DIY paper Christmas ball step by step. Christmas balls. DIY Christmas tree toys. Christmas tree house

To make the interior of the house stylish and original, it is not necessary to decorate it with purchased gizmos. Decorations can be made with your own hands - this will not only give a pleasant and interesting pastime, but also help create in the house festive atmosphere with the right mood. At the same time, the color scheme of the holiday is thought out and exactly the decor is created that suits the given significant day... In addition, purchased jewelry is monotonous, and manufactured with my own hands- one of a kind.

One of the simplest solutions is paper balls... The technique for making these crafts is simple, it will not take much time, the cost of the material is small. And the paper balls look grandiose - they fill the entire space, amaze the imagination - it seems that it is impossible to do this by hand, the balls do not look so artisanal.

From the history of the appearance of paper balls

China is considered the birthplace of paper balls. Flying paper lanterns have long been made there, they are very popular now - they are launched into the air by placing oil lamps inside. Flying into the night sky and disappearing among the stars somewhere in the clouds illuminated by the moon, glowing lanterns are a mesmerizing sight. Paper Chinese lanterns and prompted, in the future, the idea of ​​making paper balls. They began to decorate festive events in America and Europe.

Today, all over the world, it is a trend to create interiors with decor from paper garlands, flowers and balls. Products made of multi-colored and shiny paper look elegant, fragile and weightless. Decorating a room is easy, because paper balls weigh almost nothing. In addition, paper is an environmentally friendly material that does not pollute the environment, it is recyclable, that is, using paper decorations contributes to the conservation of nature. In general, paper balls are one of the directions modern fashion in the design of festive and ceremonial interiors.

Types of paper balls

Paper balls are used to decorate rooms, they can be selected thematically according to the method of production and colors. For example, colorful balloons are suitable for a children's birthday, and the wedding hall can be decorated with pastel balloons. It is considered stylish to hang balls of the same color, but in different sizes, in the room. Small paper balls can be used to decorate a Christmas tree. The technique of making paper balls is different, and they all look differently interesting.

Balls are made from:

  • long strips of paper;
  • circles of paper;
  • geometric shapes from paper;
  • curled and folded paper;
  • from paper pyramids sewn together at the ends (in Japanese - "kusudama").

You can also make a paper accordion ball and an origami ball. But first, it is worth mastering two of the most simple techniques- a ball of paper circles and a ball of paper strips.

Preparation for work

In order for the work to immediately begin to argue, you first need to stock up on everything you need for needlework. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • a pack of colored paper;
  • double-sided tape or glue stick;
  • satin ribbon;
  • a sheet of thick cardboard;
  • a spool of sewing thread;
  • scissors;
  • sewing needle;
  • stapler;
  • compass (you can replace it with a cup or saucer and just trace circles around them);
  • for decoration - shiny sequins.

When choosing materials, you need to pay attention to some things. Buying colored paper, you should look at the density of the sheets - they should be of medium density. If the paper is too thin, the ball may wrinkle or break at the folds. Too thick sheets are difficult to neatly bend along the lines.

Ordinary colored paper can be replaced with corrugated paper - the ball will seem delicate and even more airy. Interesting crafts are obtained from colored paper "silence" - such paper is used to make cigarettes, it is very thin and transparent, for each element of the ball it will be necessary to take it in several layers. But the silence balls look very delicate.

Thick cardboard is needed to make a template (stencil) of a circle. Having decided on the size of the balls, on the cardboard using a compass or saucer, you need to draw a circle of the required diameter and cut it out. For this blank - circle circles on colored paper.

A satin ribbon in making balls is not a trifle at all, but an important accessory that gives the craft a complete look. For small balls, you will need a narrow ribbon. The color of the ribbon should be in harmony with colors ball.

