Questioning parents in dow family traditions. Family values_questionnaire. “Creating a favorable family atmosphere”

After analyzing the results of the survey for adolescents and parents, the following conclusions were made:

1. Most respondents do not know about the origin of their surname, but nevertheless, parents know more about the origin of their surname than teenagers.

2. Also, parents know 12% more about how their relatives met and got married, unlike teenagers.

3. To the question “Does your family keep photographs? Is there a family album? Most of the study participants responded that families keep a chronicle using photographs and photo albums.

4. 28% of teenagers found it difficult to answer the question whether their family keeps letters, postcards, and other handwritten evidence of the past, but the majority of parents confidently answer the question.

5. 25% of respondents (parents and teenagers) have relics at home such as: a watch, a box, an icon, a portrait, jewelry. 65% of participants in the study among adolescents found it difficult to answer this question, but most of the parents answered that their families do not have heirlooms, which, in our opinion, is an omission in family upbringing.

6. To the question “What is “home” for you,” 1/3 of the respondents answered - family and parents. Slightly less (29%) answered - comfort, warmth. Third place - safety, reliability. 6% of respondents could not answer this question.

7. The most favorite and popular place in the house (apartment), according to respondents, is the personal room (48%). It is inferior to the kitchen, which scored 24%. The living room, which 20% of respondents like to visit, closes the list.

8. We found that 43% of respondents prefer to gather with their family on holidays at home, 20% less gather outdoors or in the country (23%), 14% gather at the dinner table, 6% of respondents do not find the opportunity to gather with their family at all.

9. Among respondents, birthdays are considered the most family and favorite (29%), only 1% behind New Year. The wedding ceremony scored 20%.

10. 46% of all respondents have a daily routine or shared meals at home.

11. More than half of all respondents answered that they have their own family values ​​and follow traditions; 6% of teenagers follow traditions, but do not know about it.

12. Most often, respondents’ families discuss successes at school and at work (42%). 38% discuss news and current events. Rounding out the top three is discussion of gifts for the holidays (12%).

In addition, respondents were given the task of completing sentences on the topic “family is...” and “family values ​​are…”.

To the question “family is...”, parents, for the most part, answered that it is mutual assistance, love, happiness, respect and close people. And the teenagers answered that family is parents and children, love, as well as relatives

According to most parents, family values ​​are mutual assistance, what is valued in the family, love and happiness, family achievement. For teenagers, family values ​​are love, children, mutual assistance and respect.

Based on the results of processing the questionnaire, diagrams (Appendix 2) and tables (Appendix 3) were constructed.

Based on the results of the questionnaire, we can conclude that the formation moral culture teenagers in the family will be effective if the personal example of parents in observing family traditions is used and the parents’ activities in shaping the moral culture of teenagers will go through traditions.

Observation results

The head of AET Triumph, in order to clarify, was asked questions, the purpose of which was to identify the peculiarity moral education team members such as:

1) respect for peers and elders;

2) ability to work in a group;

3) manifestation of empathy in the team.

For the effective development of the moral culture of adolescents, guidelines for parents:

"The role of family traditions in the upbringing of adolescents."

For children and adolescents, the family is the environment in which the possibilities for their physical, mental, emotional and intellectual development take shape.

Family values- components of a strong foundation for a family. This is something that cannot be bought with money, inherited or stolen. Family values ​​can be acquired and carried throughout life by everyone together. You can bring family values ​​into your life, such as family traditions.

The true desire for family happiness and family well-being is justified in the creation of family traditions. Once upon a time, traditions were a mandatory feature of a “joint” family and reflected the moral position of its members. Early involvement of children in the discussion of all issues family life- a long-standing good tradition.

Family traditions- this is the spiritual atmosphere of the house, which is made up of the daily routine, customs, way of life and habits of its inhabitants. So, some families prefer to wake up early, have breakfast at a quick fix, go to work and meet in the evening without asking questions or talking. In other families, it is customary to have meals together, discuss plans, increased attention to each other's problems.

In each house, during its existence, its own ritual develops. The household energy structure of the family changes under the influence of traditions. Traditions are relationships that develop between family members. If a family sets traditions for themselves as obligatory, then they can serve them well. Often following traditions helps to live. And no matter how strange they may seem, one thing is important: family traditions and rituals should not be cumbersome and far-fetched. Let them come into life naturally.

It is extremely difficult to form a family tradition if the children have grown up and have already formed a common attitude towards the family. Another thing is young families, where parents are free to show a teenager all the beauty of the world, envelop him with love and form a reliable position in life throughout his life.

