Short congratulations on February 23 from the family

The arrival of the last winter month means not only the approach of the warm season. Very soon, all offices will congratulate male colleagues on their holiday. Which means it’s time to find new ones original congratulations from February 23, 2019. In our selection you will see beautiful wishes in prose in your own words, official congratulations and funny poems. By paying attention to your colleagues or partners, you will make your relationship warmer and more friendly.

  • Official congratulations on February 23, 2019
  • Congratulations in prose and in your own words on February 23, 2019
  • Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to colleagues
  • Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to men
  • Cool congratulations for February 23, 2019
  • Beautiful congratulations on February 23, 2019
  • New congratulations on February 23, 2019

Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male colleagues in the office and organizations

Very soon the holiday of all men will come on February 23rd. This means that the female half of the office will have to urgently figure out how to pay due attention to the male part of the team. Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male colleagues in the office and organizations, which can be sent by mail, will come to the rescue.

Ideas for official congratulations to colleagues at work and organizations on February 23, 2019

To you, real men,

We wish you great strength...

And so that you with this strength

Defended our peace and tranquility!

We will be happy and

Doubly calm

When guys are like this next to us...

So be you twice as happy,

Our colleagues, dear friends.

A man always strives for the heights,

He is ready to help if help is needed.

A man goes towards his goal

He fights, searches and rushes forward

A man is ready to argue with fate

Will withstand the battle of life with dignity.

And every man will not give up the fight

He is faithful to the Fatherland, he is true to himself.

Colleagues, today we congratulate you,

We wish you good luck, health and happiness

In the beautiful name MAN

It sounds like courage and honor,

To be inspired for no reason

Dream and mind - it's all there.

To be able to love, to give us happiness,

Sometimes being fickle:

Then leave, then come back

And at the same time love us!

May God always protect you

From lies, betrayal, deceit,

May fate be favorable to you,

Life will be complete, without flaws!

And let the words always sound

About you, the only ones, loved ones,

About those whom nature named

A wonderful name MAN!!!

I cordially congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day - a holiday that has absorbed rich and glorious military traditions, which personifies the courage and heroism of the defenders and liberators of our native land at all stages of its history. On this day, we again return in memory and heart to the formidable and unforgettable pages of the past in order to once again understand to whom we owe the peaceful sky above our heads, the opportunity to live and raise children and grandchildren. With all my heart I wish you peace, health and longevity, good spirits and family harmony, joy and goodness!

On February 23, the people of Russia celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this solemn day, we honor everyone who is involved in this high title, the same title for everyone: from gray-haired and decorated front-line soldiers to young people who have only recently donned military uniform. And this will not be disrupted even by the biggest changes in modern world. We have been and are witnessing radical changes that are taking place both here and throughout the world. Our society also lives in other dimensions. But we must not forget, discard everything that preceded it. The memory of our Victory is sacred. All those who wear honorary title Defender of the Fatherland, personify all stages of the development of our glorious army. Taking this opportunity, I would like to congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you good health, happiness, creative inspiration and success in the hard work of the defender of the Motherland.

A short congratulations to a man on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, 2019, in prose in your own words

On the men's holiday, it is customary to speak laudatory speeches and make toasts to the stronger half of humanity. A short congratulation to a man on Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, 2019, in prose in your own words, will be delivered at the most opportune time during a festive feast.

Options for congratulations in prose for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 for men

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be happy! Remain as brave, caring and reliable! May your arsenal never run out of luck, may your optimism never fade, and may your loved ones delight you with support. Bright victories and valiant achievements! Happy holiday!

It is not for nothing that Defender of the Fatherland Day itself has become a holiday for men. After all, for a real man, protecting and preserving his loved ones is as natural as breathing. Therefore, on this holiday I want to congratulate you, a courageous and strong man who is not afraid of difficulties, on whom the Motherland, friends and loved ones can count in difficult times. And I wish you never to encounter difficulties in life that you cannot cope with!

My dear, beloved person, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I cannot express in words the quiet happiness that I have you, my wall, my support. Always be as bright and kind. Give us, your loved ones, your warmth. I wish you health and much, much joy.

Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, your willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, to know your boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

Today the strong half of our Motherland has a holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, which means it’s time to congratulate and praise our dear men without sparing epithets! In a solemn moment, we collectively wish to always be in the ranks, even if you have never been a general, to be brave and reasonable in every decision, moderately serious and good-naturedly cheerful!

Short congratulations on February 23, 2019 to colleagues at work

In the bustle of the office during gray everyday life, do not forget about the existence of national holidays where you can have a lot of fun. It is enough to send a short congratulations to your colleagues at work on February 23, 2019 to make them happy.

Options for short congratulations for colleagues in the office on February 23, 2019 in your own words

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in your families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that your fighting qualities will never come in handy in your life, and that we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

Dear colleagues, Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you strength of spirit, courage and perseverance. Victories on all fronts: both at work and in Everyday life. I wish you to move with firm steps towards achieving your goals. And let all obstacles give way when you approach. May good luck always accompany you, may fortune smile on you and everything works out!

Happy holiday! Let life's wisdom, a subtle sense of humor, courageous actions and sincere conversations be on your path. No disappointments, insults or misunderstandings. Remain reliable and successful people, devoted colleagues, good comrades and individual personalities. Enjoy life, do good and never refuse help.

Dear men, colleagues, happy February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and matters are resolved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, irresistible men! Congratulations on the holiday of February 23! We wish that your health does not fail you and remains strong and invincible! Vigor of spirit and body, beauty and perfection, love and understanding to you, kindness and warmth from family and friends! We wish you great success in your work, inspiration and excitement, busy everyday life and joyful weekends and holidays! And also high salaries and love from family!

Congratulations in verse on the upcoming February 23, 2019 to men

Original poems always sound unusual and fun on such a solemn holiday. Congratulations in verse on the upcoming February 23, 2019 to men will pleasantly surprise the stronger half of your team.

Ideas for congratulations in verse for the upcoming February 23, 2019 for men

Happy upcoming holiday to our men!

You are our defenders - all as one.

You protect the elderly, women, children

We wish you peaceful and joyful days.

For the Fatherland, you are all as one - sons.

And believe me, they call you that for a reason.

May the Motherland be kind to you,

And so that from now on you only have to shoot at the shooting range.

All men will praise

There is something to love you for!


Let you

There will be a large reserve of strength,

To work, relax,

Protect your dear ladies!

Guys, defenders, fighters,

You are endowed with strength and courage,

Serve bravely the people and the country,

Always keep your honor high!

Deep bow to your mothers,

Good luck, success and recognition to you,

In the hearts of love, and in life inspiration,

May all your goals and aspirations come true!

Hooray! The twenty-third is coming, coming!

“Hurray” stuns the country three times!

Defender, hooray!

Congratulations, good luck!

From life there is only an accurate and necessary presentation!

The most faithful, cheerful and honest friends,

And beautiful, sedate, charming women!

The salary is large, so it lasts for a long time,

There is a lot of luck in life!

Our dear defenders, there is no one more reliable and beautiful than you.

On the eve of Fatherland Day, we congratulate you now.

We appreciate you, always respect you, and wish you happiness and peace.

Witnesses of your courage, this is what they noted for themselves:

You can move mountains, clear a littered path,

To intimidate the enemy to order, so that only the heels sparkle.

It's not scary with you guys.

Your backs are what we need!

Behind them it’s comfortable, cozy, it’s a pity that for some reason you can’t see their faces.

Funny congratulations and pictures for February 23, 2019 with humor

To amuse your male colleagues or acquaintances, just send them funny congratulations and pictures for February 23, 2019 with humor. This greeting looks funny and unobtrusive.

Options for short congratulations with humor and funny cards for February 23, 2019

Beautiful cards and congratulations on February 23, 2019 to a man

A hundred years ago, for the holiday on February 23, it was customary to present themed cards. And although a lot has changed since then, beautiful cards and congratulations on February 23, 2019 are still given to men on this day.

Collection of beautiful cards with congratulations for men on February 23

New short congratulations on February 23, 2019, Defender of the Fatherland Day

On February 23, every girl dreams of congratulating her dear man in an original way. We have selected new ones short congratulations from February 23, 2019, so that you can surprise a loved one on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

New ideas for short congratulations for February 23, 2019

We congratulate you, dear defenders,

May your hopes, dreams, dreams come true,

And the dashing days will never disturb you,

Live in a world full of beauty!

On this holiday in February

I want to always be at the helm.

Walk your life's path with dignity,

Don't stumble along the way!

Defenders of the Fatherland, today,

We congratulate you only.

We wish you hundreds of wonderful days,

Let the fire in your eyes not go out.

May you always sparkle with happiness,

We never felt the need for anything.

