What are informal interpersonal relationships? Psychology of interpersonal relationships - Man and woman. The concept of interpersonal role and its influence on personality formation

A person in his life is a member of various social groups. Such groups can be family, educational groups, work teams, friendly companies, etc. The type of group also dictates the presence of certain social relationships.

Depending on the social sphere where interpersonal relationships are realized A. N. Sukhov, A. A. Derkach distinguish: industrial, everyday, economic, legal, moral, political, religious, aesthetic and other human relations.

1. Industrial relations– develop between employees of organizations when solving production, educational, economic, everyday and other problems and imply fixed rules of behavior of employees in relation to each other. These relationships are shared:

    vertically – between managers and subordinates;

    horizontally – relationships between employees who have the same status;

    on the diagonal - the relationship between the managers of one production unit and ordinary employees of another.

2. Household relations– develop outside of work, on vacation and at home;

3. Economic relations – are implemented in the sphere of production, ownership and consumption, which is a market for material and spiritual products. Here a person plays two interrelated roles - seller and buyer.

4. Legal relations - are fixed by law. They establish the measure of individual freedom as a subject of production, economic, political and other social relations. These relationships, based on legislative rules, carry a great moral burden.

5. Moral relations – are enshrined in relevant rituals, traditions, customs and other forms of organizing people’s lives. These forms contain the moral norm of behavior at the level of existing interpersonal relationships, which stems from the moral self-awareness of a particular community of people.

6. Religious relations reflect the interaction of people that are formed under the influence of the faith and religion that is characteristic of a given society or social group. These relationships grow out of a person’s need for self-knowledge and self-improvement, from the consciousness of the highest meaning of existence, comprehension of one’s connections with the cosmos, and explanation of mysterious phenomena that are not amenable to natural scientific analysis. In these relationships, the irrational principles of the mental reflection of reality, based on feelings, intuition and faith, predominate.

7. Political relations center around the problem of power. The latter automatically leads to the dominance of those who possess it and the subordination of those who lack it. The power intended to organize social relations is realized in the form of leadership functions in communities of people. Its absolutization, as well as its complete absence, are harmful to the livelihoods of communities.

8. Aesthetic relations arise on the basis of the emotional and psychological attractiveness of people to each other and the aesthetic reflection of material objects of the external world. These relationships are characterized by great subjective variability.

Also distinguished formal(official) And informal(unofficial)relationship.

1.formal(official)relationship– normatively provided relationships enshrined in official documents;

2.informal(unofficial)relationship- relationships that actually develop in relationships between people and are manifested in preferences, likes or dislikes, mutual assessments, authority, etc.

V. G. Krysko identifies the following types of interpersonal relationships: acquaintance relationships, friendly, comradely, friendly, love, marital, family, destructive relationships. This classification is based on several criteria: the depth of the relationship, the degree of selectivity in choosing partners, the functions of the relationship.

Interpersonal relationships are based on emotional experiences. As is known from the course of general psychology, they can be positive, negative And neutral. Consequently, if the classification of interpersonal relationships is based on the form of emotional experiences, then we can talk about positive, negative And neutral interpersonal relationships.

1. Positive interpersonal relationships (“meeting people”).

Love – the most complex type of interpersonal relationships, expressed in a high degree of emotional positive attitude towards an object that stands out among others and is placed at the center of the subject’s life interests. Love can manifest itself in relation to another person as an object of sexual needs (man or woman) and non-sexual needs (love for parents, children, other family members), to inanimate objects and concepts (city, Motherland, art, etc.);

Proximity– a type of interpersonal relationship between two people, expressed in mutually adaptive behavior aimed at achieving mutual satisfaction and a sense of security in their position;

Friendship– these are stable individually selective interpersonal relationships, characterized by mutual affection of the participants, the desire to be in the company of other people, mutual expectations of reciprocal feelings and preference. It is built on mutual understanding, trust, active mutual assistance, mutual interest, sincerity and unselfishness of feelings.