Step-by-step instructions for making a ball from paper circles

  1. Take a few pieces of colored paper. It is important that they were colored on both sides, then the ball will look beautiful from all angles.
  2. On paper, according to a pre-prepared stencil of the required diameter, circle the circles. Cut out the circles carefully.
  3. There should be 48 circles - 12 circles in four different colors.
  4. Bend each circle in half in diameter and stack them in a stack on top of each other.
  5. With a needle and thread, sew the ball blank along the joint line with a tight stitch (you can simply fasten the circles with a stapler).
  6. The final stage, the most painstaking: all adjacent semicircles must be carefully glued together with a glue stick (easier and faster - with pieces of double-sided tape). That is, to make it clear, if only two circles bent in half were glued together, then they would have to be glued to each other only in halves so that when you straighten them, you get a base from a circle with a vertical partition in the middle from a semicircle. And when gluing a ball of 48 circles, all circles should be glued together in both halves with the halves of the adjacent ones. When the last two circles remain, the workpiece will look like a fan on a round base. When gluing the halves of these last two circles, the craft will automatically straighten into a ball.
  7. At a satin ribbon of the required length (there will be a loop from it - you can make any length, depending on where the craft is hung), trim the edges with a sharp hot knife so that they do not bloom. The knife can be heated over a gas burner on a kitchen stove, in the fire of a candle or lighter.

Now it remains to straighten the workpiece - so that the "petals" are spaced from each other at an equal distance. Make a hole in one of the "petals", insert a ribbon into it and tie it with a bow or a neat knot. The paper ball is ready.

Step-by-step instructions for making a ball from paper strips

  1. Take several sheets of colored paper and cut them into strips 1.0-1.5 cm wide (if the ball is small, like a Christmas tree toy) along the length of the sheet.
  2. You can use paper of the same color, or you can take different colors - then the ball will turn out to be bright, cheerful and elegant.
  3. Take one strip and connect its ends so that you get a ring. At the junction of the ends, you need to make an allowance and fasten them with a stapler or glue them with an adhesive pencil (you can use a piece of double-sided tape). It is easier to work with double-sided tape, but glue sticks are cheaper. It is even easier to use a stapler, but in a small craft, the paper clips will be very noticeable and the ball will look sloppy.
  4. Take the second strip of paper, turn it into a ring in the same way as in the previous paragraph, and skip it into the first ring at a right angle. Fasten both rings together with glue, tape or stapler.
  5. Add ring by ring in the same way to form a ball.
  6. On paper stripes glue sequins so that the ball swinging on the ribbon overflows. Alternatively, you can paste over the ball with applications, for example, if it is children's party, and the ball is large, with figures of cartoon characters.
  7. Pass a ribbon through one of the strips so that the ball can be hung.

Having mastered these two simple manufacturing techniques on small paper balls, you can proceed to real creative work - how to make a ball large sizes, try more sophisticated techniques and decorate the interior of the house.

In addition to the fact that making paper balls with your own hands is an aesthetic pleasure, it also has practical benefits. Having taught how to make balls to your child, you can leave him alone for this lesson for two hours and do chores around the house. In addition, the lesson develops fine motor skills hands and children's imagination. And if you make balls with the children, preparing for holiday, then they will also feel their importance - after all, along with adults, they took part in the preparation of the general fun.

Coming close New Year, which means it's time to think about stylish holiday decorations... You can, of course, go to the store and choose those balls and toys that are in stock. But to next holiday will definitely want something new. So what, go shopping again? So there is not enough money or free space even in the most spacious apartment. But there is a way out - bright elements decor can be easily made by yourself. So the apartment will look new every time, and the cabinets will not have to be cluttered with unnecessary boxes. Oddly enough, the brightest and most spectacular jewelry is obtained from the most simple materials: paper, cardboard and even plastic bottles... To make them, you do not need any artistic ability, just follow the instructions. In this article we will show you how to make a paper ball quickly and easily with your own hands.

We create a beautiful and voluminous paper ball with our own hands

What materials can be used to make a ball:

1) Ordinary napkins. Their main advantage is, of course, availability. Use smaller napkins for small balls, and 30 x 30 centimeters for large ones. The napkin can be of any color, but it should not have any drawings in the form of flowers or Mickey Mouse - this will not decorate our ball.

2) Corrugated paper. Balls made of this material look very interesting, the material is quite plastic and makes it easy to create volumetric figures... Also a big plus is that of corrugated paper you can make balls of a larger diameter than from napkins (it all depends only on the width of the roll).

