How to beautifully make up your eyes with dark shadows in stages. Beautiful eye makeup at home: learning to paint from scratch. Chanel eye makeup

Cosmetics can do wonders! The images created by makeup artists are often real works of art. But if you know how to paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can easily make yourself a good make-up at home. Let's learn about the main rules.

How to learn to beautifully paint eyes with a pencil

When drawing your eyes with a pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror on the table and look into it from top to bottom. If it is difficult for you to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And in the second stage - extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Don't be afraid to rest your cheek on your palm and use the little finger of the same hand to pull the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instruction

Not every girl can beautifully draw the eye contour with a black pencil. But don't despair if you are one of them. The following photo tutorial will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  • First you need to apply a base on the eyelid. Depending on the style of makeup, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows will do.
  • Before drawing the eye contour with a pencil, you should slightly pull the skin of the upper eyelid. This will smooth out all the bumps and small wrinkles that can interfere with drawing.

  • In order for the arrow to turn out to be even, makeup artists advise first to put several points at regular intervals.

  • With smooth movements, combine all the dots into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  • Having reached the outer corner of the eye, draw the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail narrowed towards the end. Try to draw thinly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, while narrowing it down is very problematic.

  • When applying a pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  • When painting the lower eyelid, make a thin line and slightly bring it up. Blend the arrow on the lower eyelid to make it look softer.

  • Apply a pencil at a small distance from the inner corner of the eye - where the lacrimal glands are located. A few drops of liquid - and the pencil will flow or smear.

  • For an expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a line of small thickness to the inner eyelid from above and below.

  • Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected with a cotton swab.

white pencil at the bottom

A white pencil will help visually enlarge the eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with it, and then shade it a little. When choosing a white pencil, look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that are washed off only by some cosmetic products.

Pencil kajal

Kayal is used specifically for eyeliner along the line of the inner eyelid. It stays on well and doesn't smudge. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kajal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  • Beige kayal allows you to visually make the eyes bigger and look fresher.
  • The black kajal is perfect for creating the smoky-eyes effect. It makes the look expressive, however, the eye from the side will look narrower.
  • Kaials of bright colors emphasize the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kayal looks great against brown shadows.

How to make your eyes look bigger

Women with big eyes are known to be more attractive to men. But what if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's learn how to make eyes bigger and visually "open" them with a pencil:

  • The main secret is in the eyeliner. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker.
  • Eyeliner inside the eyelid with a blue, white or other light shade pencil will visually make the eye section larger. Dark eyeliner - on the contrary, will narrow it.

We make graceful arrows

Video: How to enlarge eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don’t need to have any special skills. Practice and in a few days your make-up will look much better, and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates how to visually enlarge the eye with a white pencil.

How beautiful to make up? This question is asked by both beginners and professionals. But if for the latter this question is more of a philosophical nature, then the former need specific recommendations. To get started, learn about the sequence in which to apply different means makeup. And follow the basic photo instructions for creating a beautiful make-up, compiled by makeup artist Yulia Sizykh.

Be sure to apply makeup on a well-cleansed face. Wipe the skin with micellar water to make sure that you have removed the remnants of all foreign products - old make-up, face mask.

Moisturize your face with cream and apply a primer to make makeup last as long as possible.

Apply the foundation and spread it well, paying special attention to blending along the hairline and in the lower part of the face. Otherwise, the tone boundaries will be too noticeable.

Apply concealer and blend it under the eyes in an inverted triangle shape.

The sub-zygomatic region can be selected by the sculptor, if necessary, they can also correct the nose and facial contours. Blend the edges of the transitions properly with a brush or sponge so that there are no obvious streaks on the face. At the same time, first blend the sculptor of a light shade, and then a dark one. Otherwise, dirty stains will appear on the skin.

Shadows natural shade with a light shimmer, apply to the moving eyelid, draw the crease with shadows of the color of your own shadow (matte gray-beige). Tint your eyelashes with black mascara, shape your eyebrows with shadows.

Distribute lipstick. If it is bright, first draw a contour with a pencil so that the lipstick does not spread.

Fix your makeup light powder. Apply blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend towards the temples. Highlighter apply a translucent layer on the top of the cheekbones, on the back of the nose, the center of the forehead and chin.

See below for a video tutorial that will help you create a beautiful and simple make-up on your own.

