Patterns of simple soft toys for beginners. DIY fabric toy patterns: simple patterns for beginners. How to sew a mouse from a sock: master class

Nowadays, choosing a toy in a store is not difficult, but a rag friend, sewn with my own hands, will be dear, special, “with a twist.” You can involve children in joint needlework, starting with the eldest preschool age. This practice is very useful not only for the development fine motor skills, but also to create a unique atmosphere of intimacy and comfort in the creative workshop. Various patterns soft toys do it yourself can be found in books, magazines, and the Internet.

12 secrets for beginners

Creating a pattern correctly is an art. From the choice of drawing, correct location details on the fabric, the choice of means for transfer depends not only on the convenience of work, but also on the final result.

If you have some old, rather shabby, but favorite toy, it can serve as a model for the same one, only new and made with your own hands. To do this, open it up and you can use the resulting parts to make patterns:

  1. Transfer the patterns onto paper, you can use tracing paper, cellophane or a special gear wheel onto the paper placed underneath;
  2. After copying, compare the corresponding parts by size to check if they match and if the work was done correctly;
  3. Sign the details, indicate the number and location of the warp thread;
  4. Take seam allowances into account; their size varies depending on the type of fabric and whether the workpieces are sewn by hand or by machine;
  5. If you plan to use the pattern quite often, then it is better to immediately transfer it to non-thick cardboard;
  6. When starting to make soft toys, pay attention to simple models toys for which you don't need a large number of small or complex parts. The photo shows spectacular crafts that can be made using a minimum of elements.

One of the easiest patterns to make is making pillow toys. For example, these:

You can change the scale of the pattern using photocopying with a scale adjustment or manually using a sheet drawn into squares.

For more creativity, it is convenient to combine different patterns or, if you are confident in sewing, adapt existing ones to suit yourself.

To transfer contours to different materials use: chalk for drape, denim, special disappearing markers or for fleece, pencils for cotton materials. If you have already marked the details with a simple pencil and are afraid that its traces will remain on the item and ruin it appearance, save the fabric using a special eraser, which is sold in specialized stores and works great with a simple pencil. Comparing different marking tools will help you choose the best option:

If you know how to draw a little, you can create patterns yourself. To do this, draw a sketch of the toy, divide it into parts and draw each of them in profile.

Toys and child's age

The choice of one or another soft toy that can interest a child depends on various reasons:

  • For the little ones, tactile sensations and a rather primitive general appearance are more important. Monkeys, bears, hares, made of fur without small parts are suitable;
  • For older children, educational toys equipped with fasteners, buttons, inscriptions, or those that can be dressed and seated are of greater interest. Soft friends are included in role-playing games by the child. The realism of the toy becomes more important;

  • older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren prefer to play with characters from children's cartoons - such as minions, Smeshariki, Luntik;

  • Kuzya’s homemade brownie will fit perfectly into the interior of a schoolchild’s room.

Simple patterns

Easy-to-follow patterns will help you choose a new friend for your home or give you an idea for an original gift.

A craft you create with your own hands will become your child’s favorite toy. This could be an animal-shaped pillow or just some decor to play with.

For the craft you need:

  • find a master class of the selected toy on the Internet;
  • read the work sequence;
  • prepare the material (fabric buttons, thread, needle and scissors);
  • print the craft template (stencil) or you can attach it to your computer white paper and circle with a pencil.

In craft stores you can purchase kits with instructions for making soft toys.

Materials for toys

For beautiful crafts The following fabrics are suitable:

  • silk;
  • knitwear;
  • wool;
  • velours;
  • velvet;
  • felt.

You can also choose your own sizes.

General instructions for making a soft toy

First, find patterns for soft toys to make with your own hands. Easy lessons for beginners:


A bright little craft for beginners. An easy-to-use toy for children under 1 year old. It is tactile, wrinkles well and is pleasant to the touch.