3) Paper in silence. This word may seem unfamiliar to many, but you have probably already seen such a paper. It is usually used to pack some items - for example, put inside shoe boxes. But from paper in silence bright colors very gentle and effective crafts are taught. Its main advantage is translucency, so it looks beautiful when backlit. By the way, this material is also called tissue paper.

4) The last point is to highlight non-paper materials for manufacturing decorative balls... These include fabrics that keep their shape well when folded, such as organza and tulle. White fabric balls will look very cute on a winter celebration, as they look like puffy snowflakes or snowballs. And if you make balls of orange fabric, you get tangerines! As you can see, there is no limit to imagination.

So we have considered Various types paper (and even fabric) from which you can make volumetric balls. Further, in the master class, we will tell you how to make a ball based on napkins. Balls from other materials are made in exactly the same way.

To make a volumetric ball from napkins you will need:
  • sixteen paper napkins(if the napkins are two-layer, then you can take eight)
  • scissors
  • wire
  • stapler
  • ribbon (we will hang the ball on it)
How to make a volumetric ball of napkins:

1) We need sixteen paper napkins - eight for each side of the ball. If you have two-layer napkins, carefully divide them into sheets.

2) We take one napkin and fold it in a "fan", in the middle we fasten it with a stapler.

3) Repeat the same pattern with seven more napkins.

4) We put all the blanks in a "stack" on top of each other and connect the napkins to each other.

5) Gently round off the edges of the napkins with scissors. Make sure that while doing this they lie flat.

6) We spread the napkins in different planes. We should have half a ball.

7) Using the same scheme, we make the second workpiece.

8) Now you need to connect the two halves of the ball together with a piece of wire. Leave a small part of it free and crochet.

9) From the ribbon we make a loop to hang the ball from the ceiling or on a New Year's tree. Inside the ball, the tape will be attached to the wire hook we made in the previous step.

10) The craft is ready!

We analyze ideas for using volumetric paper balls

The simplest option is balls of one or two colors, which are suspended from the ceiling on ribbons. different lengths... Unfortunately, not every ceiling covering is suitable for such a decor - for this, it must have wooden or plastic slats on which the tapes can be fixed. Most often, this method is used to decorate office space.

Single balls can be turned into fantastic flowers and decorated with them festive table... Peonies are obtained from larger blanks, and small ones are more like a bush carnation.

Volumetric balloons look very stylish on various boxes and gift bags. Such crafts should be transported carefully so that the decoration does not wrinkle.

Related videos

See in more detail how to make a paper ball different types, you can in the following videos. With step-by-step instructions from experienced decorators, it's easy to deal with incomprehensible elements and easily cope with the manufacture of these stylish decorations.

Decoration for celebrations halls, houses, apartments with balloons has become very fashionable. They create airy beauty, conviviality, novelty and positive. An ignorant person in needlework will ask the question: "How to make a ball out of paper?" And to do it is simple, easy and interesting. For this purpose, in hobby-lobby stores abroad, round foam balls of various sizes are sold, onto which flowers, butterflies, and other decorations are then glued. In our country it is not yet common to find such a thing, but we are used to finding a way out of the situation. We offer several options for making balls.

The base for the ball can be made from threads. In a bottle of PVA glue, make parallel holes on both sides and pass a thread with a needle through them. Inflate a rubber ball of the required size, start winding a glue thread around it (it passes through the bottle) until it is covered with a net. Leave to dry for a day. When the threads have hardened, the ball can be pierced and carefully removed from the resulting ball of thread. Attach the rope to the ball to hang it on. Now, on this base, glue the prepared flowers from crepe corrugated paper, you can use office colored paper or floral paper. Cut the crepe paper into strips 20 cm long and 3.4 cm wide. Stretch one side of the strip. Twist the strips, tie the unstretched side with threads. Fluff up, give beautiful shape... You will get a pretty rose. Another way: from office colored paper, prepare strips of the same size - 20X30 cm.Only they need to be cut, like into noodles, without reaching the edge, twisted on a toothpick or on a thin stick, glue the edge, straighten the petals. It turned out aster or chrysanthemum. Or you can simply cut flowers according to one pattern, decorate with a large bead and glue them to the base of the ball, as in the photo. There are a lot of flowers on the ball. For an average ball with a diameter of 20 cm, you will need about 40 of them.

