Summary of the open lesson my city. Summary of an integrated lesson in the middle group “My city. According to cognitive development

Topic of the week: My city.

Form: quiz “What? Where? When?"

Date: March 2012.

Integration of educational areas:

Cognition, communication, socialization, reading fiction, artistic creativity.

Goal: Continue to shape elementary representations pupils about their small homeland - the city of Novokuibyshevsk.


Systematize the idea that for every person a small Motherland is the place where he was born and where he spent his childhood;
continue to introduce the sights of the city of Novokuibyshevsk;
continue to consolidate knowledge of your last and patronymic names;
improve the ability to create houses of different sizes and architecture by drawing from blanks (silhouettes of architectural buildings); independently select the color of paints to create an overall composition.


Develop creative, compositional abilities and imagination of students;
Develop verbal communication skills, develop the ability to read poetry expressively.


To cultivate patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland;
Continue to cultivate friendly relationships between children.

Materials and equipment:

“Fairy tale ball” made of threads, a computer for displaying presentations from the “My City” series, whatman paper with an image of a city landscape, paints, brushes for drawing, napkins, blanks for individual work (silhouettes of architectural buildings), an audio recording with the music of the song “Blue Car” , top with arrow; posters: “You won’t find better players than our experts!”, “Novokuibyshevsk is 60 years old”; badges – emblems for teams: “Experts” and “Erudites”; "rebus with letters"; prizes; "City Erudite" emblems, masks - hats of colors for the game, two envelopes, puzzles with pictures of the coat of arms of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, cards with riddles "Mystery Quiz", a soft builder for the game "Builders".

Preliminary work:

Conversations: “Me and my family”, “My city”.
Examination of illustrations about the city of Novokuibyshevsk, maps of the city of Novokuibyshevsk, examination of state symbols (coats of arms) of the cities of the Samara region;
Reading and learning poems about the city, listening and learning songs about our city in recordings,
Children's drawings on the theme: “My city”
Making attributes.
Individual work: Help children who have difficulty choosing blanks (silhouettes of architectural structures) and in the process of independent creative work.

Progress of the game: on a magnetic board there is a panel depicting an empty and dull city street, children's drawings of their favorite city, posters. Music plays, children come in and greet the guests.

Educator: - Guys, I came to you today not alone, but with a little friend.
- Try to guess who it is -

Tell me quickly
What kind of ball is made of soft threads?
It looks like a bun, with a long tail...

(A ball rolls into the group. The teacher takes it in his hands and puts it to his ear...)

Educator: - Ball wants to say hello and get to know each of you. How to do this? (Children offer their own greeting options. At the suggestion of the teacher, the children decide to pass the ball around in a circle, saying the words of greeting and saying their first, last and patronymic names).

Educator: - Guys. Today we will play the game “What? Where? When?".

To do this, you and I must split into two teams. And our magic ball will help us with this. He will ask you questions and you will answer. Whoever answers correctly will sit on a chair in one of the teams.


Guys, you all just said your last name, first name and patronymic.
- Who gave you your first name, patronymic and last name? (Parents)
- When did your parents give you your first, middle and last names? (When we were born)

(With the help of a ball, which the teacher passes from hand to hand to the children, the children answer the question, sit on chairs and receive emblems of the game participants of different colors)


Right. Every family, every person celebrates their family and personal holidays.

Which one is the most important? (Birthday)

It's not just a person who can have a birthday.

Educator: - Who else might have a birthday? (Children's answers)

Educator: - Books, toys, houses, and even the whole city have their own day. Cities, like people, are given “names,” and citizens celebrate their birthdays.

Our city is celebrating its 60th anniversary.

Educator: - Guys, tell me what is the name of the place where a person was born and raised? (Russia, Motherland, small Motherland)

What do the words Motherland and small Motherland mean? (The Motherland is the country in which we live, and the small Motherland is the place where a person was born and raised.)

Name yours small homeland? (city of Novokuibyshevsk)

What are the people of our city called? (Novokuibyshevites).

In what year did the construction of the city begin? (in 1947)

Name the person who led the construction of our city and after whom one of the streets of our city is named? (Ivan Ignatievich Mironov)
- What other streets do you know in our city? (Sverdlova, Voroshilova, Pirogova, etc.)

