How to enlarge eyes with a pencil. How to make your eyes look bigger with makeup. Minimal makeup tool kit

Small, deep-set eyes can be made more visible and attractive with the right eyeshadow, eyeliner, and mascara. Revisit your usual makeup tricks and try out some tricks from professional makeup artists that will help you achieve trendy makeup in minutes.

Eye enlargement with makeup

Makeup Features

Too small, deep-set or narrow eyes may appear expressionless. Your task is to add brightness and brilliance to them, visually raise the eyebrow, make the eyes more visible and spectacular. Do not neglect the little things, sometimes the color or texture of the shadows, a small stroke of eyeliner or a waterproof pencil, and the right mascara can play a decisive role. Try a few tricks, after experimenting, you can choose the option that suits you best.

Preparatory work

To prepare for makeup you will need:

  • tonic
  • Eyebrow Tweezers
  • eyebrow wax or shadow

Before you start applying shadows and eyeliners, prepare your skin. Cleanse your eyelids with a swab dipped in mild tonic. Then apply a non-greasy silicone based base. This tool will keep the brightness of the shadows and prevent them from rolling. Beat the foundation with your fingertips and let it soak in.

If there is noticeable puffiness under the eyes, use a foundation with a lifting effect. Instead, you can apply a serum that tightens the skin.

Treat the skin under the eyes with a yellowish concealer. It will hide redness, bruises, make wrinkles and bags under the eyes less noticeable. Gently blend the concealer, then powder the skin with loose translucent powder. Brush away excess with a flat brush.

To visually open your eyes, tidy your eyebrows. Remove the hairs at the bottom of the arch, keeping its natural pattern. Highlight your brows with colored wax or eye shadow, choosing a shade a half tone darker than your natural tone. Don't dye your eyebrows too much dark color, they will look too heavy and visually reduce the eyes.

How to make eyes bigger with shadows

Choose base shadows depending on your eye color. A green iris will be shaded by a moss-colored or light ocher product, shades of khaki or mocha will suit brown, Blue eyes accentuate the ash-gray gamma. Shadows can be powder, gel or cream. For dry skin, soft creamy textures are more suitable, for oily skin, a gel that quickly fixes on the eyelids. If you prefer classic powder eyeshadows, opt for a satin texture or a micro-glitter finish. Delicate radiance visually enlarges the eyes and adds brightness to the iris.

Blend the shadows on the mobile eyelid, rubbing them with an applicator, flat brush or fingertips. Make sure that the layer of cosmetics is sufficiently dense and uniform. Move from the bridge of the nose to the outer corners of the eyes, and then blend the shadows towards the eyebrows. Under the eyebrows, apply a little light highlighter or mother-of-pearl pinkish shadows. Rub them well so that only a hint of color remains.

In the crease of the eyelid, add some shadows of a darker shade and blend them well. Slightly darken the outer corner of the eye. Line the inner eyelid with a white pearl pencil.

Do not use black liner pencils. They narrow their eyes a lot, and make their eyes look hard.

Cover your lashes with lengthening mascara in black, dark gray or brown. Apply mascara with combing movements from the roots to the tips, lightly pressing the hairs with a brush. This technique will help fix the curl. It is better not to paint the lower eyelashes, so the eyes will look larger.

Many girls dream of having big eyes With thick eyelashes to captivate with your eyes and win the hearts of men. Unfortunately, everyone's eyes are different, and women have to master the makeup technique.

In order to make your eyes more expressive, you will need mascara, shadows, eyeliner. With their help, you can create a unique image, and most importantly, convince everyone that you have big eyes.

Basic eye enlargement techniques

To enlarge the eyes, it is not enough just to make up eyelashes or eyebrows. Shadows are also needed, and several shades. To do this, you will have to purchase a palette of shadows, better than natural shades. By learning how to do makeup, in the future you will be able to create an image yourself.

