Ambulance Day. What do you know about the Emergency Medical Workers Day holiday? Principles of emergency medical care

April 28 is considered Happy Birthday to the Ambulance Service medical care in Russia. And although this is not yet official holiday, but the activity of health workers and a number of Internet users and social networks is aimed at making this day a professional holiday - Emergency Medical Workers' Day.

Every person in our country is familiar with the telephone number “03” - one of the numbers of special emergency services, dating back to Soviet times. “01” – fire department, “02” – police, “03” – ambulance, “04” – gas service. The priority status of these numbers remained until today. You can call them for free from any phone. Changes affected them in 2014, when the number “1” was added to each number in front. Thus, the emergency call number became “103”. And there was also a single emergency number - “112”.

The history of providing assistance to the disadvantaged, those affected by frost or illness, or crippled people in Russia goes back to the 15th century and is associated with the activities of philanthropists, as well as almshouses at churches and monasteries.

The appearance of the emergency medical service (EMS) in Russia dates back to the end of the 19th century, when on April 28, 1898, by order of the Moscow Chief of Police, one ambulance was assigned to two police stations in Moscow and a separate room was allocated for doctors. They were on duty around the clock. Accident victims were taken to emergency rooms at police houses. In fact, ambulance stations were established. But the lack of a larger number of carriages and their assignment to a specific police station led to the fact that they served the territory of this station.

However, at first, for a number of reasons, including because telephone communication was rare, only authorized people, which included police officers, janitors and watchmen, could call an ambulance. For the same reason, at first help was provided to people on the street, and not at home. Among the bulk of patients for whom an ambulance was called, first of all, there were drunk or injured people.

In 1899, the first ambulance stations appeared in St. Petersburg. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of ambulance stations in Russia increased, and the staff began to consist of professional medical teams. In the first half of the 20th century, research institutes and emergency hospitals appeared, the most famous of which were the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. N.V. Sklifosovsky in Moscow and the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine named after. Dzhanelidze in St. Petersburg.

In 1926, at the Moscow Ambulance Station, an on-duty emergency room was first organized to serve those suddenly ill at home. Doctors visited patients on motorcycles with sidecars; cars appeared later. Ambulance doctors made an invaluable contribution to the provision of medical care to the wounded during the Great Patriotic War.

On January 1, 2005, the order of the Ministry of Health and social development RF “On approval of the procedure for providing emergency medical care”, which defined the basic provisions for the provision of emergency medical care. Help should be provided around the clock and free of charge.

And yesterday, and today, and tomorrow and now, when someone is reading this article, somewhere emergency doctors are saving people’s lives. It remains to be hoped that the initiative to establish official day emergency medical worker on April 28 will be supported at the highest level.

An interesting event that is connected with our precious health is the day of emergency workers. These people, who rush to help at any moment, deserve respect and deep gratitude for their hard work. What is the history of this holiday, which is celebrated annually in Russia on a wide scale?

The history of the Day of Ambulance Workers

Probably, at all times there have been brigades that came to the aid of those in need. Back in the 15th century, the sick were placed in monasteries and almshouses, where they received the necessary treatment and attention. As a rule, these were private institutions and they always belonged to one or another sponsor.
In such places there were no professional doctors, and ordinary parishioners cared for the sick, providing them with clothing and food. They healed wounds and helped to survive if required.
Only at the end of the 19th century was a real ambulance, and its date is April 28, 1898. This appearance was a great joy for many, but it was also open to sponsorship. There was a certain ladies' charitable society named after the Great Olga. Their occupation was aimed at providing assistance to hospitals, charitable institutions and police stations. It was then that a team was formed with an ambulance, which included a doctor, a nurse and a paramedic.
At the very beginning of their work, the ambulance went only to street incidents, they saved drunks who did not make it home, those who were run over by carriages. By order of the police, it was strictly forbidden to go to incidents in apartments, since there were few carriages and there were simply not enough hands. Duty teams were located in police stations; they had a special schedule according to which they worked.
At that time, telephone communication was like a luxury, and not everyone could have a device. The police made arrangements with apartments that had a telephone in case an emergency occurred. Not everyone could be called; only a few categories of citizens qualified for this. Preference was given to officials, janitors, watchmen and police officers.
After the first one started World War, the need for emergency care increased and professional medical teams began to open. But not only this has changed; a lot of time and interest began to be devoted to various studies in medicine. So in 1923, the Moscow City Institute of Emergency Medicine named after Sklifosovsky was opened, which operates to this day and is extremely popular.

