Crochet Christmas tree toys patterns. Photos of knitted toys and home decorations for the New Year. New Year's crochet toys: skates

    Knitting a Christmas tree decoration with crochet or knitting needles is not difficult for a real craftswoman. The most important thing is desire and time. There are a great variety of patterns on the Internet for crocheting and knitting toys. Such a present will be appreciated by any women's team and is not very expensive if there are a lot of colleagues, but money is always tight.

    You can knit these simple Christmas tree snowflakes from leftover threads. To keep the snowflakes in shape, soak them in starch diluted in water and dry them on a straight surface.

    What's New Year without love? :) let's knit a heart from single crochets.

    Video tutorial on crocheting a plastic ball

    Do-it-yourself knitted New Year's toys will help lift your spirits on the eve of the holiday. Here are a few options for making them:

    Here you will see detailed master class on their knitting.

  • There is also this cute toy knitted Christmas ball:

    I like knitted balls on the Christmas tree. It’s easy to knit, in any pattern, any threads will work, and what’s important is trimmings. It is convenient to crochet on a ball, after which the ball can burst, you can tie light foam, plastic balls.

    Knitted bells and hearts look beautiful.

    Snowflakes and other small flat figures. These are best knitted from light threads and then starched.

    Try creating your own collection of bells or angels

    Gingerbread house on a Christmas tree

    Little house:

    Width: 15 cm

    Height: 16 cm

    Take 50 g of light brown threads

    50 g white

    and several threads of other colors: red, orange, dark turquoise, pistachio color

    hook size 4 mm

    Chain of 20 air loops

    Double crochet into a square of 6-8 rows.

    We tie it with a white border at the same time connecting it to the bottom of the house.

    We embroider the roof and snowflakes with white stitches, and decorate the upper part with multi-colored threads. The bottom one is a heart.

    The New Year tree can also be decorated with knitted toys. In addition to balls, the Christmas tree can be decorated with such beautiful knitted toys.

    How to knit a toy for a Christmas tree is shown in the video.

    How to tie an owl:

    And this is how the Christmas tree toy is knitted:

    Not only can Christmas trees be knitted to decorate Christmas balls. For example, what a wonderful Christmas tree garland from multi-colored threads You can hang it on the Christmas tree.

    I present to your attention a diagram for craftswomen.

    How airy and tender a snow-white angel on a spruce branch looks on Christmas morning!

    Here is the crochet pattern

    And this is a detailed description of this work:

    Children will definitely love the most beautiful knitted snowflake, and with such a charming smile!

    Acquainted with step-by-step master class you can follow this link.

    A wonderful knitted Santa Claus and a gift boot will find a worthy place on the New Year tree.

    I wish everyone a Happy New Year!

    Round balls can also be crocheted. To do this, you will need threads of the color you want your toys to be. One balloon, starch and crochet hook number 1.5.

    It’s clear what the ball and starch are for. To give knitted items a rounded shape.

    First, look at the knitting pattern.

    For the New Year, it’s so wonderful to do something with your own hands to decorate the house and make it cozy. Handmade crafts always create a feeling of celebration and comfort. A hand-knitted toy can be decorated christmas tree. This toy will not break and will decorate the New Year tree. The toy is fluffy and soft.

    We will knit a Christmas tree toy. Below is shown step by step knitting and how it was done.

    To knit a toy, you will need circular knitting needles, two types of threads, and a ribbon for decoration.

    First, cast on 10 knit stitches and knit a couple of rows.

    We continue to knit.

    We knit with stockinette stitch in a circle.

    We knit the pattern according to this pattern:

New Year- this is fun, joy and laughter. This is a holiday! This includes champagne, tangerines, fireworks and gifts. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka. And of course, Elka. Real or artificial, big or small, fluffy or not, but always bright and elegant.

Original toys for the Christmas tree

Classic balls and stars, serpentine, tinsel and various figures are great. But you can climb into your grandmother’s chest or mother’s closet, and you will definitely find something there. original decoration for the Christmas tree.

On New Year's Eve, while preserving traditions, every housewife strives to create a unique, solemn and cozy atmosphere in her home. Multi-colored crocheted New Year's toys will add color and originality to your decoration.

