Homemade false nails. How to glue false nails. How to remove false nails

False nails - quick and easy easy way give hands well-groomed appearance. The most important thing is that for this you do not have to waste time visiting a beauty salon - you can do everything yourself at home.

Photo: False nails

Advantages of false nails:

  • It is not expensive;
  • Variety of shades and designs;
  • Strength of the material;
  • The varnish on them lasts longer than on natural nails;
  • Using a nail file, you can give your nails any shape.

How to stick tips correctly

If you are going to apply false nails without the help of a specialist, you need to know the following:

  • Tips cannot be glued to damaged or peeling nails;
  • Your nails must be completely free of varnish and degreased with nail polish remover or alcohol;
  • Before applying the glue, it is advisable to cover the nails with a primer - a means to protect the nails from the penetration of toxic substances and pigmentation;
  • Use only special glue, which is most likely included with false nails;
  • The glue is applied in an even and thin layer to the nail plate, after which the false nail is quickly fixed. This action must be performed as carefully as possible so that you do not have to redo it.

Video: How to glue false nails

This video explains in detail how to choose the right size of false nails and how to glue them at home so that they last as long as possible.

Video source: L’Oréal Paris Russia

How to remove false nails

To make false nails easily come away from the nail plate, you need to dissolve the glue that holds them in place. It is strictly forbidden to remove your nails by prying them with the tip of a metal file - in this way you injure your own nails, which can lead to their delamination or adversely affect their shape.

You can soften the glue with acetone or nail polish remover. It is enough to drop a small amount of it under the nail plate and wait 1-2 minutes. The glue will soften and the false nails can be removed.

Video: How to remove false nails

This video shows another way to remove false nails made of plastic.

If you take care of your hands, then your nails will always be beautiful and neat. Today there are a huge number of ways to make your hands and nails just like that. One of the most common options is nail application. What do you need to know to get a perfect manicure with false nails even at home?

Pros and cons of false nails

False nails are a special nail plate that can be attached to natural glue using a special glue. Today, probably, every woman knows about such nails, but nevertheless, they all have sufficient information about how to apply them correctly and what the consequences may be after this. Any innovation that appears and begins to be actively used has both positive and negative qualities. The main advantage of false nails is that today there is a very large selection of them and you can choose any color and design and thus completely change the appearance of your nails. If you glue them correctly, they will serve you as a wonderful decoration for a long time and the design will not wear off, because the varnish on such nails is more durable. But so beautiful elements Our cosmetics may also have negative qualities. Substances contained in false nails can cause allergies. If you do not know how to apply and remove nails correctly, you can very easily damage the nail plate and then it will take a very long time to restore it. In some cases, using false nails may cause fungus or other infectious diseases. Also, maintaining artificial nails in good and safe condition is very expensive and not every woman can afford it. Although today you can already find special products that allow you to independently care for false nails. IN Lately Liquid from Severin is very popular.

What every woman needs to know about false nails

Before you start doing a manicure with false nails, you need to go for a consultation with a specialist so that he can help you determine which type of nails is right for you. Natural nails are divided into three types: classic, flat or curved. Based on the information received, you will need to choose suitable nails. Also, when purchasing, you should make sure that they fit you in size. After the purchase is made, you need to check if there are any allergies to such nails.
For example, glue one nail and if after a while you do not notice any discomfort, then you can continue to glue the rest. You can renew this manicure every few weeks and do not forget to lubricate the cuticle with a special oil every day.

When you deal with household chemicals, don't forget about gloves so that your nails remain safe and sound. It is also worth remembering that you should never put on your nails. If your nail plate is damaged or there are wounds or hangnails on the skin around the nail. Also important point there is that false nails cannot be worn for more than three weeks.
First of all, decide how long you will wear false nails. If you are counting on one evening or several days. Then self-adhesive nails, where the glue is applied to the inside of the nail, are perfect for you. They are very easy to use and, if worn carefully, can last for a whole week. After this, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. Clean your natural nails of old polish and degrease the surface. It is also necessary to trim your nails to a minimum length. After this, use a brush to apply glue to each nail that you are going to glue and press it to your nail. Hold for ten seconds. Once all your nails are glued, you can begin to coat them with varnish, if you did not buy already painted nails.

False nails are an ideal opportunity to get a stylish manicure for those girls who don’t have a minute of free time. Similar services are provided in salons nail design However, the cost of such services is quite high. This is why many fashionistas stick their nails on themselves at home.

Pros of false nails

In the frantic pace of life, it is quite difficult to combine work, home, caring for loved ones with quality self-care, and most often the choice is not made in favor of the latter.