Principles of emergency medical care

Why was the ambulance created? Of course, not to save drunkards, although this is also her responsibility. During the days of the ambulance service's existence, basic operating principles were formulated that serve the benefit of society. Safety and accessibility is exactly what the motto of all ambulances sounds like.
The field of medicine itself is a huge and functional wide range of services. Each position plays its main role in this profession. For example, the responsibilities of an emergency doctor include not only providing assistance, but also providing psychological support to a patient in need. Likewise, the profession of a paramedic working in an ambulance does not mean that you only need to be present on a call. They are fully obliged to cope with any emergency situation. What can we say about ambulance drivers, these are people who sometimes have to act depending on the situation, and more than once had to risk their lives for the sake of the patient’s health.
Each ambulance worker must have appropriate education, which is obtained in more than one year. As you know, this profession requires special training and it takes more than a year or even five years to become doctors.

Ambulance Basics

Any worker in this field must be prepared for any situation. For a doctor in relation to a patient, this requires knowledge of the profession, excellent intuition and a quick diagnosis. After all, any delay can cost a person’s life. If a doctor works professionally, quickly and accurately, then the patient’s chances of recovery increase significantly.
A nurse or paramedic is simply obliged to know all the basics of this science. After all, only a caring attitude and attentiveness to the patient lead to good results. They must have good skill in their field, quickly respond to the situation and deftly carry out all the doctor’s instructions.
Any profession requires general training, but this area is special. After all, sometimes we entrust the most precious things in the hands of these people. We surrender ourselves to them with hope and wait right decisions and a speedy recovery.

How is this day celebrated?

Every government organization holds special events, where the best workers are rewarded and valuable gifts are given. Gathering corporate parties, where people have fun about it. Families celebrate the holiday at the same table with family and friends.
To those who provide emergency assistance, we must express our deep gratitude for their courage and patience. Ambulance workers are people who have always been the first to help, and for this we must give them credit. A colossal responsibility falls on the shoulders of these people, because they need to be prepared for any unforeseen situation. Therefore, in professional holiday we need to let them celebrate it with all the breadth of their souls.

What would we do without health workers? Without people caring about our health? You definitely need to thank them for this and express your gratitude, at least on a professional holiday. Paramedic Day is celebrated on February 21. Although the official date has not yet been confirmed.

On Paramedic Day, it is imperative to give your hugs and smiles to qualified professionals. Tell them how much you respect them. After all, they serve the most important value of a person - his health!

Paramedic Day is a holiday for specialists with secondary medical education

So, more details. Paramedic Day is a holiday for health workers who have the right to make diagnoses, provide treatment and refer patients to specialist doctors. Congratulations for these people should be warm and kind. Remind them once again on Paramedic Day that they provide first aid to everyone in need in almost any case. Talk about how much you appreciate their hard work.

Important event

Paramedic Day is approaching. What date should I start preparing the script? Yes, from the very beginning of the year! You need to make a list before February 21st critical issues- naturally, purely professional. For example, on vaccination of the population against measles and influenza or on mandatory preventive work with tuberculosis patients and their environment.

It is also possible to conduct special tests among paramedics and midwives serving various patients in cities and villages. Of course, the medical staff has extensive experience. However once again It never hurts to organize your knowledge, for example, about the means and methods of disinfection and sterilization of medical equipment and all kinds of products.


How does Paramedic Day continue? Every colleague knows what date to celebrate. Therefore, congratulations are also prepared in advance. To be fully armed by February 21st.

Of course, it is simply impossible to find all the words that could be said to these people, to express all the gratitude. After all, they saved such a huge number of people over all the years of work.

Taking into account all the merits of the medical staff, the state is trying in every possible way to support the entire ambulance base, including paramedics. Their quick response often determines whether the patient will live or not. Well, the workers themselves never forget that they work for the people and for the benefit of the state.

Original celebration

The day of an ambulance paramedic can be continued even more interesting. For example, go to a themed museum. Here, the heroes of the occasion will be able to admire interesting exhibitions prepared by employees specially for the holiday, telling about the work of paramedic and obstetric centers. About responsible people in white coats, who have worked for a long time and are still working with the population, rushing to the first call for help and standing guard over health. With a kind word It is also necessary to remember the paramedics who took part in the Great Patriotic War. Peering into the faces of doctors looking from photographs is very interesting. Just like reading the lines of poems dedicated to medical workers.

In a word, paramedics must be congratulated beautifully on their professional holiday. After all, they are incredibly responsible performers of their work when providing medical care. At feldsher-midwife stations, by the way, typical cases of common diseases are very often diagnosed. Here, patients are prescribed treatment and are monitored for different groups people, prescriptions and sick leave are issued, and births are attended to. Paramedics also work in medical centers of various large enterprises, on river vessels and sea ships, in health centers at airports and on railway, in military units. In addition, paramedics, if necessary, can replace the position of a local service doctor, and sometimes even receive, register, conduct an initial examination and triage planned, outpatient and emergency patients. In extreme cases, surgical treatment of burns and shallow wounds is performed. And, of course, they provide other medical care to patients who do not require medical intervention. In general, these are incredible people! Let's say a big thank you to them on their professional holiday - Paramedic Day!

