Creative letter of congratulations to colleagues on the New Year. Cool corporate New Year greetings to colleagues. Happy New Year greetings for colleagues

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year I would like to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any wealth. But if someone decides to buy them, bargain until the last minute!

Colleagues! I don’t know how old the Snow Maiden is, but Santa Claus is definitely a little old! But, nevertheless, he is cheerful, cheerful and still able to give gifts!

Let the old man present you with modern surprises and entertainment that will make you so wildly delighted that you will forget to go to work! This will encourage you to quit and find a new job! Give it in the new year new job! With new happiness!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work well, but also receive money well! Let there be exactly as many of them as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the greediest. Happy New Year!

For the coming New Year
It's time to wish your colleagues
Less hard work
More nice salaries!

Let clients become smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only work success
Let Santa Claus carry it in his sack,
And humor, joy, laughter
And only the salary in earnest!

Happy New Year to those with whom I share the joys and sorrows of the entire working week - our close-knit team! Let there be many times more joys, I also wish that in the New Year the salary becomes much higher, and less labor is spent on it.

On the eve of the New Year, each employee of modern companies or government agencies would like to congratulate their colleagues on the upcoming holiday. To wish your friends and work acquaintances, you can choose both prose and poetry. For forwarding to emails or in social networks You can choose colorful pictures and video postcards from the examples given below. Complemented with your own words, congratulations to colleagues on New Year 2018 are also suitable for sending to partner organizations and official representatives of the company. To do this you just need to select suitable option text and supplement it with personal wishes.

Official congratulations to colleagues for the New Year 2018 of the dog in prose - with example texts

Not only work friends, but also other employees and superiors should congratulate colleagues on the upcoming New Year 2018 in a beautiful and original way. On the eve of the upcoming holiday, management usually sounds dry official wishes success and good luck, happiness. But if the text is written correctly, even simple prose can become a New Year 2018 best congratulations for all colleagues.

Examples of official congratulations for colleagues for the New Year 2018 dogs

You don’t have to write New Year’s greetings for your colleagues yourself. Among the options for official texts proposed below, you can choose excellent examples for reading during a corporate party or a small feast held before the holiday. You can also take individual sentences and write a new one from them unusual congratulations for the 2018 New Year.

Dear Colleagues! The New Year has arrived! You all did a great job, and now it's time to celebrate the magical New Year's celebration. I wish each of you simple eternal happiness, because without it the world becomes gray. Health to you and your loved ones. New original ideas and grandiose career advancements. Let our wonderful team become even more friendly and together we are not afraid of any heights. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. Let this year start successfully and beautifully. May everyone be very lucky from the first days. May hard work and zeal for work always be appreciated and have its reward. May each of us have our own victories and further advancement in our activities, and may life give everyone happiness and love. I wish everyone bright holidays and a wonderful mood.

Dear and Dear Colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I would like to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and true prosperity, high prosperity and constant good luck. Let New year's night will fulfill the wishes of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear Colleagues! Great luck to be in the same, friendly team with you, and, every day, together and amicably solve new, even complex problems! In the New Year, I want to wish you and those who are dear to you health, success in everything planned, and your most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unimaginable way!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! We wish you a lot of joy and laughter, smiles, sincerity and kindness! Let your homes be filled with happiness and prosperity. Be healthy, always in a great mood, and may all your deepest dreams come true in the New Year! Happy holiday, friends!

Cool congratulations to colleagues in verse for the New Year 2018 - examples of texts

Colleagues who communicate with each other for a long time often become true friends. But also at work you can just get acquainted with good people, ready to help in difficult times and suggest how to behave correctly in a given situation. For the New Year 2018, kind and sympathetic colleagues should be pleased with cool congratulations and touching wishes. You can select them from the examples given below.

What cool congratulations in verse can you read to your colleagues on New Year 2018?

Short poems can not only be read out during a corporate party or copied into purchased postcards, but also used to send via SMS. Small congratulations Happy New Year are perfect for sending in work chats of modern instant messengers.

May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
This year I wish you,
So that wealth and luck
We were at the same time with you,
And health and luck
They flew into your window.
Lots of laughter, lots of happiness!
Let all bad weather go away.
To Santa Claus
Brought you growth in your career,
And the Snow Maiden is with me
Brought a lot of income!

Happy New Year to our entire friendly team.
May good luck accompany you and may the positivity never leave you.
So that work can be carried out, so that there is comfort in families!
Just so you don’t forget: you are very welcome here in the morning.
I wish you all success and health, light, joy, goodness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

Having worked hard for a year,
It's time to rest.
Happy New Year to you, colleagues!
Put everything aside.