How to create the perfect tone? 5 rules

Choose the right beauty tools

You can apply foundation with a synthetic bristle brush, sponge or fingers. It is up to you which method to choose: the brush provides a denser coverage, and the sponge provides translucent coverage.

Wet the sponge with water

When using the sponge, be sure to moisten it with water and wring it out properly. This will make the foundation much easier to apply. In this case, do not rub it into the skin, act with patting movements.

Follow the application plan

Distribute the foundation in the direction from the center to the periphery - so that it almost does not remain in the area at the edge of the hair. In addition, blend the product well on the chin and near the ears so that no borders are visible.

Apply concealer after foundation

Use a concealer and, if necessary, a corrector not before, but after applying the foundation. Read more about these tools.

Respect application boundaries

If you use a sculpting tool, make sure that it does not go beyond the hairline (especially when correcting cheekbones and darkening areas on the forehead). Otherwise, the result will not be too natural.

Learn more about how to create the perfect face tone in our video tutorial.

How beautiful to make up the eyes?

To learn how to do the right eye makeup, follow the step-by-step photo instructions. Such a scheme make-up suit to create both daytime and evening make-up(depending on the chosen shades).

Apply a base for shadows on the entire moving eyelid, spread light shadows on top with a natural bristle brush. They can be both matte and with a delicate shine.

Apply dark shadow to the outer corner of the eye. Add them to the lower eyelid, emphasizing it about 1/3 from the outer corner.

between light and dark shade shadows on the moving eyelid, apply the shadow of the so-called intermediate shade. This technique will help to hide clear boundaries. Blend as needed.

Work out the orbital line with a light shade of shadows to visually emphasize the deepening of the crease of the upper eyelid. This shade should be even lighter than the eyeshadow you used in step one, but darker than your skin tone.

In the inner corner of the eye and under the eyebrow, add a little highlighter or light shadows with a shimmer. Cover your eyelashes with mascara.

For those who are more comfortable learning how to do makeup from videos, we advise you to watch our lesson on applying shadows.

You will need

  • - Cotton pads - Toner - Moisturizer - Foundation - Blush - Neutral shadows - Mascara - Hygienic lipstick with pigment - Powder - Brushes and sponges


Before applying cosmetics, the face must be degreased. To do this, wipe the skin with tonic. Duration: 1 min.

Moisturizing is the key to an even tone. Use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. Duration: 1 min

Let the cream absorb a little and apply foundation. It is much faster to do makeup with a sponge. Move from the center of the face to the edges. An even tone will make the face well-groomed, even if you use a minimum of makeup. Duration: 3 min.

Revitalize your face with blush. Smile or draw in your cheeks and apply to the apples of your cheeks. Blend with your fingertips. The procedure will give the face expressiveness and liveliness. Duration: 2 min.

Apply shadow on the mobile eyelid and on the outer third of the lower eyelid. Rub gently with fingertips. Minor makeup flaws will be invisible with a neutral eyeshadow color, and after this procedure, your eyes will acquire depth. Duration: 3 min.

Apply mascara in a zigzag motion from roots to ends. If time is very short, leave the lower lashes unpainted. Mascara will complete the look. Duration: 2 min.

Line your lips with pigmented lip balm. This is truly an indispensable item. Unlike regular lipstick, it does not dry out lips. Unlike gloss, the color lasts longer. And the cost of such lipstick is small. Delicate shade does not require careful application and contour pencil. You can use hygienic lipstick even without a mirror. Duration: 1 min.

The remaining couple of minutes are spent on finishing touches. You can powder your face to get rid of oily sheen, comb and smooth your eyebrows, pimples. Duration: 2 min.

Makeup is ready! You look well-groomed, but not vulgar. Imperfections are hidden, and expressive features are emphasized. Makeup is suitable for a business meeting or a daytime outing.

How to paint with shadows? Makeup tutorials for beginners

Makeup is a special kind of art that every woman owns. Armed with eye shadow, lipstick and mascara, you can create unimaginable masterpieces and adjust your appearance. With the last two points, everything is relatively clear. At the same time, not everyone owns the technique of professionally applying shadows on the eyelids. Thanks to the tips and tricks of makeup artists, every woman will learn how to do a unique makeup at home.

