How to make a mask for the night. Night masks for wrinkles. The best overnight face masks

Specially prepared cosmetic masks, practiced at home to maintain healthy facial skin, are more effective when used at night.

Terms of use

To provide comprehensive complete care When practicing self-prepared night masks, you should first study the rules for using these varieties from the arsenal of folk cosmetology:

  1. The composition is selected based on safe, high-quality components that do not cause allergies, taking into account the type of epidermis.
  2. Used natural mask immediately after cooking.
  3. At the preparation stage, the face, freed from cosmetics, is additionally cleaned with a gentle scrub or steamed.
  4. Before nourishing, moisturizing, rejuvenating sessions, it is useful to lightly massage the surface of the skin.
  5. Distribute the prepared mass evenly, protecting the eyelids with nourishing cream.
  6. It is advisable to lie on your back while sleeping with a mask, which will avoid swelling.
  7. Wash your face in the morning with warm water. You can use herbal infusions.

The procedures are performed after two to three days. The average course lasts 40 days, and then it is recommended to take a two-week break.

Indications, benefits, contraindications

In order to guarantee improvement of the condition, significantly rejuvenating and refreshing the face, you need to know in what situations it is worth resorting to night cosmetic sessions, and what their benefits are.


  • dry skin;
  • dullness;
  • noticeable signs of withering;
  • acne;
  • swelling;
  • the appearance of wrinkles.

Night masks are considered highly effective, since after their proper use a whole range of positive changes are observed:

  • high-quality skin toning;
  • giving the face freshness;
  • improvement of the dermis;
  • saturation with nutrients;
  • rejuvenation;
  • hydration;
  • lightening pigmentation;
  • getting rid of acne;
  • increasing protective functions;
  • removing signs of fatigue;
  • elimination of edema;
  • stimulating blood circulation;
  • return of elasticity;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • smoothing wrinkles.

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Yellow clay masks for facial skin: recipes and home use

A contraindication is individual intolerance to the components of the mask.

Expert opinion


If there is a tendency to allergic manifestations or bronchial asthma, each new drug is tested, distributing a little in the elbow area.

Options are selected depending on the problem being solved.

For acne

Masks containing ingredients with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic characteristics have a beneficial cleansing effect, freeing the skin from acne.

At the same time, they localize inflammatory foci, making the skin smoother, fresher and more youthful. Distribute the prepared products over problem areas.

  • With zinc ointment

Place zinc ointment - 5 g in a small glass or earthenware bowl. Add kefir - 1.5 tsp while thoroughly grinding with a wooden spatula. and lemongrass oil - 2 drops.

  • Soapy

They take laundry soap, which does not contain a large number of fragrances and other additives. Moisten the sponge and actively wipe the surface of the soap, achieving the appearance of thick foam. With help cotton swab Place it directly on the pimples and wait for it to dry.

  • With clay

A teaspoon of high-quality green tea without fillers is steamed with a quarter cup of boiling water. Pour white clay into a cup, measuring out a tablespoon. Stir intensively with the strained, cooled tea leaves to form a thick paste. I squeeze the juice from the lemon, achieving an elastic consistency of the mass, reminiscent of sour cream.

  • With talc

A dessert spoon of dry chamomile is kept in 50 ml of boiling water for 35 minutes and then filtered. Pour a tablespoon of talc into a separate bowl (you can use baby powder) and mix with a teaspoon of ground aloe leaf pulp. Dilute to a paste, adding chamomile infusion.

  • Cinnamon

Gently grind slightly warmed honey, measuring a teaspoon, with half the amount of cinnamon powder.

  • With cucumber

Wash and cut lengthwise the fleshy aloe leaf. Select and grind the pulp with a wooden spatula, which will require 1 tbsp. l. Mix with the same volume of cucumber juice and add 30 drops of tea tree oil.

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The best whey masks for facial skin: recipes and home use

For wrinkles

By using natural types of masks at home, applied before bed to eliminate wrinkles, you can look noticeably younger after just a few procedures.

  • With yolk

Separate the yolk and place it in a saucer. Using a wooden spatula, thoroughly rub it with a teaspoon of borage oil and 3 drops of verbena ether.

  • With cottage cheese

Almond oil is added to a tablespoon of milk - 3 tsp. When rubbing intensively, spread soft cottage cheese with high fat content - 50 g and a small pinch of fine sea ​​salt.

  • With banana

Peel a banana of good ripeness. Finely chop it and knead it with a wooden masher. Add a dessert spoon of honey. While grinding the mixture, add 3 drops of lavender oil.