The most important qualities medical worker– this is professionalism and philanthropy. There should be no place for negligence in this profession, because these people are entrusted with the most important asset - the life and health of patients. Doctor's Day 2017 is celebrated, like all previous years, on the third Sunday of summer, June 18. Specialists of this ancient profession are in demand all over the world, and we owe our existence to them. The health of defenseless children, adults and the elderly is in the hands of medical workers.

Doctors in our lives

Healthcare in the country is receiving more and more attention, hospitals are equipped with modern equipment, each regional center has at least one clinic where patients can undergo a full examination, receive a health report and recommendations for further treatment. Equipment plays important role in diagnosis, but still responsibility for the patient lies with doctors. Every person has to seek medical help more than once in their life; even the healthiest people are not immune from injuries and accidents, not to mention visits to the dentist. And doctors come to the rescue, trying to alleviate suffering and help recovery after difficult operations.

Celebrations and awards

Doctor's Day in 2017 will be a holiday for all specialists involved in healthcare - doctors, paramedics, nurses, paramedics, orderlies. On this day, work colleagues meet and congratulate each other, exchange opinions, share news in medicine, and receive awards. On this day, professionals are awarded with gifts, cash bonuses and other awards, the main one of which is the national award, which is awarded the best doctors and clinics for their outstanding contribution to the development of medicine. The award is called “Prize”, the sculpture is made in the form of a person’s crystal life, enclosed in the golden hands of a doctor, this award is awarded for:

  • a unique life-saving operation;
  • the use of a new, unknown method of treatment;
  • new diagnostic method;
  • new direction of medicine;
  • participation in hostilities;
  • saving lives during natural disasters.

The Order of Merit in the Development of Medicine and Healthcare is awarded for significant contributions to the prevention of diseases and the development of medicine. High awards are the international awards “Golden Hippocrates”, “Surgeon of the World” and “Golden Lancet”. But the main reward of a real doctor is the recognition and love of his patients.

Date of the holiday

They began to celebrate this day back in 1980 in the USSR; by decree of the Presidium, it was included in the list holidays. What date is Doctor's Day celebrated? – June 18. And despite the fact that International Day nurse falls on May 12, they celebrate it together with doctors and all employees of medical institutions.

The holiday is always celebrated on Sunday, but on this day doctors are on duty in hospitals, in ambulances, at operating tables in hot spots, and rescuing victims of accidents. And we are grateful to these people for our lives.

Ambulance Day in Russia is celebrated annually on April 28. How often does a person’s fate depend on the work of emergency specialists, their professionalism, skill, knowledge and excellent reaction? A car with a cross is always rushing to those who need emergency assistance. It is not for nothing that this same sign of mercy is present on many medical items.

The two very first Russian ambulance stations were created at police stations and began operating in 1898. Then, on April 28, one carriage with medicines, dressing materials and various medical instruments appeared at each site. The main rule of ambulance work was to provide timely and free assistance to those who need it right now. That is why today Ambulance Day is celebrated on April 28th.

During the war period, the role of such stations increased significantly. They began to develop, the first specialized teams began to appear, and then institutes where they trained young ambulance specialists. Today, there is such a department in every hospital, and it differs high level service. Fortunately, modern cars are equipped with the latest equipment, which makes it possible to quickly provide assistance to a person in the most critical situation.

Ambulance Day 2020 - congratulations

Make way, all cars,
So as not to create interference -
After all, the brigade is in a hurry,
Rushing to help a person!

How many lives have you saved?
How many people have they helped!
So that they don’t know troubles at all,
I bow to you to the ground!

I wish you an ambulance
Never be late!
Congratulations to you today
Happy holiday for everyone!

On Ambulance Day I wish
Good health to you!
You help a lot of people -
Let this be counted in fate!

Like an angel you are, in a white robe,
Bring hope with you!
Making decisions boldly
You will save another life.

And I will be forever grateful
All those saved by you!
You don't waste your life in vain,
And you help with all your heart!

On Ambulance Day, accept
You are the gratitude of all people,
And my congratulations -
I wish you only happy days!

And may luck never end
It accompanies you in everything!
I wish you peace and goodness,
And let your home be bright!

May many miracles await you,
And many loyal friends!
May you be lucky,
More plans and ideas!

Postcard for Ambulance Day 2020

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