So that even the slightest bad weather can bypass you,

And the blessings brought you rich fruits.

I want to congratulate you on All Men’s Day,

You have always been an example of courage,

Let everything in the world be within your reach,

And in every matter you will be the first!

I want to congratulate you on Men's Day!

I wish your wishes come true,

And so that you can't find reasons

For sadness or disappointment.

Let everything go well in work and life,

And the coins are always jingling in my wallet,

Let life be a gray run and bustle

The days will be filled with rainbow colors!

The eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day is the “hottest” time to prepare for a holiday in the office or away corporate event. Thus, the female half of the team traditionally thinks about and then implements grandiose plans to congratulate men at work on February 23, 2019. We bring to your attention a selection of beautiful congratulations - official in prose in your own words, cool poems with humor. In addition, you can send bright messages to each colleague on February 23 Greeting Cards and pictures from our new collection. Happy upcoming celebration, dear men!

Official congratulations on February 23, 2019 to male employees and organizations

In honor of the holiday on February 23, many managers offer congratulations, addressing sincere warm words to male employees. Our collection contains beautiful official congratulations on February 23, 2019 - they can also be sent to the organization’s business partners, clients, and customers.

A selection of official congratulations to men on February 23

Dear Colleagues! Accept the most my sincere congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness, confidence in tomorrow and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

Dear men! We want to congratulate you, our defenders - everyone who protects us every day from difficulties, adversity and unnecessary problems. Men who, in case of danger, will always come to the aid of their friends and colleagues, family and relatives. I wish you health, strength of spirit and wisdom of heart!

Dear partners! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you peaceful skies, great achievements, many opportunities, victories on all fronts. Let all your goals be achieved, your ideas come true and everything that is planned happen!

We are very pleased with our cooperation. For a long time now, we can safely rely on your strong male support. I wish that our interaction would always be fruitful and as successful. Let your profits grow and multiply. Let your positive reputation help you attract new partners. Happy men's holiday on February 23!

Today is the day when all men remember their duty to the Fatherland and the fact that on their shoulders is the responsibility for the safety of their loved ones. May this responsibility always be a joy to you! I wish you successful undertakings, conquered peaks, fresh strength for new achievements, due rewards and good rest!

A short sincere congratulation on February 23, 2019 in prose in your own words

In 2019, Defender of the Fatherland Day will celebrate its 100th anniversary. Having gone through such a difficult path, the holiday still occupies a special place in the hearts of people - as a memory of the events that laid the foundation new history our country. On this day, all men, without exception, receive a lot of congratulations, words of gratitude and admiration from their beloved wives, mothers, and colleagues at work. Choosing short sincere congratulations on February 23, take a look at our selection - in prose, in your own words, it is best to express your most sincere feelings to the “heroes” of the occasion.

How to briefly congratulate men on February 23, 2019 in your own words

I solemnly congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish the stronger sex true masculine endurance, patience and perseverance beautiful women. Be healthy, always in peace and safety, determined, cheerful and heroically strong. Let there be order, harmony, unity of souls and love in everyday life and personal life!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I sincerely wish that any problem would be a trifle, that any obstacle to success would be an easily overcome barrier. Always be purposeful, witty, resourceful, courageous, confident and invincible.

Dear representatives of the stronger sex, may your shoulder always be reliable, your hand strong, and your mind clear. We wish you to constantly experience a feeling of triumph in life, the joy of fruitful work, a sense of family happiness, care and understanding. Be healthy and successful!

I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and sincerely wish you never to stand still, but to constantly move forward, achieve great success, turn your plans and ideas into reality, reach significant heights in your career, love, social and personal life.

Congratulations to the strong half of humanity on the wonderful February holiday, designed to honor real men! We wish you to be a reliable support to your family and friends, to enjoy life in all its manifestations, to demonstrate will, endurance and the desire to win in difficult situations. Be healthy, loved and successful!

Congratulations on February 23, 2019 to work colleagues in postcards and pictures

With the arrival of February, many have already taken a break from the New Year and Christmas holidays and are ready to celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. As a rule, such an important event as the main men's holiday is celebrated on a grand scale not only within the family circle, but also at work. If you want to congratulate your male colleagues in an original way, send each beautiful postcard or a picture with best wishes. Undoubtedly, such congratulations on February 23, 2019 in postcards will put you in a festive mood and bring a touch of carefree and fun into office everyday life.

Pictures from a postcard with congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

Touching congratulations to men on February 23, 2019 in verse

The twenty-third of February at work can be celebrated in such a way that the event will be remembered for a long time by everyone present. When creating your script, be sure to include touching congratulations from February 23 to men in verse - from the options presented below. Let your colleagues feel like real heroes of the day, reliable defenders, loyal knights.

We choose congratulation poems for male colleagues on the upcoming February 23

On this solemn date
I congratulate the men.
In civil and military life
You are our most reliable rear;

For beloved women - support
(Brides, wives, sisters, mothers);
Your advice, your kind eye and smile
They will help you on the most difficult of days.

Thank you for being there!
From the Defender of the Motherland in the afternoon!
We wish you health and happiness,
And have fun living with a sparkle!

Longevity to our men
We wish on this day.
After all, on the threshold - Twenty-third!
Lilacs bloom in the souls of men.

They are congratulated and kissed,
They wish you happiness and love.
Men are pampered with gifts,
And all the remaining days:

They prepare a very tasty dinner,
Children are born expensive.
Everything so that you don’t feel sad,
I wouldn’t trade it for others!

The strongest, the bravest,
Smart, sensitive, kind, loyal...
We simply cannot count all your qualities!
We are very glad to have you.

Today we congratulate you together,
We wish you success, good luck and prosperity.
Your February day has now arrived,
May it give you health and strength!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.

Brave, honest, even courageous,
Smart, kind, fearless at heart.
With a woman - gentle, in business - serious,
All the tasks are difficult for you.

We congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
Roy kind words let it swirl above you:
Happiness, health, love and patience,
Faith, good luck, hope, luck!

Cool congratulations on February 23, 2019 with humor

There are many jokes, gags and pranks associated with Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, most often, men receive cool congratulations on February 23rd with humor from their female colleagues - poetry, a funny postcard for email, short SMS. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day 2019, we have selected several cool congratulations in poetry and prose.

Options for funny humorous congratulations on February 23

Be young today
Start it all with a cucumber
Eat some herring
Polish everything with vodka,
Five hundred grams, or half a liter,
Holiday understand the palette,
Let it not be the salad that helps,
You wait for the fireworks brother,
And here is the second one,
Let's celebrate, dear!

February 23 is the best day of the calendar!
The men, in the heat of excitement, ferment until March 8th.
And then, like our grandfathers, they go into battle until Victory Day!
Well, there, between us, New Year not far away!

Please accept congratulations
February 23,
Fun awaits all the men,
The whole family gives gifts.

Let him stock up on humor
To sincerely thank
After all, he will have to
Keep memories.

I wish you to swell with luck,
And not from beer and barbecue,
And be in a great mood
Leave the sofa for later.

Let's salute a worthy guy! You are a man, a hero! On this February day, we sing a hymn praising your brave heart and fearless soul. Let life please you with incessant money attacks, stunning volleys of love and fireworks from bright events.

I wish you a glorious walk, our protector, on February 23rd with all my heart. Let the champagne flow like a river and the laughter of beauties be groovy. So that the money in your pocket does not run out and the fun continues forever. I wish you real friends, faithful wife and a complete absence of failures in life.

Beautiful congratulations on the upcoming February 23rd to men at work

We spend a significant part of the day at work, in the circle of our family. Therefore, over time, colleagues become almost family people with whom it is pleasant to communicate and celebrate any holiday. So, a beautiful congratulation on February 23 will appeal to all male employees - happy birthday to you!

Texts of beautiful congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day to colleagues in the office

We warmly congratulate you,
Happy Army and Navy Day,
Let there be joy in
What someone remembers, honors and loves.

And let a smile flash
And let the wrinkles smooth out,
And let spring sing in the soul,
Today is your holiday, men.

Twenty third of February
Red calendar day!
We want to congratulate the men,
And glorify the heroes in them!
Wish you great happiness,
Protect yourself from bad weather!
Family peace,
Salary without interruption,
Health for many years,
And the weather is always clear!

On this February holiday of men
I wish you not to be sad for no reason,
Do not know grief and do not know sadness,
So that your eyes shine with happiness!

I wish you to live in peace and harmony,
And your wives loved you reverently,
So that the house is a rich, full cup,
And may your wishes come true!

Dear defender!
I cordially congratulate you on your holiday! Wish You happiness and health. May luck be yours guiding star! Be a Man with a capital M, a real support for your loved ones! Never give up and just go forward!