From blackheads

In our assortment of homemade overnight masks, you can choose a well-effective recipe that will help you cope with uncomfortable blackheads.

  • With sour cream

For preparation you will need high-quality ten percent sour cream - 1.5 tsp. It is kneaded until smooth with grated fresh lime zest - ½ tsp. and wheat oil - 12 drops.

For bags under the eyes

If you need the most effective method to remove bags, noticeable blueness, and signs of fatigue from under your eyes, then use the following version of a night mask.

  • With mango butter

Peel and grind a small fresh cucumber into a paste. Using gauze folded in half, squeeze out the juice - 2.5 tsp. While stirring gently, add a teaspoon of mango butter. Wet two sponges, choosing the thinnest ones, and before going to bed, place them on the under-eye area.


Tired, dull skin will benefit from the best nourishing overnight masks. They will ensure the saturation of the epidermis with essential vitamins, improve the shade, and restore elasticity.

  • With aloe

The aloe leaf (fleshy without signs of rot) is washed, wrapped in a cloth flap and kept for 7 days in the bottom container of the refrigerator. Then grind and, squeezing, extract the gel-like substance - 2 tsp. Grind it with two types of oil: olive - 18 drops and macadamia - 7 drops.

  • With milk

One of the best ways masks are considered to preserve the attractive appearance of facial skin. Usually they are done during the day, since many people believe that applying them at night can harm the skin, they are afraid of swelling and other unpleasant manifestations, but this is not so. A face mask at night is more effective - it rejuvenates, nourishes and renews the skin.

At night, the body is restored at the cellular level, nutrients are absorbed with greater force, which makes it possible to fight inflammation (a mask for inflamed facial skin will help with this problem), oily skin and wrinkles. Sleep is the time when the action of nutrients is most productive.

The industry produces many different facial products, but do not forget about time-tested homemade products made from natural ingredients. In addition, store-bought creams, lotions and masks are sometimes expensive, but those prepared at home are affordable - the components are easy to purchase in stores or pharmacies.

Features of applying night masks

A night face mask is used slightly differently than a day mask. Let's look at how to do it correctly to achieve greater effect:

  • masks must be prepared just before use;
  • before applying the mask, the face must be thoroughly cleansed;
  • give a small massage and steam your face;
  • do not apply the composition to the area around the eyes;
  • apply night masks every other day for 30-40 days, take a break, then the procedures can be repeated;
  • In the morning, wash your face and apply a cream suitable for your skin type.

Cosmetologists, for a more effective effect of masks during night sleep, recommend using a lotion enriched hyaluronic acid, as a basis for the product. The fact is that hyaluronic acid is able to retain moisture in cells, thereby creating a greenhouse effect. The skin is moisturized overnight and fully receives the beneficial substances from the masks. Lotion with hyaluronic acid fits any recipe, helping to achieve the greatest effect.

You should know! From 12 o'clock at night to 5 o'clock in the morning is the most favorable time for applying night masks - their effect is most active at this time.

Before using the recipes presented below, you need to know which ingredients can be used for a fairly long time (up to 8 hours).

Be sure to look at when is the best time to make face masks in this article. You will find out everything in time.

How do night masks work on facial skin?

  • normalizes blood circulation;
  • cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis well;
  • tighten pores;
  • get rid of blackheads and pimples;
  • moisturize, get rid of wrinkles;
  • get rid of stains, produce a slight brightening effect;
  • restore youth to the delicate skin around the eyes.

Night face masks at home restore the epidermis, actively fight wrinkles, skin fatigue, and other problems. You just need to choose a product based on your skin type.

Homemade face mask recipes for the night

    Acne masks for the night:
    1) take regular laundry soap, moisten it a little with water and lubricate problem areas - pimples or blackheads;
    2) dilute white clay with strong green tea, squeeze the juice of half a lemon into the mixture;
    3) dilute zinc paste with alcohol infusion of calendula (can be purchased at a pharmacy);
    4) pour aloe juice into cosmetic talc or baby powder and dilute with chamomile infusion to the desired thickness;
    5) add hydrogen peroxide to tea tree oil and lubricate problem areas.

    Masks for dry skin:
    Dry skin is very beautiful and smooth in youth, but it ages faster than other types, loses its attractiveness, and therefore requires especially careful care. You can support it not only during the day, but also at night with the following mask recipes:
    1) mix cocoa butter, olive and almond oils, preheating them in a water bath. Apply to a cleansed face, hold until the oil is absorbed, blot lightly with a paper towel;
    2) mix 30 ml of linden blossom decoction with 10 ml of almond oil and oatmeal, add a few drops essential oil lemon balm.

