The fontanel is slowly overgrown, what should I do? Should we sound the alarm when a child’s fontanelle closes up earlier or later than expected? Indicators of the norm of the fontanel and their deviations

The process of giving birth to a baby is so meticulously “thought out” by nature that it provides for all the moments so that the child can be born healthy. In order for a small body to pass through birth canal mother, its head takes on an oblong shape and is slightly flattened on the sides. The baby has gaps between the bones of the skull, which are filled with plates of connective tissue. These intervals are called fontanelles , and parents have quite a lot of different questions about them. However, most of them - and there are six fontanelles after birth - quickly overgrow. Therefore, parents often simply do not notice that there were so many of them. But the main one - the frontal or greater fontanel (abbreviated as BR) remains for a longer period. After all, its function is also to provide shock absorption, protecting against injuries and fractures during a fall.

We will discuss in the article below when the crown of a newborn becomes overgrown and how this process occurs.

When does the fontanelle close up in newborns?

Young parents often worry whether everything is going well and are looking for information about when the large fontanelle closes up. The older the baby gets, the more worried parents become about this. But in fact, even after the baby is one year old, and the crown remains, there is no need to worry. After all, in children this process is normally completed before the age of 1.5 years. But if you are still overcome by a certain concern that the process is progressing late, it is better to visit a doctor who will help determine when the child’s fontanelle closes up in a particular case.

After all, we can talk not only about a disease, but also about a certain developmental feature. Therefore, sometimes the answer to the question of at what age a child’s fontanelle closes up is not so categorical. In any case, when visiting a doctor with the baby, the mother should ask him all the questions about how long the child’s fontanel should heal.

What should the crown be like?

The doctor evaluates the characteristics of the fontanel immediately after the child is born, as well as every time during monthly examinations. The pediatrician must pay attention to the size of the crown, the rate at which it decreases, and the density of the bones surrounding it.

What size should a healthy baby's fontanel be? In a full-term baby, its dimensions are 2.5-3 cm. The doctor determines this by palpating the skull and taking measurements between opposite sides of the diamond.

In premature babies, these dimensions are larger - about 3.5 by 3.5 cm. But if a large baby was born at 41-42 weeks, then the crown may be smaller. Interestingly, a baby at the age of 1 month may have even more BR than at the time of birth. The thing is that during this period the brain is actively growing, and therefore the bones diverge a little.

Therefore, what exactly the baby’s BR should be in certain age, is difficult to determine exactly. However, in some sources you can still find certain indicators:

  • at three months – 1.8-2 cm;
  • in six months - 1.8-1.6 cm;
  • at nine months - 1.3-1.4 cm;
  • in one year - 0.4-0.8 cm.

But it should be understood that these indicators are just a rough guide. This is due to the fact that:

  • the size of the fontanelle is initially different for all children;
  • the way the fontanel tightens in children does not depend on its size; A large one can last for a year, a small one sometimes does not heal until a year and a half later.

But it is very important to ensure that the fontanelles are at the level of the cranial bones and are not too tense. It is possible that the spring will sink or swell a little, and its pulsation is also possible.

It is also important that the parietal and frontal bones surrounding the crown are dense, and there are no areas of softening noted on them.

If the fontanel does not close, what should you do?

You need to visit a doctor and consult with him if the fontanel has not closed by 18 months. This condition may be normal for the baby. However, we can also talk about certain pathologies.

Disease What does a fontanel look like? What research is needed? How to proceed?
Lack of calcium leads to softening of bones, including the skull. The BR remains open for a long time, the edges of the bones are soft to the touch. The child becomes lethargic, often sweats during sleep, and the back of his head becomes bald. Bone growths appear on the wrists and ribs, and curvature of the lower leg is noted. An examination by a pediatrician, a urine sample according to Sulkovich, and a blood test for phosphorus, calcium, and alkaline phosphatase are necessary. The use of therapeutic doses is practiced .
Congenital BR does not heal for a long time due to a deficiency of thyroid hormones, which regulate, among other things, bone growth. Disturbed, voice becomes nasal, develops . The fontanel does not last long. It is necessary to consult with a pediatrician and pediatric endocrinologist, conduct a blood test for TSH, T3 and T4, and an ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is carried out.
Achondrodysplasia A disease of bone tissue that impairs growth. The skeleton becomes disproportionate, the head becomes massive and wide, the limbs become short. The fontanel does not last long. Genetic consultation is required. A PCR X-ray of the skull is performed to determine the gene mutation. Growth hormone is used somatotopin .
Due to increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, the cranial bones cannot “come together”. The fontanelle rises above the bones, the head circumference increases. Possible manifestations of seizures, hearing and vision impairment, and developmental delays. Observation by a pediatric neurologist, EEG, MRI, and ultrasound of the brain are indicated. Prescribe anticonvulsants, diuretics, nootropics. Sometimes shunting is indicated.