Stages of work:

  1. Choose a bright material, wash, and steam if necessary. Better contrasting shades: red/white, blue/white, yellow/green...
  2. Cut out the parts according to the template.
  3. Fold the parts on the front side and sew, leaving a small space for filling with cotton wool, padding polyester or scraps of fabric.
  4. Sew on the small ones: paws, nose, tail, ears.
  5. Better bright colors make a couple of details, for example, ears and nose.


You will need:

  • template for a pattern;
  • multi-colored pieces of cotton fabric;
  • padding polyester;
  • beads (buttons) – eyes;
  • threads with a needle;
  • scissors.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Using the template on the wrong side, we make a pattern for the head, paws, and a small tail. All 2 pieces, and 8 for paws.
  2. Make the body about 15 cm in radius, the lower part of the shell is slightly smaller.
  3. In the upper part of the shell you need to make 4 darts to add volume.
  4. Sew the head and all the legs together, then stuff each piece with stuffing. The tail does not need to be filled.
  5. Sew the shell together, leaving room for the paws. We fill the turtle with filler and sew in all the details. Don't forget the ponytail at the back.
  6. Lastly, sew on beady eyes and embroider a large mouth.
  7. The turtle is ready!

Fleece bear

Prepare for work:

  • soft fabric (fleece or plush) 2 colors;
  • needle and thread;
  • pins;
  • a piece of skin for the nose;
  • dark beads (buttons) for eyes;
  • filler.

Stages of work:

  1. Prepare a template the right size, better on cardboard. Cut out all the details: 2 torsos, 2 legs, 2 white circles for eyes, black leather nose.
  2. First you need to secure 2 circles (eyes) with pins and sew them by hand or using a sewing machine to the body. Let's look at the drawing.
  3. Connect the paws with the front part and sew, turn out.
  4. The body consists of 2 parts, we connect the front side inward. Immediately on the sides we fasten the paws with pins at the same distance.
  5. We sew the bear together, leaving 0.5-0.7 cm from the edge. Be sure to leave a hole so that you can freely turn the product inside out.
  6. We turn the body inside out and fill it with padding polyester. Then we sew the body of the craft with a hidden seam using our hands.
  7. You need to embroider the mouth with black threads.
  8. A dark colored leather nose can be made from any material. Go around the circle with a needle and thread, tighten to get a convex nose. We fill it with padding polyester and sew it to the finished body.
  9. Sew on black beads (buttons) - these are the eyes.
  10. You can embroider eyelashes, eyebrows, etc.
  11. Teddy bear is ready!

Same simple method You can create a home animal theater. A selection of patterns for creating an entire home zoo is easy to find on the Internet.

Animal pillows

Designers offer interesting ready-made options, such as a pillow toy. Quadrangles, where 2/3 (upper part) should be plain.

The cat will have a pink top, red-pink bottom and ears. Sew small triangles to the pillow.

A dog with a blue (salad) top and colored bottom. Make semicircular hanging ears 2 times larger than those of a cat

Embroider with funny faces from black and white fabric, mustache, mouth, big eyes.

Children love to fall asleep on such pillows or just lie in a hug. The pillow will become a sweet friend.

We offer a variety of designs for soft toys that are easy to make with your own hands.

It is probably impossible to find a person who would be indifferent to a soft toy made with his own hands from natural fabric. For children, such a toy, sewn with love, will be the most valuable thing and best friend, and for adults it can become a unique souvenir or gift that will be remembered for a long time.

In this master class we will talk about how to make a simple soft toy from ordinary fabric with your own hands, the creation process of which does not require a lot of effort and will not take much time. Involving a child in this work will help you with great pleasure and spend your time usefully, as a result of which you will receive a wonderful soft toy - a turtle.

So, to make such a toy we need to prepare:

  • small pieces of cotton or calico fabric of a suitable color (for example, green for the head and paws, brown for the shell);
  • paper patterns;
  • any filler (foam rubber, padding polyester or ordinary cotton wool);
  • beads or small buttons for eyes;
  • sewing needle, thread, pins and scissors.

Also, grab the appropriate creative mood that will help you create this original toy.

