Frequent hair washing benefits and harms. How often should you actually wash your hair. What does rare hair washing lead to?

It would seem that it could be easier than washing your hair. This procedure is familiar to everyone from birth. However, if for most men, like in childhood, it can remain a simple daily ritual, girls and women who monitor the condition of their curls should not be careless about it, because the methods and quality of hair washing may well affect their condition.

How often can you wash your hair

Most exciting question, associated with cleansing hair - this is "How often you need to wash your hair." It is difficult to answer it unequivocally, since it depends largely on physiological characteristics, type of hair, season (under a hat or in the heat, they get dirty faster), physical activity, as well as their condition.

It is generally accepted that normal, healthy hair it is enough to wash once a week. In principle, one can agree with this. Those who have children probably noticed that after washing the child's hair remains fresh and clean for at least seven days, but as he grows up, the hair begins to require more and more frequent cleansing. This may well be associated with the deterioration of their condition.

Not so long ago, it was believed that washing your hair was best as little as possible. Modern trichologists have refuted this theory. They recommend avoiding heavy dirt, in which the strands become greasy, sticky, covered with dust, a layer of styling products and grease, as this can negatively affect their condition.

In this regard, the hair should be cleaned as needed (when it is in good condition, it usually lasts two to three times a week). Experts consider it quite acceptable even to wash your hair daily, especially if the curls are prone to oily or when they are regularly applied a large number of styling products. However, for this you should use the most mild shampoos or those that are intended for daily use (as a rule, this information is contained on the labels).

How to wash your hair

It's no secret that the current detergents contain a lot of chemicals that can not the best way affect the condition of the hair. That only is the sensational sodium lauryl sulfate, which is present in almost all shampoos. This substance is used for washing cars, making household chemicals, powders and even cleaning engines. It perfectly foams and removes grease, which is why it is very popular among manufacturers of hair care products.

Other components of conditioners, balms and shampoos can be no less harmful. Therefore, when purchasing them, be sure to pay attention to the composition.

The ideal hair wash should contain a minimum of chemical components. If you have a hard time understanding what exactly is listed in the composition, give preference to proven brands or products sold in pharmacies. In addition, the product must be suitable for the type of hair.

Not the best choice there will be 2in1 type shampoos, the composition of which is also enriched with, for example, balm. Of course, a quality remedy will not harm the curls, but they are unlikely to become as good as when using each product separately. The fact is that various substances combined together are capable of neutralizing each other's action.

When choosing a shampoo, it is worth considering the fact that the scalp and the hair itself have a tendency to get used to certain substances, this significantly reduces their effectiveness. In this regard, it is advisable to change shampoos from time to time.

You can wash your hair with oil, this will be especially useful for owners. For this, any oils that have a beneficial effect on curls are suitable, for example, rosemary, almond, wheatgrass, grape seed, jojoba, avocado, etc. However, use them in pure form Not recommended.

A good effect is given by oils mixed with yolk.:

  • Beat a spoonful of butter with yolk, apply the resulting composition, massaging, on the strands and wrap them with cling film. After thirty minutes, simply rinse the curls with warm (preferably even slightly cool) water.

Oils can be combined with other components - mustard powder, honey, colorless henna, lemon juice, they can also be added to ready-made shampoos.

Water for washing hair

Often, many are careful about the choice of shampoos, but they completely do not pay attention to what kind of water they wash their hair. Meanwhile, it can affect their condition no less than detergents.

The water that flows from our pipes is not the most the best option because it contains chlorine, which is harmful to hair. Therefore, it is better to use filtered or bottled water for washing, boiled water is also suitable. To soften it, it is very useful to add a small amount of soda to it (per liter a teaspoon), and decoctions of herbs will not be superfluous.

Washing your hair with cold water, as well as washing your hair with hot water, is not recommended. It should have a comfortable temperature between 35 and 40 degrees. And bold suitable for hair the water is cooler, since hot water helps to activate the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the strands can become even fatter.

The habit of daily washing strands with shampoo seems natural and vital for many. For example, owners bold type it allows you to keep your hair clean and tidy, and women with short hair see no other way to tidy up their hair. But can you wash your hair every day, and how safe is this procedure?

To wash or not to wash - that is the question!