Another way to make a paper ball

This method is faster and easier than the previous one. If in it balls of paper were made using glue, there was a lot of work with making flowers, then this is not the case here. The ball is assembled without glue. It also looks beautiful, but it is done easily and quickly. For work, you need thick paper or thin colored cardboard, scissors, a cord.

You need to cut 12 identical flowers, the shape is shown in the photo. Each petal is clipped in a horizontal line from right to left, not reaching the edge. The cut of one petal is inserted into the cut of the other until the ball is collected. You need to insert a cord into one of the templates and fix it, as shown in the photo. These balls are easy to assemble and disassemble. If you make several balls of different colors, but the same size, then you can mix them, you get multi-colored compositions. As you can see, paper balls are very easy to make. It is quite possible to create such a masterpiece with your own hands.

The next way

This method also requires glue, postcards or thick colored paper. You need to cut 10 template circles of the same size. Draw a triangle inside each. Bend the edges of the circle along the triangle line. They are connected with glue until you get a hemisphere. Do one more thing. The whole ball will take five triangles. Don't forget to attach a string to one of them. Now glue the two hemispheres. Another way of how to make a ball out of paper is now familiar to you.

The simplest ball

This method is available even for young children. The ball is made of corrugated paper. Two sheets of paper of different colors, approximately 30 cm wide, 50 cm long, must be folded like an accordion and loosely bandaged in the middle. Round or sharpen the edges on both sides. Carefully open and fluff the petals of a large flower - a ball. Glue two side edges in the middle. This beauty, of course, is short-lived. One or two drops of rain - and the balloon is gone, but in dry rooms it can please the eye for a long time.


Make paper balls: it's beautiful, simple and easy!

The New Year is getting closer, so I want to touch this magic. Of course, it's too early to decorate the tree, but you can get creative, for example, make christmas balls do it yourself. There is an article on the blog, there are many interesting ideas.

The most popular decoration is considered to be balls, of course, you can buy them, the choice is huge - small, large, plastic, glass. But subjects self made- not an easy decoration, it is a mood, a piece of the soul. Such a toy will stand out on your Christmas tree or become a great New Year's gift.

Now the English expression has become popular - hand made ( hand made), which means "hands do". And this is not an easy buzzword; now handicrafts are appreciated. Huge supermarkets are opening, where you can buy a lot of goods for hobbies, creativity, handicrafts, if you wish.

I propose to see different ideas designs - from simple ones that anyone, even a child, can handle, to more complex ones.

DIY Christmas balls for 2020 with the symbol of the year

The upcoming 2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat, which means that there must be a toy in the shape of a Rat on the Christmas tree. There are many ideas on the net, we will consider those that will have a round shape.

Did you know that the predecessors of the balls were ordinary apples. In Europe, Christmas trees were decorated with this biblical symbol in ancient times. In one of the lean years, glassblowers came to the rescue, making apples from glass. This innovation quickly caught on. The glassware reflected the light of the candles, which made the decorated Christmas tree more festive.

To make a ball in the form of a symbol of the coming year, you will not need so much - any christmas ball, acrylic paint, acrylic varnish and pieces of fabric to make a hat and ears. Watch a detailed master class in the video.

Video on how to make a ball in the form of a Pig from a pompom

If you have leftover yarn in your bins, then a cute Pig face can be made from a pom-pom, detailed step-by-step instruction in the video. Such Christmas decoration Children will like it, because they love soft toys so much.

Schemes for collecting volumetric Christmas balls made of paper

It is not difficult to make beautiful paper Christmas tree decorations. You can use colored paper or white paper by drawing your drawings, snowflakes on it, or sticking interesting pictures. Children will like such creativity, such balls can be made not only for the home, they can be attributed to Kindergarten or to school. For manufacturing, you will need ordinary office paper, multi-colored or white, glue, scissors.

Modular paper ball

Such a product is made of modules that are glued together, they can be of different colors or monochromatic, it all depends on your preferences.

Work description:

Do-it-yourself large ball-honeycomb (step by step instructions)

Looking at such a product, it seems that it is very difficult to make it. In fact, even a child can cope with such work, the main thing is to understand the manufacturing principle.