Each city has its own coat of arms. What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Novokuibyshevsk? (three white lilies on a blue background)


Teams “Experts” and “Erudites” are ready to play. Let's choose team captains with a counting rhyme:

One two three four five
We're going to play.
A magpie flew to us
And she told you to drive. (Children of each team choose team captains using a counting rhyme)


The audience will sum up the results of our game.

Dear players, let me introduce you to your opponent - this is a magical ball that will ask you questions. (Children of each team spin the top)


Attention, dear players. The first competition "Warm-up".

Now a player from each team needs to read a poem about their hometown loudly and expressively.

Team "Experts".

1 child:

In the Russian outback, far from the capitals,
The streets spread out like the wings of birds.
The workers' settlement has acquired a new look -
And so new town stands on the Volga.

2nd child:

My favorite city! Bloom and grow!
I can’t find anywhere more dear than you!
I praise you, my Novokuybyshevsk!
And wherever I am, you are next to me!

Team "Erudites".

1 child.

There is a small but nice city.
Over the Volga, the Russian river.
Years go by, but he is still young,
Our Novokuibyshevsk is dear.

2 child.

Every resident loves his city,
The people are good, hard working.
Oilman, chemist and builder
They live here as a friendly family.

Ball: - Well done! Both teams coped with the first competition.

(Children spin the top)

Ball: - Let's start the game. Second competition "Answer the question."

Question for the “Experts” team.

1. Why does the city have such a name - Novokuibyshevsk? (Because our city was built on the site of the village of Lipyagi, next to the city of Kuibyshev (now Samara)

2. Near which great Russian river is the city of Novokuibyshevsk? (Novokuibyshevsk is located near the Volga River - the great Russian river)

Well done! This is the correct answer.

Ball: - Third competition “Who is attentive.” (Display of a presentation about the city based on the game “Fourth Wheel”)

Ball: — Question to the “Experts” team.

1. What street is not in Novokuibyshevsk? Sverdlov streets, Tsvetochnaya streets, Gorky streets, Dzerzhinsky streets? (children choose the correct answer: there is no Tsvetochnaya street in Novokuibyshevsk)

Well done! This is the correct answer.

Ball: - Question for the Erudite team.

2. What attraction is not in the city of N-kuibyshevsk? Park "Dubki", square named after. Lenin, Eternal Flame, Opera House? (There is no opera house in the city)

Well done! This is the correct answer. Both teams gave correct answers to these questions.

4. Game “We are builders” (Children, on a signal, build a building from a construction set)

Ball: - And now it’s time to play quickly. Now you and I will work as builders. Each team will build their own building using a construction set.

The goal is to make it as quickly and reliably as possible. So, let's get down to the task.

Well done, both teams completed the task.

5. Showing a presentation based on the type of game “The Fourth Wheel”.

Ball: — Question to the “Experts” team.

1. What professions are there in our city? - Teacher, builder, farmer, driver. (In our city there are professions: teacher, builder, driver)

Question for the Erudite team.

2. On what street is our kindergarten located?

On Voroshilov Street, st. Stroiteley, st. Etc. Pobedy, st. Karbysheva. (Our kindergarten is located on Karbysheva Street)

Well done. Both teams coped with these tasks.

6. A set of general developmental exercises “Profession”

Now let’s all rest together and perform the movements in accordance with the text.

I, the driver, washed the car, (stomping step)
He sat behind the wheel and arched his back.
The engine hummed and the tires
They rustled around the car.
The janitor sweeps the yard,
The janitor removes the rubbish. (bends forward with simultaneous jerks of the arms, simulating sweeping)
Our guard is on duty
Looks boldly into the darkness. (turn right and left, placing your palm to your eyes)
And the shoemaker's boots
It will sew legs for anyone. (hands on the belt, sit down, stand up, alternately placing one foot on the heel)
He will sew horseshoes to the boots
And - dance without stopping.
Our pilots are pilots (body tilts left and right, arms straight to the sides)
We got ready for the flight.
I'm a gymnast. My skill
Delights everyone around. (various types of jumps)
Do you see how deftly he is on the uneven bars?
I'm performing a difficult trick.
Look around more cheerfully: (calm inhalation through the nose and long exhalation)
A pediatrician is a friend to the children.

Well done. We had a good rest. Let's continue the game.

7. Next competition “Make a word” (for attention)
(Teams are given a task - to compose and solve the word as quickly as possible)

Assignment to the “Experts” team.