Friendship– unstable, not deep, but friendly relationships;

2. Neutral interpersonal relationships (“from people”).

Autism(alienation) – an individual’s withdrawal from contacts with the surrounding reality and immersion in the world of his own experiences. Observed in mental disorders (schizophrenia) and in cases of severe psychological trauma with a normal psyche;

Indifference– a form of interpersonal relations, manifested in the failure to provide assistance to victims and those in need. Depends on factors such as:

    “Eyewitness effect” – help is provided less often in the presence of eyewitnesses;

    Uncertainty of the situation;

    Personal unfamiliarity with the victim;

    Personal, primarily status, characteristics of the victim - people with high status receive help faster;

    Emotional states such as anger, rage, rage, fear, depression, sadness interfere with empathy and helping;

    Personality traits.

Conformism – a form of interpersonal relations, manifested in agreement and reconciliation.

Selfishness– a form of interpersonal relationships, manifested in the desire to satisfy one’s needs at the expense of others.

3. Negative interpersonal relationships (“against others”).

Negativism- this is a unique form of interpersonal relationships, manifested in unmotivated, negative behavior that is contrary to requirements and expectations.

Dislike for others– a negative attitude towards people, which can manifest itself in discrimination, racism, etc.

Hatred– a persistent form of interpersonal relationships, manifested in the active negative feeling of the subject, aimed at phenomena that contradict his needs, beliefs, and values.

Aggression a form of interpersonal relationships manifested in behavior aimed at causing physical or psychological harm, damage to people or their destruction.

The psychology of interpersonal relationships and its nature is a whole “series” of relationships that arise between people in the process of their life. Within each form of social relations, there are also interpersonal relations, which are the “realization” of impersonal relations in the activities of an individual, his communication and interaction with other persons. All group actions are characterized by the presence of two qualities in their participants, where one of them represents the individual as a unique personality, and the other as a performer of an impersonal social role.

The concept of interpersonal role and its influence on personality formation

This definition makes it possible to highlight the concept of “interpersonal role,” which means fixing a person’s position in the system of group connections, and not in the system of social relations. It follows that his place arises solely due to his individual psychological characteristics as individuals. By performing certain social roles, a person evokes a response to his actions from other members of the group. Individuals interacting with each other form a whole system of interpersonal relationships in which each person’s personal traits are manifested.

The problem of interpersonal relationships was formed at the intersection of general and social psychology. The concept of relationships is not so broad as to cover the entire spectrum of human social relations, but it is closest to personality and the foundations of its formation. The formation of personality cannot do without the deep influence of such categories as personal significance, connection with intimate aspects of life, informality and richness.

Classification of relationships

The psychology of interpersonal relationships has several types, which include

  • relationship,
  • acquaintance.

Which happen

  • friendly,
  • related,
  • friendly,
  • love,
  • friendly,
  • matrimonial,
  • destructive.

This classification is based on the following criteria:

  • selectivity in choosing partners,
  • depth of relationships and their functions.

The main criterion of the above is the depth of a person’s involvement in a relationship.

The personality structure also has several levels in which its characteristics are manifested:

  • psychological,
  • general species,
  • individual
  • sociocultural.

Psychological characteristics include:

  • intelligence,
  • temperament,
  • character and the like.

TO sociocultural characteristics include:

  • social status,
  • education,
  • nationality,
  • religious affiliation.

“Individual characteristics are unique; they are determined by the person himself, his life path.”

Certain characteristics of personality levels are constantly included in the process of interaction between individuals. Personality manifests itself most actively (down to individual characteristics) in friendly and marital relationships between a man and a woman, the psychology of which is especially clearly emphasized by the manifestation of personal characteristics. Specific and sociocultural characteristics of a person are often manifested in relationships of acquaintance and friendship.

The degree of selectivity in choosing a partner depends on the number of characteristics that are of particular importance for the formation and continuation of relationships. The psychology of communicating with a girl and her response often depends on a combination of such signs. Relationships of friendship, love and marital relations, and acquaintance relationships have the least selectivity.

The functions of relationships are understood as a range of tasks and issues that are resolved in interpersonal relationships and are manifested in differences in their content and embedded psychological meaning.

There are also additional criteria that help distinguish between interpersonal relationships:

  • duration and frequency of contacts,
  • requirements for contact conditions,
  • distance between partners,
  • frequency of contacts.