To answer this question, we turned to specialists whose opinions were unanimous - you can't wash your hair every day! And there are two or three reasons for this:

  • Having no blood vessels of its own, the hair feeds exclusively on the secretion that is produced by the skin glands. This secret covers the entire hairline, thereby nourishing and protecting it from the harmful effects of hot air, ultraviolet radiation, wind, precipitation and other nuances. Losing this protective layer as a result of daily headwash, the hair becomes dry, lifeless, begins to split, break and fall out.
  • If you already have dry scalp, constant washing will make it even drier, and it will immediately cause dandruff.
  • But even with a greasy hair type, frequent shampooing is prohibited. Paradoxically, by flushing the same protective layer, we force the sebaceous glands to secrete even more fat. It is very easy to prove this fact! Remember, after a couple of years ago you only got by with one water session every three or four days, and now you have to wash your hair almost twice a day.

How often should you wash different hair types?

If you can't wash your hair every day, then what should be the regularity of these procedures? She is different for different types hair:

  • Bold - every two or three days;
  • Normal - once or twice a week;
  • Dry - once every seven days.

How to train your head to wash your hair correctly?

What to do for those who have already overdone it? Try to train your hair for optimal washing, and these tips will help you with this.

Advice 1. Gradually increase the intervals between shampooing. We collect not very fresh strands in a ponytail or cover with a hat or kerchief.

Advice 2. Less touching the hairstyle with our hands and do not intertwine it several times.

Tip 3. We minimize the amount of foams, gels, varnishes, mousses and other beauty products.

Advice 4. Thoroughly rinse the shampoo and balm with a strand, otherwise by the evening they will have a greasy look.

Tip 5. Lather your hair twice using the shampoo that suits your type perfectly.

Tip 6. We use only soft water for washing - filtered, settled, boiled with a little soda.

Tip 7. Watching temperature regime... The water should be cool, because under the influence of the hot gland, they begin to work more actively.

Tip 8., tansy or chamomile.

If the situation has not changed, see your doctor. Perhaps the reason for the rapid contamination of the strands lies in some kind of disease, getting rid of which you can wash your hair much less often.

Also watch video tips:

In days summer heat the city often suffers from a lack of wind. Exhaust fumes keep you from breathing, and your hair always looks dirty. Therefore, they have to be washed frequently. On the one hand, the feeling of freshness tones up and charges with optimism, but if you wash your hair every day, what will happen? Perhaps your hair will become thin and brittle? Or, on the contrary, will they acquire brightness and strength? Finding out the truth will work only by experience. Is it worth risking the health of your own hair, or will there be no risk at all? Let's check.

Cleanliness is the key to what?

Let's think, why does a person take care of their own hygiene? Why can't he give up this tiring routine, calmly overgrow with a layer of dirt, or at least confine himself to a weekly shower? Why are we constantly inventing new personal care products? And wet wipes, disinfectants or thermal water for the face appear. By being clean, we feel comfortable and confident. We understand that we look presentable, exude a pleasant aroma and, therefore, make a good impression. Shampooing is a necessary daily procedure for a modern person. It's not for nothing that clean hair flashes in most commercials. Can you imagine a politician with a Sublime actress with oily curls? Say what you like, but they still judge by their clothes. So cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also good luck, beauty, attractiveness and an important component of the image.

Who washes their hair more often?

For men, washing your hair is a matter of a couple of minutes; applied shampoo, massaged and washed off. But for the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity, this is a whole complex of procedures that takes 30-40 minutes. Sometimes the enthusiasm for her own hair reaches the brink of absurdity, when a girl seriously thinks that she needs to wash her hair every day in order to achieve an exceptional effect. It's not enough just to use shampoo; comprehensive care is provided with conditioner, balm, several masks and an arsenal of hair oils! Is it too difficult? Maybe this is completely harmful? Half of the population asks this question from time to time, but there is still no concrete answer.

There is an opinion

A certain group of experts believe that frequent hair washing removes oil from the scalp. At the same time, the skin seeks to make up for losses and produces more sebum, and therefore, of course, there are emergencies. For example, evening hairstyle with a lot of varnish and other styling products just needs to be rinsed off. There is no time for reflection. But, you see, this situation is rather an exception than a rule, and therefore does not require special consideration. In addition, there is a group of experts who believe that daily shampooing does not harm either the hair structure or the scalp. If a person lives in a big city with strong gas pollution, then the hair is really exposed to toxins. This is especially true for residents of industrial areas. Harmful substances it is imperative to rinse it off, and as quickly as possible.

Is it necessary?