I wish you a salary -
To carry it away in bags,
Next door to the MP
So they could buy a house.

Management to praise
So that there is career growth.
So as not to scold too much,
If you forgot something.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
You and I are one family.
I wish you happiness and joy
And good luck to you, friends!

May the New Year bring good luck,
Stability and income are immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks be conquered.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of all kinds of wishes.
May your days be very bright.
And various impressions for you!

How to write congratulations to colleagues for the New Year 2018 in your own words - ideas and examples

A congratulation written in your own words is an excellent option for wishing your colleagues and friends well and happiness. At the same time, anyone can write a cool text. The following tips and examples will help you easily compose a beautiful greeting in your own words for all your colleagues for the New Year 2018.

Ideas for making your own New Year's greetings for colleagues for 2018

You can enter standard blanks into the congratulatory text (wishes of happiness, goodness, health). And you can supplement them with unusual turns. For example, wish you a magical holiday during your vacation and all weekends in the New Year 2018. Or wish a young family rapid financial growth and spending many years with their other half. It is recommended to select congratulations according to the age, hobbies and character of the colleague being congratulated.

Examples of congratulations in your own words for colleagues for the New Year 2018 holiday

In order not to waste a lot of time writing congratulations in your own words, it is recommended that you carefully study the examples given below. They will help you write beautiful and touching texts with a beautiful style.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! Let our dreams come true and all our tasks be easily solved. Let our friendly team bypass difficulties, and let the career ladder become a runway. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

Dear colleagues, comrades-in-arms, colleagues! We have done a great job in the past year and have outlined a lot of plans for the coming 12 months. May all your plans succeed and be implemented as successfully as possible. Health to you, your families, your loved ones and relatives. And to our enterprise - prosperity and prosperity. Happy New Year!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I wish you high and rapid growth in your career, great and unbreakable success in your work, honest and fruitful cooperation, understanding and respect in the team, prosperity and prosperity in your home, New Year’s happiness and true love in your personal life.

Colleagues, this year has been full of pleasant surprises, significant achievements, as well as minor disappointments. But you and I remained unshakable and persistent in winning new awards for our work. I wish us all that with the change of date on the calendar, in our lives, too, all the changes will be only for the better! We wish you professional growth, new strategically important partners and successful contracts. The contribution of each of you is invaluable in our difficult task. Congratulations and wish you only prosperity in the New Year!

Another working year is coming to an end. The long-awaited holidays are ahead. Wish you Happy holidays, Happy New Year. May the New Year bring you good luck in business, in your personal life and good financial well-being. Truly you deserve it!

Funny and funny New Year greetings to work colleagues - examples of poems

Funny poems will help you please your colleagues before the New Year 2018 and wish them all the most positive and good things. You can optionally send them via SMS or instant messenger. Select original and cool congratulations for work colleagues for the New Year, you can use the examples below.

Examples of New Year's funny poems for congratulating work colleagues on the New Year

Funny and funny poems about the New Year, its celebration or works with congratulations will help you beautifully wish happiness, success and good luck to each of your work colleagues. You can easily select such works from the poems suggested below.

We can mix up our affairs,
Find yourself on the carpet with your boss,
At work, as if she were drinking in the forest:
If you give a tree, you cut it and that’s it!
We are the most important hard workers here,
And at lunchtime, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And they don't wait for us
Lonely everyday life with iced tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let him bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.

May the New Year bring stability,
Growing income, salary bonuses.
May everything be in order at your home,
And at work - just in chocolate.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
Sparkling champagne in a glass.
Wishes for you to make,
And so that they all become reality.

At work - success, and at home - comfort,
May everything in your life be very cool.
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, an Armani suit!

And let there be as much money as winter snow,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart, colleague!
Let him bring everything that is listed
New Year 2018!

I hasten to congratulate you on the New Year
From the bottom of my heart, colleagues, to you!
Let your income grow
Not every day, but every hour!

Let only happiness reign in the family,
Let your health be strong,
Problems and bad weather will go away,
Sorrow and sadness will rush away!

I wish you all this holiday
Lots of fun, jokes, laughter,
Kindness, smiles, sea of ​​light
And many great successes!

New Year is a reason to congratulate
A miracle awaits everyone who believes in him.
May it bring you a lot of joy
New Year is yours when it comes!

May it give you new goals,
Many different, desired victories.
Let everything happen that you so wanted.
Live without tears, without sorrows and troubles!