Friendship relationships are characterized by high selectivity; they are usually divided into instrumental and emotional-confessional. The former are characterized by a high level of mutual assistance and support; they are very close to comradely; they differ in that friendly relations sometimes have boundaries delineated by the personal benefit of each partner. For emotional and confessional relationships, the basis is mutual sympathy, trust and affection.

Some types of interpersonal relationships have a number of opposites: friendship - enmity, family - strangers. But there are species for which such pairs cannot be distinguished. For example, relationships of acquaintance, marriage, in which there are no oppositions. If such a relationship is broken, then all relationships that can change into another form or turn into a negative form of relationships disappear.

To make the analysis of interpersonal relationships more complete, it is necessary to study both positive and negative forms. The antipode to friendly relations is enmity, which has negative emotional attitudes aimed at the partner (antipathy, anger, rejection). Destructive traits manifest themselves in hooliganism, aggression, and acquisitiveness. Relationships of hostility can be observed in actions aimed at trying to level the partner’s personality and his life, to destabilize and destroy his world.

Having made certain conclusions, we can say that the relationships of each individual are unique, they differ in the depth of personal involvement, the specificity of functions, the criterion for choosing partners, the manifestation and content of relationships. All this makes it possible to assert that they are rightfully independent species.

Photo: Man and woman

It is very difficult to imagine people who spend all their time alone, and this is almost impossible, so we all enter into interpersonal contact. What are interpersonal relationships? We will try to explain this and much more below.

We spend most of our lives communicating, constantly coming into contact with different people. Our friends, family, colleagues - all these people surround us every day. We enter into a certain one-on-one communication, through telephone calls, through social media. And all this can be called interpersonal relationships.

Can a person do without interpersonal relationships? The answer is obvious: no. Every person needs communication. Probably, if we refused this, we would no longer be able to fully call ourselves people.

Definition from science

What relationships are called interpersonal from a scientific point of view? Scientists mean by this term a connection, an interaction that occurs between people. The interaction of individuals and members of society can be highly emotional, which helps convey the essence of internal experiences and express their state of mind.

Peculiarities of interpersonal relationships are manifested when building communication, basing communication on completely different manners of communication. This can be done through communication, through various body movements, external image, oral speech, facial expressions and much more. The concept of interpersonal relationships includes three components.

1. Emotional. This component is responsible for what experiences the person making contact experiences. These emotions can affect him both positively and negatively. Sympathy, antipathy, hatred, satisfaction with your opponent in communication and other experiences may appear in the course of communication. We can also respond to the experiences of the people around us. In our emotional response, we can show sympathy, support, or take part in something to help.

2. Behavioral. The component determines the use of facial expressions, pantomimes, and gestures when speaking. These movements can act as a regulator of the entire atmosphere of the conversation.

3. Cognitive. Everything we feel, imagine, imagine, remember, and think about is part of the cognitive component. This can be considered a kind of identification of one’s personality during communication. The psychology of interpersonal relationships lies precisely in this point, since the main perception of our interlocutor is formed from this.

How does the origin of communication occur?

The basis of interpersonal relationships lies in the extent to which an individual is able to establish connections with other people and find common topics for conversation. It is in this case that signs of interpersonal relationships begin to appear.

Fear of people or fear of not being liked is what interferes with interpersonal relationships. This can cause isolation and, as a result, loss of interest of the interlocutor. How to overcome this? In order to be able to win people over, you need to show that you are open to communication and are not hostile; also when communicating, emotional attraction and trust play a significant role.

The strongest ties are based on complete trust in each other, moral support, as well as confidence in communication and in the fact that no one will be able to use this or that personal information to the detriment of another. With prolonged communication, the distance between people becomes smaller and smaller, so connections deepen more and more. Sometimes this trust can develop into gullibility, and then it becomes very easy to deceive a person.

Types of contact between people

Exists a large number of classifications of interpersonal relationships. They are always determined by the degree of closeness of people, the purpose, the environment where this communication takes place, as well as the equality or inequality of the communicants.

Based on the purpose of communication, the forms of interpersonal relationships can be both primary and secondary:

  • Primary relationships are those that arise naturally. People get close not because of some benefit, but because they are simply interested in each other.
  • Secondary relationships can also be designated as a “fictitious” type, because they are established on the basis of benefit. Very often they arise because someone needs help.