So, we find ourselves in front of a fork. Washing your hair every day in the absence of indications is excessive scrupulousness that can provoke a number of not entirely pleasant consequences. But not washing your hair in the presence of such indications is simply stupid. How to know if there is a need for daily shampooing? You cannot give out such information at random, since each person is individual, as well as his body. In addition, the condition of the hair also matters, which is influenced by heredity, diet, as well as scalp health and condition internal organs... In addition, you always need to take into account the territorial position of the place of residence, the climate and the list of used hair care products. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to wash your hair every day with shampoo can be answered only after systematic observations of your hair in everyday life.

Determine the need

There are four types of hair: dry, normal, oily and damaged. The latter are similar in appearance and care to dry hair. Normal hair represent a conditional ideal and therefore are as unpretentious as possible in care. They need to be washed as they become dirty, using a conditioner to saturate the hair with oxygen. It is recommended to apply the balm, but not more often than once a week. Oily hair is a little more difficult to manage, as it involves the use of lighter shampoos and specific care products. rinse thoroughly and avoid applying balms to the scalp.

Problem hair

For dry and damaged hair, an emollient regenerating shampoo rich in nutrients is indicated. Thanks to this comprehensive care, the hair becomes elastic, shine and moisturized. Dry and damaged hair needs deep hydration and nutrition, the use of medicated balms and masks twice or three times a week. It is often possible to "nourish" your hair with self-made masks to improve circulation to the scalp. Do not wash your hair every day if your hair is dry and damaged, as this destroys it and dries out the scalp, causing dandruff. They involve washing once a week or even less. We also need to mention one more problematic type - the combined one. Such hair at the ends is somewhat dry, but at the roots it is oily. Care for such hair should be specific. In particular, masks are selected for oily hair, and shampoos - for dry.

Developing a smart approach

Dermatologists and stylists don't mind washing your hair daily, but they don't recommend it either. In fact, hair is a fiber that only looks worse from washing. This is how the hair becomes drier and less elastic. Hair deteriorates greatly from styling gels and fixing varnishes, which are scary in their composition. In addition, the frequency of use of such products seriously affects the frequency of washing. It is better not to comb with a comb and prefer a massage brush to it. This prevents sebum from being transferred from the roots to the ends of the hair. Of course, the fat can be reduced if you wash your hair every day. What will happen in this case with the general condition of the hair? As mentioned above, the appearance and health of the curls will be undermined. And if you wash your hair with hot water and dry it with a hairdryer, hair loss may increase. If the curls have been dyed, daily washing "steals" their shine and color.

If you wash your hair every day, what will happen? An unpredictable reaction, moreover, it is more likely that the result will not be happy. For example, long, hard and curly hair do not wash more than once or twice a week. It is rather difficult to manage them and to wash them out. But to the owners thin hair you can take a bath every 2-3 days. Normal if you wash your hair every day. What will happen to them next? It all depends on you, but it is much more difficult to bring the curls to their previous ideal state than to bring them out of it.

At the end, it is worth considering the option that we forgot to pay attention to. How to solve the problem with washing if a person has a bald head? Maybe he should give up washing altogether and go to a simple rubbing of the skull ?! Do not go to extremes. If a person becomes bald due to age, heredity, or other reasons beyond his control, then he also has every opportunity to stop or even reverse the process. But to wash in such situations it is worth adding the use of special masks, oils and balms. There is also a second option, when a bald head is not a necessary measure, but a very real goal and an image component of a person. Even so, the scalp needs hydration and nutrition. And in greater care, since it is not protected by hair, and therefore is greatly affected by weather disasters and takes on ultraviolet light. A bald head can and should be washed every day, but do not forget about the care products that replenish the protective layer.

02/03/2019 at 20:00 · VeraSchegoleva · 1 750

Any representative of the fair sex dreams of lush, shiny, flowing and healthy curls. But not everyone succeeds in achieving this.

Many girls do not understand why the hair continues to look deplorable, despite intensive care. The fact is that hair requires a special approach, without noticing it ourselves, we often perform procedures on it that harm it.
Trichology experts have compiled ten simple guidelines to follow to improve the appearance of your hair and make it healthier.

10. Refusal from daily shampooing

Experts believe that daily washing is harmful to hair. The fact is that water and shampoo wash off the natural layer of fat from the head, which serves to protect the curls from environmental influences.

A protective grease film makes the hair moisturized, strong and elastic. To restore this layer, hair needs a couple of days, and washing your hair every day does not allow it to recover.

Gradually, the hair becomes dry, breaks easily, the ends of the curls suffer most from daily washing. Also, frequent "headwash" provokes increased production of sebum by the skin, from which the hair becomes dirty faster.