If the baby has a very small fontanel, parents need to show the child to specialists - a pediatrician, endocrinologist, neurologist. Sometimes there are cases when the fontanel in a newborn heals already at 3 months. This happens rarely - in about 1% of cases. If the baby’s other indicators are normal, then we are not talking about deviations.

However, in some cases, too small BR may be evidence of pathology. The table below shows possible conditions in which the baby's fontanel is too small.

Disease What does a fontanel look like? What research is needed? How to proceed?
Craniosynostosis The sutures of the skull and fontanelles fuse very early and quickly. Possible deformation of the skull, jaw, and secondary hydrocephalus. An MRI, CT scan of the head, and radiography of the skull are performed. Surgical cutting of sutures.
Increased function of the parathyroid glands Due to impaired calcium and phosphorus metabolism, the calcium content in the blood increases. The baby's BR closes early, pain in the bones bothers him, the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract are affected, and manifests itself. Conduct a blood test for phosphorus and calcium, determine the content parahormone in blood. X-rays of the skull bones are also performed, ultrasonography thyroid and parathyroid glands. Surgical methods of treatment.
Microcephaly Due to abnormal development of the brain, the bones of the brain part of the skull stop growing, but the growth of the facial bone continues. The brain remains underdeveloped. Developmental delay is noted. The child is observed by a neurologist and an ultrasound scan of the brain is performed. Genetic consultation is important. Symptomatic treatment.

What to do if a child’s fontanel is too large?

A fontanel is considered too large if its size exceeds 3.5 cm. But for immature or premature babies this may be the norm. In such cases, the child’s large fontanelle closes before one and a half years. Often, at the age of 3 months or older, the BR begins to actively decrease, and by this age it gradually closes.

In other cases, it is imperative to consult a pediatric neurologist, conduct an ultrasound of the brain and other necessary studies to exclude hydrocephalus and increased .

Why does the fontanelle pulsate in a baby?

Since the brain is actively supplied with blood, and its vessels are located close to the heart, when the blood flows there is strong pressure and, accordingly, tremors.

This pulsation is transmitted to the cerebrospinal fluid, to the membranes of the brain and the plate that covers the BR. Therefore, if the fontanel pulsates a little at 3 months or at another age, this is normal phenomenon. But if the BR pulsates very strongly in a child, this may indicate developing diseases. But in this case, as a rule, there are other unpleasant symptoms - intoxication, dehydration, fever, vomiting, etc. In such a situation, you need to consult a doctor, establish a diagnosis and carry out the correct treatment.

What does it mean if a baby’s fontanelle has sunken?

When the BR drops, this is evidence that the baby is malnourished or his body is dehydrated. A sunken fontanel in a child due to loss of fluid can be observed:

  • in extreme heat;
  • due to overheating if the child is wrapped up too tightly;
  • Consequently elevated temperature or intoxication of the body;
  • after severe vomiting or.

It is very important to immediately replenish fluid loss. If the baby is overheated, he should be cooled and given fluids. In case of intestinal infection manifested by severe symptoms, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

If the fontanel protrudes, what does it mean?

Bulging (elevation above the bone level) of the fontanel may be evidence of increased intracranial pressure - a symptom characteristic of tumors, intracranial bleeding. There are other possible reasons for this phenomenon.

Parents should be very attentive and call emergency assistance, if, in addition to the bulging fontanel, the following signs are observed:

  • elevated temperature;
  • diarrhea and vomiting in an infant;
  • disturbances of consciousness;
  • bulging after head injury;
  • convulsions.