Work order:

  • First you need to make patterns for the parts of the future soft toy on tracing paper or plain paper: two parts of a turtle’s head, two parts of a tail, two parts of a shell with a diameter of about thirty centimeters (the lower part of the shell should be slightly smaller than the top), eight parts of paws (two for each of the four).

  • We transfer all the details of the pattern onto the prepared fabric: to do this, we pin the pattern parts to the material using pins, trace them and cut them out.

  • To make the turtle's shell slightly convex, we make four darts on the upper part of the shell, cut from fabric, as shown in the photo.

  • Then we sew together the parts of the turtle’s paws and head, which we fill not very tightly with filler, as well as its tail (there is no need to stuff the tail with padding polyester).

  • Next, we sew together the parts of the shell (top and bottom), leaving holes for stuffing and sewing on the head, paws and tail of the soft toy.

  • By hand, using a hidden seam, we sew in all the details in certain places around the circumference of the shell so that the cavities of the head and paws are connected to the cavity of the turtle's shell.
  • After the shell is completely stuffed, you need to sew in the turtle's tail and sew up the hole using a blind stitch.
  • The final stage of our master class is sewing black beads or buttons (eyes) in certain places on the turtle's head.

The work is finished, and a wonderful handmade soft toy is ready! To make it, we used materials that can be found in every home.

Such a turtle can serve not only as your child’s favorite toy: it can be used as a pillow, hugging him with pleasure and quickly falling asleep.

Using the process described above, you can make other simple soft toys from fabric, for example, a bear, for the creation of which we will need the same materials and tools. To do this, you first need to make a toy pattern. It's so simple that you won't special effort You can make it yourself using the appropriate drawing.

Then you need to transfer the pattern onto the fabric, folded in half, fasten it, trace and cut out the details of the bear from the fabric. Having connected the parts of the bear with the front side inward, we sew them together, not forgetting to leave gaps for turning the toy inside out and filling it with padding polyester or any other filler. We turn the toy inside out and fill it with filler, and the more filler there is, the cuter and fluffier the soft toy will be.

On final stage Using beads or buttons, we make the bear’s eyes and nose, and also use thick thread embroidery to decorate the mouth. That's all, our bear is ready. You can dress it up by sewing pants and a T-shirt separately.

You can also make soft toys with your own hands in the form of a cat, baby elephant, horse and many other animals, using a variety of patterns and natural fabrics.

The principle of creating a toy remains the same: we make a pattern, cut out two parts of the figurine from the fabric, sew them facing each other, leaving gaps for turning the toy inside out. Fill the figure with any filler. At your discretion, we decorate the face of the toy, using your imagination and available materials (threads for the cat’s whiskers, beads for the eyes, ribbon for the mouth).

Such toys can be made with a frame, using bendable metal wire to create it, and pliers and an awl to mount it.

Today, patterns for creating soft toys can be found in special printed publications, on handicraft websites, as well as in retail chains that sell sets containing necessary materials for making such a toy (fabric, pattern, thread) and detailed instructions, which is very suitable for beginner needlewomen. And the simplest and affordable way making a pattern with your own hands means ripping open an old unnecessary toy and removing the pattern from it. In this case, it is better to use thick paper or cardboard, which will last much longer and is easier to work with than regular paper.

What fabric is most suitable for creating such a toy? The most suitable fabrics for this are:

  • knitwear that stretches easily;
  • cotton fabrics, often having bright colorful colors;
  • terry cloth, velor or velvet, which are useful for simulating animal fur;
  • flannel or flannel, which are suitable for making animals with smoother skin;
  • jeans, toys from which look very stylish and will decorate any interior. At the same time, denim material is very easy to work with.

But it is not recommended to sew soft toys from fabric such as silk, since this fabric is difficult to work with and requires a certain skill.

We hope this master class, as well as our tips, will help you make a toy with your own hands that will delight your child, decorate your home, or become an original gift.

DIY soft toys: ideas + patterns

Let's delve a little deeper into this fascinating process and learn the technology of sewing soft toys. They are the easiest to make and the most sought after. To make a toy with your own hands, you should pay attention to the color of the fabrics. They should be bright and cheerful and pleasing to the eye; you can combine several shades. If you don’t have the colors you need at home, you can dye the fabric yourself; for this you need to purchase special dyes.