RA – MA – SA
TI – YAT – ​​TOL

Assignment to the Erudite team.

KA – EV – PA – CHA

Well done. The teams completed their tasks.

8. "Musical break." (Children sing the song “Curious Citizen” to the melody of the song “Blue Car”)

1. If for some reason you’re not in the mood,
If I feel sad again.
I take my friends with me and a handful of sweets,
And I go for a walk around the city.

In the city, in the city
Life is always in full swing
There is no time for our city to be bored.
Great, great
And I don’t care about melancholy
I want to know everything about the city.

2. Why was the street called Ozernaya?
And why Pobeda Avenue?
The whys are pouring out of me like a river,
Maybe I can figure out what's what?

3. How many areas do we have?
And how many schools?
And what kind of museum opened here?
I haven't found the answers to everything yet,
But I want to find them quickly.

Ball: - Well done. You sang a song about your city very well.

9. “Mystery Quiz.”

Dear players, you have the lucky “Mystery Quiz” sector.

You have the opportunity to ask questions - riddles to each other. (A child comes out of each team, takes a piece of paper with a question - a riddle and reads the riddle to the other team)

So, the task for the “Experts” team.

Mystery quiz.

1 . Guess what, guys?
You are a riddle about the city.
I'll start reading poetry
You will have to continue.
Trains are noisy everywhere,
And people go in all directions.
From all sides, from all ends,
Who is waiting for the trains to arrive?
We invite him to the hall,
What is called...
(railway station)

2. It contains amazing paintings,
The paintings are rare and amazing.
But they won't be allowed to buy them.
Not because they cost a lot.
After all, this is the treasure of my country,
It's not a store here, but...

3. You can omit the letter here,
Send a telegram.
Call by phone
On a business trip for mom.
You can buy an envelope here
Send the parcel urgently.
Say hello to everyone
After all, this building is...

4 . People in white don't get bored
Don't sit idle
The course of treatment is prescribed
These people are in white.
If someone gets sick
Everyone goes to get treatment
To city, regional,

5. What kind of wonderful house is this?
A hundred children in that house
The kids are very happy at home.
What is this?…

6. If the refrigerator is empty,
If you have nothing to eat,
There is no bread, no cabbage,
There is no butter or buckwheat.
Come here quickly
And take the basket
Buy what tastes better
In our…

Well done. All the riddles were solved.

10. “Collect a picture.”

Ball: - The next task is “Who can complete the puzzles faster” with the symbol of the city of Novokuybyshevsk. Each team is given a task in an envelope - to collect a picture with the symbol of the city and guess what is depicted on it. (A “whole” picture with the city’s coat of arms appears on the computer screen, the children compare it with their picture).

Well done, both teams successfully completed the task.

11. Low mobility game “Plant flowers in the flowerbed.”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of colors, the ability to navigate in space, move to music, and follow the rules of the game. (Children put on masks - hats of flowers, large flowers of red, blue and yellow flowers. Music is playing, children are walking, flowers are walking. When the music stops playing, the children take their places on the “flower bed” in accordance with the color.)

Ball: - Well done, you beautiful flowers planted in their flower beds.

Summing up the game “What? Where? When?"

Ball: - Guys, you are great! You answered my questions very well today. I see you know and love your city in which you live. I congratulate both teams on their victory and present all players with Urban Erudite badges (Children wear Urban Erudite emblems).

12. Artistic creativity children.

Creation of the general composition “My City”.

Ball: - The city has an anniversary, a birthday - 60 years, and on such days it is customary to give gifts. I put these paper silhouettes of buildings, flowers, trees, brushes, paints in my magic chest.

And you and I also have a large sheet of paper that depicts a completely empty and dull city street. And the most important thing is that each of you is a little artist and dreamer.

And now you will create a collective composition, decorate our city with buildings, trees and flowers. (Music sounds, children complete the task)

Educator: - Our gift is ready. Each of you contributed a piece of your love to your hometown. What will we call our work?

Children come up with a name and display the collage in the kindergarten group.