    With dark shadows, you can visually darken a certain area, and with light shadows, you can bring it closer, make it more convex. That is why do not bring black eyeliner to the entire lower eyelid. To do this, use a white pencil, bring along the entire length of the mucosa;

    If you want to correct the shape of the eye, apply eyeliner along the entire length of the upper eyelid. To make the eye more rounded, you need to expand the line in the middle. If you expand the arrow, then visually stretch the shape of the eye;

    Without eyelashes, no makeup will work. If you curl them, the look will become wide open, and Brown color mascara will simply enlarge the eyes;

    The best "enhancing" eye makeup is light gray shadow on the upper eyelid, silver on the lower eyelid, gray mascara on the eyelashes. Such a make-up is not suitable only for brown-eyed. They can do similar makeup in brown tones;

    You can enlarge your eyes not only with the help of cosmetics. Eat special exercises, which open the eye more and strengthen the annular muscle. Eyes get bigger once and for all. It should be done as follows: put the middle fingers under the eyebrows, index fingers to the inner corners of the eyes, and then close your eyes ten times. You need to repeat it two to three times a day, while not pressing hard on the eyes.

It is better to follow all the notes in a complex, and then the result will be noticeable immediately. The exercises are simple, and even a beginner can perform them.

Correcting eyebrows to give a visual increase to the eyes

To make the eyes appear large, you need to properly shape the eyebrows. They play the role of a "frame" for the eyes.

Eyebrows do not need to be made thicker than those that you have or shamelessly plucked thick ones.

Those eyebrows that you have by nature have the most favorable thickness and density. They just need to be tweaked a little.

In order to shape the eyebrows, you need to take a pencil and shadow for the eyebrows or eyes:

    Draw the lower part of the eyebrow with a pencil, separating its beginning from the eyelid;

    Carefully bring the tip and continue the line from above, a little short of the head of the eyebrow;

    Fill the inner area of ​​the eyebrow with shadows without going beyond the borders;

    Carefully shade the borders with a beveled brush or brush, especially carefully shade at the head of the eyebrow.

As you can see, eyebrow shaping is not such a complicated process, you just need to choose the right shade of pencil and shadows.

Using concealers

To make the eyes look bigger, they need to look healthy. Puffiness or circles give the face an overall unhealthy appearance and make the eyes look smaller.

To remove the bags, you need:

    Choose the right cosmetics, wash it off before going to bed, use therapeutic agents, again suitable for the type skin. While washing do not rub or stretch the skin under the eyes;

    Sleep more, and on a mattress of sufficient rigidity. Wash bedding frequently, especially pillowcases;

    If there are diseases associated with bags, they must be treated under medical supervision;

    Less nervous and worried or able to relax and rest. You can do yoga, listen to relaxing music;

    Put away bad habits or reduce, for example, the consumption of alcohol or the number of cigarettes per day;

    Make face masks, wear sunglasses.

Remember that usually all diseases come from within, and the bags need to be “dealt with” first of all by normalizing the lifestyle.

Correctly combine shadows

If you have a palette of shadows, they must be correctly combined. Consider daily makeup, suitable for every day:

    Cover the entire moving eyelid with light shadows;

    Apply with a flat brush a little brown pigment in the crease of the eyelid, making the line thicker towards the corner of the eye;

    draw gray shadows with the help of a beveled brush, an arrow that bends slightly towards the head of the eyebrow;

    Blend the arrow with a flat brush;

    Apply white shadows with a shimmer on half of the lower eyelid, blend;

    Glue or simply make up them, preferably with dark gray ink.

Such makeup can be applied every day, changing the palette of shades if desired. For the holiday, you can diversify it with brighter shadows.

Draw the contour of the eyes step by step

Usually dark eyeliner and arrows act as an eye contour. The makeup in the photo below will make your eyes look more elongated and almond shaped. This is especially true for those with round eyes.

    After applying the shadows, draw a straight line from the outer corner of the eye to the tail of the eyebrow;

    Start drawing a line with a beveled brush from the inner corner of the eye to the outer, gradually thickening the line. Draw the arrow itself;

    Bring a little shadow under the eye;

    Apply next to the arrow of gray or black shadows, carefully blend with a flat brush.

This makeup can also be used every day. Elements from it are used in almost any make-up.

Illuminate the corners of the eyes

Highlighting the inner corners of the eyes helps to visually enlarge them, move them away from each other (especially if the eyes are close-set).

You can do this with a white pencil or white shadows, you need blend thoroughly. You can take shadows with a shimmer.

Paying attention to eyelashes

Eyelashes need to be given attention. To lengthen and add volume, you need to buy high-quality mascara with the appropriate effect, apply in two layers. To make the eyelashes look voluminous and at the same time natural, you need to apply it in three layers, and then blot the ends with a napkin.