If you think about it, there is nothing difficult in applying shadows, although they are a rather difficult element of decorative cosmetics. For those who get to know them for the first time, for more confidence, you can watch video makeup tutorials for beginners step by step and consolidate the knowledge gained in practice.

Rules for using shadows

In order to get an answer to the question of how to paint with shadows, professionals recommend that you read and follow ten simple but very effective rules:

  1. Always even out your tone before applying makeup.
  2. The use of the base is a prerequisite for obtaining a chic result.
  3. Every woman should have cream eye shadow.
  4. Choose your own, individual cream shade.
  5. Apply powder to the area under the eyes.
  6. Choose shadows according to the color type.
  7. Don't be afraid of pearl shades.
  8. Correct the shape of the eyes.
  9. In any makeup, three colors of shadows should be present.
  10. Master the technique of wet application.

Approaching responsibly to the study and application of the above tips in practice, the question of how to paint with shadows will disappear by itself.

Eyeshadow brushes: types and purpose

It is impossible to understand how to use shadows at a professional level without having minimum set brushes for applying them. The better the tool, the better the end result. Makeup artists distinguish three main types of brushes:

The ideal application of eye shadow is only possible if you use a rounded brush with short bristles. Ideally, it should be made from natural, not synthetic materials. Using a fluffy brush, you can dial the required amount of shadows. The application will not be accompanied by streaks and stains. The tone will be even.

The shading brush has a cone shape, its pile is long and lush. Designed tool for smoothing lines and transitions. You need to make clear arrows with a thin brush with a sharp end. Here it is better to give preference to a tool made of synthetic material, since the natural pile is too soft.

Eyeshadow base is the key to perfect eyelid makeup

If you are interested in how to beautifully paint with shadows, then you are already more than an amateur and are set to a professional approach to creating an image. And this will help cosmetic product, as a base for shadows. The use of the base has three undeniable advantages:

  1. Shadows last much longer on the eyelids.
  2. The color becomes brighter and more saturated.
  3. The tool does not roll into lumps.

If a woman has dry or oily eyelid skin, then a foundation is indispensable. In the first case, the shadows are kept for a short period of time, after which they begin to crumble, the color saturation is lost. In the second case, the problem is quite the opposite. And, applying shadows on an oily eyelid, you notice that cosmetics lay down in rough spots, and eventually roll into folds.

Most manufacturers produce foundation in two forms: powder and cream. Regardless of this, the application should be carried out exclusively on clean, dry skin. When using a moisturizer, wait about 10 minutes, then use the base. The quantity should be taken minimal, the size of a match head. And apply in one even layer. If you use a foundation in the form of a cream, then you need to purchase a special brush to apply it. After drying, you can continue to create an image.

Eyeliner: pencil or shadow?

For many years in a row, girls used special pencils to make arrows. Now more eyeliner is practiced with shadows. There are several variations on how to paint with shadows. Accordingly, the result will be different:

  • To make the eyes appear visually higher, it is necessary to sum up the entire lash line.
  • With closely spaced eyes, the eyeliner option is used 1/3 of the lash line from below or from above, so the distance will be visually larger.
  • You can make your eyes bigger by completely lining the upper eyelid and 1/3 of the lower eyelid - a universal option that suits any face shape.
  • Girls with narrow eyes should perform circular eyeliner, while it is better to choose shades of light colors, which will enhance the effect.
  • For perfect makeup no need to have a lot of makeup. It needs to be of good quality.

    Eye Makeup Kits

    Most beauty industry experts recommend that the fair sex make a choice in favor of paired shades. Such a set of eyeshadows must fully match the color type. Makeup is an art. Each shade and color should complement each other and emphasize dignity. In addition, such a set will be small in size, which allows you to always carry it with you. It doesn't take up much space in your purse or makeup bag. Most women, when buying eyeshadow palettes, use two, maximum three colors, and the rest remain unnecessary.

    Now it will not be difficult to find makeup lessons for beginners (step by step). However, before embarking on complex techniques and images, it is necessary to master the basic skills to perfection. First you need to learn how to do natural daytime makeup. To do this, the shadows should be selected in pastel colors (peach or beige), and soft pencils should be used. On bright sunny days, it is better to refrain from using black mascara. It is recommended to give preference to brown flowers. This will give more naturalness to your image. When choosing a brasmatic, special attention should be paid to the brush. For better separation, it should be made of synthetic materials. For example, from silicone. Lipstick should match the selected shades of shadows, you can take one or two shades darker.