It is not known where this hobby comes from, but in our time making handmade toys has become a fashionable hobby. You can buy expensive gifts in the store, but knitted toys, or handmade ones - handmade, can become both a decoration for your home for the New Year, and an excellent gift for friends and acquaintances. Moreover, a gift made by the hands of loved ones acquires special value.

It is worth saying that making crocheted New Year's decorations is not only financially beneficial, but can also be considered entertainment with benefits for the family. This interesting and educational process will help to restore order in the house and clear away deposits of things that we consider no longer necessary.

Creative ideas for the whole family

Children will be happy to help you in production knitted toys for the New Year, as this fun and exciting process helps to create and maintain a festive mood, New Year's magic and a fabulous atmosphere. Kids can watch their mother work, and older children can be trusted to make toys on their own. For example, searching for materials from which patterned knitwear will be created christmas balls.

And, of course, children are always happy to receive gifts from loved ones, created before their eyes, one might say, their with my own hands. In the process of work, your child’s imagination, resourcefulness, perseverance and other useful skills develop.

By the way, the same glass or plastic balls, scratched or with flying, worn-off paint, can be braided and tied in a very impressive and original way using a hook and thread. There are an incredible number of ideas for decorating existing toys or making something new.

Required materials and tools

To start making knitted toys, you will need:

A little more about what tools we will work with. It is best to take the knitting needles or crochet hook that you are used to creating, but you should consider what threads and yarn are used in a particular case.

It is better to choose smooth threads, cotton, you can use acrylic, especially for decorations such as snowflakes, balls, stars. For three-dimensional figures - a snowman, lanterns, balls, Christmas trees, cones - would be better suited bulky yarn, although here everything depends on your imagination. If desired, a huge number of types of crocheted New Year's toys for your holiday tree with diagrams and descriptions can be found on the Internet.

Making creative knitted jewelry

Knitted socks for gifts will create special charm and excitement for your loved ones. The tradition of putting gifts in socks came to us from Western countries, but they look very original. It is best to knit such gift socks according to patterns, having first taken the measurements from your family’s feet. And even after the holiday, such socks will not go unnoticed - bright, colorful, with good memories.

The color of threads and yarn for toys is the most varied, the brighter the better. Yellow is like the sun in your home, orange and green tones will refresh your interior. It is widely known that bright colors They lift your spirits, especially in winter, when there are almost no rich colors left.

Knitted New Year's balls, owlets or penguins - everything is in your hands. The toy you like best can be used as a keychain. Simple figurines most often serve as interior decoration on New Year's Eve:

  • Herringbone.
  • Snowman.
  • New Year's ball.
  • Knitted star.
  • Snowflake.
  • Knitted bunny.

For those who are taking on making crocheted New Year's toys with patterns for the first time - do not be afraid to choose complex things, as you can always take advantage of video tutorials from advanced craftsmen, practicing your skills on their ideas and spurring your own creativity. There are many such lessons on the Internet, and anyone can find a master class to their liking.

Depending on the type of knitted Christmas tree toy crochet with diagrams and descriptions, the manufacturing process can be more complicated or simpler. Don't be upset if something doesn't work out. In any case, the fruits of the labors of your hands will become your unique contribution to the creation and manifestation New Year's mood in your family. Your patience, the desire to please your loved ones with unusual knitted toys for the New Year, as well as accuracy in their manufacture are the main components of a successful result. Don't be afraid and go for it. Not only the result is important, but also satisfaction from the work process.

With the onset of this winter, we are perhaps waiting for the arrival of the most fabulous winter miracle - New Year 2015, and we are crocheting New Year's toys. And such that you can’t take your eyes off. The family gathers at the table about two hours before the chiming clock, gives gifts and looks at what is hanging on the green beauty, and asks who took part in its decoration. Everyone is happy and having fun, and they also give gifts to adults and children.

A wonderful custom appeared among our ancestors: they began to decorate the Christmas tree about two thousand years ago, and the people of that time firmly believed that spirits lived in every spruce or pine tree, influencing the future of people, establishing, gathering in next year grain harvest or not, what will grow from vegetables: each person expects only the best from the coming year. Every year, but in mid-December, our ancestors went into a dense forest to appease the spirits there along with a fire. Everyone was looking for a tall and fluffy spruce and on its branches they sent gifts for the spirits, which were baked from dough and carved out of wood.