You can, so they will seem more voluminous. This must be done before applying mascara. You can also use tufts of false eyelashes. This option is not suitable for every day, makeup with false eyelashes is best done on special occasions.

Contraindications for makeup for small eyes

Many people think that only oily eyeliner and temple-length arrows increase the eyes. Such makeup will never enlarge small eyes.. Moreover, the black color in the makeup further reduces small eyes!

With a light eye color, you can also not use the smokey eye technique. It will hide your eyes, make them completely invisible on the face.

With small eyes, girls should not use:

    Pearlescent shadows;

    bright shadows;

    Shadows of the same color as the iris of the eyes.

Small "relaxations" are acceptable, for example, you can apply iridescent shadows under the eyebrow. Just don't overdo it.

Small eyes are not a sentence at all, because you can always embellish a little what nature has given. Use quality products for care, rest and breathe more fresh air, use suitable cosmetics, and then no one will notice that you have enlarged your eyes with makeup.

In contact with

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger - the question is important for girls who naturally have small, drooping or narrow eyes.

Resources and tools you will need

Eye make-up is very popular among women.. In order to make your eyes beautiful, you have to resort to different ways in order to remedy this shortcoming. For example, the correct make-up. Knowing the technique of this make-up with the help of decorative cosmetics, such a flaw can be corrected and transform oneself beyond recognition.

How to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger, you will learn from our article.


  • concealer, base;
  • eyebrow pencil;
  • eyeshadow palette;
  • black and white pencil;
  • eyeliner or liner;
  • curling black mascara.

Eye Makeup Tools:

  • a set of brushes (eyeshadow brush, angled eyeliner brush, flat blending brush).

Preparation of the skin of the eyelids

Beauticians advise to properly prepare the skin of the eyelids before applying makeup. To do this, cleanse the skin with special means or wipe the eyes with a damp cloth that does not contain alcohol in the composition. Do not apply moisturizers because makeup will not last.

Covering wrinkles and dark circles with concealer

To mask bruises under the eyes, fine wrinkles and uneven skin around the eyes, a concealer will help, which is selected in accordance with the skin tone. It will hide imperfections and give the skin of the eyelids a healthy look.

To completely hide dark circles under the eyes It is important to apply concealer correctly, for this you need to know a few tricks:

  • if you shade the concealer fingertips, then they must be warm, because this moment affects the desired effect;
  • the agent is applied in small portions and small strokes so that there is no excess and does not aggravate wrinkles;
  • concealer is applied, as if drawing a triangle. This scheme allows you to remove dark bruises under the eyes and brighten the skin as much as possible.

The area under the eyes should be powdered with transparent powder. This will help to avoid smearing the shadows and not spoil the makeup.

If the shadows crumble, you can simply brush them away with the powder with a large brush.

Tidy up your eyebrows

How to make makeup to make your eyes look bigger, you can use a special technique, but if the eyebrows are not in order, then the image will be unfinished. Eyebrow makeup is a separate topic. The shape of the eyebrows changes the face, look and completely appearance women.

It is important to know! To determine your individual eyebrow shape, you need to contact a beautician so as not to get the opposite effect, and then you can independently maintain the eyebrow shape correctly selected by a specialist.

The simplest eyebrow makeup tool is a special pencil.

Usually its color is chosen a tone lighter than its own eyebrow color:

  • you need to draw the future shape of the eyebrow with a slight movement, without pressure;
  • draw with small strokes, as if hairs - this will help create the effect thick eyebrows and fill out the previously drawn form;

With the help of shadows, you can also give the eyebrows the desired color and make them more clear and visible, especially if they are light and sparse.

Eyeshadow colors can be mixed to match the color of the eyebrows as closely as possible:

  • outline the contours of the eyebrows with a pencil;
  • apply shadows with a special beveled brush, but not too bright to look natural;
  • blend them with a special brush.

Drawing the contour of the eyes with a pencil

With the help of a pencil, you can change the shape of the eyes, emphasize it, make the image more spectacular.

The line can be made any, thin, wide, transparent or clearer. There are no hard and fast rules in pencil technique. You can use a pencil of any color and texture, matte and glitter.