Shcherbakova Irina Aleksandrovna,
teacher of the kindergarten “Karablik” kindergarten
GBOU secondary school No. 19, Novokuybyshevsk, Samara region

According to cognitive development

Summary of GCD in the middle group “I am telling my story about my city”

Kayurova I.I., teacher GBOU SPDS No. 6
"Sun" Zhigulevsk, Samara region


  • To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown - Zhigulevsk, about the main attractions of their hometown, to teach them to recognize them in photographs.
  • To form love and interest in the small Motherland.
  • Vocabulary work:
  • Small Motherland.

    Big Motherland.



  • Develop coherent speech and logical thinking.

Materials and equipment for the lesson: postcards with views of the city of Zhigulevsk; ball; paper (album sheet), pencils, felt-tip pens.

Previous work:

  • reading poems about your hometown;
  • viewing photographs, booklets;

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today we will talk about our favorite city.

We get up early in the morning,

We see the city outside the window.

He woke up, he lives.

He's calling us outside.

Children, what city do you all live in? (Zhigulevsk)

What are we all called, residents of Zhigulevsk? (Zhigulevtsy.)

Zhigulevsk is our small Motherland.

What do we call Motherland? (The place where we were born, we live, we go to kindergarten, where our fathers and mothers, friends live.) Right.

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I grow up.

And birch trees by the road,

Which way we are walking.

What do we call Motherland?

The sun is in the blue sky.

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call Motherland?

The land where you and I live,

And ruby ​​stars -

Stars of the world over the Kremlin. (V. Stepanov)

- Children, what country do you live in? (Russia) Russia is our big Motherland, it is what unites all people living in one country. We are all Russians, we all speak the same language. We love our Motherland dearly.

Ball game "Family of words"

Let's form words from the same family with the word Motherland.

  • Kirill, September 5th, your mother greets you. .. (gave birth).
  • What word can you call dad and mom? (Parents.)
  • What word would you use to call your aunt and uncle? (Relatives.)
  • What kind of brother do you have? (Native.)
  • Who lives in our country? (People.)
  • What song were we singing? (People's)
  • What is another name for a spring that comes out of the ground? (Spring.)

(List all words from the same family with the word Motherland.)

That's what it is big family it worked! And you now know that the Motherland is the land where we were born, where our people live. Homeland - native land.

Finger game "In our city"

(Self-massage of fingertips, one finger per line.)

A collection of streets, squares, - 5

Cars, buses, people, - 4

Multi-story houses - 3

They cost like book volumes. - 2

But still, we love the city - 1

(change of hands)

For the fact that from summer to winter - 1

We meet joyful friends, - 2

And with them you can go to the museum, - 3

And go to the circus, and to the skating rink - 4

And take a walk any day! - 5

Educator: Children, we received an SMS message on our cell phone. Let's read it. It says that guests are coming to us from the capital itself, from Moscow. They really want to get to know our city and the interesting sights of Zhigulevsk. We need to help them.

Do you know what a landmark is? (These are beautiful, memorable places that adorn our city.)

Are there places in our city that we are proud of and are happy to show to residents of other cities and countries?

I think the main attraction of our city is the people living here. After all, we have people of different nationalities living here. Can you name them? (Russians, Tatars, Mordovians, Chuvashs and many other peoples.) They all live together in our beautiful and cozy city.

We always meet our guests in the main square of our city. What is it called? (Peace Square.) Why do you think it is called that? (Children's answers.)

Children, what sights would you like to introduce our guests to? (Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station, Museum of Local Lore, Peace Square, Palace of Culture, Monument to the Soldier-Liberator on Victory Square, Volga Embankment.)

Yes, children, in our city there are indeed a lot of interesting places where you can have a good rest and learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Didactic game "Find out in the photo"

(The teacher invites the children to tell a little about each attraction one by one; the children look at postcards with views of Zhigulevsk and talk about this object)

Educator: I will send an SMS message that we are ready to meet our guests.

Children, I am very glad that you know your city well. You talked about him with such interest that it was immediately clear how much you loved him. And now I want to hear from you Nice words about our city.

(children's answers)

Let us not have high-rise buildings and subways,

And the trams don't rattle early in the morning,

But here they make sweets and soda,

They bake bread and loaves of bread.

Such shady streets and courtyards

You will meet a lot in Russia,

Live, my city, build, be healthy!

And become more and more beautiful over the years.

Educator: Look how many good, kind and kind words you told your favorite city. You really love and take care of him. After all, the future depends on you, guys, on how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.

Game "You can - you can't."

Children stand in a circle.