Time passed: while traveling through European countries, Peter 1 fell in love with the Protestant custom of decorating Christmas trees in the house, so upon returning to Russia he issued a decree: from January 1, 1700, all boyars and nobles were obliged to meet New Year and decorate the Christmas trees.

In the 17th century, there was also an interesting custom that was supported by the Russian Tsar: at Christmas they attached a tree to the ceiling with its trunk and waited for the holy spirit to descend into the house along it, bringing the good news that the son of God was born. The tree played the role of a staircase along which the dead supposedly climbed to heaven on Christmas Day, so gingerbread and apples were placed on the branches so that the deceased would take them with him on the road.

Then they began to weave toys and so that the deceased would give these souvenirs to the angels, and they would escort him to the gates of heaven. And now such toys are hung on the Christmas tree, but their purpose is different - to decorate the New Year's interior.

New Year's crochet toys: a sheep in two forms

What do you think, our dear readers, is it worth starting a master class on crocheting sheep?

Our sheep is not just a symbol of the coming year 2015! This is your guardian angel for 375 days and nights, so let's get acquainted with the diagrams of the future product.

Knitted sheep according to pattern 1:

The creation of the sheep according to scheme 2 was inspired by thoughts of the past Winter Olympics in Sochi. What you will end up with is not just a sheep, but a racing sheep.

Scheme 3: a girl-sheep that you want to play with and decorate with. New Year's table 2015.

New Year's toys crochet: master class

On New Year's Eve, all needlewomen are in a good mood: their creations are willingly bought and more and more crocheted toys are ordered for the Christmas tree. True, there are those who switched to origami, but you and I will remain faithful to threads and crochet.

Knitting craftsmen do not get bored idle, inventing new patterns. So we will join them and look at the results of our work. New Year's toys that came from the hardworking hands of mothers and grandmothers will stay with you for the whole year, decorating the interior of the rooms for the holiday, and then the children will take these crafts into their room and remember how fun the holidays were.

Study the diagrams carefully and begin work immediately in order to finish your work before Christmas Eve.

Let's crochet balls and stars, as well as bells and lanterns.

Someone might want to knit mushrooms and hearts, beautiful fish or socks for Santa with a wooden hook.

Crochet Christmas toys + VIDEO

I simply didn’t have the strength to skip this video. The master produces such an amazingly joyful sheep that you will probably want to knit it yourself and then give it to your daughter or niece, especially since the work goes quickly and the master clearly explains every step. A little more and you will introduce the children to the Amigurumi sheep.

New Year's crochet toys: patterns in front of you

Here is the Angel. Cute creature with wings. For work, buy some white thread number forty, metallic thread in gold or silver, a 1.25 hook to get a cute knitted toy 8 centimeters high.

The body should be knitted like this:

  1. According to pattern number 1, you will have to knit the angel's head. According to scheme 2 you will get wings.
  2. Then knit another 12 rows (pattern 2). And in the 13th row, carefully connect the indicated places from where the angel’s arms and wings will grow. In the middle of the product there will be about 14 single crochets.
  3. Be sure to row 13 and then knit in a circle (pattern 3) to make an angelic skirt. Tie it and the outline of the wings with metallized thread, and then connect the head and wings.
  4. Tie a loop at the top of the head to mark a place for the cord holder or tie a column of air loops about 12 centimeters long.

The fillet angel is as good as the pattern for its mating.

Knitted Christmas toys: Christmas tree

Let's learn how to crochet a Christmas tree so that it reminds us of a tiny tree.

Buy a skein of Iris thread for the product, white, elastic. For it, pick up half a meter of ribbon yarn, white threads, a tailor's needle, and scissors.

Knit the Christmas tree according to the pattern, but remember that you will have to cut the thread 2 times. The first time - after the third transition to the fourth, and from the fourth to the fifth, tie it.

In a “crawfish” step, tie the perimeter of the tree.

Decorate the Christmas tree with ribbon-like rainbow yarn in pieces one and a half centimeters long, securing with sewing thread using thin hook. You can also make bows and sew them on the top of your head: it will turn out beautiful and joyful.