Contour drawing:

  1. To make up, in order to make the eyes appear larger, outline the mucous part of the eyes along the lower eyelid with a white pencil. This will freshen up the look.
  2. Line the lower eyelid with a black pencil, slightly shade.
  3. On the upper eyelid, you can draw a thin outline and add soft arrows, thereby making the eyes visually wider.

Arrows can be made double and multi-colored, one line on top of the other.

Don't Forget the Arrows

Makeup with arrows makes the image more attractive and stylish. The arrows can be elegant and thin, or they can be intense and wide, regular and double, colored, feathered, etc.

To draw arrows, you can take a pencil, eyeliner or a special marker.


Important to remember! The arrows are drawn symmetrically to each other.

Apply shadows

Before you use eye shadow, you need to choose the right colors for them. They can be chosen according to skin type, eye and hair color. In eyeshadow palettes, they are usually selected in a palette of one color scheme.

Professional makeup artists advise using shades of the same shade.

When the color is chosen, you need to place an accent. Light colors are applied under the eyebrows and on the inner corner of the eye, a darker color is applied to the middle and shaded so that there are no obvious boundaries.

Evening makeup or brighter daytime makeup can be diversified with colored shadows.

Mascara with curling effect

Mascara is the final step in eye makeup. It completes the look and highlights the lashes.

How to make up your eyes with mascara so that your eyes look big, and the look is more open and expressive. You need a mascara with a curling effect. Its special curved brush evenly coats lashes and curls them.

Professional makeup artists advise not to open your eyes wide when staining, but to cover them, slightly stretching the skin of the upper eyelids with your fingers. In this case, it turns out that the brush will press from below on the cilia and they will acquire a curl and be well painted over at the same time.

To make the makeup seem complete, the lower eyelashes also need to be slightly tinted.

Features of eye enlargement in specific cases

With the help of makeup, even very narrow eyes can be enlarged. In this technique, the main thing is to “open your eyes”.

How to enlarge narrow eyes

The contour is drawn, retreating from the lash line in order to visually expand the eyes. Draw the lower eyelid too, the lines along the upper eyelid should be symmetrical to each other. The drawn outline can be slightly shaded. To hide the gap between the line and the eyelashes, shadows are applied. No need to thickly paint your eyes with shadows, you can overdo it, and you get the opposite effect.

Makeup for deep-set eyes

Such makeup has its own characteristics in application. The main thing in it is a light shade of shadows. Eyelashes are painted with black mascara, and shadows and contour pencil should be white.

Light shadows are applied to the entire eyelid and up to the eyebrow line. Under the eyebrow, shadows of a medium shade are applied. Bulk mascara should be applied in several layers.

round eye enlargement technique

  1. With a contour pencil, draw along the upper eyelid from the middle of the eyelid, then draw a line beyond the crease.
  2. Blend the contour and apply dark shadows all over the eyelid.
  3. In this technique, you should paint the eyelashes with lengthening mascara. It is important to remember that eyelashes at the edges of the eyes must be painted over most carefully in order to achieve the effect of lengthening the shape of the eye and its increase.

Features of makeup to increase brown eyes

Makeup for the impending century

Interesting fact! Professional makeup artists believe that the problem of how to make makeup so that the eyes appear larger if there are hanging eyelids is not a problem.

And with the help of the right technique for applying makeup, you can turn this disadvantage into a virtue:

  1. It is important to shape the eyebrows. They should be neat and thin, because thick and voluminous eyebrows will aggravate the situation.
  2. Use concealer to hide dark circles under the eyes and wrinkles. This will give more volume and freshness.
  3. The base is applied.
  4. Shadows are used in several colors that are combined with each other.
  5. Matte shadows are applied along the entire edge of the impending eyelid dark shades, as if drawing a fold. Shadows of a lighter shade (golden, shimmering) are applied to the eyelids in the middle of the eyeball to enhance the visual volume.
  6. The border between the transition of different shades of shadows needs to be shaded. The outer corners of the eyes should be painted in a darker color.
  7. Outline the mucous membrane of the upper and lower eyelids with a black contour pencil. Blend the lines so that they are slightly longer than the actual shape of the eyes. Fix the outline with shadows using a brush.
  8. Lighten the inner corners of the eyes and the space under the eyebrows.
  9. Paint over eyelashes with several layers of mascara. You can stick false eyelashes, this will give an even greater effect.