    For normal skin type:
    Normal skin does not have the disadvantages of oily and dry skin - it does not shine and looks great for a long time, that is, owners of this type are lucky, they do not require particularly careful care, but they also need to be maintained:
    1) mix fatty thick sour cream with heated in a water bath olive oil, add salt on the tip of a teaspoon. In the morning, it is useful to wash your face not with tap water, but with an infusion of herbal remedies;
    2) mix the yolk with moisturizer, vitamin A and almond oil. Mix well.

    The most effective masks for the face at night at home:
    1) two tablespoons coconut oil, a few drops of essential oil if desired, vitamins A and E, add oatmeal to the desired consistency, mix well;
    2) pour milk into the prepared gelatin, a spoonful of honey and olive oil.

    How to prepare gelatin for a mask: pour 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin into 100 g of water and let it swell. Then put it on the fire and heat it a little (do not boil), stirring vigorously until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

    To carefully remove the gelatin mask from your face without damaging the skin, you need to steam it by applying a wet cloth for a few minutes.

    Nourishing masks for the night:
    1) take 50 g of full-fat cottage cheese, 15 ml of heated milk, 20 ml of cucumber juice, add vitamin A;
    2) mix egg yolk with oatmeal, dilute with flower infusion pharmaceutical chamomile, add lavender oil;
    3) prepare a mixture of oils - lavender, jojoba, olive and apricot, take a cotton napkin, soak it in this mixture and apply to a previously cleansed face for several minutes. Wash your face in the morning boiled water with addition lemon juice. Apply cream.

    Anti-wrinkle night masks:
    1) full-fat cottage cheese - 50 g, almond oil - 15 ml, milk - 20 ml and a pinch of sea salt, the components are applied to the preliminary face in a thin layer;
    2) mash a banana, add a spoonful of honey and lavender essential oil;
    3) put 40 g of fat cottage cheese, a little lemon balm oil and honey in grape seed oil. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps.

    For wrinkles, we also recommend making the following masks according to age: at 30 years old, after 40 years old and anti-aging after 50 years old.

    Moisturizing face masks for the night:
    1) 15 g of honey, juice of one kiwi fruit, 10 g of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese;
    2) add a spoonful of ground green tea to the Siberian ginseng root extract (you can buy it at the pharmacy) and add kefir.

Advice! For easier penetration of the mask components into the skin, it must be steamed. One way to do this is to heat a terry towel over steam and apply it to your face for a few minutes.

The skin suffers from low temperatures, sun rays, polluted air, not always proper nutrition. To look young and attractive, you need to take care of your face, following the advice and recommendations of cosmetologists, and the results will definitely be excellent.

5 reasons to stop putting cream on your face at night

Author Marina Tumovskaya: Applying night cream to the face seems to many to be a classic treatment. Since at night the skin is more susceptible to the effects of cosmetic components, since the process of regeneration and renewal occurs, the skin needs help. The choice of face cream is carefully thought out, and often actively discussed on the Internet. However, nowadays a different point of view is gaining supporters (including among cosmetologists) - by applying cream at night, we do a disservice to the skin and contribute to its premature aging. Let's analyze the arguments of this point of view. Care sensitive skin, behind oily, normal and dry skin may be different than we are used to thinking about it.

Reason 1. Give your skin a chance

Applying a cream at night, a special oily, nourishing one, tightly “clogs” the skin. As a result, the skin does not have the ability to naturally renew itself, remove toxins and other harmful substances. If such intensive care continues constantly, the natural processes of self-cleaning and self-regeneration are greatly suppressed and practically stop. After all, we do not give the skin the opportunity to express itself. There is nothing good about this. We simply “addict” the skin to creams, destroying its own ability to regenerate. Constant protection breaks the natural immunity of the skin. Constant saturation with moisture and nutritional components leads to the fact that the skin can no longer produce them on its own.

Of course, you need to leave your skin without cream overnight for more than one day. At first, you will experience “withdrawal” - the skin is accustomed to heavy doses of creams. But in a couple of weeks you will appreciate the results.

Reason 2.Unhealthy chemicals for the whole night

Let's leave alone for a moment those who use organic cosmetics, and look at the majority of women. The vast majority of women use creams with chemical compounds. Just take a look at the ingredients in your cream. There may be parabens, petroleum products, a variety of far from beneficial substances that remain on your skin all night, can accumulate and are not conducive to health.