In the absence of such symptoms and the bulging continues for a long time, you should also contact a specialist. In such a situation, an ultrasound of the baby’s brain may be needed. Whether this is normal or not will be determined by the results of the examination.

Do you need special care?

There is no need to practice any crown care activities. Although the plate covering it is very thin, it is quite durable. Therefore, parents can calmly comb the baby, cut his hair, examine his head, and bathe him. True, you still need to use the comb carefully, since the baby may experience unpleasant sensations with sudden movements.


Despite the fact that normally the process of closing the BR is completed by one and a half years, sometimes certain deviations can occur in healthy children. Therefore, the answer to the question of when a child’s fontanelle should close is not always clear. Parents should be wary of the situation when the fontanel closes in infants under 3 months. If parents have certain doubts about the process taking place, about when the child’s fontanelle closes, it is better to ask a pediatrician.

The process of closing the BR occurs faster if the baby is well fed and quickly gains weight. Most often in children staying on natural feeding, closing occurs faster.

All parents have noticed a non-ossified pulsating area on the head of their newborn baby - the fontanelle. Many even try not to touch this place for fear of harming the child. But the doctor must feel the fontanel during a routine examination. After all, it serves as one of the indicators of the child’s health and development.

With age, the fontanel becomes ossified. When the fontanel overgrows in newborns depends on many factors - these are the individual characteristics of the baby, and disorders of the development and health of the baby. Therefore, the condition of the fontanel requires special attention.

The fontanel is a soft, non-ossified area of ​​the skull, consisting of a dense membrane, connecting certain bones of the baby’s skull. These areas allow the skull to transform to facilitate the birth process. In addition, thanks to the fontanelles, the cranial vault adapts to the rapidly growing brain of a newborn.

After birth, the baby has six fontanelles:

    • Fontana connecting the two parietal bones and the occipital bone of the skull

Called posterior or occipital. It is very small, only 0.6 mm;

    • The anterior one, which connects the 2 frontal and 2 parietal bones

At birth, its size is about 30 mm;

  • There are two types of lateral fontanelles: wedge-shaped and mastoid

The wedge-shaped ones are located closer to the temples, the mastoid ones - to the back of the head;

The largest fontanel, the anterior one, is considered the main one. It stays open the longest. Another fontanel that can be felt is the posterior one, although it is much smaller than the large one. However, it heals 1-2 months after birth. The remaining fontanelles have very small cracks, are almost invisible and within a few months they overgrow and ossify, forming cranial sutures.

Since at the time of birth the baby’s head is quite large, its passage through the birth canal can be difficult. Thanks to the fontanelles, the baby's head is deformed, which not only facilitates passage, but also protects the contents of the skull.

In addition, fontanelles have other functions:

    1. The fontanel plays a significant role in the thermoregulation of the baby

Newborns are quite poor at maintaining the required body temperature due to the immaturity of their thermoregulation mechanisms. The fontanelle helps heat transfer during overheating, protecting the child’s brain and the body as a whole.

    1. The elasticity of the fontanelle tissue helps protect the child from injury from falls.

It is a kind of shock absorber between the bones of the skull. It is in infancy and early age a child has the worst control over his body, so nature protected the little person’s head from frequent falls and blows in this way.

    1. Some diseases in a child are determined by the condition of the fontanelle.

So if the fontanel is swollen, this may be a sign of intracranial pressure.

  1. An ultrasound examination of the brain can be done through an open fontanelle.(neurosonography)

Once the soft area has healed, this will no longer be possible, because the skull serves as an acoustic barrier.

Where is

There is a large fontanel in the upper part of the head, almost on the top of the head. It connects the two frontal and two parietal parts of the skull. The plot has diamond shape. The size of the fontanel may vary. As the head grows, it decreases. So from the initial dimensions of about 3*3 cm, it gradually decreases to 5 mm and becomes overgrown.

When it overgrows

The large fontanel should be overgrown closer to 12-18 months. However, this depends on how much calcium is in the baby’s body. If there is enough of it, then the fontanel can last up to a year. Small deviations in the timing of overgrowth from the norm are not critical. In the absence of other signs of pathology, they cannot indicate disorders in the body.