Children, let's talk about what you can do at home, on the streets of the city and what you cannot do. I will ask a question, and you will answer silently using a sign. Forefinger up is correct, down is not.

  • Cross the street at a red light.
  • Picking flowers in a flowerbed.
  • Admire the blooming flowerbed.
  • Plant trees and flowers.
  • Throwing candy wrappers.
  • Cross the road when the traffic light is green.
  • Screaming, making noise in public places.
  • Speak in a calm, polite tone.

The city is close, dear

Over the wide river

What is called the main street.

City of our dreams

Zhigulevsk is you.

We are proud of your glorious destiny.

City in a sea of ​​lights

The hydroelectric power station is a giant Zhiguli.

The horizon plays with lightning.

City of our dreams

Zhigulevsk is you.

Who can compare with your beauty?

Educator: I invite each of you to draw your own street, your own home.

There are different types of houses:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick

They seem to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful -

Houses are different.

Finger game "Let's draw"

One two Three, (Fingers clenched into fists, show numbers)

Four five, (alternately extending fingers)

Let's draw together (Rotation of hands in one direction)

Draw with us: (Rotation of hands in the other direction)

House for dad, house for mom, (Showing a house made of fingers)

This house is for you (Show index fingers raised up - house pipe)

This house is for me (Showing little fingers raised up - small pipe)

Let's draw a garden around.

There are trees here and there (Showing trees from outstretched fingers).

Let's go for a walk in the garden

And let's start the game again. (Movement of fingers on the table “walking”)

Drawing: "My city"

How different our streets and houses turned out to be, but all together they make up our small Motherland, our hometown.

We live, we grow

In our hometown.

For some it is big

And for us - huge!

Let him live!

Let it grow!

Our small town!

The teacher thanks the children for an interesting conversation and treats them to sweets that are made here in our confectionery factory.

Used Books:

Lesson topic: Hello! This is me and this is my city

Program content: Remind children of basic rules of behavior, ethics of communication and greetings. Develop communication skills in relation to peers and adults. Encourage children to be friendly when communicating in kindergarten and at home, to use “polite words” in their speech. To clarify preschoolers’ knowledge about the name of their hometown and its main attractions. To introduce the history of the emergence of the city of Voronezh as a guard fortress during the reign of Peter I. To foster a culture of behavior, love and a sense of pride for the small Motherland.

Material: Dunno doll, photographs with views of Voronezh. Photos of children near the houses where they live. Model of the "Voronezh Watch Fortress".

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children that a very special person will come to visit them today. good friend. He visited the children very often last year. The children taught him a lot. Although this friend often answered “I don’t know!” to many questions.

- Have you guessed who will come to visit us? (children's answers are discussed)

There is a knock on the door and the Dunno doll enters the room. Dunno is very happy to meet the children, he smiles and says hello (while deliberately confusing the children's names). The teacher scolds Dunno and invites the children to introduce themselves to Dunno: give their name and residential address.

Held didactic game“What is your name and where do you live?”

Children say their first name, last name and address. Find a photo

with the image of this street and laid out on a magnetic board. If the street is repeated, the child points it out.

Dunno, my name is Oleg Kuleshov. I live on Domostroiteley Street, house 25, apartment 51.

Dunno, my name is Masha Ivanova, I also live on Domostroiteley Street, building 17, apartment 2.

Dunno, my name is Egor Tarasov, I live on Marshak Street, building 5, apartment 40, etc.

Dunno is surprised that children know their address, their first and last name so well.

All these photos are placed on a magnetic board. The teacher once again names the photographs on display: Domostroiteley Street, Marshak Street, Pirogov Street, circus, children's library, etc. He circles all these photographs with a colored marker and asks the children to name in one word everything they posted.

How can all this: streets, houses, shops, circus, etc. be called in one word? What did we post with you using photographs? (city)

What is the name of the city we live in? (Voronezh)

Dunno admires the city and asks the question: “What a beautiful city. Has he always been like this?

The teacher invites the children and Dunno to sit on the chairs and find out how the city of Voronezh appeared.

The teacher lays out a model of the “Watch Fortress” on the carpet and accompanies the actions with a story:

It was a long time ago, when our land had dense, impenetrable forests like this (the forest is displayed).

In the dense forests there were many birds and animals (bear, wolf, fox, squirrel, elk, crow, owl, hedgehog, hare are on display).