Short congratulations in prose for the New Year to work colleagues and organizations - examples of texts

Small prose is perfect for formal and friendly congratulations to colleagues on the upcoming New Year 2018. It can also be sent not on the eve of the holiday, but after it. It is recommended to use beautiful stickers and emoticons in messages for a more vivid and memorable presentation of wishes. They will help lift the spirits of all work colleagues or employees of the organization for whom Happy New Year greetings are intended.

Examples of short prose for congratulating colleagues at work and organizations on the New Year

Among the examples below short prose can be found easily beautiful congratulations both organizations and their work colleagues. Add touching wishes recommended original signature or congratulations written in your own words.

Happy New Year, my dear colleagues. I wish everyone a happy atmosphere in life and stable prosperity, incredible success in business and unquenchable flowering of enthusiasm, promising development career and undoubted prosperity in his personal life. May the New Year bring good peace, great luck and bright love to everyone.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues. I wish you to celebrate this holiday cheerfully and wonderfully, to step on the threshold of the new year with the inspiration of your soul and the love of your heart, to set great and true goals for yourself, to certainly achieve new successes and to spend the whole year in prosperity.

I wish that in the New Year you catch a shining star of goodness, that the rain of success falls from the sky, that there is always summer in your soul. I wish you to live in prosperity and peace, in warmth and affection, without worries, may luck carry you on its wings. Let your heart be pure and clear, and let every day be rich in its own way.

Double your energy to build your career in the coming year. I am happy to go to work every morning and return home with a feeling of a successful day. For families - health, salary - growth, tasks - understandable, goals - achievable. Happy New Year, colleagues!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year! I would like to wish all of us a lot of pleasant surprises in the coming year, not only from Santa Claus, but also from our superiors in the form of salary increases, career growth, and long-awaited vacations. All the best to the family, good health And Have a good mood on every day!

Beautiful cards with congratulations for the New Year 2018 to colleagues - pictures and videos

Colleagues with whom, in the process of long-term work, developed friendly relations, you can send not only ordinary texts with wishes, but also bright animations and funny video cards. They will certainly cheer up the recipient and bring a kind smile to his face. At the same time, such postcards with congratulations for the New Year 2018 can be sent to colleagues both in personal messages and in general work chats.

New Year cards with pictures and videos for work colleagues with congratulations for 2018

The pictures below are suitable for congratulating colleagues of any age. But to emphasize attention to a specific recipient or to express gratitude and gratitude to him, you should additionally sign the cards with personal wishes.

Cool poems and official prose suitable for congratulating all work colleagues on the upcoming New Year holiday. Such works can be read out both to your team of workers and to the entire organization. At the same time, you can supplement the ready-made examples proposed above with your own words: wishes of all the best, thanks for the work done. But virtual congratulations to colleagues for the New Year 2018 should be sent not only in text versions. They can be replaced with funny and beautiful pictures or video postcards.

In this material we propose to consider in detail the format and words on how to congratulate you on the New Year in an original way. Most often, the celebration takes place as part of a large corporate event and everyone, of course, wants to stand out and be remembered for something special.

Pre-planned and well-prepared New Year greetings to colleagues can be so special. This is a great opportunity to bring joy to another person, give optimism and simply lift their spirits.

About unusual congratulations

It is recommended to discuss specific ideas for congratulating employees in advance, at least a few weeks before the planned holiday, in order to eventually have time to prepare and buy everything. This approach not only makes it interesting to congratulate, but also lifts the mood and evokes joyful emotions. About original delivery gifts and some beautiful, kind and sincere words of congratulations need to be taken care of in advance.

Dear colleagues, I have the great honor to wish you a Happy New Year and Merry Christmas. This wonderful holidays, which are always associated with magic and creativity. I hope that all the wishes made this year on the festive midnight will definitely come true. Let us all be in demand specialists and our salaries will grow exponentially next year!

On the winter holidays, I would like to wish all my colleagues to finally grab the bird of luck by the tail and hold it tightly, without letting go, until next year. Whoever comes across this bird online, don’t forget to share your success and joy with your favorite colleagues!

This congratulatory speech is suitable for the situation of congratulating colleagues on the New Year. Celebrate the last day of the year in a fun and unforgettable way. Remember that summer is just around the corner and vacation time will begin soon. Now, after winter holidays, it's time to push yourself to work to get great bonuses in the summer.

1. Dear colleagues!
New Year has arrived!
May the holidays be dashing
They'll join you in a round dance!
Let's raise our glasses high,
During the winter, ice...
And with a pure heart we will accept
Lots of benefits from the boss!
Magical party
Let it enter every home!
And this is a state of affairs,
Let eternity not pass!