The best day for men is February 23! Congratulations on the holiday, have a great holiday in friendly company. May all your plans come true and may your spirits rise! All the best to you!

New congratulations on February 23, 2019 on video

Men will be happy to appreciate a beautiful congratulations on February 23, 2019 - in the video you will find new holiday ideas.

Video with new congratulations for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

So, here are the most beautiful congratulations from February 23, 2019 to male colleagues at work - official organizations in prose in your own words, funny with humor in verse, traditional and new, pictures and postcards. Happy upcoming Defender of the Fatherland Day!

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We are happy to congratulate you on February 23
We are all the valiant defenders of the country,
And even though your military work is sometimes difficult,
We know for sure that you are faithful to your oath,
For courage and honor - low bow to you
And heartfelt words of gratitude,
We sincerely wish happiness to your loved ones,
And success in all your endeavors – to you personally!


Every year in last month winter
There is a special reason for the holiday,
And we are happy to congratulate you on February’s day
All of you, our real men!
Let poems and songs sound in your honor,
Glorifying valor, courage and strength,
How great it is that you men exist!
Congratulations on February 23!


February 23rd comes again,
We warmly congratulate you, men,
And thank you for being ready.
Always give us a strong shoulder!
If necessary, we can do it without reserve.
You give yourself to your family, to your work,
We wish you health and prosperity
And, of course, never lose heart!


February 23rd is coming,
This day is a symbol of courage and honor,
We will congratulate you on this holiday
And we will celebrate it together with you!
We can’t convey all the emotions in prose, -
Let there be poems and songs today,
May a lucky star rise for you,
Life will become much brighter and more interesting!


We are all solemn and friendly
On the day of February 23rd,
Father, colleague, son, husband -
We will congratulate the man,
Whether he was in the army or not,
We know: if suddenly there is trouble,
So that the sky remains peaceful,
He is ready to give his life,
We feel calm and safe with him,
He protects us from harm
We wish you in our difficult life
Bright successes and victories!


Husbands, bosses, colleagues and fathers,
Friends, nephews and other men,
You are all heroes, supermen, well done,
Which means we have a reason to celebrate!
Let's celebrate February 23rd together,
And let from warm congratulations the snow will melt,
Let life help you fulfill your dreams,
And let every day be happy for you!


You don't need to be inspired to do great things,
You can easily solve all problems,
That's why February 23
We always consider it a special holiday:
This is a holiday of wonderful men,
Those that we were lucky enough to meet in life,
May fate never upset you,
Let the sun shine on this February day like in summer!


You are the best that humanity has, -
We tell you today with love,
Indeed, at an hour when the Fatherland is in danger,
You will overshadow the Motherland with yourself!
Doubts and fears are unknown to you,
We never tire of admiring you,
May life always please you with victories
And every new day brings happiness!


It's February for us wonderful holiday gave,
Once again there is a reason for warm congratulations,
Today we speak with all our hearts
Let me tell you that we really appreciate you, men!
May the holiday bring only joy,
Let the snow and ice melt from warm words,
May luck accompany you in everything,
Every day will be the happiest for you!


Once again a holiday, strict and beautiful,
Comes to us at the end of winter,
And the smartest, kindest, strongest -
We want to congratulate the men!
They, without playing heroes,
They will be able to repel the enemy,
They despise danger
And they don’t run away from work,
Always ready to help people
And they know what honor is...
We appreciate you and love you very much,
And, thank God that you exist!


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Defender of the Fatherland Day is a great occasion to “pamper” men with attention, gifts and kind words congratulations, most good wishes. Indeed, only next to our strong, faithful and reliable men can you feel a real woman– tender, fragile, loving. In honor of the upcoming holiday, we recommend preparing short congratulations on February 23 in poetry and prose in your own words to your dad, beloved husband, friend, classmates. Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear men!

For every child, the father is the main person, a real example and support in life. Indeed, behind the stern appearance of many dads there is a kindness hidden loving heart who always hurts for her children. Therefore, the most beautiful short congratulations on February 23 in verse can be dedicated to your beloved dad - from your daughter, son.

A collection of short congratulations for dads on February 23 from children

Today different men are congratulated,
But I don’t want to congratulate everyone,
My only defender and let everyone know
And I can give this title to dad!

Only for you, my beloved daddy,
Who else but you will save the family,
And you yourself be a guarded angel,
Happy holiday, I love you so much!

Dad, the best in the world,
Happy Defender of the Country Day,
Congratulations to your children,
All children need dads!
You are a special example for us,
Behind you, like behind a wall!
We know no malice from you!
Happy holiday to you, dear!

The best and bravest,
The kindest of fathers,
Today is a very important day!
Fathers Day and Fighters Day!

From February 23
We congratulate you!
For kindness, love and affection,
And for your fatherly advice
We wish you, our dear
Health, happiness, long years!

Dear and dear daddy!
Happy 23rd, honey!
Good luck! Hello! Let everything work out!
And it will be a happy and joyful day.
Life is easy and pleasant in the world
Among the closest, beloved people!

Short congratulations to men on February 23 in prose in your own words

On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, men all over the country are preparing to accept gifts and words of congratulations, and be surprised by pleasant surprises. So, short congratulations on February 23 in prose will be an excellent holiday toast or a touching SMS message to your beloved husband, brother, friend, dad.

How to congratulate men in prose on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

Congratulations on February 23 and I wish you to be a real and fair man in any situation, to perform courageous deeds for the Motherland and to give your love to your loved ones.

Dear men, we congratulate you on the holiday of February 23. We wish you good health, endless happiness, good luck and more often hear pleasant words from others.

Happy holiday! Be healthy, our defender and true patriot. May you have the best luck. More real miracles and magic in life. I wish that you never need anything, that you have everything in full - money, happiness, health, love, wisdom, courage and success.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, happy holiday, dear men! Thank you for the warmth and confidence in the future that you give us. May your cheerfulness, optimism and love of life continue to delight us!

Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! Be brave, persistent, courageous and ready to protect your loved ones from any trouble! I'm proud to have you next to me a real man, whom I can always rely on!

Cool short congratulations on February 23 to men in verse

The twenty-third of February is one of the most popular domestic holidays, the history of which goes back almost 100 years. On this wonderful day, men of all ages and professions listen to a lot of congratulations from their beloved wives, mothers, sisters and classmates. So, cool funny short congratulations on February 23 in verse will emphasize the unique spirit of the holiday and will raise the mood of every man.

A collection of cool short congratulations in verse for February 23

Even if on uniform

You have one star
We'll open a five-star one,
May you always be healthy!

Let the girls adore
Great success awaits you
Commanders respect.
Happy February 23rd!

Imagine opening a gift
And you look forward to pleasure,
And there's lotion or socks,
And you are burning with melancholy!

Don't let this happen
They give more expensive things,
What you need!
Happy February 23rd!

You are men and that says it all,
Your merits are told.
Be happy always and everywhere,
And may luck be served to you on a platter!

Happy Men's Day!
In business you are invincible to everyone,
Strong, brave, very smart.
I wish you happiness always and in everything!

Men, our protectors,
You have valor without a drop of falsehood,
Confidence and efficiency
Smiling, honesty, openness!

Keep all these qualities,
After all, you are the best on the planet,
And of course we will notice you!
Good health to you! And from 23!

Short official congratulations to men on February 23 in prose

In honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day, special events– with congratulations on behalf of the company management and the presentation of symbolic gifts. Here are short official congratulations on February 23 in prose to respect male colleagues, bosses, and business partners.

Options for short official congratulations in your own words for February 23

The army is the defense of the country from enemies. Every man is a defender not only of his country, but also of everything that is dear to him. I wish you, dear men, to protect everything that rightfully belongs to you and everything that is dear to your heart. Try to be confident in yourself, not be afraid of anything and always walk with your head held high.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. I wish you coziness and comfort. Let an atmosphere of love and happiness reign in your families. I wish you to be happy with your children. May you have confidence in the future, and may war never come to your home.

Today is an excellent reason to congratulate our dear men. Thank them for their courage, courage, unsurpassed nobility and generosity. We wish you new victories, fulfillment of desires and eternal youth!

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you good luck and victories in business, and peace and prosperity in your home. And we also wish you optimism and vigor so that you can always move forward - towards new projects and new achievements!

Dear men, in addition to the fact that you know how to fight, defend the country and families, you can be economical, sensitive, understanding and talented. Each of you has your own shortcomings and advantages. Everyone has their own set of talents. I wish you to acquire new skills, not be afraid of change, and to be men whose actions speak, not their words.

Short congratulations on February 23 to boys in our classmates

The tradition of congratulating classmates on Defender of the Fatherland Day is rooted in our Soviet past. However, today many schools are preparing surprises, short congratulations on February 23 - for boys from girls in the class.