Secrets of professional makeup artists

There are several secrets in the technique of eye makeup to visually make them bigger and more expressive:

  • On the lower eyelids along the mucous and the contour is applied with a white pencil, and along the eyelid, apply the contour with a black or dark brown pencil. Also apply on the lower eyelids according to the color of the shadow, a tone darker than those with which the movable eyelid is painted over.
  • Make up your eyes in order for them to appear more you need dark matte shadows. To do this, draw an arrow that extends beyond the eyes. This will give the eyes a perfect almond shape and lengthen them.
  • Eyebrows should be raised. It is important not only to pluck them and give them a shape, but also to make an accent with light shadows.
  • Arrows are drawn thin having a bend upwards, or slightly shaded. They should be drawn only on the upper eyelid.

It is possible to make the eyes bigger with the help of decorative cosmetics, owning special makeup techniques. It's easy to learn them. The main thing is to follow the advice of professional makeup artists and cosmetologists. Any lack of appearance can be turned into a virtue.

Useful video on how to do makeup to make your eyes look bigger:

How to make eyes bigger. How to hide the overhang of the century:

Big eyes make you pay attention to their owner. Expressive look rarely goes unnoticed. He has always captivated, captivates and will captivate with his depth.

Huge doll eyes by nature is a rare occurrence. Those who do not have such a feature should not be upset, because makeup artists have long come up with many makeup techniques to enlarge the eyes and shared them.

Pay attention to the photo. On the left side, the makeup effectively opens the eyes and makes them catchy. On the right - an unsuccessful make-up option, narrowing the eyes.

If you find it difficult to identify errors yourself, take a look at the list:

  1. Heavy mascara on top lashes. Lowered upper cilia is a huge mistake. Correct solution- arm yourself with mascara with a lengthening plow effect. Do not shift the cilia to one side - paint them evenly.
  2. No mascara on lower lashes. Be sure to emphasize the hairs on the lower eyelid with a light layer of mascara, but do not overdo it.
  3. Dark eyeliner on the inner eyelids. This is perhaps the biggest mistake. Don't do this if you don't want to narrow your eyes as much as possible.
  4. Thick eyeliner on the lower eyelid. The permissible maximum is a very thin line drawn in pencil, ending at half the lower eyelid. It is advisable not to use a pencil and liner at all.
  5. Dark interior corners. This technique is good only when the eyes are wide apart. In other situations, you will get only an expressionless look.
  6. Lightening the crease on the upper eyelid. What is light always seems larger, and a large upper fixed eyelid will look hanging.
  7. Sharp lines created by shadows. They only emphasize the small size. Shading is the best solution!
  8. Very thin and sloppy eyebrows. If it seems to you that the smaller they are, the larger the eyes will seem, you are deeply mistaken. On the contrary, the “threads” above the eyes emphasize the small size. The more expressive the eyebrows, the better! Just don't make them too big.

Video - Makeup that enhances the eyes

How to draw small eyes

Not every girl has a snow-white highlighter pencil in her cosmetic bag. But in vain! This item works wonders, visually opening up any look. It can be either pure white or white and gold or white and pink. It should be applied to these areas:

  1. Inner lower eyelid. It is necessary to completely outline the entire mucous membrane.
  2. Inner corner of the eye. It needs to be painted both from above and below. In this case, you can use a dry highlighter.
  3. Lower brow line. You should outline the eyebrow from below with a thin line.

Perhaps, the best remedy for the eyeliner of the upper eyelid, it is a black or other dark liner. With its help, a clear line is made that enlarges the eyes. You can also use a pencil, but there is a condition - it must be thick and dense. Here are a few techniques for framing the upper lash area:

  1. Expanding line ending with an arrow. This technique is successful if the eyes have round shape. You need to draw a line, slightly retreating from the inner corner of the eye, gradually expand it, and then turn it into an arrow.
  2. Expanding line. Reception is good with lowered outer corners. It is necessary to draw a line from the inner corner and gently expand it, approaching the outer one.
  3. Half. You should carefully step back from the inner corner and expand the line when it reaches the outer one.
  4. Slide. This technique is suitable for narrow eyes. The extension of the line should be in the middle of the upper eyelid.