The timing of fontanel overgrowth can be influenced by the following factors:

    • Prematurity of the child

Such children usually lag behind their peers in development. Therefore, the fontanel may heal more slowly. Usually by 3 years the lag goes away.

    • If a child grows quickly with adequate nutrition, then the fontanelle may close faster

If the diet is rich in carbohydrates or proteins, growth may slow down.

  • Method of feeding a baby

In children breastfeeding the fontanel overgrows faster because breast milk is most completely absorbed by the body.

However A deviation from the norm can also be caused by hereditary diseases or a lack of calcium and vitamin D3.

Norms and deviations. When to worry

In how many months the fontanel will heal depends on the individual characteristics of the body and related factors.

If it overgrows before 3 months, then this is not normal. If the child is older, then it is necessary to regularly show the baby to a pediatrician who will monitor his condition. In a newborn, the fontanel seems to be pulsating. In some countries it is called a fountain. If such pulsation does not go away with age, then you should consult a doctor.

Often, a deviation from the normal state of the fontanel can be evidence of disease. In this case, it is necessary to pay attention to other accompanying symptoms.

    • A bulging fontanel indicates a possible increase in intracranial pressure

What may be a sign of diseases such as hydrocephalus (water on the brain), meningitis, encephalitis. If the swelling of the fontanelle is accompanied by convulsions and high temperature, then the child requires urgent medical attention;

    • A sunken fontanel may be a sign of malnutrition and dehydration.

If a sunken fontanel is accompanied by fever, diarrhea, vomiting, which indicates the presence of infection and dehydration, then it is necessary to urgently call ambulance and hospitalize the child;

    • The size of the fontanel exceeding the norm may be one of the signs of Down syndrome;
    • A fontanel that does not heal for a long time may indicate rickets

Rickets occurs due to a lack of calcium and vitamin D in the body. However, to diagnose this disease, it is imperative to look not only at the fontanelle, but at other characteristic symptoms;

  • A slowly growing fontanel may be a sign of an endocrine system disorder;
  • If the fontanel on the contrary is overgrown too quickly, it may indicate the development of the disease microcephaly or craniosynostosis (craniostenosis).

Therefore, in case of any deviations from the norm, it is better to consult a doctor. It will help determine if there are other signs of the disease or if this condition is normal for this child.

Care for fontanelles

Often parents are afraid to even touch the fontanel site. But there is no need to worry. Connective tissue is strong enough to withstand touch and various hygiene procedures. Of course, some caution must be observed, but the child can safely wash his hair, comb his hair, and perform other care procedures.

There is no special care for the fontanel. There is no need to constantly feel or measure it. If there are violations, they will immediately become noticeable.

In addition, during a regular examination, the doctor always feels the fontanel and notices deviations.

Myths about fontanelles

Often, out of ignorance, parents worry unnecessarily about fontanelles. There are such myths:

  1. If the fontanel is quite large and does not heal well, then the child has rickets.

However, this is not necessary. In addition to the rate of overgrowth of the fontanel, rickets also has other signs: sleep disturbance, severe sweating, tearfulness, muscle sagging, and others. Therefore, the diagnosis must be made by a doctor. The duration of overgrowth of the fontanel depends on other factors.

  1. Do not touch the fontanel, you can damage the brain

This is wrong. The brain is protected by a strong membrane of connective tissue. She is able to withstand both touch and baby care activities.

  1. If the fontanel overgrows quickly, then you should not take calcium and vitamin D3 even with rickets

Parents should know that rickets is a very serious disease. You cannot self-medicate. If the doctor has prescribed a drug, then it is necessary to take it. For all other questions, it is better to seek additional advice;

  1. In all children of the same age, the size of the fontanel should be the same

This is wrong. There are certain standards, but each child has his own characteristics of growth and development. Therefore, the size of the fontanel and the rate of overgrowth may differ in children of the same age.

  1. If the fontanel closes prematurely, the brain will stop enlarging and the child will be mentally retarded

This is wrong. Brain development is not associated with the timing of fontanel closure. The skull is not a monolithic structure. The bones of the skull are connected by elastic sutures that lengthen as they grow. The skull grows until the age of 20.