Examples of short congratulations in poetry and prose on February 23 to boys

Happy February 23, boys, congratulations!
We wish you heroic strength from the bottom of our hearts!
What do we need Supermen, Spider-Man,
After all, our heroes are you guys!
With you, we are not afraid of any hooligans,
And with all our hearts we are proud of you!
May everything in your life be just great,
And someday, and tomorrow, and now!

Congratulations on February 23rd,
And on your life's journey
We wish you all the best,
And, of course, just go forward!

Today we congratulate our guys -
Defenders of the future of our fatherland.
We pin our hopes on them
For peace and tranquility of our future life.

We wish you many beautiful victories,
Great achievements under good beginnings.
And for at least a thousand years
Our friendship blossomed, grew and grew stronger.

My dear classmates and future defenders! Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to become real men and defenders, to be brave, honest, fair and loyal to your country and people. I wish you health, strength and perseverance, hard work. May you be lucky in life to find kind and sympathetic people, I wish you, my dears, success in all your endeavors and happiness in love.

Our dear classmates, so that you can pull our braids, we braided them tighter in honor of the holiday. To make it more fun for you to carry our briefcases, we have thoroughly loaded them with textbooks. To ensure that you all get excellent grades, we will let you write off homework. Happy February 23rd to you, our beloved boys!

Defender of the Fatherland Day is just around the corner, so it’s time to prepare short congratulations on February 23 in poetry and prose in your own words - to your dad, beloved husband, boyfriend, friend, classmate. To all men - have a cool, happy holiday!

Voice congratulations on February 23 from Putin by phone

Short musical audio congratulations for February 23

Funny congratulations on February 23rd for men, short

Congratulations on February 23
We hurry all men!
All your smiles today are not in vain,
There are 100 reasons for this!

You give care and warmth.
You are courage, reliability and success!
It's simple and easy for us to be with you!
The path in life will be joy, happiness, laughter!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Let your dreams come true
Let love to infinity
Gives the joy of warmth.

May goodness and inspiration
Makes the heart sing
Let a true heart help
Protect from all troubles!

Funny congratulations on February 23, short

Dear our strong, brave, reliable men! We congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, when we honor the stronger sex and thank them for their support and support. Always be healthy, confident, wealthy and prosperous.

Funny short congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

You saluted, you fulfilled your duty,
You are brave and courageous
You don't care about adversity -
There's no fear anywhere with you!

So be healthy, no problems
Be happy, rich,
Stay united with your family -
That's all you need in life!

Congratulations on February 23, funny short

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to sincerely wish you true courage and good health, courage of the soul and courage of the heart, noble deeds and great goals, excellent luck and brilliant prospects in life.

Short congratulations on February 23rd to a man

To be a rock, a wall, a support, a protection. Bold, courageous, courageous and reliable. Be able to make important and responsible decisions, not get lost and be confident in yourself. I wish all this on Defender of the Fatherland Day, congratulations on the holiday!

Congratulations on February 23 in your own words, short

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. On this day I wish you courage, sobriety of mind, sharpness of vision. May the sky always be clear and peaceful, and may no events contribute to putting a weapon in your hands!

Congratulations on February 23 with short humor

You are my hero, you are my man,
And on a special day in February
There is an undeniable reason
Happy holiday to you.

With such a defender you're not afraid
Fate blow or whim.
Always be strong and brave -
This is your motto in life!

Funny short congratulations on February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you wit and courage, ingenuity and strength, confidence and good luck. May your life have the tactics of success and the strategy for happiness of a real man.

Short congratulations on February 23rd to dad

On this wonderful day, I can wish a man a life worthy of the proud flight of an eagle, which achieves its goal without looking back at small birds, and overcomes all obstacles in any situation. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Short congratulations on February 23 to classmates

For a peaceful clear sky
We should be grateful to you
Our beloved men,
This is a priceless gift!

For courage, valor, bravery
We want to congratulate you today
Happy February twenty-third day,
Happy real men's day!

Congratulations on February 23 to men, short prose

All congratulations to you, heroes,
Defenders of the Fatherland are dashing!
Nice for the ladies, no matter what you say,
That there are such knights nearby!

You are like eagles, and under your wings
We feel so safe
We are very sincerely proud now
And we wish to be invincible!

Short official congratulations to men on February 23

Favorite defenders, from February 23. I wish you, no matter what, remain a man with a capital “M”. Family happiness, prosperity and prosperity to your families.

Congratulations on February 23rd to your beloved one, short

On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Allow me to wish
Bright sun, clear sky,
May there be grace everywhere!

Be strong and beautiful
Never give up.
And try to make the girls nice
We were always happy with you!

Postcards from February 23rd short SMS

Congratulations on February 23rd short SMS to a friend

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Happy February 23rd!
I wish you happiness
Let it happen more often
Lots and lots of positivity
Let the sun shine brighter.
Let charisma impress
The spirit of a man does not suffer,
And you are always lucky.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23, short, funny, funny

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
Congratulations to all the men.
Will, courage, success,
I wish you a lot of strength.

I wish you clear skies
Strong friendship and love.
I congratulate you on your day,
Dedicating poems to you!

Short congratulations on February 23 to my husband

All defenders today,
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts,
And for the blue sky,
We say “Thank you” to you.

Let the Fatherland be calm,
It will be every day of the year
Heroes will defend the country,
They will take away the trouble!

Short beautiful congratulations on February 23 to a colleague

I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you a good mood and optimism of the soul, good luck and good health, patriotic ideas and courage of heart, the desire for good and good happiness.

Congratulations on February 23, short and beautiful

It's not very nice in our country.
It's alive, to be honest.
Corruption has opened its stinking mouth
He's laughing worse and worse.

But we also need to defend such a Motherland
From evil and from sum
Well, we need to defend such a Motherland
And that’s why she needs you!

Congratulations on February 23, short in prose

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and with all my heart I wish you to live in complete harmony and happiness, be respected and always remain a true hero. May fate give you many chances for a great victory, may life flow as a long and cheerful river.

Congratulations on February 23rd are short

Let this snow be fluffy
It will sweep away troubles.
And in return he will give you laughter
And souls fly!

Short congratulations on February 23 to colleagues

We have only one Motherland,
I knew the joys, in the past, and the troubles.
Like our ancestors, at all times,
Protect it until victory.

Its power is only in your hearts,
The beauty of incomparable spaces.
Only you, if necessary, help,
She can do it. If only not soon.

Funny short congratulations on February 23 to a friend

Dear men, we congratulate you on the men's holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you a reliable rear and peaceful skies above your head. And so that the Motherland does not blush for you, and you for the Motherland!

Short congratulations on February 23 to a friend

Happy men's holiday
I congratulate you,
Be brave and fighting
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

May your health be good,
Increasing - income,
Be businesslike and tenacious
Always move forward!

Short congratulations on February 23 to grandfather

Brave defender, our hero,
We are very proud of you!
Everyone will congratulate you: family, friends,
Happy February 23rd!

May all wishes come true,
And in life you will meet happiness,
There will always be true friends at your side,
And a happy family will be waiting at home!

Short congratulations on February 23rd to brother

Happy twenty third of February
I hasten to congratulate you.
Let everything be “excellent”:
Get lucky in person and with cash!

More happiness and love,
May your dreams come true!
Always walk with a smile,
Go ahead and don't make a mistake!

Funny short congratulations to a man on February 23

Congratulations to the men of all Russia,
All defenders of our country.
Be brave, healthy, beautiful,
Noble, brave, strong.

Let the wing of the black bird fight
Will not touch your native shoulder,
May you not have any sorrows
And the candle of love will not go out!

Funny short congratulations to colleagues on February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you imperial victories, deputy salaries, heroic strength, heroic courage, angelic patience, unearthly love and true happiness!

Congratulations on February 23 funny short

Happy Defenders of the Fatherland Day! I wish you a lot of strength, good luck, good health and luck! Let your physical strength never leave you, but physical training not useful for use!

Congratulations on February 23rd SMS short prose

Dear men! You are an attentive, reasonable and protective half of humanity! It is thanks to you that women know what sound sleep and a calm heart are. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Congratulations on February 23, funny short SMS

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
I congratulate you.
After all, for the benefit of humanity
You served nights without sleeping.

So may you be healthy
Will never leave
Well, next to the headboard
Your angel will always be there.

Congratulations on February 23 official short

On this courageous holiday, I would like to wish you health, good luck in your service, and career growth! So that they always wait at home and have a reliable rear. Peaceful sky above your head, remaining a protector and support for your family!

Short congratulations on February 23 to your boss

On the day of courage and maturity,
On the day of pride and courage,
I want to wish men
Confessions and fidelity!