Eyeliner of the lower eyelid with a dark pencil is not the best idea, but if you really want to, you can make a thin line, slightly stepping back from the growth of the lower eyelashes. It is advisable to slightly shade it and lead only to the middle of the century. Starting from the outer corner.

Classic make-up with an arrow with a magnifying effect

The classic version is one of the simplest. Sophisticated skills and a lot of materials are not required here. You will need two pencils - snow-white and coal. Mascara is also required. You can not do without white mother-of-pearl shadows.

It remains only to pick up two shades of shadows. One should be light, and the other - a couple of tones darker. It is desirable that their shades are close. Is it difficult to decide? Take a look at the sign and choose the perfect pair!

eye colorMatching pair of shadows
dark brownPurple + pink, dark brown + coffee
Light brownDark Bronze + Gold, Dark Khaki + Olive
BlueDark gray + light gray, dark violet + lavender
BlueBeige gold + brown bronze, gray blue + white
BolotnyTaupe + cold beige, brown burgundy + light pink
Bright greenPurple + lilac, bright chestnut + beige

Now take a couple of shadows, the rest of the tools and try to visually enlarge your eyes according to this instruction:

  1. We work with the upper eyelid - highlight its upper part with light shadows.
  2. We take dark shadows and select two areas - the fold and half of the fixed eyelid and the lower eyelid.
  3. With snow-white shadows, we select a couple of areas - at the end of the eyebrow and the inner corner.
  4. We paint the lower mucosa with a white pencil, focusing on its center.
  5. We draw an arrow with a pencil, first creating an eyeliner line with an extension to the outer corner, apply ink.

Actual "smoky ice" for small eyes

Smokey Ice is very advantageous, because it combines two techniques at once - strong shading and emphasis on the outer corner.

For makeup, you will need four shades of shadows at once. The first is very pale, preferably mother-of-pearl. The second is medium. The third is very dark and preferably matte. The fourth is catchy and eye-catching, but medium in tone. For example, if three colors are cold, the fourth is warm. Or, three are neutral, and the fourth is brighter.

Mascara needs good separating. You will also need a liner and snow-white eyeliner. You need to arrange all the shades like this:

  1. With a pale pigment, we paint absolutely the entire eyelid from top to eyebrows.
  2. Apply a medium tone to create a wide line that will highlight the crease. The strip should be thinned closer to the inner corner.
  3. We paint the outer corner with a dark tone. The strip should be almost diagonal. Its upper corner should be directed towards the temple.
  4. We outline the entire lower eyelid with a catchy fourth tone.
  5. Now we shade all the lines, subtly bring the upper eyelid with a dark liner and outline the entire lower mucosa with white.

Vertical makeup is another find for small eyes

smoky fuzzy vertical lines- the secret of a successful visual enlargement of the eyes. You need to take four shades of shadows from one range: the lightest, medium, gloomy and very dark. You will need the most lengthening mascara, snow-white eyeliner and a charcoal liner.

If you have found everything you need, take the tools and proceed:

  1. The eyelid area from above is visually divided into three vertical areas.
  2. The area close to the inner corner is filled with the most pale shadows. Along the way, paint over the corner both above and below.
  3. Fill in the middle with a medium tone.
  4. We paint the outer corner with dark shadows so that the line goes down and passes near the lower lash line to the outer corner, gradually narrowing.
  5. Half of the extreme area on the outer eyelid is painted with the darkest shadows, leading a thin line down to the middle of the eyelid.
  6. Again, take the lightest pigment and apply it under the eyebrow.
  7. With a highlighter pencil, we carefully draw a line on the lower mucosa. Let's not forget mascara.
Etro FW18/19

According to a survey conducted by The Telegraph, when choosing between lips and eyes for a color accent on a woman's face, 85 cases out of 100 prefer eyes. How to emphasize them correctly, tell the world's leading make-up artists.

Get a smooth start

Ricostru FW18/19

“Before you take on decorative cosmetics, tidy up the skin around the eyes,” says Susie Sobel. – Dark circles, of course, make the area around the eyes larger, but they definitely do not decorate the face. I have tried many eye masks (I know that the whole world is crazy about them now), and by experience I chose adhesive patches Eye Therapy Patch, Talika. They perfectly soothe inflammatory processes and remove swelling in five to ten minutes. Something cold, for example, an ice cube, can also work a miracle (although this method is not suitable for people suffering from rosacea).