Thus, deviations from the norm in the size of the fontanel can be both an individual feature and a symptom of the disease. Therefore, you should be careful about this area.

If the child is healthy and cheerful, nothing bothers him, then, most likely, deviations from the norm are his individual feature. If in doubt, be sure to consult your doctor so as not to waste time.

INR analysis is the most reliable method determination of blood clotting. Deviations in its values ​​from the norm may indicate serious problems in the body.

What is INR?

Human blood contains a complex protein called prothrombin, which ensures that it remains liquid during circulation through the circulatory system and clots in the event of injury. Determining the amount of prothrombin helps determine the tendency to bleeding or blood clots.

INR analysis is an indicator of coagulation

Blood clotting is determined in three studies:

  • PTT is the thrombosed time, which shows how long after the addition of the reagent a fibrin clot forms in the plasma. Normally, its values ​​should be 11–15 seconds.
  • PTI – prothrombin index. This is the ratio between the plasma clotting time of a healthy person and the plasma clotting time of a patient. Normal values ​​are 93–107%.
  • INR – international normalized ratio. It is the ratio between the patient's PTT and the capillary blood PTT of a healthy person. The ISI coefficient (international sensitivity index) is also taken into account, which differs for different reagents.

The INR indicator must be determined in pregnant women before surgery or blood plasma transfusion. It is the basis for selecting the optimal dosage of anticoagulants and other medications.

If a person is taking anticoagulants and is in a hospital setting, it is recommended to check their INR level daily. And after discharge from the hospital, it is necessary to take appropriate tests every two to three weeks.

Decoding the results

The INR norm is different for women and men. Moreover, its values ​​also depend on certain factors. Consider the average normal INR values:

  • INR norm healthy women and men is in the range of 0.7–1.3;
  • Surgery is permitted if the patient’s INR is 0.85–1.25;
  • for pregnant women, values ​​of 0.8–1.25 are considered normal;
  • after heart surgery, the INR may increase to 2.5–3.5, which is normal;
  • when the patient is taking direct anticoagulants, the INR may be 0.8–1.2;
  • when taking indirect anticoagulants, values ​​may increase to 2.0–3.0;
  • INR values ​​also differ by age: in people over 50 years of age, the norm decreases slightly.

If the readings are different from the norm, this may indicate some health problems. Therefore, the results of the study must be deciphered by a specialist in order to detect deviations in time.

To determine INR values, venous blood is taken

What do low values ​​mean?

If the clotting index is low, the risk of blood clots increases. Because of them, the blood supply to vital organs is disrupted, which can lead to functional failures.

First of all, it is necessary to establish the exact reason why the INR values ​​are below normal. This happens in the following cases:

  • vitamin K deficiency in the body;
  • side effect from taking hormonal, anticonvulsant, diuretic drugs;
  • physical injuries accompanied by blood loss;
  • thromboembolism during pregnancy or after the birth of a child.

The result of the study may be erroneous if technological errors were made during blood collection or the material taken was stored for too long. You also need to carry out proper preparation before the procedure. It is forbidden to consume within two days before it alcoholic drinks, fried and smoked foods.

Therefore, if deviations are detected, a repeat analysis is required. Once the cause is established, appropriate treatment is selected. Anticoagulants may also be prescribed.

Reasons for increased INR

A high INR level indicates hypocoagulation. In this case, there is a high risk of bleeding even with minor injuries.

Elevated INR values ​​may occur for the following reasons:

  • heart disease, including pre-infarction conditions and heart attack;
  • liver and gall bladder diseases;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms in the body;
  • increased level of red blood cells in the blood;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • taking antibiotics and hormones, side effect which may have a high INR level.

After 50 years, it is necessary to constantly monitor blood clotting. It is recommended to check your INR level annually. If the patient's INR is above 6.0, he should be urgently hospitalized. In this case, the probability of death is high.

At your first appointment with the pediatrician, you will notice how, through simple manipulations, namely, palpating, the specialist will determine the condition and size of the fontanel. These indications are important, since there are established standards, deviations from which can signal certain diseases.

But you are unlikely to get an exact answer to the question of when the fontanelle closes in newborns, since this time period is quite long and individual.

What is a fontanelle?

Fontana are soft areas on the baby’s head, which are gaps between bone tissues that close in the first months of the baby’s life.