9. Do not wash your hair with hot water

Hair should be washed with water no higher than 37-39 degrees, it should be boiled, you can use filtered water.
Washing hair with hot water threatens with strong heating of the scalp, which improves blood circulation. As a result of this process, the scalp receives an excess amount of nutrients. In connection with the above, the work of the sebaceous glands is accelerated, the hair begins to get dirty faster.

8. Timely hair cutting

You can improve the quality of your hair by cutting the ends in a timely manner. Regular hair washing, blow-drying and other procedures lead to thinning of the ends.

The protective film from the fat layer does not reach them, so they are exposed to aggressive attack more than the roots, as a result of which they deteriorate.

The ends of the curls begin to split, this spoils not only their appearance, but has a negative effect on the structure of the entire hair, it collapses along the entire length.

7. Do not comb wet hair

Trichologists advise against combing wet curls for the following reasons:
1. This prevents the hairs from absorbing moisture.
2. Wet curls become heavier, it is easier to cut them off, to pull them out, to break the integrity of their structure.
3. Combing the newly washed hair contributes to the formation of split ends.
4. The skin is steamed after washing, because of this it is easier to damage the hair follicles with a comb.

It is also important to choose the right comb, experts believe that it will be better if it is made of wood and has large teeth. A massage with coarse and stiff bristles is also suitable.

6. Correct application of shampoo

Few of the fair sex know that in order to make your hair healthier, you need to learn how to wash it properly.

Before applying shampoo to the hair, it must be thoroughly moistened. Next, you need to pour about one teaspoon of the product into your palm and apply it to the roots of the curls and the scalp, not forgetting to make light circular movements.

If the product does not glide well on the skin, then slightly dilute it with water. It is not necessary to apply shampoo to the rest of the hair length, the flowing foam is enough. Then the product is left on the head for a couple of minutes, washed off and the manipulation is repeated again. Then they finally wash off, rinse the head with slightly cool water.

5. Refusal from cheap funds

Beauty experts advise avoiding cheap hair care products. This is due to the fact that they often contain components of poor quality; the manufacturer does not want to spend finances on expensive raw materials.

Substances of non-natural origin have a detrimental effect on the health of curls. Various surfactants, parabens, silicones contained in inexpensive shampoos and other hair care products negatively affect the scalp and hair.

4. Headwear is required

In the hot summer season, it is imperative to wear hats, caps and other hats, they provide protection to hair from burnout and overdrying.

In winter, you should not forget to wear hats, as this will save your hair from hypothermia. Preference should be given to knitted hats, rather than heavy fur ones, as they do not allow the curls to breathe and press them too tightly, which is why they lose their volume and attractive appearance.

3. Do not rub your hair with a towel

Trichologists remind that wet curls are very fragile and easily damaged. If you rub wet hairs with a towel, then the scales on them open, which leads to the section of their ends, loss of shine.

After washing, it is better to gently blot the hair with a terry towel, this will remove excess water without damaging the hairs.

2. Hair must rest

The curls need to be allowed to rest, so it is not recommended to constantly pull them into a tail, bun or braid. Hair follicles from these manipulations become weaker, which increases the likelihood of hair loss.

It is better to collect hairstyles from curls every other day, you should also go to bed with your hair loose.

1. Proper nutrition

If, despite proper care, curls continue to not please their appearance, for example, there is no shine, density, they fall out strongly, then the problem most likely lies within the body.

You may need to rethink your diet and include more vitamin-fortified foods. It is good for hair health to eat fish, which contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, green vegetables (broccoli or spinach), nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), eggs, legumes, oysters, dairy products, carrots. You can also improve the quality of your hair by taking special vitamin complexes.

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Hi friends!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you urgently you need to wash your hair, and turned off the hot one as luck would have it? What do you do in this case? Do you wash it under cold water or do you heat it? In the summer, in the midst of renovation work, turning off the water is a common occurrence.

Can I wash my hair in cold water? This is the question I will try to answer in this article. I recently had to face the problem disconnections hot water and I, as if nothing had happened, washed my head with what was left, but the sensations were not pleasant, a terrible headache and aches behind my ears.

I wanted to understand this issue in more detail, it is possible or not, what will happen and what the consequences will be. After all, shampooing is almost a daily process of maintaining hygiene our hair, especially the oily type.

Basically, all trichologists and dermatologists agree that the head should be washed at a temperature 37 degrees... This is the optimal temperature that will allow you to perfectly rinse your hair and cleanse your scalp, without negative consequences.

By the way, a cold headwash can lead to a decrease in mental abilities and memory impairment!