In addition, the characteristics of interpersonal relationships include the division into formal and informal. Formal ones are determined by the fact that they always operate within the framework of the law or some other rules, most often regulated by a legal norm. Informal ones arise based on personal preferences and are not limited by law.

If we consider interpersonal relationships in a team, they can be divided into business and personal. People at work or in the service will build business connections with you, since this communication is necessary within the framework of joint activities, joint production. Personal relationships are not based on this, they are aimed at friendship, intimacy, family, spiritual trust.

The manifestation of interpersonal communication can be rational and emotional. The first case includes relationships between people that are built on logic, reason, calculation, etc. Conflicts in interpersonal relationships most often arise in the emotional manifestation of relationships, since people use emotions, acceptance of others, and biased assessment to a greater extent.

Relationships between people also depend on the status that a particular person has. There is a parity relationship, which presupposes equality between people - the participants are independent individuals who do not depend on each other. But subordination speaks of status inequality. Typically, such a hierarchy develops between a boss and his subordinates, or among people whose financial capabilities differ significantly.

The process of contacting people is also determined by public communication. Social and interpersonal relationships are, of course, not the same thing. There are significant differences between them:

  • Social relations develop primarily in society; this is a very broad concept. Interpersonal relationships involve only a few individuals.
  • Social connections are objective, unlike interpersonal ones. This means that they are not built on emotions, but have a much more solid foundation.
  • Relationships associated with society are independent, while connections between two people always depend on both.

Interpersonal relationships can evoke a variety of emotions in people. Some connections make us feel sad, angry, and depressed. Others, on the contrary, give joy and a lot of positive emotions.

The entire development of interpersonal communication depends only on the skills of a particular person: how inclined he is to communicate and how to make new acquaintances and be interesting in conversation. Maturity on an emotional and psychological level becomes the most important assistant. Author: Lina Egorova

Interpersonal relationships are relationships that develop between people. They can be accompanied by emotions and experiences with which people express their inner world.

Types of interpersonal relationships

Psychologists distinguish the following types of interpersonal relationships:

1. Formal or formal. These relations arise on an official basis and are regulated by orders, regulations or statutes. That is, these interpersonal relationships have legal basis. People are forced to enter into this type of relationship ex officio, regardless of personal preferences and likes.

2. Informal or informal. This type has no restrictions and is based solely on people's likes and dislikes.

3. Business. This type of relationship arises as a result collaboration one team or organization.

4. Personal. These are interpersonal relationships that develop in addition to any joint activities. That is, each person can either respect his colleague or not. According to the same principles, one can sympathize with him or, conversely, show antipathy, be friends or be at enmity with him. Personal relationships are based on feelings, so they are exclusively subjective. Personal relationships are divided into:

  • intimate or love. Basically, this is a relationship between a man and a woman, supported by love or sympathy;
  • friendships - they occur always and everywhere;
  • partnership. These are relationships based on interests or environment;
  • acquaintance.

5. Rational. They are based on calculations and are built on the basis of the expected benefits and benefits.

6. Emotional. Unlike the previous type, they are based on the emotional level. Most often, objective information about a person does not play a role.

7. Subordinate. The relationship between managers and subordinates is an unequal relationship.

8. Parity. Such relationships, on the contrary, mean complete equality.


The psychology of interpersonal relationships identifies one of the groups of personality manifestations - feelings. Feelings are divided into 2 categories:

  1. Conjunctive. This category includes all feelings that unite and bring people together.
  2. Disjunctive. These are the feelings that separate people.

A person cannot live without feelings and be indifferent to everything. In any case, everyone is periodically forced to do something they don’t like at all and communicate with people they don’t like. When such forced actions become frequent and constant, a person becomes depressed. Everything starts to irritate and anger him. The mood and desire to communicate with everyone around disappear. This condition affects not only work, but also family relationships. Discord and quarrels arise. Often families break up precisely because of this. In such a situation, relatives should be understanding and try to help their family member. A good way out of this situation is a banal vacation. During vacation, you need to avoid doing things you hate and minimize communication with unpleasant people. A person is a rational being with his own thoughts, feelings and experiences, therefore interpersonal relationships play a huge role in everyone’s life.