It is better to study on a large model, then you can use it to decorate the interior, take it to a kindergarten or school to decorate a large Christmas tree... Having understood how it is made, you can easily repeat the steps on small items.

The main rule: do not get confused with the sequence of applying the glue.

How to do:

A honeycomb ball can be made from fewer halves, then the honeycomb will be more rare.

DIY Christmas balls in the style of shabby chic

Balls in the shabby chic style can be very different, because this is not a technique of execution, this is precisely a style.

The founder of this style was the Englishwoman Rachel Asheville, who initially bought old furniture, decorated it for herself, and later began to sell her work. Accordingly, a common interior was created for such furniture. The peculiarity of this style is tenderness, warmth, and not the pretentiousness of expensive things.

Today, “shabby chic” is a fashion trend based on the principle of giving things a “touch of antiquity”.

The chic style is often compared to the Provence style:

  • it is characterized by angels, soft floral motifs, mainly roses, peonies;
  • from geometric patterns, a slightly noticeable cell or strip is allowed;
  • the color range is light, soft, mainly white, beige, peach, pink color... You can add shades of lilac, salad, lavender, blue, the main thing is that they are not bright;
  • shabby chic is lace, organza, satin, linen, delicate chintz.

It is not surprising that handmade items (hand-made) fit perfectly into this style, New Year's toys were no exception.

Scrapbooking technique for decorating balls

Scrapbooking is the best fit for the shabby chic style, since this technique involves decoration.

To make such balls with your own hands, you don't really need a master class. It is enough to buy ready-made inexpensive plastic New Year's toys or foam blanks in the needlework departments.

For decor, find in their bins, which every needlewoman has, pieces of fabric, lace, ribbons, jewelry, interesting buttons, beads and, showing imagination, make an exclusive decoration for the Christmas tree.

Decoupage Christmas balls

The decoupage technique, which is very popular now, is perfect for the shabby chic style.

It is not difficult to master it, in the article mentioned above there is detailed master class for newbies. It is enough to choose pictures, decor in the right tone and unique works will catch the admiring glances of your guests.

In the video, I propose to watch a master class on making a New Year's ball in the style of shabby chic using the technique of reverse decoupage.

Decorating Christmas balls with beads

Craftswomen working with beads do not disregard Christmas tree decorations. Delightful works are made from small beads - Christmas trees, angels, cones and much more. The iridescent highlights of small colored beads create the feeling of a fairy tale in the house.

Balls are also decorated with beads, and the most different ways... Completely entwine, creating beautiful drawings, make exquisite fishnet decorations.

To do such beautiful toys you will need beads, nylon thread or fishing line, a needle, and perhaps most importantly, patience.

And the master class in the video will help you, good luck!

How to make a ball on a Christmas tree with a photo with your own hands

Now you can order different toys - personalized, with a logo, with a photograph, but for creative people it will not be difficult to do such things with their own hands. Read on and you will see that everyone can make a balloon with a photo.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • detachable transparent ball
  • acrylic paint - white and colored
  • glue "moment"
  • sequins
  • the photo

Work description:

Christmas ball made of satin ribbons and fabric

The fantasies of needlewomen have no boundaries, ribbons and pieces of fabric are used to decorate Christmas tree decorations.

And this is not easy, "blinded, from what was," are used different techniques, kimekomi, kanzashi, artichoke. Balloons decorated with these techniques are just a work of art.

Kimekomi technique for fabric Christmas tree decorations

Products made using the kimekomi technique are somewhat reminiscent of our patchwork technique.

We use it for the manufacture of quilted bedspreads, blankets, cushions, and other products, but not for New Year's toys. But it turns out that balls made of scraps of fabric also look very original and beautiful.

In Japan, kimekomi was used to make dolls by pressing shreds of fabric into slit wooden blanks.

Materials for work:

  • foam blank
  • glue stick
  • stationery scissors
  • scraps of fabric
  • sharp object with a rounded tip (table knife, knitting needle, crochet hook)
  • various items for decor

The principle of operation is simple:

Fabrics for such work are used very different in terms of elasticity and strength. It is easiest to work with elastic fabrics, more difficult - with loose fabrics with sparse weaving.