How teenagers will subsequently treat themselves, others and life in general depends entirely on their parents. Life may seem to him like an endless holiday or an exciting journey, or he may see it as a frightening foray into wild places or as boring, ungrateful and hard labour, waiting for everyone just outside the school doors.

If most of the usual family rituals do not bring restrictions, but only joy and pleasure, this strengthens the sense of family integrity, the feeling of the uniqueness of one’s own home and confidence in the future. That charge of inner warmth and optimism that each of us carries within us is acquired in childhood, and the greater it is, the better.

Family traditions and rituals:

· allow the teenager to feel a stable way of life;

· in the family what is established will take place;

· give the teenager a feeling of confidence in the world around him and security;

· set you up for optimism and a positive perception of life, when every day is a holiday;

create unique memories that a teenager will someday tell his children about

· pride in yourself and your family.

You are quite capable of creating several family traditions that your children and grandchildren may adhere to! Don't forget just three main rules:

· a recurring event should be bright, positive, memorable;

· tradition is a tradition to always be observed;

The main thing is that there is something in this traditional action that affects feelings and perceptions. What can family holidays and rituals be like? Instead of the usual "hello - bye" Friendly family can agree to greet each other with a special “code” word, understandable only to “their own”! For example: “Great, hero!” or “Hello, princess!” It’s funny if, when saying hello, someone says the first half of the word, and his interlocutor says the second. You can also come up with special forms of farewell - like funny wishes or advice to each other for the whole day. Great scope for creating family traditions is hidden in the kitchen and culinary talents of one of the family members. It's great if everyone gets together for a family lunch or dinner on the weekends. The main thing is that this should not be a dull eating of delicacies, but that it will be remembered by the appetizing smell of delicious dishes and the smiles of the household members. It will be even more interesting if you give the opportunity to master your “signature dish”, which will take pride of place on the table. Or suggest that we learn something new together every Sunday. The good thing about kitchen experiments is that the result is always visible, tangible, and smells delicious! You can also organize celebrations of “national” cuisine - one or very different! This way, the teenager will be able to learn a lot of new things about the world around him and master exotic behavior at the table, for example, how to hold chopsticks or drink from a saucer. Here are some more ideas for lasting culinary traditions: a variety of preparations “for the winter,” a unique way of making tea or coffee, or a traditional picnic on the first weekend of summer.

The best tradition associated with a birthday is to celebrate this day as the most best holiday! Many adults sadly recall that in their family “it was not customary to celebrate birthdays.”

A birthday is like a noisy, cheerful holiday with exactly those guests whom the hero of the occasion himself wants to invite - best gift. Let the teenager feel his importance to loved ones, learn to receive guests and get used to the tradition of celebrating birthdays! And for adults, this holiday is an occasion to fantasize about special rituals. Many families have started creating a photo gallery. In other words, do something that will help him, then remember his childhood. Together with your teenager, you can start compiling family tree or start collecting some kind of collection, the scope for imagination is limitless! The main thing is to feel that it is truly “yours” and brings joy to all family members.

An excellent option is an annual trip with the whole family to the sea or out of town for a picnic. During such trips, the family gets even closer, resolving internal troubles.

Watching films together on Sundays, not in the cinema, but at home, is very unifying. Regardless of whether you are trying to preserve old home traditions that are dear to you or your husband, or are trying to come up with and instill the newest ones, remember that childhood shapes a child for life. And the main thing in childhood is that the child has it. Try to use moderation: the overly strict rules by which a family lives, which do not leave teenagers any “freedom of maneuver,” overstrain the teenage psyche.

The absence of a stable home structure and predictable home rituals, calming with their indispensable obligatory nature, conveys to the teenager a feeling of insecurity at home and the precariousness of the universe.


Target research work- to study the role of family traditions in the upbringing of adolescents, was carried out with the help of:

1. definitions, the concept of family as the main factor influencing the formation of personality. Family and family relationships play vital role in the mental and personal development of a teenager. The world of family has its own characteristics compared to others social groups. Each family has its own history, experience of communication with each other, mistakes and mistakes, successful experience in solving emerging problems, as well as its own principles, objectives, methods and means of moral education.

2. identifying the main means of moral education in the family. This paragraph highlighted the most common means of moral education, such as: joint work, joint recreation, personal example, encouragement and punishment, family traditions. The use of which will help raise a moral person who is ready to live life with dignity and pass on his skills and family traditions to the next generation.