If you don’t want a bow, tie a loop on the top of your head and pull the Iris thread through it.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Summer is coming to an end and it's time to start preparing... for the new year . Why so early? I saw on Instagram that the girls are already knitting decorations for the Christmas tree. After all, you will need a lot of them, and this is a long process. Of course, you can buy them. But in Lately Knitted Christmas tree decorations are becoming especially fashionable and I will have for you a selection of interesting knitting and crocheting ideas with diagrams and descriptions that are interesting to make with your own hands.

They first began to decorate a Christmas tree in the 17th century in Germany, when it was customary to hang apples on it, and then they added nuts and candies to them.

Later, after a poor apple harvest, glassblowers came up with decorations in the form of glass balls. With them, the tree, of course, is more elegant and festive.

But I remember A. Gaidar’s favorite book from childhood, “Chuk and Gek”, in which the characters made new Year decoration with your own hands. These were rag dolls and hares, tissue paper flowers, pine cones wrapped in silver paper. Do you remember how happy the kids were?

Knitted New Year's toys will also make you very happy; the Christmas tree with them will be homely and cozy.

Crocheted Christmas tree toys

We will return to the usual balls later, but let’s start, perhaps, with creative ideas.

Unusual New Year's toys

Crochet toys for the Christmas tree can also be crocheted flat, they will look beautiful and impressive, and they will also make wonderful garlands; they can be used to decorate cards and gifts.

Christmas trees

Option 1 - from granny squares

We will crochet a Christmas tree from several square motifs of different sizes in any pattern. It's better to use .

We fold the corner of each square, secure it with a button, plastic or knitted, and sew the squares to each other in the form of a Christmas tree. You still need to knit and sew the leg.

Instead of buttons, if desired, you can decorate the Christmas tree with pompoms or satin ribbons and bows.

Option 2 - openwork Christmas tree

Such a simple cute Christmas tree in an openwork mesh can be knitted according to the proposed pattern - we knit from the top of the head.

Father Frost

Very cute and cool little Grandfather Frost, or rather his head. The photo shows someone’s work, but I couldn’t establish the source; it’s been floating around on the internet for quite some time now.

The scheme is very easy.


Cute miniature skates are crocheted No. 1.75 from not very thin yarn with lurex. Two large paper clips were used as runners.

How to knit

We tie one side of the paper clip with 17 single crochets and make another 1C1H at the end.

Rows 2-4 – single crochets.

In the 5th row we do not knit 1 stitch.

In the 6th row we skip 9 loops (knit them with connecting stitches). This will form the sock.

In the 7th-9th rows we make a rounded rise of the ridge (we do not knit or skip 1 column).

We knit 4 more straight rows. One skate is ready.

We tie the top with a thread of a different color and do the lacing using a thread and a needle.

We knit the second skate in the same way. We connect the skates with a chain of air loops, from which you can hang an original knitted Christmas tree toy.

Openwork decorations

Volumetric toys

Interesting knitted items are made from two identical elements.

I had two of these crocheted flowers.

I crocheted them together along the edge, filling them with cotton wool, or it would be even better to take holofiber.

The toy has gained volume.

Such three-dimensional figures can be knitted from multi-colored circles or squares, made in the form of a star,.

Yes, the same skates turn out voluminous in this way.

By the way, a pattern for knitting voluminous skates was found.

Crocheted Christmas balls

Balls - already more classic jewelry, but they can also be made creative. See for yourself.

Simple crochet balls

Crocheting a ball is very simple: first we knit a small circle with adding loops in the rows, then several rows without increasing and rows with decreasing loops.

I'll give you some interesting design ideas. crochet balls.

Motif balls

One of the relatively new trends in knitting balls is balls made from motifs.

We choose any small motif, knit several pieces and sew them together.

We will also need Balloons and PVA glue.

We insert the inflated ball inside the knitted toy and soak it with glue.

After drying, the ball is pierced and removed through the holes in the knitted product.

Magic balls made of flat circles

Indeed, the magic balls are crocheted, but knitted from ordinary circles. You will need 12 of them for one toy. Then the circles are sewn in a certain way, folded in half, to a knitted leg and decorated with beads. Everything is banally simple! Watch the master class in the video.

Toy balls

You can also make prefabricated Christmas tree decorations from small balls, for example.

Or like this funny dog- ball. (Link to the master class above).

Probably, for any year you can knit its symbol in such a spherical form, changing the shape of the ears and nose.