It's one thing if you apply them only during the day and then wash them off, giving your skin a rest. And if you follow day cream immediately apply at night (after cleansing, of course, but that’s not the point)?.. All this chemistry affects you around the clock.

Reason 3. Even experts admitted it

It should be noted that some well-known cosmetics manufacturers have already recognized this concept of eliminating night creams. Although, as we understand, this is not at all profitable for manufacturers. Instead of selling yet another miracle night care product, the brand advises not to apply any creams. This is Dr. Hauschka, Martina Gebhardt and some others. It should be noted that these are organic cosmetics brands.

And even their own 100% natural and organic cream, produced by Dr. Hauschka does not recommend application at night, maintaining the concept of oil-free care and maximum skin restoration overnight using its own resources. There's a lot to think about, isn't there?

Reason 4. Edema and more

Many women who have used the cream at night for years have noticed morning swelling of the skin. By the way, I am among them. Opponents argue that this can only happen with the wrong cream. However, for years I used the most different creams, including organic ones, and the result was the same - morning swelling. When I stopped using the cream at night, the swelling disappeared.

If, after using a night cream, the next morning your skin experiences the following problems, you should consider giving up such care:

Puffy face;

Wrinkles that appeared overnight;

Oiliness and shine that accompany you all day, or, on the contrary, increased dryness;


After washing, the skin dries out, as if it had been deprived of moisture.

5. If you smear it, don’t do it overnight.

Night creams are called that not because they need to be applied at night. They are intended for evening care. They should be applied at least 2 hours before bedtime, or better yet, and be sure to blot with a napkin. Many go even further - cleanse the skin and tone it before bed. That's all - no cream at night.

Personally, I have already tried cream-free night skin care, but since I haven’t been doing this for very long, I can’t loudly declare the results. What do you think about such night skin care - absolutely no cream? Have you tried this or would you like to try it?

Often in the morning, even after a good night's sleep, we see in the mirror a tired, swollen face with dark circles under the eyes. Although they say that sound sleep is the key healthy skin, but at a frantic pace modern life and poor ecology, unfortunately, this is not always confirmed. After all the ups and downs of the past day, the skin, of course, should rest and recover. And an overnight face mask best solves this problem. The main thing is to find the most effective one for yourself.

How to restore skin after a busy day

The harder the day, the more our body requires recovery. Everyone knows this, but not everyone knows that a good dinner, sitting in front of the TV or a simple nap in a chair, no matter how much one would like it, is simply not able to restore or saturate the skin with all the necessary microelements and vitamins. In the case when even a full sleep does not cope with this problem, then night face masks come to the rescue. Their benefits and feasibility of use have been repeatedly tested in practice.

What are the benefits of night masks?

Scientists have proven that the most productive period for skin care is night, since during the day cells are not restored as actively. The optimal period for regeneration is considered to be from 11 pm to 5 am. Using the mask during this particular period of time helps the skin become elastic, signs of fatigue disappear, and the face becomes fresh and rested.

Moreover, all the nutritional components contained in the masks are absorbed not only much faster at night, but also much more efficiently. This is due to the fact that the sebaceous glands are most active at this time. This is the most appropriate moment to combat such deficiencies as inflammatory processes, increased fat content, predisposition to acne And so on.

Features of application and use of night masks

In order not to aggravate existing skin problems, before applying a night mask to your face, you need to follow a number of simple but important rules:

  • know your skin type;
  • prepare the mask immediately before application;
  • Apply to clean, steamed skin after a shower;
  • before applying, clean and lightly massage the face;
  • apply in an even thin layer;
  • Do not apply to the skin around the eyes;
  • rinse off with your usual cleanser in the morning;
  • apply no more than once every 2 days, taking no more than 1.5 months for the course.

Overnight face mask: Video

Ready-made facial skin care products

Exists whole line cosmetic companies offering ready-made products for overnight masks. Their choice is huge, but they are all aimed at improving blood circulation in the upper lipid layer, which is very important for nourishing the skin. By purchasing a ready-made product, we have the opportunity to choose masks with seaweed, medicinal oils and healing mud, extracts, various plant components.

Depending on the situation, masks can shrink pores, relieve inflammation and irritation, remove wrinkles, cleanse or whiten. Some of them perform several functions simultaneously, while others are aimed at solving one specific problem. But be that as it may, no matter what goal we pursue in choosing a product, before purchasing it, it is advisable to consult a medical specialist. After examining you and determining your skin type, he will give clear recommendations on what kind of mask you need.