Did you recognize them? (children name birds and animals)

A large deep river flowed next to the forest. There were a lot of fish in this river (lays out the river). The most suitable place to settle.

But for some reason there are no people visible anywhere. Why do you think? (children's answers are discussed)

There really were people in this area, but they went far into dense forests, since our land was very often attacked by enemies. And they were called Tatars. The Tatars will come, destroy our lands and run away again. At that time, our Russia was ruled by Tsar Peter I. The Tsar found out about this and wrote a decree:

“In order to stop the ferocity of the Tatar hordes,

Save Holy Rus' from enemies

The king ordered to cut down a fortress on the hill

And call it Voronezh"

A Zhigulin

So, on the banks of a deep-water river next to a dense forest, a fortress grew up (a fence, a watchtower, several houses, cannons, etc. are erected). It was surrounded by a high jagged fence. Sometimes it is called a stockade, why do you think? (tall stakes were installed close (or often) to each other). They dug a deep ditch along the walls and filled it with water. A bridge was built at the gate, which was attached to the fence with chains. Why do you think? (so that in times of trouble you can lift it). Behind a high fence they built a high tower with a bell. A man stood there day and night. How many of you guessed what he was doing? (the children's answers are discussed and lead to the fact that he watched the enemies and reported their approach in time). Otherwise we can say that he was guarding. In addition to the watchtower, houses were built behind the fence. Streltsy, gunners, and watchmen lived in these houses. What do you think they were doing? (children's answers are discussed). What can you call a fortress that stood on patrol all the time, on guard and defended the outskirts of our Motherland? (sentinel or watchdog).

How did the defenders of the fortress repel attacks if the enemy attacked?

A didactic game is being held: “How will we defend our fortress?”

(Children, as the teacher tells the story, display objects on the model).

If the watchman sees danger, he starts ringing the bell. The archers and gunners take their place at the cannons and near the windows in the fortress. The collars quickly bolt the gate and raise the bridge to prevent the enemy from entering the fortress.

The teacher invites the children to listen to excerpts from the poem “Fortress Voronezh” by Viktor Budakov.

And the Horde saw the steep fortress -

A belt of walls, and gates, and towers.

And the Horde besieged their horses,

Without digging up Slavic arable land.

Yes, they are cunning, and strong, and flying,

But this fortress on the steep slope threatens with an obstacle -

The bell rang! Khan shook his head:

“Voronezh is not a good fortress!”

And the Horde, dusty, turned back,

In a wild field they disappeared without a trace.

This fortress, like any other, has its own emblem, or otherwise called a coat of arms. The coat of arms can tell us a lot. Let's look at the coat of arms of our fortress.

What is shown on it? (cannon, a raven sits on the cannon)

Why is there a cannon on the coat of arms? (to deflect attacks from enemies)

Why is there a raven on the coat of arms? (children's answers are discussed)

What color is this bird? (black) Is it possible to see a raven in the dark?

Raven is a bird that flies high and sees far.

What qualities of this bird will be useful to the defenders of our fortress? (vigilance, observation, stealth, speed)

What did the coat of arms of our fortress tell us? (children's answers are discussed)

Many years have passed and now our city is not a guard fortress at all. That’s why our city’s coat of arms is different.

Children with a teacher examine the coat of arms of the modern city of Voronezh.

What's missing from this coat of arms? (guns, crow)

Why do you think? (there is no danger, people live peacefully)

What is depicted on the new coat of arms? (mountain, jug. And water flows from the jug).

If the land is constantly watered by water, then what can be said about such land? (it is fertile, rich in water, etc.).

Without water there is no life on the planet. Water is a source of kindness, beauty and joy for everyone who lives on our land. Every year our city becomes more and more beautiful, it develops and changes. The coat of arms of our city will also change.

Dunno thanks everyone who helped him find out how the city of Voronezh appeared on earth. Says goodbye to the children and promises to come visit again.


    To clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about their hometown - BRONNITSY, about the main attractions of their hometown, to teach them to recognize them in photographs.

    To form love and interest in the small Motherland.

    Vocabulary work:

Small Motherland.

Big Motherland.



    Develop coherent speech and logical thinking.

Materials and equipment for the lesson: postcards with views, presentation with sights of Bronnitsy; ball; paper(album sheet) , pencils.