By 2020, we are knitting a mouse ball for rats (master class from).

Balls with beads

Christmas balls decorated with beads look amazing. You can simply glue threads with beads onto a plastic, foam or paper ball, or you can also crochet with beads in the same way as.

How to crochet balloons

I especially like these openwork knitted Christmas tree decorations and they can easily update old Christmas balls.

Usually they use cotton yarn, it is better to take a stiff thread, for example “rose” from the Kirov factory and a hook No. 1 - 1.5.

But you will need a large ball.

Accordingly, it is better to tie small balls with very thin yarn or choose small patterns.

Openwork balls - diagrams

There are a lot of tying patterns on the Internet, I did not set this as my goal. I will give just a few.

And the knitting principle is as follows.

We knit two openwork parts according to the chosen pattern.

When knitting the last row of the second half, we connect it to the first, while inserting a ball inside.

There is nothing complicated. I’ve already tied one test ball, it doesn’t look very good in the photo, but at least I figured out what’s what first.

You can take a thread of a contrasting color, string beads on it and tie it bottom edge beads

Tying balloons with beads

Doesn't it look chic and elegant?

Unfortunately, I could only find one piping pattern with beads.

But you can figure it out yourself from the photo: we just knit a simple pattern, the above patterns will also work, we complete it with chains of air loops, knitting beads.

How to crochet a bead
  1. After knitting several loops of the chain, we pull out a long loop.
  2. Thread the bead onto a thin hook.
  3. We pull the loop through the bead and fix it (pull it to the desired length).
  4. We continue to collect a chain of air loops.

Knitted Christmas tree toys

Now we get to the classics. Knitted Christmas tree decorations using knitting needles are completely old ideas - balls. But you can’t miss them, because they are so fabulously beautiful!

Simple balls with knitting needles

Christmas balls can be knitted with knitting needles or regular simple knitted melange or sectionally dyed yarn, decorated with polka dots and bows.

We have prepared for you a selection of patterns and descriptions for knitting New Year's toys. Every home has holiday traditions which are usually observed every year. Even if you've never thought about it, annual rituals rarely go wrong.

  • Some people only like to bet live Christmas tree, goes to the Christmas market, chooses a fluffy spruce or a prickly Christmas tree, or maybe buys a tree in Ikea and then recycles it.
  • Someone cares about the environment and keeps an artificial tree under their bed every year, and then lovingly takes it out and decorates it.
  • Some people don’t have room for a large Christmas tree, and they are content with just that or a wall installation.

But any tree, be it artificial or living, large or small, according to tradition, needs to be decorated. In addition to the descriptions that we have collected in this collection, the Christmas tree can be decorated with knitted birds, candies, Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens, openwork snowflakes and icicles, as well as symbols of the coming year.

If you create 1-2 decorations every year, you will accumulate a whole collection of vintage toys. It can be inherited by children or grandchildren. Just imagine how nice it would be now to take out the New Year's toy that decorated your grandmother's Christmas tree! I would definitely give a lot for this extraordinary opportunity.

This year we invite you to start collecting a collection of New Year's toys knitted with your own hands. In our family there is a Christmas tree soft toys, without the participation of glass ones, we dressed it up twice: a year when my daughter grew up and began to walk and then when we adopted a kitten. Since then, every year I try to knit or buy one hand-made toy.

New Year's toys, descriptions and knitting patterns from the Internet

We have several descriptions of toys on our website, we also provide links to them, but the most interesting ideas we got caught on the Internet.


  • - 5 stocking needles;
  • - yarn;
  • - base for the ball;
  • - hook;
  • - jacquard knitting pattern;
  • - glue;
  • - tape measure;
  • - fastening for the ball.

interesting selection to the website Trend of the season

New Year is a special holiday and preparations for it need to begin in advance. According to the eastern horoscope, the coming 2018 is the year of the dog, so souvenirs with the symbol of the year are relevant. I propose to knit a Christmas tree toy - a hemisphere with a puppy.

  • Types of creativity: Knitting
  • Difficulty: medium
  • Working time: 2 hours

To knit a toy you will need materials and tools:

  • white and yellow wool (200-250 m per 100 grams);
  • white and yellow Kamtex stretch cotton yarn for dogs;
  • some black yarn for embroidering the nose;
  • holofiber;
  • stocking needles No. 2, 5;
  • a pair of plastic eyes;
  • tapestry needle, scissors, hook No. 2, Moment-Crystal glue.