3. identifying the role of family traditions in nurturing the moral culture of adolescents. Based on the results of the questionnaire, we can conclude that the formation of the moral culture of adolescents in the family will be effective if the personal example of parents in observing family traditions is used and the activities of parents in the formation of the moral culture of adolescents will pass through traditions.

This work can be used by students of the Vyatka College of Culture when studying the MDC “Pedagogical Foundations of Teaching Creative Disciplines” on the topic “Professional Pedagogical Activities”, students of pedagogical universities, parents, as well as teachers and managers in educational institutions and additional institutions.


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3. Bayborodova, JI. B. Educational process in high school. [Text] / JI. In Bayborodova, M.I. Rozhkov. - M.: Education, 2001. - 380 p.

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19. Quotes and aphorisms about traditions. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (Free access).

20. The concept of spiritual and moral education of Russian schoolchildren. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (free access).

21. Mom and baby. Family and family traditions. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (free access).


Annex 1.

"Family and Family Values"

Question Answer
Do you know the origin of your surname?
Do you know how your grandparents, parents, and other relatives met (got married)?
Does your Family keep photographs? Is there a family album?
Are letters, postcards, or other handwritten evidence of the past kept in the family?
Do you have family heirlooms?
What is “home” for you?
What room (place) in your house (apartment) is your favorite?
Where and when does your family get together?
What holidays do you consider family holidays? Which ones are your favorite?
Do you have a daily routine at home? Are joint lunches and dinners accepted?
Are there any family habits? Traditions?
Is it common for you to discuss anything as a family? If yes, which one?
Family is...
Family values ​​are...

Appendix 2.

Questionnaire "Traditions of my family"

1. Genealogy.

    How much do you know about your ancestors (according to storiesnykh and loved ones)? If not enough, then why?

    How many generations do you know? Can you draw a genealogical tree?

    Do you know the origin of your surname?

    Are you related to distant relatives? Are there many of them?you?

    Is there (was) a tradition of correspondence between relatives?kami in the clan, family?

2. Family stories.

    Do you know bright facts from the history of the clan, family (ininteresting, funny, curious)? Tell us some of them.

    Are the legends about the life of the family preserved in various historical sources?toric periods? What do people like to remember and talk about more?call grandparents, parents and other relatives?

    Are there any interesting, memorable events in the history of the family (clan)?teas, biographical facts that children are told about,remember when relatives get together?

    Are there any family stories related to professionalactivity?

    Are there family stories about pets growing up?niah?

3. Heredity and connections of relatives.

    Are personal qualities inherited in your family?qualities, abilities, interests, professional inclinations?

    Which relative are you like or would you like to be?similar?

    Would you like to raise your child to be like it from relatives? On whom?

    Which of your relatives do you feel the love and care of?yourself most of all?

    Do you have a tradition in your family of preserving the memory of someone who died?your relatives? How do they usually remember the dead in your country?family?

4. Relationship history.

    Can you call your family friendly?

    What is your relationship with your sisters and brothers? What areAre relationships like this in other generations of the family?

    Have there been cases of separation of close relatives, theirlosses for many years or forever due to external (historical)ski) reasons?

    Were there significant cases, including unexpected ones?nykh, meetings of relatives?

    Have you ever welcomed a new person into your family?

5. Family life events.

    Do you know how the grandmothers andgrandparents, parents, other relatives?

    Have any significant events related to the wedding of grandparents and parents survived in the family?

    Do you have any interesting memories associated withthe birth of children?

    Was there (is) a special tradition in the family?choosing a name for a child?

    Why (in honor of whom) were you given your name? Are there any specialstories associated with the names of other family members?

6. Family heirlooms.

    Do you have any heirlooms in your family? What are they with?connected?

    Does your family keep photographs? Is there a familyalbum? Which of the photographs are especially dear to you? Whether there is ainteresting signatures on photos?

    What period does the oldest photograph belong to?kept in your family?

    Is there a home archive? What does it include?

    Do the family keep letters, postcards, and other manuscripts?new evidence of the past?

7. Home

    Which place do you consider your homeland?

    What is “home” for you?

    Have there been any moves in the family history, and what is connected with them?

    Do you (your children) like to return home from the train?doc, travel?

    Where and when does the family get together?


    What holidays do you consider family holidays? Which of themmost favorite, why?

    How do you celebrate birthdays? Are there any differences incelebrating the birthdays of a child and an adult family member?

    Do you celebrate name days, angel days of family members?

    Do you tag others? Religious holidays: ChristmasChrist's, Easter? Has it always been like this in the family?