Previous work:

    reading poems about your hometown;

    viewing photographs, booklets;

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Today we will talk about our favorite city.

We get up early in the morning,

We see the city outside the window.

He woke up, he lives.

He's calling us outside.

Children, what city do you all live in?(Bronnitsy)

What are we all called - residents of Bronnitsy?(Bronne residents.)

Bronnitsy is our small Motherland.

What do we call Motherland?(The place where we were born, we live, we go to kindergarten, where our fathers and mothers, friends live.) Right.

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I grow up.

And birch trees by the road,

Which way we are walking.

What do we call Motherland?

The sun is in the blue sky.

And fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table.

What do we call Motherland?

The land where you and I live,

And ruby ​​stars -

Stars of the world over the Kremlin.(V. Stepanov)

- Children, what country do you live in?(Russia) Russia is our big Motherland, it is what unites all people living in one country. We are all Russians, we all speak the same language. We love our Motherland dearly.

What a big family it turned out to be! And you now know that the Motherland is the land where we were born, where our people live. Homeland - native land.

Finger game "In our city"

(Self-massage of fingertips, one finger per line.)

A collection of streets, squares,- 5

Cars, buses, people,- 4

Multi-story houses- 3

They cost like book volumes.- 2

But still, we love the city- 1

(change of hands)

For the fact that from summer to winter- 1

We meet joyful friends,- 2

And with them you can go to the museum,- 3

And go to the circus, and to the skating rink- 4

And take a walk any day!- 5

Educator: Children, we received an SMS message on our cell phone. Let's read it. It says that guests are coming to us from the capital itself, from Moscow. They really want to get to know our city and the interesting sights of Bronnitsy. We need to help them.

Do you know what a landmark is?(These are beautiful, memorable places that adorn our city.)

Are there places in our city that we are proud of and are happy to show to residents of other cities and countries?

We always meet our guests in the main square of our city. What is it called?(Timofeev Square.) Why do you think it is called that?(Children's answers.)

Children, what sights would you like to introduce our guests to?(Beautiful churches, Local History Museum, Timofeev Square, Fountain, Eternal Flame, Belskoye Lake.)

Yes, children, in our city there are indeed a lot of interesting places where you can have a good rest and learn a lot of new and interesting things. (showing a presentation about the sights

Didactic game "Find out in the photo"

(The teacher invites the children to tell a little about each attraction one by one; the children look at postcards with views of Bronnitsy and talk about this object)

Educator: I will send an SMS message that we are ready to meet our guests.

Children, I am very glad that you know your city well. You talked about him with such interest that it was immediately clear how much you loved him. And now I want to hear good words from you about our city.

(children's answers)

Educator: Look how many good, kind and affectionate words you said to your beloved city. You really love and take care of him. After all, the future depends on you, guys, on how much you love your Motherland, what good you can do for it when you become adults.

Game "You can - you can't."

Children stand in a circle.

Children, let's talk about what you can do at home, on the streets of the city and what you cannot do. I will ask a question, and you will answer silently using a sign. Index finger up is correct, down is not correct.

    Cross the street at a red light.

    Picking flowers in a flowerbed.

    Admire the blooming flowerbed.

    Plant trees and flowers.

    Throwing candy wrappers.

    Cross the road when the traffic light is green.

    Screaming, making noise in public places.

    Speak in a calm, polite tone.

Educator: I invite each of you to draw your own street, your own home.

There are different types of houses:

High and low

Green and red

Far and near.

Panel, brick

They seem to be ordinary.

Useful, wonderful -

Houses are different.

Finger game "Let's draw"

One two Three,(Fingers clenched into fists, show numbers)

Four five,(alternately extending fingers)

Let's draw together(Rotation of hands in one direction)

Draw with us:(Rotation of hands in the other direction)

House for dad, house for mom,(Showing a house made of fingers)

This house is for you(Show index fingers raised up - house pipe)

This house is for me(Showing little fingers raised up - small pipe)

Let's draw a garden around.

There are trees here and there(Showing trees from outstretched fingers) .

Let's go for a walk in the garden

And let's start the game again.(Movement of fingers on the table “walking”)

Drawing: "My city"

How different our streets and houses turned out to be, but all together they make up our small Motherland, our hometown.

We live, we grow

In our hometown.

For some it is big

And for us - huge!

