Pedicure for running feet at home. Step by step: how to make a quality homemade pedicure. Video - Do-it-yourself pedicure at home: step by step instructions

How often to do a pedicure?

Experts advise doing a pedicure once every 8-10 days. With regular foot care, the skin on the feet will become like that of a baby, and the nails will look neat.

Before a pedicure, you need to wash your feet well and remove old varnish. Take a pedicure kit and sanitize all the tools.

Now we proceed to the main stage of the procedure.

Steaming the legs

To begin with, the skin of the legs must be softened. Prepare a bath for a pedicure with warm water, add soap suds to it (this can be a shower gel or shampoo). To enhance the effect, it is also useful to add a little sea salt to the bath. Soak your feet in water for 15 minutes to loosen dead, dry skin cells. Now dry your feet with a towel and move on to the next step.

We process nails and cuticles

To do a proper pedicure, take nail scissors or nail clippers and cut off the protruding part of the nail in a straight line. The shape of the toenails should be square to prevent the nail from growing into the skin. Using a nail file, trim the cut and rough tips of the nail in the direction from the edges to the center.

Using a nail spatula or orange stick, gently push back the cuticles.

To facilitate the pedicure, you can apply a special preparation to the cuticle, which softens and removes excess skin, and then remove the residue after 5 minutes. Using a spatula, try to clean the nail plate from adhering cuticle particles. Run the stick under the nail to clean away dirt and dry skin cells that have accumulated there.

Now with a nail file you can clean your fingertips from rough dry skin, as well as remove cracked skin on calluses.

To make the nail plate look smooth and shiny, it must be polished with a double-sided pedicure file. With the dark blue side of the nail file, gently run over the nails from all sides, especially in the cuticle area. On perfectly smooth nails, the varnish will last much longer.

Foot care

For your home pedicure to be perfect, you need to pay due attention to the soles of your feet. Our goal is to remove excess rough skin. Your first assistant in this matter is a pumice stone. If the skin is not softened enough, keep your feet in a warm bath for another 10 minutes, then treat your feet and heels with a pumice stone. Peels and foot scrubs also help to get rid of coarse skin particles.

After such a procedure, cleansed skin needs to be moisturized and nourished, so lubricate the heels with a nourishing cream and do a light massage.

A little tip: if you suffer from excessive sweating of the feet, lubricate the feet with a special deodorant cream.

Cracked heels and corns

If the skin on the heels is too neglected, you have dense corns or cracks on the heels, the situation cannot be corrected using the usual pedicure procedure. There are proven folk methods, which will help in a couple of weeks to make the skin on the heels soft and silky.

To remove hardness and cracks, apply a nourishing mask to the heels, wrap them in cellophane and put on socks. It is recommended to keep the treatment mask all night, and in the morning wash off and lubricate the feet with a moisturizer. After a few procedures, the result will surprise you.

SPA pedicure at home

If you have enough time, you can pamper your feet with a spa pedicure at home. The treatment includes a pleasant relaxing foot bath with essential oils and a moisturizing nourishing mask.

Prepare a bowl of warm water, add your favorite aromatic oil, dip your feet in the water and enjoy for 10-30 minutes. When the skin on the legs softens, massage the feet with a scrub. Thus, you will cleanse the feet of rough skin, they will become soft and smooth.

The next stage of the home spa pedicure is a moisturizing nourishing foot mask. To do this, you can take your favorite nutritious cream and apply on the feet in a thick layer. Then wrap your feet in cellophane and put on your socks. This mask should be kept for at least 2 hours, and preferably all night. After a few procedures, your heels will become tender, like a baby's.

As a mask, you can use special SPA-sets for pedicure, which include various caring preparations.

Excellent caring effect natural masks for legs, which can be prepared at home. With regular use, they will give your legs a perfect look.

The final stage of the pedicure - apply varnish

The last stage of a pedicure at home is the application of varnish. It all depends on your taste. Can be simply applied colorless varnish for shine and strengthening of nails.

But in any case, first of all, you need to degrease the nail plate from the remnants of the cream and cosmetics. If this is not done, the varnish will not lay down well and will not hold.

Now let's get ready for applying the varnish - put cotton swabs or special spacers between your fingers so that the varnish is applied neatly and does not smear.

The first layer is recommended to apply a colorless base. Thanks to this, the nail will be protected from the toxins contained in the colored varnish, in addition, the surface of the nail will become smooth and the varnish will be fixed much stronger. Your beautiful pedicure keep a fresh look for a long time.

Wait for the colorless base to dry completely, then you can start applying a colored layer of varnish. It is advisable to apply colored varnish at least two layers to get a rich and stable color.

At the end of a professional pedicure, it is desirable to apply a layer of fixative varnish. It will help keep the polish on your nails for a long time. Be beautiful and boldly put on bright sandals!

Not only a manicure should be beautiful, but also a pedicure. It gives confidence to the owner. By different reason not every woman can afford to visit the salon, and you need to devote time to the leg as well as to the pens. However, following a few simple tips, you can easily do a pedicure at home, step by step performing the leg sequence, the result will turn out to be no worse than a salon one.

Tools for home pedicure

Pedicure tools are divided into two types. The former are needed directly for working with nails and toes, and the latter for treating the skin on the feet. So, for a home pedicure you need:

  • Scissors;
  • Bilateral spatula;
  • Manicure tweezers;
  • nail file;
  • Pumice;
  • Foot bath.

Preparing everything in advance necessary tools you can proceed to the procedure.

Manicure at home is not difficult, it includes several main steps:

  1. Stage of preparation;
  2. Foot baths;
  3. Cleansing and treatment of feet;
  4. Nail treatment;
  5. Varnish coating.

Let's take a closer look at each of these procedures.

Preparation stage

First you need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials, remove the varnish on the nails, decorate the nails.

To achieve beautiful manicure it is worth taking care of good tools in advance. You should not choose a pedicure file that is too rough; this can worsen the condition of the nail, it begins to exfoliate and eventually the pedicure becomes untidy and takes on an unattractive look. A glass nail file is considered optimal for a pedicure, it files perfectly, eliminates delamination of the nail and, moreover, has long term services.

It is necessary to carry out filing carefully, in one direction. It is not worth changing the shape of the toenail, it is better to try to leave it as close to natural as possible. Otherwise, it will lead to unpleasant consequences, for example, ingrown nails.

Nail polishing

The second stage of the manicure, the masters polish the nails. To do this procedure in the kit, you must have a polishing nail file, preferably double-sided. First of all, with one, rougher side, you need to walk over the surface of all nails to remove roughness and bumps. After that, the other, not too hard side of the nail file to make them shiny and smoother.

foot bath

To use the bath, you need to take a container of water, add sea salt, a little soda, and two drops of iodine and lemon juice. Such a bath helps to exfoliate, soften and nourish the skin of the legs, in addition, adding sea salt to the foot baths perfectly disinfects. The allotted time for the bath should be at least 15 minutes, and yet, it is necessary to control the temperature of the water and add hot water as it cools. At the end of the bath, you should dry your nails well and continue the pedicure.

Peeling for feet

To carry out the stage of cleansing the feet, you need to take a pumice stone with a fine-grained coating. During work, more attention should be paid to strong corns and coarsened areas of the skin of the feet. However, the use of pumice stone does not always allow you to clean hard-to-reach places, in this case it is better to have an exfoliating foot scrub in your arsenal with which to treat these areas. The procedure for peeling and scrubbing the feet is the most time-consuming and requires no small effort. Carefully processed legs are able to keep the pedicure for a long time.

Cuticle removal

To work with the cuticle in the area nail plate it is better to take a wooden stick. Masters do not recommend doing a trimmed pedicure, it is better to constantly push the cuticle back. After working with the cuticle using also wooden stick you need to check and clean the nails of the remaining dirt.

The nails are decorated and ready for the painting procedure. But if time permits, a massage procedure can become pleasant for the feet. To do this, an abundant amount of nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the feet, and rubbed into the skin with soft massage movements. Such a small massage will help relieve fatigue, moisturize and provide a deodorizing effect.

We apply varnish

For a more convenient coating of toenails with varnish, it is better to use special separators. With their help, the process will become much more convenient. It is better to cover the nails in two layers, but be sure to degrease the nail plate before that.

Today's pace of life very often does not leave time for self-care, but you need to look beautiful and well-groomed. This issue is especially acute in the warm season, when demi-season shoes are replaced by light open sandals. Women's legs become the subject of special attention and require regular care. Pedicure is the main and most important foot care procedure. To the pedicure includes not only procedures for correcting the shape and length of nails and foot skin care, but also nail coloring, as well as their design in accordance with the general style.

French nail polish was invented not at all in France, but in America, back in the eighties of the last century. The founder of the world famous company Orly, which produces products for manicure, Jeff Pink, at the request of his friend the director, came up with a revolutionary nail coating in order to speed up the preparation of actresses for the filming process.

When is it better to do it at home, and when is it better to go to the salon

During a classic pedicure, it is necessary to treat the feet with an antiseptic and carefully disinfect manicure accessories to avoid infection.

How to do a pedicure yourself at home (step by step instructions)

If you decide to do a pedicure yourself at home, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with step by step instructions for beginners:

2. To perform a classic pedicure instruments need to be sterilized and steam your feet in warm water with an antiseptic. In other cases, it is necessary to apply a special softening agent for pedicure to the feet.

3. With special tweezers or scissors, it is necessary to align the length of all nails and trim their edge with a nail file.

4. Pumice stone or pedicure feet are treated with abrasive files, especially places with keratinized skin.

5. A softening agent is applied to the cuticle and its edge is pushed back with a special spatula or orange stick.

6. If you are doing a classic pedicure, then the cuticle and side ridges near the nail must be cut off. The cuticles are cleaned with special thin nozzles of the milling cutter.
7. Feet and nails at the last stage are polished with special buffs.
8. Legs are smeared antifungal cream and give a light massage.

9. A clear base coat is applied to the nails and allowed to dry completely.

10. Apply varnish and use this or that decoration. If you apply gel polish, then it must be dried in a special lamp, apply and dry the top coat, and remove the sticky layer with a special tool. You can learn more about how to properly do a gel polish pedicure at home at the link.

Video on how to do a pedicure at home

How to make a regular edged pedicure at home, which is also called classic, you can learn from a short video. Take note of the little secrets of doing a pedicure and try to do it yourself at home.

Video on how to do a pedicure in the salon

You can find out how a home pedicure differs from a salon pedicure from a video that will demonstrate a master class in professional pedicure. Perhaps you can apply some subtleties and nuances yourself.

Combinations with other types of design solutions

When the pedicure is done and your feet are fresh and neat, you should think about their beauty. There are some tricks that will help you make your style and image harmonious and beautiful.

  • Manicures and pedicures in the same style and color scheme automatically create the integrity of your image.

  • A seasoned style and one color scheme with a different design of pedicure and manicure always looks harmonious.

  • Shoes in nude shades imply a calm and muted range of pedicure. Will be out of place here bright colors and rhinestones.

  • French pedicure is always a win-win option with any shoes and any style of clothing.

  • The association looks very interesting. colors and stylistics of a pedicure and a handbag.

  • For unity of style, you can repeat some elements of your accessories in your pedicure.

  • Whatever color of the French pedicure you choose, it will always remain a classic, so a pearl thread will always come in handy.

  • The gentle summer range of your wardrobe, of course, implies pastel shades in a pedicure, which you can diversify by alternating colors and gentle light decor. In this case, rhinestones and sequins will look very good.

  • A more strict style of clothing dictates calm and, as a rule, monochromatic pedicure design options. Dark contrasting shades will be very relevant.

  • To highlight the bright style and extravagant accessories, you can use red, white and black colors in a pedicure and generously decorate your nails with decor. In this case, unusual color combinations, usage bright accents and interesting prints.

Doing a pedicure at home is not at all difficult. It all depends on which pedicure you prefer and how much you know the technique of its implementation. By following our recommendations, you can easily make a beautiful pedicure on your own and surprise everyone with an unusual design and interesting nail style. Learn, be inspired, experiment and be beautiful! We are waiting for your comments.

Currently, many beauty salons offer their services. In almost every such organization you can get a manicure and pedicure. This is the treatment of hands and feet, respectively, with the use of caring elements. In addition to removing keratinized skin, the master pays special attention to the nails. In beauty salons, hardware pedicures are increasingly being performed. Step-by-step instructions with a photo will be presented to your attention in the article. You will learn about the features of the procedure and the basic rules.

Many representatives of the weaker sex try to save their time and money by refusing to visit beauty salons. They do pedicures at home. The step-by-step instruction of this processing will also be described below. Another reason for refusing salon services is the fear of infection. After all, through tools not sterilized by the master, you can get an infection from a previous guest.

Is it worth doing a pedicure at home with your own hands?

There is no single opinion on this matter. Some people believe that home treatment of nails and feet is much safer than salon services. Others are sure that their own hands can be manipulated incorrectly. As a result, there will be irreparable consequences.

Whether it is worth treating the legs on your own is a private matter for everyone. In any case, you need to know the principle of operation. The instructions below will tell you about this. Note that the algorithm for performing salon and home pedicures is very different.

Pedicure at home

What do you need for manipulation? This is the first question that comes up. The easiest and most popular way to process fingers is. To carry it out, you will need tools (scissors, tweezers, nail files, buffs, and so on), as well as a bowl of liquid. To soak the skin, you can use special saline and nutrient solutions. They are purchased ready-made. If desired, you can use ordinary soapy water.

In addition to the products described, you will need a napkin, a degreaser and a coating that will be applied to the plate. If desired, you can use moisturizing formulations and nourishing cuticle and skin oils. Consider how to make a pedicure at home with your own hands. Step by step instructions for you.

Softening of rough skin

Pour the softening liquid into the bowl. After that, lower your legs into it. Some people prefer to use reusable formulations. They look like varnishes or pencils. With such means, the cuticle around the nail plate is lubricated. Under the action of a unique composition, the skin softens. After that, you can easily delete it.

It is necessary to soften the cuticle with the help of special tools for a strictly specified time. Some formulations involve exposure to the skin within 15 minutes, others act after 5. If you do a pedicure at home with your own hands (for beginners - easy way), you will most likely choose softening with water. Such exposure to the skin should occur within 20 minutes.

Cuticle treatment on legs

How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions involve removing the skin around the nail. To do this, you can use tweezers, thin scissors, special cutting blades for nails and other devices.

Carefully cut off excess skin, being careful not to damage sensitive areas. If you use special compounds to soften the cuticle, then some of them can corrode the coarsened areas on their own. You just have to wipe the treated skin with a soft cloth. If you inadvertently damage your skin while working, use peroxide or alcohol. Be sure to disinfect the wound and stop the bleeding.

Tidy up your nails

A step-by-step pedicure instruction informs about the mandatory nail treatment. Carefully give the plates the same shape and length. To do this, use a file, tweezers or scissors. The nails on the feet are always rougher and thicker than on the upper limbs. That is why they require polishing. File off the top layer of your nails using a hard buff. After that, grind the plates with a fine-grained surface.

It is necessary to apply varnish or any other coating only after a complete treatment of the feet. Degrease the plate first. If you use gel formulations, then you will need a special lamp.

Special attention to feet and heels

How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions say that you need to pay special attention to coarsened areas. These are heels, calluses and corns. To remove the latter, you can use special formulations. They are sold in almost every cosmetic store or pharmacy. Depending on your preference, you can choose suitable tools to clean the specified areas.

Use a metal file or pumice stone to clean plaque and rough skin. This method of work is suitable for those people who regularly take preventive measures. When the legs are in a state of disrepair, you will have to try to bring them into proper shape. For this, special blades, scrapers and tweezers are used. Carefully cut off the top rough skin. Try to do all movements very carefully. At the end of the manipulation, walk with a soft pumice stone and remove the existing small particles.

Step-by-step instructions for hardware pedicure

To perform this type of foot treatment, you must have a special device. Many beauty salons use professional machines on which nozzles are put on. different shapes and rigidity. Some of them are designed to cleanse the nails, while others treat the feet.

Currently, pedicure files are becoming very popular, which have small size and run on batteries. One of these is Scholl, but you can try Aphrodite or Solingen. Step-by-step instructions (how to do a pedicure) are always on the package. Before starting work, carefully study it and comply with all conditions. But what about those devices that do not have annotations?

Skin softening for hardware pedicure

How to treat feet and nails with a machine? As in a classic pedicure, the skin must first be softened. To do this, use special formulations that are applied to dry skin and removed after a while with napkins.

Some devices require the treatment of unsoftened skin. In this case, you can skip the described paragraph and immediately proceed to the next one.

Skin care with the device

Take the coarsest nozzle and treat especially problematic areas with it. These are heels, dry calluses and corns. After that, with the help of a nozzle, walk softly over the entire skin. Remember that when hardware pedicure you can't stop at one place. A rotating file can severely damage the skin. That is why all movements must be performed carefully, slowly moving in a certain direction.

When the rough layer of skin is removed, you need to put on the grinding head and complete the pedicure. This type of file can be processed inside toes and center of the foot.

What to do with nails?

How to do a pedicure at home with your own hands? The step-by-step instructions say the following. The nail plate, like the rest of the skin, must be treated with nozzles. However, they are smaller and have a different shape. Gently cut the cuticle without affecting sensitive areas and delicate skin.

The surface of the nails must be ground with a special nozzle. After that, polish. Finally, a coating can be applied.