Interpersonal relationships are: no area of ​​life is complete without interaction with people. Types of interpersonal relationships manifest themselves in various areas of an individual’s activity, and also directly affect almost all areas of his life. Communication is the main component of human life. And the quality of interpersonal connections directly affects a person’s standard of living and his psycho-emotional state of mind. After all, it is impossible to live in harmony if there are constantly quarrels with loved ones in the house, misunderstandings arise in relationships with friends, and an unfavorable atmosphere in the team reigns at work. Therefore, for the comprehensive development of personality and the successful organization of one’s own life, it is extremely important to have an established communication function.

“The most important meetings are arranged by souls, even before the bodies of the body meet.
As a rule, these meetings occur at the moment when we reach the limit, when we feel the need to die and be reborn. Meetings await us - but how often do we avoid them ourselves! And when we despair, realizing that we have nothing to lose, or, on the contrary, we enjoy life too much, the unknown appears and our galaxy changes its orbit.”

Paulo Coelho

Absolutely all the people who meet on our way are sent to us for a reason. From all contacts you can either gain some benefit or help another person in some way. Perhaps a new acquaintance was sent to you to gain life experience, or maybe he is destined to become your companion throughout your life. It is necessary to be able to find out the reason why the Universe arranged a meeting with a particular subject. Various types of interpersonal relationships imply the presence of people whose meetings can be called fateful.

What types of interpersonal relationships exist in general? How to achieve harmony in relationships with people around you? And what methods exist to develop the quality of communication? The answers to these questions can be found in this article.

interpersonal relationships are

Interpersonal relationships refer to any type of relationship with other people. As a rule, they reflect the inner world of a person, convey his emotions and moods. Interpersonal relationships involve a complex different types communication: verbal and non-verbal, facial expressions, gestures, behavioral characteristics, emotional manifestations and much more.

“Misunderstanding always causes aggression. The degree of aggressiveness can probably be a measure of misunderstanding.”

V. V. Nalimov

The formation of interpersonal relationships begins from the very birth of a person and lasts throughout his life. Initially, an individual learns to build correct interactions with society with the help of parents, educators and teachers. But over time, when the individual’s personality is finally formed, the construction of interpersonal contacts depends purely on the individual’s individual qualities and his ability to communicate.


The classification of interpersonal connections is quite extensive. They are divided by purpose and character, and are also differentiated into types and styles.

  • According to the purpose, there are primary and secondary interpersonal connections. Primary is the type when people interact with each other on an equal footing, without any specific need. Secondary relationships are carried out when there is a need for certain assistance, the provision of a service by one person to another.
  • By nature, interpersonal relationships can be formal or informal (unofficial). Official interactions between people are based on adherence to strict rules and boundaries of communication. There is no right to independently choose a partner. Most often these are relationships between colleagues or business partners. In informal communication, there are no clear behavioral frameworks; the basis of informal interpersonal relationships is a broad emotional base and the right to choose an opponent. In informal relationships, personal preferences dominate, both in terms of who to communicate with and in the choice of topics and method of communication.
  • In style, social contacts can also be official (for example, interaction with a work team) or personal (this category includes friendly, friendly interpersonal connections). Personal relationships are more pleasant and varied, richer emotionally than official ones.

“To have a human relationship with someone means to be with him on equal terms, to speak with him confidentially in addition to love; and this is also called friendship.”

Francoise Sagan


The division of interpersonal relationships into types is more specific. There are five main types of human connections, interpersonal relationships are:

  1. Acquaintance. The first and most extensive type of interpersonal relationships. A very large number of people fall into this category. Even people who are familiar to you solely visually, with whom you have never entered into dialogue, belong to this type of relationship.
  2. Friendly relations. This type is based on mutual affection and the mutual desire of people to maintain relationships, a desire to spend time together.
  3. Companionship. All participants in this category are united by the presence of a common type of activity. People maintaining friendly contacts are united common goal, their communication is aimed at achieving it.
  4. Friendly relations. In order to achieve them, you need to make a lot of effort and have certain personal qualities. Not all people are able to maintain friendly relations; many do not know friendship in any of its manifestations. This type of interpersonal relationship brings a person incredible benefits, both emotionally and in the form of moral support and providing all kinds of assistance.
  5. Love relationships (romance, passion). Just like friendship, love requires long and hard work to create a favorable background against which such relationships would harmoniously develop. Love is one of the most powerful motivations; it is a great driving force. However, not everyone can comprehend this feeling. And the point is not only in individual qualities, but also in the fact that you may not find a worthy partner.