Eye patches Eye Therapy Patch, Talika

Mask for the area around the eyes Prodigy Powercell Eye Patch, Helena Rubinstein

Shape your brows

Gabriele Colangelo FW18/19

“Well-groomed arched eyebrows create a beautiful frame for the face,” says Anastasia Suare, creator of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics. ─ To make the eyes bigger, you need to “clear” a place for them. While we're all into microblending these days, tweezers are a quick and easy alternative. Grab stray hairs and clean up the area above and below the eyebrows, then fill in any gaps with a pencil. Brush your brows up (watch out, this is key!) and out to the side for a clean, defined look.”

Eyebrow pencil Goof Proof Brow Pencil, Benefit

Estée Lauder Brow Now Collection: Brow Defining Pencil, Double Brow Brush, Double Wear Stay-in Place Brow Lift Duo, Volumizing Brow Tint and Stay-in-Place Brow Gel

Align the tone around

Max Mara SS18

“Dark circles can make your eyes look smaller, and the right concealer can make the difference. It can also illuminate the entire eye area and draw the viewer's attention to dark lashes, explains Nicolas Degenne, Givenchy's Creative Director of Makeup. ─ Choose a shade that is slightly lighter and warmer than your skin tone to brighten and correct any blues or purples. Gently apply the product, smoothing it with your finger or sponge.

Pencil proofreader Mister Light, Givenchy

Concealer against dark circles Nordic Chic CC Color Correcting Pen Lumene

Draw a thin line

N.21 FW18/19

"To enhance your lashes and frame your eyes, apply a super thin streak of black liquid eyeliner along the base of the upper lashes,” says Val Garland, Global Director of Makeup at L’Oreal Paris. – You can use a felt-tipped eyeliner or cream eyeliner with a thin brush. The main thing is to achieve perfect accuracy. I always like to do this quick movement just to highlight the eyes a little."

Pencil-kayal for the inner contour of the eyelid Green Me, KIKO Milano

Colored eyeliner, 3INA

Emphasize the shape

Les Copains FW18/19

“Drawing perfectly seductive almond-shaped eyes is really easy if you know correct technique. Take a pencil and draw a line “from the center of the lashes, then make it a little thicker at the outer corners,” explains Tom Pesho, creative director of makeup at YSL. ─ Otherwise, if the line is too thick in the middle, you will Round eyes pandas. If successful, all you have to do is blend out any hard lines. cotton swab or a clean eyeshadow brush."

Eyeliner Smooth Silk Eye Pencil, Giorgio Armani

Eyeliner Dessin du Regard, YSL

Curl your eyelashes


“Almost every beauty addict owns at least one eyelash curler, but this is one step that we often forget, especially during the morning rush. It will take an extra 20 seconds to curl your lashes, but they will immediately become longer and more open. “If the eyelashes are straight, they can cast shadow around the eye area and hide all the most beautiful things,” says legendary makeup artist Shu Uemura.

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler

Mark the crease

Etro FW18/19

"I know it's always been that way, but brown eyeshadow still looks good in the crease," said Lucia Pica, creative director for Chanel makeup. “To look like an Italian neo-realist movie star, use the fluffy Chanel Eyeshadow Crease Brush ─ sweep matte shadows in an arc from the outer corners of the eyes to the center with it.”

Glow Addict Spring Eyeshadow Palette, Dior (Diorshow 5 Couleurs, Thrill)

Eye Sugar Palette for creating " special effects, Lancome

Think about color

Versace FW18/19 (backstage Milan Men's Fashion Week)

“Pencil eyeliners are very effective at making your eyes look bigger, but if you're still using brown and black pencils, you may be in a cosmetic pit. Try lightening your journey with blue or green eyeliner to make your eyes appear whiter (and therefore bigger), says iconic makeup artist and photographer François Nars. ─ As for shadows, bright shades (aqua, silver or pink) look best on “empty” eyelids, but with plenty of mascara and well-groomed eyebrows. The lavender eyeshadow is alluring and brightening, while the dark color blended into the outer corners of the eyes is perfect for a night out look."

Double eye shadow, NARS

Waterproof eyeliner Phyto-Khol Star, Sisley