Grandma's recipes

Despite the huge selection of branded skin care products, many women still prefer to use homemade face masks at night. Being an excellent alternative to professional products, they have a beneficial effect on the skin and cope well with a number of problems that spoil our lives. It is important to remember that any woman, no matter what, can make herself beautiful herself.

  • Revitalizing and refreshing

To prepare a restorative, refreshing facial overnight, you will need the following. Mix the yolk, 2 tbsp until smooth. l. tea leaves and 1 tsp. shea butter (since the butter is thick, you need to melt it before using). In the morning, wash everything off with weakly brewed green tea and wipe the skin with an ice cube from mineral water or herbal decoction.

  • Nutritious

A mask for nourishing facial skin at night is prepared as follows. First you need to mix the egg yolk with two teaspoons nourishing cream, then add a pinch of salt, vitamin D (10 drops) and vitamins A and E (15 drops each). Immediately before use, apply a hot compress. In the morning, wash your face with a mixture of cool tea and cold water.

  • For normal skin

When caring for normal skin, you will need 1 banana and a tablespoon of honey. Mix mashed banana pulp with honey and apply an even layer on your face. In the morning, rinse with slightly warmed water.

  • For dry skin

For dry skin you need the following. Heat 1 tsp in a water bath. cocoa butter, mix with a teaspoon of apricot, olive and almond oil and jojoba oil, apply a thin layer to the face. In the morning, wash your face with green tea.

  • For acne

In the fight against acne, a clay-based mixture is considered optimal. To prepare it you need 1 tsp. Mix white clay with a tablespoon of green tea and add 5-8 drops of lemon juice.

If a night face mask is applied before going to bed, the beneficial substances of the composition are absorbed more intensively, inflammation goes away, age-related and expression wrinkles. This happens because at night the regeneration processes in the body go much faster. The body is restored at all levels, including skin renewal. This process is most active between 12 am and 5 am. This is why cosmetologists recommend not to neglect night masks.

An overnight face mask helps:

  • moisturizing and nourishing the skin;
  • disappearance of acne, cleaning of clogged pores;
  • cleaning, narrowing pores;
  • lightening pigmentation, including post-acne;
  • activation of blood circulation in the upper layers of the skin;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • freshness, firmness of the skin;
  • healthy skin color.

An overnight face mask provides comprehensive care at home.

Are there any contraindications?

Contraindications to the use of night masks are:

  • allergic reaction;
  • oncological formations on the skin;
  • any damage: wounds, cuts, scratches, fungal infections.

Note! Not all products can be applied to the area around the eyes.

The best overnight face masks

In the store you can buy many products intended for nighttime effects, but there are also recipes for homemade masks, which are much more affordable and do not contain artificial ingredients. The best overnight face masks can fall into both groups.

We invite you to see the top 5 best masks for face:

From the mass market

Here are some popular purchased masks that have received positive reviews from customers.

My Payot Sleeping Pack. This remedy is praised by almost all women who have tried it. The composition is quickly absorbed into the skin. The texture is liquid, but gel-like, and is used very sparingly. The smell is pleasant, unobtrusive, with a fruity tint. If you apply the product as a course, your face will look rested and your skin will feel velvety to the touch. It eliminates peeling and moisturizes. Its only drawback is the relatively high price - 1,500 rubles.

Tony Moly Magic Food Banana Sleeping Pack. Like many of this manufacturer's products, the Tony Moly Korean Overnight Face Mask comes in original packaging in the form of a banana. The aroma of the product is natural, banana. The texture is thick and absorbs gradually. Only a small amount of product is used per application. Many women are satisfied with the quality. The product moisturizes and nourishes the skin, which is noticeable to the naked eye after several uses. The mask is more suitable for dry skin, but the manufacturer claims that it is universal. Some customers note the lack of effect and the appearance of inflammation after use, which suggests that the mask is not suitable for everyone.

Avon Anew Сlinical. The product in a jar has a gel consistency with small inclusions of hyaluronic acid capsules. Thanks to its light texture, it is perfectly absorbed. Among the advantages, it should be noted that there are a large number of different plant extracts, however, there is enough chemistry in it. Within 24 hours after use, exceptional hydration and beautiful skin appearance are observed. The composition smoothes facial wrinkles, moisturizes, and prevents peeling. After application, a slight stickiness is felt for a few minutes.