Adhere to the following rules:

  • If you carry out the manipulation yourself, then you should always disinfect the instruments. Even saw-nozzles for hardware manicure. Otherwise, a fungus may develop on them, which is very difficult to remove.
  • Do not use strangers When you come to the salon in order for the master to work on your beauty, always make sure that the appliances used are clean.
  • Try to file your nails first, then make softening procedures. Otherwise, the plate may begin to delaminate and crumble.
  • Don't trim the sharp corners of your nails. This can lead to the formation of ingrown nails. This pathology causes a lot of inconvenience. In some cases, a person simply cannot move normally.
  • If you use oil formulations, then you should always wipe your nails with a degreaser before applying the coating. Otherwise, the varnish and gel simply will not fall.
  • When applying gel substances to the nails, sand the plate first so that the adhesion is stronger.
  • Use moisturizers and nutrients after a pedicure, do not forget to process the cuticle. It is worth noting that such compositions should be used not only after the described manipulations. Moisturizing your feet daily will help you avoid dryness and cracking.
  • Do a light pedicure at least once every two months. This will help you avoid corns, calluses and rough skin.

Brief summary

You learned that, Perhaps, the first time you will not be able to manipulate the way you want. Explore detailed instructions for the treatment of nails and feet. Consider all the nuances and features. Watch your beauty. I wish you success!

Any girl always wants to see her legs well-groomed. To save on trips to the salon, you can do a pedicure at home yourself. Let's see how to do a pedicure at home for yourself. At the same time, if it suddenly seems difficult to you, then you can take training courses on manicure and pedicure. Compliance with the following simple rules will help you always feel “on top”.

How to properly prepare, step by step instructions

To begin with, you need to prepare. The first step is to wash your feet, remove nail polish. So, you should fill the bath with warm water. Water should be at a comfortable temperature. Sea salt pre-enriched with aromatic oils can be added to the water.

  • Rosemary, fir bath will help to cope with bad smell legs.
  • Mint - tones.
  • Lemon - softens the skin.
  • Lavender promotes relaxation.
  • Tea tree deodorizes the skin of the feet.

When the bath is ready, you can get comfortable and spend at least five minutes in peace and quiet. After steaming the legs, the hardened skin on the feet and corns should be removed. You will need a pumice stone, since doing a pedicure at home on rough and untreated skin will not work. Pumice stone will easily remove excess areas of hardened skin. Work with pumice stone should be carefully, without injuring healthy skin.

The second step for the perfect pedicure at home

The next step is a pedicure grinder. A little scrub is applied to it. Here, both a special tool for a pedicure and a regular body scrub are suitable. If there is no scrub at hand, sea salt, calcined sand or semolina mixed with olive oil can replace it with a pedicure. Feet should be well treated, especially the outer edge, heels and toes.

Particular attention should be paid to the pedicure thumb, as very often it becomes overgrown with rough and rough skin. Next, we move on to massage. You should massage the areas of the foot that experience the greatest load when walking. Properly move from the ankle to the fingers. Massage is a useful and pleasant procedure.

With the help of nail scissors, nails are carefully trimmed. Shape the nails with a nail file. It is better if it is square, this shape prevents ingrown nails. Experts in the perfect pedicure do not recommend choosing coarse hard nail files. They injure the nail plate. With it, the nails will acquire an attractive healthy appearance. In addition, it does not grind, so it will last a longer time.

The third step of a beautiful pedicure

The cuticle is gently pushed back with an orange pedicure stick and removed with manicure tweezers. Next, the nails are polished with a special double-sided nail file for polishing. Work with the hard side first. This will relieve the nail plate of various irregularities, then apply the other side. Nails will become smooth and shiny.

An important role in the beauty of the heels is played by their obligatory hydration. A nourishing cream or lotion is applied to the feet. Suitable for this purpose as well. olive oil, peach and grape seed oil. Cotton socks should be put on the legs for as long as possible, preferably at night.

The final stage of the pedicure, applying varnish

The final step is applying nail polish. It is necessary to remove the remains of the cream from the nail plate with a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover without acetone. Lacquer will stick better. To prevent the fingers from touching each other, you should use special spacers for the fingers. To begin with, the nails should be covered with a special transparent base-base. It will increase the strength and smoothness of the coating. Then you can apply two coats of varnish of a suitable shade and a protective layer.

The result of a home pedicure will be stunning! In general, it is not difficult to understand how to do a pedicure at home for yourself. The main thing is that the process brings pleasure. You need to pamper yourself with this procedure once every two weeks and then the legs will look dazzling! Have you tried doing your own pedicure? Share yours or read the secrets of our visitors.