Kanzashi Christmas balls

Kanzashi is a technique similar to origami, except that paper is not used for it, but satin ribbons... This art came from Japan, women used kanzashi to decorate their hair. Now this technique is used not only for decorating hair clips, but also for decorating clothes and objects.

According to the craftswomen, if you figure out how to make kanzashi, it becomes clear that it is not at all difficult.

Whether it is true or not, you can find out by watching a video on making a New Year's ball using this technique.

Decorating balls using the artichoke technique

The artichoke is another technique patchwork, which is actively used to decorate Christmas balls.

The meaning of the technique is simple - you can draw an analogy with origami - we fold the pieces of fabric and attach to the base.

Christmas ball made of candies

New Year, sweets, sweets - these concepts are inseparable. Imagine how happy your child will be when he sees a delicious toy on the tree, though it is unlikely to hang for a long time. Sweet balls can become an original New Year's gift.

For the manufacture of sweet toys, you can use a foam blank and use glue, tinsel, pieces of fabric, ribbons to arrange a ball.

Another option is to use split balls. This option is quite simple - you just need to fill the transparent blanks with sweets and decorate them beautifully.

New Year - magical holiday and you can touch this magic with your own hands, creating real masterpieces. Charge your loved ones with inspiration, let each member of your family make their own New Year's ball so that your Christmas tree is the most elegant.

Good luck and a fabulous New Year.


Making Christmas tree decorations is a fun experience. Make Christmas balls out of paper with your own hands: step-by-step instructions and photos will help you understand the sequence of actions.

Simple Christmas balls

Models that do not require complex assembly are best done with children. Christmas decorations can be created in a variety of ways.

Glued from small shaped pieces

Cut out many identical circles from colored paper. Mark the circle by dividing it into equal 3, 5 or 6 parts. Bending the edges of the circles along the marks, make triangles, as well as pentagons and hexagons. You can stick a beautiful applique on the inside.

We make toys for the New Year in 2 ways:

  • glue the bent parts of adjacent parts, directing them into the cavity;
  • position the bent valves on the surface of the ball.

If you combine five- and hexagonal parts in 1 toy, you can make a mock-up of a soccer ball. To do this, the pentagon is connected to 5 hexagonal elements, and their adjacent sides are glued together.

@ 2pompona
@ 38.decor
@ sharmari_35

Ball of long paper strips

A simple but effective model can be assembled from strips with a length to width ratio of 1: 5. Each toy needs 3 strips. Glue 2 pieces into rings, and leave the third unfolded.

Insert 1 ring inside the other. Pass the non-glued strip into the loops that protrude from top ring... Fix the ends of the strip carefully with glue. Gently squeeze each convex part on the surface of the ball with your fingers along the edges, forming semicircles - this is an optional step, but it gives the toy a more complex shape.

Products can be used for solo decoration, hanging each on a string. Often, the elements are strung on a common thread, forming garlands.

@ beroney95

Paper balls from circles

Each toy will require 12 circles. Often such balls are made from parts of different colors.

Fold the blanks in a pile, sew or chop off with a stapler along the center line (diameter). At the same time, fasten the suspension thread. Bending the circles in half along the stitched line, straighten the ball and shape it.
There are options for decorating a toy:

  1. Leave the ball as it turned out after straightening the parts.
  2. Visually divide each semicircle into 3 or more equal parts (depending on the size of the product). Glue 2 adjacent semicircles at 1 point. Connect the following elements in pairs along the entire circumference of the ball. At a point on the next tier, connect adjacent parts in the same way, but change pairs: connect those that were previously separate. On a large ball, this technique forms a mesh surface.
  3. Instead of circles, cut out other shapes with bilateral symmetry (heart, bell, etc.).

Cone balls

For their manufacture, not only paper is suitable, but also cosmetic disks and old postcards. And the finished tapered parts can be replaced with paper molds for baking.

Cut out semicircles. Roll up a cone from each, glue the edges. Connect the workpieces by applying glue to the sidewalls. In this case, the vertices of the parts are in the center of the ball. Cupcake tins are connected in a similar way: unlike cones, they have no tops, and the ball will turn out to be empty in the middle.


Balls with a complex technique

Complex prefabricated crafts will decorate the interior with their original look. It is better to master the assembly technology in advance using the photographs provided.