Their choice should be taken seriously, because they will be in the hands of children and the dyes must be natural and not fade. You need to cut the fabric very carefully and carefully ensure that the paired parts are the same size and that the sides completely match.

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Before processing the pattern on a sewing machine, it must first be processed with a buttonhole stitch. If the fabric is loose, it is necessary to leave seam allowances. When the pattern is ready, you can fill it with various materials.

The most affordable and popular is padding polyester. These toys can be washed in a machine; they dry very quickly and do not lose their shape. Toys can also be stuffed with synthetic fluff (these are soft small balls). It does not pill and also holds up well in washing.

If you do not want to spend additional money on purchasing fillers, you can use several options:

1. Remove such fillings from old blankets or pillows that you will no longer use.

2. Stuff the toy with small pieces of soft fabrics available at home. Before you start sewing a toy, you need to know what will be needed to create it: - fabric of different strengths and colors;

Sintepon, cotton wool, foam rubber, and other substitutes;

Buttons and beads for eyes and nose;

Sewing tools;

Ruler, pencil and paper for patterns.

For the right choice the fabric from which the toy will be sewn, you need to know their properties. For example, knitwear has excellent stretch, and you can sew any toy from it. Cotton fabrics are also suitable for different types, but they make harder toys. Terry is perfect for toys that require imitation wool. A bear cub, a bunny or a fox can be made from velor velvet or wool; such fabric will do its job perfectly. Felted fabric makes creative and original toys. But still it is more suitable for making additional details, such as paws, ears, nose and so on.

Patterns of soft toys:







































Useful tips

This is a soft toy good gift child, and if you make such a toy with your own hands, the joy and satisfaction will be many times greater.

Follow the tips, use your imagination and come up with your own soft toys that will delight you and your children.

DIY soft toys. Matryoshka.

This doll is very easy to sew, so it has become popular among those who like to make a soft toy with their own hands. An experienced craftsman can make a tilde doll in less than an hour. You can involve children in the process - they will definitely be interested.

1. You can use tilde fabric to get a more colorful effect. But if you haven’t found a similar fabric, then two pieces of cotton will help you different colors, thick calico or satin.

2. Sew one piece of cotton to another and iron it.

3. You can use a printer to print the pattern or draw it yourself to the desired size.

* In this example, the matryoshka doll pattern is shown for three sizes, namely large, medium and small.

5. Now you need to sew the fabric along the pre-drawn outline. In this case, you need to leave a hole at the bottom. All that remains is to cut and turn.

6. Prepare a white cotton cloth to draw your doll's face on. Now cut it out and glue it to the matryoshka on the web.

7. Using acrylic paints and a thin brush, you should paint the portrait, and after the paints have dried, sew the doll’s face along the contour to the main part, using a decorative stitch.

* If you sew this doll correctly, it will be able to stand on its own. Pay attention to the pictures to understand how to stitch and fold the bottom corners inward, thereby creating a stable rectangle for both toys.

How to sew soft toys with your own hands. Photo lessons.


As in the previous example, this doll can be sewn with your own hands quite quickly. Despite the fact that the soft toy is immediately dressed, you can come up with separate clothes for it so that you can change it.

It is advisable to use soft but durable fabrics. In this example, the toy is sewn using American flannel and knitwear. The height of the “Kid” is 27 cm. The arms and legs were attached using button fastenings.


The pattern of this toy is not at all complicated, and if you pay attention to the images, you can see how the toy was cut in a spiral and sewn using an external decorative seam.

View from reverse side- beautiful and simple.

It is advisable to use bright fleece or felt. Next, you can decorate the soft toy with multi-colored circles, flowers, etc.


In this photo tutorial you can learn how to sew an elephant from a sock. For this soft toy you will need 2 pairs of warm socks.

Sunny is a little animal

The name of the toy may sound a little strange, but there is no denying that the product itself is very cute and children will really enjoy making and playing with it.

DIY soft toys (video)

Make a soft toy with your own hands. Kitty.