2. What do they wish for the New Year?
Life is pleasant, without hassle,
Enjoy every day
And be successful in everything.
I won't repeat myself
But I won’t forget my colleagues
Wish you growth in your career,
And in income there is only an increase.
A bunch of have fun days,
Faithful, sincere friends.
Well, so that Santa Claus
He took us to the Canary Islands!

3. May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you

May your health be good,

Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.

4. May the New Year bring good luck,
Stability and income are immeasurable.
May this year be generous with gifts,
Let the main peaks be conquered.

I wish everyone happiness and love,
And the fulfillment of all kinds of wishes.
May your days be very bright.
And various impressions for you!

5. I wish you a Happy New Year,
Beloved fellow colleagues.
And I believe that the New Year is in store for you
Achievements are mountains, achievements are rivers.
A stream of endless, good deeds.
And the mood - to go ahead and sing!
After all, your dreams, in general, are not the limit.
Let life become incredibly interesting!

6. Happy New Year!
Much love to everyone!
I wish you success, joy, colleagues.
We must live without unnecessary fuss.
And luck will give its shoots!

7. Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
Let there be peace on the entire planet.
Every hour will be happy.
And the sun shines brighter in the sky!

8. Let the blizzard last for a whole year,
He will give you health,
The wind will blow away all the ailments
To the cold courtyard.
Let the snow swirl with sparks,
So that your faces brighten,
And the wicked moon
On the night of love, it will deprive you of sleep.
May one of the brightest stars
Will give your career growth
Your thought will rise up!
Let friends brighten your life!

Wishes for colleagues for the New Year

9. Let the problems all go away,
With them comes pain and hopelessness!
Together with happiness at the gate,
New Year is knocking on our door!
New plans, ideas,
Let's reach a new goal!
Many different achievements
Only smart decisions!
And big income for you,
Have a good day at work!
At home - joy, warmth,
Lots of good stuff!

10. Our team is small,
But with a huge soul,
Let's celebrate the New Year together,
What's knocking at the gate -
Let Santa Claus not be stingy
For gifts. And strives
Give everyone a bonus for the year,
So that the people are happy.
So that the team works
In summer and winter,
And so that everyone has enough strength
Be yourself!

11. Happy New Year's weekend
I won't survive
I'll miss you without mine
Colleagues. I love them very much!

With whom will I drink cold tea?
Whose deadline has long passed?
With whom will I share the gingerbread?
What did you find under the table?

Who's on my payday?
Will you borrow five hundred rubles?
Who will tell the boss that I
Didn't complete the work?

Whose ficus will I cut,
Whose chocolate to steal?
Who do I want to kill?
What if the bonus is deprived?

Who will always turn off
My air conditioner?
Who will I send
In the smoking room, for example?

Friends, I will miss you so much
After all, ten whole days
I'll have to cook at home
Without loved ones, without friends.

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
You are my stronghold, my rear!
Will you feel sad without harsh phrases,
What did I say?

Best wishes for colleagues for the New Year

12. We worked for a whole year,
But the time comes
Give us all a big report,
Drop this burden.

We'll forget about business
We can do it today!
New Year's time -
The holiday is immutable.

We have no more work,
We relax in bliss.
Happy New Year, gentlemen!
Happy holiday, colleagues!

13. Friends, dear colleagues,
I want to wish you a New Year
You have many successful strategies,
And less free hassle.

We work together together.
Let our efforts be appreciated!
A big salary is all we need
And we will not know trouble.

14. Colleagues, I wish you a happy new year
A series of wonderful events and meetings,
Good luck in work, in household chores,
An open smile and sparkle in your eyes!

May our efforts always be appreciated
Salaries are growing day by day!
Luck comes to visit more often!
And the New Year brings new happiness!

15. My employees, friends!
I want to congratulate you all!
May the coming year help us
Become closer to each other, dearer!

Let us not be pressured by taxes,
So that I can add your salary.
Let the checks pass us by,
So that I too could lower the measurements.

Let our business prosper
Let our clients besiege us,
And may our friendly team
He will achieve great prospects!

16. May the New Year bring you
Prosperity and income.
May success follow you
So that there is no interference in anything.

May your health be good,
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
There is peace in the world, and harmony in families.
Raise everyone's salaries.

A lot of strength and optimism,
Travel and tourism,
In the souls - sunny weather.
Everyone, colleagues, Happy New Year!

17. At work - success, and at home - comfort,
May everything in your life be very cool.
Career growth, wealth in your pocket,
An apartment, a car, an Armani suit!

And let there be as much money as winter snow,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart, colleague!
Let him bring everything that is listed
New Year 2018!