    Perfect makeup application in a comfortable environment

    For those who do not want to shell out a round sum for professional makeup, there is an instruction telling how to beautifully make up at home. First of all, you need to make an even tone at the upper and lower eyelids, and cover the area under the eyes foundation or corrector. After complete absorption, powder is applied with a special brush. Now, with the help of shadows in a pencil, it is necessary to make a thin eyeliner of the upper eyelid along the entire length, along the marginal lash line. It is better to choose black. The lower eyelid is also applied. But here you should take light shades of a pencil. After completing the eyeliner, the lines need to be shaded with a special brush so that no clear boundaries are visible.

    Now start applying shadows. A dark shade should be carefully placed on the upper movable eyelid, repeating the line of the arrow made. Then, from the crease of the upper eyelid to the eyebrow line, you need to apply a light shade of shadows. The resulting transition is shaded with a brush. Line the lower eyelid, from the inner corner of the eyes to the middle, with a dark shade of shadows. Next, use a light color. And blend the line again. To complete the look, apply mascara that increases the volume of the eyelashes. That's the whole secret. Now you know how to beautifully make up at home.

    The secret to applying dark shadows

    Girls try to avoid using black shadows or dark, saturated colors. Very in vain. After all, this makeup is ideal for evening outings and makes the image unique.

    The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. Apply moisturizer and let it dry.
    2. Use a base.
    3. Take cream eye shadow.
    4. Apply them tightly on the movable eyelid with a special brush.
    5. Apply a layer of mother-of-pearl on top (you can leave a matte color).
    6. Apply a light shade of shadow from the border of the dark - to the eyebrows.
    7. Blend all clear lines.
    8. Now apply dark shadows on the moving eyelid.
    9. Draw the inner corners of the eyes with a silver or light pencil.
    10. Apply good, voluminous mascara.
    11. Use pastel lipstick.

    Following this algorithm of actions, you will be able to apply dark shadows professionally, making an unusual make-up.

    Memo on matching eye color and shade of shadows

    Emphasizing the beauty of the eyes and creating a natural look is possible only through the correct selection of makeup shades.

    It is better for owners of green eyes to opt for brown, marsh and black tones. Brown color is ideally combined with brown, lilac and gray. Blue-eyed girls can afford almost any shade except pink. Using the above tips and tricks, you will never have a question about how to paint with shadows. And your makeup will always be flawless.

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    We paint the eyes with two shadows and create a professional "perfect bow"!

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    How to make up eyes with two shadows

    If the girl's eyes are made up in compliance with all the basic rules, if the colors of the shadows are chosen in accordance with the color of the eyes, face and hair, then her makeup looks perfect and complements the image. There is an opinion that the minimum number of shadows with which you can make a complete make-up is three colors - light, dark and intermediate. But professionals say that even two shades can make a perfect bow! So here's how to make up the eyes with two shadows, we'll tell you now.

    Which pair to choose?

    The main task with eye makeup in two colors is to choose the right colors. The most popular and practical color is black. It pairs with just about every shade—gold for a night out, soft pinks, peaches, and nudes for a light daytime make-up.

    If makeup is applied in the morning, it is better to avoid pearlescent shadows. Videos on how to make up the upper and lower eyelids correctly with the help of shadows and how to choose colors depending on your type will help you improve your look and learn how to hide small imperfections.

    To accentuate and visually enlarge the eyes, you can take contrasting shades of white and black, and for a light daytime look, flesh and pink colors are suitable.

    It's all about technology

    Today there are whole lessons presented by videos from professional makeup artists on how to properly apply, blend, set eye shadow and how to further enhance natural beauty.

    The technique called the birdie will be ideal for those who want to use only two colors - here you need contrast. A light, almost imperceptible shade is applied to the inner part of the eyelid and to the brow bone. The outer edge will require some skill and maybe even training to learn how to paint it correctly and blend the shadows. You will need to draw a kind of corner, a check mark or a bird - everyone calls this stroke in their own way.

    Don't rush, apply dark color on the upper crease of the eyelid and on the lash line (starting from the middle of the eye and rising slightly up). Connect the two lines into a corner and start shading. Photos of models will help to better understand the rules of this technique. As a result, you will get the make-up that is used everywhere by world-class makeup artists at fashion shows and premieres.