You may be surprised to learn how many fontanelles a newborn has. You know for sure and have seen that the fontanel is located on the top of the newborn’s head. But there are other places open at birth:

  1. On the back of the head;
  2. Paired behind the ears;
  3. Paired in the temple area.

These areas not covered by bone tissue are examined by a neonatologist in the first minutes of the child’s life, and by the time of the next visit to specialists in 1 month, they, as a rule, have healed.

As for the size, the fontanel located on the top of the head is called large. Its diameter can reach 35 mm, while the other five have a maximum size of 5 mm, and then they tighten literally immediately in the postpartum period.

Size and shape of the fontanelle

The large fontanelle is located at the junction of two bone tissues: frontal and parietal, so you can come across another name for it: frontal. The size of the fontanel in newborns can vary from 6 to 35 mm, the ideal size is 20 mm.

  • A frontal fontanelle that is smaller than normal when all other five fontanelles are closed at the time of the baby’s birth can signal disturbances in the child’s development, namely: a disproportionate structure, when the size of the head and brain is smaller than normal, and all other parts of the body are normal;

The cause of this may be intrauterine infections and, as a result, mental failure.

  • More than 35 mm for a large fontanel is also a deviation. A large fontanel on the top of a newborn’s head may occur as a result premature birth, disturbances in calcium metabolism and problems with tissue ossification, disruption of the thyroid gland;

Regarding the shape, the soft part on the top has the outline of a rhombus, and can be either sunken or convex.

  1. If you notice that the soft part of the crown of your newborn's head is sunken, then your baby is dehydrated. Such a condition, in the presence of ventricular disorder (read the article on the topic: Tummy pain in a newborn >>>), profuse vomiting, elevated body temperature, will be a cause for concern;
  2. A sunken fontanel without signs of dehydration and normal baby behavior can occur in a post-term baby. In this case, everything is fine;
  3. The convex shape of the fontanel most often tells you about intracranial pressure. Signals of this disease can be frequent and profuse regurgitation (Did you know that regurgitation can also be one of the normal variants? Read the current article about this: Why does a child spit up after feeding >>>), tremors and convulsions, irregular sleep, crying for no reason and excessive moodiness. IN in this case you need to do an ultrasound examination before the bones heal and diagnose or refute the fact of intracranial pressure;
  4. You can most often notice a bulging fontanel when your baby is crying. If there are no accompanying symptoms, and the fontanelle returns to normal as soon as the baby calms down, then everything is fine and there is no need to stress yourself out;
  5. If your baby falls or hits his head hard, and you notice that the fontanelle has changed its shape, you should immediately contact a specialist. The possibility of a bruise or even a concussion cannot be ruled out.

Regardless of the size and shape, there is no need to make hasty conclusions after gathering mothers at the site and conducting a comparative diagnosis of the fontanels of babies. Each child has his own individual development plan (read more about this in the article Child development by month to year >>>), including tissue ossification.

Closing time of the fontanel

As you know, a newborn has six fontanelles, and all of them, except the frontal one, close in the first weeks of the baby’s life.

  • In most cases, the fontanelles in the temple area cannot be felt, since in a healthy full-term baby these tissues have already ossified in the mother’s tummy, or become denser during the first week of extrauterine development;
  • The two fontanelles behind the baby's ears also close immediately after birth;
  • The occipital soft area should tighten and ossify within two months after the baby is born (you will be interested to know what a child should be able to do at 2 months >>>). The normal size of this fontanel during childbirth is 5 mm.
  • The question of when the frontal fontanelle closes in newborns is not so clear-cut. In 1% of infants, the ossification process takes no more than 3 months. In a little less than half of the babies, the fontanel is tightened by the first birthday, but at two years the ossification process should be completed in all babies. Thus, the time for fontanel closure varies from 3 to 24 months.