It should be remembered that each person bears a certain degree of responsibility for any type of relationship: be it interpersonal relationships in the family, in love or friendship, or relationships with colleagues. The success of building relationships depends fifty percent on you; you are half responsible for the final result of communication with a person. This is especially true for such categories of relationships as love and friendship.

“A relationship without responsibility and its awareness is just a hobby, or even worse, a habit. Responsibility cannot show whether you are compatible or not, but it can show the significance of your relationship, but then it’s up to you.”

Nathaniel O'Farrell


In addition to the above types of relationships, there is also a systematic division into rational and emotional relationships, as well as parity and subordination. Let's look at them in more detail:

  • Rational relationships. It logically follows that the basis and goal of this type of relationship is the intention to receive benefit. A rational system of relations implies a certain mutual benefit for all participants in the communication.
  • Emotional social connections are based on personal preferences, based on sensory contacts, which may not always be positive. Along with friendship and love, emotional relationships also include enmity, antipathy, and hatred.
  • Parity contacts - communication between a couple or a group of people in this category is based on equality. The basis of these interpersonal relationships is complete freedom of choice.
  • Subordinate relationships are those that have a clear hierarchy. For example, this could be communication between a boss and subordinates.


All types of contacts between people are very closely interconnected, for this reason it is extremely difficult to distinguish between them. Also, interpersonal relationships are based on human feelings and emotions. The sensual development of relationships is characterized by both positive and negative emotional manifestations.

When we meet any new person in our lives, we immediately evaluate him - whether he is sympathetic to us or, on the contrary, extremely antipathetic. Based on this, the foundation for future contacts begins to be laid. All types of interpersonal relationships are built on this principle.

People who have a sense of empathy, know how to empathize and rejoice in the successes of others, are more predisposed to building harmonious relationships with others. Such individuals are conducive to communication, it is pleasant to contact them, you want to continue the connection, and also give in return those positive vibes that come from harmonious, positively minded people.


The main problem of interpersonal relationships is a violation of communicative function. If a person does not know how to communicate correctly and is afraid to establish contacts with people, then any kind of interpersonal relationships are unlikely to develop successfully.

“Everything in a relationship is about communication. Solve any problems through dialogue."

Ekaterina Makarova

There are several effective advice how to learn to communicate with people:

There are situations when, during communication, people cannot find the right words, do not know what to talk about and how to build a constructive dialogue. As a result, misunderstandings arise in relationships.

What communication mistakes should you try to avoid so that types of interpersonal relationships are not at risk of unfavorable development?

  1. Watch your tone, facial expressions and gestures. Avoid an indifferent tone, a bored look, skeptical assessments - such manifestations discourage the desire to continue communication.
  2. The language barrier. This is not just a problem for people who speak different languages. Also, a language barrier can arise between people with different levels of development, age characteristics and speech culture. For example, you won’t be able to talk with children the same way as with adults, if only because most of the words and terms that adults use in conversation may be unknown to children.
  3. Manifestations of social phobia. It happens that a person, for inexplicable reasons, feels afraid of communicating with people. This is why awkward situations and pauses arise when trying to establish contact with the interlocutor. If you are faced with a similar problem, then you need to show inner willpower and resilience to work on improving your communication functions.

“The only time in a person’s life when he is objectively dependent and when he can be considered a hostage is his childhood and dependence on his parents. It doesn't last long. In other cases of being in a relationship, it is the adult’s choice.”

Mikhail Labkovsky

Every person is born and lives in society throughout his life. Complete isolation is completely impossible. There are options to trim and reduce the types of interpersonal relationships, leaving only the most necessary areas social connections. But without successful construction of social communication connections, harmonious personal growth and development is impossible.