    To make up your eyes with two shadows and at the same time make accents, you need to have several helpers. The first is eyeshadow brushes. For application, assistants with artificial pile are suitable, and for shading - with natural. So, for example, with a beveled small brush, you can turn a dark color into a real eyeliner or clearly draw borders. In the photo from fashion shows often you can see how carefully all the details are drawn and how smoothly the colors pass into each other.

    Making up the eyelid correctly is a kind of art, since it is not always possible to get by with just a palette of shadows. If the number of colors is limited, then eyeliner and even eyeliner will come to the rescue - they can be used both at the beginning and at the end of applying shadows. If you make up the lash line with a dark pencil at the beginning, then later it will not be too pronounced, and the eyelashes will be visually thicker. If you draw a clear line over the shadows, then the image will be more glamorous and bright and more suitable for a celebration or evening event.


    If you want not only to correctly make up your eyes with shadows, but also to be the standard of beauty all day long, then you need to use the foundation at the very beginning. Today many trade marks offer an eye shadow base that will help maintain brightness and texture throughout the day. You can learn about its application after watching a make-up video from leading makeup artists. But unfortunately, such an element of makeup dries out the skin quite a lot and experts do not recommend using it daily. As an alternative foundation tool, many girls today use:

  • face powder
  • Tone cream
  • Ordinary fat cream for the face or for the eyelids
  • In addition, you should learn to paint the eyes so that one color of the shadows is more or less saturated. So you can achieve the most impressive results with minimal cost.

    Accentuate the brow line, choose the technique of applying shadows and two main colors, make the look more open and seductive with a good mascara - and everyone will immediately pay attention to your beauty. Use only high-quality decorative cosmetics, do not be afraid to experiment, learn to make new looks and strive for perfection, and your efforts will be appreciated by others. Remember that naturalness, natural colors and scales, tenderness and femininity are in fashion now!

    Video about eye makeup with two shadows

    Day makeup with two shadows

    Daytime make-up in the technique of a bird:

    How to do makeup with shadows

    Eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, girls always try to put them in a favorable light. With the help of eye shadow, you can achieve an amazing effect. You can make a languid sexy look, bright summer or make-up for every day and even shape your eyebrows. Makeup without shadows is difficult to create beautiful on your own.

    Types of shadows

    Among the variety of shadows, several separate groups can be distinguished.

  • Dry textures. It can be loose or compact shadows. They are used most often, as they are easy to use and their choice is very large. They should be applied with a natural small brush or applicator. It will take a few lessons to master this technique. For loose eyeshadows, a damp applicator works well. This makes the color more vibrant and beautiful.
  • Stick is one of the most comfortable views shadows. You can safely put them in a cosmetic bag and not be afraid that something will crumble. There are many types of such sticks: matte, mother-of-pearl, satin and with the “chameleon” effect. They can be applied with a synthetic brush or fingers. The app can't do it.
  • Shadows in pencil. Their texture is softer, although outwardly they differ little. For the most part, these are pearlescent colors. To make a make-up, you just need to paint with this pencil the area that is intended and blend with your fingers. Convenient to use every day.
  • Cream textures. The most capricious of all types in application and durability. Outwardly, they look like lip balm in a jar. You can apply cream shadows with a brush or applicator. Of course, you can also achieve a good result with your finger, but with long nails difficulties may arise.
  • Liquid textures are the most persistent. As a rule, they are made in tubes with an applicator. They are easy to apply, but you need to have time to blend the transitions before the product dries.
  • mineral shadows. In their composition natural dyes which suits allergy sufferers. They are baked at a low temperature and useful substances are preserved. Can be applied with fingers, brush and applicator.
  • Professional shadows are distinguished by high durability and rich pigmentation. They are best used for solemn events and photo shoots, not for every day. A variety of photo tutorials are often made with professional shadows.
  • Eyebrow shadows. They are denser than regular ones. They give a rich color and hold well on the hairs.
  • Application and shading rules

    For neat makeup, you need to learn some tricks of professional makeup artists.