For information! Please note that in boys the fontanelle heals faster than in little princesses.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

Both rapid and prolonged closure of the fontanel opening is a deviation from the norm. Now you will find out what this could mean:

  1. Late closure is possible with rickets, and this is due to metabolic disorders and a lack of calcium, as a consequence (also study the article on the topic: Signs of rickets in infants >>>);
  2. If the baby’s fontanel does not close for a long time, he behaves passively, sleeps a lot, eats poorly, there is swelling of the body, the baby may have problems with the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism;
  3. Long-term non-retraction of the fontanel with general disproportion of the baby’s body may be an indicator of a serious disease of the skeletal system, achondrodysplasia, which leads to dwarfism;
  4. The fontanelle does not heal in “sunny” children with Down syndrome either;
  5. Rapid ossification may be an indicator of craniosynostosis - a disorder of the skeletal system with accompanying intracranial pressure, hearing and vision impairment;
  6. A small fontanelle in newborns and its rapid ossification may signal abnormalities in the development of the baby’s brain, but such a course of events is very rare.

Myths and reality associated with fontanel

Surely you have heard a lot of stories related to fontanel. Which of them are true, and which are similar to Krylov’s fables, it’s worth figuring out:

  • Myth 1. Fear of damage;

Feeling the soft part of the baby's head, you definitely felt anxiety from the thought that you might damage internal organs. Calm down! Despite the appearance of a weak point, the tissue in the fontanel area is very dense and serves as a dense protective barrier. So calmly wash your newborn’s hair, dry it thoroughly, and comb your little one as much as you like.

  • Myth 2. Mental development;

You may hear a story that the rapid tightening of the fontanel is fraught with mental potential, since the brain is limited in growth and, therefore, does not develop. This is nonsense, since the child’s brain and skull grow and enlarge due to interosseous sutures, and certainly not the fontanel.

  • Myth 3. A large fontanel is a sign of rickets;

Such a development of events may not be excluded, but is not the rule. With rickets, the character and shape of the fontanel is special: there is not just a soft area between hard bone tissues, but there is a softening of the edges of the fontanel, deformation of the legs and pelvis, and sweating.

  • Myth 3. The fontanel must heal by 2 years of age;

In 5% of newborns, the process of tightening the fontanel takes more than 24 months. And this is not a deviation at all, just an individual feature.

  • Myth 4. Indentation of the place where the fontanelle is located in a newborn as a result of a fall.

The fontanel itself can be easily pressed with a finger, this place is flexible, and the fontanel certainly cannot swell after falling. In addition, thanks to the fontanelles, the baby's head can elastically deform upon impact or take an elongated shape at the time of birth.

Know that you need to consider any case holistically, not make hasty conclusions and not self-medicate.

Walks and much more. Some of the answers will be given at a school for young parents, some can be found out from your own family, and some, of course, will be told by doctors and the Internet.

One of the questions that concerns young mothers is fontanel. What it is, For what is it needed and how do the processes take place? overgrowth- let's figure it out.

Fontana in a child

- this is the area that connects the bones newborn skulls. It is its presence that allows the child to “exit” the mother’s body without damaging her - thanks to soft tissues of the head slightly deformed. It is also necessary for free growth of the brain. It is due to the ability to pass through the birth canal that the head looks a little elongated for the first time after childbirth.

In fact, there is more than one on the head. There are four of them at once: rear, front, and two side. The connective tissue that makes them up turns into bone over time. However, there is no need to worry - the fontanelles are very dense and protect the brain and blood vessels of the newborn in almost the same way as the bones.

When they say about the fontanel, most often they mean the largest one - front. This is a diamond-shaped area approximately in the middle of the head (in other words, on the top of the head). Only a pediatrician can tell you in detail about his condition, but not his girlfriends or relatives.

This part of the head helps during the first two years old baby– protects the brain from possible damage and injury, and allows it to develop correctly. Don't be afraid by chance hit the baby's head during changing clothes and gymnastics, as well as during possible independent actions (for example, when moving in a crib) - it is the fontanelle, due to its flexibility, that helps prevent possible serious consequences. But, of course, strong blows, for example, if the baby bumped or was hit by a toy, should be examined.

IMPORTANT! If you see that your baby's fontanelle or concave and is in this state even when the child is resting - be sure to consult a doctor.

Again, no matter how much we want to deviate from the standards, for everyone’s peace of mind, doctors have developed a formula for calculating and assessing its proportions:

  1. Add together the longitudinal and transverse diameters of the soft section.
  2. Divide the resulting amount by 2.
  3. Compare with the average norm.
  4. It is believed that the ideal fontanel is a diamond 25x25mm (+/- a few mm).