    How is New Year celebrated in the family? Are there traditions associated withinvolved in preparation for the holiday, the celebration itself?

9. Everyday communication.

    Do you have a daily routine at home? Are jointnew lunches, dinners?

    What forms of greetings and farewells do you accept?

    What are the forms of parting words for the journey during any parting?accepted in your family?

    Do your family members have “home” names?

    What forms of addresses formed from the words “ba”grandmother”, “grandfather”, “mother”, “father”, do you use it in your family?

Questionnaire for parents “Your family and its traditions”

Dear parents, think about the questions in the proposed questionnaire. By answering them, you will be able to comprehend the traditions of your family and prepare to participate in discussions in the “Family Living Room” classes.

1. Genealogy.

1. How much do you know about your ancestors (from the stories of your family and friends)? If not enough, then why?

2. How many generations do you know? Can you draw a family tree?

3. Do you know the origin of your last name?

4. Are you related to distant relatives? Do you have many of them?

5. Is there (was) a tradition of correspondence between relatives in the clan or family?

2. Family stories.

1. Do you know any bright facts from the history of your family (interesting, funny, curious)? Tell us some of them.

2. Was (is) anyone in your family considered an extraordinary, interesting person? Why? What do you know about this person?

3. Were (are there) particularly kind, sympathetic, merciful people in your family?

4. Have there been any legends about the life of the family in various historical periods? What do grandparents, parents and other relatives like to remember and talk about most?

5. Are there any interesting, memorable incidents or biographical facts in the history of the family (clan) that are told to children and remembered when relatives get together?

6. Are there any family stories related to professional activities?

7. Are there any family stories about children, about your childhood (according to elders)?

8. Are there any family stories about pets and plants?

9. Under what circumstances is the past more often remembered or stories told in the family?

3. Heredity and connections of relatives.

1. Are there any patterns or repeating events in the history of your clan (family)?

2. Are personal qualities, abilities, interests, and professional inclinations inherited in your family?

3. Which relative are you like or would like to be like?

4. Would you like to raise your child to be like one of your relatives? On whom?

5. Which of your relatives do you feel the love and care of most?

6. Do you have a tradition in your family of preserving the memory of deceased relatives? How do you usually remember the dead in your family?

1. Can you call your family friendly?

2. Have there been any serious conflicts in the clan (family)? If possible, describe them.

3. Have there been situations of misunderstanding, quarrels, disagreements between children and parents?

4. Are there stepmothers, stepfathers, half-brothers and sisters; How is your relationship with them?

5. What are your relationships with your sisters and brothers? What are such relationships like in other generations of the family?

6. Are there any relatives with whom you cannot (or cannot) quarrel?

7. Have there been cases of separation of close relatives, their loss for many years or forever due to external (historical) reasons?

8. Were there any significant, including unexpected, meetings between relatives?

9. Have you ever had to accept a new person into the family?

5. Family life events.

1. Do you know how your grandparents, parents, and other relatives met (got married)?

2. Have significant events related to the wedding of grandparents and parents survived in the family?

3. Do you have any interesting memories associated with the birth of your children?

4. Was there (is) a special tradition in the family of choosing a name for the child?

5. Why (in honor of whom) were you given your name? Are there special stories associated with the names of other family members?

6. Why did you name your child(ren) by a certain name(s)?

6. Family heirlooms.

1. Do you have any heirlooms in your family? What are they related to?

2. Does your family keep photographs? Is there a family album? Which of the photographs are especially dear to you? Are there any interesting captions on the photos?

3. To what period does the oldest photograph kept in your family belong?

4. Is there a home archive? What does it include?

5. Which family archive documents are of the greatest value, in your opinion?

6. Are letters, postcards, and other handwritten evidence of the past kept in the family?

7. Are there home albums about any events or periods of life?

8. Was there (is) a “family book” in the family?

9. Are there memoirs and diaries of family members in the family archive?

7. Home

1. Which place do you consider your homeland?

2. What is “home” for you?

3. Have there been any moves in the family history, and what is connected with them?

4. Do you (your children) like to return home from trips?

5. What room (place) in your (your children’s) house (apartment) is your (your children’s) favorite and why?

6. Where and when does the family get together?

7. Where and when do relatives get together?

8. Holidays.

1. What holidays do you consider family holidays? Which ones are your favorite, and why?

2. How do you celebrate birthdays? Are there differences in celebrating the birthdays of a child and an adult family member?