For your friends to wait
Friends didn't betray me
Parents didn't cry
And the money... quietly dripped.

Congratulations on February 23rd to men short poems

Happy Defender's Day! May your fortitude and health be heroic. We wish that in life there will always be a place for heroic deeds, that you will always be surrounded by reliable, trusted friends. May everything always work out and your wishes come true.

Congratulations on February 23rd to men short SMS

Sincerely since February 23
Congratulations, my friend!
May this winter day of the calendar
He warms you with his care.

Let joy and comfort surround you,
Happiness and inspiration never leave.
May all your endeavors bring success
And the mood will certainly be bright.

Short congratulations on February 23rd for children

Happy Defender of the Fatherland. May your strength not sleep, may your heart be full of courage and love, may your life be full of opportunities and success. I wish you to be healthy, strong, brave, a real hero and an undoubted winner.

Congratulations on February 23rd for children short

I congratulate you on February 23rd.
This is what I wish for all defenders:
A sky of peace, kindness, happiness and good luck.
May you be able to handle difficult tasks.
And let there be peace in the houses, the rear is very important.
Let them greet you with a smile even in the middle of the night.

Congratulations on February 23 in short verses

Who will defend the country skillfully?
Who will stand up boldly for Russia?
Congratulations for you today,
From a pure heart with excitement.

We wish you more health,
Peaceful days as long as possible.
Let your family wait for you at home,
Let troubles pass!

Short congratulations to school on February 23

The whole earth turned white,
The snow is flying and spinning.
Twenty third of February,
There's a knock on our door.

Congratulations to all men,
We give them gifts.
Let everyone be loved
And hot love to you!

Beautiful short congratulations on February 23 to men

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you to be a modern knight, a hero for loved ones, a brave commander by nature and a brave soldier at heart. Don’t lose your strength and confidence, strive for success and boldly conquer the expanses of glory.

Short video congratulations on February 23

You are our support, protection,
And pride at all times.
You and I live peacefully,
And let it always be.

You will defend the Fatherland,
The country where you and I live.
Let me quickly congratulate you
Happy holiday to you!

Short congratulations on February 23rd

There are many holidays in the world,
The most masculine is only one.
Our dear defenders
Today we want to congratulate you.

Be healthy, rich,
May you have enough strength for everything!
Happiness and love will be nearby
Life will pass through in joy!

Short congratulations on February 23rd SMS

You are a protector who is always on guard. You are a wall behind which neither rain, nor blizzard, nor wind are afraid. Be happy, healthy and strong. Let adversity not weigh you down. May your strong shoulders never bend under the weight of life.

Short congratulations on February 23 by name

Congratulations to the strongest, most courageous, worthy man on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Thank you for beeing. You give confidence in the future. May everything always be fine.

Short congratulations on February 23 to male colleagues

Wonderful, funny,
Our respect and respect,
On Defender's Day we please
Express your admiration.

Always be with us,
Protect from adversity
A large detachment
Protect our people.

Short congratulations on February 23 to men

There is a reason to congratulate you -
You are a wonderful man.
Reliable, strong, businesslike,
Confident, hero!

And on Defender of the Fatherland Day
I wish you a happy life
Luck to give you wings
And it gave me an incentive to perform great deeds!

Short congratulations on February 23rd pictures

Defenders of the Fatherland,
Worthy men
We heartily congratulate you,
And we want to wish
Endurance, tenacity,
Fearlessness in everything.
And strength without cruelty,
Go your own way.
Let them always wait for you at home,
They'll hug you in the evening.
Stay strong!

Short congratulations for boys on February 23

Our valiant defenders,
We warmly congratulate you,
You are always our winners,
We believe in your strong shoulder.

Let our world not be disturbed by wars,
May the dawn not be bloody,
We can live peacefully next to you,
Be happy for a thousand years!

Short personalized congratulations on February 23

To be a defender means to be an indicator of courage and fortitude. And you, like no one else, are able to show incredible strength and perseverance. Therefore, I congratulate you on this great holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Children's congratulations on February 23rd to dad are short

Happy February 23rd!
Keeping loyalty to the homeland,
You, defenders of the Fatherland,
Don't spare your lives.
We wish peace to the whole planet,
So that children do not know war.
Be kind and brave
Skilled in military matters,
Strong heroes
Worthy of true glory!

February 23, short congratulations to men with humor

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you to always stay afloat and never retreat from your goal. May any difficulties be easily overcome, may you achieve a brilliant victory every time. Be brave, confident and invulnerable.
To defend one's native country -
This is pride and honor.
Congratulations on the 23rd,
May it bring joy.

May brave men
Our love is felt
More often they strive for achievement
For dreams and for love!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave goals and great victories, confident strength and good health, courage of heart and nobility of soul, good luck and mutual love.
Let the February frosts be nothing,
Let your soul be filled with courage
And troubles, troubles and threats
Let them not cost a penny!

Be full of strength, courage and honor,
Support and protection for people,
Do not be tempted by meanness and flattery,
Don't offend those who are weaker than you!
Happy Defender's Day, friends
I congratulate you!
Many warmest words
I wish you.

So that hope warms,
And fate was watching over you.
So that you don't know grief,
May there be spring in your soul!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish from the bottom of my heart strong strength and nerves of steel, gallant luck and great victories, good deeds and nobility of soul, unquenchable happiness and mutual love.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! From the bottom of my heart I wish you only the best. May your health improve, your love never leave you, and may good luck always accompany you on your life’s journey.
From February 23
I congratulate you.
All the country's defenders
This day should be celebrated.

You simply have no equal
So be healthy for a hundred years
Bright, brave and energetic.
And always optimistic!
On this special winter day
I congratulate the men so that
Wish them not to get bored
And defend the fatherland.

Let your strength grow all the time,
Let your enemies go to their graves,
Under your protection, warriors,
Our life will be calm!
I want to congratulate all the defenders of the country,
You are our support, protectors-men!
You are our pride, valor, glory,
The power rests on you.

I wish you health and courage,
Keep your sword ready!
May your wives appreciate you immensely,
And you love women right.
Happy twenty-third of February,
My dear protector,
I hasten to congratulate you,
To say that you are only my hero!

I wish you to remain brave
To be the best of men
Success awaits you in any business,
Always be number one!
I congratulate you
From February 23rd.
Always be healthy
Never be sad!

Be strong, irresistible,
The bravest and most beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let your dreams come true!
Defender of the Motherland is a man,
There is a reason to congratulate you.
Be short, honest and strong
So that the home is protected.

I wish you to be loved
Always make you happy with a smile
Indispensable for the homeland,
After all, you can’t go anywhere without protection!

Funny short congratulations on February 23

Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you agility and strength, courage and daring, confidence and invulnerability. I wish to be a general in life, and in relation to my destiny, a gallant commander. Success and good luck on all fronts.
I want to congratulate the men
From February 23rd.
You are the honor and pride of the whole country,
Faithful sons of the fatherland.
You every day and at any hour
Are you ready to close us down?
I wish you endless happiness,
And a peaceful life, without fighting,
I wish you peace, silence
I am for you, defenders of the country.
On this day I want to congratulate you
Wish everything was great of course
So that you don't worry about anything in vain
So that there are only people nearby,

For whom you are the very support
Strong and calm like a rock
Clicking the shutter handle
In general, since February 23.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate the men.
Endless happiness to all of you,
Let troubles go away like smoke.

Be cheerful, healthy,
May luck find you.
And keep it above your head
Only joy awaits ahead.
From February 23,
Real men!
Without wasting time,
We wish you joy and strength,

Happiness, peace and goodness,
So that the sky is clear.
So that unnecessary blues
It didn’t interfere with living with meaning!
It ends with age
Carefree youth.
Defend the fatherland -
The duty is honorable.

There is no peace yet
Where anger is sown.
On your defenders
I would like to hope.

And they go into the army,
Boys of yesterday
Becoming men
Leaving home life.
Bear the title of defender with honor, set an example with your courage and courage, justice and gallant deeds. Give back your debt to the Motherland with dignity, be a support for your family and everyone who needs support. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Congratulations to the most faithful,
Strong in spirit and brave.
Many beautiful and bold words
We wish you, it is very important
So that the strength does not diminish,
Didn't care about anything
May luck embrace you
The whole country congratulates you!
Be a brave guy in any situation, be the main leader in any race, be a brave hero in any situation in life. I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and wish you to be of strong spirit and health, beautiful body and soul.
I congratulate you today
Dear men,
And with all my heart I wish
Peace, joy, love.