Generally accepted norms for fontanelle sizes

  • 0-1 month – 20-30 mm;
  • 1-3 months – 18-20 mm;
  • 4-6 months – 16-17 mm;
  • 8-9 months – 12-14 mm;
  • 11-12 months – 4-8 mm.

Why do you need a fontanel?

Main feature fontanel in a newborn serves the point that it promotes unhindered development and growth brain. Given the rapid growth of the body baby- Availability not overgrown fontanel very important!

What’s also important is fontanel helps in thermoregulation of the body. Since this process in babies is poorly adjusted in the first months of life, it is very easy to overheat the body, but you can cool the child quite simply by removing the hat or scarf from the child’s head. You can check whether your child is cold or not in a simple way. With your warm index finger feel in the fold behind the ear in the cheekbone area. If it’s warm there, then the baby is warm. And if, for example, the child’s temperature rose above 38 degrees, then due to fontanel brain cools naturally.

In the first months of life, the presence of such soft tissue makes it possible to Ultrasound of baby's head if necessary, and check work and development of the brain and blood vessels. After overgrowth of the fontanel the bones of the skull no longer allow this. Also, inflammatory processes in this area of ​​the head help determine early stages diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis.

IMPORTANT! Monitor your child, his general condition and appearance fontanel. For any external pathologies, consult a doctor.

When does the fontanel overgrow?

This question is one of the most exciting and frequently asked. Speed ​​of overgrowth of fontanel depends on several conditions:

  • The presence of sufficient calcium in the body;
  • Suitable age;
  • Prematurity of children;
  • Absence of diseases.

Norms for overgrowing fontanel

  • Usually, overgrowth of the small (posterior) fontanel occurs already in the womb, or during the first 2-3 months of life - if the baby was not born on time.
  • Great fontanel Overgrows and turns into bone tissue by about one to one and a half years of a child’s life. It overgrows gradually, decreasing in size. You can feel it at say one month and check its size at 6 months.

Reasons for deviations

It is worth considering that slight deviations in any direction are not a problem, since each baby develops individually. The reasons can be very different:

  • Rickets. This is the most common form if we are talking about deviations from the norm. It is observed mainly in premature babies who do not sunbathe and there is not enough calcium in their mother's diet during pregnancy and in their current diet.
  • Hypothyroidism. Occurs when thyroid hormones decrease.
  • Down syndrome. Only a doctor can diagnose it!
  • Vitamin D3 deficiency. If you rarely walk in the sun, and your little one does not receive enough vitamin D3, your doctor will prescribe taking this vitamin in the form of drops. Be sure to follow the dosage!
  • Method of feeding. Again, it depends on whether the baby receives the required amount of calcium or not.
  • Excess calcium able to close the fontanel ahead of schedule. But the question is that the child’s brain must grow and develop, it is important that there is enough space. Try not to let this happen!
  • Constantly, even during quiet communication with you or sleep, the baby depressed fontanelle- Most likely he is dehydrated.
  • Early closing fontanel may indicate abnormal brain development or craniosynostosis (the disease occurs against the background of rickets, increased function of the glands). These diagnoses are rare, but we must remember that pathologies exist.

Keep an eye on your baby and pay attention to his development. Use it common sense and don't panic in vain! Your local pediatrician will answer all your questions and concerns.

Why doesn't a baby's fontanel heal?

This is a reason once again go to the doctor. Increase in size connective tissue of the skull, or its incomplete healing in accordance with age - the likelihood of a disease or lack of necessary enzymes in the body.

By the way, according to the observations of pediatricians, we can say that fontanel in boys grows a little faster than in girls.

If the child the fontanelle quickly overgrows– you need consultations with a pediatrician, endocrinologist and neurologist. There are cases that the fontanel is completely overgrown by 6 months, in the complete absence of pathologies - this also happens. But it is better for the child and you to get timely advice.

Useful video

Of course popular pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky also commented on this exciting question and dispelled myths about fontanel in infants.

In this video Dr. Olga Vasilievna Parshikova will show you how to handle your baby and what to pay attention to in the fontanel.