Let him live!

Let it grow!

Our town is modest!

Municipal preschool educational institution

"General education kindergarten No. 6" Bronnitsy

Summary of the integrated lesson in middle group on the topic: “My favorite city”

Educator: Kuzishchina O.K.

Anna Mikhailovna
Open lesson on the topic “My favorite city”

Target: formation of patriotic feelings.


1. Form initial ideas about your native language city, his birthday, main streets, individual historical, cultural, architectural monuments;

2. Promote interest in information about native places;

3. Stimulate the use of received information in gaming activities.

4. Materials: illustrations depicting native cities, camera, envelope, steering wheel, chairs, board.

Educator. Guys, someone else is visiting me cities niece Katya came. She had never been to our place, so she really wanted to see everything, she took a camera with her to take pictures and show it to her friends. But suddenly she fell ill and therefore urgently left home without seeing our beautiful cities, our scenic spots. Yesterday I received a letter from her. It is addressed to children of the middle group. Katya writes that you know yours well city and asks to send her photographs of the most beautiful and memorable places, attractions and stories about them. Let's guys tell Katya about our city?

Educator. Recently we went on an excursion. Today I propose to remember where we were, what we saw and tell Katya about it, take a ride along our route again, and we will start the journey from our kindergarten. Guys, please tell me what type of transport we used to travel around our city?

Children. Bus

Educator. That's right, today our means of transportation will be the bus. I beg take your seats, we begin. (children sit on chairs arranged in a row of two slightly diagonally for better review photographs that the teacher will demonstrate.)

1. Kindergarten No. 17 - departure point. (Guys, please tell me on which street our kindergarten is located? Answers from the children)

2. Park "Friendship". We arrived at the first stop, the favorite place of all citizens - the children's park. Love Have you ever been to a children's park? What's in this park?

3. Victory Square. Guys, please tell me which of you has been to this square before.

4. Kinomax cinema. What are they doing at the cinema? How many of you have been to the cinema? What cartoons and films did you watch? How should you behave at the cinema?

5. Drama theater. Children, which of you has been to the drama theater? What are people doing there?

6. Golden Gate. Guys, can any of you tell me what this attraction is?

7. Water tower. What kind of building is this?

8. Cherry blossom monument. Why is this monument called that?

9. Monument to the scientist cat. What is shown in this picture?

10. Pharmacy. What is shown in the picture?

11. Artist. Children, tell me, what do you think this sculpture is made of?

12. Composition “Music” What is shown in this picture and what is it made of?

13. Museum of Folk Art. Children's stories

Educator. Guys, do you remember what yours is called? city? Why do you think it is called that?

15. Monument to Prince Vladimir

So you and I have arrived at our kindergarten, to the place where we started our journey. Look, children, how much we got! interesting photos We will send them to Katya.

Physical education minute.

So we spread our hands, as if surprised,

And they bowed to the ground at the waist to each other.

They bent over, straightened up, bent over, straightened up.

Lower, lower, don’t be lazy, bow and smile.

Educator. Every person has their own birthday. Do you think our there are cities too?

When our city ​​birthday? How to celebrate a birthday cities?

On your birthday cities all its inhabitants gather, they celebrate and have fun, because all those who live in it love it very much. On this day, the streets are festively decorated, songs are sung, people come to memorable places with flowers, they listen to speeches by people who have done a lot for their cities. In a day cities There are various entertainment areas for both children and adults. Sports and entertainment events are held at the stadiums, and various fairs are held throughout the day. Residents cities launched into the sky air balloons. The celebration ends with fireworks.

Poems about native city.

IN kindergarten learned

We are beautiful words.

They were read for the first time

Mom, Motherland, family.

Spring and summer will fly by,

The foliage will become sunny,

Illuminated with new light

Mom, Motherland, family.

The sun shines kindly on us,

Blue is pouring from the sky,

May they always live in the world

Mother, Motherland, Family.

Didactic game "Guess where I am."

The teacher gives the children cut cards depicting famous places city ​​of Vladimir. Children collect and name what is shown in the picture.

Here we have answered your letter Kati: we chose the places that we would photograph, talked about them and why ours is called that city. I think that Katya and her friends will definitely want to see our native places. Now we’ll go for a walk and see what we can photograph on our site, we’ll put things in order around the buildings so that the photographs are beautiful.