3. Do you celebrate name days, angel days of family members?

4. Do you celebrate other religious holidays: Christmas, Easter? Has it always been like this in the family?

5. How is New Year celebrated in the family? Are there traditions associated with preparations for the holiday and the celebration itself?

6. Do you celebrate public holidays?

7. What events in the lives of relatives become family holidays?

8. Are wedding anniversaries celebrated?

9. Are professional holidays celebrated?

10. Tell us about celebrating anniversaries?

11. What forms of congratulations are accepted in your family?

12. Are there (are) homemade congratulatory poems or other texts (wishes, etc.)?

13. Who in the house usually leads the festive dinner or feast?

9. Everyday communication.

1. Do you have a daily routine at home? Are joint lunches and dinners accepted?

2. What forms of greetings and farewells do you accept?

3. What forms of parting words for the journey during any separation are accepted in your family?

4. Are there any family habits? Are there "home origin" rules?

5. Do your family members have “home” names?

6. What forms of address, formed from the words “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “mom”, “dad”, do you use in your family?

7. How is it customary to address aunts and uncles in your family? To the brothers and sisters of grandparents? Is it the same for everyone?

8. How were pets given nicknames in your family?

9.Are there jokes and teasing accepted in your family? How did they appear?

10. Is there a habit in your family of naming or characterizing objects, phenomena, people in a special way? Give examples of such characteristics and names.

11. Does your family use special words or forms of reproach in case of disagreement? words for reconciliation?

10. Child in the family.

1. What do your family sing or tell their children, including at night? What did they sing and tell you as a child? What replaced singing and storytelling?

2. Are there fairy tales that adults themselves compose for children in your family? If possible, please tell me.

3. Are there fairy tales and fairy-tale games that are invented when a child does not want to go to bed, wash, eat, does not obey, etc.?

4. In what ways and in what forms do they scare children if they are disobedient, misbehave or do not study well?

5. Are there special (verbal and other) family forms of encouragement? Who is usually given as an example to children?

6. What usually follows the words: “Here we are in your time...” (from different family members)?

7. What did they tell you to give an example of behavior without teaching?

8. What events in a child’s life are celebrated in your family?

9.What is considered a sign of adulthood in your family?

10. Your “family image” in any version.

To intensify the attention of teachers to the topic of the master class, to create a friendly mood.

Form of conduct: round table.

Seminar participants: teachers, class teachers.

Equipment: presentation; tables for holding meetings, handouts for music work; reminders for parents; drawings on topic: « Family traditions» ; sheets of paper; board.

Hall decoration: on the walls there are posters of sayings of great people, proverbs.

Progress of the event.

Today I want to spend with you Master Class on working with parents, show how I spent Parent meeting on the topic:

“Family traditions are important to us”

Teacher: I invite you help me with this event.

(All are seated at a round table listening to music).

Teacher: To attract parents at parent-teacher meeting, I’m doing preliminary work - these are colorful invitations for meeting, conduct a survey parents on the topic« Family traditions» , preparing a presentation for parents on this topic.

Today we gathered to talk about how to preserve in our difficult times family, family traditions, emphasize their importance in fostering respect for family and the older generation for older children preschool age. About moral health families, its spiritual values ​​and, therefore, its potential educational capabilities can be judged by the established ones traditions. Tradition translated from Latin means "broadcast". Tradition is what it is what has been passed down from one generation to another, what has been inherited from previous generations (views, tastes, ideas, customs). (Dictionary of the Russian language by S. I. Ozhegov). If you say the word "childhood" and close your eyes, then along with your loved ones, your native walls, something special arises in your consciousness, unique only to your family. This "something" and there is family tradition. And it is remembered only because it was repeated many times, firmly settled in the child’s memory and is inextricably linked with a certain reaction to any event.

Teacher: Each of you has your own definitions families, which were formed from your personal experience, observations. How do you understand the word family? (Answers)

Teacher: (general answer) Family is the most important thing that each of us has. Family is the place, where we will always look forward to returning. Where family and friends always wait for us and love us. It's not in vain They say: "My family is my support, my family is my castle" ABOUT family and its meaning is well stated in the poem by Tatyana Bulkovskaya "What could befamilies are more expensive

What could it be families are more expensive?

The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love

And they send you off on your journey with kindness!

Father and mother and children together

sitting at festive table,

And together they are not at all bored,

And it’s interesting for five of us.

The baby is like a pet to the elders.

Parents are wiser in everything,

Beloved dad - friend, breadwinner,

And mom is closest to everyone, dearest.

Love it! And appreciate happiness!

It is born in family,

What could be more valuable than her?