Esfolio with milk protein. Another representative of overnight face masks made in Korea. The mask is packaged in a wide jar and has a jelly-like consistency. There are undesirable ingredients in the composition, but this does not give a negative effect. The main active ingredients are proteins, which are responsible for the regeneration and nutrition of the skin and stimulate the production of collagen. The next morning the skin becomes very soft, smooth, and the tone is evened out. This is an excellent moisturizing overnight face mask, which, judging by customer reviews, is suitable for most women.

Pollutant Defending Masque by Kiehls, protecting against negative environmental factors. The texture of the mask is dense, but is consumed in minimal quantities. The product gives a noticeable effect after the first use. The skin even at first glance looks more hydrated and fresh. Minor drawback: discomfort due to the density of the composition when it is on the face.

Home Recipes

Homemade overnight face masks at home can be made regularly, changing recipes periodically. These are practical skin care products that can be prepared at any time if you really want to take care of your face. Below are the recipes for the best leave-in face masks by type of action.

Rejuvenating. A mask consisting of an egg, butter and strong green tea will help rejuvenate and tone the skin. All you need from the egg is the yolk, which needs to be mixed with 1 tsp. liquid butter and 1 tbsp. tea leaves. In the morning, wash your face as usual and tone your skin with an ice cube.

If facial wrinkles around the eyes haunt you, it is recommended to make a mixture of 1 tsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp. cosmetic oil(almond, peach, apricot) with liquid vitamin E, squeezed from a capsule pierced with a needle. The composition should be applied immediately before going to bed.

Moisturizing. An effective moisturizing mask containing cottage cheese and Bee Honey. Ingredient proportions: 1 tsp each: liquid honey, cottage cheese, flaxseed oil, freshly squeezed kiwi juice. Honey should be slightly heated in a water bath if it is sugared. Then add linseed oil, mix, and remove the container from the heat. Thoroughly knead the cottage cheese with a fork, turning it into a soft mass. Combine all ingredients and apply to face. Leave it overnight with a towel on the pillow.

Nutritious. A nourishing night mask contains vitamins necessary for the skin, in particular vitamin E, which increases the protective properties of the skin and accelerates renewal. Excellent nutrient is an oil-based composition. Required ingredients: 20 drops. unrefined olive oil, incomplete tbsp. freshly squeezed aloe juice and 7-10 drops. macadamia oils. The ingredients need to be mixed, and the oil should be slightly heated. This can be done in a tablespoon by dipping its convex part into boiling water for a few seconds. Before applying the mask, prepare the skin with a light fruit peeling. The mask can be applied with your fingers or a brush. In the morning, use a cleanser and perform your daily care routine.

For problem skin from acne. Includes effective homemade mask for the face against acne, which is applied at night, includes zinc ointment, which is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It dries out acne, and thanks to the addition of lemongrass and kefir essential oil, it whitens post-acne. For 1 tsp. kefir you need to add 1 tsp. zinc ointment, 2-3 drops of ether. Before application, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned with a scrub and the composition should be distributed in a thin layer. In the morning, wash off the mask and wash with cleansing gel.

Regular laundry soap without dyes and fragrances will also help against acne. To do this, you need to whip up a thick foam and apply it to a previously cleansed face. This mass is applied to the skin overnight.

From blackheads. Make a sour cream mask for blackheads. You should take 1 tbsp. low-fat sour cream, incomplete tsp. finely grated lime or lemon zest and 10-12 drops of wheat germ oil. All ingredients are mixed and distributed over the skin of the face before bed. In the morning you need to wash your face and apply moisturizer.

  1. Should only be applied to a cleansed face.
  2. Before applying the product, it is recommended to steam the skin with steam bath or after washing hot water, get a massage.
  3. Freshly prepared composition is applied to the face.
  4. Choose a time about an hour before bedtime.
  5. The layer should be uniform.
  6. It is recommended to sleep on your back; it is in this position that swelling resolves and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  7. After the procedure, in the morning, wash off the mixture with water and moisturize your face with day cream.
  8. It is recommended to use homemade formulations in courses, the average duration of which is one to two months. The mask is made every other day.

To further increase effectiveness, it is recommended to treat the skin with hyaluronic acid lotion before applying the product. This product retains cellular fluid and creates a greenhouse effect, resulting in an increase in the moisturizing properties of the formulations.

Advice! To avoid staining the pillow, cover the pillowcase with a towel.


The cosmetics industry produces a huge number of night masks. Choosing the best among them is not easy; you should rely on reviews and advice from friends. If you don’t have a ready-made product at hand, a DIY night face mask will help out.

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