May your cherished wishes come true,
And success in all matters will come.
May your life be filled with happiness
And the Lord will save you from troubles.
Dear defenders, happy holiday! We wish you peaceful skies above your head so that you don’t have to defend your country. I wish you good health, a heroic mile and an eagle mind.
Congratulations on the holiday of Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you a tight wallet, delicious dinners and hot nights! Let nothing stop you from achieving all your goals, and let such qualities, courage, boldness and strength remain and grow stronger in you!
You are the defenders of our State.
You are hope for each of us.
You are fighters for freedom and truth.
And the shine of your eyes

He says that luck is ours.
This means your dreams will be peaceful.
Thank you very much, men,
For the defense of our country!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! I wish you strength, courage, courage, patience, peaceful skies above your head and solid ground under your feet! Thank you for your patriotism, for our safety, for the peaceful sleep of our children, you are our protection and support!
Red calendar day,
Defender's Day is today.
We congratulate you:
Be strong and noble.

So that with you it’s like behind a wall
Storms and thunderstorms are not scary,
So that with a confident hand,
I would ward off all threats.
Defender of the Fatherland - sounds proudly,
And the brave soldier stands on guard,
He is ready to defend our homeland,
Stand: for your home, for your father and mother!
We really, really need defenders,
But, just: it’s better not to have a war...
My man, I am writing to you,
I hasten to congratulate you!
Let the star shine for success,
Never fades away.

Let there be enough health for two,
My only true friend.
May your life be full of love,
My man, my wall!
Be a reliable defender
Admire the strength of spirit.
Even what is impossible
It was imagined, make it happen.

Be strong and noble
Choose your right path.
And out of many, many hundreds
Be the best, be the first.
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I wish you to remain formidable and dangerous for any opponent, the best and beloved for a loved one, respected and fair in any matter, interesting and cheerful in any company.
Health, peace, light, happiness,
Bright, bright days, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, big,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, succeeds,
Only joy happened in life.
Fun, endless laughter
On the day of February 23!
Strong and brave
To our defenders.
Low bow and hello
We congratulate you on the 23rd,
We wish you victories in life.
Real friends
Only true friends
Smooth paths and roads,
So that while defending our native Fatherland,
Everyone could be happy.
On this festive men's day, we would like to wish you immeasurable mental strength, perseverance and endurance. The purpose of a man is to be a protector of the weak, but for us you are a stone wall and support. Happy holiday to you!
From February 23,
Dear men!
Let things get done
Without much power.

May you be lucky in life,
Companion luck
Will bring happiness and joy into the house
And some money to boot!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, we wish you to maintain your spirit strong men, faithfully stand guard over the borders of the Motherland, be a reliable support and support for family, friends and friends, be healthy, prosperous and self-confident.
Defenders of the Fatherland,
Today you have honor and glory,
With all my heart, heartily,
Congratulations ladies!

Protection and care,
You surrounded us
May it be wonderful
Everything in life is yours!
Congratulations on February 23! I wish you unshakable courage and desperate courage, a dispassionate mind and an ardent heart. I wish that these qualities bring you victories in everyday life, but you don’t need them on the battlefield!

Congratulations on February 23, funny SMS

Today is the holiday of those who make our lives reliable and calm. We congratulate our dear defenders, we wish you to show all due courage, strength and endurance at the right time. And may the sky above you be peaceful, bright and clear as often as possible. Happy February 23rd!
Defenders of the Fatherland
We hasten to wish -
Be persistent and strong!
Never lose heart!

May all your efforts
Don't go to waste!
Let us congratulate you
Happy February 23rd!
From February 23, men,
Smile more often for no reason
Be our support and protection,
And always gallant and shaved,
Pamper women with flowers more often,
Warm up with kind words,
Lend a strong shoulder
And love with your heart!
February 23 -
A holiday of true men!
Without concealing admiration,
We want to congratulate you!

May you always be healthy,
Full of strength and energy,
Always ready for a feat,
Be the pride of the country!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you brave deeds and noble deeds, strong strength and excellent health, great goals and grandiose successes, bright hope and sincere love.
Let no shadows fall on your face,
Even though the years pass by,
The soul knows no sorrows,
Health always makes you happy.

Let the horizon ignite,
A new dawn will light up.
We congratulate you today
Again from February 23rd.
Happy Defender's Day, men!
Our formidable peaks,
You are not afraid of any enemy,
You have your own way of life.

We wish you to live in honor,
Always in free flight.
Love to you, happiness to heaven,
Health, strength, and a complete world of miracles.
Congratulations on February 23! I wish you to be the defenders of your destiny, the guardian of your life, a support for your loved ones and confidence in the future. Peaceful sky and bright sun overhead. Goodness, love, beauty, health, strength, perseverance, good spirits.
Let's raise our glasses
For our men and boys.
You have done a lot in life
For the benefit of our beloved Fatherland.

You deserve love and happiness,
Although they are not whimsical in life.
Don't let wars bother you,
Love and be loved!
Our protector is unchanging,
We are all in a hurry to congratulate you.
It doesn't matter if you were a military man,
We value you very much.

You are the smartest, the bravest.
You are simply the best of men.
May life send you successes abundantly,
Be happy, joyful, loved.
Happy Defender's Day
We congratulate you!
Be happy and healthy
Live peacefully, without enemies.

Warmth for loved ones and relatives
Let them warm your heart,
And luck and fortune
They give you the mood!

SMS from February 23

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish to be the kind of man who will prove his truth with a firm word, who will defend his honor with a brave deed! May your health be strong and your heart strong.

SMS from February 23 in prose

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I sincerely wish that with the keen eye of an eagle you can always find your perspective and benefit, with a confident character and the instinct of a predator to go towards your goals, with a brave heart and kind soul always continue your life path.
Happy twenty third of February
Congratulations, friends!
Please accept congratulations
And shake your head!

May you have a great life,
Let there be no obstacles!
May luck smile
And success is in full swing!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We congratulate you,
Cheerfulness, glory, peace,
We wish you a happy holiday.

Always be strong
Let the will be strong
And the reward for that is
There will be a woman's love!
We are comfortable and calm,
Because you are nearby
On a winter day and sultry summer,
Like the shadows of sentries.

We wish you today
So that everyone is happy.
So that you always know that you are home
A reliable rear awaits him.
Happy holiday! Like a true defender
You can defend your homeland,
Stand up for your wife and son,
You will never offend your mother.

Be true to both principles and words,
Be resilient, strong and strong,
Be brave, brave and healthy,
And in no way - defeated!
From February 23,
Congratulations and wish
Be at the helm of life
And the possibilities are endless:

In love, in friendship and career.
And success to come
And prosperity is sure
He entered your life away.
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, let me wish real men courageous actions, personal happiness, kindness and care from family and friends, peaceful and clear skies above their heads. Be healthy, successful and lucky.
I sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish you brave beginnings and victorious results, good health and confident strength, undoubted courage and great courage, masculine determination and nobility of soul, bright love and good happiness.
All women know:
Men are everywhere!
There's not enough for them
To beat and swear,
Knowing no mercy.
Confess your love
Over a cup of tea.
Congratulations to the men,
We are not angry with them!
To the frigid pack
We'll be transformed without them.
With you next to me I’m not scared at all,
You always protect us.
You are our stronghold and our support.
You have a word in life - an order.

Let your family understand you
Let them please, believe and wait,
They greet you at the door with a smile,
They love deeply and do not betray.

SMS from February 23rd is beautiful

Defenders of the native fatherland,
On this day we wish you
Fewer enemies, easy service,
So that everyone returns home.

Thank you for taking care
Our sleep, peace, peace on earth,
With your broad, strong back,
Shield yourself from all troubles.
Firm gaze, steep shoulders.
Not always ideal.
We are calm next to you,
Happy February 23rd!

Win, convince,
Your clear steps
Let them be heard everywhere,
All paths are submissive to them!

SMS from February 23 short, touching

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be strong, brave and courageous, confident, persistent and unshakable, impulsive, strong and resourceful, cheerful, smart and purposeful, successful, respected and loved.
Happy Defender's Day
Allow me from the heart!
We certainly wish everyone
Peace, happiness and love.

Bogatyrsky health,
Respect and honor,
Glory and courage friends.
Happy February 23rd!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland. Be active, brave, courageous, confident and good-looking, be reliable, purposeful, unshakable, kind in soul and fair in heart. I wish you the sword of courage to cut the ropes of problems, I wish you to always hit the target with a well-aimed arrow.
Happy holiday men,
Our glorious soldiers,
Protect us!
Well, we will cover your rear,
Let's bake a pie!
We'll kiss you when you return,
You're on your doorstep!
Congratulations on February 23! We wish you to always remain strong, brave, courageous, and energetic. May your health be strong, your happiness immeasurable, your love eternal, your laughter ringing. We love and respect you!
Who will protect us?
When will the enemies come to enslave?
Who will throw his steel charge
A raging squad for evil?