On this fabulous land!

Teacher: Now let's think about the concept « family traditions » . How do you understand the word traditions? (answers).


Family traditions is a huge workshop in which weaves All: inspiration, play, joy, skill, precision, art.

It is known that every family has its own"alive soul", which contains blooming garden, and springs "living water". Kind traditions springs like these strengthen and give life family. In each family has its own way of involving children in common family traditions.

I will show you and tell you about the most common family traditions that need to be introduced parents(slide show).

1. Family meals(lunch, dinner):

wonderful tradition get everyone together at one table to communicate, tell each other about the events of the day.

Family meals - this is a gala dinner every Sunday, when all family assembled, and a festive service is taken out of the sideboard - then, many years later, the elderly parents will not sit alone at the Sunday table.

This could also be dinners with relatives, to which they come with their own treats. This is a great way for members families(brothers, sisters, grandparents, etc.) show off your culinary skills.

If you decide to host these monthly dinners, make them themed. Bring recipes printed on paper for everyone at the dinner so they can prepare your meals at home.

It’s very good if in your families have preserved the traditions of family meals, which replenish lack of constant live contacts between members families, support its integrity and the interest of everyone at home. Current news is being exchanged and discussed family matters that concern all or any of the members families. Tradition of family meals, while maintaining its value, is a kind of symbol family.

2. Joint leisure.

A good continuation of lunch would be joint leisure time, for example, you can play some board game or go to nature and spend time actively in the fresh air.

This is a Sunday trip to grandma or a holiday in honor of the first snowfall. Welcome summer - the first days of summer family in nature. This can be a full-fledged feast with barbecue, or just an outing with ready-made sandwiches and vegetable salads.

Very common tradition - vacation(annual vacation with children) or traveling around your hometown edge: visiting various cities and historical places, from which you are sure to bring various trinkets and souvenirs that keep warm memories of your family vacation.

It's very good if family has a tradition collect any collections at home, but if not, then it’s not too late to start doing it. What can you collect in family? These are shells, pebbles, driftwood, etc. It’s good to collect stamps, postcards, and candy wrappers. Tradition There may also be trips, where children have a lot of new things to do, not at home. classes: firewood, tent, backpack, fishing rods, new responsibilities and new experiences.

We must not forget about this family tradition like joint work parents and children - at home, in the garden. Saturday cleaning, when roles are assigned: who will vacuum the carpets, who will wipe the dust, who will put out the toys, who will wash the floors. And after that the smell of cleanliness throughout the whole house. I think you will agree with me that every member families must have his own daily responsibilities around the house. Constancy and orderliness for a child ensure the safety of the world and fulfill an important need for him. Household responsibilities include a child in life from an early age families, give the right to share responsibility equally with all household members, allow you to show care.

Even watching TV can become a kind of ritual when, in the evening after a hard day, all family gets together to watch an interesting film, and after it ends there is always a discussion.

(Sheets are hung on the board. Groups present their work).

3. Next family tradition the thing I want to talk about is family holidays. This is a celebration of significant events in life. families: birthdays, anniversaries; national, state holidays: New Year, Christmas, February 23, Maslenitsa, Easter, Victory Day. These national holidays in every family has become a tradition. But to you in this tradition You can contribute something of your own that your children will remember for a lifetime. In each family completely special. But each of them is shrouded in the mystery of love, warmth and tenderness family hearth.

One of the main family holidays - children's birthdays - this is one of the first significant events in a child's life. The holiday should emphasize the importance of each member families, bring joy, mood. Special preparation, gifts, and treats make him stand out from the crowd of others. What can you do to make it memorable for your child? (distribute memos)

New Year is the most favorite holiday - a holiday of hopes. Everyone meets him family. You can decorate the Christmas tree with your children, you can decorate it when the children are sleeping to give them a surprise, or you can, if possible, decorate the forest beauty outside with handmade toys and treats for the birds. It can become a tradition which everyone does together. Traditions must come from, be primarily supported by, and not be designed as entertainment for children.

February 23, March 8 – it is usually customary to give gifts on this day. Giving gifts is a solemn moment and it needs to be extended and made memorable.

On Maslenitsa, find an opportunity to take children on a sled ride, burn unnecessary things with them so that everything old goes away, it would be nice to teach children how to bake pancakes.

Easter, don't forget this wonderful tradition- decorate Easter eggs and bake Easter cakes. Actively involve children in the process of turning an ordinary egg into a colorful decoration. Create your own recipe for a large Easter cake or make small personalized Easter cakes for all members families.