  • You need to start with cleansing the skin of the eyelids. Excess sebum and dust will not allow cosmetics to lie flat.
  • Don't forget about the base under the shadows. Thanks to her, the color will easily fall on the eyelid and the transitions will simply be shaded.
  • Do not apply more than 4 colors for eye makeup. If you use more shades, then you need to understand very clearly why and what effect you want to achieve. When you look at makeup lessons, pay attention to how smooth shading achieves a soft flow of one color into another.
  • The most important rule is careful shading of borders. It must be done in a circular motion professional natural brush in the form of a barrel. Watch various video tutorials to understand how to perform this technique.
  • Makeup for every day is right to do with dry compact shadows. For the evening, you can already use cream and liquid textures.
  • To stop worrying about the right combination shades, you can purchase ready-made eyeshadow palettes with a competent set of colors. often on reverse side the scheme indicates which shade to apply first, and which one at the very end.
  • With a soft pencil, you can draw an arrow and shade it. This technique makes the make-up smoky.
  • You can use mascara in different colors. Brown and gray mascara is suitable for blondes. Brunettes - black or blue.
  • Technique correct application We have tried to describe in as much detail as possible. Read our step by step tutorial carefully.

    Bright eye makeup

    A huge palette of shadows and a variety of textures provide great opportunities for creativity. Mother-of-pearl, sequins, the effect of moisture and haze - everything is to help us. We offer such eye design options using the Mary Kay triple eyeshadow as an example.

    This ultramarine look is in fashion right now. This technique is called "fish", as the darkening in the outer side of the eyelid is similar to fish tail(see photo tutorial).
    The colors are perfectly matched in Mary Kay Compact Mineral Shadows.

    The combination of sky blue and bronze shades will help create a languid oriental make-up. The Mary Kay palette has such a selection. This option is not for every day, but for special occasions. It is important not to forget to highlight the eyebrows so that everything looks harmonious.

    All shades of pink go very well with green eyes. They favorably highlight the natural beauty and freshness of the pupil. Mary Kay releases such a selection specifically for green-eyed.

    But the perfect option for brown eyes. Juicy green with brown and soft beige can make an excellent trio. The photo tutorial shows the correct sequence of actions.

    Make-up in the "loop" technique is made with professional shadows of the Inglot brand and a black pencil. It is not suitable for every day, although it is made in the lungs. pastel colors. Great choice for weddings and graduations.


    Eyebrow shaping is easy to master with a little practice. Below we have written a detailed step-by-step lesson:

    1. Choose eyebrow shadows that are as close to the shade of the hair as possible or a little darker. You can also arrange them in two tones.
    2. With a beveled brush, pick up color and shake off excess.
    3. Application starts from the middle of the eyebrow along the lower border to the end.
    4. Do the same along the upper border, but do not touch the beginning of the eyebrow (head).
    5. Now you can carefully paint over the space between the borders, imitating hairs.
    6. The last stage is to highlight the space under the eyebrow with light shadows.

    Also on our website there is a whole section dedicated to eyebrows, for a more detailed study.

    Not using shadows

    If it is too difficult for you to use shadows, then you can do without them. However, remember that makeup without shadows will last less. The pencil will smudge and run easily. In the case of using only eyeliner, the depth of the look will be lost and the eye will look flat.

    When you need to do makeup without shadows, start by applying a small amount of powder to your eyelids. She will partially replace them. This will allow the pencil to last longer.

    The female gaze is able to conquer and capture attention from the first seconds. For this reason, in most makeup options, the emphasis is on the eyes. It is important to know how to make up them correctly in order to emphasize the advantages and visually hide unfavorable anatomical features.

    What do you need for eye makeup?

    Stylists advise pre-equipping a cosmetic bag basic set which includes:

    • for shadows, preferably in 2 sizes;
    • (ribbons, bundles);
    • eyeliners;
    • shadows;
    • eyeliner in a convenient form;
    • mascara (preferably black);
    • - optional.

    Before you make up your eyes, it is recommended to apply a base under the shadows on the eyelids. In this area, many (about 80%) women oily skin. As a result, cosmetics can crumble, roll into sloppy rollers and gather in folds. The base prevents such problems from occurring. Additionally, it prolongs the durability of the make-up (up to 16 hours) and enhances the pigmentation of the shadows.

    How beautiful to make up the eyes at home?

    A flawless make-up from glossy magazines, made by professionals, can be done on your own. Beautiful make-up The eye must comply with the following rules:

    1. Contrast with the color of the iris. If the shades of cosmetics match it, the look becomes dull, lost against the background of shadows.
    2. masking flaws. Make-up for narrow, deep-set eyes, impending eyelids and other defects is performed with certain features.
    3. Accent. Visage is designed to emphasize the look and focus attention on it.
    4. Persistence. Even the ideal ways to beautifully make up your eyes will not save you when using low-quality products.
    5. Harmony. Cosmetics should go well with the whole image - outfit and hair, the individual style of a woman.