Long nails are very beautiful, but due to constant worries about the house and contact with household chemicals, growing them is quite problematic.

And many professions are not compatible with length: doctors and teachers in most cases wear short nails, and in offices with a strict dress code, length is also often prohibited.

However, everyday life is everyday life, and in the life of every girl there are sometimes events when you need to look “at 100”; This is where false nails will come to the rescue. It will take you very little time to get a stylish manicure, and you can get rid of it literally in a matter of minutes. False nails are also often taken with you on trips, since it is difficult to find in an unfamiliar city. good master

, but you want to look perfect even far from civilization.

At the same time, false nails are very easy to remove, unlike extended nails, which must either be dissolved in a special liquid or taken a long time and troublesomely to file off. The overlay plates can be removed quite quickly: you just need to take acetone-based nail polish remover and dissolve the glue on which the covers are attached. Of course, false nails are cheap.

If you resort to extensions, then you need to pay a fairly significant amount to make the nail plates longer, give them the necessary shape and apply a design. Invoices are much cheaper, and you can periodically change the design on them as you wish.

Of course, there is a drawback: the onlay plates can only be worn for a few days, however, with proper care, they can last up to two weeks.

Types of false nails To glue your nails on yourself at home

How to make false nails

Gluing false nails at home is very simple, however, you will still need some skill. For fashionistas who do not have relevant experience, we will give simple recommendations.

Choosing false nails

To begin with, we advise you to buy a couple of packages at once so that you have plenty to choose from. It is best that the packaging is transparent and soft: then you can try on a nail for yours in the store. nail plate and make sure that it will match the shape of your natural nails. Usually finished nails are produced in square shape, but it is quite easy to change it with a regular file. Keep in mind that what better quality material, from which the nails are made, the more natural they will look.

Nail preparation

Before you start gluing your nails, you should get your hands in complete order; Of course, you can neglect the manicure, but without it the result will be completely different, and false nails will not be so impressive.

After you have processed the nail plates, removed the cuticles and cut off the keratinized side ridges, you should thoroughly wash your hands with soap and dry them, then prepare the overlay plates and proceed directly to application.

Attaching nails

Each artificial nail is coated with an even layer of glue on the back side, after which it is pressed firmly against the nail plate. It is held in this position for about 10–15 seconds so that the glue can set and dry. This should be done with all remaining nails.

Gluing the nail on is only half the battle. Then the adjustment of the nail plate begins. It should be done carefully and diligently, otherwise false nails will look untidy.

First you need to decide on the length and shape: It should be noted that shortened nails, protruding above the tops of the fingers by no more than 2–3 mm, look much more natural and attractive. The plastic is trimmed with a margin, and after that, using a nail file, the tips are brought to the required length and shape.

When work on one finger is completed, it can be used as an example for the rest: the hands should be identical, so when working, you should focus on the same shape of the nails.

It is very important to remove the border between false and natural nail plates; files and buffs are used for this. Only after this can you start decorating your nails: usually they are painted with decorative varnishes and covered with glitter, rhinestones or beads.

Let's look separately at how to remove tips. Everything is simple here: just hold your hands in hot water for about 20 minutes. At this time, the glue dissolves and the pads can be removed quite quickly and easily. If the nail still holds, dip your finger in nail polish remover for a few seconds, this way the plates can be removed very quickly.

How to make your own false nails

If you wish, you can try to make false nails yourself; most often the material for making them is tape. You will need single-sided adhesive tape; you can use clear or colored tape depending on your individual preferences.

A piece of tape is cut and wrapped around the nail and a strip is cut so that it is twice as long as your original nail, after which it is applied as a whole so that the entire nail looks glossy. Then press on the sides of the tape so that it bends and looks more natural. If the tape is too wide or long, you should cut it to the desired size.

The fashion for beautiful and well-groomed nails has always been, is and will be. Therefore, nails should be given great attention. But what to do if an important meeting or event is in a couple of hours, and you don’t have enough time to go to the nail salon? TO How to glue false nails yourself?

False nails can be an excellent way out of this situation. But, like most procedures for nails, false nails have both pros and cons. The advantages include:

  • false nails will hide imperfections in the nail plate;
  • artificial nails are much stronger than their natural ones;
  • The varnish is applied better on the perfectly smooth surface of the artificial nail, lasts longer and looks brighter.

There are also a lot of disadvantages:

  • the glue used to glue nails is toxic and negatively affects the condition of the nail plate;
  • when removing an artificial nail, the top layer of the nail is injured;
  • When wearing false nails for a long time, its plate becomes depleted and becomes thin.