Victory Day - on this day it would be good to introduce tradition come with your children to the monument to those who fell in the Second World War and lay flowers, you can read stories to children about how our soldiers fought, look at photographs and awards with your child, talk about relatives who fought, remember them, if they are alive, be sure to congratulate them. In our village we have preserved tradition, on this day, cook soldier’s porridge, always over a fire. And with this porridge we remember all those who died in the Second World War.

For full development, a child needs a holiday like air. A holiday is an event. And when we sing, draw, read poetry, dance, put on makeup, listen to music - isn’t it we educate Are we our children aesthetically?

For you, Dear guests, we have also prepared blanks for you to draw and introduce your family and talk about your family’s traditions (complete the task ) .

4. « Family tradition » -This family pedigree. Today many families trying to find out their ancestry history, learn more about ancestors: who they were, what they did. There are many people around each of us, relatives with whom we are connected, and each of us is a successor of our kind. And the roots of each family, like the roots of a tree, go back to antiquity. And that family is strong who remembers and protects their ancestors. It will be very good if parents in the family They will begin to collect the history of their family, compile a genealogy. This will be a kind of bridge between generations. Family archives are not the past, they are always tomorrow. Family must have its own archive - certificates of honor grandfathers and fathers, the history of their merits, their work, the history of the family and surname, a biography simply and intelligibly retold for grandchildren.

Family an album is a huge, meaningful space of life, on the one hand simple and understandable to a child, on the other – mysterious and amazing. For example, wedding photography parents. For a child wedding photo on the wall - it's a whole fairy tale. You can tell him the background story of his birth, when dad met mom. Such stories will tell the baby about the inviolability of his families, that mom and dad have always been and always will be. What can you compare with the trembling feeling that everyone experiences when leafing through the pages of an album, coming into contact with their history? families, dear people. Each photograph preserves the touch of the hands of our family and loved ones and fills us with energy.

Relics families. Many people have antiques at home. The person is no longer there, but we store and take care of his things, and they live. These are ours too traditions. These relics are dear to us, as a memory of our relatives. The history of a thing is the history of man, history families, history of the people. This is wonderful tradition of many families. Relics of mine families– these are embroidered towels, pillowcases, a samovar.

5. Bedtime story family readings when they read not only parents families, relax, chat and leave unforgettable impressions of these evenings in the child’s memory. Even if the child is still very young and does not understand what you are telling him, your voice alone will have an impact incredible benefits for the baby. Should be carefully relate at the same time to the choice of fairy tales. Books should teach a child bring up and develop certain qualities in it. You can try composing cautionary tales ourselves, focusing on that educational element, which you consider necessary. And if all these fairy tales are written down in a separate notebook and on the anniversary date (18 years)– give it to a child, it will be real family gift, which your child will keep and pass on to his children, adding something of his own.

Teacher: You can give many examples of different family traditions. What they have in common is the reverence with which they are remembered, the desire to transfer them into one’s own life. family. If in your parents' family, No traditions, let them come up with them. This will make their lives and their children's childhoods much richer. Formation traditions you need to start at the very beginning of creation families when children have not yet appeared or are still small. Very difficult to work out family tradition, when the children became adults and they had already formed attitude towards family. Traditions should be simple, but not far-fetched. In building there are no rules to family traditions. And no one can say which one tradition is good, and some not so much. While creating family traditions you need to take the initiative, think creatively and act. Create your own family traditions, and they will strengthen your family.

Summing up the master class.

In conclusion, I would like to highlight one more tradition– at the Bersenevskaya boarding school we have tradition end any event with a good, bright song. (song plays). Thank you all for your attention.

Memo for parents.

« Family traditions »

Family traditions - this is mom, who tells the children a bedtime story every evening, this is dad who turns into Santa Claus secretly on the stairs, and a million little things that are only in yours family and which stay sweet with you memories of childhood.

1. Family meals(lunches, dinners, the smell of pies on Sundays)-wonderful tradition get everyone together at one table for communication.

2. Joint leisure (games, outdoor recreation, vacation trips, travel, Sunday trips, watching TV, working together).

3. Family holidays, birthdays, national holidays: New Year, Christmas, February 23, Easter, March 8, Maslenitsa, Victory Day, etc.) In each family completely special traditions of celebrating family holidays.

4. Family album , family pedigree. That family is strong who remembers and protects their ancestors. It will be very good if you family you will begin to collect the history of your family, compile a genealogy. This will be a kind of bridge between generations

5. Bedtime story family readings when they read not only parents, but also older children, grandparents - this is a great opportunity to spend a useful evening in a circle families, relax, chat and leave unforgettable impressions of these evenings in the child’s memory.