Of course, if you wash your hair once under cold water, you may not get serious consequences, especially if you tolerate well low temperature and in winter you can go out without a hat. In this case, the head is already prepared and, in principle, if you are healthy, then nothing terrible will happen.

But what will happen if such procedures are repeated or a person not prepared to such a wash?

  1. Serious vasospasm, and hence the sharp headache. This is exactly what I faced, if at +15 and the wind always hurts behind my ears, then what can I say about cold washing my hair. The greatest harm can be obtained if, and then go out into the cold, here even a hairdryer and a hat cannot help.
  2. Various diseases against the background of severe hypothermia. It can be colds, renitis, otitis media, sinusitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis and, in extreme cases, meningitis. Therefore, even the now popular winter swimming without any special preparation can lead to dangerous diseases. And when you are sick - all the more it is worth washing only warm.
  3. Hair loss up to baldness. This can occur due to the narrowing of the blood vessels of the head, the hair follicles are no longer supplied with oxygen and various nutrients. The hair roots become weak, and the hair itself begins to suffer from the section of the strands.
  4. Unwashed hair and scalp. This is already an aesthetic problem, but also not unimportant. Cold water will not be able to thoroughly rinse your hair, because even the shampoo will foam very badly, as a result, the hair will look dirty, stuck together icicles, if not immediately, then literally in a few hours, that's for sure.
  5. Dandruff... A dirty, greasy head is a breeding ground for bacteria and fungi. And dandruff is also a fungus, so you shouldn't be surprised if your hair has got white sticky scales.
  6. Aggravated such diseases as vegetative-vascular dystonia and a tendency to stroke, with them a sharp temperature drop is strictly prohibited, this applies not only to cold water, but also to hot water.

These are the unpleasant consequences that can arise if the head is subjected to a cold type of washing. Therefore, never be lazy, but better warm up water, and if there is no time at all, use dry shampoo. For me, he became just a lifesaver in such cases.

When can cold water be good for you?

Let's just say, not cold, let alone ice, but cool will benefit from rinsing your hair at the end of the wash. With such water, you can achieve the shine of the curls, because it is with the help of it that the hair scales quickly close and the surface of the strands becomes smooth.

Usually I always wash off the shampoo with warm water and apply a balm or mask, so they better penetrate the hair structure, and when washing off - smoothly moving from warm water to cool. This makes the hair less porous, shiny and vibrant.

Will have a beneficial effect on hair rinsing medicinal herbs, which you should brew in advance and cool slightly to room temperature or slightly lower.

Here you can use such decoctions:

  • for oily hair: oak bark, nettle, calendula, St. John's wort, sage, coltsfoot;
  • for dry hair: chamomile, thyme, lime blossom;
  • from loss: burdock, plantain, birch, mint.

You can also try rinsing your hair with cool water. adding apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, but not often, despite giving shine to the hair, they can slightly dry the strands.

From here you can do this conclusion... Cold water can be harmful if it comes into contact with the scalp, and simply rinsing your hair with it will do nothing.

How should it be ideally?

As I wrote above, the water temperature should be around 37 degrees, the scalp and hair, subject to such standards, will feel great, and in this case you can count on health, the growth and density of their curls.

Having studied the opinion of experts, I came to the conclusion that shampooing is the procedure that needs to be approached responsibly. That's what they are recommend:

  1. warm water (37-38 degrees), first wet your head and all your hair;
  2. dilute a small amount of shampoo with water and apply on the head;
  3. gently massage the scalp with your fingers;
  4. wash off the shampoo with warm water and reapply;
  5. make the water temperature slightly lower and rinse off the shampoo;
  6. apply balm or conditioner to the length of the strands;
  7. wash off with cool water.

The main rule is gradual a decrease in water temperature, which has a positive effect on the quality of the hair and the condition of the scalp. A sharp jump in water temperature will stress the hair follicles, which can adversely affect hair growth.

What if you washed it cold?

A single wash of your hair with such water may not affect your well-being in any way. But with me this trick did not pass without a trace. To reduce headache because of vasospasm helped me:

  • being in a warm room;
  • warm water with honey, in no case should you drink alcohol to keep warm;
  • light head massage with fingers.

If the pain persists, then you can take Spazmalgon or Nurofen, in extreme cases - consult a doctor.

That's all, in general. I think now it is clear why you should not get carried away with washing your hair with cold water. It is better not to rush, but to do everything according to the rules or use dry by shampooing.

Health to your hair! See you!