Of course he is, dear, a man.
He is our pride, our strength.
I always want him to be like this
And congratulations on the 23rd.
On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you health, success, love and always a peaceful sky above your head, so that nothing disturbs your measured, prosperous and happy life, which I also wish for you.
Congratulations on February day,
Happy holiday,
Happy Defender's Day to you,
And I wish you happiness.

I wish you a lot of warmth,
Also a lot of money
And be lucky in everything
You are in this world!
Congratulations on this holiday
I am the defender of the country.
May there always be good luck
Let your dreams come true.

I wish I didn’t have to
There is no one for you to protect.
May the Fatherland be at peace
Goes to bed every day!
Congratulations on the most courageous holiday! I wish you strength, courage, health, family well-being, incredible luck. May there always be clear skies above you, and may there be peace in your soul and heart. Happy February 23rd to you.
For men, today is a holiday,
Twenty third of February,
Your life is diverse,
You are at the helm.

Let there be so much money in life,
So that you can swim in them,
Every man is very valuable,
May there be many days off.
Today we want to congratulate everyone
Happy Defender's Day,
We wish you all love and peace,
Happy life without war,
Let's always be together
Take care of family and homeland,
From troubles, insults, betrayals and grief,
We want to warn everyone!
Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day! Be brave, persistent, courageous and ready to protect your loved ones from any trouble! I am proud that there is a real man next to me whom I can always rely on!
Get up from your sofas, our defenders! Having straightened your back proudly, accept congratulations! We want to wish: that the guns were loaded, that reconnaissance did not fail, that friends provided cover. May your armor remain unpierced! Hooray!
I wish you the twenty-third
Peace and goodness to you,
So that you can live without knowing troubles,
Even better than yesterday!

Let your career strive upward
Everyone's dreams come true.
May your health improve
May you be full of strength!
This holiday is for men.
You need to wish
So that there is no reason
Take up arms.

Peace reigned and kindness
On a big planet
The birds sang in the morning,
And the children laughed!
On Defender's Day
Our hearts are given to you!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
I only wish you happiness.

May your hopes come true
Full of goodness, as before.
May you be lucky in life
The holiday will bring joy!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you love, health, prosperity, so that the sky above you is clear and you no longer need to take up arms! So that everyone appreciates you as you deserve, because thanks to you we live in calm times!
Let the shots and explosions subside,
Let there be peace throughout the whole earth.
Thank you for your courage
And for caring about the country.

Accept my congratulations today,
You deserve this holiday.
And don’t let doubts torment you,
What a worthy life he lived!
Congratulations today
From February 23
Dad, uncle, grandfather, brother,
And, of course, you!
I wish to live beautifully
To love your homeland,
So that with its enormous strength
Protect all of Russia!
February 23 -
Best day for a man.
And a beer for you in the morning,
And a football game.

Foam, gel, notebook with pen,
There will be no thrashing from your wife.
In general, celebration and fun.
Happy holiday of strength and courage! May your life be peaceful and measured, may we wish success, good health, mutual love, decent salaries and true happiness to the defenders of our Motherland!
I always want to be a man
Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you to be strong and healthy,
Forget about fatigue and laziness.

Always be a support and protection,
Always keep promises.
I wish you a peaceful sky
So as not to take weapons in your hands.
We want to congratulate you today
Happy day of brave and strong men,
Reliable in everything, noble.
We want to wish you success.

Good luck and growth, achievements,
Green light on the way,
Always only the right decisions,
Find what you are looking for.
Gone are the days when there were bayonets,
There have already been enough wars.
But we always write from the red line,
Defenders, you are our strength!
Defender of the Fatherland Day
Meets humanity again
And, of course, at this hour
I hasten to congratulate you!

I want to wish you forever
Peace... Infinite peace!
And good health to you.
And real happiness!
Real men,
I hasten to congratulate you,
I have reasons for this -
February 23!

You are our dear Fatherland,
Protect from the enemy
Never be discouraged
Be happy always!
We wish to use force
Not in war, but only in sports.
Only in the shooting range to hit the target,
Don't hear thunder on the horizon.

Let February 23
Shows our respect.
May the Earth be peaceful
Let there be no battles on it!
Congratulations on this holiday
All defenders of the country!
You are very strong and brave.
Our homeland needs it.

Happiness, courage, good luck
On this day I wish you.
May you always be healthy
Revered by ladies.
Congratulations to those who know
What does it mean to defend the country?
Who does not notice difficulties,
Someone is brave even in captivity.

We wish you good health,
Warmth and joyful smiles.
Days filled with love
And long life without mistakes!
Many years have already passed,
But the whole country remembers
Like your father, or maybe grandfather
Saved the earth from the enemy.

Thank you, low bow to you,
That we are in our native land
Without warriors, blood and battles
We live with a big family.
On a special day for you,
Twenty third of February,
I want to win
Or to convince with a word.

Seduce and enjoy
Feel free to give in to your feelings
Protect, preserve, store,
To be loved and to love!
How courageous you are, our protector
And we tell you with all our hearts,
So sincere and so pure
We wish your dreams come true.

We wish you strength and good spirits,
And inspiration and warmth,
May the sky be the most peaceful
And life is calm, and without fuss.
All men today
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
From February 23rd.

Protection and support,
And the power of the native country,
Always on guard for peace
You, sons of the Motherland.

On holiday I wish
Happiness and love to you,
So that under a peaceful sky
Our children grew up.
With day confident men -
From February 23,
Always be invincible -
That's what I wish for you,

Always be the first in everything
In various matters,
On your way then
Any enemy will collapse!
Attention! Anxiety!
Men, take your places!
We will congratulate you
Today, step by step.

First we wish
Health and success,
Have a good start
And joyful laughter.

Combat charge,
Readiness in everything.
And the sky is blue,
And the sun right into the house.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Be a brave and brave eagle, a brave and invincible lion. May every hero’s day be successful, may every master’s work be successful, may every act of a real man be worthy of respect.
Congratulations on the most patriotic day - Defender of the Fatherland Day! First of all, I wish you a peaceful sky above your head, and also heroic courage, excellent health and boundless wisdom. Let life be full of great and small deeds!
Congratulations, friends -
All boys and men -
Happy twenty-third of February!
Be the strongest you are.

Be kind to us
And it will be easier to live ourselves.
Sons, friends, husbands -
Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
You are knights, you are the stronger sex,
We love you for a reason.
Today we will set the table for you,
Congratulations, our men.

We will surround you with love,
And tender caress and care.
Let happiness make your head spin,
Let the work be peaceful.
Defender's Day today
All Russia celebrates
We congratulate all men,
Strong, brave and beautiful,
We wish them to live in abundance,
Smile, don't be sad,
Win and don't give up
Love your wives deeply!
Happy day of valor, strength, prowess and courage. Happy holiday to real men. For only the real ones can rightfully be called defenders of the Fatherland. Please accept congratulations and best wishes. Happy February 23rd!
You are the defender of the Fatherland.
Happy February 23rd!
Congratulations, congratulations.
Everything today is for you.

You will definitely become a general
In any situation.
The strongest, the bravest,
A wonderful hero.
Happy Defender's Day, Happy Brave Day!
May all your wishes come true:
Like candles in candelabras,
Let your success shine.

All the awards, all the victories
Let them become available
Only fear will be unknown
And luck is relentless!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland! On the day of honoring courage, I wish you strength of spirit, strong nerves, perseverance and endurance! You are our protection, support and support. Courage to you, great achievements and many victories!
On the Day of Defender of the Country
We have been given powers.
Leave wishes to everyone,
And congratulations to the defenders.

May all your dreams come true
In a world full of kindness!
Let the bad weather be forgotten,
There will only be a lot of happiness!
Today is a holiday for men,
Not waiting for good reasons.
Today is a holiday for the guys,
For those who have served and for soldiers.

I wish you many years of health,
There are always victories in any business.
Let only happiness surround you,
Let the bad weather forget you!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you all earthly blessings and a steely character. May fate give you success, good luck and reliable comrades. Everyone builds their own destiny, so let it reciprocate.
WITH important holiday Today
We congratulate you.
You go through life easily,
Bypassing all problems.

Our man, our protector,
You are our beloved hero.
Bogatyrsky health
We wish you on your holiday.
Congratulations on this holiday
All defenders of the country!
I sincerely wish you
Happiness, joy, love.

Never be discouraged
Be strong in everything.
Don't give up, don't be timid.
Let the enemy not come into the house.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland. I wish you to be a destroyer of problems and a conqueror of success. May you always have enough health and strength to achieve any goal, may every day give your loved ones a reason to be proud of you. Be confident and good looking.
There's no better day in the world
February 23!