7. Casual traditions(ritual of meeting and seeing off, caring attitude towards each other, the ability to take into account everyone’s desires).

Tradition must be pleasant and bring pleasure to all members families.

Tradition should be performed regularly and not occasionally.

Tradition should be natural, no need for far-fetched and pretentious rituals, simple, but tasteful, as they say.

Shape tradition with love, for the good, and not to establish cruel educational framework.

Memo for parents

What can you do to make the holiday memorable for your child?

1. You can prepare invitations with your child (make an applique, draw, you can prepare invitations in poetic form (come up with poems yourself).

2. Think about how to decorate the room (this will create a festive mood).

3. Think through the scenario of the day birth:

a) it could be a puppet show (scenery and dolls, cook with the child, during intermissions children go to "buffet"- sit down at the table;

b) games, hide and seek, round dances;

c) cutting toys with closed eyes;

d) win-win lottery;

d) game "Look for a gift"- according to notes.

4. You and your child can draw and hang a holiday newspaper. In the center of which is the birthday person, and around it to depict the expected guests in a humorous way and leave room for wishes.

5. The holiday will be decorated with surprises and fairy-tale characters, costumes that adults can dress up in (put it in the memo).

6. Here is another idea for family traditions– funny birthday caps. Such a hat is made or bought once on the child’s first birthday and then "floating" all life. They are stored in the chest of drawers from holiday to holiday and are "official" outfits for all birthdays.

Questionnaire for parents “Studying the effectiveness of family traditions of raising children”

Instructions. Read the questions carefully; most of them provide possible answers. Choose one or more answers that match your opinion and circle the letter in front of it. If the question has no answer options, write down your opinion after it.

1. What is your current main occupation?

1. work at a private, privatized enterprise

2. work at a state or municipal enterprise

3. work in a budgetary organization/military unit/state and city government bodies

4. work in a public, non-profit organization (foundation, party, trade union)

5. pensioner(s)

6. housewife

7. temporarily unemployed, unemployed

8. other (what exactly) ___

1. What is your position, official position?

1. manager, deputy head of an enterprise, institution

2. head of a unit, department, specialist

3. employee (technical executive)

4. worker

5. other (what exactly) ___

1. Your gender (check without asking):

1. male

2. female

1. Your age: ___ years

2. Spouse's age: ___ years

3. What nationality do you consider yourself to be? ___

4. What nationality does your spouse consider himself/herself to be? ___

5. How many children under 18 live with you? ___person

Questionnaire “Family Traditions”

Read the question and mark suitable option answer, if the proposed options do not satisfy you, enter your answer.

What family traditions do you observe?

Birthdays of family members;

All Souls' Days;

Collective visits to cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.;

Religious rituals (visiting a temple, fasting, religious holidays, etc.;

Family Day;

Professional holidays;

Publishing a family newspaper;

Design of photo albums;

Sunday family lunches (dinners);

Carrying out family councils;

Other ___

What hobbies do your family members have?

Sports fishing pets

Sewing chess reading

Handicrafts singing music playing

Collecting, writing poetry (stories, fairy tales)

Other ___

Which of your hobbies do you involve your child in?

What work unites your family?

There is no common labor, everyone has their own job cleaning the apartment

Gardening work apartment renovation pet care

Individual labor activity

Other ___

What material and living conditions and means of education does your family have?

Separate room for the child, corner in the common room

Sport equipment musical instruments

Library computer

Music center movie camera

Camera living corner (aquarium)

Sewing machine knitting machine

Carpentry tools educational games

Bicycle (snowboard, motorcycle)

Other ___

Are there any non-working adults in your family who are raising your children?

Mother grandmother great grandmother nanny governess

Dad grandfather other relatives

What good (bad) does your child “bring” from kindergarten?

Mental development aesthetic development

Communication culture independence

Interest in knowledge desire to go to school

Attention to loved ones fear of the teacher

Fear of adults and bad language

Disobedience nervousness

Rudeness fatigue

Excitement and reluctance to go to kindergarten. garden

Other ___

7. Are the child’s activities organized specifically in your family?

Reading together, walking in nature, teaching manual skills

We help or monitor implementation homework(repair, sewing, etc.)

We play educational games and organize sports activities

Our child is independent, finds something to do for himself

We don’t specifically deal with children, we involve them in what we do ourselves

Other ___

8. Your suggestions to the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution