, this category of citizens has the right to receive a pension benefit based on length of service. will arise:

  • in men upon reaching age 65 years old, in women 63 years old;
  • with a minimum amount of work experience in the government. organs 20 years.

Raising the age and minimum length of service will be gradually- starting from 2017 they will increase annually for 6 months.

Law No. 350-FZ, adopted in 2018, established a schedule for increasing the retirement age for civil servants. it was changed. From 2020, the step with which the age value changes annually will be not six months, but 1 year. This way the final values ​​will be set in 2026 for women and 2023 for men, that is, faster than according to the original scheme.