@ 2pompona
@ 2pompona

Sliding balls

Bulky toys made of paper strips fastened together look exotic, reminiscent of oriental puzzles. But making them is quick and easy:

  1. Fold the strips of paper into a pile (length and width - arbitrary). Align the edges and pierce the stack with an awl at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the end edge. There should be an equal distance to the side edges.
  2. String a bead, a circle (the diameter is slightly larger than the width of the strip) on a fishing line with a knot, and then stretch it through the holes in the paper strips.
  3. Punch a hole at the other end of the stack of strips. The distance to the edges is the same as in the previous case.
  4. Without tearing off the already threaded line, pass it into a new puncture. Bending the strips to form the profile of the toy: it can be flattened from the poles or slightly elongated, to have the correct ball shape. The decoration looks unusual if the strips are folded in half and smoothed out the fold at the equator.
  5. Having achieved the desired profile, fix the fishing line with a knot, string a circle and a bead on it, tie another 1 knot. The strips need to be pushed apart, creating a spherical surface. Elements can partially overlap each other or form meridians with gaps between them.

@ ahimas90
@ nastya.toraf

From folded and curled paper

By folding the paper with an accordion, you can get elements for another collection ball. Prepare strips of different widths:

  • 1 is the largest - for the equatorial belt, the width is equal to the diameter of the decoration;
  • 2 pcs. narrower with a difference in width of 1-1.5 cm.

Fold each strip into an accordion and determine the middle of the pile of folds. Bend over, glue the sides of the extreme folds. There will be many circles. Starting with one of the smaller ones, string them on a thread, first increasing the diameters to the equator, and then decreasing them to the pole. Fix the thread.

For a needle ball, you need to cut out circles of different diameters and divide each into 6 or 8 parts. Cut with scissors along the radii, leaving the centers intact. Determine the middle of the arc of each sector, twist and glue the corners, forming cones-needles. The assembly is carried out on a strong thread, starting from the smallest circle and increasing to the middle of the ball. The elements need to be attracted to each other so that the needles spread out to the sides, forming a sphere.

Ball puzzle

For the assembled octahedron ball, you need to print templates of the desired size. They have the shape of a regular flower with 5-6 semicircular petals. At the base of the petals, a cut is made to the middle, as indicated in the template diagram. It is enough to insert the prepared parts into the cuts of the neighboring ones, forming parts of the ball from 5-6 flowers each. Connect them together using the free grooves.

Roll ball

To make such a ball, you need to prepare long ribbons of colored paper. Their width on one side is equal to the distance between the poles of the product; its size depends on this parameter. The width gradually decreases towards the other end. Glue mounting tape (construction tape) along the entire length of the workpiece, leaving a few centimeters free at the narrow end.

Glue the thread for hanging onto the wide part. Fold the paper into a tight roll, placing the turns evenly. Grease the end with glue and fix it on the ball.

In the kusudama technique


For kusudama, you need to make 60 identical origami modules. Using photos and diagrams, it will be easier to assemble the decoration. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Fold the square diagonally.
  2. Raise the sharp corners of the triangle to a straight line and smooth out. Unfold the workpiece into a triangle again.
  3. Using the fold as a guide, bend the lower part of the triangle towards it from the center of the hypotenuse. Expand.
  4. Along the resulting fold, lift and unfold the small triangles in the corners of the large one. In doing so, they will acquire the shape of a rhombus with 2 short sides.
  5. Bend the edges of the rhombuses protruding beyond the large triangle. Fold the remaining parts (small triangles) in half.
  6. Fold the resulting square with 2 triangles diagonally. glue the triangular elements, fixing the petal.
  7. Glue a flower of 5 such petals, and then connect 12 flowers into a sphere.

Ready-made flowers can be decorated with beads or other decor.

@ natalie.romanenko
@ natalie.romanenko
@ natalie.romanenko

Paper cones

Cones are easiest to make from identical small circles or rhombuses. You need to attach them to the base. Start at the bottom pole of the oval base. Moving upward in a spiral, the tiers gradually build up, placing the elements so that they overlap the connection of the lower ones (like the scales of a fish). Finish off at the top pole of the bump.