In honor of the fearless defenders,
Kind, brave and courageous
Glasses are raised
A lot of words are said.

Congratulations, dears!
Be the life you are loved,
Happiness, joy, health,
And the soul is full and full of love!
I wish you courage in any battle and sure victory. Congratulations on February 23rd. Be persistent like a soldier, strong like an oak root, healthy like an ox. Let all paths to success and happiness be open for such a man.
This holiday honors courage,
Always praises courage
There is a reason to congratulate all men,
Happy Twenty-third of February.

May luck inspire you
And peace in fate,
May your health be good,
To take the high line.
Congratulations on Men's Day, this holiday is one in a year. I wish you courage and strength, invincible courage, indomitable courage, dexterity and skill. You are a man, no matter where!
From February 23
I congratulate you
And I wish one thing,
So that everything is great:

Both health and career,
And success to the gentleman.
Let there be wow income.
May you be lucky in everything!
February 23 -
This is a holiday for you!
For defenders, men,
Despite the rank and rank.
Always be so brave
Brave, strong - that's what's important.
It will be difficult - don't give up
Don't get out of line,
Just strive for the best
Have fun today!
Happy twenty third of February
I congratulate you
And I want to be strong
To love your homeland,
Protect beautiful ladies
Punch all your enemies in the face
Forget about problems
And always be a hero!
We love our men because
What reliability and warmth give,
And even if sometimes it’s not easy,
They, like heroes, will save you from troubles.

We are on this holiday and all year round
We are ready to praise you to the stars,
And all you have to do is give us love
And carry us in your arms all the time!
For men on February 23
I wish you peace and goodness,
Health, strength to the end,
May you never give up!

Let courage reign in our hearts,
Overcame all obstacles
You were all happy with life,
Happy holiday, guys!
Happy Defender's Day, guys!
New victories on your way!
So that there is joy in life,
Many years of happiness to you!

Your courage, bravery
Let them never fade!
We wish without obstacles
You get to live out your years!
Thank you, defenders,
For what simply is,
What do you cherish from a young age?
Dignity and honor
What are you truly defending?
Homeland from the war
And to be afraid of you, I believe,
All-all enemies must!
We would like to congratulate the men,
We would like to wish them
So that there are no reasons in life
To be sad or suffer.

We appreciate you and love you very much,
You and our life are our support.
For you - all our days and nights.
We value your strength.
Happy holiday to the right, strong,
Loyal, necessary, reliable!
The most abundant salaries for you,
And women who are faithful, not false,
I wish you strong and all-powerful friends,
Colleagues are always trustworthy,
Steep roads,
And, of course, all kinds of benefits!
You have more than enough courage,
And don’t take the courage,
To you on February 23
We would like to wish you good luck.

In the struggle for happiness and love,
For justice and goodness
Manage to meet fate,
To make your soul warm!
The strongest, the bravest,
You are the best soldier.
Congratulations at this hour,
Let the worries go away in no time.

Let fate be in charge
And keeps you around the world.
So that there is a lot of health,
Never know anxiety.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day
Today I congratulate you.
Let it not be in your life
Sadness and sadness.

May you always be strong
And fate is wonderful.
You live under a peaceful sky
And under the clear sun.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Happy February 23rd!
Humanity is walking today
So that the whole Earth is shaking!

Today I wish everyone courage
And strength and great victories,
May luck be around you
All the next hundred years!
Today from every apartment
The aroma of delicious dishes flows.
Today all the women in the world
They restore order and comfort.

You stand up for us,
Take any peaks.
We are behind you like behind a wall,
Our beloved men.
We hasten to congratulate you, men,
We have reasons for this.
You are our strength and support,
And you charge with enthusiasm.

May life bring you a lot of happiness,
They pass by bad weather.
And may the day give a lot of light,
And there is peace and summer in my soul.
I congratulate you
From February 23,
And I wish you
Buy a new Chevrolet.
Defenders of the Fatherland
Congratulations today,
Love, kindness and peace,
Men, I wish you.

So that your hands are strong
And hearts are warm,
For family and homeland
They stood until the end.

So that you love women,
To take care of children
And the land, so that it’s native
You were able to protect.
Dear defender, from February 23! Be bold, courageous, unshakable and courageous not only on the battlefield and not only in a computer game, but also on the family front, take care of your family and friends and be a strong support for them!
Defender of the Fatherland - sounds proud!
Congratulations on your 23rd birthday!
You are the support of the country, its main shield,
That's why I wish you strength.

Stay as brave as you are
And let everything be as you want,
Just believe, because believing is so important!
Only then will dreams come true!
I congratulate you on the holiday of courage,
I wish you to be the strongest
So that you can defend the Fatherland
And bravely walk on guard.

May the sky above us be peaceful,
And the house always smells like pies.
Prosperity, victory, good luck, warmth.
Happy February 23rd!
Happy Defender's Day! Be bold and courageous
Be ready to repay your debt to the Fatherland,
If the Motherland obliges you
Defend peace and justice!

Clear sun and blue sky
However, I would like to wish
So that conflicts are resolved with words,
And men were not sent to fight!
Let the military commonwealth grow stronger,
Navy and army - there is no one better than you.
Strength of spirit and personal courage,
And for the benefit of the Fatherland, victories!

Congratulations to the defenders of the glorious ones,
Good luck to you in everything and always.
Peace on our land is the main thing,
After all, the Fatherland is our destiny.
Today is your holiday, friends,
Defenders of the Fatherland!
We cordially congratulate you,
We wish you strength, courage,
Health is stronger than strong,
Patience and courage,
Let them be in your families
Love, support, friendship,
We wish you perseverance, courage,
We are grateful for your service!
You are our main protector!
The best on earth:
You won't deceive, you won't betray,
And it’s more fun with you!

I wish on this day
Always be as you are;
Be cheerful, and - believe me -
It's good where you are!
On Defender of the Fatherland Day
Gratitude to you from all humanity.
You are our pride and our support
Remember, dear ones, that you are always welcome at home.

Be strong and strong
I sincerely wish
And the sky is only blue,
And happiness that has no end.
From February 23
Win always, everywhere,
Know that you are the best on earth.

I believe that behind you,
Like behind a stone wall,
I don't have to worry
And don’t be afraid of bad weather.

You are my darling, my dear,
For me he is always a hero!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Be brave, dexterous, strong and brave, courageous, purposeful, confident and unshakable, resourceful, ideological, important and invincible, successful, persistent, a real hero and a brave man.
I would like to sincerely congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Be strong, courageous and defeat all enemies.
To protect our peace, to glorify our homeland,
Let time fly quickly so that you can serve it faster!
The strongest, the bravest,
Wonderful man,
Accept gifts quickly
Because today there is a reason.

There is a special holiday in February -
Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Strength, victories and optimism!
Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I sincerely wish that any problem would be a trifle, that any obstacle to success would be an easily overcome barrier. Always be purposeful, witty, resourceful, courageous, confident and invincible.
On this holiday, we wish to preserve the qualities of real men: the ability to protect, give a sense of confidence and security. May your life prosper, be healthy and full of strength.
Congratulations on February 23 - the holiday of courage and bravery. I wish you strength and courage, so that luck and fortune will always be with you. May your life be happy, and the sky above your head cloudless and clear.
Defenders of the Fatherland
Our ardent greetings,
Please accept my congratulations,
There is no better person in the world.

Luck and Courage
They won't leave you behind
May there be a lot of happiness
There is comfort and coziness in the family.

Let your arms embrace
Laughing child
We wish you a peaceful life,
And great joy.
Happy February 23, our dear defenders! I wish you great health, great happiness, love so that your head is spinning, bright and peaceful skies, cheerful and productive days. Happy Defender of the Fatherland!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland,
Congratulations to you, men!
On this courageous holiday
I wish you only the best.

Be brave and strong
Always brave at heart.
Achieve your goals
Never give up!
Happy holiday, dear men!
Let there be enough strength for everything:
On loved ones, on friends,
Be more cheerful to all your peers!

So that you go to work like a formidable infantry,
So that the family is a reliable rear,
And so that every new day
It was better than yesterday!
On February 23
I wish you to be smart and strong,
Achieve all goals in life,
Be brave, cunning, perspicacious!

Find love, your home, your family -
Take care of them as best you can.
Be a strong guy, fighting,
Lucky, bright and happy!
Happy holiday, dear men! I wish you to be strong in spirit, have a wonderful future and enjoy the taste and aroma of life. And in return receive a gift filled with positive colors. May you be surrounded by reliable people! Good luck with everything.

Congratulations on February 23rd by phone SMS short

Short videos for February 23

Short videos for February 23rd beautiful for my husband