On the eve of the holidays, people tend to say nice words to all acquaintances - relatives, friends, employees. Sometimes there is not enough imagination to express feelings to so many people. Especially if it’s not the closest ones, but Happy New Year greetings from colleagues.

In many companies, it is customary to celebrate holidays together. This promotes team cohesion and, as a result, higher work results. If the enterprise provides Greeting Cards, it would be more interesting to write different words to each.

Here are some examples that may be useful. Among them are warm words to employees and Happy New Year in prose.

Warm words from the boss

"Dear Colleagues! Let there never be sadness in life, all controversial issues are resolved in your favor. I wish you career growth. For my part, I promise decent pay in accordance with each person’s abilities. May all adversity be left behind. Let's enter the New Year as a friendly, cohesive team and increase productivity to the envy of our competitors. I hope that we will continue to find mutual understanding on work issues. I am proud that many of the employees have become true friends. This indicates the development of the corporate spirit of our company. Let us remember that we serve the same cause and are aimed at a common result. Happy New Year!".

“Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on the New Year to your colleagues and business partners. We gathered for festive table for a reason. During our work, our employees became true friends, almost family. We went through a lot of difficulties and spent a lot of nerves. But today I want to wish that the most difficult things in our lives remain in the past, and that success and prosperity await us ahead. Happy holiday!

Wishes from an employee

“With all my heart, I hasten to address Happy New Year greetings to colleagues, partners and all those with whom our work is connected. Each year begins with summing up the past period and plans for the future. I wish that there are no limits to development both personally and professionally. May all tasks be within the capabilities of our team. So that nothing disturbs you at home, and at work there is continuous positivity and productivity. I wish everyone good health, strength, patience and the desire to achieve new professional heights.”

"Dear friends, please accept sincere congratulations Happy New Year. I urge my colleagues and bosses to forget all sorrows and worries, remember only pleasant and cheerful moments. Drive away everything that does not bring happiness, and next year Let everything new and positive await you. Let it be full of jokes, games and laughter. May love await you at home and respect at work.”

“Dear employees. Don't be sad, have fun, strive, achieve, hope and love. Believe in what we do and our work will reward us in full. There are many obstacles ahead, but we will overcome them if we stick together. When working for results, do not forget about the simple human attitude towards each other. Only in a friendly team is it possible to achieve heights.”

Greeting cards from the union to employees

"Dear Colleagues! We wish this wonderful holiday to be held in good friendly company. So that laughter, songs and jokes can be heard along with the clinking of glasses. May the whole coming year be just as merry. May all wishes made at midnight come true. May luck be with you. So that you go to work with a smile and leave tired but happy.

We wish you to be warmed by the love and care of your loved ones on this festive night. May there be no room for gifts under the tree, and may the table be overflowing with treats.”

“Friends, please accept Happy New Year! We love and respect our colleagues very much. On this day we wish that the whole next year will be profitable and successful. So that all the worries of illness and adversity leave you. Let the problems fade into the background, and hope and joy await ahead. Long life and successful work!”

Congratulations to colleagues in poetic form

“Happy New Happiness, friends!

On this wonderful night

Can't live without a glass

And drive away sadness!

Pour the wine

Congratulations sound

And to the sound of crystal

Guests will knock on the house.”

“The fluffy snow is swirling today

Quietly, quietly lies on the ground,

On this wonderful day, without a doubt,

Please accept our congratulations!

Happy New Year to colleagues and friends!

Everyone’s soul will be more cheerful!”

“The white snowflake is spinning,

And the guests dance in a circle,

The soul strives to have fun

After all, the New Year is coming!

We congratulate our colleagues,

We wish you happiness and victories,

We sincerely wish you all

Love and many, many years to come."

happy new year funny

"Friends! Everyone is preparing for the New Year in advance. But as soon as the chimes strike, in an instant we find ourselves in the old year. And we wait again next holiday. I wish you to appreciate every moment of your life. Let every little thing be remembered - a child’s smile and a decorated Christmas tree.”

“Today our colleagues congratulated us on the New Year in prose and poetry. Let me join them too. Let there be a sea of ​​success, a garden full of happiness, a refrigerator full of love. Let the running boots carry you away from any failures. Let a self-assembled tablecloth await you at home. And any wishes came true without magic wand. We wish you lots of laughter, fun and optimism in the coming year. After all, with a smile you can overcome any obstacles.”

“Dear friends, please accept my colleagues’ congratulations on the New Year. It's a great time now - the holidays are just around the corner. This means that what we have been missing all year is weekends. Spend them so that they last for the whole next year!”