Such a bright, soft cat can be used not only as a toy, but also as a pillow.

1. Prepare a special tildo fabric, or thick cotton that does not fade or shrink after washing.

The main part of this toy is easy to sew - just trace along the pattern, stitch along the outline and cut with zigzag scissors so that the fabric does not wrinkle when you turn it inside out.

2. Making a muzzle

2.1 Take a close look at the image to see where you need to fill with filler. Next you need to sew and decorate.

2.2 Cut out an oval to make the face. Embroider the muzzle with threads and then make petals for the face, which then need to be turned out and sewn along the contour of the oval - this must be done from the inside.

2.3 The entire structure prepared in step 3 must be sewn from the main part of the toy cat.

3. Making a flower

3.1 First you need to cut out the petals for the flower.

3.2 The cut petals need to be rolled up, turned out, and a fold made at the base. After that, simply sew them together.

3.3 You need to attach a fabric-covered button to the middle and decorate the cat’s head (see picture).

* To make the ears more voluminous, you can use thin synthetic padding.

This is how it should work out for you

This is a tilde pattern

This is the other half of the toy cat

How to sew a soft toy with your own hands. Bear is a midget.

Unlike previous soft toys, this bear is not entirely easy to make, but the result will pleasantly surprise you.

To make this toy you will need knitting needles No. 2.5 and 100% acrylic threads (100g - 230 meters).

1. Prepare a thread in the color of the toy dress (in this example, the color is red) and start casting on 20 loops. It is worth noting that the first stitch of a row should always be removed, and the last stitch should be knitted purlwise, while knitting tightly.


Rows 1 and 2 - knit all - thread color: red

Row 3 - purl all, start introducing white thread and alternating colors: red loop - white loop.

Row 4 - knit all - thread color: red.

The next 6 rows need to be knitted in stockinette stitch.

Row 1 - purl all - thread color: beige

Knit the next 8 rows with beige thread (the wrong side - with purl loops, and the front side - with knit stitches).

2. Now all the loops need to be collected on an auxiliary thread. At the same time, pass another auxiliary thread where the red and beige threads meet (from the wrong side - see image).

3. The face should be embroidered with dark thread. Prepare the fabric for the backing and cut a circle of small diameter from it.

4. Prepare the ribbon on which you want to hang your toy. Tie a knot at the bottom of the ribbon and secure it to the toy. Next you need to tighten the upper auxiliary thread.

5. Making bear ears. First you need to cast on 3 loops. Knit once and bind off the stitches.

6. Attach the ears to the toy’s head. Use a needle and thread to tie a knot inside the toy.

* To make the neck, thread and pull the thread between the bear's head and his dress.

7. We make the arms and legs of the bear in the form of a cord. First, cast on 4 loops using two knitting needles, and then knit 6 rows in a circle.

* For those who don’t know how to knit in the round, watch the video tutorial below.

8. At the end, the loops need to be gathered onto one thread, namely the one you knitted with. Next, using a needle, pass through the limb to the first thread, thereby the two threads will be side by side. You need to make 4 similar blanks.

* If you want to make the handles more neat, try threading them tightly into the body and tying the threads together in a tight knot.

9. All that remains is to fill the head and body of the bear with stuffing, and sew along the back seam. The handles need to be attached to the dress and a knot must be made inside the toy, and the legs, along with the hem of the dress, need to be sewn at the bottom.

DIY soft toys. Flying cat.

A cat like this can be easily sewn and painted at home, using only a small amount of materials.

Prepare a piece of plain light-colored fabric (its size depends on the size of the toy).

1. The picture shows a pattern. You need to make a tail, a paw, half a muzzle, and a torso.

2. Using a simple pencil, trace all the details on the fabric, placing them on the fabric in advance. Small parts can be sewn directly on the main piece and then cut out. You will need: 2 legs, 1 tail, a back with a head, a belly without a head and the face of a future plush cat.

3. Sew the toy’s face in the middle and cut it out.

4. Sew the tail and legs, being sure to leave a small hole where you need to make a straight seam. Next, cut out the back and belly.