“Christmas tree in mittens” – Anna’s work

I am Anna. I live in the Kosrom region. Once upon a time as a child, my mother taught me perseverance and taught me to hold a hook and knitting needles in my hands. And now I can’t imagine myself without them. I present my work “Christmas tree in

Christmas costumes Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden for Barbie – Larisa Vladimirovna’s competition entry. A description of Santa Claus is given; cast on 4 more stitches for the Snow Maiden costume. We cast on 22 loops and knit: 1 r: 1 cr, 4

Santa Clauses come in different colors: red, blue, silver and not so much. But most often they stand under the Christmas tree or serve as decoration for our New Year's interior. These things create a festive mood. This unusual Santa Claus will not only decorate your home, but will also keep you warm. . Detailed description you will find in the diary.
You will need: 5 double needles No. 2.5 - 3.0, leftover red, white, pink-yellow and black (gray) yarn, stuffing material.

Knitted Christmas ball

Knitted fly agaric

Even a novice knitter can knit this fly agaric; you just need to know how to knit knit and purl stitches and make yarn overs. For work we will need threads - white and red, sock knitting needles, a little synthetic fleece for stuffing, a piece of lace and a ribbon for hanging.

See MK on knitting toys.

Knitted Christmas tree decorations - bell

Material: remnants of white, red, green and yellow yarn; knitting needles No. 3. Main pattern: Knit stitch: knit stitches in front rows, purl loops in purl rows, Garter stitch: knit stitches in knit and purl rows. Description of work: knitted bell A: Starting from the bottom

Bunny - Christmas tree toy - rattle

How to link this Christmas tree toy or Polirinka will tell you the rattle. You will need: angora thread, tennis ball, satin ribbon, beads, cereals. The bunny rattle can be a girl or a boy. It will take no more than 2-3 hours to make. Imagine and

New Year's girl - snowflake knitting

Translation from Maria Mashuliyas. The toys can be tied separately and hung on the Christmas tree.

The height of each doll without hat is 12cm. Knitting needles: 3 mm. Density: 26p = 10cm.

For knitting you will need the remains of white, red, yellow and green yarn, knitting needles No. 3.

Beautiful diagrams, but the balls turned out not quite round. You should probably use a plastic ball for a perfect round shape.

Knitters collect a huge number of small balls of the most different threads. I offer an idea on how to make an original and warm souvenir from them for the New Year and Christmas.

To work you will need:

  • Knitting;
  • knitting needles;
  • scissors;
  • hook;
  • padding polyester;
  • satin ribbons;
  • sewing needles and threads;
  • lighter or matches;
  • your imagination and fantasy.

I will knit a heart-shaped toy with jacquard pattern satin stitch

Video lessons on knitting Christmas toys

Good video lessons and master classes make it much easier to knit this or that item, especially for beginners. The video is also a great way to encourage you to complete what you started. This is a special kind of test of strength when the author of the video knits his own item or toy, and you have to keep up with knitting exactly the same one! Try it, the process is addictive.

Knitted New Year's ball, detailed master class

Ball for the Christmas tree or for room decor. The ball is soft and safe. YarnArt Baby red and white yarn (100% acrylic, 50g/150m), knitting needles No. 2.

How to knit a toy Christmas tree

On the eve New Year's holidays Let's start knitting Christmas trees. Very cute and cozy Christmas trees can be easily knitted, I offer one of the options, I came up with them myself, I hope you like them.

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Christmas tree toy with knitting needles, Christmas tree for Christmas tree)

In this video, the author shows in detail how to knit Christmas tree. A beautiful little thing in the shape of a simple triangle. It can be used as a garland, pendant, keychain for a bag or backpack. For work we will need green acrylic yarn (for example Yarnart Baby in 2 threads), filler and knitting needles of a suitable size.

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New Year's toy Star with knitting needles

For knitting you will need stocking needles and yarn of suitable thickness. The toy is knitted from the edge to the center.

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New Year's ball with oblique knitting needles

To create this ball you will need: a foam ball with a diameter of 10 cm, yarn (100% acrylic), a ball mount, double needles and a little effort and patience.

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