If the decision about false nails has been made, then all that remains is to glue them correctly.

How to glue your nails at home?

In order to glue your nails at home, you don’t need any special equipment, but you should still have some items on hand:

  • overhead forms;
  • glue (usually comes with the molds);
  • wipes for removing excess glue;
  • manicure accessories;
  • means for degreasing nail plate;
  • cup for hot water.

Remember that you cannot glue false nails if there is a fungal infection on the plate; artificial tips will only worsen the situation.

Let's get to work. To do this, remove any remaining old polish on your nails and do a manicure using tweezers.

It is advisable to do a high-quality one, remove as much skin as possible around the nail, while pushing it away with an orange stick. Most often, nails are included standard size, so it will take some time to file the overhead tips to the desired shape and size. The nail should cover its own nail plate and not extend beyond it. The nail plate should be smoothed using a fine abrasive file, degreased and coated with base coat. Then a special glue should be applied evenly to the nail in a thin layer and it is better to glue the artificial form right away to avoid drying.

The false nail is applied in the direction from the cuticle, the closer to the edge of the cuticle, the better. The remaining glue that comes out after pressing the tips onto the nail is removed with a napkin. Cover your nails with varnish, focusing close attention areas where your own nail adheres to the false nail.

The main task is to glue the nail correctly the first time, because the glue sets almost instantly, and it will not be possible to remove the incorrectly installed form quickly. But even if you definitely didn’t succeed in sticking it, don’t despair! The situation can be easily corrected by removing the failed nail and re-gluing it. To do this, pour hot water into a bowl of water and place your finger there for 10 or 15 minutes.

After softening the adhesive base, carefully peel off the tips, preferably starting from the area near the cuticle. Remains of glue from the surface of the nail can be removed with a solvent or cut off, which is not recommended, since you can easily cut off the top layer of the nail plate and damage the nail. After removing the mold from the failed one, repeat the procedure of degreasing, applying glue and gluing itself.

How to glue nails without glue

Usually a special glue comes with the molds, but what to do if it suddenly gets lost or runs out? Naturally, it is not recommended to use products on the nail plate that are not intended for these purposes. It is better to purchase used glue in specialized stores. But if you don’t have time to go to the store, transparent will come to the rescue. A thin layer of colorless varnish is applied to the grease-free nail with a brush and an artificial form is placed on top.

Harmful effects on the nail plate

In order to avoid the tips moving, you will have to hold the nail pressed for a couple of minutes. Of course, this method is extremely unreliable; a nail glued in this way easily falls off with the slightest manipulation. The only advantage is the relative safety of the procedure, because in this case natural nails will suffer little damage.

Some craftsmen glue their nails with regular glue, but in order to prevent the penetration of toxic substances into the nail plate, they lay a layer of cotton wool. It is not recommended to keep false forms glued using this method on your fingers for more than a few hours in order to avoid negative consequences not only for the nails, but also for health in general.

If working with glue does not work under any circumstances, then there are currently glue-based false nails. That is, a sticky layer is applied to the tips themselves. In order to glue such a nail, you should wash your hands with soap and degrease your own nails and false nails with a degreaser; if you don’t have one, alcohol or nail polish remover will do. Then the protective film is removed from the artificial form and the nail is glued. Of course, this form of false nails is much more convenient and the harmful effects on the nail plate are minimized, but still such nails will not last long.

Step-by-step instructions with superglue

It is strictly not recommended to glue false nails with superglue. Firstly, this type of glue is quite toxic and can easily penetrate the body through open nail scales. Secondly, there have probably been cases in any person’s life when a small drop of super glue got on the skin of their hands. Was it easy to wash it off? Yes, it’s almost impossible, the glue comes off along with the skin. Now imagine how it is possible to remove nails glued to such glue? Most likely, only with your own nails.

But if the decision to glue your nails with superglue is made, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • There is no need to degrease the native nail plate; this layer will serve as a “safety airbag”.
  • You need to apply super glue to the underside of the false mold, and not to your own nail.
  • When gluing, press the form against the nail for no longer than three seconds.

There are two ways to remove nails glued with superglue:

  • soak your nails in hot water (temperature no less than 45 degrees) for about 20 minutes. The superglue should soften and come away from the live plate. Under no circumstances try to tear off the false nail by the long edge; to remove it, just pry it with something sharp near the cuticle area;
  • using a special solvent. Do not use regular solvent as it will burn the skin. But nail glue solvent is quite suitable. It usually comes in the form of a varnish with a brush, which is convenient for applying solvent, avoiding sensitive areas skin.