    There is a classic scheme on the basis of which most makeup options are made. The standard method for how to apply eye shadow is shown in the figure. The numbers indicate the degree of brightness of cosmetics:

    • 1 - the lightest tone;
    • 3 - shadows of medium saturation;
    • 4 - more contrasting shade;
    • 5 - the darkest shadows.

    The intermediate tone (2) is obtained by mixing 1 and 3. In the process of their thorough shading, a smooth transition from light to dark is formed. If desired, you can add a separate 2nd color to the scheme, between 1 and 3. A simplified method of applying shadows involves the use of 3 shades - the lightest, medium saturation and dark.

    The specified type of cosmetics helps to emphasize the eyelash growth line, make them visually thicker. With a pencil, the section of the eyes stands out well, they can beautifully draw arrows and even apply instead of shadows using the shading technique. This product Available in 2 versions - with retractable and stationary lead. The first type of pencils are softer, they are used more economically and shade well. The second type is more solid, it must be constantly undermined.

    How to apply eyeliner is shown in the diagram below:

    1. Draw a neat, even line along the growth zone of the upper eyelashes, filling in the gaps between the hairs. It is better to use black or dark brown.
    2. With the same pencil, lightly emphasize the lower eyelid, starting from its middle.
    3. Finish the inner edge and outer corner in white.

    The described cosmetic product is necessary for drawing clear lines without shading, so it is used to create graphic arrows. Before you apply eyeliner, you need to draw them with shadows. If you apply the products in the wrong order, the lines will be faded or smudged. Liners are available in different options, women individually choose the most convenient types:

    • gel;
    • cream;
    • felt-tip pen.

    Given the characteristics of this product, it is often used when drawing arrows. The photo below shows how to beautifully make up your eyes with eyeliner:

    1. Draw a straight line along the eyelashes, preferably in one motion.
    2. Closer to the outer corner of the eye, slightly raise it up.
    3. Draw a line that continues the lower eyelid from the outside. Connect it to the top.
    4. Fill empty space arrows.

    The final stage of makeup is one of the most important. If the eyelashes are dyed poorly, the entire makeup effect is lost. In some cases, mascara can serve as the only cosmetic product in a make-up, for example, beautiful eye makeup for brown big eyes with natural thick and curled eyelashes, it is sometimes performed without eyeliner and shadows. Using the technique recommended by experienced stylists, it is easy to achieve the desired result with budget cosmetics.

    The picture below shows how to properly apply mascara to your eyelashes:

    1. Paint over the top hairs with inside, moving from the eyeball to the tips. The brush should not only be directed outward, but also “walk” from side to side with a small amplitude.
    2. With soft twisting movements, make up the eyelashes from the outside.
    3. Draw the hairs in the outer corner of the eye separately. The mascara brush should be at an angle of 100-120 degrees to the line of the moving eyelid. The outer corner is stained only with its end.

    How to make up your eyes?

    With the help of competent makeup, you can visually smooth out many anatomical defects of the eyelids, including ptosis (drooping) and make the look deep and sensual. Ways to expressively make up the eyes depend on their cut, size and makeup goals. Any make-up should emphasize the shade of the iris and create a pronounced accent, draw attention to the look.

    How to enlarge eyes with makeup?

    There are a few basic tricks to get the desired result. Tips on how to make up your eyes to make them look bigger:

    1. Apply a light beige, milky or pink pencil to the entire water line of the lower eyelid.
    2. Decorate the inner corner of the eye with white shimmering shadows or with a radiance effect.
    3. The arrow along the lash line should be either as thin as possible or well shaded, with or without a short tail.
    4. Eyelashes are important to twist and work well with mascara. A pronounced increase is given by false hairs, tape or bundle.

    Before you beautifully make up your eyes and make them visually larger, it is better to familiarize yourself with the work of professionals. The photographs below show the most successful examples makeup from famous stylists who collaborate with Hollywood stars. Most of the options are very simple, they can be repeated at home.

    How to make up deep-set eyes?

    Most women confuse the impending eyelid with the indicated feature of the look and apply the wrong make-up. It is important to use the correct methods, how you can make up your eyes and visually reduce the depth of their landing, push forward (examples are shown in the photo):

    1. Do not emphasize the natural crease between the mobile and fixed eyelids. Make the arrows neat and clear, without shading.
    2. Make out the upper eyelid with light, shimmering cosmetics.
    3. Eyelashes curl and color with mascara, giving volume. Attachments can be used if desired.
    4. Lighten the inner cavity near the nose with a concealer.

    How to make up narrow eyes?

    Women with an Asian eyelid tend to visually expand the incision vertically. Beautiful makeup for narrow eyes helps achieve this goal, but it is important not to overdo it by drawing unnatural lines. Successful evening make-up options for the described cases are smokey eyes in any shades. This type of make-up visually expands the section of the eyes, rounds them. Day makeup should be less saturated and bright. To create it, follow the following recommendations on how to beautifully make up narrow eyes:

    1. The upper arrow should not be too thin, medium and increased thickness, clarity and graphic lines are welcome.
    2. It is better to emphasize the lower eyelid with dark shadows or a soft pencil with a shading of 3-4 mm. This expands the boundaries of the eye.
    3. The upper eyelid up to the brow bone is covered with light shades. Dark color is superimposed only on the outer corner of the eye and above the natural crease.
    4. The longer and rounder the eyelashes, the wider and more open the look.

    How to make up big eyes?

    A large slit in the eyes does not always look beautiful. overly convex and Round eyes you have to visually do less and more proportionally. Visage in this situation is radically opposite to the previous options. Makeup for big eyes is based on the following principles:

    1. Both the upper and lower arrows are drawn along the entire line of both eyelids, like a stroke
    2. It is important to use a dark soft pencil to blend the lines. Arrows should be thick and fuzzy.
    3. The mobile eyelid is completely covered with dark shadows or a color with medium pigmentation.
    4. The area under the eyebrow should remain clean.
    5. False eyelashes are not needed, lengthening mascara will suffice.

    How to make up eyes with hanging eyelids?

    The main task of this make-up is to emphasize and lift the natural crease. With this feature, the eyelids will not fit standard ways how to make up the arrows on the eyes. In the case of a strong overhang, it is better to completely abandon them, emphasizing the lash line with a thin shading of dark shadows. Several useful tips how to beautifully make up eyes with a "heavy" eyelid:

    1. Darken outer corners as much as possible. The area with the application of saturated cosmetics should be clearly visible with the eye open.
    2. With a wide eye shadow brush, apply a dark color to the crease of the moving eyelid and above it (0.5-1 cm).
    3. A light stripe should remain above the lash line. It can even be emphasized with a white pencil or shadows.
    4. It is important to carefully shade cosmetics, creating a haze effect, no sharp transitions are allowed.
    5. Gently highlight the inner corner of the eye, capturing a third of the moving eyelid.
    6. Slightly emphasize the growth line of the lower eyelashes, similarly shading the drawing.
    7. Curl and volumize eyelashes.

    Beautiful eye makeup for every day

    Make-up for work, study and other activities should not be too catchy and bright. Everyday makeup the eye strives for naturalness, therefore, when performing it, professionals recommend using a restrained range of cosmetics:

    1. For gray and blue shades of the iris, you can use "cold" (silver, blue) and warm (beige, brown, pink) shadow colors.
    2. Day makeup for brown eyes easier to perform than others, any palette of cosmetics will do. For some women, it is enough to carefully make up the eyelashes and emphasize the line of their growth with eyeliner.
    3. Daytime makeup for green eyes looks beautiful with a combination of marsh and brown shades. The most discreet option is pastel shades of flesh tones.

    Beautiful evening make-up

    For special occasions, you need a rich and contrasting make-up with a pronounced emphasis on the eyes. To emphasize the color of the iris, it is important to choose the right shades:

    1. Evening makeup for blue eyes(and greys) looks beautiful when used with turquoise, purple, bright blue and similar tones. You can invent bold combinations with gradient transitions.
    2. Evening makeup for brown eyes can be done with any eyeshadow palette. The main thing is that the main color does not coincide with the iris.
    3. Evening makeup for green eyes is recommended to be contrasted. Suitable red, orange, yellow shadows. Herbal, emerald colors look favorably with a dark iris.