After removal, a medicinal product should be applied to the nails and the cuticle should be treated with oil.

How to glue your nails so they last a long time

How can you remove your nails?

False nails should not be kept on your hands for more than two weeks, but as practice shows, they fall off much earlier. Therefore, many girls are looking for ways to properly apply false nails so that they stick like extensions or their own.

There are some tricks that will allow the false nail to stay on your finger longer:

  • When gluing the overlay form, you should not press it into the cuticle, but, on the contrary, retreat 2–3 mm from the edge of the cuticle. After the glue has dried, use a regular file for natural nails to file well the junction of the natural nail and the artificial one, and polish it with a buff.
  • To degrease the nail plate, use a special professional product.
  • Before applying glue to the nail, cover your nails with a special base; it will better bind the adhesive base and the surface of the artificial form.
  • If the fixation suddenly breaks during wearing, you can heat the nail with a hairdryer, heat will return the adhesive quality to the base and the false nail will stop dangling.
  • Do not come into contact with substances that contain acetone. Homework It is recommended to wear rubber gloves.

Review of self-adhesive nails from Fix Price in the following video:

In contact with

For those who don’t have time to constantly go to a beauty salon, false nails are an excellent solution. They allow you to give your hands a well-groomed look, while you can always create the required shape and length. This option is great for those who have not yet gotten rid of bad habit bite your nails.

False nails: pros and cons

Before deciding on such a procedure, you should consider it comprehensively and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Let's start with a positive characteristic:

Now I would like to draw attention to the disadvantages of this procedure:

  1. The nail overlay is attached using special binding solutions, and they, in turn, can provoke allergies.
  2. If a beginner takes on the process, then due to lack of experience, he can only harm the nail plate both during application and during removal of nails.
  3. There are cases when artificial material contributes to the proliferation of fungal or bacterial infections.
  4. After such a procedure, false nails must be constantly monitored to ensure they are in proper shape, and this is not always cheap, especially with qualified nail technicians.
  5. If you want to get rid of such a manicure, you will have to go to a salon, since not everyone modern nails amenable chemical method removal.

After carefully weighing all the pros and cons of such a procedure, you can still decide whether it is worth it or not.

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Types of false nails

An artificial manicure can be created using two methods: extensions or sticking. In the first case, special tips are used that look like plates and are glued to the very surface of the nail. They can also use a special material applied to the end of the nail plate. The second option implies the presence of a ready-made plate, which is adjusted into place using special glue.

Both methods have their positive and negative aspects. Extended nails are more durable and cause less damage to the natural nail plate. But the glued plates can be used more than once, the main thing is not to keep them on the nails for more than two days, and after each gluing, let the nails “rest” for at least 24 hours.

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Read also: How to choose a nail shape

Material of manufacture

False nails are divided into several types, it all depends on the base material:

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This option is used most often today. The peculiarity of this type is the need for stickers only on a natural base. The extension can come from a monomer or a polymer. In the first case, a liquid derivative of acrylic acid is used, and in the second, a powder derivative. This type overlay coatings have the highest strength and durability.

But it is immediately worth noting that such an application cannot be done without a specialist, since this process requires scrupulousness. Otherwise, the natural nail can be seriously damaged. This manicure should be renewed every three weeks, depending on the growth rate of natural nails.

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Gel nails

For this manicure, acrylic gel is used. Appearance The final result is as natural as possible. Extension occurs by applying acrylic gel on a pre-prepared base, after which the nails are dried with a special ultraviolet lamp.

Some dry gel nails And naturally. Once the surface has hardened, it is processed to give the desired shape. When choosing this type of overhead accessories, you should know that if you get tired of them, it will be extremely difficult to remove them. Usually, in order not to damage the natural plate, they wait until the matter grows back on its own.

But, unlike acrylic options, these types require updates much less frequently.

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The structure of such a plate includes silk, linen, paper particles or fiberglass. Before gluing the plates onto the nail, they are first given the desired shape. The end result is difficult to distinguish from a natural manicure. To keep your nails flexible and not breakable, you should give preference to fiberglass-based plates.

But it’s worth noting right away that of all false nails, these have the shortest service life.

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This is the easiest option for creating an artificial manicure. It can also be done at home. Glue is applied to ordinary plates, and the overlay elements are pressed to the surface. The main thing is that the base is thoroughly degreased. But it is better not to wear self-adhesive nails for more than two days, otherwise it may harm the natural plate. Usually a special glue is included with such a kit, but if desired, it can be purchased separately.

If you don’t want to wear an artificial manicure for a long time, then the best option You will be using adhesive-based false nails.